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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sob a capa negra: necromancia e feitiçaria, curandeirismo e práticas mágicas de homens em Aragão (séculos XVI e XVII) / Under the black cloak: necromancy and sorcery, cunning practices and magic ofAragon´s men (sixteenth and seventeenth centures)

Marcos Antonio Lopes Veiga 09 March 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga, através dos documentos da Inquisição de Zaragoza entre 1497 e 1700 as práticas heréticas dos réus homens qualificados por aquele tribunal como supersticiosos, portanto, praticantes de diversos tipos de magia necromancia, curandeirismo, exorcismo entre outras práticas mágicas. Através de objetos mágicos da necromancia, e dos temas pertencentes diversas de suas práticas mágicas, inclusive com o uso de papéis e textos que lhes dão suporte sobretudo a Clavícula Salomonis e o Livro de São Cipriano a magia masculina é construída sobre um campo específico de ação: o da magia material na qual o benefício individual é o único objetivo a ser alcançado. O diabo é não só um revelador dos conflitos entre o bem e o mal, mas também mostra os discursos dos hereges e as pedagogias da Inquisição e da Igreja. / This research investigates, through documents related to the Inquisition of Zaragoza that took place between 1497 and the 1700, the heretical practice of men held guilty by that Court, which considered them as superstitious. Such men were, therefore, practitioners of diverse types of magic necromancy, cunning practices, exorcism among other magical practices. Through the objects of necromancy, and the themes of many different magic practices, including the use of papers and texts that supported them specially the Clavícula Salomonis and the Book of São Cipriano male magic buildt itself on a specific field of action: the material magic in wich individual benefits are the unique aim to be reached. The devil is not just a revealer of conflicts between good and evil, but also shows the discourses of heretics, and the Inquisition and Church pedagogies.

Revivifying the Ur-text : a reconstruction of sword-&-sorcery as a literary form

Emery, Philip January 2018 (has links)
From the early 1980s until the late 1990s the genre or sub-genre known as sword-&-sorcery was largely moribund. The Tolkien-derived high fantasy novel, on the other hand, flourished and mutated into six, eight, ten volume, or open-ended series. Even though the terms high fantasy and sword-&-sorcery are sometimes used interchangeably, sword-&-sorcery came to be viewed as an inferior, cruder form: rougher in style, more limited structurally, stunted in terms of character development, even morally questionable (rather than ambiguous). Revivifying the Ur-text aims to investigate if it is possible to subvert the genre, to create a work that realizes the form s potential to exist as literature . In order to do this it attempts to both analyze and re-vision the form by rendering the genre down to its pristine elements - exemplified but not monopolized by the widely-acknowledged creator of the sword-&-sorcery form, Robert E. Howard. The critical areas of the thesis thus concentrate on Howard, but extend backwards to Beowulf as proto-sword-&-sorcery and forwards to contemporary fantasy writers such as Joe Abercrombie and Steve Erikson. It begins by constructing an account of the creation of the form by Howard, hypothesizing that the conditions for its genesis are a result of the writer s internal emotional and thought processes interacting with external circumstances. This is followed by a study of a set of highly influential anthologies published in the sixties edited by Lyon Sprague de Camp, interrogating de Camp s introductions as well as his selections, sub-categorizing these into the variations on the Howardian model which evolved in the wake of his 1920/30s work, work from which other writers developed a commonly perceived genre. From this the thesis proceeds to a consideration of related forms such as epic fantasy, science fantasy, and grimdark, prefaced by a survey and analysis of what sword-&-sorcery was/is perceived to be by commentators such as de Camp, Brian Attebery and Peter Nicholls. These sections are followed and augmented by a refocusing on Robert E. Howard. A consideration of the crucial relationship between violence and the numinous in his fantasy is central to this thesis. This is done both through research into published texts, mainly fictional but also non-fictional, and is discussed both generally and through in-depth case studies of two stories, attempting to identify the particular elements of his writing which contributed to the birth and definition of sword-&-sorcery in order to establish Howard s output as an Ur-text . The creative heart of this research is my sword-&-sorcery fiction, The Shadow Cycles. Here I have attempted to write a narrative in the form which innovates narrative techniques, modifying or abandoning the generic scaffolding of situations, and methods of characterization, and developing a style of language appropriate to my aim of revisioning Howard s Ur-text for the 21st century. This is followed by a concluding afterthesis which draws on all the preceding sections to explicate the relationship between the critical and creative elements of the thesis. As with earlier critical sections, these recruit a synthesis of literary history, influence studies, genre theory, narratology, and practical criticism. By so doing they touch on conceptions of the literary such as those of Bakhtin, Eagleton, Todorov, and Katherine Hume.

A din of whispers : community, state control, and violence in Indonesia

Herriman, Nicholas January 2008 (has links)
<abstract>Most literature on state-society relations in Indonesia assumes an overbearing and oppressive state. In this thesis, I argue that local communities can exert far more influence over state officials, and can be far more resistant to state control, than has previously been acknowledged. I critically analyse the idea of a state with extensive control by focusing on killings alleged sorcerers in a rural area in which I undertook fieldwork. Killings of 'sorcerers' occur when neighbours, family members, and friends believe that one among them is a sorcerer. They group together and, assisted by other local residents, kill the 'sorcerer'. Such killings have been occurring intermittently for at least the past half-century. These usually sporadic killings turned into an outbreak in 1998. The outbreak was precipitated by three factors, in particular: 1. An attempt by the district government to stop killings, which was seen to confirm the identity of sorcerers; 2. Local residents' understanding of the Indonesian reform movement (Reformasi) to incorporate violent attacks on 'sorcerers'; and, 3. The perceived slowness of the police and army response which was understood as tacitly permitting the killings. Local residents interpreted these factors as providing an 'opportunity' to attack 'sorcerers', accounting for around 100 deaths. Although the outbreak was triggered by national- and district-level events, the killings remained local; neighbours, family, and acquaintances of the victims undertook the killings. At this time, the New Order regime of President Soeharto?which scholars have tended to characterise as a state which exerted far-reaching control over society?had just collapsed. Nevertheless, violent actions against 'sorcerers' had occurred during the New Order period, even though they stood in contrast to the order and rule of law and the controlled use of violence that this regime promoted. In order to explain the persistence of anti-'sorcerer' actions, my original findings identify a significant weakness in central state control. Local state officials cannot, and, in many cases, do not want to, stop killings. These officials are connected by ties of locality and kinship to the overwhelming majority of local people, and believe that the 'sorcerer' is guilty. Instead of following demands of law and order from superiors, they are influenced by local communities. Local communities thus exert control over local state representatives, accounting for a breakdown of state control at the local level. This finding of strong community ties and limited state control calls for a reexamination of violence in Indonesia. Violence is usually portrayed as being perpetrated by an aggressive, culpable state on an innocent and passive society. In Banyuwangi, violence emanated from within communities and local state representatives were either unwilling or unable to control it. Eventually, a crackdown by non-local police and army forces brought the outbreak of killings to a halt. However, after these forces left, actions against 'sorcerers' resumed. By demonstrating that ties of locality and kinship undermine state attempts to control local community, I contribute to a revision of the image of an overbearing and violently repressive state in Indonesia.

San Cristóbal en la Amazonía: Colonialismo, violencia y hechicería infantil entre los arahuacos de la selva central del Perú / San Cristóbal en la Amazonía: Colonialismo, violencia y hechicería infantil entre los arahuacos de la selva central del Perú

Santos Granero, Fernando 25 September 2017 (has links)
La matanza de niños acusados de hechiceros ha sido ampliamente reportada entre los arahuacos de la selva central del Perú desde fines del siglo XIX. Las acusaciones de brujería infantil proliferan en coyunturas de crecientes presiones externas, marcadas por enfrentamientos violentos, desplazamiento territorial, y brotes epidémicos. Los fundamentos míticos de la creencia en la hechicería infantil se encuentran en la leyenda de san Cristóbal y el Niño Jesús. Apropiada por medio de la magia mimética en tiempos coloniales, la leyenda de este santo «protector de las plagas» se convirtió, con el paso del tiempo, en el mito arahuaco de un gigante caníbal que va por el mundo junto a su maléfico hijo transformando a la gente. La idea de que los niños podían devenir en poderosos hechiceros se reforzó en tiempos postcoloniales debido a la aparición de epidemias que afectaban mayormente a los adultos. Ejemplo de un acto mimético fallido, la creencia en la hechicería infantil es uno de los productos impredecibles y trágicos del encuentro colonial. / The article analyzes the phenomenon of child sorcery, that is, of children accused of being sorcerers, among the Arawakan peoples of eastern Peru. It is suggested that this practice was the result, in colonial times, of the mimetic appropriation and structural transformation of the Christian legend of St Christopher and the Christ Child into the myth of a cannibalistic giant and his evil infant son. The notion that children could become potent witches would have been reinforced in postcolonial times by epidemics affecting mostly adults. If this is so, the belief in child sorcery would be one of those unforeseen and tragic products of the colonial encounter. In their eagerness to exorcise colonial violence Peruvian Arawaks turned against themselves, unleashing violence against their children’s bodies and through them to the body politic at large. This practice, thought to have been abandoned in the 1970s, has reappeared with renewed force in recent times as a result of the violence and social disruption resulting from confrontations with insurgent groups and the Peruvian Army.

Nova configuração da inquisição portuguesa em meio a iluminados e iluministas: 1720-1821 / New configuration of the Portuguese Inquisition among lightened and enlightened: 1720-1821

Ana Luiza de Oliveira e Silva 23 November 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho buscou-se estudar a Inquisição portuguesa em dois períodos distintos. Primeiramente, objetivou-se compreender o período, a partir de 1720, no qual ocorreram os picos da repressão do Santo Ofício português em relação a práticas de feitiçaria, sendo justamente os feiticeiros o objeto do estudo. Pretendeu-se analisar a visão e os procedimentos da Inquisição no tocante a esse tipo de práticas e crenças. O segundo objetivo do trabalho consistiu em analisar o período de declínio da instituição inquisitorial, após a década de 70 do século XVIII, interessando, por um lado, o esforço de manutenção da Inquisição e, por outro, a descrença em relação às atuações dos feiticeiros e seus poderes. Pretendeu-se apreender diálogos existentes entre a autoridade oficial (católica) e o lado extra-oficial (feiticeiros), bem como entender o posicionamento da Inquisição posta entre esses que contatavam o sagrado sem o intermédio eclesiástico e os ilustrados, cujas luzes da razão vinham se desenrolando ao longo dos Setecentos. / This work aimed to study the Portuguese Inquisition in two distinct moments. In a first moment, it aimed to understand the period starting at 1720, in which occurred the peaks of the Holy Offices repression to practices of sorcery, being sorcerers the object of study. It was intended to analyze the points of view and procedures of the Inquisition concerning such practices and beliefs. The second objective was to assess the period of decline of the inquisitorial institution, after the 1770s, interesting, on one hand, the Inquisitions effort to maintain herself and, on the other hand, a disbelief concerning the actions of sorcerers and their powers. It was intended to capture the dialogues between the official (Catholic) and unofficial (sorcerers) sides, as well as to understand the positioning of the Inquisition put between those who contacted the sacred without the ecclesiastical intermediate, and the enlightenment men, whose lights of reason had been unfolding along the 18th century.

Le « jeu de la constance » et le plus « apparent vice de nostre nature » : constance et inconstance dans les Essais de Michel de Montaigne / Constancy and inconstancy in the Essais of Michel de Montaigne

Prat, Sébastien 08 April 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à mettre en lumière, dans les Essais de Montaigne, un aspect peu connu du débat sur la constance à la fin du 16ème s. Alors que la vertu de constance devient un enjeu philosophique et moral d’importance, servant à la fois des idéaux stoïciens, chrétiens et civils, nous constatons une insistance des Essais à souligner le phénomène contraire, l’inconstance. Il s’agit dans un premier temps de montrer le dialogue que construit Montaigne face à la vertu de constance, puis d’établir le statut argumentatif de l’inconstance dans les Essais. Dans le but de situer le débat constance - inconstance, nous nous rapportons d’abord aux écoles de philosophies hellénistiques que pillent les Essais. Le scepticisme de Montaigne s’en trouve déstabilisé, le stoïcisme à la fois débattu et repoussé, l’épicurisme instrumentalisé. L’inconstance prend un visage universel qui rend présomptueuse et même dangereuse toute aspiration à la constance. Nous montrons ensuite la prise en charge méthodologique de l’inconstance dans les Essais, à travers le Distingo. Nous constatons alors que l’inconstance a le statut d’une condition pré éthique poussant les Essais à déconsidérer toute entreprise humaine dans la sphère publique. Mais les Essais n’encouragent pas simplement à se laisser porter par la fortune ou la coutume. Dans la sphère privée, Ils construisent plusieurs règles éthiques hétérodoxes : non repentir, diversion, vanité, expérience…qui reposent sur le possible (selon qu’on peut) et contribuent à redéfinir la grandeur d’âme, en présentant un nouvel ordre ou une nouvelle conformité de l’action, ce que nous appellerons « l’éthique de l’inconstance » ou « éthique de l’indirection » . / This thesis aims to emphasize in Montaigne’s Essays a little known aspect concerning the debate of constancy towards the end of the 16th. c. While the virtue of constancy becomes a philosophical issue of importance, favouring at the same time the stoic, Christian and civil ideals, we observe in Montaigne’s Essays, an insistence to underline a contradictory phenomenon; inconstancy. First, it is essential to demonstrate the dialogue that builds Montaigne’s work concerning the virtue of constancy, to finally establish the proper argumentation on inconstancy. With the intent to situate this debate concerning the virtue of constancy, we will refer primarily to the Hellenistic philosophies plundered by the Essays. We will present in the first part the origin and in the second part, the transfer of the debate. Montaigne’s scepticism happens to be destabilized, his stoicism is at the same time debated and rejected, his Epicureanism becoming a tool determining their truth. The second section of the thesis demonstrates that methodology of the Essays takes over the notion of inconstancy, notably through the “Distingo”, and its effects on the historical knowledge relating to prudential activities. We claim that the nature of the essay is to correct this error and thus give the right place to human inconstancy. We acknowledge the fact that inconstancy has a status of a pre-ethic condition which pushes the Essays to disrepute any human enterprise in the public sphere. However, this denial cast upon the public sphere does not lead us to reject any kind of ethical reflection. In the private sphere, the Essays construct ethical regulations: non repentance, diversion, vanity, experience...These aspects are all grounded in the ethical mode of the possible, (« Selon qu’on peut ») and at the same time contribute in redefining the magnitude of the soul by presenting a new order or a new conformity of action. We name the project ethic of inconstancy or ethic of indirection

Tahar Ben Jelloun: de l’univers carcéral à la libération / Tahar Ben Jelloun : from the realm of incarceration to liberation

Sahaduth, Ummay Parveen 08 1900 (has links)
French text / Si nous pouvons constater, d’une part, que l’univers carcéral occupe une place très importante dans les textes de Tahar Ben Jelloun, nous ne pouvons cependant ignorer, de l’autre, les efforts des personnages de la diégèse ben jellounienne pour trouver une libération quelconque. De ce fait, la libération constitue l’objet de notre étude par excellence. Nous avons choisi cinq textes de l’écrivain marocain : Moha le fou Moha le sage (1978), L’enfant de sable (1985), La nuit sacrée (1987), Cette aveuglante absence de lumière (2001) et Amours sorcières (2003). Après un survol rapide de l’incarcération sous ses différentes formes, allant des plus concrètes aux plus abstraites, nous étudions les paradigmes les plus communs vers lesquels l’homme maghrébin moderne se tourne dans le but de se libérer des carcans qui l’entravent et nous en relevons tour à tour les limitations ou lacunes. Ainsi, nous remettons en question le modèle matérialiste qui échoue pour ce qui de la libération de l’individu en raison de ses excès. Puis, nous étudions le modèle psychologique mettant l’accent sur ses limites dans la mesure où il comprend un mouvement vertical vers le bas. Or, sans un mouvement vers le haut, aucune libération n’est possible. Très particulière à la société maghrébine est la praxis islamique moderne qui, loin de libérer l’individu, ne fait que l’étouffer davantage. Ensuite, nous soulevons des questions au sujet de la sorcellerie et des dangers qu’elle comprend. Loin d’être un élément libérateur, elle constitue un piège. Nous arrivons éventuellement à la seule clé capable d’apporter la libération intérieure au Maghrébin : la métaphysique et, dans le contexte de la civilisation arabo-islamique, il s’agit de l’ésotérisme islamique ou le soufisme. Ce mémoire requiert une approche très scientifique telle que l’exige la nature même de notre problématique. Nous avons opté pour une approche métaphysique pour conduire notre étude à bon port. / If we cannot deny the fact that the realm of incarceration holds an important place in the texts of Tahar Ben Jelloun, we also have to acknowledge the endeavours of the characters to find liberation in some way or another. Therefore, above all else, liberation constitutes the object of our study. We have chosen five texts of the Moroccan author: Moha le fou Moha le sage (1978), L’enfant de sable (1985), La nuit sacrée (1987), Cette aveuglante absence de lumière (2001) and Amours sorcières (2003). After a quick glance at the different forms of incarceration, starting from the most tangible and moving to the most abstract ones, we study the most common paradigms to which the Moroccan turns to in order to free himself from the shackles that imprison him and we study simultaneously their shortcomings. Hence, we call into question the materialistic model that fails in liberating the individual on account of its excesses. Then, we study the psychological model laying emphasis on its limitations in that it comprises a vertical downward movement while no liberation is possible without an upward movement. Quite specific of the Moroccan society is the modern Islamic praxis that, in lieu of freeing the individual, only stifles him more. Afterwards, we raise questions concerning sorcery and dangers that it represents. Far from being a liberating agent, it constitutes a trap. Ultimately we come to the only key capable of bringing internal liberation to the Moroccan: metaphysics and, in the arabo-islamic context, it is Islamic esotericism or Sufism. This thesis requires a most scientific approach as demands the very nature of our problematic. We have thus chosen a metaphysical approach that best suits our study. / Classics and World Languages / M.A. (French)

Le "jeu de la constance" et le plus "apparent vice de nostre nature" : constance et inconstance dans les Essais de Michel de Montaigne

Prat, Sébastien 11 1900 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle au Département de philosophie Faculté des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal et au département de philosophie école doctorale V de l’Université de la Sorbonne – Paris IV. Soutenue à Paris le 8 avril 2010. / Cette thèse vise à mettre en lumière, dans les Essais de Montaigne, un aspect peu connu du débat sur la constance à la fin du seizième siècle. Alors que la vertu de constance devient à cette époque un enjeu philosophique et moral de première importance, servant à la fois des idéaux stoïciens, chrétiens et civils, nous constatons une insistance des Essais à souligner le phénomène contraire, l’inconstance. Il s’agit dans un premier temps de montrer le dialogue que construit l’ouvrage de Montaigne face à la vertu de constance, puis d’établir le statut argumentatif de l’inconstance dans les Essais. Afin de mettre en valeur ce dialogue dissimulé sous les bigarrures des Essais, nous nous proposons de combiner lecture internaliste et intertextualité, afin d’évaluer au mieux les actes d’écrire de cet ouvrage. Dans le but de situer ce débat sur la constance et l’inconstance, nous nous rapportons d’abord à certaines écoles de philosophie hellénistique que pillent les Essais. Nous présentons d’une part l’origine, d’autre part et les déplacements de ce débat. Le scepticisme de Montaigne s’en trouve déstabilisé, le stoïcisme à la fois débattu et repoussé, l’épicurisme instrumentalisé. L’inconstance prend un visage universel qui rend présomptueuse, vaine et même dangereuse toute aspiration à la constance. La deuxième section de la thèse montre la prise en charge méthodologique de l’inconstance dans les Essais, notamment à travers le Distingo, et son effet sur la connaissance historique comme sur les activités prudentielles (politique, jurisprudence, action militaire). Après avoir montré que l’ouvrage de Montaigne présente une critique radicale de la méthode et des objectifs des moralistes, nous posons que la nature de l’essai est de corriger cette erreur et de donner sa juste place à l’inconstance humaine. Nous constatons alors que l’inconstance a le statut d’une condition pré éthique poussant les Essais à déconsidérer toute entreprise humaine dans la sphère publique. Mais ce désaveu jeté sur la sphère publique ne conduit pas à renier toute réflexion éthique. Les Essais n’encouragent pas simplement à se laisser porter par la fortune ou la coutume. Dans la sphère privée, le troisième livre des Essais construit plusieurs règles éthiques étonnantes et hétérodoxes : non repentir, diversion, vanité, expérience…qui toutes prennent pour pierre d’assise le possible (selon qu’on peut) et contribuent à redéfinir la grandeur d’âme (magnitudo animi, megalopsychè), en présentant un nouvel ordre ou une nouvelle conformité de l’action. Par delà l’analyse morale et la peinture du moi, se déploient dans les Essais une éthique qui s’approprie le mouvement imparfait de l’existence, qui s’édifie non plus contre l’inconstance, mais avec elle. Cette « éthique de l’inconstance » ou « éthique de l’indirection » se construit en opposition avec les morales doctrinales avec lesquelles elle discute toutefois sans interruption. / This thesis aims to emphasize in Montaigne’s Essays a little known aspect concerning the debate of constancy towards the end of the 16th. Century. While the virtue of constancy becomes a philosophical and moral issue of great importance, favouring at the same time the stoic, Christian and civil ideals, we observe in Montaigne’s Essays, an insistence to underline a contradictory phenomenon; inconstancy. First, it is essential to demonstrate the dialogue that builds Montaigne’s work concerning the virtue of constancy, to finally establish the proper argumentation on inconstancy in his Essays. In order to highlight this dialogue concealed in the patchwork of the Essays, we are proposing to combine internal and external reading, in order to evaluate thoroughly the act of writing they implicitly propose. With the intent to situate this debate concerning the virtue of constancy and the problem of inconstancy, we will refer primarily to the Hellenistic philosophies plundered by the Essays. We will present in the first part the origin and in the second part, the transfer of the debate. Montaigne’s scepticism happens to be destabilized, his stoicism is at the same time debated and rejected, his Epicureanism becoming a tool determining their truth. The inconstancy as mentioned takes a universal appearance making all references to the virtue of constancy as presumptuous, vain and even dangerous. The second section of the thesis demonstrates that methodology of the Essays takes over the notion of inconstancy, notably through the “Distingo”, and its effects on the historical knowledge relating to prudential activities such as: jurisprudence, political and military life. Now that we have demonstrated that the work of Montaigne presents a radical critic of the method and the objectives of the moralists, we claim that the nature of the essay is to correct this error and thus give the right place to human inconstancy. We acknowledge the fact that inconstancy has a status of a pre-ethic condition which pushes the Essays to disrepute any human enterprise in the public sphere. However, this denial cast upon the public sphere does not lead us to reject any kind of ethical reflection. Therefore, the Essays do not exclusively encourage letting faith or fortune carry us. In the private sphere, the third book of the Essays constructs many ethical regulations that are astonishing and heterodox: non repentance, diversion, vanity, experience...These aspects are all grounded in the ethical mode of the possible, (« Selon qu’on peut ») and at the same time contribute in redefining the magnitude of the soul (magntiudo animi, mégalopsychè) by presenting a new order or a new conformity of action. Beyond the moral analysis and the description of oneself, an ethical process seizes the imperfect movement of existence in the Essays, which erects itself not against inconstancy but in harmony with it. This ethic of inconstancy or ethic of indirection is built in opposition with the moral doctrines even though a constant debate seems to unite them.

Le "jeu de la constance" et le plus "apparent vice de nostre nature" : constance et inconstance dans les Essais de Michel de Montaigne

Prat, Sébastien 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à mettre en lumière, dans les Essais de Montaigne, un aspect peu connu du débat sur la constance à la fin du seizième siècle. Alors que la vertu de constance devient à cette époque un enjeu philosophique et moral de première importance, servant à la fois des idéaux stoïciens, chrétiens et civils, nous constatons une insistance des Essais à souligner le phénomène contraire, l’inconstance. Il s’agit dans un premier temps de montrer le dialogue que construit l’ouvrage de Montaigne face à la vertu de constance, puis d’établir le statut argumentatif de l’inconstance dans les Essais. Afin de mettre en valeur ce dialogue dissimulé sous les bigarrures des Essais, nous nous proposons de combiner lecture internaliste et intertextualité, afin d’évaluer au mieux les actes d’écrire de cet ouvrage. Dans le but de situer ce débat sur la constance et l’inconstance, nous nous rapportons d’abord à certaines écoles de philosophie hellénistique que pillent les Essais. Nous présentons d’une part l’origine, d’autre part et les déplacements de ce débat. Le scepticisme de Montaigne s’en trouve déstabilisé, le stoïcisme à la fois débattu et repoussé, l’épicurisme instrumentalisé. L’inconstance prend un visage universel qui rend présomptueuse, vaine et même dangereuse toute aspiration à la constance. La deuxième section de la thèse montre la prise en charge méthodologique de l’inconstance dans les Essais, notamment à travers le Distingo, et son effet sur la connaissance historique comme sur les activités prudentielles (politique, jurisprudence, action militaire). Après avoir montré que l’ouvrage de Montaigne présente une critique radicale de la méthode et des objectifs des moralistes, nous posons que la nature de l’essai est de corriger cette erreur et de donner sa juste place à l’inconstance humaine. Nous constatons alors que l’inconstance a le statut d’une condition pré éthique poussant les Essais à déconsidérer toute entreprise humaine dans la sphère publique. Mais ce désaveu jeté sur la sphère publique ne conduit pas à renier toute réflexion éthique. Les Essais n’encouragent pas simplement à se laisser porter par la fortune ou la coutume. Dans la sphère privée, le troisième livre des Essais construit plusieurs règles éthiques étonnantes et hétérodoxes : non repentir, diversion, vanité, expérience…qui toutes prennent pour pierre d’assise le possible (selon qu’on peut) et contribuent à redéfinir la grandeur d’âme (magnitudo animi, megalopsychè), en présentant un nouvel ordre ou une nouvelle conformité de l’action. Par delà l’analyse morale et la peinture du moi, se déploient dans les Essais une éthique qui s’approprie le mouvement imparfait de l’existence, qui s’édifie non plus contre l’inconstance, mais avec elle. Cette « éthique de l’inconstance » ou « éthique de l’indirection » se construit en opposition avec les morales doctrinales avec lesquelles elle discute toutefois sans interruption. / This thesis aims to emphasize in Montaigne’s Essays a little known aspect concerning the debate of constancy towards the end of the 16th. Century. While the virtue of constancy becomes a philosophical and moral issue of great importance, favouring at the same time the stoic, Christian and civil ideals, we observe in Montaigne’s Essays, an insistence to underline a contradictory phenomenon; inconstancy. First, it is essential to demonstrate the dialogue that builds Montaigne’s work concerning the virtue of constancy, to finally establish the proper argumentation on inconstancy in his Essays. In order to highlight this dialogue concealed in the patchwork of the Essays, we are proposing to combine internal and external reading, in order to evaluate thoroughly the act of writing they implicitly propose. With the intent to situate this debate concerning the virtue of constancy and the problem of inconstancy, we will refer primarily to the Hellenistic philosophies plundered by the Essays. We will present in the first part the origin and in the second part, the transfer of the debate. Montaigne’s scepticism happens to be destabilized, his stoicism is at the same time debated and rejected, his Epicureanism becoming a tool determining their truth. The inconstancy as mentioned takes a universal appearance making all references to the virtue of constancy as presumptuous, vain and even dangerous. The second section of the thesis demonstrates that methodology of the Essays takes over the notion of inconstancy, notably through the “Distingo”, and its effects on the historical knowledge relating to prudential activities such as: jurisprudence, political and military life. Now that we have demonstrated that the work of Montaigne presents a radical critic of the method and the objectives of the moralists, we claim that the nature of the essay is to correct this error and thus give the right place to human inconstancy. We acknowledge the fact that inconstancy has a status of a pre-ethic condition which pushes the Essays to disrepute any human enterprise in the public sphere. However, this denial cast upon the public sphere does not lead us to reject any kind of ethical reflection. Therefore, the Essays do not exclusively encourage letting faith or fortune carry us. In the private sphere, the third book of the Essays constructs many ethical regulations that are astonishing and heterodox: non repentance, diversion, vanity, experience...These aspects are all grounded in the ethical mode of the possible, (« Selon qu’on peut ») and at the same time contribute in redefining the magnitude of the soul (magntiudo animi, mégalopsychè) by presenting a new order or a new conformity of action. Beyond the moral analysis and the description of oneself, an ethical process seizes the imperfect movement of existence in the Essays, which erects itself not against inconstancy but in harmony with it. This ethic of inconstancy or ethic of indirection is built in opposition with the moral doctrines even though a constant debate seems to unite them. / Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle au Département de philosophie Faculté des arts et des sciences de l’Université de Montréal et au département de philosophie école doctorale V de l’Université de la Sorbonne – Paris IV. Soutenue à Paris le 8 avril 2010.

Tahar Ben Jelloun: de l’univers carcéral à la libération / Tahar Ben Jelloun : from the realm of incarceration to liberation

Sahaduth, Ummay Parveen 08 1900 (has links)
French text / Si nous pouvons constater, d’une part, que l’univers carcéral occupe une place très importante dans les textes de Tahar Ben Jelloun, nous ne pouvons cependant ignorer, de l’autre, les efforts des personnages de la diégèse ben jellounienne pour trouver une libération quelconque. De ce fait, la libération constitue l’objet de notre étude par excellence. Nous avons choisi cinq textes de l’écrivain marocain : Moha le fou Moha le sage (1978), L’enfant de sable (1985), La nuit sacrée (1987), Cette aveuglante absence de lumière (2001) et Amours sorcières (2003). Après un survol rapide de l’incarcération sous ses différentes formes, allant des plus concrètes aux plus abstraites, nous étudions les paradigmes les plus communs vers lesquels l’homme maghrébin moderne se tourne dans le but de se libérer des carcans qui l’entravent et nous en relevons tour à tour les limitations ou lacunes. Ainsi, nous remettons en question le modèle matérialiste qui échoue pour ce qui de la libération de l’individu en raison de ses excès. Puis, nous étudions le modèle psychologique mettant l’accent sur ses limites dans la mesure où il comprend un mouvement vertical vers le bas. Or, sans un mouvement vers le haut, aucune libération n’est possible. Très particulière à la société maghrébine est la praxis islamique moderne qui, loin de libérer l’individu, ne fait que l’étouffer davantage. Ensuite, nous soulevons des questions au sujet de la sorcellerie et des dangers qu’elle comprend. Loin d’être un élément libérateur, elle constitue un piège. Nous arrivons éventuellement à la seule clé capable d’apporter la libération intérieure au Maghrébin : la métaphysique et, dans le contexte de la civilisation arabo-islamique, il s’agit de l’ésotérisme islamique ou le soufisme. Ce mémoire requiert une approche très scientifique telle que l’exige la nature même de notre problématique. Nous avons opté pour une approche métaphysique pour conduire notre étude à bon port. / If we cannot deny the fact that the realm of incarceration holds an important place in the texts of Tahar Ben Jelloun, we also have to acknowledge the endeavours of the characters to find liberation in some way or another. Therefore, above all else, liberation constitutes the object of our study. We have chosen five texts of the Moroccan author: Moha le fou Moha le sage (1978), L’enfant de sable (1985), La nuit sacrée (1987), Cette aveuglante absence de lumière (2001) and Amours sorcières (2003). After a quick glance at the different forms of incarceration, starting from the most tangible and moving to the most abstract ones, we study the most common paradigms to which the Moroccan turns to in order to free himself from the shackles that imprison him and we study simultaneously their shortcomings. Hence, we call into question the materialistic model that fails in liberating the individual on account of its excesses. Then, we study the psychological model laying emphasis on its limitations in that it comprises a vertical downward movement while no liberation is possible without an upward movement. Quite specific of the Moroccan society is the modern Islamic praxis that, in lieu of freeing the individual, only stifles him more. Afterwards, we raise questions concerning sorcery and dangers that it represents. Far from being a liberating agent, it constitutes a trap. Ultimately we come to the only key capable of bringing internal liberation to the Moroccan: metaphysics and, in the arabo-islamic context, it is Islamic esotericism or Sufism. This thesis requires a most scientific approach as demands the very nature of our problematic. We have thus chosen a metaphysical approach that best suits our study. / Classics and World Languages / M.A. (French)

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