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Product Requirements for Fabric Sofa Covers in Accordance with Customer Life Situation at HomeYusuf Kocer, Ahmet, Mahmood Zubair, Muhammad January 2010 (has links)
IKEA is a unique home furnishing retailer in selling water washable slip covers for living room sofa.The aim of this research is to set product requirements for sofa covers in accordance with the usage at home by customers.This was done by conducting consumer survey to understand need, reviewing existing quality, test methods and proposal of new requirements and test methods. The overall objective is every day quality guarantee and better communication with customers in store. / Program: Magisterutbildning i Applied Textile Management
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An Inquiry on the Affective Dimensions of Product emanticsGong, Mei-jhen 11 February 2009 (has links)
Product semantics is an important concept in the contemporary product design. The current thesis research, applying separately the ¡§Semantic Differential (SD)¡¨ approach and the ¡§Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)¡¨ method, parallel tested the dimensions of symbolic communication between products and consumers. While taking the rational dimension in the traditional product consideration as the base-lines to contrast, the present study explored, reviewed, and tested with empirical data the constructs of affective aspects in product design and the possible dimensions. The testing products included: desk lamp and sofa coach, each involving 10 product design in various styles or attributes. Participants in the empirical data collection were 120 undergraduate and master students at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 60 in the experiment for MDS data and other 120 for the survey questionnaire of the SD scales. The results in SD data analysis, through the factor analysis and the reliability checking, confirmed existence of three affective dimensions¡Xaesthetic design, mood expression, and ideology assertion¡Xwith good statistical significances. On the other hand, the MDS data, via clustering the subjects into homogenous groups and the dimensional plots, partly revealed some of the affective aspects, while also demonstrated the rational perception in traditional consideration. The statistical checking figures all were controlled within the acceptable levels.
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Die prädiktive Rolle von Interleukin 6 bei Brandverletzten mit positiven BlutkulturenJocović, Jovan 31 May 2022 (has links)
Im klinischen Alltag stellt die Diagnosestellung der Sepsis bei Schwerbrandverletzten eine Herausforderung dar. Ursächlich sind pathophysiologische Besonderheiten der Verbrennungskrankheit, die in ihrer klinischen Präsentation dem Bild einer Sepsis ähnelt und somit die differentialdiagnostische Abgrenzung erschwert.
Es existieren aktuell keine Parameter, Scores, oder Sepsiskriterien, die mit ausreichender Kompetenz eine Sepsis bei Brandverletzten feststellen können. Traditionelle Infektionsparameter (WBC, CRP, Fieber) gelten als zu unspezifisch. Das in der allgemeinen Intensivmedizin weithin etablierte Procalcitonin wird bei Brandverletzten ebenfalls kontrovers diskutiert. Für die Sepsis-3-Definition unter Verwendung des SOFA-Scores konnten bislang keine ausreichende Sensitivität und Spezifität nachgewiesen werden.
IL-6 ist ein etablierter Marker der Inflammation mit sehr rascher Induktion bei einer Sepsis. Während das Ergebnis von Blutkulturen häufig erst nach 24-48 Stunden vorliegt, ist die Bestimmung des IL-6 innerhalb weniger Stunden möglich. Der diagnostische Wert des IL6 in der Frühphase der Sepsis bei Brandverletzten ist bislang ungeklärt. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es, die mögliche Beziehung zwischen positiven Blutkulturen und Il- 6-Serumspiegel bei schwerbrandverletzten Patienten mit klinischem Verdacht auf eine Sepsis zu überprüfen und den prädiktiven Wert des IL-6 mit dem anderer Parameter (PCT, WBC, Tmax und SOFA Score) zu vergleichen.
In einer retrospektiven Studie wurden über einen 7-Jahreszeitraum alle Patienten eingeschlossen, bei denen bei klinischem Verdacht auf eine Sepsis Blutkulturen abgenommen sowie IL6, PCT und WBC bestimmt wurden. Die Patienten mit vollständigen Daten wurden gemäß Blutkultur in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt: Blutkultur-positive (BSI) und Blutkultur-negative Gruppe (Non-BSI). Die Gruppen wurden für alle gemessenen Biomarker, SOFA-Score und die maximale Körpertemperatur (T max) verglichen.
Insgesamt wurden 101 Patienten eingeschlossen (BSI= 39, non-BSI= 62). Beide Gruppen waren hinsichtlich demographischer Daten und der Verletzungsschwere vergleichbar. IL-6 war bei den Patienten der BSI-Gruppe signifikant höher [1047 (339,9; 9000,5) vs. 198,5 (112,43; 702,52) ng/ l; p = 0,001]. In einer ROC-Analyse ergab sich eine AUC von 0,7 (59; 80,8 %). Somit ist IL-6 ein Biomarker mit moderater Aussagekraft. Als optimaler Cut-Off Wert erwies sich ein IL-6-Serumspiegel von 312,8 ng/ l (Sensitivität 79,5 %, Spezifität 56,5 %). Hinsichtlich der PCT, WBC und der Tmax zeigten die Gruppen keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Der SOFA-Score in der BSI-Gruppe war signifikant höher, allerdings wurde ein Anstieg um mindestens 2 Punkte im Vergleich zum Vortag nicht erreicht.
Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß IL-6 bei klinischem Verdacht auf eine Sepsis bereits frühzeitig eine positive Blutkultur vorhersagen kann. In diesem Kontext sind andere getestete Parameter (WBC, T max, PCT, SOFA-Score) weniger geeignet.
Der frühe Anstieg des IL-6 könnte im klinischen Alltag hilfreich sein, da die Ergebnisse der IL-6-Bestimmung im Gegensatz zur Kultivierung von Blutkulturen innerhalb weniger Stunden vorliegen. Insbesondere in unklaren Fällen und Situationen, bei denen ein Zuwarten bezüglich der Einleitung einer Antibiotikatherapie möglich erscheint (z.B. fehlende Organdysfunktion) kann IL-6 einen Beitrag bei der Diagnosestellung leisten und einen Hinweis geben, ob differentialdiagnostische Überlegungen weiter verfolgt werden müssen. Die Bestimmung des IL-6 könnte somit zur Vermeidung eines zu liberalen, unkritischen Antibiotikaeinsatzes und den damit assoziierten Folgen beitragen.
Das retrospektive Design und die Fallzahl sind relevante Limitationen unserer Studie. Eine Aussage zu möglichen Unterschieden zwischen grampositiven und gramnegativen Keimen kann daher nicht sicher getroffen werden. Weitere prospektive Untersuchungen mit einer höheren Patientenzahl sind daher unbedingt zu empfehlen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1. Einleitung…………………………………………………………………………..2
1.1 Epidemiologie der Schwerbrandverletzungen in Deutschland…...……..2
1.2 Pathophysiologie………………..……..…………………………….……….2
1.2.1 Verbrennungskrankheit………………………………….....…………….3
1.2.2 Schockphase……………....………………………………………..…….3
1.2.3 Phase der Ödemrückresorption…………………….………………..….4
1.2.4 Phase der Inflammation/ Infektion und des Hypermetabolismus…....4
1.2.5 Spätphase………………………………………………………......…..…4
1.3 Sepsis bei schwerbrandverletzten Patienten…………...…………………5
1.4 Stellenwert von Infektionsparametern und Scores in der Sepsis bei
schwerbrandverletzten brandverletzten Patienten………………………..….6
1.5 Interleukin 6…………………………………..……………………………….7
1.5.1 Zelluläre Mechanismen und die Rolle von Interleukin 6 in der
1.5.2 Interleukin 6 in der Sepsis……………………...……………………….8
1.6 Material und Methoden………………...…………………...………………..9
1.7 Fragestellung und Zielsetzung des Forschungsvorhabens…………..…12
2. Publikation…………………………………………………………… ………….13
3. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit..…………………………..……………………..22
4. Literaturverzeichnis…………...……………….…………………………………25
5. Anlagen……………………………………………….…………………………...29
5.1 Erklärung über den wissenschaftlichen Beitrag des Promovenden zur
5.2 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit…….……………….30
5.3 Lebenslauf…………………………….......………………………………...……31
5.4 Danksagung………………………………………......………………………….32
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Die Auswirkung der Sepsis-3 Definition auf die intensivmedizinische Aufnahme von Patienten mit InfektionKlimpel, Jenny 05 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Assoziation des PDCD1 rs11568821 GG-Genotyps mit stärkerer Morbidität bei Intensivpatienten mit Krankheitsbild Sepsis: Vergleich der SOFA-Sub-Scores / Association of the PDCD1 rs11568821 GG-genotype with higher morbidity of patients with sepsis at ICU: Comparison of the SOFA-sub-scoresGerber, Sebastian 30 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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UDeploy : une infrastructure de déploiement pour les applications à base de composants logiciels distribuésDibo, Mariam 28 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cycle de vie logiciel nous avons principalement les activités (1) de pré-développement (l'analyse des besoins, les spécifications, la conception architecturale et la conception détaillée), (2) de développement (l'implémentation, le prototypage, les tests unitaires et les tests d'intégration) et (3) de post-développement (déploiement). Le déploiement de logiciel couvre l'ensemble des activités post-développement. Les activités de déploiement permettent de rendre une application utilisable. Elles sont identifiées comme cycle de vie de déploiement couvrant l'archivage des logiciels, leur chargement, leur installation sur les sites clients, leur configuration, leur activation ainsi que leur mise à jour. Le développement de systèmes à composants a permis de mieux identifier cette partie du cycle de vie global du logiciel, comme le montrent de nombreux travaux industriels et académiques. Cependant ces travaux sont en général développés de manière ad' hoc, spécifiques à une plate-forme donnée. Peu flexibles, ils s'adaptent difficilement aux stratégies des entreprises. Les systèmes de déploiement comme le montrent ceux supportés par les environnements de type intergiciel CCM, .Net, EJB développent de manière spécifique les mécanismes et outils de déploiement et introduisent des choix prédéfinis et figés de stratégies de déploiement. Nos travaux se situent dans le contexte de logiciels à base de composants distribués et portent sur la proposition d'un environnement générique pour supporter leur déploiement. C'est une nouvelle génération de systèmes proposée essentiellement par le monde académique de génie logiciel qui s'est approprié la problématique de déploiement à large échelle. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons une approche basée sur l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles où nous introduisons les abstractions nécessaires pour décrire les logiciels à déployer, les infrastructures de déploiement, les stratégies de déploiement ainsi que le processus de déploiement avec l'identification et l'ordonnancement des activités à accomplir et le support pour leur exécution.
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Sepsis Diagnostics: Intensive Care Scoring Systems Superior to MicroRNA Biomarker TestingLink, Fabian, Krohn, Knut, Burgdorff, Anna-Maria, Christel, Annett, Schumann, Julia 18 April 2023 (has links)
Sepsis represents a serious medical problem accounting for numerous deaths of critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs). An early, sensitive, and specific diagnosis is considered a key element for improving the outcome of sepsis patients. In addition to classical laboratory markers, ICU scoring systems and serum miRNAs are discussed as potential sepsis biomarkers. In the present prospective observational study, the suitability of miRNAs in sepsis diagnosis was tested based on proper validated and normalized data (i.e., absolute quantification by means of Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR)) in direct comparison to classical sepsis markers and ICU scores within the same patient cohort. Therefore, blood samples of septic intensive care patients (n = 12) taken at day of admission at ICU were compared to non-septic intensive care patients (n = 12) and a healthy control group (n = 12). Our analysis indicates that all tested biomarkers have only a moderate informative power and do not allow an unequivocal differentiation between septic and non-septic ICU patients. In conclusion, there is no standalone laboratory parameter that enables a reliable diagnosis of sepsis. miRNAs are not superior to classical parameters in this respect. It seems recommendable to measure multiple parameters and scores and to interpret them with regard to the clinical presentation.
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O lúdico e o maravilhoso em O sofá estampado de Lygia Bojunga NunesLessa, Vander Lúcia Silva 16 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Vander Lucia Silva Lessa.pdf: 584208 bytes, checksum: 256293927ca2cdd5f28eca06c0b3aefe (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-06-16 / The subject matter of this study is grounded on the analysis of the playful and wonderful aspects contained in the book O sofá estampado, of Lygia Bojunga Nunes. The issue of the research is based on the study of the fantastic aspects of some points of the narrative in which the imaginary and wonderful predominate and, as a consequence, are identified from the narrative construction, that is, in the characters universe. A bibliographic review was conducted for the wonderful, strange and fantastic concepts from different theorists viewpoints in order to try to clarify and set the framework of each concept. After studying such themes and procedures regarding these genders of imaginary, we found that Todorov s theory is the one which best applies to the analysis of the LBN text. We also looked into how unreal characters Dalva and Vítor are framed by the real effects of the speech, creating a verisimilitude effect in the narrative. For this purpose, we revisited Aristotle and the major theorists such as Barthes to look into the mimesis and verisimilitude concepts. The wonderful or the fantastic substantiates whenever the character Vítor digs to find a balance in the universe of the desert street, whereas the wonderful or the fantastic is a resource which allows to shorten the time of maturity of the character, since, by using magic, the character runs from unbalance to balance faster, otherwise the narrative would take much more time. The universe of the desert street may take different meanings, e.g. the character s search for knowledge inside itself. Accordingly, the work is interesting for the reader of any age and different intellectual levels, since it allows various levels of understanding and reading / O objeto de estudo desta dissertação fundamenta-se na análise dos aspectos lúdico e maravilhoso presentes no livro O sofá estampado de Lygia Bojunga Nunes. O problema da pesquisa baseia-se no estudo do fantástico. Para que seja identificado, devemos observá-lo a partir da construção narrativa, ou seja, do universo das personagens. Inicialmente foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica dos conceitos de maravilhoso, de estranho e de fantástico, sob o ponto de vista de diferentes teóricos, para tentarmos clarear e delimitar cada conceito. Depois de estudarmos os temas e procedimentos referentes a esses gêneros do imaginário, constatamos que a teoria de Todorov é a que melhor se aplica à análise do texto de Lygia Bojunga Nunes. Foi investigado também como as personagens Dalva e Vítor são captadas pelos efeitos do real do discurso, criando-se na narrativa um efeito de verossimilhança. Para isso retomamos a Aristóteles e aos principais teóricos como Barthes, para estudarmos os conceitos de mimese e verossimilhança. A inscrição do maravilhoso ou do fantástico é um recurso capaz de encurtar o tempo de amadurecimento da personagem, pois usando a magia, a personagem passa de um estágio de desequilíbrio ao de equilíbrio mais rapidamente, caso contrário a narrativa se estenderia por muito mais tempo. A inscrição do maravilhoso ou fantástico ocorre sempre que a personagem Vítor cava em busca de equilíbrio no universo da rua deserta - universo de profundidade - a partir do sofá estampado - universo de superfície. O universo da rua deserta pode assumir diferentes significados como a busca de conhecimento da personagem no interior de si mesma. Neste sentido a obra interessa ao leitor de qualquer idade e de diferentes níveis intelectuais, pois possibilita vários níveis de apreensão e de leitura
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Os Colegas, Angélica e O Sofá estampado: Lygia Bojunga e a reconstrução da fábulaSilva, Elisa Cristina da 23 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Elisa Cristina da Silva.pdf: 608368 bytes, checksum: 8b870f75e9fb64a74eda13e48c202411 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Lygia Bojunga s work is recognized in Brazil and internationally, among other
aspects, by the special treatment it conveys to the themes and language. Her texts
establish a dialogue not only with children or young people, but also with the
contemporary men by dealing with questions such as identity, friendship, discoveries,
life, death, etc. In this research we analyse three books by Bojunga: Os Colegas
(1972), Angélica (1975) and O sofá estampado (1980), which, in our opinion, form
a trilogy of fables, once Lygia Bojunga s aesthetic project reveals elements which
bring about mechanisms of recreation of the fable. The corpus also presents itself as
highly significant, because its narratives act aesthetically as a kind of answer to a
natural necessity of men. This corpus presents fast narratives, with a high degree of
a stage acting suggestion, which rekindles the fable by casting a new light on it due
to an updating process. Based on the literary aspects of the corpus and on fable s
main features we intend to demonstrate by which compositional resources and with
which aesthetic effects the corpus rescues and rewords the fable in present days.
Considering that there are at least three invariable elements on the basis of all fables
analogy, moral and orality our analysis will be organized around the relations
which are established among these elements and the following categories: narrator,
characters and reader, having the works by Maria Celeste Dezotti, Alceu Dias Lima
and Susan Suleiman as a basis. Being the fable a narrative based on discourse, we
tried to show the aspects of voice and orality as elements of a theatrical scene and
innovation of the narrative. This analysis is based on the concepts of voice and orality
and some of its aspects, such as dialogism and performance, in theories by Paul
Zumthor and Mikhail Bakhtin / A obra de Lygia Bojunga se destaca no cenário brasileiro e internacional, entre
outros fatores, pelo tratamento especial que confere aos temas e à linguagem. Seus
textos dialogam não apenas com a criança ou o jovem, mas com o homem
contemporâneo ao abordar questões como busca da identidade, amizade,
descobertas, vida, morte, entre outros. Neste trabalho analisamos três livros da
autora, Os Colegas (1972), Angélica (1975) e O sofá estampado (1980), que
formam, a nosso ver, uma trilogia fabular, uma vez que o projeto estético de Lygia
Bojunga revela elementos que trazem à tona mecanismos de recriação da fábula. O
corpus se nos apresenta como altamente significativo também por atuar
esteticamente como uma forma de resposta a um movimento próprio do homem.
Este corpus apresenta narrativas ágeis, com alto grau de teatralidade, que revisitam
a fábula, conferindo-lhe novas nuances a partir de um processo de atualização. Com
base nos aspectos literários do corpus e nas principais características do gênero
fabular, procuramos mostrar por meio de quais recursos composicionais e com que
efeitos estético-literários a escritura de Lygia Bojunga resgata e reinscreve a fábula
na contemporaneidade. Considerando que na base do discurso fabular há pelo
menos três elementos invariáveis - analogia, moral e oralidade norteamos nossa
análise na direção das relações que se estabelecem entre esses elementos e as
categorias: narrador, personagens e leitor, tendo como base as pesquisas de Maria
Celeste Dezotti, Alceu Dias Lima e Susan Suleiman. Sendo a fábula uma narrativa
alicerçada no discurso, procuramos evidenciar os aspectos da voz e oralidade como
elementos de teatralização e inovação da narrativa. Esta análise se pauta nos
conceitos de voz e oralidade e alguns dos aspectos que eles implicam, como
dialogismo e performance, nas teorias de Paul Zumthor e Mikhail Bakhtin
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Optimisation of the Ektorp sofa frame through the use of Finite element analysisRundgren, Anders, Wörmke, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
The interest in using finite element analysis (FEA) as a product development tool is present within IKEAof Sweden (IoS). To gain additional support from within IoS a project was issued to identify the meritsand demerits of FEA. This was done by applying FEA to optimise an existing product, namely theEktorp sofa frame. Three important questions are addressed in this report: • How can the finite element method efficiently and reliably be applied to improve an existingproduct? • What types of improvements can be anticipated from using the finite element method andhow can these be achieved? • What products are suitable to be developed with the use of FEA? As the sofa frame mainly consists of wood a literature study is conducted to answer several questionsregarding the use of wood in conjunction with FEA. Real life tests are performed to verify acquiredmaterial data. The original design is analysed with FEA to act as reference for newer concepts and also to identifyareas of improvement. Additional design tools are also applied to complement the FEA. Concepts are generated to improve a number of factors such as weight, number of components andcost. These concepts are analysed with FEA to be compared to the original design and incrementallychanged until meeting set requirements. A final concept where the cost, weight and number of components are reduced is thoroughlydescribed and presented as a CAD model. The final result is the Ektorp sofa frame with its weightreduced by 10.9%, number of components reduced by 18.2% and material cost reduced by 13.4%. The conclusion from this process is that FEA can efficiently and reliably be applied to improve anexisting product. This, however, requires thorough knowledge in FEA. Strength, weight and cost arethe most obvious factors that can benefit from the use of FEA while almost all design changes canbenefit indirectly as well. Almost any product can benefit from the use of FEA; however, severalfactors decide the efficiency and reliability of these analyses, such as analysis experience and productcomplexity. / Det finns ett intresse för att använda finita element analyser (FEA) som ett produktutvecklingsverktygpå IKEA of Sweden (IoS). För att få ett ökat stöd inom IoS skapades ett projekt där för och nackdelarnamed FEA kan identifieras. Detta projekt baserades på att optimera en existerande produkt, nämligenEktorp soffans ram. Tre viktiga frågor behandlas i och med detta projekt: • Hur kan finita element metoden appliceras på ett effektivt och tillförlitligt sätt för att optimeraen existerande produkt? • Vilka typer av förbättringar kan man förvänta sig genom att använda finita element metodenoch hur uppnås dessa? • Vilka produkter lämpar sig att utvecklas med hjälp av FEA? Eftersom soffans ram till större delen består av trä inleds en litteraturstudie för att besvara frågor somberör användandet av trä i samband med FEA. Verkliga tester utförs för att verifiera insamladematerialdata. Originalkonstruktionen analyseras med FEA för att skapa en referens till kommande koncept och ävenför att identifiera möjliga förbättringsområden. Flera designverktyg används för att komplettera FEA. Koncept genereras för att förbättra en rad faktorer såsom vikten, antalet komponenter och kostnaden.Dessa koncept analyseras med FEA och jämförs mot originalkonstruktionen för att förbättrasinkrementellt tills det att fastställda krav uppfylls. Ett slutgiltigt koncept där kostnad, vikt och antalet komponenter är minskat beskrivs i detalj ochpresenteras som en CAD modell. Det slutgiltiga resultatet är Ektorp-soffans ram där vikten ärreducerad med 10,9%, antalet komponenter reducerade med 18,2% och materialkostnadernareducerade med 13,4%. Slutsatsen från projektet är att FEA kan appliceras på ett effektivt och tillförlitligt sätt för att förbättraen existerande produkt. Detta kräver dock omfattande kunskap inom FEA. Hållfasthet, vikt ochkostnad är de mest uppenbara parametrar som kan tjäna på användandet av FEA medan nästan allakonstruktionsändringar kan dra nytta av FEA indirekt. Nästan alla produkter kan dra nytta av FEA, detfinns dock en rad faktorer som avgör hur pass effektiva och tillförlitliga analyserna blir. Exempel pådessa är användarerfarenhet och produktkomplexitet.
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