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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Age and Working Memory Ability on Frontal Lobe Oxygenation During Working Memory Tasks

Braasch, Marie Y. 02 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Using near infrared spectroscopy to examine dorsolateral prefrontal activation patterns during working memory tasks in individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Lupas, Kellina K. 16 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Development of an Objective Battery for PTSD

O'Dell, Kathryn 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is marked by avoidance, arousal, re-experiencing, and negative mood and cognition. To date, these symptoms are assessed using self-report measures (e.g., the PCL-5) and clinician administered assessments (e.g., the CAPS-5). While these are the present gold-standard assessments for PTSD, they still are prone to bias on behalf of both the administrator and the patient. Presently, there is evidence that individuals with PTSD perform differently than individuals without PTSD on certain cognitive tasks that measure attention bias and avoidance behaviors. As such, creating a battery of these tasks may be a viable route for objectively measuring PTSD. In an effort to provide preliminary evidence for such a battery, we used three cognitive assessments [the Emotional Stroop Task (EST), the Visual Search Task (VST), and the Approach Avoidance Task (AAT)] to assess cognitive performance in veterans with PTSD, and veterans and civilians without PTSD. We hypothesized that veterans with PTSD would perform worse than the other groups (as measured by reaction times and accuracy scores) following the presentation of combat-related stimuli compared to negative and positive stimuli. The results indicated that veterans with PTSD were generally slower across all conditions in the EST, had lower accuracy scores on the VST, and were slower in the combat condition compared to the other control groups in the AAT. This study provides preliminary support for the hypothesis that a battery of cognitive tasks may be an effective tool for objectively identifying PTSD. Furthermore, we discuss important methodological ways in which future studies could improve the sensitivity of these tasks.

Efeitos da estimulação magnética transcraniana sobre a cognição no comprometimento cognitivo leve: estudo duplo-cego, randomizado controlado / Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognition in mild cognitive impairment. Double-blind, randomized controlled trial

Marra, Hellen Livia Drumond 12 November 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O envelhecimento está associado, muitas vezes, a um declínio cognitivo frequentemente negligenciado, especialmente quando em formas brandas e/ou iniciais, com importante repercussão na vida das pessoas. Tais declínios podem regredir para a normalidade, estabilizar ou mesmo evoluir para quadro demenciais. O comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) é uma síndrome clínica de associada a um risco aumentado de demência, podendo ter várias etiologias e patologias. Até o momento, não existe ainda uma abordagem terapêutica, deixando uma lacuna no arsenal terapêutico tanto do especialista quanto do clínico geral. A estimulação magnética transcraniana é uma técnica não invasiva e promissora. Tem potencial para melhorar a memória e a cognição de idosos ativando redes neurais. OBJETIVOS: Este trabalho visa verificar os efeitos da estimulação magnética transcraniana repetitiva (EMTr) de alta frequência primeiramente sobre a memória e, secundariamente, sobre a cognição global de idosos com CCL. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo duplo cego, randomizado sham-controlado. Foram estimulados 32 idosos com idades entre 60-74 anos, totalmente independentes para as atividades instrumentais de vida diária (AIVDs), com queixas subjetivas de memória e evidência de algum prejuízo na avaliação neuropsicológica, caracterizando CCL. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: (I) EMTr ativa (n=15) e (II) EMTr sham (n=17). O grupo ativo recebeu 10 sessões de EMTr a 10Hz (110% do limiar motor e 2.000 pulsos por sessão) sobre o córtex pré-frontal dorso lateral esquerdo.Foi utilizada uma bobina inativa (sham) para o grupo placebo. As baterias neuropsicológicas foram realizadas nos três tempos: antes (T0), logo após (T1) e um mês após (T2) a EMTr. RESULTADOS: Dos 109 pacientes triados, 36 foram elegíveis para o estudo. Houve 4 desistências, e 32 finalizaram o estudo. Os dados demográficos foram homogêneos. Os escores dos testes foram ajustados para a idade e escolaridade. O ponto de corte do Escore Isquêmico de Hachinski foi <=4. A medida de desfecho primário foi o teste ecológico Rivermead Behavioural Memory (RBMT) devido a sua alta capacidade de predizer problemas de memória diárias. As variáveis contínuas foaram avaliadas pelo teste t de Student. Análise de variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA) foi utilizada para comparar as medidas de variáveis quantitativas ao longo dos instantes de medição. Houve interação (efeito de grupo) a favor do grupo ativo nas variáveis Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (p=0,042) e teste de Stroop (retângulos) (p=0,044) em T0-T1; dígitos ordem direta (p=0,041) e trilhas B em T1-T2 (p=0,032). Houve interação no teste de memória lógica tardia em T0-T1 e T0-T2 (p=0,044 e 0,005, respectivamente) a favor do grupo sham; porém, o desfecho foi igual em T2 em ambos os grupos. Não houve interação no IQCODE e na escala de Bayer de funcionalidade. Os resultados mostram melhora significativa, a um nível de 5% de significância, na memória do dia a dia, da atenção e de função executiva dos idosos que se submeteram à EMTr de alta frequência, sugerindo seu potencial terapêutico no CCL. Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01292382. / BACKGROUND: Aging maybe associated with a cognitive decline often overlooked, especially in milder forms, with significant impact on people\'s lives. Such declines may regress to normal, or even stabilize, or progress to dementia. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a clinical syndrome associated with an increased risk of dementia and may have different etiologies and pathologies. To date, there is still not a therapeutic approach, leaving a gap in the therapeutic armamentarium of both expert as the general practitioner. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a promising and noninvasive technique with potential to improve memory and cognition in elderly by activating neural networks. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to assess the effects of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) primarily on memory and secondarily on global cognition in elderly people with MCI. METHODS: Double blind, randomized sham-controlled trial. Were stimulated 32 eldrely aged 60-74 years, totally independent for instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) with subjective memory complaints and evidence of some impairment in neuropsychological assessment, characterizing MCI. Subjects were divided into two groups: (I) active rTMS (n=15) and (II) rTMS sham (n=17). The active group received 10 sessions of 10 Hz rTMS (110% of motor threshold and 2000 pulses per session) over left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We used a inactive coil (sham) for the placebo group. The neuropsychological assessment were conducted in three stages: before (T0), immediately after (T1) and one month after (T2) rTMS. RESULTS: Of 109 patients screened, 36 were eligible for the study. There were 4 dropouts, and 32 completed the study. Demographic data were homogeneous. The test scores were adjusted for age and education. All subjects presented a cut-off score <=4 for the Hachinski Ischaemic Score. Continuous variables were evaluated by Student t test. Repeated measures of anayses of variance (ANOVA) were used to compare measures of quantitative variables along time. The primary outcome measure was a positive response on the ecological tool Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test (RBMT) because of its capacity to predict everyday memory problems. There was interaction (group effect) in favor of the active group over the variables RBMT (p=0.042) and Stroop test (colored rectangles) (p=0.044) at T0-T1; digit span direct order (p=0.041) and trail making B, T1-T2 (p=0.032). There was interaction in late logic memory test at T0-T1 and T0-T2 (p=0.044 and 0.005, respectively) for the sham group, but the outcome was the same in both groups at T2. There were no significant interaction at IQCODE and Bayer ADL Scale. The results present significant improvement, at a 5% level of significance, in everyday memory, attention and executive function of the elderly who underwent to high-frequency rTMS, suggesting its therapeutic potential in MCI. Trial registration: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01292382.

Avaliação da atividade cerebral durante teste de atenção de médicos residentes de pediatria no primeiro ano de residência associada à prevalência de síndrome de Burnout e sintomas de estresse / Evaluation of cerebral activity during attention task of first year pediatric residents associated with burnout and stress symptoms

Andrade, Anarella Penha Meirelles de 06 March 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de Burnout é uma das consequências mais marcantes do estresse profissional, resultante da exposição prolongada a fatores interpessoais e emocionais, caracterizada por exaustão emocional, avaliação negativa de si mesmo, depressão e insensibilidade com relação a fatores ocupacionais e pessoais. Profissionais da área da saúde estão expostos a cenários clínicos com altos níveis de estresse e sujeitos ao desenvolvimento de Burnout durante suas carreiras. É uma entidade complexa e produz uma variedade de comportamentos que podem afetar diretamente o atendimento ao paciente. O estresse é uma resposta global do organismo que envolve as esferas física, emocional, mental e hormonal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de Síndrome de Burnout e sintomas de estresse nos médicos residentes de primeiro ano do Departamento de Pediatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e a correlação entre esta e a função cerebral de atenção por meio da execução de tarefa Stroop Color Word Test durante a realização de ressonância magnética funcional (RMf). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 32 médicos residentes de pediatria, 25 do sexo feminino com média de idade de 24,8 ± 1,3 anos, todos com carga horária de trabalho semanal similar. Foram utilizados os questionários padronizados Maslach Burnout Inventory - MBI sendo considerado Burnout pontuação maior que 19 na subescala de exaustão emocional e maior que 6 na escala de despersonalização. Para a avaliação de estresse foi utilizado o inventário de sintomas de estresse de Lipp - ISSL, sendo considerado diagnóstico de estresse pontuações elevadas calculadas conforme o manual do ISSL. RESULTADOS: A síndrome de Burnout foi identificada em 50% da população estudada e estresse em 56,25%. Essa associação apresentou significância estatística (p=0,02). Ao analisar os mapas de RMf encontramos maior ativação do córtex pré-frontal dorso lateral a direita nos residentes que apresentaram Burnout, área envolvida nos mecanismos de atenção. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout e estresse em residentes de pediatria é elevada, correspondendo a 50% e 56% respectivamente, e está associada a maior ativação do córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral direito, área envolvida com mecanismos de atenção e cognição. Existe correlação entre as duas entidades clínicas com significância estatística e a prática de esportes está associada a menores taxas de Burnout / Burnout syndrome is one of the most important consequences of occupational stress. It is a result from prolonged exposure to emotional and interpersonal factors and characterized by emotional exhaustion, negative evaluation of oneself, depression and insensitivity. Health care professionals are exposed to clinical settings with high levels of stress and can develop burnout during their careers. It is a complex entity and produces a variety of behaviors that can affect directly patient care. Stress is a global response that involves physical, emotional, mental and hormonal aspects. In the present study we used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to investigate a sample of pediatric residents from University of Sao Paulo with different levels of burnout syndrome in Burnout Maslach Inventory - MBI and stress during the execution of a low demand attention paradigm (Stroop color word test). Scores greater than 19 on the subscale of emotional exhaustion and greater than 6 on the scale of depersonalization in MBI was considered as Burnout. For the assessment of stress was used inventory of stress symptoms Lipp - ISSL, considered diagnostic of stress high scores calculated as the ISSL manual. We studied 32 residents, 25 females with a mean age of 24.8 ± 1.3 years, all with similar weekly workload. Burnout syndrome was identified in 50% of the study population and stress in 56.25%. This association was statistically significant (p = 0.02). By analyzing fMRI maps, an activation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was showed in residents with Burnout, an area involved in attention tasks

Cognitive conflicts in the Stroop paradigm

Bohle, Hannah 02 September 2016 (has links)
Kognitive Kontrolle wird besonders in solchen Momenten deutlich, wenn eine geplante Handlung gestört wird. Weil zwei widerstreitende Verhaltenstendenzen gleichzeitig bestehen oder anlaufen, entsteht ein Konflikt. Experimentell können kognitive Konflikte beispielsweise mit dem Stroop-Paradigma hergestellt und untersucht werden (Stroop, 1935). Es ist dabei eine aktuelle Frage, wie Konflikte zeitlich verarbeitet werden und wo im Gehirn diese Verarbeitung geschieht. Zeitlich können Konflikte beispielsweise dann entstehen, wenn die Informationen des Stimulus abgerufen werden oder auch erst dann, wenn die intendierte Antwort tatsächlich für die Artikulation ausgewählt werden muss. Eine weiterführende Frage ist, ob sich die entsprechenden Ergebnisse für verschiedene Stroop-Varianten unterscheiden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden diese Fragen systematisch für die Verarbeitung von Objekten und Zahlen mit zwei Varianten des Stroop-Paradigmas untersucht. In der vorliegenden Dissertation präsentiere ich Ergebnisse von Reaktionszeitstudien und fMRT-Experimenten zum zeitlichen Ablauf und zu neuronalen Substraten kognitiver Konflikte während der Verarbeitung von Objekten und Zahlen. Um die Konflikte zeitlich und räumlich lokalisieren zu können, wird die Abrufphase und die Antwortphase separat modelliert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Konflikte eher während des Abrufs als bei der Antwortauswahl stattfinden. Außerdem wird geschlussfolgert, dass die Konflikte für Zahl- und Objektrepräsentationen nicht auf gemeinsamen neuronalen Substraten basieren. Die Ergebnisse meiner Reaktionszeitstudien und der MRT-Studien deuten also darauf hin, dass Konflikte bei der Verarbeitung von Objekten und Zahlen zwar einem ähnlichen zeitlichen Verlauf folgen, aber offenbar in unterschiedlichen neuronalen Netzwerken verarbeitet werden. / In daily life, we constantly have to adjust our goals and plans to changing task demands and internal needs. Our ability to balance the initiation and inhibition of our actions, and to solve resulting conflicts between them, is referred to as cognitive control. To study the processes of cognitive control, the Stroop Paradigm has become a popular tool (Stroop,1935). The Stroop Paradigm is frequently used to address central questions of cognitive control. It is, for instance, an open issue, where and when in the processing stream cognitive conflicts arise. Do they arise early, for example, during the retrieval of target and distractor? Or do they occur late, when the response is prepared for execution? Another debate is concerned with the question whether the findings agree for different Stroop variants (Van Maanen et al., 2009). In this dissertation I present research on the temporal characteristics and the neural substrates of cognitive conflicts during the processing of objects and numbers. To better understand the locus of the conflict, the retrieval phase and the response phase are modelled separately. The results from several reaction time studies and from two fMRI experiments speak to the issue that processing costs occur during retrieval, i.e., early in the processing stream, for both, object and number representations. The results further indicate that the processing of the conflict between target and distractor for number and object representations do not rely on common neural substrates. I will thus present the results from behavioural and functional imaging experiments, showing similar temporal patterns for the conflicts in both systems, but distinct underlying neural networks.

Attentional control and biases towards threat : theoretical foundations and adaptation of experimental tasks

Silva, Gustavo Ramos 08 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Psicologia (psicologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-17T22:24:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GUSTAVO_RAMOS_SILVA_DIS.pdf: 5111917 bytes, checksum: f33b0b4365f06eb2178942b893f56de5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-30T18:09:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 GUSTAVO_RAMOS_SILVA_DIS.pdf: 5111917 bytes, checksum: f33b0b4365f06eb2178942b893f56de5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-30T18:14:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GUSTAVO_RAMOS_SILVA_DIS.pdf: 5111917 bytes, checksum: f33b0b4365f06eb2178942b893f56de5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-08 / A aten??o ? um construto multifacetado, que esteve historicamente por diversas vezes no centro de discuss?es filos?ficas e psicol?gicas. O car?ter influente da aten??o sobre diversos outros processos psicol?gicos (e.g., consci?ncia, mem?ria, tomada de decis?o) salienta sua import?ncia, e logicamente resulta em uma dificuldade na segrega??o de suas fronteiras te?ricas e na defini??o clara desse fen?meno. Em um campo de pesquisa emp?rica atual sobre aten??o, vieses da orienta??o atencional para est?mulos amea?adores s?o investigados. Por?m, falta aos modelos embasados em 10 achados emp?ricos nesse campo a sustenta??o em modelos te?ricos bem estabelecidos de aten??o, e existe confus?o nos estudos experimentais publicados. Al?m disso, tarefas experimentais para avaliar vieses da aten??o para a amea?a necessitam de integra??o com novas tecnologias e estrat?gias de an?lise, as quais podem gerar mais sensibilidade, validade e confiabilidade, como o rastreamento ocular e o novo ?ndice de variabilidade do vi?s atencional (ABV). Esta disserta??o est? inclu?da na sub?rea de n?mero do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) ? Psicologia Experimental (Processos Cognitivos e Atencionais) ? a qual integra a grande ?rea de Psicologia. Dois estudos s?o apresentados para suprir a necessidade de avan?o no estudo sobre aten??o, controle atencional (AC) e vi?s atencional em rela??o ? amea?a (ABT). Em primeiro lugar, um estudo te?rico fornece uma vis?o hist?rica da pesquisa psicol?gica da aten??o, desde os fundadores da Psicologia moderna at? a pesquisa neuropsicol?gica integrativa atual e os modelos orientados empiricamente. Esta revis?o busca esclarecer conceitos da aten??o e diferenciar esses conceitos dos de outros dom?nios psicol?gicos. Em vez de segregar ?reas de pesquisa, ? prov?vel que essa estrat?gia promova um di?logo entre campos que pesquisam o mesmo fen?meno - mas o medem de forma diferente e atribuem-lhe nomes diferentes. Na sequ?ncia dessa revis?o te?rica, ? apresentado um estudo emp?rico, que prop?e duas adapta??es de tarefas experimentais cl?ssicas para medir o ABT: a Tarefa Dot-Probe (DPT) e a Tarefa Stroop Emocional (EST). Na EST, o desenho da tarefa foi alterado para levar em conta considera??es te?ricas importantes e para melhor adaptar a tarefa ? medida de ABV. Na DPT, uma integra??o surpreendentemente rara de tempos de rea??o e medidas de rastreamento ocular ? estabelecida, e novos ?ndices para calcular o ABT e o ABV s?o propostos. A confiabilidade e validade dos ?ndices em ambas as 11 tarefas foi investigada com estudantes universit?rios e atrav?s da diferencia??o dos mesmos ?ndices entre grupos de sintomas altos vs. baixos de ansiedade e estresse p?straum?tico. A import?ncia de progressivamente melhorar as qualidades psicom?tricas dessas tarefas experimentais ? discutida em profundidade levando em conta os achados do estudo, incluindo recomenda??es para futuras adapta??es dessas tarefas / Attention is a multifaceted construct, one that has been at the center of discussions across several moments in the history of philosophy and psychology. The characteristic of attention to influence and regulate many other psychological process (e.g., consciousness, memory, decision-making) stresses its importance, and logically results in a hardship in segregating its theoretical boundaries and clearly defining this phenomenon. In a current empirical field of research on attention, biases of attentional orientation to threatening stimuli are investigated. However, models generated from empirical findings lack sustentation on well-established theoretical models of attention, and confusion exists across published experimental studies. Furthermore, experimental tasks to assess biases towards threat require integration with new operationalization and analysis strategies, which can provide better sensitivity, validity and measurement reliability, such as eye tracking and the novel index of attentional bias variability (ABV). This dissertation is included in the subarea number of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq) ? Experimental Psychology (Attentional and Cognitive Processes) ? which integrates the broader area of Psychology. Two studies are presented to answer to the need of advancing research about attention, attentional control (AC) and attentional bias relative to threat (ABT). Firstly, a theoretical study provides a historical overview of psychological research on attention, from the founders of modern Psychology to current neuropsychological integrative research and empirically-oriented models. This review is expected to clarify constructs of attention and to differentiate these constructs from those of other Psychological domains. Instead of segregating research fields, this is likely to promote a 9 dialogue between fields that research the same phenomena ? but measure them differently and attribute to them different names. Following this theoretical review, an empirical study is presented, which proposes two adaptations of classical experimental tasks to measure ABT: the DotProbe Task (DPT) and the Emotional Stroop Task (EST). On the EST, task design is altered to account for important theoretical considerations and to better adapt the task to the measurement of ABV. On the DPT, a surprisingly rare integration of reaction times and eye tracking measures is established, and novel indices to calculate ABT and ABV are proposed. The reliability and validity of indices in both tasks is investigated with university students and through the differentiation of such indices between groups of high vs. low symptoms of anxiety and posttraumatic stress. The importance of pursuing the improvement of psychometric qualities of experimental tasks is discussed in depth upon the findings of the study, including recommendations to future experimental designs.

Att mäta utmattning med varianter av symbol digit modalities test / To measure exhaustion with variants of symbol digit modalities test

Walldorf, Björn, Andreas, Hansson January 2018 (has links)
Hälso- och sjukvården befinner sig under ett allt större tryck av patienter som söker hjälp på grund av utmattningssyndrom. Kognitiva nedsättningar är en kärnkomponent i utmattningssyndrom och effektiva och korta screeninginstrument för att upptäcka dessa behövs för identifiera tillståndet tidigt. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att utveckla ett modifierat Symbol Digit Modalities Test. De totalt 90 deltagarna bestående av studenter delades in i två grupper efter självskattad utmattning. Tjugofyra individer identifierades i gruppen med låg utmattning och trettiofyra i gruppen med hög utmattning. De två grupperna jämfördes med prestation på testet. Testet bestod av tre block bestående av symboler, neutrala ord och hotfulla ord och vardera blocks testtid var 90 sekunder. Resultatet visade inga signifikanta skillnader mellan låg och hög utmattningsgrupp och prestation på testet. Däremot fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan blocken när samtliga deltagares prestation jämfördes. Det modifierade testet lyckas inte att differentiera mellan deltagare med låg och hög utmattning. Resultatet som visade att det fanns skillnader mellan blocken är intressant och visar på att det kan finnas en effekt av uppmärksamhetsvridning som framtida forskning kan bygga vidare på. / The Swedish healthcare system is under increasing pressure from patients seeking help due to fatigue syndrome. Cognitive impairments are a core symptom of the syndrome; effective screening tools to detect cognitive impairment related to fatigue are warranted to identify the condition. The aim of the present study was to develop a modified Symbol Digit Modalities. A total of 90 participants consisting of undergraduate students were divided into two groups after self-assessed fatigue. Twenty-four individuals were identified in the low fatigue group and thirty-four in the high fatigue group. The two groups’ test performance were compared. The test consisted of three blocks consisting of symbols, neutral words, and threat words; the duration of each test block was 90 seconds. The results showed no significant differences between low and high fatigue in terms of performance on the tests. However, there were significant differences across the blocks when comparing all participants' performance. The modified test failed to differentiate between low and high fatigue participants. The result indicating significant differences across the blocks is interesting and shows that there may be an effect of attentional bias that future research can build upon.

Avaliação da atividade cerebral durante teste de atenção de médicos residentes de pediatria no primeiro ano de residência associada à prevalência de síndrome de Burnout e sintomas de estresse / Evaluation of cerebral activity during attention task of first year pediatric residents associated with burnout and stress symptoms

Anarella Penha Meirelles de Andrade 06 March 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de Burnout é uma das consequências mais marcantes do estresse profissional, resultante da exposição prolongada a fatores interpessoais e emocionais, caracterizada por exaustão emocional, avaliação negativa de si mesmo, depressão e insensibilidade com relação a fatores ocupacionais e pessoais. Profissionais da área da saúde estão expostos a cenários clínicos com altos níveis de estresse e sujeitos ao desenvolvimento de Burnout durante suas carreiras. É uma entidade complexa e produz uma variedade de comportamentos que podem afetar diretamente o atendimento ao paciente. O estresse é uma resposta global do organismo que envolve as esferas física, emocional, mental e hormonal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de Síndrome de Burnout e sintomas de estresse nos médicos residentes de primeiro ano do Departamento de Pediatria da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e a correlação entre esta e a função cerebral de atenção por meio da execução de tarefa Stroop Color Word Test durante a realização de ressonância magnética funcional (RMf). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 32 médicos residentes de pediatria, 25 do sexo feminino com média de idade de 24,8 ± 1,3 anos, todos com carga horária de trabalho semanal similar. Foram utilizados os questionários padronizados Maslach Burnout Inventory - MBI sendo considerado Burnout pontuação maior que 19 na subescala de exaustão emocional e maior que 6 na escala de despersonalização. Para a avaliação de estresse foi utilizado o inventário de sintomas de estresse de Lipp - ISSL, sendo considerado diagnóstico de estresse pontuações elevadas calculadas conforme o manual do ISSL. RESULTADOS: A síndrome de Burnout foi identificada em 50% da população estudada e estresse em 56,25%. Essa associação apresentou significância estatística (p=0,02). Ao analisar os mapas de RMf encontramos maior ativação do córtex pré-frontal dorso lateral a direita nos residentes que apresentaram Burnout, área envolvida nos mecanismos de atenção. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout e estresse em residentes de pediatria é elevada, correspondendo a 50% e 56% respectivamente, e está associada a maior ativação do córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral direito, área envolvida com mecanismos de atenção e cognição. Existe correlação entre as duas entidades clínicas com significância estatística e a prática de esportes está associada a menores taxas de Burnout / Burnout syndrome is one of the most important consequences of occupational stress. It is a result from prolonged exposure to emotional and interpersonal factors and characterized by emotional exhaustion, negative evaluation of oneself, depression and insensitivity. Health care professionals are exposed to clinical settings with high levels of stress and can develop burnout during their careers. It is a complex entity and produces a variety of behaviors that can affect directly patient care. Stress is a global response that involves physical, emotional, mental and hormonal aspects. In the present study we used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to investigate a sample of pediatric residents from University of Sao Paulo with different levels of burnout syndrome in Burnout Maslach Inventory - MBI and stress during the execution of a low demand attention paradigm (Stroop color word test). Scores greater than 19 on the subscale of emotional exhaustion and greater than 6 on the scale of depersonalization in MBI was considered as Burnout. For the assessment of stress was used inventory of stress symptoms Lipp - ISSL, considered diagnostic of stress high scores calculated as the ISSL manual. We studied 32 residents, 25 females with a mean age of 24.8 ± 1.3 years, all with similar weekly workload. Burnout syndrome was identified in 50% of the study population and stress in 56.25%. This association was statistically significant (p = 0.02). By analyzing fMRI maps, an activation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was showed in residents with Burnout, an area involved in attention tasks

Farbdiskrimination und Stroop-Effekt bei Kindern mit chronischer Tic-Störung (CTS) und/oder Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit/Hyperaktivitäts-Störung (ADHS) / Color perception and stroop-effect in chronic tic disorder (CTD) and/or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Fillmer-Otte, Anke 28 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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