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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le misure legislative anti-tratta e la copertura a mezzo stampa della tratta di persone in Italia e Regno Unito: uno studio esplicativo / Anti-trafficking measures and press treatment of human trafficking in Italy and the United Kingdom: an explanatory study

BRESSAN, SERENA 25 February 2013 (has links)
La tratta di esseri umani è un crimine che ha attratto progressivamente l’attenzione dei media negli ultimi anni, durante il consolidamento delle politiche anti-tratta internazionali e nazionali. Il dibattito accademico sul ruolo dei media nell’ambito della tratta è esiguo e uno degli argomenti d’interesse è costituito dall’impatto delle politiche pubbliche sui contenuti mediatici. È questo il contesto nel quale s’inserisce la ricerca, il cui scopo è investigare se le misure legislative nazionali anti-tratta possano influenzare la copertura a mezzo stampa della tratta di persone in un Paese. A questo scopo, sono state formulate sei ipotesi, verificate attraverso l’analisi di quattro quotidiani di stampo conservatore e liberale in Italia e Regno Unito dal 2000 al 2010: Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian. Il test delle ipotesi è avvenuto tramite la content analysis, i cui risultati sono stati validati da interviste in profondità. L’analisi dei dati ha rivelato che la relazione tra l’agenda legale e quella della stampa è risultata essere positiva nei dieci anni di riferimento. Pur presentando dei limiti, questo studio può essere considerato come un passo verso la comprensione di come i giornali affrontino il tema della tratta e di quali fattori influenzino le loro scelte. / Human trafficking is a crime today widespread which has attracted media attention in recent years during the consolidation of anti-trafficking policies at international and national level. The academic debate on the role of the media within the context of trafficking in human beings (THB) is scant, and one of the issues concerns the impact of public policies on media contents. This is the context in which the research has been framed, its aim being to investigate whether national anti-trafficking measures shape the coverage and the representation of THB by a country’s press. Six hypotheses are formulated, and they are verified by examination of four conservative and liberal broadsheets published in Italy and the United Kingdom from 2000 to 2010: i.e. Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian. The application of content analysis, with the validation of in-depth interviews, contributes to testing the hypotheses. As regards the data analysis, the relationship between the legal agenda and the press agenda appears to have been close during the ten reference years. Notwithstanding its limitations, this study can be read as the first stage in understanding how newspapers approach the issue of trafficking and what factors may influence their choices.

L'AIUTO PUBBLICO ALLO SVILUPPO IN TAJIKISTAN 1992 - 2012 / The Official Development Assistance in Tajikistan 1992 - 2012

AMATO, STEFANIA 16 April 2013 (has links)
Il coordinamento dell’aiuto pubblico allo sviluppo, evocato negli ultimi anni da più parti come la soluzione alla deludente efficacia degli aiuti è in realtà un argomento che nasce quasi contemporaneamente alle prime organizzazioni internazionali dedicate allo sviluppo . La funzione ambivalente delle Nazioni Unite, agente di mediazione diplomatica da un lato (mediazione tra stati e tra gruppi di potere all’interno dello stesso stato), e agente di sviluppo dall’altro, garantisce all’organizzazione un ruolo preminente nel coordinamento degli aiuti nei contesti di guerra e di post-conflitto. E’ questa stessa ambivalenza che impone all’organizzazione un rapporto ufficiale con i territori sottosviluppati, incardinato nella relazione con i governi centrali degli stati. La critica radicale all’aiuto pubblico allo sviluppo individua tutte le distorsioni politiche ed economiche legate all’afflusso dei fondi, sottolineandone le aggravanti possibili laddove esista una discrasia tra gli obiettivi di sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite e quelli dell’élite che occupa le posizioni apicali dello stato. Questa ricerca attraverso un’analisi storica del contesto, mette in luce l’interazione tra il sistema degli aiuti e il sistema-paese in Tajikistan dall’ingresso delle organizzazioni ai giorni nostri. L’analisi dimostra infine che la struttura politico-economica radicata sul territorio, pur conservando i tratti di uno “stato predatorio” (tratti non alleviati bensì aggravati dalle distorsioni legate all’afflusso dei fondi per lo sviluppo), sfugge in realtà alla definizione stessa di “Stato”. Questo dato rivela una debolezza insita nell’approccio metodologico del sistema degli aiuti che si fonda proprio sull’archetipo dello “Stato”. / The Official Development Assistance (ODA) coordination has been recently launched as a genuine mean to increase aid effectiveness. Actually, the “aid coordination” paradigm was born almost contemporaneously to the first international organizations dedicated to “development”. The ambivalent function of the United Nation that acts both as an agent of diplomatic mediation (among states and among different lobbies within the borders of the same state), and as a development agent, guarantees to United Nations a preeminent role in the field of aid coordination in conflict and post-conflict contexts. It’s this real ambivalence that compels the United Nations to deal with development countries through official relations with the central governments. The radical critique to development aid shows different political and economic distortions related to the incidence of foreign funds. At the same time, it underlines that wherever the goals of the official governments diverge from the development goals of the aid community these distortions might be even more burdensome for the country. This research, through an historical analysis, draws attention on the interaction among the development industry and the country-system in Tajikistan from the arrival of the international organizations to our days. The analysis demonstrates that the political and economic structure of the country, while maintaining the features of a “predatory state” (features which are not alleviated but worsened by the distortions brought about by the aid industry), simply do not comply with the definition of a “State”. This result highlights an innate weakness of the aid industry methodological approach that is in fact, fully based on the political archetype of the “State”.

Culture violente e statualità limitata: come le tendenze della guerra e del terrorismo influenzano le tendenze degli omicidi / VIOLENT CULTURES AND LIMITED STATEHOOD: HOW TRENDS IN WARFARE AND TERRORISM INFLUENCE HOMICIDE TRENDS

KAMPRAD, ALEXANDER EDMUND 12 February 2018 (has links)
Sulla base delle analisi transnazionali degli effetti della violenza collettiva (guerra e terrorismo) sui tassi di omicidi, la mia ricerca di dottorato contribuisce all' apertura di studi criminologici sull' omicidio verso una prospettiva integrata sulla violenza. La principale scoperta originale è che sia il terrorismo che le varie forme di guerra (ad esempio guerre etniche, civili e internazionali) sono associate in modo forte e positivo all' omicidio. Queste conclusioni si basano sul calcolo di una serie di modelli ad effetti fissi su un panel che comprende più di 100 paesi in oltre 20 anni dal 1990. I risultati danno un sostegno provvisorio alle ipotesi di "legittimazione della violenza" e "legittimazione-abituazione" formulate per quanto riguarda gli effetti transnazionali delle guerre nazionali sui tassi di omicidi, e gli effetti degli attentati terroristici e dei prolungati stati di belligeranza sui tassi di omicidi in Israele, rispettivamente. Entrambe le ipotesi suggeriscono che la violenza collettiva abbia un effetto causale positivo sull' omicidio, ma il tema è stato ampiamente trascurato nella ricerca criminologica fin dalla formulazione originale delle ipotesi più di 30 anni fa. Questo studio conclude che l’influenza causale della violenza collettiva sull'omicidio è probabile, ma non può essere dimostrata in modo definitivo entro i confini di un disegno di ricerca transnazionale. Da un punto di vista teorico, i quadri criminologici rilevanti dovrebbero essere arricchiti da due concetti distinti della scienza politica che permettono di collocare le ipotesi in un quadro più ampio di "cultura della violenza" e di "governance in aree di limitata statualità". / Based on the cross-national analyses of the effects of collective violence (warfare and terrorism) on homicide rates, my Ph.D. research contributes to the opening of criminological homicide studies towards an integrated perspective on violence. The main original finding is that both terrorism and various forms of warfare (e.g. ethnic, civil and international wars) are robustly and positively associated with homicide. These findings are based on the calculation of a series of fixed-effects models on a panel that incorporates more than 100 countries over more than 20 years since 1990. The results lend tentative support to the so-called ‘legitimation of violence’ and ‘legitimation-habituation’ hypotheses that have been formulated in regard to the cross-national effects of nation-wars on homicide rates, and to the effects of terror attacks and prolonged states of belligerence on homicide rates in Israel, respectively. Both hypotheses suggest that collective violence bears a positive causal effect on homicide, but the topic has been largely neglected in criminological research since the original formulation of the hypotheses more than 30 years ago. This study concludes that a causal influence of collective violence on homicide is likely, but cannot conclusively be proven within the confines of a cross-national research design. From a theoretical perspective, relevant criminological frameworks should be enriched with two distinct concepts from political science which allow to situate the hypotheses within a larger framework of ‘culture of violence’ and ‘governance in areas of limited statehood’.

Fils conducteurs nanostructurés (cuivre et composites nanotube de carbone - cuivre) pour application en champs magnétiques intenses / Copper and carbon nanotube-copper composite wires for high-field-magnet applications

Arnaud, Claire 03 November 2015 (has links)
Afin de produire des champs magnétiques intenses (100 T), les fils conducteurs utilisés dans les bobines pulsées doivent présenter une contrainte à la rupture élevée et une très faible résistivité électrique. Le LNCMI et l'équipe NNC du CIRIMAT explorent des solutions originales basées sur l'élaboration de fils de cuivre nanostructuré et de fils nanocomposites nanotube de carbone - cuivre (NTC-Cu) par la combinaison originale du spark plasma sintering (SPS) et de l'étirage à température ambiante. Des barreaux de cuivre ont été élaborés par SPS à partir de poudres commerciales micrométriques. La croissance cristalline est très faible et la taille des grains de cuivre est 10 fois plus petite que celle des précurseurs de fils classiques. Les barreaux ont été étirés, sans rupture, sous forme de fils de diamètre décroissant (jusqu'à 0,198 mm) et de plusieurs mètres de long. Les grains ultrafins de Cu sont fortement allongés dans la direction de l'étirage. Aucune macle n'a été observée. Tous nos fils de cuivre présentent une résistance à la rupture en traction (à 293K et 77K) supérieure à celle des fils préparés à partir d'un précurseur de cuivre OFHC classique, ce qui pourrait résulter de la combinaison de l'écrouissage et des mécanismes d'Orowan. La résistivité électrique des fils est environ 12% plus élevée que celle des fils de cuivre OFHC. Pour les composites NTC-Cu, une adaptation de la méthode de mélange (fonctionnalisation des NTC biparois et à huit parois, mélange, cryogénisation, lyophilisation, réduction sous H2) a permis de produire des lots de poudre de 14 g en ayant une dispersion homogène des NTC. Du fait de la très faible teneur en carbone (= 1%), la préparation des barreaux puis des fils par les méthodes employées pour le cuivre pur est possible sans modification. La contrainte maximale à la rupture des fils NTC-Cu est supérieure (10-25%) à celle des fils de cuivre correspondants. Les NTC ont peu d'influence sur la microstructure du cuivre et leur probable alignement permet de bénéficier de leur grande résistance en traction. La résistivité est légèrement supérieure à celle des fils de cuivre correspondants (environ 12% à 77K). Le dernier chapitre est consacré à la préparation d'éprouvettes " os-de-chien " (Cu et NTC-Cu) directement par SPS " near-net-shape ". Nous avons mis en évidence l'influence de la nature du matériau dans lequel est usinée la matrice (graphite ou WC-Co) sur la microstructure, la microdureté et la contrainte à la rupture, pour un même cycle de frittage. / In order to produce high magnetic fields (100 T), the conducting wires used in pulsed coils must show both a high tensile strength and very low electrical resistivity. The LNCMI and NNC team of CIRIMAT explore creative solutions based on the development of nanostructured copper wires and carbon nanotube - copper (CNT-Cu) nanocomposite wires by the original combination of spark plasma sintering (SPS) and room-temperature wire-drawing (WD). Copper cylinders were prepared by SPS of micrometric commercial powders. Crystal growth is very low and the copper grains size is 10 times lower than for conventional wire precursors. The cylinders were wire-drawn, without breaking, into wires of decreasing diameter (down to 0.198 mm) and several meters long. The ultrafine Cu grains are highly elongated in the WD direction. No twinning was observed. Our copper wires show an ultimate tensile strength (UTS) at 293K and 77K higher than those for wires prepared from conventional OFHC copper, which could result from the combination of strain hardening and Orowan mechanisms. The electrical resistivity is about 12% higher than those for the OFHC wires. For the CNT-Cu nanocomposites, an adaptation of preparation route (functionalization of double-walled and eight-walled CNTs, mixing, freeze-drying, H2 reduction) resulted in the production of 14 g powder batches with a homogeneous dispersion of the CNTs. Due to the very low carbon content (= 1%), the preparation of the cylinders and wires by the methods used for pure copper is possible without modification. The UTS of the CNT-Cu wirers is 10-25% higher than for the corresponding copper wires. The CNTs have little influence on the Cu microstructure and their probable alignment allows one to benefit from their high tensile strength. The electrical resistivity is only moderately higher than for the corresponding copper wires (about 12% at 77K). The last chapter was devoted to the preparation of "dog-bone" Cu and CNT-Cu test samples by "near-net-shape" SPS. We have brought to the fore the influence of the nature of the die (graphite or WC-Co) on the microstructure, microhardness and tensile strength, for the same sintering cycle.

Utvärdering av processtyrning vid tillverkning av gasturbiner : En fallstudie på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, Finspång

Stenbäck Juhrich, Albert, Nyström, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport är ett resultat av utförd fallstudie på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB. Studien utfördes som ett DMAIC-projekt i syfte att utvärdera befintlig processtyrning och ge förslag på nya styrparametrar för att styra och övervaka tillverkningsprocessen av rotorer. En rotor skapas genom montage av turbinmodul på kompressorrotor. För att säkerställa rotorns funktionalitet mäts rotorkast kontinuerligt under tillverkningprocessen. Stora rotorkast uppstår sporadiskt vid montaget varpå nuvarande avhjälpningsmetod  innefattar tids- och kostnadskrävande demontage och återmontage av turbinmodul på kompressorrotor.  Rekommendationer har utformats och baserats utifrån historiskt analyserad data, insamlad mellan åren 2013 och 2020, 19 intervjuer och 2 workshops. Rekommendationer innefattar implementering av statistisk processtyrning. Ett av argumenten till implementeringen är att börja utvärdera effekten av genomförda förbättringsprojekt. Denna studie identifierade ett förbättringsprojekt, genomfört år 2016, som ökade andelen defekter med 454%. Då förbättringsprojektet tros bidragit med en förbättring i ett annat processteg ges rekommendationen att utvärdera helheten av implementerad förbättringsåtgärd. Avslutningsvis rekommenderas att uppdatera dagens bristfälliga processtyrning genom beräknandet av nya toleranser baserat på önskad kvalitetsnivå och eliminera diskrepanserna mellan de idag använda toleranserna. / This report is a result of a case study carried out at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB. The study was conducted as a DMAIC project with the aim of evaluating existing process control and proposing new control parameters for controlling and monitoring the manufacturing pro- cess of rotors. A rotor is created by the assembly of a turbine module on a compressor rotor. In order to ensure the functionality of the rotor, rotor-runout is continuously measured during the manufacturing process. Large rotor-runouts occur sporadically during assembly and the current method to fix the abnormalities includes time- and costly disassembly and re-assembly of the turbine module on the compressor rotor. Recommendations have been designed after analysis of historical data collected between 2013 and 2020, 19 interviews and 2 workshops. Recom- mendations include implementation of statistical process control. One of the arguments for the implementation is to start evaluating the effects of completed improvement projects. This study identified an improvement project, completed in 2016, which increased the proportion of defects by 454%. Since the improvement project is believed to have contributed to an enhancement in another part of the process, a more holistic way of evaluation is needed to follow up effects of improvements projects. Finally, it is recommended to update the tolerances by calculating new ones based on the desired quality level while also eliminating the discrepancies between the different tolerances used today.

Enhanced Wear Behaviour of Spark Plasma Sintered AlCoCrFeNiTi High-Entropy Alloy Composites

Löbel, Martin, Lindner, Thomas, Lampke, Thomas 12 December 2018 (has links)
High hardness and good wear resistance have been revealed for the high-entropy alloy (HEA) system AlCoCrFeNiTi, confirming the potential for surface protection applications. Detailed studies to investigate the microstructure and phase formation have been carried out using different production routes. Powder metallurgical technologies allow for much higher flexibility in the customisation of materials compared to casting processes. Particularly, spark plasma sintering (SPS) enables the fast processing of the feedstock, the suppression of grain coarsening and the production of samples with a low porosity. Furthermore, solid lubricants can be incorporated for the improvement of wear resistance and the reduction of the coefficient of friction (COF). This study focuses on the production of AlCoCrFeNiTi composites comprising solid lubricants. Bulk materials with a MoS2 content of up to 15 wt % were produced. The wear resistance and COF were investigated in detail under sliding wear conditions in ball-on-disk tests at room temperature and elevated temperature. At least 10 wt % of MoS2 was required to improve the wear behaviour in both test conditions. Furthermore, the effects of the production route and the content of solid lubricant on microstructure formation and phase composition were investigated. Two major body-centred cubic (bcc) phases were detected in accordance with the feedstock. The formation of additional phases indicated the decomposition of MoS2.

Att växa med Lean : En fallstudie av utvecklingen av Lean under en längre period i en organisation / To grow with Lean : A case study of the development of Lean over an extended period in an organization.

Ayoub, Manahel, Hilda, Sjöholm January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Att växa med Lean Bakgrund:  Lean är en metod för verksamhetsstyrning som syftar till att minska slöseri i form av tid och och kostnader samt förbättra effektiviteten i organisationen. Från dess att Lean introducerades av Toyota på 1950-talet har Lean diskuterats utifrån olika perspektiv. Perspektiven är Lean utifrån ständiga förbättringar samt Leans för- och nackdelar. Utifrån det förstnämnda diskuteras Lean ofta utifrån produktutveckling och förändringsprocesser. Vid den andra vanligt förekommande diskussionen om Lean pratas det om  metodens för- och nackdelar. Det  debatterar ofta om Lean i positiv bemärkelse och de främsta fördelarna som lyfts fram är att Lean är en metod som främjar effektiviteten i ett företag. Å andra sidan, beskrivs Lean vara ett komplext koncept där beskrivningen av begreppet hos flera anses vara diffust. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en ökad förståelse av hur utvecklingen av användandet av Lean ser ut efter flera år i organisationen. En förståelse av de kritiska faktorer som kan uppstå kommer att skapas och man får en insyn av vilka utmaningar som eventuellt  uppstår när lean funnits i en organisation under en längre period. Metod: Studien är en fallstudie som undersöker hur utvecklingen av Lean-användander sett ut under en längre period och vilka kritiska faktorer som uppstår under denna tid i ett företaget. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en induktiv forskningsprocess, där det empiriska materialet samlats in genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Utvecklingen av Lean kan beskrivas som en tidslinje enligt faserna Bristen, Systemet, Födseln, Ungdomen, Livslångt projekt, Tillväxt, Människan och Krisen, där Krisen kan inträffa när som under tidslinjens gång. Kritiska faktorer för att bibehålla Lean i en organisation under en längre period omfattas av delaktiga ledare som arbetar nära medarbetarna, utbildning av medarbetarna om syftet med Lean och insikten i att Lean är ett livslångt projekt där anpassningen aldrig tar slut. Vidare är en kritisk faktor att inte bli alltför byråkratisk, utan fortsätta låta medarbetarna ta beslut. Att stirra sig blind på enskilda Lean-verktyg och inte se Lean utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv är också en kritisk faktor. Den sista kritiska faktorn är att skapa delaktighet för medarbetarna. / Title: To grow with Lean Background: Lean is a method of operational management aimed at reducing waste in the form of time and costs, as well as improving efficiency within an organization. Since its introduction by Toyota in the 1950s, Lean has been discussed from various perspectives, namely continuous improvement and the advantages and disadvantages of Lean. The former perspective often focuses on Lean in the context of product development and change processes. The latter, more common discussion about Lean, revolves around the method's pros and cons. There is often a debate regarding Lean in a positive light, highlighting its main advantages, such as promoting efficiency within a company. On the other hand, Lean is described as a complex concept, with the description of the term considered ambiguous by several sources. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to enhance the understanding of how the development of Lean utilization evolves after several years within the organization. By gaining insight into the critical factors that may arise, one can acquire an understanding of the challenges that may potentially emerge when Lean has been present in an organization for an extended period. Method: The study is a case study that examines the development of Lean utilization over an extended period and the critical factors that arise during this time in a company. The study adopts a qualitative research strategy with an inductive research process, where the empirical data has been collected through six semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The development of Lean can be described as a timeline consisting of the phases of Gap, System, Birth, Youth, Lifelong Project, Growth, Human, and Crisis, where the Crisis phase can occur at any point along the timeline. Critical factors for sustaining Lean in an organization over an extended period include engaged leaders  working closely with employees, educating employees about the purpose of Lean, and understanding that Lean is an ongoing project where adaptation never ceases. Additionally, a critical factor is to avoid excessive bureaucracy and continue empowering employees to make decisions. Focusing solely on individual Lean tools and failing to see Lean from a holistic perspective is also a critical factor. Lastly, creating employee involvement and participation is crucial.

"CHANGE THE SYSTEM FROM WITHIN". PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY E RIFORME ISTITUZIONALI NEGLI STATI UNITI DEGLI ANNI SETTANTA / “Change the System from Within”. Participatory democracy and institutional reforms in the 1970s United States

GARA, MARTA 20 July 2021 (has links)
La tesi è stata intitolata “Change the System From Within”. La participatory democracy e le riforme istituzionali negli Stati Uniti degli anni Sessanta e si compone di cinque capitoli. Nel primo capitolo si riprende l’idea di participatory democracy emersa in seno alla New Left e ai movimenti sociali dei lunghi anni Sessanta. In questo contesto il concetto di participatory democracy assunse due principali accezioni: da una parte rappresentava la rivendicazione politica di un maggior coinvolgimento attivo della cittadinanza nelle politiche - locali, statali e federali - frutto della crisi di legittimità che la democrazia americana stava attraversando in quegli anni; dall’altra, il concetto venne adottato come principio organizzativo all’interno dei gruppi stessi di attivisti, con la funzione di prefigurare quelle riforme politico-istituzionali cui gli stessi militanti aspiravano. Dalla stessa temperie di contestazione sorse del resto anche la critica che alcuni studiosi mossero alla teoria liberale pluralista e alla sua esemplificazione nella coeva democrazia americana. Nel primo capitolo si mostra proprio come da quelle rielaborazioni critiche degli anni Sessanta emerse anche il primo modello di participatory democracy in seno alla teoria politica, sviluppato pienamente negli anni Settanta e Ottanta da Carole Pateman, Crawford B. Macpherson e Benjamin Barber. Questa parte del lavoro di tesi si propone quindi di accostare alle pratiche partecipative introdotte dai movimenti anche la ricostruzione dello sviluppo graduale di una teoria politica della participatory democracy. Tale riflessione è completata da un’analisi storica di ampio raggio, necessaria a meglio contestualizzare il fenomeno e ad includere le nuove richieste democratiche nell’ambito di una tradizione democratico-rappresentativa già dotata di istituti partecipativi di democrazia diretta. Chiarito il quadro storico-politico degli anni Sessanta, il secondo capitolo analizza la ricezione dell’idea di participatory democracy nelle politiche federali. A questo proposito si illustra come il principio di citizen participation fosse stato recepito già con la War on Poverty promossa da Lindon B. Johnson alla metà degli anni Sessanta e fu mantenuto, con esiti istituzionali differenti, almeno fino alla fine della presidenza Carter. Si dimostra inoltre che, malgrado il dettato legislativo federale fosse spesso approssimativo sulle modalità operative, quel principio ebbe in realtà un notevole impatto sulle relazioni intergovernative. Tale principio favorì ad esempio l’intraprendenza di molti amministratori locali nel promuovere il decentramento amministrativo e politico su base di quartiere. Nel terzo capitolo l’analisi affronta le principali trasformazioni in senso partecipativo avvenute nei sistemi di governo statali e locali negli anni Settanta, mettendole in relazione anche alle dinamiche intergovernative di più lungo periodo. Il capitolo è strutturato in modo tale da evidenziare il tendenziale recupero e rafforzamento di istituti già esistenti, come l’initiative, i public hearing e gli school district come strumenti di rivendicazione del community control in alcune città di grandi dimensioni. Mentre il secondo e terzo capitolo tendono a osservare le riforme istituzionali degli anni Settanta in senso partecipativo in seno al governo federale, statale e locale, i due successivi capitoli mirano ad osservare l’impatto della participatory democracy nel confronto tra attivismo militante e pratiche amministrative tradizionali degli anni Settanta. Il quarto capitolo è infatti dedicato all’ingresso della nuova generazione di politici progressisti nelle amministrazioni locali e statali fra la fine degli anni Sessanta e la prima metà degli anni Settanta. Per analizzarlo si è deciso di analizzare come principale caso di studio la Conference on Alternative State and Local Policy (CASLP), una organizzazione e forum nazionale che mirava proprio ad unire alle istanze dei progressisti una expertise di governo. Nell’ambito della CASLP, la cosiddetta Coalizione progressista di Berkeley, CA, fornì un caso esemplare di strategia di confronto con le istituzioni locali e per questo il capitolo le dedica una attenta disanima. La pluriennale esperienza di azione collettiva dei progressisti di Berkeley nell’arena istituzionale è infatti rilevante sia per l’innovazione nella strategia istituzionale, sia per attestare una evoluzione dell’idea di participatory democracy nel tempo. Il quinto capitolo ricostruisce ed analizza la carriera politica di Tom Hayden negli anni in cui passò dall’attivismo alla politica istituzionale, con la campagna elettorale per diventare Senatore della California in Congresso (1975-1976) e la successiva Campaign for Economic Democracy (1976-1982), confermando la spiccata propensione del leader all’innovazione istituzionale in senso partecipativo. In particolare, nella campagna elettorale per il Senato del Congresso del 1976 Hayden riuscì a implementare forme di decision-making partecipato in seno allo staff. Nella gestione del personale cercò inoltre di favorire l’empowerment di volontari e cittadini senza perdere di vista i requisiti essenziali per la sopravvivenza della campagna: fundraising e propaganda. In linea con la sua battaglia contro le distorsioni economiche del big business, scelse di non accettare fondi da corporation e banche e riuscì nell’intento di essere sostenuto per gran parte da small donors. Hayden dunque introdusse pratiche di participatory democracy in seno alla campagna elettorale e continuò a rivendicare la sua fiducia nella forza dei movimenti grass-roots. L’analisi storica, ad ogni modo, evidenzia anche le criticità che derivavano dall’uso di pratiche partecipative nella governance della campagna elettorale. Atttraverso l’analisi teorica e politico-istituzionale della democrazia partecipativa americana fra gli anni Sessanta e Settanta su vari livelli istituzionali (federale, statale e locale), questo progetto di ricerca tenta quindi di colmare un vuoto storiografico e, al tempo stesso intende contribuire alla definizione storico-istituzionale della participatory democracy in seno alla democrazia rappresentativa degli Stati Uniti. Infine, la presente ricerca mira a inserirsi nel dibattito pubblico contemporaneo sulla participatory democracy, offrendo una visione storico-istituzionale importante per meglio comprendere il fenomeno e che, finora, non ha ricevuto l’attenzione che meriterebbe. / Chapter 1 retrieves the idea of participatory democracy stemmed from the Long 1960s New Left and the following social movements. Indeed, the concept of participatory democracy mainly acquired two slightly different shapes in that historical framework. From one hand, it meant the broad political call for common citizens’ greater involvement in the policy-making - at the local, state and federal level. That request was in fact a reply to the ongoing crisis of the American democracy, in terms of political legitimacy and social representation of minorities and poor people. In the other hand, participatory democracy represented the organizing principle adopted by most of the grass-roots groups of that period, with a clear prefigurative function. Indeed, making the activist groups’ inner decision-making participatory was a way for the collectives to anticipate the institutional changes they aspired to. In the meantime, because of the same disaffection against the raising social and political inequalities, some political science scholars elaborated a critique to the pluralist version of the liberal democracy - then the most praised one, as well as credited as it was embodied in the American democracy. Those 1960s critiques were eventually used to conceive the first political theory of participatory democracy in the 1970s and 1980s, as Chapter 1 shows. The participatory democracy’s canon was in fact mostly developed by Carole Pateman, Crawford B. Macpherson and Benjamin Barber. Beside the intellectual history of participatory democracy from 1960s to 1980s, Chapter 1 allows to contextualize ideas and practices of common citizens’ participation into the wider history of the American Political Development. According to that, chapter 1 also provides a detailed analysis of the participatory political institutions that were traditionally part of the United States representative democracy. Chapter 2 verifies whether the 1960s idea of participatory democracy actually affected the federal public policies of the late 1960s and 1970s. Indeed the principle of “citizen participation” was introduced in some of the War on Poverty legislations, promoted by Lyndon B. Johnson since the mid-1960s. Although the heterogeneous institutional effects, that principle was maintained in some grant-in-aid projects until the end of the Carter administration, through the Nixon and Ford administrations. Therefore, the political meanings assumed by the idea of “citizen participation” and its institutional consequences from 1964 to 1980 are carefully analyzed in chapter 2. Moreover, chapter 2 shows that the principle of citizen participation had such a strong impact on the intergovernmental relations. It thus brought forward, for instance, the local public officers’ entrepreneurship towards the local devolution, shifting the administrative and political power base from the center to the neighborhood. Chapter 3 deals with the 1970s main institutional reforms aimed at introducing the common citizens’ participation in the government decision-making at the state and local levels. Those reforms are deeply related to some long-lasting intergovernmental dynamics and this relationship is also argued. The same chapter’s lay-out is vowed to underline the 1970s general trend of retrieval and enhancing of traditional institutions, such as the initiative (direct democracy), the public hearings and the school districts. The school board was indeed reevaluated and reshaped as a means of community control in the biggest cities. As chapters 2 and 3 aim at exploring the implementation of participatory reforms in the federal, state and local level of government, chapters 4 and 5 aim at inquiring the participatory democracy’s impact on the 1970s boundary of polity - the space where activism meets political institutions. Chapter 4 inquires the new generations of progressive politicians entering the local and state administrations from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s. To frame that national phenomenon, the historical analysis use the Conference of Alternative States and Local Policies (CASLP) as a case study. CASLP was indeed a national organization born in 1975 to give voice to the progressive public officers around the country and allowed them sharing their government experiences for a more effective institutional impact. Inside CASLP, the progressive coalition of Berkeley, CA (called Berkeley Citizens’ Action, BCA) was especially spotted for its exemplary strategy to confront local political institutions. The 1970s BCA’s political actions are thus specifically analyzed. In fact, the institutional approach of the Berkeley progressive coalition resulted to be innovative in terms of strategy as well as successful in introducing new forms of participatory democracy into the local government, assessing the 1970s evolution of the participatory democracy political theory and practices. Chapter 5 retraces the political career of the former New Left leader Tom Hayden during the years of turning from activism to institutional politics. Especially, the analysis focuses on the 1975-1976 U.S. Senate Campaign and the following Campaign for Economic Democracy (CED), a coalition project and organization led by Hayden with the goal of mobilizing activists and public officers around the issues of economic justice, environmental and economic public policies (1976-1982). That period - just before Hayden was elected representative at the California Legislature in 1982 - is thus analyzed as a testing ground to verify his long-lasting commitment towards participatory democracy. The historical and political analysis, based on original archival findings, confirms Hayden’s inclination for institutional innovation in the participatory realm. In particular, during the 1975-1976 electoral campaign for the U.S. Senate in California Hayden introduced participatory forms of decision-making involving staff people, volunteers and supporting grass-roots groups. Moreover, that campaign’s staff and people management was conceived in order to directly empower citizens and volunteers, without losing track of the campaigning basic requirements (e. g. fundraising and propaganda). As he stood against big business and economic inequalities, he chose to reject fundings from corporations and banks. Therefore his electoral campaign was mostly sustained by small donors. Hayden successfully made the campaigning more open, accountable and participatory and kept on sponsoring his trust in community organizing and grass-roots social movements even in his following political endeavour, CED. Eventually, the investigation casts lights on the strengths, as well as the critical issues, produced by the Hayden’s participatory governance of campaigning. By the means of analysing the intellectual history and the institutional implementation of participatory democracy during late 1960s-1970s United States, this research project firstly aims at making up the lack of historiography about the topic. In the second stance, grounding the institutional and political history of participatory democracy in the United States representative democracy - where the concept was born - this research project intends to provide a first genealogy of the participatory democracy’s institutional implementation. In this sense, the research projects wants also to contribute to the contemporary debate on the participatory democracy. It is indeed a compelling and popular issue in many worldwide political arenas, but it is still rarely defined by its historical and institutional terms.

IL NEOREALISMO RIVISITATO. IL RUOLO DELLA CONCENTRAZIONE, DELLA GEOGRAFIA E DELLA SOCIALIZZAZIONE IN UN MODELLO AMPLIATO DELLA TEORIA DELL'EQUILIBRIO DI POTENZA / Neorealism Revisited. The role of power concentration, geography and socialization in an enriched model of the Balance of Power Theory

BARBIERI, GIOVANNI 06 April 2017 (has links)
Cosa determina la stabilità di un sistema politico internazionale? L’anarchia sistemica determina sempre una minaccia alla sopravvivenza? Il modello strutturale qui proposto integra le variabili della concentrazione del potere e della localizzazione geografica delle Grandi Potenze, per dimostrare come specifiche configurazioni strutturali contribuiscano a plasmare le motivazioni che stanno alla base dei comportamenti statali, condizionando i risultati sistemici osservabili. Viene, inoltre, inquadrato il processo di socializzazione come variabile interveniente, attivata da specifiche condizioni strutturali, in grado di inibire la ricorrenza della tendenza sistemica al bilanciamento attraverso la riduzione delle opzioni di politica estera a disposizione degli Stati. Dal punto di vista teorico, concentrandosi sul ruolo svolto dal potere e dalla geografia nell’orientare le motivazioni di base degli attori, il modello modifica l’assunto realista di incentivi strutturali costanti all’azione degli Stati, ipotizzando che questi varino al variare dei livelli di concentrazione del potere. Inoltre, mitiga il carattere meccanicistico del realismo strutturale, considerando il bilanciamento come una tra tante opzioni disponibili. Dal punto di vista empirico, il modello viene applicato a tre casi di studio, nel tentativo di evidenziare come la stabilità o l’instabilità sistemica siano determinate dall’esistenza di strutture di potere diffuse o concentrate. / What does effectively determine systemic stability? Does international anarchy always determine a threat to survival? The structural model introduced in this work focuses on two main variables, power concentration and geography, to demonstrate how structural constraints shape States’ base motivations to action, and how the resulting behaviors condition the observable systemic outcomes. Furthermore, I introduce the socialization process as an intervening variable, enabled by specific structural conditions. Socialization could inhibit the systemic balancing tendency by narrowing States’ foreign policy options. From the theoretical point of view, the model modifies the realist assumption towards constant structural incentives to action. By focusing on the role played by power concentration and geography in shaping States’ motivations, it is possible to link together the shifts in international power distribution with shifts in structural incentives. Nonetheless, the model loses the rather mechanistic character of structural realism, making balancing one among many viable options. From the empirical point of view, I apply the model against three case studies, trying to demonstrate how the existence of concentrated or diffused power structures determines systemic stability or instability.

Analyse des caractères d’intérêt morphogénétiques et biochimiques pour le développement des sorghos sucrés à double usage « grain-bioalcool » / Analysis of useful morphogenetic and biochemical traits for the development of dual-purpose “grain-bioethanol” sweet sorghums

Gutjahr, Sylvain 05 July 2012 (has links)
Dans l'optique de produire des agro‐carburants, le sorgho sucré est aujourd'hui proposé comme une alternative à d'autres espèces cultivées à grande échelle comme la canne à sucre et le maïs car il présente plusieurs avantages : le sorgho est résistant à la sécheresse et à la chaleur, il nécessite peu d'intrants, a en moyenne un cycle de culture relativement court (3‐4 mois) comparé à la canne à sucre. Il offre une grande diversité génétique à explorer et exploiter, tout en étant génétiquement moins complexe que la canne à sucre. Finalement, il peut être cultivé pour un double usage, le grain pouvant être utilisé comme source d'alimentation pour l'homme ou le bétail (à partir du grain) et le jus sucré contenu par les tiges comme source d'agrocarburant. Cette polyvalence en fait une culture idéale pour lutter contre la compétition entre cultures énergétiques et cultures vivrières et assurer des rendements dans des environnements de culture sujets au stress hydrique et thermique comme c'est le cas en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cependant, le caractère sucré du sorgho est complexe, car sous l'influence d'interactions Génotype X Environnement (GxE). Aussi, les mécanismes métaboliques, morphologiques ou phénologiques constituant la cinétique d'accumulation des glucides dans la tige et son éventuelle compétition avec le remplissage des grains restent mal connus ou très controversés dans la littérature. La présente thèse, réalisée dans le cadre du projet européen Sweetfuel, vise à comprendre ces mécanismes, afin de contribuer à la définition d'idéotypes de sorgho double usage, pour les environnements soudano‐sahéliens.Sur la base d'études expérimentales au champ au Mali et en serre en France, il a pu être démontré que les glucides sont accumulés dans les entrenoeuds des tiges par un jeu d'activités enzymatiques (favorisant l'accumulation d'hexoses puis de saccharose) dès le début de leur élongation, donc potentiellement avant la floraison. Au Mali, l'étude au champ de 14 génotypes adaptés aux conditions locales, plus ou moins sensibles à la photopériode et semés à trois dates différentes, a démontré le bénéfice d'un rallongement de la phase végétative sur la quantité de sucre accumulée dans les tiges de la plante à floraison, du fait d'un plus grand nombre d'entrenoeuds allongés et du temps à leur disposition pour accumuler des glucides avant ce stade. Ce bénéfice était cependant plus lié à la plus grande quantité de biomasse accumulée (taille des tiges) qu'à la concentration en sucre dans les entrenoeuds (plutôt stable entre dates de semis).Ainsi, la durée de la phase végétative et la sensibilité à la photopériode sont proposés comme des paramètres clés favorisant la quantité de glucides accumulée dans les tiges de la plante à floraison. D'autre part, il a été montré que la quantité de glucides présente à maturité dans les tiges des mêmes génotypes ne différait pas ou peu de celle à floraison, une éventuelle réduction pour quelques génotypes n'étant généralement pas significative et évitable par l'allongement du cycle. De plus, cette quantité de glucides dans les tiges à maturité n'a tiré aucun bénéfice de l'ablation de la panicule à floraison chez les mêmes génotypes. Ces résultats suggèrent que la compétition entre le remplissage du grain et la production de sucre est faible chez le sorgho, d'autant plus faible que la plante présente de grandes tiges et donc un grand compartiment de stockage des glucides, tamponnant cette éventuelle compétition. D'ailleurs, à une échelle plus fine, aucune différence n'a pu être mise en évidence en termes d'activité des principales enzymes du métabolisme carboné dans la tige d'un génotype dans sa version stérile (pas de remplissage du grain) et fertile.Ce travail a démontré le potentiel du sorgho pour une double utilisation dans un contexte soudano‐sahélien et la pertinence d'exploiter la diversité génétique de cette espèce pour cette objectif de sélection. Les résultats ob / Sweet sorghum offers many advantages as an alternative to widely cultivated crops such as corn and sugarcane to produce biofuels: it is resistant to water stress, it requires few inputs; it has a shorter growth cycle compared to sugarcane in particular. Sorghum also exhibits a great genetic diversity and is genetically less complex than sugarcane. Finally, sorghum can be cultivated for dual‐purpose uses, using grains for food or feed and sweet juice for biofuel production. Hence, sorghum is a promising option to reduce the competition for land and (water) resource use between food and fuel, in particular in cropping environments with high drought and heat stress frequency, as in West Africa. However, stem sweetness is a complex trait prone to genotype x environment interactions (GxE). The metabolic, morphological and phenological mechanisms involved in the kinetic of stem sugar accumulation and its possible competition with grain filling are largely unknown or controversial in the literature. The present work is part of the European project Sweetfuel and aims at better understanding these mechanisms and contributing to define dual‐purpose sorghum ideotypes for soudano‐sahelian conditions.Based on field and greenhouse experiments respectively in Mali and France, it was found that sugars start accumulating in stem internodes at the onset of their elongation, i.e. potentially soon before the plant flowers. The successive accumulation of hexose and then sucrose in internodes could be dynamically explained by changes in the activity of key enzymes related to sucrose metabolism. In Mali, a field experiment performed on 14 genotypes, contrasted for photoperiod sensitivity and sown at three planting dates, highlighted the interest of increasing vegetative phase duration to increase sugar yield. This was explained first of all by the higher number of internodes that could expand during a longer vegetative phase, and thus, by the higher production of stem biomass, and, to a minor extent, by the longer time for internodes to mature and accumulate sugar (sugar concentration in the stem was however fairly stable across sowing dates). Also, vegetative phase duration and photoperiod sensitivity can be considered as two key parameters promoting stem sugar content before grain filling. In the same time, it was shown that stem sugar content kept remarkably constant between anthesis and maturity in most of studied genotypes and that the reduction observed for some genotypes was overcome with an early sowing. Moreover, sugar accumulation in the stem between flowering and maturity did not benefit from panicle pruning. These results together suggest that the competition for carbohydrates between stem sugar reserves and grain filling is weak; it is even weaker for big/large stem genotypes with huge sugar reserves in the stem that would buffer a post‐flowering allocation of sugar from the stem to the grains if required. This low competition was confirmed at a finer scale, as no differences were observed in the activity of key enzymes of sucrose metabolism between the sterile and the fertile line of a same genotype.This work demonstrates the potential of sorghum for dual‐purpose in particular for soudano‐sahelian cropping conditions and the interest of using its genetic diversity for this breeding purpose. It provides further knowledge for revisiting the phenotyping strategies to be adopted to investigate the genetic basis of sugar and grain production and their combination. The results are also currently used to improve the way the source‐sink relationships underlying this dual production are formalized in crop and plant models at CIRAD. Such models will be then useful to assist sorghum ideotype exploration for dual purpose.

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