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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

THz Systems: Spectroscopy and Simulation

Holt, Jennifer A. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Applications and development of acoustic and microwave atomic force microscopy for high resolution tomography analysis / Applications et développement des microscopies à force atomique acoustique et micro-onde pour l'analyse tomographique haute résolution

Vitry, Pauline 10 June 2016 (has links)
La microscopie à force atomique (AFM) est un outil de caractérisation d’échantillons tant organiques qu’inorganiques d’intérêt en physique, en biologie et en métallurgie. Le champ d’investigation de la microscopie AFM reste néanmoins restreint à l’étude des propriétés surfaciques des échantillons et la caractérisation sub-surfacique à l’échelle nanométrique n’est pas envisageable au-delà de la nano-indentation. Lors de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux techniques de sonde locale complémentaires pour l’investigation volumique haute résolution.La première technique proposée est la microscopie de champ proche ultrasonore (MS-AFM), mise en place et exploitée en collaboration avec Dr. L. Tétard de l’Université Centrale de Floride. Cette technique fournie des informations localisées en profondeur en utilisant des ondes acoustiques dans la gamme de fréquences du MHz. Une étude complète de l’influence des paramètres de fréquences a été réalisée sur des échantillons de calibration et a permis de valider un modèle d’interprétation numérique. Cette technique ultrasonore, non invasive, a été appliquée à la caractérisation de vésicules lipidiques au sein de bactéries lors d’une collaboration avec les Pr. A. Dazzi et M.-J. Virolle, de l’Université Paris Sud Orsay. Un couplage a été réalisé avec la microscopie AFM infra-rouge (AFM-IR). Cette étude a démontré le potentiel d’investigation et d’analyse volumique et chimique d’échantillons biologiques.La seconde technique étudiée est la microscopie micro-onde (SMM), développée en collaboration avec la société Keysight. Cette technique, tout comme la microscopie acoustique, est non invasive et conduit à une caractérisation physico-chimique basée sur l’interaction de micro-ondes (0.2-16 GHz) avec la matière. Dans le cas de métaux, un lien entre la fréquence et la profondeur d’investigation a été mis en évidence. Cette technique a été appliquée à l’étude de la diffusion d’élément chimique léger au sein de métaux et à la mesure des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux. L’ensemble de ces résultats ouvre un nouveau champ d’investigation de la tomographie 3D dans l’analyse volumique à l’échelle nanométrique que ce soit dans le domaine de la biologie ou de la métallurgie. / The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a powerful tool for the characterization of organic and inorganic materials of interest in physics, biology and metallurgy. However, conventional scanning probe microscopy techniques are limited to the probing surface properties, while the subsurface analysis remains difficult beyond nanoindentation methods. Thus, the present thesis is focused on two novel complementary scanning probe techniques for high-resolution volumetric investigation that were develop to tackle this persisting challenge in nanometrology. The first technique considered, called Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy (MSAFM), has been exploited in collaboration with Dr. Laurene Tetard of University of Central Florida to explore the volume of materials with high spatial resolution by means of mechanical actuation of the tip and the sample with acoustic waves of frequencies in the MHz range. A comprehensive study of the impact of the frequency parameters on the performance of subsurface imaging has been conducted through the use of calibrated samples and led to the validation of a numerical model for quantitative interpretation. Furthermore, this non-invasive technique has been utilized to locate lipid vesicles inside bacteria (in collaboration with Pr. A. Dazzi and M.-J. Virolle of Université Paris Sud, Orsay). Furthermore, we have combined this ultrasonic approach with infra-red microscopy, to add chemical speciation aimed at identifying the subsurface features, which represents a great advance for volume and chemical characterization of biological samples. The second technique considered is the Scanning Microwave Microscopy, which was developed in collaboration with Keysight society. Similar to acoustic-based microscopy, this non-invasive technique provided physical and chemical characterizations based on the interaction of micro-waves radiations with the matter (with frequency ranging from 0.2 and 16 GHz). Particularly, for metallic samples we performed volumetric characterization based on the skin effect of the materials. On the other hand, we have used this technique to analyze the diffusion of light chemical elements in metals and measured the effect of changes in mechanical properties of materials on their conductivity.Overall, these results constitute a new line of research involving non-destructive subsurface high resolution analysis by means of the AFM of great potential for several fields of research.

SMM-маркетинг в продвижении агентств недвижимости (на примере русского и английского языков) : магистерская диссертация / SMM in the Promotion of Real Estate Agencies (on the Example of the Russian and English Languages)

Калинина, Д. В., Kalinina, D. V. January 2022 (has links)
Работа посвящена сравнительному исследованию продвижения в социальной сети с помощью SMM-маркетинга на русском и английском языках на примере бизнес-аккаунтов отечественного и зарубежного агентств недвижимости. Объектом исследования выступают особенности продвижения бизнес-профилей в социальной сети с помощью SMM-маркетинга, предметом – использование инструментов SMM-маркетинга в продвижении агентств недвижимости в социальной сети. Цель исследования: обосновать и исследовать эффективность применения инструментов SMM-маркетинга в продвижении агентств недвижимости с помощью проекта онлайн-анкеты. Материал исследования составили англоязычные и русскоязычные медиа-тексты, опубликованные на страницах агентств недвижимости в социальных сетях за 2020–2022 гг. Корпус проанализированного материала составляет 60 медиа-текстов на русском языке и 60 медиа-текстов на английском языке. В первой части работы раскрывается понятие, сущность и основные инструменты SMM-маркетинга. Кроме того, рассматриваются особенности маркетинговой лингвистики и изучаются механизмы ее функционирования в продвижении бизнес-профилей в социальных сетях. Во второй части исследования проводится обзор агентств недвижимости и сравнительный анализ языковых стратегий и тактик, используемых в контенте их социальной сети, на основе разработанной нами классификации. В данной части работы также представлена классификация стратегий и тактик в продвижении агентств недвижимости в социальной сети. В третьей главе в соответствии с проектом онлайн-анкеты проводится опрос целевой аудитории агентств недвижимости, анализируются и интерпретируются полученные результаты. Даются рекомендации по использованию эффективных SMM-инструментов в продвижении агентств недвижимости в социальной сети. Результаты проведенного нами сравнительного анализа медиа-контента агентств недвижимости, а также организации проекта онлайн-анкеты для определения эффективности продвижения в социальных сетях могут быть использованы в ходе маркетингового анализа и продвижения других компаний в социальных сетях. В приложениях приводится корпус проанализированных медиа-текстов и проекты онлайн-анкет на русском и английском языках. / The work is devoted to a comparative study of social network promotion using SMM in the Russian and English languages on the example of business accounts of domestic and foreign real estate agencies. The target of the study is the features of promoting business profiles in a social network using SMM; the scope is the use of SMM tools in promoting real estate agencies in a social network. The purpose of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of the use of SMM tools in the real estate agencies promotion through the online questionnaire project. The research material was composed of the English and Russian media texts published on the real estate agencies accounts of social networks. The corpus of the analyzed material is 60 media texts in Russian and 60 media texts in English. The first part of the research reveals the concept, essence and main tools of SMM. In addition, the features of marketing linguistics are considered and its functioning in the promotion of business accounts in social networks are studied. The second part of the study provides an overview of real estate agencies and a comparative analysis of the language strategies and tactics used in the content of their social network, based on the classification we created. This part of the research also presents the classification of strategies and tactics in the real estate agencies promotion in social networks. In the third part a survey of the target audience of real estate agencies is conducted with the use of the online questionnaire, and the results are analyzed and interpreted. Recommendations on the use of effective SMM tools in the real estate agencies promotion in a social network are given. The results of the comparative analysis of real estate agencies media content, as well as the online questionnaire project to determine the effectiveness of promotion in social networks, can be used in marketing analysis and promotion of other companies in social networks. The appendices contain a corpus of analyzed media texts and online questionnaires in Russian and English.

最適匯率目標區理論與實證-以臺灣為例 / Optimal policy rule with target zone:theory and application to Taiwan

李宇峻, Li, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要探討的是現任央行總裁彭淮南上任後,央行對於匯率管理上的政策行為。 我們觀察從19991年到2009年這段期間的名目有效匯率發現,雖然匯率波動於一個區間之內, 但名目有效匯率在大部份的期間都是被低估的,尤其是近幾年來更是相當的偏低。 所以我們懷疑臺灣央行所管制的匯率目標區他們較希望能維持新臺幣在被低估的水準,當新臺幣匯率受到高估時,央行則希望能將其下修。 為了探討這個情況,我們透過Krugman(1991)所發表的匯率目標區模型來試著得到新臺幣的最適匯率行為。又因為臺灣的特殊經濟背景, 我們融合了Chen,Funke和Glanemann(2009)的寬鬆邊界匯率目標區模型和Torres(2000)的隨機邊界內的央行干預模式來修正傳統的Krugman模型。 然而,傳統的Krugman模型我們得到最重要的結論是,當匯率越接近上下邊界時會有越強烈的蜜月效果,也就是說匯率的波動越平緩。 但是當我們融入上面兩種修正在配合新臺幣的名目有效匯率實際資料時,我們發現蜜月效果僅僅存在於下界,就算是央行所保護的區間有變動時, 在下界還是相對於上界穩定相當多。這就是因為在下界存在著強烈的蜜月效果,所以匯率在越接近下界時會越穩定,甚至有很大機率維持在下界附近。 這個結論跟我們觀察實際資料所發現的現象是相當符合的,所以能夠解釋為什麼新臺幣的名目有效匯率會總是被低估。 / This paper discusses the policy rule used by Central Bank of the Republic of China(Taiwan) with target zone to the exchange rate dynamics. We focus on the recent phenomena on the exchange rate of NTD, and try to figure why the NEER of NTD is always underestimated. Due to the regime of Central Bank of the Republic of China(Taiwan), we combine two extensions into the basic Krugman(1991) target zone model which are Chen, Funke and Glanemann's soft edge target zone model(2009) and Torres's stochastic intra-marginal intervention pattern. And we estimate the parameters with simulated method of moments(SMM). By this two extensions, we conclude that there is strong honeymoon eect to the exchange rates at the lower bound, but the honeymoon eect is very weak at the upper bound. This conclusion is matched with the empirical data, and explains why the NEER of NTD is always underestimated.

Arbetsförmedlarens marknadsförings-potentialer på sociala medier : En studie om möjligheter samt potentialer inom B2Bmarknadsföring på Facebook, LinkedIn och Instagram / The employment agency's marketing potentials on social media : A study of opportunities and potentials in B2B marketing on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram

Koutcho, Dagles, Merza, William January 2020 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien är att framställa underlag för hur organisationer inom business-tobusiness (B2B) kan, genom social-medie-marknadsföring (SMM), marknadsföra sig och stärka sitt varumärke inom sin marknad. För att kunna besvara syftet har det brutits ned i tre frågeställningar. ● Vilka fördelar finns det för B2B-organisationer genom användningen av SMM? ● Vilka är några av utmaningarna som B2B-organisationer möter vid användning av SMM? ● Vilka, av dagens mest förekommande SMM-kanaler, lämpar sig bäst för varumärkesoch relationsbyggande för B2B-organisationer? Metod – En kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med ett induktivt förhållningssätt har använts i studien. Det som legat till grund för studien är forskning och semi-strukturerade intervjuer med nyckelpersoner på Arcus har utförts som har kunskap inom område som studeras.Litteraturstudier och semi-strukturerade intervjuer har legat till grund för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Detta genom att både samla in och analysera data i interaktion. Resultat – Det har visat sig att företag till en låg kostnad kan exponera sig till en väldigt stor målgrupp på ett effektivt sätt samtidigt som varumärket stärks genom igenkänning och relationsbyggande. Det har även visats sig att företag kan stärka sitt varumärke på sociala medier genom att vara transparenta och synas där majoriteten av deras kunder finns för att bygga ett förtroende hos potentiella kunder/partners som till slut kan leda till fler affärer.Slutligen har det konstaterats att olika kanaler lämpar sig för olika företag. Företag bör veta var deras potentiella affärer finns någonstans och rikta in sig på dessa. I studiens fall så hade arbetsförmedlaren Arcus mest framgång på LinkedIn, Facebook och Instagram. Implikationer – Studien har lett till en bredare förståelse av B2B-företags möjligheter inom sociala medier. Genom analys av tidigare forskning samt empiri-insamling från ett B2B-företag så har svar tagits fram på tre forskningsfrågor som kan användas som underlag i beslutsfattande situationer för marknadsföringsavdelning på B2B-företag.Genom studien så har inte nya teorier tagits fram men en sammanställning av tidigare teorier och forskning har upplysts för att underlätta beslutsfattande inom marknadsföring på B2Bföretag. Trots att inga nya teorier har tagits fram från denna studie så har tidigare forsknings styrkts med hjälp av denna studie. Begränsningar – På grund av rådande situation med Covid-19 så har den empiriska delen blivit gles och vart tvungen att täckas upp av en alltmer bredare teoretisk bakgrund. Att få insyn på fler företag och eventuella partners till Arcus hade gett oss en bredare bild och ett djupare empiri. / Purpose – The purpose of the study is to provide a basis for how organizations in business-tobusiness (B2B) can, through social-media marketing (SMM), market themselves and strengthen their brand within their market.In order to answer the purpose of the study, it has been broken down into the three following research questions. ● What are the benefits for B2B organizations through the use of SMM? ● What are some challenges that B2B organizations face when using SMM? ● Which of today’s common SMM channels are suitable for use within B2B organizations for corporate branding and relationship building?  Method – A qualitative research method with an inductive approach has been used in the study. The basis of the study is previous research and semi-structured interviews with key people at Arcus have been conducted who have knowledge in the field being studied.Literature studies and semi-structured interviews have been the basis for answering the study's questions. This is by both collecting and analyzing data in interaction. Findings – It has been found that companies at a low cost can effectively expose themselves to a very large target group at the same time as the brand is strengthened through recognition and relationship-building.It has also been found that companies can strengthen their brand on social media by being transparent and visible where most of their customers are, in order to build trust with potential customers/partners that can eventually lead to more business.Finally, it has been found that different channels are suitable for different companies. Companies should understand where their potential business is located and target them accordingly. In the study, the employment agent Arcus had the most success on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Implications – The study has led to a broader understanding of B2B companies’ opportunities in social media. Through analysis of previous research and empirical collection from a B2B company, answers have been developed to three research questions that can be used as a basis in decision-making situations for the marketing department of B2B companies.Through the study, no new theories have been developed, but a compilation of previous theories and research has been provided to facilitate decision-making in marketing in B2B companies.Although no new theories have resulted from this study, previous research has been supported by this study.  Limitations – Due to the prevailing situation with Covid-19, the empirical part has become sparse and had to be covered by an increasingly broader theoretical background. Gaining insight into more companies and potential partners to Arcus would have given us a broader picture and a deeper empirical content.

Nano-scale RF/Microwave Characterization of Materials' Electromagnetic Properties

Myers, Joshua Allen 20 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Saggi su Politica Monetaria, Persistenza dell'Inflazione e Rigidità dei Prezzi / Essays on Monetary Policy, Inflation persistence and price stickiness in Italy

MIGLIARDO, CARLO 02 July 2010 (has links)
La tesi è organizzata in tre parti. Ognuna delle quali tratta un aspetto cruciale per la trasmissione della politica monetaria. Nella prima parte si impiega un modello Neo Keynesiano per adattarlo all’economia Italiana. A tal fine, Si stimano le risposte dinamiche, sia simulando il modello e sia utilizzando le serie storiche, impiegando la metodologia SMM. Nella seconda parte sono riportate le nuove evidenze sulla persistenza dell’inflazione, attraverso l’utilizzo di una nuova tecnica di identificazione di un modello “Bayesian VAR”; con l’obiettivo di analizzare gli effetti di vari shock di policy sulle variabili macroeconomiche. La terza parte si propone di fornire le evidenze microeconomiche sull’eterogeneità nelle strategie di determinazione dei prezzi tra le imprese italiane sulla base di un nuovo database longitudinale predisposto dalla Banca d’Italia. L’analisi così articolata si propone di identificare le eterogeneità a livello settoriale e/o territoriale tra le imprese, per trarne importanti implicazioni di policy per l’autorità monetaria. / The thesis is structured in three parts. Each part deals with a crucial aspect for monetary policy transmission. In the first one, I set up a New Keynesian model with to Italian economy. To this end, I estimate the dynamic responses both for the theoretical model and for the data using the SMM technique. Chapter 2 presents new evidence about inflation persistence through a novel technique to identify a Bayesian VAR model, and it analyzes the effects of several policy shocks on the macroeconomic variables. Chapter 3 provides the new micro-evidence on price setting and heterogeneity among Italian companies by using a new longitudinal data provided by the Bank of Italy. This allowed an analysis that captures the regional and sectoral disparities among firms’ price setting. This micro-evidence has a very important policy implication for the monetary authority.

Challenges SMEs Face when Adopting Social Media Marketing to Increase Brand Awareness : A Multiple-Case Study

Kainat, Kainat, Jennifer, Patrizi January 2020 (has links)
As the use of the internet increases, so does the use of social media channels. These channels have become a part of everyday life and are changing the way of communication and information exchange. Today, more and more business-to-business (B2B) companies are adopting social media marketing (SMM) to communicate with their customers. Although small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have also started adopting SMM to increase their brand awareness, the existing literature is very limited on this subject. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to identify and describe challenges SMEs face adopting social media marketing in order to increase their brand awareness. In order to achieve the purpose of this thesis a qualitative research method was selected and four semi-structured interviews with marketing directors and coordinators at three SMEs were conducted. The result of this thesis shows that SMEs face some common challenges like financial and human resources, lack of time and expertise in SMM, customer satisfaction, channel selection, global crisis and bad reviews. Further, this thesis found that SMEs also face some individual challenges like cultural issues, measuring brand awareness, language, influential content, communication issues, promotion costs and outsourcing.

Tunable High-Field/ High-Frequency ESR and High-Field Magnetization on Single-Molecule Clusters / Abstimmbare Hochfeld/ Hochfrequenz ESR und Hochfeldmagnetisierung von Einzelmolekül-Clustern

Golze, Christian 07 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, low dimensional iron group clusters have been studied by application of high magnetic fields. The magnetization has been probed with an MPMS as function of temperature and field. The combination with pulse field measurements up to 52\,T allowed determination of the magnetic exchange coupling parameters, and to probing the effective spin of the ground state. The main focus was on tunable high-field/high-frequency (tHF) ESR in static fields < 17 T and pulse field ESR up to 36 T. This magnetic resonance method has been used for the characterization of the local magnetic properties: The detailed analysis of the field dependence of dedicated spin states allowed to determine the magnetic anisotropy and g-factors. The results were analyzed in the framework of the appropriate effective spin Hamiltonians in terms of magnetization fits and ESR spectrum simulations.

Tunable High-Field/ High-Frequency ESR and High-Field Magnetization on Single-Molecule Clusters

Golze, Christian 06 December 2007 (has links)
In this work, low dimensional iron group clusters have been studied by application of high magnetic fields. The magnetization has been probed with an MPMS as function of temperature and field. The combination with pulse field measurements up to 52\,T allowed determination of the magnetic exchange coupling parameters, and to probing the effective spin of the ground state. The main focus was on tunable high-field/high-frequency (tHF) ESR in static fields < 17 T and pulse field ESR up to 36 T. This magnetic resonance method has been used for the characterization of the local magnetic properties: The detailed analysis of the field dependence of dedicated spin states allowed to determine the magnetic anisotropy and g-factors. The results were analyzed in the framework of the appropriate effective spin Hamiltonians in terms of magnetization fits and ESR spectrum simulations.

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