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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IL NEOREALISMO RIVISITATO. IL RUOLO DELLA CONCENTRAZIONE, DELLA GEOGRAFIA E DELLA SOCIALIZZAZIONE IN UN MODELLO AMPLIATO DELLA TEORIA DELL'EQUILIBRIO DI POTENZA / Neorealism Revisited. The role of power concentration, geography and socialization in an enriched model of the Balance of Power Theory

BARBIERI, GIOVANNI 06 April 2017 (has links)
Cosa determina la stabilità di un sistema politico internazionale? L’anarchia sistemica determina sempre una minaccia alla sopravvivenza? Il modello strutturale qui proposto integra le variabili della concentrazione del potere e della localizzazione geografica delle Grandi Potenze, per dimostrare come specifiche configurazioni strutturali contribuiscano a plasmare le motivazioni che stanno alla base dei comportamenti statali, condizionando i risultati sistemici osservabili. Viene, inoltre, inquadrato il processo di socializzazione come variabile interveniente, attivata da specifiche condizioni strutturali, in grado di inibire la ricorrenza della tendenza sistemica al bilanciamento attraverso la riduzione delle opzioni di politica estera a disposizione degli Stati. Dal punto di vista teorico, concentrandosi sul ruolo svolto dal potere e dalla geografia nell’orientare le motivazioni di base degli attori, il modello modifica l’assunto realista di incentivi strutturali costanti all’azione degli Stati, ipotizzando che questi varino al variare dei livelli di concentrazione del potere. Inoltre, mitiga il carattere meccanicistico del realismo strutturale, considerando il bilanciamento come una tra tante opzioni disponibili. Dal punto di vista empirico, il modello viene applicato a tre casi di studio, nel tentativo di evidenziare come la stabilità o l’instabilità sistemica siano determinate dall’esistenza di strutture di potere diffuse o concentrate. / What does effectively determine systemic stability? Does international anarchy always determine a threat to survival? The structural model introduced in this work focuses on two main variables, power concentration and geography, to demonstrate how structural constraints shape States’ base motivations to action, and how the resulting behaviors condition the observable systemic outcomes. Furthermore, I introduce the socialization process as an intervening variable, enabled by specific structural conditions. Socialization could inhibit the systemic balancing tendency by narrowing States’ foreign policy options. From the theoretical point of view, the model modifies the realist assumption towards constant structural incentives to action. By focusing on the role played by power concentration and geography in shaping States’ motivations, it is possible to link together the shifts in international power distribution with shifts in structural incentives. Nonetheless, the model loses the rather mechanistic character of structural realism, making balancing one among many viable options. From the empirical point of view, I apply the model against three case studies, trying to demonstrate how the existence of concentrated or diffused power structures determines systemic stability or instability.

Analyse des caractères d’intérêt morphogénétiques et biochimiques pour le développement des sorghos sucrés à double usage « grain-bioalcool » / Analysis of useful morphogenetic and biochemical traits for the development of dual-purpose “grain-bioethanol” sweet sorghums

Gutjahr, Sylvain 05 July 2012 (has links)
Dans l'optique de produire des agro‐carburants, le sorgho sucré est aujourd'hui proposé comme une alternative à d'autres espèces cultivées à grande échelle comme la canne à sucre et le maïs car il présente plusieurs avantages : le sorgho est résistant à la sécheresse et à la chaleur, il nécessite peu d'intrants, a en moyenne un cycle de culture relativement court (3‐4 mois) comparé à la canne à sucre. Il offre une grande diversité génétique à explorer et exploiter, tout en étant génétiquement moins complexe que la canne à sucre. Finalement, il peut être cultivé pour un double usage, le grain pouvant être utilisé comme source d'alimentation pour l'homme ou le bétail (à partir du grain) et le jus sucré contenu par les tiges comme source d'agrocarburant. Cette polyvalence en fait une culture idéale pour lutter contre la compétition entre cultures énergétiques et cultures vivrières et assurer des rendements dans des environnements de culture sujets au stress hydrique et thermique comme c'est le cas en Afrique de l'Ouest. Cependant, le caractère sucré du sorgho est complexe, car sous l'influence d'interactions Génotype X Environnement (GxE). Aussi, les mécanismes métaboliques, morphologiques ou phénologiques constituant la cinétique d'accumulation des glucides dans la tige et son éventuelle compétition avec le remplissage des grains restent mal connus ou très controversés dans la littérature. La présente thèse, réalisée dans le cadre du projet européen Sweetfuel, vise à comprendre ces mécanismes, afin de contribuer à la définition d'idéotypes de sorgho double usage, pour les environnements soudano‐sahéliens.Sur la base d'études expérimentales au champ au Mali et en serre en France, il a pu être démontré que les glucides sont accumulés dans les entrenoeuds des tiges par un jeu d'activités enzymatiques (favorisant l'accumulation d'hexoses puis de saccharose) dès le début de leur élongation, donc potentiellement avant la floraison. Au Mali, l'étude au champ de 14 génotypes adaptés aux conditions locales, plus ou moins sensibles à la photopériode et semés à trois dates différentes, a démontré le bénéfice d'un rallongement de la phase végétative sur la quantité de sucre accumulée dans les tiges de la plante à floraison, du fait d'un plus grand nombre d'entrenoeuds allongés et du temps à leur disposition pour accumuler des glucides avant ce stade. Ce bénéfice était cependant plus lié à la plus grande quantité de biomasse accumulée (taille des tiges) qu'à la concentration en sucre dans les entrenoeuds (plutôt stable entre dates de semis).Ainsi, la durée de la phase végétative et la sensibilité à la photopériode sont proposés comme des paramètres clés favorisant la quantité de glucides accumulée dans les tiges de la plante à floraison. D'autre part, il a été montré que la quantité de glucides présente à maturité dans les tiges des mêmes génotypes ne différait pas ou peu de celle à floraison, une éventuelle réduction pour quelques génotypes n'étant généralement pas significative et évitable par l'allongement du cycle. De plus, cette quantité de glucides dans les tiges à maturité n'a tiré aucun bénéfice de l'ablation de la panicule à floraison chez les mêmes génotypes. Ces résultats suggèrent que la compétition entre le remplissage du grain et la production de sucre est faible chez le sorgho, d'autant plus faible que la plante présente de grandes tiges et donc un grand compartiment de stockage des glucides, tamponnant cette éventuelle compétition. D'ailleurs, à une échelle plus fine, aucune différence n'a pu être mise en évidence en termes d'activité des principales enzymes du métabolisme carboné dans la tige d'un génotype dans sa version stérile (pas de remplissage du grain) et fertile.Ce travail a démontré le potentiel du sorgho pour une double utilisation dans un contexte soudano‐sahélien et la pertinence d'exploiter la diversité génétique de cette espèce pour cette objectif de sélection. Les résultats ob / Sweet sorghum offers many advantages as an alternative to widely cultivated crops such as corn and sugarcane to produce biofuels: it is resistant to water stress, it requires few inputs; it has a shorter growth cycle compared to sugarcane in particular. Sorghum also exhibits a great genetic diversity and is genetically less complex than sugarcane. Finally, sorghum can be cultivated for dual‐purpose uses, using grains for food or feed and sweet juice for biofuel production. Hence, sorghum is a promising option to reduce the competition for land and (water) resource use between food and fuel, in particular in cropping environments with high drought and heat stress frequency, as in West Africa. However, stem sweetness is a complex trait prone to genotype x environment interactions (GxE). The metabolic, morphological and phenological mechanisms involved in the kinetic of stem sugar accumulation and its possible competition with grain filling are largely unknown or controversial in the literature. The present work is part of the European project Sweetfuel and aims at better understanding these mechanisms and contributing to define dual‐purpose sorghum ideotypes for soudano‐sahelian conditions.Based on field and greenhouse experiments respectively in Mali and France, it was found that sugars start accumulating in stem internodes at the onset of their elongation, i.e. potentially soon before the plant flowers. The successive accumulation of hexose and then sucrose in internodes could be dynamically explained by changes in the activity of key enzymes related to sucrose metabolism. In Mali, a field experiment performed on 14 genotypes, contrasted for photoperiod sensitivity and sown at three planting dates, highlighted the interest of increasing vegetative phase duration to increase sugar yield. This was explained first of all by the higher number of internodes that could expand during a longer vegetative phase, and thus, by the higher production of stem biomass, and, to a minor extent, by the longer time for internodes to mature and accumulate sugar (sugar concentration in the stem was however fairly stable across sowing dates). Also, vegetative phase duration and photoperiod sensitivity can be considered as two key parameters promoting stem sugar content before grain filling. In the same time, it was shown that stem sugar content kept remarkably constant between anthesis and maturity in most of studied genotypes and that the reduction observed for some genotypes was overcome with an early sowing. Moreover, sugar accumulation in the stem between flowering and maturity did not benefit from panicle pruning. These results together suggest that the competition for carbohydrates between stem sugar reserves and grain filling is weak; it is even weaker for big/large stem genotypes with huge sugar reserves in the stem that would buffer a post‐flowering allocation of sugar from the stem to the grains if required. This low competition was confirmed at a finer scale, as no differences were observed in the activity of key enzymes of sucrose metabolism between the sterile and the fertile line of a same genotype.This work demonstrates the potential of sorghum for dual‐purpose in particular for soudano‐sahelian cropping conditions and the interest of using its genetic diversity for this breeding purpose. It provides further knowledge for revisiting the phenotyping strategies to be adopted to investigate the genetic basis of sugar and grain production and their combination. The results are also currently used to improve the way the source‐sink relationships underlying this dual production are formalized in crop and plant models at CIRAD. Such models will be then useful to assist sorghum ideotype exploration for dual purpose.


CIRILLO, FRANCESCA 27 June 2019 (has links)
La ricerca ha l’obiettivo di illustrare la tesi secondo cui le donne hanno un ruolo importante all’interno dei processi rigenerativi delle comunità e possono essere considerate il “motore” per lo sviluppo dei legami sociali. In particolare, le donne di diversa nazionalità, all’interno dei quartieri multietnici, possono agire da “ponte” capaci di mediare tra la cultura del paese d’origine e quella del paese ospitante, capaci di unire mondi culturali e sociali diversi, rappresentando quindi una possibile e preziosa via per promuovere l’integrazione sociale. La ricerca si basa sul case study di un progetto di Community Work chiamato “il mondo in un quartiere”, nato nel 2012 all’interno del contesto multiculturale del Comune di Pioltello. Sono state realizzate 43 interviste a persone in vario modo coinvolte nel progetto. Attraverso le interviste, analizzate su tre livelli di lettura, sono stati messi in luce i nodi tematici rilevanti, la percezione delle persone sul progetto e l’efficacia della metodologia di Social Work. Infine, i dati emersi dalle interviste sono stati commentati e connessi con i temi emersi dalla letteratura internazionale evidenziandone gli aspetti di conformità, di diversità, gli aspetti non osservati e quelli innovativi introdotti dall’esperienza sul campo. / The research aims to prove the thesis according to which women play a foremost role in the regenerative processes, as well as they can be considered as the “driving force” in the development of social connections. In particular, women of different nationalities, within the multiethnic neighborhoods, they can act as a "bridge" able not only to mediate between the culture of the native country and that of the host country, but also to connect different cultural and social worlds, representing in this way a potential and worthy way to promote social integration.The research is based on the case study of a Community Work project called "the world in a neighborhood" arised in 2012 within the multicultural context of the City of Pioltello. 43 interviews were conducted to people differently involved in the project. The interviews were analyzed on three different levels of reading; first finding the focal themes, following people’s perception of the project and finally the effectiveness of the Social Work methodology. To sum up the data collected from the interviews were analyzed and connected with the themes resulted from the international literature, highlighting the aspects of: compliance, diversity together with the not faced aspects and the innovative ones introduced by a first and experience.

Tillståndsbaserat underhåll av spårväxlar genom statistisk processtyrning : En fallstudie enligt DMAIC / Condition-based maintenance of railway switches using statistical process control : A case study using DMAIC approach

Hägglund, Caroline, Jonsson, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Switches, which are critical components of the Swedish railway, have a neglected maintenance cost that is three times as high as their current annual maintenance cost. Between 2017 and 2018, switches’ reported faults increased by 38 % and about one-third of them caused delays on the regular railway traffic. The purpose of this master thesis is to present recommendations of how condition-based maintenance could reduce the occurrence of faults in railway switches that affects the regular railway traffic. Condition-based maintenance is a cost-effective strategy designed to monitor and plan maintenance according to the condition of a device and is suitable for remote-controlled monitoring. To fulfill the purpose the thesis was divided into three milestones that were accomplished by applying the problem-solving method DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control). The first milestone included the Define and Measure steps and aimed to investigate which fault caused the largest number of delay minutes per fault. Different categories of causes that affects the railway traffic were analysed. Among them, Material-weakening/Aging and Broken component resulted in many faults and delay minutes. The faults were sorted into groups at component level. Faults caused by Gearbox were identified as those causing the largest delays in the railway traffic. The result from the first milestone with the Define and Measure steps were then used for the second milestone. The second milestone included the Analyse step where it was investigated if the identified faults in Gearbox could be foreseen. This investigation was first conducted through the analysis of alarms recorded in one of Trafikverket’s databases. A graphical analysis of the data showed that no relationship could be identified between the faults in Gearbox and the recorded alarms of the database. Then, it was investigated if faults in Gearbox could be foreseen using statistical process control charts based on switching time. Statistical process control monitors a process using real time data. However, in this thesis we used historical data from 2018 to perform our analysis. The available data had deficiencies in quality due to truncation of the switching time. The truncation meant that the decimals were removed. The control charts issued out-of-control situations where the existing database did not record any alarm. Moreover, data on the switching time of several switches showed significant autocorrelation that affects the calculation of the control limits. However, the results appeared complex to interpret most likely because of the truncation and the autocorrelation of the data. A further graphical analysis of the switching time and the mean of the switching time indicated that 69 % of the switches had a probable relationship between faults in Gearbox and switching time. The third milestone included the Improve and Control steps and provided recommendations of how to reduce the occurrence of faults in switches. The analysis conducted in the previous milestones led to the following recommendations: Increase measurement accuracy when measuring switching time, Establish control charts for the switching time based on statistical process control and explain potential causes of the observed autocorrelation, and Improve reporting procedures of faults in the database. / Spårväxlar, som är en kritisk komponent på den svenska järnvägen, har ett eftersatt underhållsbehov som motsvarar en kostnad som är tre gånger större än den årliga underhållskostnaden. Från 2017 till 2018 ökade rapporteringen av funktionsfel i spårväxlar med 38 % och ungefär en tredjedel av funktionsfelen var tågstörande fel som orsakar merförseningar i tågtrafiken. Syftet med examensarbetet är att presentera rekommendationer för hur uppkomsten av tågstörande fel i spårväxlar kan reduceras genom tillståndsbaserat underhåll. Tillståndsbaserat underhåll är en kostnadseffektiv strategi som ämnar att övervaka och planera underhållsåtgärder efter tillståndet i enheten och är lämplig vid fjärrstyrd övervakning. För att uppfylla examensarbetets syfte delades projektet upp i tre delmål som besvarades genom tillämpning av problemlösningsmetoden DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve och Control). Det första delmålet innefattade stegen Define och Measure och ämnade undersöka vilket funktionsfel som orsakat flest antal merförseningsminuter per fel. Orsakskategorier till tågstörande fel analyserades där Materialutmattning/Åldrande samt Komponent trasig hade ett stort antal tågstörande fel och merförseningsminuter. Orsakskategorierna bröts ner till komponentnivå varav funktionsfel i Växellåda identifierades att orsaka flest antal merförseningsminuter per fel. Resultatet från Delmål 1 samt de två stegen Define och Measure användes därefter till Delmål 2. Det andra delmålet innefattade steget Analyse och ämnade att undersöka om det identifierade funktionsfelet i Växellåda kunde förutspås. Detta undersöktes genom larm från en av Trafikverkets befintliga databaser. Utifrån en grafisk analys av larmen kunde inget samband identifieras mellan funktionsfelet i Växellåda och larm från databasen. Därför undersöktes istället om funktionsfel i Växellåda kunde förutspås genom styrdiagram baserat på omläggningstid. Statistisk processtyrning är lämpligt vid övervakning av processer i realtid, men i detta examensarbetes analys användes historisk data från 2018. Den tillgängliga data hade brister i kvalitet till följd av trunkering av omläggningstiden. Trunkeringen innebar att decimalerna har avlägsnats. I styrdiagrammen påvisades larm där den befintliga databasen inte innehöll larm. Dessutom påvisade data på omläggningstiden från flera spårväxlar signifikant autokorrelation vilket påverkar beräkning av styrgränserna. Resultatet var således svårt att tolka på grund av trunkering och autokorrelerade data. Grafisk analys av omläggningstider och medelvärdet av omläggningstiderna indikerade att 69 % av spårväxlarna hade ett troligt samband mellan funktionsfel i Växellåda och omläggningstiden. Det tredje delmålet innefattade stegen Improve och Control och ämnade att upprätta rekommendationer för hur uppkomsten av funktionsfel i spårväxlar kan reduceras. Analysen i föregående delmål resulterade i följande rekommendationer:       • Öka mätnoggrannheten vid mätning av omläggningstid,       • Upprätta styrdiagram för omläggningstiden utifrån statistisk processtyrning och identifiera orsaken till autokorrelerade data, och       • Förbättra inrapportering av funktionsfel.

WTO’s tillämpning av försiktighetsprincipen för hantering av invasiva främmande arter

Samadi, Adine January 2019 (has links)
Främmande arter förflyttar sig mellan staters territorium eftersom de inte känner några statsgränser. Det finns dock arter som avsiktligt flyttas över statsgränser av olika skäl, t.ex. för att främja jakt. De arter som avsiktligt introducerats kan bli klassade som invasiva främmande arter om de medför stora negativa konsekvenser på exempelvis den biologiska mångfalden. Detta har resulterat i försök att kontrollera införsel och spridning av sådana arter, exempelvis genom konventionen om biologisk mångfald. Konventionens regler innebär att stater ska kontrollera, utrota och förhindra införandet av invasiva främmande arter. Regler för kontroll av invasiva främmande arter finns även inom EU-rätten Bland annat för att uppfylla konventionen har EU antagit en förordning om främmande arter. Förordningen syftar till att förebygga, tidigt upptäcka och förvalta redan etablerade invasiva främmande arter. Inom ramen för förordningen har även en förteckning av invasiva främmande arter av unionsintresse antagits. En särskild problematik för området är den internationella handeln och frihandelssystemen. En ökad global handel har lett till en ökad spridning av invasiva främmande arter. En enkel lösning hade varit att begränsa den globala handeln, men detta skulle innebära en konflikt med andra målsättningar och åtaganden. Såväl frihandel som kontroll av invasiva främmande arter är prioriterade målsättningar och problemet måste därför hanteras med försiktighet. Frihandelssystemen, både inom EU och globalt (världshandelsorganisationen), tillåter införandet av handelshinder om det är nödvändigt för att begränsa påverkan av invasiva främmande arter. Kraven är dock relativt högt ställda: det krävs vetenskapliga bevis för artens negativa påverkan. Försiktighetsprincipen har betydelse inom samtliga regleringar. Det är dock svårt att säga om världshandelsorganisationens SPS-avtal verkligen har kapacitet att skydda miljön och människors hälsa från invasiva främmande arter. Resultatet av undersökningen indikerar att handeln åtnjuter ett större skydd än miljön när det gäller kontrollen av invasiva främmande arter. En sätt att uppnå bättre balans i detta avseende skulle kunna vara en harmonierad försiktighetsprincip på området, dvs. att försiktighetsprincipen fick samma långgående skydd inom frihandelssystemen som inom ramen för exempelvis den svenska miljöbalken.

Les interrelations entre les "trois organisations soeurs" et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l'ASEAN : quel avenir pour la dignité humaine ? Réflexions dans la perspective de la "New Haven School of International Law" / The interrelations between the "three sisters" and sanitary and phytosanitary measures of ASEAN : what future for human dignity ? Reflection from a new haven school of international law perspective

Wongkaew, Thitirat 18 December 2015 (has links)
Les « trois organisations soeurs », à savoir la Commission du Codex Alimentarius (CCA), l’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et la Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux (CIPV), et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires de l’ASEAN maintiennent une relation mutuellement étroite et des rapports d’interactions complexes et multidimensionnelles, rapports qui peuvent affecter des flux d’activités d’importation et d’exportation de produits agro-alimentaires réglementées surtout par le droit international économique. En envisageant le droit comme processus de décisions, particulièrement le droit international comme processus de communication entre les différents participants de la « communauté mondiale », ces rapports peuvent être mieux identifiés et compris à tous les niveaux : multilatéral, régional, bilatéral et national. Compte tenu de l’intensité et de la fréquence des échanges et du caractère fortement interdépendant du monde d’aujourd’hui, les « trois organisations soeurs » et leurs normes, directives et recommandations sont susceptibles de jouer divers rôles dans la promotion d’une plus grande production et d’un plus large partage des valeurs fondamentales recherchées par l’humanité entière, soutenues par la « New Haven School of International Law ». Non seulement s’agit-il des rôles liés à l’augmentation de l’efficacité du processus de réduction de barrières commerciales résultant des mesures SPS protectionnistes, mais aussi de ceux qui sont peu soulignées et qui se précisent suite aux pratiques répétées des décisionnistes de l’ASEAN. Ce sont notamment les rôles en tant qu’inducteurs de performance pour les mécanismes d’encadrement de mesures SPS, afin de s’assurer que celles-ci sont raisonnables par rapport à chaque contexte spécifique et respectueuses de la dignité humaine ; en tant que catalyseurs du régionalisme ouvert ; et en tant que promoteurs de la dimension du développement dans les accords commerciaux régionaux de l’ASEAN. / The « three sisters », namely the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), and SPS measures of ASEAN maintain a mutually close relationship and can interact with one another in complex and multidimensional ways, which can affect flows of import and export activities of agro-food products regulated especially by international economic law. By perceiving law as a process of decisions, and particularly international law as a process of communication among different participants of the « world community », these interactions can be better identified and comprehended at all levels : multilateral, regional, bilateral and national. Considering the intensity and frequency of exchanges and the strong interdependency of today’s world, the « three sisters » and their standards, guidelines and recommendations are likely to play numerous roles in promoting a greater production and wider distribution of fundamental values that all human beings desire to maximize and achieve, as defended by the « New Haven School of International Law ». Not only are these roles related to the promotion of a more efficient process of eliminating trade barriers deriving from SPS protectionist measures, but also those which are insufficiently highlighted, yet becoming more obvious through repeated practices of ASEAN decision-makers. These are notably the roles of the « three sisters » as performance drivers for monitoring mechanisms of SPS measures with a view to ensuring that they are reasonable in each specific context and respectful towards human dignity; as catalysts of open regionalism ; as promoters of the development dimension in regional trade agreements concluded by ASEAN.

Propriétés élastiques des olivines riches en fer / Elastic properties of Fe-rich olivines

Tercé, Nicolas 10 November 2016 (has links)
Si on excepte le pôle fayalite, les propriétés élastiques des olivines (Fe,Mg)2SiO4 riches en fer n'ont pratiquement pas été étudiées malgré leur existence avérée sur Terre et sur Mars. Le but de cette thèse est donc d'étudier l'évolution des propriétés élastiques en fonction de la teneur en fer des olivines. Des agrégats polycristallins à grains fins ont été densifiés à l'aide de la technique de frittage flash (SPS) pour quatre compositions différentes (Fa44, Fa63, Fa81 and Fa100) à partir de poudre nanométriques d'oxydes synthétisées en atmosphère contrôlée. Les échantillons ont été étudiés jusqu'à des pressions de 6,4 GPa sur la presse DIA de la ligne X17B2 du National Synchrotron Light Source au Brookhaven National Laboratory. Les volumes de maille des échantillons et du NaCl (pour la calibration en pression) ont été déterminés par diffraction des rayons X afin de calculer le module de compressibilité isotherme (KT0) à l'aide de l'équation d'état de Birch-Murnaghan. Malgré nos efforts pour obtenir une pression hydrostatique, nous observons une importante contrainte déviatorique dans toutes les expériences. Grâce au réseau de 10 détecteurs de la ligne expérimentale et à la méthode de Singh (1993), nous avons tenté de corriger les valeurs de distance interréticulaire des effets de la contrainte déviatorique. Les données corrigées ne sont toutefois pas suffisantes pour déterminer une valeur de la dérivée en pression K'. Elle nous permettent cependant de proposer, en lien avec les valeurs de la littérature, un évolution de KT0 en deux palier : les compositions proches des pôles purs auraient des valeurs constantes de ~128 GPa pour les olivines riches en Mg et de ~135 GPa pour les olivines riches en Fe, alors que la valeur augmenterait rapidement d'un palier à l'autre entre Fa50 and Fa70. Pour les échantillons Fa81 et Fa100, nous avons également effectué des mesures à l'aide d'interférométrie ultrason combinée à de l'imagerie en rayons X. Les modules de compressibilité adiabatique (KS0) et de cisaillement (G) ont été calculés à partir des vitesse de propagation des ondes P et S. Les valeurs obtenues une fois les valeurs converties en KT0 sont significativement plus basses que les valeurs de diffraction des rayons X. Par contre, les valeurs de G s'accordent bien avec l'évolution linéaire en fonction de la teneur en fer des olivines proposée par Liu et al. (2005). / Except for the fayalite end-member, elastic properties of iron-rich olivine (Fe,Mg)2SiO4 have never been fully studied despite their aknowledged natural existence on Earth and Mars. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate on the evolution of elastic properties with regard to the iron content of olivines. Fine-grained polycrystalline aggregates of four different compositions (Fa44, Fa63, Fa81 and Fa100) were sintered by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) from nano-powder olivines synthesised under controlled atmosphere. These samples were then studied at pressures up to 6,4 GPa using the DIA press at X17B2 beamline of the late National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Unit cell of the samples and NaCl pressure calibrant were determined using X-ray diffraction and used to calculate the isothermal bulk modulus (KT0) by fitting to a Birch-Murnaghan equation of state. Despite our best efforts to apply a hydrostatic pressure on the sample, a high level of deviatoric stress was observed in every experiment. Correction for the deviatoric stress on the d-spacing data was applied using the 10 detectors setup of the beamline and the calculations from Singh (1993) but is not sufficient to calculate a precise pressure derivative K'. These corrected data combined with literature allow us to propose a two level evolution of KT0, with constant values of ~128 GPa for the Mg-rich olivines and ~135 GPa for the Fe-rich olivines, connected by a quick raise between Fa50 and Fa70. In addition, we conducted ultrasonic interferometric measurements combined with X-ray imaging on the Fa81 and Fa100 samples. The adiabatic bulk modulus (KS0) and shear modulus (G) were calculated from compression and shear wave velocities. When converted into KT0, KS0 values are significantly lower than the X-ray diffraction ones. On the opposite, G values are in good agreement with the linear evolution with iron content of olivines calculated by Liu et al. (2005).

Scanias Produktionssystem - inte bara för produktion : En implementering av Scanias Produktionssystem inom teknikorganisationen vid Scania Chassi / Scania Production System - not only for production : Implementation of the Scania Production System within the Technician department at Scania Chassi

Granath, Jon, Svedlund, Björn, Wiberg, Malin January 2009 (has links)
<p>This report is the result of a master thesis at Linköping University - Institute of Technology and Uppsala University at the request of the chassi workshop at Scania CV AB in Södertälje. Since the beginning of the 90's, Scania CV AB has had a close cooperation with Toyota from which, among other things, the Scania Production System (SPS) has evolved. SPS explains Scanias' values, principles and priorities. The Technician department (MST) at Scania Chassi in Södertälje believes that SPS can streamline the technicians work and help them become a more homogeneous group.</p><p> </p><p>The purpose of this master thesis is to initiate an implementation of SPS within MST through two pilot projects involving both the product and process technicians. The SPS principle <em>Normal Situation - Standardised working method </em>was required to be implemented within one work task each for the two groups of technicians with special attention on the three subprinciples <em>Standardisation, Takt </em>and <em>Balanced flow</em>.</p><p> </p><p>The master thesis fulfilled its purpose as the two pilot projects initiated the implementation of SPS within MST and the three sub-principles <em>Standardisation, Takt </em>and <em>Balanced flow </em>were implemented within the two chosen work tasks. An improvement of the new work procedure for the work tasks was also noted.</p><p> </p><p>Following the completion of the thesis, it could be established that SPS can be implemented on almost all of the technicians work tasks, and therefore the chances are good for continuous implementations of SPS within MST.</p><p> </p> / <p>Föreliggande rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete vid Linköpings tekniska högskola och Uppsala universitet utfört på uppdrag av Chassimonteringen vid Scania CV AB i Södertälje.</p><p> </p><p>Scania har sedan början av nittiotalet haft ett nära samarbete med Toyota ur vilket bland annat filosofin Scanias Produktionssystem (SPS) har utvecklats, som beskriver Scanias värderingar, principer och prioriteringar. SPS anses vara en av Scanias konkurrensfördelar och har visat sig öka effektiviteten och produktiviteten i produktionen, dit monteringsverksamheten vid Chassi inkluderas. Teknikorganisationen (MST) har som uppgift att stötta monteringsverksamheten och tror att en implementering av SPS kan hjälpa även dem att effektiviseras och skapa en mer homogen organisation.</p><p> </p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet är att påbörja en implementering av SPS inom MST genom varsitt pilotprojekt för produkt- respektive processteknikerna. SPS-principen <em>Normalläge - Standardiserat arbetssätt </em>ska implementeras inom varsin arbetsuppgift för respektive teknikergrupp och speciellt fokus ska läggas på underprinciperna <em>Standardisering, Takt </em>och <em>Balanserat flöde</em>.</p><p> </p><p>En lyckad implementering av SPS inom teknikernas arbete krävde en förankring bland teknikerna för att skapa en egen vilja hos dem att förändra sitt arbetssätt. Detta uppnåddes genom att vid ett seminarium förklara examensarbetets syfte och fördelar med att arbeta enligt SPS samt genom att engagera teknikerna så mycket som möjligt under implementeringens gång. Exempelvis valde teknikerna själva ut inom vilken arbetsuppgift SPS skulle implementeras, skrev sina egna standarder och förbättrade det nya arbetssättet när problem uppstod. Examensarbetet skapade även förbättringsgruppmöten, vilka fungerade som ett forum för teknikerna att ta upp och genomföra förbättringsförslag.</p><p> </p><p>Examensarbetet uppfyllde sitt syfte då varsitt pilotprojekt för produkt- respektive processteknikerna påbörjade en implementering av SPS inom MST och underprinciperna till <em>Normalläge - Standardiserat arbetssätt </em>implementerades inom de utvalda arbetsuppgifterna. Speciellt fokus lades på underprinciperna <em>Standardisering</em>, <em>Takt </em>och <em>Balanserat flöde</em>. Det kunde även konstateras att förbättringar hade skett för de två utvalda arbetsuppgifterna då dels de inom examensarbetet utförda mätningarna visade att teknikerna upplevde att deras arbete överensstämde mer med SPS efter implementeringen, dels det faktum att det nya arbetssättet uppfyllde alla principer och värderingar i SPS.</p><p> </p><p>Avslutningsvis kan det, utifrån examensarbetet, konstateras att det finns möjlighet att implementera SPS inom nästan alla arbetsuppgifter för en tekniker och därmed finns det goda förutsättningar för Scania Chassi att fortsätta implementera SPS inom MST.</p><p> </p>

Il ruolo della Cina nel mondo post-bipolare. Uno studio sulle tendenze della politica estera cinese nell'epoca delle relazioni internazionali deboli / China's Role in the Post-Bipolar World. A Study on the Tendencies of Chinese Foreign Policy in the Era of Weak International Relations

ANDORNINO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA 04 July 2007 (has links)
All'inizio del xxi secolo la crescita economica e politica della repubblica popolare cinese è la più dinamica nel sistema internazionale. Mediante un'analisi della transizione che il sistema stesso sta attraversando, e utilizzando una varietà di indicatori (relazioni multilaterali/bilaterali, comportamento di voto in sede gnu, influenza nella periferia del sistema, evoluzione interna), questo lavoro tenta di cartografare il nuovo ruolo giocato dalla Cina sulla scena politica globale. / At the dawn of the xxi century, the people's republic of China's growth in economic and political influence is the most striking phenomenon in the international system. coupling an analysis of the changes that the system itself is undergoing with a variety of country-specific indicators (multilateral/bilateral relations, voting behaviour at the UN, activities in the periphery of the system, internal dynamics), this work aims at mapping the new role played by China in the international system.

La produttività sociale delle organizzazioni di terzo settore in reti associative multilivello / The Social Productivity of Third Sector Organizations in Multilevel Associative Networks

DELLISANTI, FRANCESCO 02 March 2007 (has links)
La tesi indaga il ruolo specifico agito dalle organizzazioni di terzo settore in reti associative multilivello, dal punto di vista della capacità di generare e valorizzare le relazioni con gli altri membri e con l'ambiente esterno. Per reti multilivello si intendono quegli organismi, a diversi gradi di formalizzazione, che riuniscono al loro interno entità locali, di secondo livello, ed eventualmente di livelli coordinativi superiori, con lo scopo di fornire supporto all'attività dei gruppi affiliati o di coordinarne le risorse materiali e immateriali per il benessere sociale della comunità. Le indagini condotte hanno incluso nel campo di osservazione sia le reti che comprendono esclusivamente organizzazioni di terzo settore le organizzazioni multilivello di terzo settore sia i network di partnership miste con enti pubblici. La dimensione della produttività sociale delle reti è stata letta attraverso la lente del concetto di capitale sociale, inteso come la dotazione, da parte di una rete, di relazioni caratterizzate da codici normativi e prassi di fiducia, reciprocità e collaborazione. I risultati delle tre indagini presentate, di carattere sia quantitativo che qualitativo, mostrano che: a) esiste uno specifico capitale sociale prodotto da organizzazioni multilivello di terzo settore che è in grado di connetterle sia all'interno del network (funzione bonding) che all'esterno (funzione bridging); b) che tale capitale sociale di terzo settore possiede delle sue proprie qualità che lo distinguono dalla relazionalità agita in reti di servizio pubbliche; c) che la relazionalità delle organizzazioni di terzo settore è in grado, in certe condizioni, di svilupparsi verso l'esterno in reti di partnership miste con soggetti del settore pubblico, determinando nuove dinamiche relazionali ed esiti societari peculiari. / The dissertation deals with the specific role played by third sector organizations in multilevel associative networks in terms of capacity to generate and foster relationships with other members and with the outer context. Multilevel associative networks are defined as those entities that gather local agencies, second level and higher coordination level entities with the aim of providing support for the affiliated groups and/or coordinating material and immaterial resources for the benefit of the community. The research field included networks comprising third sector organizations only so-called third sector multilevel organizations as well as plural partnership networks with other public agencies. The social productivity dimension was studied through the lenses of the social capital concept, defined as that specific set of resources possessed by those networks endowed with relationships of trust, reciprocity and collaboration. The results of the three research projects presented, carried out with quantitative and qualitative techniques, show that: a) there is a specific social capital produced by third sector multilevel organizations which connects actors both within the network (bonding function) and with the outer world (bridging function); b) the third sector's social capital presents some distinctive characteristics compared with the relational properties of public service networks; c) third sector organizations are able, under certain circumstances, to develop social capital networks also with public agencies, setting new dynamics and peculiar social outcomes.

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