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Efeito do enxágue bucal com carboidrato sobre o desempenho em exercício realizado em condição de fadiga mental: um estudo duplo-cego, cruzado e controlado por placebo / Effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on exercise performance realized in mental fatigue condition: a double-blind, cross-over and placebo-controlled studyRenata Gonçalves Silva 26 October 2018 (has links)
O objetivo da presente tese foi verificar a influência do enxágue bucal com carboidrato (CHO) sobre o desempenho no exercício físico predominantemente aeróbio realizado após uma atividade cognitiva frequentemente utilizada para induzir a fadiga mental. Sete homens fisicamente ativos participaram do estudo (idade: 26 ± 5 anos; estatura: 176,0 ± 8,3 cm; massa corporal: 73,6 ± 7,4 kg e gordura corporal: 14,3 ± 3,7 %, VO2 pico: 43,9 ± 6,5 ml.kg-1.min-1, Wpico: 268 ± 23,8 W) realizaram o Stroop Incongruente para indução da Fadiga Mental (FM) ou assistiam a um documentário pelo mesmo período de tempo (controle, CON). Após a tarefa eles realizaram um exercício de carga constante (~55%Wpico) até exaustão. Em cada uma das condições FM e CON os voluntários utilizavam o enxágue bucal (10s) com CHO ou placebo (PLA). No pre-exercício, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante para glicose entre as diferentes condições. A frequência cardíaca apresentou aumento após todas as intervenções, assim como a fadiga percebida (P = 0,001, ES = 0,49), mas sem efeito de condição. O effect size foi moderado para essa variável, sugerindo que o aumento na fadiga percebida foi maior na condição FM (75%) quando comparado a condição CON (60%). A motivação não apresentou diferença entre as condições. Porém, houve uma tendência (0,07) a ser maior na condição DOC. Houve uma redução de 7,8% no tempo até exaustão na condição FM comparado ao CON, entretanto, essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significante. A frequência cardíaca, percepção subjetiva do esforço, fadiga percebida e eletromiografia do músculo vasto lateral aumentaram em função do tempo, sem diferença entre as condições. Com base nesses achados, pode-se concluir que a FM produz apenas um pequeno efeito deletério no exercício físico prologado e que o enxágue com CHO não era capaz de influenciar nessas condições experimentais. Possivelmente, isso se deve ao fato de ambas as intervenções estudadas (FM e enxágue com CHO) produzirem apenas pequenas alterações nas variáveis fisiológicas e perceptivas antes do exercício físico / The aim of this thesis was verify the influence of carbohydrate mouth rinse (CHO) on endurance performance after cognitive activity frequently used to induce mental fatigue. Seven health men (age: 26 ± 5 years; height: 176.0 ± 8.3 cm; weight: 73.6 ± 7.4 kg; and corporal fat: 14.3 ± 3.7%, VO2peak: 43.9 ± 6.5 ml.kg-1.min-1, Wpeak: 268.0 ± 23.8 W) performed an Incongruent Stroop to induce mental fatigue (FM) state or watched a documentary (control, CON) prior to endurance exercise. Following, they performed a workload exercise (~55%Wpeak) until exhaustion with CHO or placebo (PLA) mouth rinse (10s). In the pre-exercise, there was no significant difference for blood glucose between conditions. There was a main effect of distance for heart rate and perceived fatigue, but without interaction (P > 0.05) or condition (P > 0.05) effects. However, there was a moderate effect size for perceived fatigue (ES = 0,49), suggesting a possible relevant increase in perceived fatigue in the FM condition (75%) when compared to CON condition (60%). Although did not reach a significance level, the motivation tended (P = 0.07) to be greater in DOC condition. There was a reduction of 7.8% in time to exhaustion in FM condition compared to CON, however did not reach a significance level (P > 0.05). During exercise, the heart rate, rating perceived exertion, perception of fatigue and electromyography of the vastus lateralis increased over time (P < 0.05), but without interaction (P > 0.05) or condition (P > 0.05) effects. These results suggest that FM produce only a small deleterious effect in the prolonged physical exercise and that carbohydrate mouth rinse was not able to influence the endurance performance at all experimental conditions. Possibly, this is due to the fact of the experimental interventions (FM and carbohydrate mouth rinse) produced only discrete changes in the physiological and perceptual variables before endurance exercise
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Influence de la valence émotionnelle de stimuli auditifs sur l'orientation de l'attention/Influence of the emotional valence of auditory stimuli on attentional orientingBertels, Julie 11 May 2009 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’investiguer l’influence de la valence émotionnelle négative, positive ou taboue des mots parlés sur l’orientation des ressources attentionnelles, dans la population tout-venant. Pour ce faire, j’ai élaboré des adaptations auditives de paradigmes expérimentaux qui avaient été utilisés auparavant dans le but d’explorer l’influence du contenu émotionnel de stimuli visuels sur l’allocation de l’attention : le paradigme de déploiement de l’attention (Etudes 1 et 3), le paradigme de Stroop émotionnel (Etude 2) et le paradigme d’indiçage spatial émotionnel (Etude 4).
En particulier, les Etudes 1, 3 et 4 m’ont permis d’examiner l’influence de la valence émotionnelle de ces stimuli sur l’attention sélective à une localisation spatiale, évaluée au travers des réponses à une cible subséquente.
Dans la situation de compétition pour les ressources attentionnelles spécifique au paradigme de déploiement de l’attention (Etudes 1 et 3), nous avons observé un engagement préférentiel des ressources attentionnelles vers la localisation spatiale des mots tabous, lorsque ceux-ci étaient présentés à droite, par rapport à la localisation spatiale des mots neutres présentés conjointement. Ces biais attentionnels ont été observés quelle que soit l’attention portée volontairement aux stimuli, la nature de la tâche à réaliser sur la cible, ou la charge cognitive liée à la tâche. De tels biais ont également été observés envers la localisation spatiale des mots négatifs et positifs, mais de manière moins robuste. Lorsque deux stimuli rivalisent pour l’orientation des ressources, la valence choquante serait donc cruciale pour l’orientation de l’attention spatiale. De plus, les mots tabous induisent un ralentissement général des temps de réaction (TRs) à la cible subséquente, quelle que soit sa localisation spatiale.
Au contraire, lorsque des mots-indices sont présentés isolément dans le paradigme d’indiçage spatial émotionnel (Etude 4), la valence émotionnelle négative des mots, mais pas leur valence choquante, paraît cruciale pour l’observation d’effets spatiaux : les stimuli les plus négatifs moduleraient l’orientation spatiale automatique de l’attention suscitée par leur présentation périphérique. Plus précisément, ils empêcheraient l’application de processus attentionnels inhibiteurs des localisations déjà explorées. En outre, la présentation d’un indice périphérique négatif accélère le traitement d’une cible subséquente, quelle que soit sa localisation spatiale.
L’influence de la dimension émotionnelle des mots parlés sur l’attention sélective à une dimension (non-émotionnelle) de ces stimuli a été investiguée grâce au paradigme de Stroop émotionnel (Etude 2). Contrairement à mes autres études, aucun déplacement attentionnel spatial n’était impliqué dans cette situation puisque les participants devaient répondre à chaque essai à une dimension non-émotionnelle (l’identité du locuteur) du stimulus (potentiellement émotionnel) présenté. J’ai ainsi observé une influence de la dimension émotionnelle taboue ou négative des mots sur le traitement de la dimension pertinente d’un mot neutre subséquent, mais pas sur le traitement de la dimension pertinente de ces mots eux-mêmes, suggérant l’occurrence d’effets lents, inter-essais, des mots tabous et négatifs, mais pas d’effet rapide.
Ces données appuient donc l’existence, dans une population tout-venant, d’un mécanisme de traitement involontaire du contenu émotionnel des mots parlés qui influence non seulement l’orientation spatiale et dimensionnelle de l’attention mais également, de manière plus générale, la latence des réponses fournies par le sujet.
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Évaluation de la durée des effets aigus de l'exercice sur la cognitionSt-Laurent, Mélie 08 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Cette étude visait à évaluer les effets aigus d’une session d’exercice aérobie sur la performance à une tâche sollicitant les fonctions cognitives exécutives et à déterminer la durée de ces effets.
Méthode: Quarante-huit participants universitaires ont été divisés en deux groupes expérimentaux et un groupe contrôle. L'intervention expérimentale consistait à 30 minutes d'exercice à une intensité sous-maximale sur tapis roulant. Les deux groupes expérimentaux ont complété la tâche de Stroop soit immédiatement (groupe 1) ou 10 minutes (groupe 2) après la session d’exercice. Le groupe contrôle a complété la même tâche cognitive mais sans pratique d'exercice. Résultats: Les analyses statistiques indiquent qu’il n’y a pas d’effet d’amélioration de la performance cognitive et ce, peu importe le délai d’exécution de la tâche de Stroop suite à l’exercice.
Conclusion : Une seule session d’exercice n’a aucun effet sur les fonctions exécutives. Les limites de l’étude sont présentées en relation avec les résultats obtenus. Les implications des résultats sont discutées en terme de retombées pour les recherches futures. / Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a brief bout of physical exercise on executive cognitive functions and to determine the duration of these effects. Method: Forty-eight healthy, undergraduate male students were divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The experimental intervention was a 30 minutes aerobic exercise on a treadmill. Both groups completed the Stroop test either immediately after the exercise (group 1) or 10 minutes later (group 2). The control group performed the same cognitive task but without any exercise.
Results: Statistical analyses did not indicate an effect of exercise on cognitive functioning, whether the cognitive task was performed immediately or 10 minutes after the exercise.
Conclusion: One bout of exercise did not influence performance on a cognitive functions task. Results are discussed in terms of methodological limitations and future research implications.
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Évaluation des mécanismes d'inhibition dans le trouble cognitif léger et la maladie d'AlzheimerBélanger, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Proportional slowing in old adults is modulated by episodic memory demands : an investigation of age-related slowing using compatible and arbitrary stimulus-response mappings / Proportional slowing in old adults is modulated by episodic memory demands : an investigation of age-related slowing using compatible and arbitrary stimulus-response mappingsLaubrock, Jochen January 2004 (has links)
Das dominante Datenmuster im Bereich des kognitiven Alterns ist der Alters-x-Komplexitätseffekt. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob das Muster statt durch einen üblicherweise postulierten unspezifischen durch einen spezifischen Mechanismus erklärt werden kann: die mit dem Alter abnehmende Reliabilität episodischer Akkumulatoren. In sechs Reaktionszeit-Experimenten wurden junge und ältere Erwachsene verglichen, dabei wurden frühe kognitive (Stroop-Bedingung) und episodische Schwierigkeit (Reiz-Reaktions-Zuordnung) orthogonal manipuliert. Die vorhergesagte Dreifachinteraktion der beiden Faktoren mit dem Alter zeigte sich über die Experimente hinweg relativ konsistent. Eine modifizierte Brinley-Analyse ergibt deutlich unterschiedliche Steigungen der Regressionsgeraden im Alt-Jung-Raum für niedrige und hohe episodische Schwierigkeit. Als methodischer Beitrag wird im Anhang ein zur modifizierten Brinley-Analyse passendes Regressionsmodell entwickelt, das aus einigen einfachen Verarbeitungsannahmen folgt. Es wird gezeigt, dass in einer klassischen Brinley Metaanalyse die Steigung neben der theoretisch interessierenden Varianz von theoretisch uninteressanter Zwischen-Experiment-Varianz beeinflusst wird. / The age-by-complexity effect is the dominant empirical pattern in cognitive aging. The current report investigates whether a specific high-level mechanism---an age-related decrease in the reliability of episodic accumulators---can account for the age-by-complexity-effect, which is commonly assumed to be caused by an unspecific, low-level deficit. Groups of younger and older adults are compared in six reaction time experiments, using orthogonal manipulations of early cognitive difficulty (e.g., Stroop condition) and episodic demands (e.g., stimulus-response mapping). The predicted three-way interaction of age and the two factors was observed fairly consistently across experiments. A modified Brinley analysis shows that different regression slopes in old-young-space are required for conditions with low and high episodic difficulty. As a methodological contribution, a Brinley regression model following from certain simple processing assumptions is developed. It is shown that in contrast to a standard Brinley meta-analysis, the regression slopes in this model are not influenced by theoretically un-interesting between-experiment variance.
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L' émergence et l'évolution du caractère obligatoire des automatismes cognitifs / The emergence and the evolution of the obligatory characteristic of cognitive automatismsGrégoire, Laurent 13 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour but d’examiner l’émergence et l’évolution du caractère obligatoire des automatismes cognitifs. Pour satisfaire cet objectif, nous avons conçu une nouvelle situation expérimentale que nous avons appelée Stroop musical. Il s’agit d’une portée en clé de sol comprenant une note, présentée dans différentes positions, dans laquelle un nom de note, congruent ou incongruent avec la position, est écrit. Nous avons montré, à l’aide de ce paradigme, que les musiciens traitent plus lentement les noms de notes dans la condition incongruente que dans la condition congruente (Etude 1). Cet effet, nommé effet Stroop musical (MSE), est généré par l’automaticité de la dénomination de notes. Le Stroop musical offre la possibilité d’étudier l’évolution du caractère obligatoire de la dénomination de notes en évitant les biais liés à l’âge des sujets. Ainsi, nous avons testé plusieurs groupes d’enfants musiciens d’âge similaire dont le niveau de solfège variait de 1 à 5 ans. Nos résultats indiquent une relation linéaire positive entre le MSE et le niveau de pratique musicale (Etude 3), ce qui tend à montrer que le caractère obligatoire du traitement automatique augmente de façon monotone avec la pratique. En soumettant des musiciens adultes (Etude 2) et enfants (Etude 4) aux deux tâches conflictuelles du paradigme de Stroop musical, la lecture de mots et la dénomination de notes, nous avons également révélé que le pattern d’interférence dépend de la force relative des deux traitements en compétition. Enfin, nous avons constaté que l’automaticité de la dénomination de notes persiste malgré un arrêt total et prolongé de la pratique (Etude 5). / The aim of this thesis is to examine the emergence and the evolution of the obligatory characteristic of cognitive automatisms. To achieve this, we devised a new experimental situation called musical Stroop. The basic arrangement comprises a treble staff with a note in various positions. A name of a note is printed inside the note. For the congruent condition, the note name is congruent with the note position on the staff, whereas in the incongruent condition, note name and position are incongruent. We showed that musicians process the incongruent condition slower than the congruent condition (Study 1). This effect, named Musical Stroop Effect (MSE), is generated by the automaticity of note naming. The musical Stroop offers the possibility to investigate the evolution of the irrepressibility of note naming, while avoiding bias related to subject age. Thus, we tested several groups of musician children of similar age whose the level of musical education varied from 1 to 5 years. Our results indicate a positive linear relation between the MSE and the level of musical training (Study 3). Consequently, the irrepressibility of the automatic processing seems to increase monotonically with practice (that is to say in parallel with the other characteristics of automatisms). We also showed, by submitting adults (Study 2) and children (Study 4) musicians to the two conflicting tasks of the musical Stroop paradigm, word reading and note naming, that the pattern of interference depends on the relative strength of the two competing processing. Finally, we noted that the automaticity of note naming persists despite a total and protracted cessation of practice (Study 5).
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Learning partial grapheme synaesthesiaForssman, Nicholas Brian 01 1900 (has links)
Synaesthesia is a variation of normal human perception. A grapheme synaesthete, for example, can experience extra sensations, such as colours when seeing letters and/or numbers. Synaesthetic ability is commonly developed at an early age, and is linked to a genetic pre-disposition; however, there is a learnt component, as one must also learn to read and write to develop grapheme synaesthesia. To explore the extent to which synaesthesia can be learnt, a training method was employed, which was first used by Colizoli, Murre and Rouw (2012). In order to learn their own coloured letters a group of non-synaesthetic individuals read colour books, which are free eBooks reproduced to have four letters consistently appear in colour. Before and after reading, the participants completed a modified Stroop-design based on Mills (1999), which was used to measure if they had learnt the two key characteristics of synaesthesia, namely an involuntary and automatic reaction to letters. Both the colour reading (n=15) and control (n=6) groups did not have a significant involuntary reaction to letters. However, it was found that the participants had significantly more automatic reactions to letters. This included the control group, who did not read in colour, which suggests that merely completing the modified Stroop test is enough to learn the automatic characteristic of grapheme synaesthesia. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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O processamento morfológico de palavras formadas com bases presas no português brasileiroDias, Alcimar Dantas 26 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research is an investigation of how complex words formed with bound words, in Brazilian Portuguese (BP), are processed (represented and accessed in the mental lexicon). We are concerned to know whether they are accessed in its complete form (whole-form) or are accessible by their morphemes, with separation of affixes (affix stripping) when processing. Two experiments were made to know about this performance among adult native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The first experiment was based on the paradigm of the Stroop Effect and the second experiment was based on masked priming paradigm. The results of the first experiment revealed that complex words formed with bound bases were processed longer than complex words formed with free bases and which caused this delay was the Stroop effect that acted as a extra linguistic, thus resulting in the need to conduct the second experiment, the masked priming that in addition revealed that the words formed with bound bases are actually processed faster than the free bases, also revealed that words formed with bound bases in condition of morphologically related prime and target are processed faster than words formed with bound bases in prime condition and targets phonetically related or unrelated. In general, the results showed that complex words formed with bound bases are stored in the mental lexicon in full and do not undergo any process prior decomposition when they are accessed. / Esta pesquisa é uma investigação sobre como palavras complexas formadas com bases presas, no português brasileiro (PB), são processadas (representadas e acessadas no léxico mental). Interessa-nos saber se elas são acessadas em sua forma completa (whole-form) ou se são acessadas por seus morfemas, havendo separação dos afixos (affix stripping) quando de seu processamento. Dois experimentos foram feitos para averiguação dessas possibilidades, entre falantes nativos adultos do português brasileiro. O primeiro experimento foi baseado no paradigma do Efeito Stroop e o segundo experimento baseou-se no paradigma de priming encoberto. Os resultados do primeiro experimento revelaram que as palavras complexas formadas com bases presas foram processadas em maior tempo do que as palavras complexas formadas com bases livres e o que provocou esse atraso foi o efeito stroop, que atuou como efeito extralinguístico, induzindo uma prévia decomposição. Surgiu, assim, a necessidade da realização do segundo experimento, o de priming encoberto, que, além de revelar que as palavras formadas com bases presas são de fato, processadas mais rapidamente do que as bases livres, revelaram também que palavras formadas com bases presas na condição de prime e alvo relacionados morfologicamente são processadas mais rapidamente do que palavras formadas com bases presas na condição de prime e alvos relacionados foneticamente ou sem nenhuma relação. Em geral, os resultados mostraram que palavras complexas formadas com bases presas estão estocadas no léxico mental por inteiro e não passam por nenhum processo de prévia decomposição quando são acessadas.
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Avaliação da correlação entre ansiedade-traço e ansiedade-estado em indivíduos submetidos a situações ansiogênicasLeal, Pollyana Caldeira 18 November 2013 (has links)
Objective: In studying anxiety, the concepts of state anxiety (reactive) and trait anxiety (personality trait) are distinguished, while it is believed that the higher the trait anxiety, the higher the state anxiety in different situations of threat. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between trait anxiety and state anxiety in volunteers exposed to two distinct anxiogenic situations: an interpersonal threat (Video-Monitored Stroop Test VMST; n=30) and a physical threat (Third Molar extraction TME; n=20). Method: Healthy male subjects had their physiological (heart rate HR; gastrocnemius electromyography - GEM) and psychological parameters (Trait-State Anxiety Inventory STAI; Self-evaluation of tension level - STL; Social Phobia Inventory - SPIN, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale - HAD; Dental Anxiety Scale - DAS) evaluated in three different situations: Before, During and After the VMST or the TME. A correlational study was conducted. Scores of STAI-T, DAS, HAD and SPIN were confronted with scores of STAI-E, STL, HR and GEM in each experimental situation (Before, During and After). A level of significance of 5% was considered. Results: In the VMST, STAI-T, HAD and SPIN correlated with STAI-S in all test situations and of STL in most situations. In relation to the TME, STAI-T and HAD were not correlated neither with the STAI-E nor with the STL in any experimental situation. DAS correlated with STAI-E and the STL before and during the test. In both VMST and TME, correlations of psychological with physiological measures were not found in any of the experimental situations. Conclusion: The level of physiological alterations may not reflect the level of anxiety and the anxious trait should be considered as a multidimensional concept, once trait anxiety modulated anxious responses to interpersonal threat, but not to physical threat. / Objetivo: No estudo da ansiedade, distinguem-se ansiedade-estado (reativa) de ansiedade-traço (perfil de personalidade) e acredita-se que quanto maior for a ansiedade-traço, maior será a ansiedade-estado nas mais diversas situações de ameaça. Com isso, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a correlação entre ansiedade-traço e ansiedade-estado em voluntários expostos a duas situações ansiogênicas distintas, sendo uma de ameaça interpessoal (Teste de Stroop Monitorado por Vídeo TSMV; n = 30) e a outra de ameaça física (Exodontia de Terceiro Molar ETM; n = 20). Método: Foram avaliados parâmetros fisiológicos (frequência cardíaca FC; e eletromiografia do músculo gastrocnêmio - EMG); e parâmetros psicológicos (Inventário de Ansiedade-Traço IDATE; Escala Analógica de Tensão EAT; Inventário de Fobia Social SPIN; Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão HAD; Escala de Ansiedade Dental de Corah) de indivíduos saudáveis do sexo masculino nas situações Antes, Durante e Depois do TSMV ou da ETM. O estudo correlacional foi realizado através do Teste de Correlação de Pearson, em que os dados de IDATE-T, Corah, HAD e SPIN foram confrontados com IDATE-E, EAT, FC e EMG em cada uma das situações experimentais (Antes, Durante e Depois). Foi considerado o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: No TSMV, IDATE-T, HAD e SPIN correlacionaram-se com o IDATE-E, em todas as situações do teste, e com a EAT, na maioria das situações. Já na ETM, IDATE-T e HAD não se correlacionaram nem com o IDATE-E, nem com a EAT em quaisquer das situações experimentais. A escala de Corah correlacionou-se com o IDATE-E e a EAT nas fases Antes e Durante do teste. Tanto no TSMV quanto na ETM, não foi observada correlação dos parâmetros psicológicos com as medidas fisiológicas (FC e EMG) em quaisquer das situações experimentais. Conclusão: O nível das alterações fisiológicas podem não refletir o nível de ansiedade e a multidimensionalidade do traço ansioso deve ser considerado, já que este modulou a resposta ansiosa em situações de ameaça interpessoal, mas não de ameaça física.
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Influência do ciclo ovariano na ação aguda do Diazepam em mulheres submetidas a um modelo de ansiedade experimentalAlmeida, Camila Danielle Aragão 08 April 2013 (has links)
Several studies have shown the influence of ovarian hormones on the GABAergic system. As women are naturally exposed to monthly fluctuation of these hormones, it is possible that
their response to benzodiazepnes also change over the ovarian cycle. Considering that anxiety disorders are most common in women and therefore they receive more prescriptions for benzodiazepines, this study aimed to evaluate the possible influence of the ovarian cycle of healthy women on the acute effect of diazepam. For that, 40 subjectively healthy women
were selected and allocated to two different groups, according to their ovarian cycle phase (follicular or luteal). Both groups were submitted to the Video-Monitored Stroop Color-Word
Test (VMSCWT), an experimental model of anxiety, under the influence of diazepam (10 mg) or placebo. Psychological parameters (subjective scales of anxiety) and physiological
parameters (heart rate and gastrocnemius electromyogram) were evaluated throughout the test. The results showed that, in the follicular phase, women did not respond to the anxiolytic
action of diazepam, although a sedative effect was observed, while in the luteal phase, there was no response to either sedative or anxiolytic actions. As a control of the experimental
conditions, a group of 18 men was also submitted to the VMSCWT. The results confirmed that both the anxiogenic test and the administered drug were working as expected, since
diazepam managed to prevent the anxiety induced by the test. Therefore, the present findings indicate that the ovarian cycle can alter the effects of the acute administration of diazepam,
which can vary from no effect to sedation, without going through anxiolysis / Diversos estudos têm mostrado a influência dos hormônios ovarianos no sistema GABAérgico. Como as mulheres são naturalmente expostas à flutuação destes hormônios, é
possível que elas apresentem a resposta a benzodiazepínicos alterada ao longo do ciclo ovariano. Estas observações adquirem um significado ainda maior quando se considera que os
transtornos de ansiedade são mais comuns em mulheres e, por isso, elas recebem mais prescrições destas drogas. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a
possível influência do ciclo ovariano de mulheres saudáveis no efeito agudo do diazepam. Para tanto, 40 mulheres subjetivamente saudáveis foram selecionadas e aleatoriamente
alocadas para dois grupos, de acordo com a fase do ciclo ovariano (folicular e lútea). Esses grupos foram submetidos ao Teste de Stroop Monitorado por Vídeo (TSMV), um modelo
experimental de ansiedade, sob o efeito de 10 mg de diazepam ou placebo. Parâmetros psicológicos (escalas subjetivas de ansiedade) e parâmetros fisiológicos (freqüência cardíaca e
eletromiograma do gastrocnêmio) foram avaliados ao longo do teste. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres na fase folicular não responderam à ação ansiolítica do diazepam, embora o efeito sedativo tenha sido observado. Já as mulheres na fase lútea não responderam nem à ação ansiolítica, nem a ação sedativa do diazepam. Como controle das condições
experimentais, um grupo de 18 homens subjetivamente saudáveis também foi submetido ao TSMV. Os resultados confirmaram que tanto o teste ansiogênico quanto a droga administrada estavam funcionando conforme o esperado, uma vez que o diazepam preveniu a ansiedade eliciada pelo teste neste grupo. Portanto, os resultados sugerem que o ciclo ovariano pode alterar os efeitos da administração aguda de diazepam, sendo que tais efeitos podem variar de nenhum efeito à sedação, sem passar pela ansiólise.
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