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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smart Blanket

Garay Delgado, Miguel Jiancarlo, Flores Rodriguez, Julio Cesar, Parias Chuquihuaccha, Oscar, Molina Nuñez, Esteicy Nathalie, Ochoa Pretel, Piero Antonio 15 July 2020 (has links)
En el Perú y el mundo hay tendencias importantes en crecimiento, por un lado tenemos los cambios sociales respecto al bienestar de la salud física y mental donde jóvenes y mayores buscan alimentarse saludablemente reduciendo el azúcar, harinas o grasas, bebiendo más agua o practicando actividades relacionadas al deporte. Negocios cómo los gimnasios, spa, sauna, etc. vienen creciendo anualmente, así mismo, la importancia de un buen descanso para las personas está ganando un lugar importante en esta tendencia y es que la llamada “calidad de sueño” es más que solo dormir, es el momento donde el cuerpo recupera y se prepara física y mentalmente para afrontar las actividades diarias de las personas. Por otro lado, la evolución de la tecnología es parte de nuestras vidas, desde muy pequeños convivimos con productos inteligentes y contar con uno no es solo estar actualizado sino ganar un status en la sociedad actual. Debido a esto, es una gran oportunidad para Smart Blanket lanzar un producto inteligente que cubra esta necesidad contribuyendo a la salud y a través de la tecnología. Existen aplicaciones exitosas dedicadas a mejorar la calidad de sueño a través de melodías relajantes, por lo que ya hay intención de cubrir esta necesidad y nuestro producto lo hace de la misma forma y mejor teniendo otras consideraciones importantes que se detallan a la largo del proyecto donde demostraremos también, que con una inversión inicial de S/. 81,145.00 podemos generar importantes ingresos, una rentabilidad que nos permita recuperar la inversión dentro del primer año y una escalabilidad a otros sectores del país o incluso con otros productos relacionados. / In Peru and the world there are important trends in growth, on the one hand we have social changes regarding the well-being of physical and mental health where young and old seek to eat healthy by reducing sugar, flour or fat, drinking more water or practicing related activities to sport. Business like gyms, spa, sauna, etc. They have been growing annually, likewise, the importance of a good rest for people is gaining an important place in this trend and is that the so-called "quality of sleep" is more than just sleeping, it is the time when the body recovers and prepares physically and mentally to deal with people's daily activities. On the other hand, the evolution of technology is part of our lives, from a very young age we coexisted with smart products and having one is not only up-to-date but also gaining a status in today's society. Because of this, it is a great opportunity for Smart blanked to launch a smart product that meets this need by contributing to health and through technology. There are successful applications dedicated to improving sleep quality through relaxing melodies, so there is already an intention to cover this need and our product does it in the same way and better having other important considerations that are detailed throughout the project where We will also demonstrate that with an initial investment of S /. 81,145.00 we can generate significant income, a return that allows us to recover the investment within the first year and scalability to other sectors of the country or even with other related products. / Trabajo de investigación

Hyresgästers betalningsvilja för smart teknik i kontorslokaler / Tenants’ willingness to pay for smart technology in office premises

Ayarra, Karolin, Chong, Cissi January 2020 (has links)
I dagens digitala era utvecklas tekniken med en imponerande hastighet och fastighetsmarknaden är inte oberörd. Hyresnivån på kontorslokaler påverkas av attribut inomhuvudkategorierna byggnadsegenskaper, läge och hyresvillkor på kort sikt. Syftet medexamensarbetet är därmed att undersöka mottagligheten och betalningsviljan för smart teknik ikontorslokaler som påverkar byggnadens egenskaper. Fem teman har valts ut somfokusområden: säkerhet och inpassering, beläggningsmätning av kontorslokaler,inomhusklimat, applikationer av bekvämlighetstjänster för anställda samt lokalisering avmedarbetare. Arbetet baseras på två koncept: stöd i tidigare empiriska data samt en explorativundersökning genom att kombinera en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod. Den kvalitativametoden genomfördes först genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer med aktörer påkontorsmarknaden, inkluderat hyresgäster. Enkätundersökningen, bestående av denkvantitativa metoden bestod, skickades ut till ett urval av hyresgäster i Stockholmsområdet. Dåhyresgäster med stor sannolikhet saknar tidigare erfarenheter av smart teknik, presenterades deundersökta teknikerna i form av scenariofrågor i både enkät och intervju. Enkätresultatet visarpå en oenighet i respondenternas attityd till scenariofrågan gällande digitala nycklar, vilketsammanfaller med intervjuresultatet. Vidare indikerar enkätresultatet att majoriteten avhyresgästerna är villiga att betala varken mer eller mindre för digitala nycklar i jämförelse meddagens kostnad för det aktuella inpasseringssystemet. Intervjuerna och enkäterna visar enövervägande positiv inställning till beläggningsmätning genom sensorer och reglering avinomhusklimat i realtid. Betalningsviljan för beläggningsmätning är noll eller låg och förinomhusklimatet varken mer eller mindre samt något mer i jämförelse med dagens kostnad.Inställningen till bekvämlighetstjänster visar inte ett entydigt resultat och likaså för tematlokaliseringsverktyg, där majoriteten inte uttrycker någon betalningsvilja. Den första slutsatsenär att intresset för smart teknik finns hos hyresgäster, medan betalningsviljan har generelltresulterat i två huvudsakliga utfall. Ett odefinierat svar eller låg betalningsvilja kan bero påhyresgästens bristande erfarenhet av för- och nackdelar vid användning av smart teknik. I detandra fallet, då ingen betalningsvilja finns, kan det tolkas som att hyresgästen har krav på attsmarta teknik ska ingå i fastighetsägarens ansvar i framtiden. Vidare är den andra slutsatsen attsmart teknik kopplat till beläggningsmätning och inomhusklimat kan potentiellt genererautökade intäkter för fastighetsägaren. Den sista slutsatsen avser mervärden som smart teknikkan tillföra hyresgäster och fastighetsägare. Till exempel, kan hyresgäster få ett mer effektivt lokalutnyttjande medan fastighetsägare kan få konkurrensfördelar och nöjdare kunder. / Technology is advancing to become smarter at an impressive pace and the real estate industryhas not been excluded. The rental premium of an office premise depends on different attributesof the building, the location, and the terms in the lease agreement in the short-term. This thesisaims to examine the acceptance and willingness to pay (WTP) for smart technology, whichimpacts the attributes of the building. Five themes are chosen as the focus: security and access,occupancy level of the office, indoor climate, app of convenience services for employees andlocalization system of employees. The thesis is based on two concepts: existing empiricalresearch and an explorative study by combining the usage of a qualitative and a quantitativemethod. Semi-structured interviews with actors at the office market, including tenants, ischosen as the qualitative method and was conducted firstly. The survey, or the quantitativemethod, was sent to a sample of tenants in the Stockholm area. With the assumption that tenantslack former experience of smart technology, scenario questions were used to present therelevant technology in both the interviews and the surveys. The respondents’ attitudes differedin both the interviews and survey, regarding the scenario question of accessing the officethrough digital keys, the first theme. The survey results indicated that the tenants WTP weremore or less than today for the proposed solution. Both the interviews and survey show anoverall positive attitude against measuring occupancy with sensors and regulating indoorclimate in real time. Regarding the WTP for occupancy measurement, it was either nothing orlow. The WTP for indoor climate was not more nor less or slightly more in comparison to thecost today. The respondents’ attitudes varied in relation to the app for convenience services andlikewise for the localization system, where the majority of the tenants expressed zero WTP.The first conclusion is that the tenants have an interest for smart technology, whereas the WTPresulted in two general cases. Firstly, an undefined answer or low WTP may be due to lack ofexperience regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the smart technology. On the otherhand, no WTP could be interpreted as a future demand from the tenants, where the propertyowner is responsible for smart technology in the premises. The second conclusion is that smarttechnology with regard to measurement of occupancy and indoor climate can potentiallygenerate additional rental income for the property owner. Lastly, the added value which smarttechnology can accomplish for the tenants is, for example, a more efficient usage of the officepremise. Furthermore, property owners can achieve competitive advantages and more contentcustomers.

Vilka problem ställs små och medelstora tillverkande företag inför vid införandet av smart teknik? Hur kan dessa problem i största möjliga mån undvikas? : En studie om hur Industri 4.0 på verkar tillverkningsindustrins mindre företag

Industri 4.0, den fjärde industriella revolutionen, kommer att förändra industriell tillverkning. Ofta diskuteras fördelar och stora företag som är en drivande kraft i industrin; men i denna rapport undersöks utmaningarna som små och medelstora företag ställs mot vid införandet av smart teknik. Dessa företag representerar över 90% av svensk industri och är extremt viktiga för ekonomin vilket är anledningen till varför dessa valdes att undersöka. Rapporten består av ett teoriavsnitt och en empirisk studie. Teorin har tillhandahållits från ett flertal tekniska publikationer och sammanfattningar av tekniska konvent. Empirin är baserad på två intervjuer genomförts och en artikel. En intervju med en civilingenjör och chef vid ett mindre tillverkande företag som producerar belysning. Den andra med en expert inom området för införandet av smart teknik inom SMF, engagerad i olika projekt för detta ändamål och arbetserfarenhet inom ABB Robotics. Artikeln är en stor empirisk studie med flertal chefer inom tillverkningsindustrin. Resultatet är att för Industri 4.0 krävs det att resurser i form av kompetens, ekonomi och maskiner finns. Att produktionsprocessen är standardiserad, det ska finnas tjänster som hjälper företag att införa och utveckla smart teknik och att det finns en hög IT-säkerhet. I dagsläget är det en extrem brist på kunskap och kompetens hos SMF gällande smart teknik och industri 4.0. Intresset för det är vagt om ens existerande. Produktionsprocesserna är intestandardiserade. Slutsatsen är att utmaningarna är bristen på kompetens, processerna inte är standardiserade, och att det är svårt att kunna integrera den teknik som finns med de maskiner som finns. Dessa problem är svåra att undvika men lätta att ta sig förbi. Hjälp med kompetens  finns ochautomatiserade robotar för en produktionsprocess som inte är standardiserade är på marknaden. Det viktigaste är att företagen i största möjliga mån har en vilja att utvecklas. / Industry 4.0, the fourth industrial revolution, will change industrial production as we know it. Too often are the pros along with big companies who are a driving force of this revolution discussed; however, in this report the challenges small and medium sized enterprises face when implementing smart technology will be scrutinized. These companies represent over 90% of the Swedish industry and are extremely important for the economy, which is why this was chosen to be examined. The report is based on one theory chapter and one empirical study. The theory has been obtained from several technical publishes and summaries of technical conventions. The empirical study is based on two interviews and one article. One interview with a boss in a smaller industrial company, that focuses on lightning, who has a Master’s of Science in Engineering. The other interview was conducted with an expert in the area for implementing smart technology in SME, engaged in different projects for this purpose and work experience within ABB Robotics. The article is a large empirical study with multiple managers within manufacturing companies. The result is that for Industry 4.0 it is necessary that resources in the shape of competence, economy and machinery exists. That the manufacturing process in standardised, there must be services that helps companies to implement and develop smart technology, and that  there is high IT-security in place. Today there is an extreme lack in knowledge and competence at SME concerning smart technology and Industry 4.0. The interest in the subject is weak if even existing. The manufacturing processes are not standardised. The conclusion is that the challenges are the lack of competence, the processes are not standardised, and that it's hard to integrate he technology with the existing machines. These problems are hard to avoid but easy to overcome. Assistance with competence are available and automated robots are on the market. The most important aspect is that the companies have, in the greatest extent possible, a will to evolve.

Privacy Suspension with Sustainability and Trust in Consumer Adoption of Smart Technology

Choi, Daeeun 09 June 2022 (has links)
Smart technology, such as the internet of things, artificial intelligence, and big data, provides consumers with a new level of convenience through various smart-connected products (SCPs). Although many experts have increasingly warned about the privacy vulnerability issues of various SCPs, consumers often underestimate privacy risks when adopting smart technology. Accordingly, this dissertation presents a literature review and three empirical studies that examine the privacy problems and suggest new concepts and models for a deeper understanding of the privacy suspension phenomenon. The first chapter reviews the literature related to the privacy suspension phenomenon by integrating the antecedents of consumers' privacy concerns. New concepts of privacy concerns, such as active and inactive privacy concerns, are suggested along with multiple propositions for the proposed privacy suspension theory, which extends the dimension of ambivalence toward trust and distrust regarding smart technology. The second chapter presents the proposed privacy–common good trade-off model and three assumptions related to privacy trade- offs, privacy reduction, and anchoring effects in the sustainable smart-connected car context. This study also discusses the relationships between governments, companies, and consumers regarding the effects of the common good of sustainability and government subsidies. The third chapter evaluates the mediation effects between sustainability, trust, privacy concerns, disclosure intentions, and purchase intentions when purchasing sustainable smart-connected cars based on the proposed sustainability–trust–behavior model. Finally, the fourth chapter provides a practical solution to resolve privacy suspension issues using the design science research approach. This study proposes privacy information type characteristics to evaluate SCPs' tailored data collection capabilities, visualizing them through a spider diagram design method with nudges. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation discusses the consumer privacy suspension phenomenon when adopting smart technology. The first chapter summarizes existing studies regarding privacy concerns, trust, distrust, and ambivalence in adopting technology. It also proposes new concepts of privacy concerns and outlines the unique relationship between consumer privacy concerns and ambivalence toward trust and distrust in smart-connected products, thus helping readers understand why consumers reduce privacy concerns when adopting smart technology. The second chapter presents an empirical study that examines how consumers trade their privacy for the common good of sustainability based on the proposed privacy–common good trade-off model and outlines three key assumptions in the sustainable smart-connected car context. The third chapter discusses the roles of sustainability and trust when consumers decide to disclose their personal information and purchase sustainable smart-connected cars based on the proposed sustainability–trust–behavior model. Last, the fourth chapter provides a practical solution to improve the current inefficient privacy notification systems that cannot apply to different smart-connected products due to various smart sensors collecting different types of personal information. Thus, this dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of the consumer privacy suspension phenomenon and how sustainability benefits can mitigate the conflicting interests between governments, companies, and consumers when adopting smart technology. In addition, the suggested practical solution using the design science research approach can help consumers make better privacy decisions when purchasing smart-connected products.

Smarter technologies towards Greener Homes : A Human-Centred Approach

Bennani, Mohamed January 2018 (has links)
Advances in technology continuously reshape habits, behaviours and interactions at individual, organisational and societal levels. Information and Communication technology (ICT) is pervasive, and is the bearer of crucial information, analysis and responses to the recipient. It assists in processes such as understanding phenomena and taking appropriate action. It also provides communication means, platforms and tools to interact with one another. In the United Kingdom’s (UK) Energy industry, smart meters are currently being deployed by energy suppliers to their customers. These are presented as a revolutionary device that supports a more efficient energy use at home and/or in the workplace, and helps customers save on their energy bill and reduce carbon footprint. Using interpretivist phenomenological Human-centred qualitative research, The thesis work explores the impact of using smart meter devices, as perceived by UK customers, in helping to monitor, use and manage energy consumption at home. Also, the study looks into alternative technology and customers’ expectations in the context of energy efficiency. And finally, the principles of a design is presented to respond to customers demands and desires. Passive participant observation, Future workshop and inspiration cards session are the methods and techniques applied in this research to collect  data. The findings constitute good grounds for individual consumers to be aware of the opportunities made available by alternative technology. At organisational level it is a basis for energy suppliers to change their behaviour towards a changing demand and adapt by switching their core business to supplying Information and analysis as well as energy efficiency management solutions. At societal level government bodies and regulating agencies can tackle sustainability and green energy issues by controlling the profit driven character of privatised energy companies and responding to real market demand as perceived by consumers. Emerging technologies present opportunities that have the capabilities of breaking the status quo of energy supply industry in the UK as well as the rest of world. The value of this research is to show customers’ perceived reality and expectations, as well as opportunities to change the way energy is supplied and consumed.

The characteristics and development of urban computing practices:utilizing practice toolkit approach to study public display network

Ventä-Olkkonen, L. (Leena) 28 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract This thesis concentrates on understanding people’s daily interactions with urban technologies and the role they play in everyday life by investigating use practices for the on urban, multipurpose, public display network in the city of Oulu in northern Finland. The goal is two-fold, namely, to investigate different aspects of emerging urban computing practices and understand the versatility of the contributing factors behind these practices. The work is grounded in practice theory that understands practices as a result of an historical evolution influenced by several forces. On the one hand, the thesis concentrates on the local accomplishment of practices; on the other hand it, seeks to understand the broader connections between these practices as well as their history and evolution. The material comes from three main sources: Users of the public displays, their developers and additional stakeholders involved in the design process, and citizen comments on the display network project on social media. The research is based on empirical qualitative research material; quantitative use statistics are applied to support the findings. The findings reveal that urban computing practices take on influences from several directions including designers and other stakeholders during the design phase, the users’ lives and existing practices, and ongoing societal and communal discourses. The thesis offers increased understanding of the designing and implementation of successful ubiquitous computing projects in a public setting. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy ymmärtämään ihmisten päivittäistä vuorovaikutusta kaupunkiteknolgian kanssa tutkimalla käytäntöjä julkisten näyttöjen verkoston ympärillä. Tavoite on toisaalta tutkia kaupunkiteknologiakäytänteitä eri näkökulmista ja toisaalta ymmärtää monipuolisia osatekijöitä käytäntöjen takana. Työ perustuu käytäntöteoriaan, joka ymmärtää käytäntöjä historiallisen kehityksen seurauksena sekä usean osatekijän tuloksena. Toisaalta tutkielma keskittyy paikallisiin käytäntöihin; toisaalta se yrittää ymmärtää laajempia yhteyksiä käytäntöjen välillä sekä niiden historiaa ja evoluutiota. Materiaali tulee kolmesta päälähteestä: 1) Julkisten näyttöjen verkoston kehittäjiltä ja muilta suunnitteluprosessin sidosryhmiltä, 2) näyttöjen käyttäjiltä sekä 3) kaupunkilaisilta, jotka kommentoivat näyttöverkkoprojektia sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tutkimus perustuu laadulliseen tutkimusaineistoon, jonka lisäksi määrällistä käyttötilastoaineistoa sovelletaan tukemaan laadullisia havaintoja. Havainnot paljastavat, että urbaanin teknologian käytänteisiin vaikuttavat monet tekijät mukaan lukien suunnittelijat ja muut suunnitteluvaiheen sidosryhmät, käyttäjien elämä ja heidän olemassa olevat käytänteensä sekä ajankohtainen yhteiskunnallinen ja yhteisöllinen keskustelu. Tutkielma tarjoaa uudenlaista ymmärrystä jokapaikan tietotekniikka -projektien suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta julkisissa ympäristöissä.

Hur förändrar smart teknik resurseffektiviteten i fordonsbranschen? : En studie av hur Cyber-Physical Systems och Internet of Things påverkar resurseffektiviteten i personbilsbranschen

Mirza, Helen, Nikolic, Rade January 2019 (has links)
Idag pratas det mycket om smart teknik och man säger att den fjärde industriella revolutionen är på väg. Revolutionen kallas för Industri 4.0 och innebär två tekniska förbättringar, Internet of Things (IoT) och Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). IoT låter fysiska enheter sammankopplas i ett system med andra enheter med hjälp av elektromagnetiska vågor och CPS ger möjligheten till att få in information från omvärlden och implementera informationen i digital form. När det kommer till implementering i tillverkningsindustrin används begreppen Industrial Internet of Things och Cyber-Physical Production Systems. Arbetet består av en djupgående litteraturstudie och undersöker vad implementering av IoT och CPS i personbilsbranschens tillverkningssystem kan leda till och hur de fungerar i praktiken. Teorin utgår från vetenskapliga artiklar, tidskrifter och journaler samt en studie från Atlas Copco. Eftersom att smart teknik är ett brett ämne och vi behövde förhålla oss till en tidsgräns på 18 veckor avgränsades arbetet till endast IoT och CPS i tillverkande personbilsföretag. Branschen för personbilar valdes för att i jämförelse med andra branscher är både kvaliteten och kvantiteten avgörande. Samtidigt som det produceras många personbilar måste varje personbil uppfylla en rad olika krav och varje enhet utgör en betydande del av kapitalet i företaget. Resultatet visar hur IoT och CPS fungerar som helhet och vad för positiva och negativa konsekvenser implementering av begreppen ger. Av resultatet framgår också att faktorerna produktion, ekonomi och människa ska analyseras som en helhet och inte enskilt för att implementeringen ska vara framgångsrik i tillverkande personbilsföretag. Möjligheterna som IoT och CPS medför är snabbare och exaktare beslut, systemövervakning och insamling, utbyte och analysering av data för personbilsbranschens företag. Den största utmaningen som implementeringen av begreppen medför är datahantering. Det finns en risk att oönskade mottagare får tillgång till konfidentiell information genom bland annat dataläckage och dataintrång. Således bör fokus ligga på att förebygga detta för att få ut fördelarna och samtidigt reducera nackdelarna. Slutsatsen som kan dras av resultatet är att en kombination av IoT och CPS i personbilsbranschens tillverkningssystem skapar ett kommunikationsnätverk bland heterogena enheter som gör att system kan kommunicera och utbyta data med varandra på ett effektivt sätt. Implementering av begreppen leder till minskning av defekter, introduktionskostnader, energianvändning och upplärning för arbetare samt ökad verktygsdrift och produktivitet. / Today, there is much talk about smart technology and it is said that the fourth industrial revolution is on its way. The revolution is called Industry 4.0 and involves two technical improvements, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). IoT allows physical devices to be interconnected in a system with other devices using electromagnetic waves and CPS provides the opportunity to get information from the outside world and implement the information in digital form. When it comes to implementation in the manufacturing industry, the concepts Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Production Systems are used. The thesis consists of an in-depth literature study and investigates what implementation of IoT and CPS in the automotive industry's manufacturing system can lead to and how they work in practice. The theory is based on scientific articles, paper and journals, and a study by Atlas Copco. Because smart technology is a broad topic and we needed to relate to a time limit of 18 weeks, the work was limited to IoT and CPS only in manufacturing passenger car companies. The industry for passenger cars was chosen so that, in comparison with other industries, both the quality and the quantity are decisive. While many passenger cars are being produced, each passenger car must meet a variety of requirements and each unit constitutes a significant part of the capital of the company. The result shows how IoT and CPS work as a whole and what positive and negative consequences the implementation of the concepts gives. The result also shows that the factors of production, economy and humanity should be analysed as a whole and not individually in order for the implementation to be successful in manufacturing passenger car companies. The opportunities that IoT and CPS entail are faster and more precise decisions, system monitoring and collection, exchange and analysis of data for the automotive industry's companies. The biggest challenge that the implementation of the concepts entails is data management. There is a risk that unwanted recipients will have access to confidential information through, among other things, data leakage and hacking. Thus, the focus should be on preventing this in order to get the benefits and at the same time reduce the disadvantages. The conclusion that can be drawn from the result is that IoT and CPS in the automotive industry's manufacturing system create a communication network among heterogeneous units that enable systems to communicate and exchange data with each other in an efficient manner. Implementation of the concepts leads to a reduction of defects, introduction costs, energy use and training for workers, as well as increased tool operation and productivity.

The pedagogical impact of smart classrooms on teaching and learning of grade 11 in the Tshwane South District / The pedagogical impact of smart classrooms on teaching and learning of grade eleven in the Tshwane South District

Mugani, Paradzayi 01 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the pedagogical impact of the use of smart classrooms by Grade 11 secondary teachers to facilitate the teaching and learning in the Tshwane South District. The lens used to understand this study’s problem was Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. The researcher used the interpretivist paradigm and a qualitative approach was applied. A multiple case study research design was also employed. Five secondary schools were used from which to collect data. The instruments used to collect data were semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation and document analysis. The population comprised Grade 11 secondary teachers. The ten participants were purposively sampled on basis that they taught Grade 11 classes using smart classrooms on daily basis. Ethical considerations were maintained by ensuring anonymity, voluntary participation, informed consent and confidentiality. Data collected were analysed using thematic analysis. The data were coded and organised into descriptive themes. Trustworthiness in the study was maintained through credibility and transferability. The results revealed that the introduction of smart classroom have a predominantly positive impact on the pedagogy in education and teachers are enjoying the new era in education. The findings of the individual semi-structured interviews reflect that the participants of this study used smart technology in their daily teaching. The findings also revealed that smart technology is useful, important and effective in the teaching and learning process. The findings of the non-participant observation revealed that participants showed varied degrees of mastery of Technological knowledge, Technological Content Knowledge and Technological Pedagogical Knowledge. Some participants were well conversant with navigation of the smart board. They could use the tools and icons on the smart board throughout the lessons. The findings of the document analysis revealed that the five schools had an ICT file and the table of contents of these files were spelt out clearly. Every school had a policy on ICT integration and implementation. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum studies)

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