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Udržitelnost bydlení a bytové výstavby. Principy udržitelnosti aplikované v segmentu podporovaného bydlení v České republice / Housing and residentail construction sustainability. Sustainability principles applicable in the segment of subsidized housing in the Czech RepublicKoželouhová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The doctoral thesis focuses on the topic of social housing and its sustainability. It explores its general principles, but also reacts to this fields latest developments in order to find a suitable model to be applicable in the Czech Republic, especially in the city of Brno. The first part of the thesis provides an overview of the current state of the issues on both Czech and European level, followed by detailed exploration of these fields in the cities of Brno and Vienna. Analytical evaluation confirms the relevance and appropriateness of the Viennese case study. The presented research is focused particularly on the sector municipal or subsidized rental housing for both cities. It examines the possibilities of Viennese principles application in Brno so that at least a part of the city's housing fund could be used as social housing accordingly to currently prepared Czech legislation. At the conclusion of this work recommendations for the city of Brno are formulated, useful in the preparation of its new social housing policy. This research, touching currently quite fundamental social issues, can be also beneficial in other areas. In the academic environment of architecture, urban planning, economics or sociology studies, for these fields experts or for the general public to facilitate the orientation on the housing market.
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Zhodnocení investičního záměru ve Starém Městě / Evaluation of the investment plan in the town Staré MěstoHoráková, Tereza Unknown Date (has links)
The required goal of the Diploma thesis is the evaluation of the public investment project in Staré Město and the proposal for its possible variants. An analysis of individual variants and a final evaluation of whether the project of a parking house in Nádražní Street in Staré Město is effective and feasible will be carried out.
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寡占市場における企業の新技術導入行動と政策分析 / カセン シジョウ ニオケル キギョウ ノ シンギジュツ ドウニュウ コウドウ ト セイサク ブンセキ服部 昌彦, Masahiko Hattori 21 March 2017 (has links)
企業の新技術導入インセンティブと市場構造の関係を分析し、政府が行うべき経済政策を示す。分析には寡占市場モデルを使い、競争、新技術の導入費用、費用関数の違い、リーダー企業の存在が与える影響を分析している。また、3章では新技術の戦略的運用方法についての分析を行う。寡占市場では、政府は新技術導入に対して補助金または課税政策を行い、企業の新技術導入を促す、あるいは抑制することが望ましい。 / This paper analyzes the relationship between the incentive for the new technology adoption and the market structure and shows the optimal policy for the new technology adoption by using oligopoly models. The competitivenesss among firms, fixed cost for new technology adoption, the form of cost function and the existence of leader firm affect the incentive for new technology adoption and optimal policy. The concluding chapter analyzes the optimal strategic uses of new technology which include licensing to the other firm in the new market or entry to the new market or both of them. / 博士(経済学) / Doctor of Economics / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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ESSAYS ON AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SAFETY IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAYurani Arias Granada (13024980) 10 July 2022 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>Food systems are facing unprecedented challenges and need reforms to be more efficient and provide safe and nutritious food from farm to fork. In this dissertation, I present new empirical evidence on different strategies to tackle two critical problems of food systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): food contamination and the inefficient delivery and use of subsidized agricultural inputs. The first essay measures demand and network effects for a newly available technology called Aflasafe that delivers credence attributes (i.e., benefits difficult or impossible to observe and measure even after frequent use of the technology). The second essay exploits a policy change in Malawi to estimate the efficiency of public and private channels at distributing inputs to smallholder farmers. I use a panel dataset covering the period from 2010 to 2016 and a difference-in-differences (DID) framework to estimate the impact of the policy change on procurement of subsidized fertilizer, efficiency and service quality, agricultural productivity, and the household’s decision to purchase commercial fertilizer. The third essay identifies a series of constraints faced by smallholder farmers in Senegal and assesses which ones are associated with chemical and microbial contaminants in groundnut (peanut).</p>
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L’influence des subsides particulaires terrestres et leur stoechiométrie sur les communautés benthiques littorales d’invertébrés en lacsCharette, Georges-Étienne 03 1900 (has links)
Il est de plus en plus clair que nos écosystèmes sont liés les uns aux autres de façons multiples et parfois complexes. De plus en plus nous identifions de nouvelles façons dont deux systèmes échangent des ressources et de l’énergie. Le rôle de ces échanges et transferts est encore difficile à quantifier. Nous en savons relativement peu sur les interactions de ceux-ci avec des processus locaux et spatiaux, ainsi que sur leur importance relativement à ces processus locaux et régionaux plus connus. À travers ce projet, nous cherchons à éclaircir l’importance relative des subsides particulaires de feuilles (et particulièrement de leur stoechiométrie) sur les communautés littorales d’invertébrés benthiques. Nous avons récolté des invertébrés et des feuilles mortes sur 23 sites à travers 7 lacs relativement isolés de l’influence humaine et avons comparé l’influence de la stoechiométrie de ces subsides à l’influence de facteurs locaux de qualité de l’eau et de facteurs spatiaux. Les résultats suggèrent que l’importance de la qualité nutritive (i.e. stoechiométrie) est secondaire aux facteurs locaux de qualité de l’eau dans des milieux naturels. L’importance des subsides particulaires de feuilles semble être grandement dépendante du contexte et pourrait gagner en importance dans des contextes de fortes perturbations. Les résultats indiquent que la qualité nutritive des subsides de feuilles, leur contenu relatif en azote et phosphore, est associée avec de plus grande abondance de plusieurs taxons. La richesse spécifique n’étant pas affecté, c’est à travers l’équitabilité (i.e. une distribution des abondances plus stable) que la qualité nutritive des feuilles pourrait promouvoir une plus grande biodiversité d’invertébrés benthiques. / It is clear now, more than ever before, that our ecosystems are linked to one another in multiples and sometimes complex ways. The role of these exchanges and transfers is still hard to quantify. We know little of the interactions of these fluxes with local and spatial processes happening in ecosystems, as well as their relative importance compared to local and regional drivers of ecosystem functions and community structure. With this project, we aim to untangle the relative importance of particulate subsidies of leaves (and specifically their stoichiometry) on littoral communities of benthic invertebrates in lakes. We collected invertebrates and leaf litter on 23 sites across 7 lakes somewhat isolated from human influence and compared the influence of leaf litter stoichiometry to the influence of local water quality and spatial variables. Results suggest that nutritive quality of leaf litter (i.e. stoichiometry) is secondary to water quality. Importance of leaf subsidies appears to be context dependant and could gain in importance in systems with higher degrees of disturbances. Results that nitrogen and phosphorus content of leaf subsidies is associated with higher abundances of several taxonomic groups. Species richness being unaffected, it is through higher evenness (i.e. even distribution of abundances) that higher quality of leaves may promote higher biodiversity of benthic invertebrates.
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Exploratory study of market entry strategies for digital payment platformsMarcinkowska, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The digital payment industry has become one of the fastest evolving markets in the world, but in the wake of its rapid advancement, an ever increasing gap between academic theory and the actual reality of this market widens - and especially so when it comes to entry theory. It is widely acknowledged that the world is moving towards an ever more homogeneous economy, but despite the fact that payment preferences differ greatly from country to country - research on this subject continues to revolve mainly around localized efforts. But as historical inequalities between poor and rich societies continue to dissipate - learning from nations at the forefront of technological advancement increases the likelihood that the developed strategy becomes applicable to an increased number of countries. By selecting a nation most conducive to technological growth, the purpose of this report is to map the present dynamics in its digital payment industry using both recent and traditional market entry theory. However, studies geared towards globalized strategy formulation cannot be assumed as having guaranteed access to internal company-data at all times. So in order to facilitate such studies, the level of dependency on primary data required for conducting such research needs to be understood first, which is why the work in this report is constrained strictly to data of secondary nature. This, not only to further map the characteristics of this market, but also to see how open the market is to public inspection. Ultimately, the academic contribution becomes that of providing a road-map towards adapting currently available market entry theory to suit the rapidly evolving conditions of the digital payment industry from a global perspective and, when failing to do so, the aim is to also explore avenues for further research towards this end goal.
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論美歐大型民用航空器補貼案-以歐盟補貼案為研究中心陳靜儀 Unknown Date (has links)
美國與歐盟在航空產業的補貼爭議已有數十年之久,雙方互相指控對方補貼其國內民用航空器製造業,此一爭議雖經雙方談判協商,但終究談判破裂而進入世界貿易組織(WTO)爭端解決機構,成為WTO歷史上涉案金額最大的一次貿易糾紛案。雖然美國與歐盟就航空器補貼爭議相互於WTO下提出訴訟,總計成立了四個爭端案件,在如此複雜的情況下,目前僅歐盟航空補貼案(DS316)已進入至言詞辯論程序,其他爭議案均未進入實質審理程序,尚無資料可得分析,因此僅就DS316一案而為討論。 / 在該案中,美方指控歐盟以開發補助、基礎設施、研發技術補助等措施為空中巴士進行補貼,提升空中巴士之市場競爭力,對美國波音公司產生不良影響。上述措施是否違反WTO規定,著實進一步分析探討之必要,因此本文將介紹補貼及民用航空器的相關規定,由SCM協定下之補貼構成要件-政府財務補助、利益及特定性之要件,判斷歐盟是否構成補貼,而其中尚須檢驗美國與歐盟首次書狀中論點之合理性、考量過去小組類似判斷之見解與顧及1992年美歐航空器的雙邊協定,最後嘗試預測未來小組判斷中,對補貼之構成與否及其法律效果之意見。 / Subsidy dispute of aviation between the US and EU has been lasting over the past decades. Both sides accused each other of subsidizing domestic civil aircraft industry. In spite of having made efforts to solve the trade clash through negotiations, they eventually took the subsidy dispute before Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization(WTO) after the negotiations had failed. In the biggest case ever to come before WTO, US and EU separately filed legal complaints against each other at the WTO, which set up four dispute cases. However, except the oral arguments were held in the European Communities-Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft(DS316), the three other cases have not yet entered into substantial procedures. Therefore, this thesis intends to focus on the DS316 due to no related data available to analyze the rest of the cases. / In DS316, the US argued that EU subsidized Airbus by way of such measures as Launch Aid, Infrastructure & Regional Aid and Research & Technology to improve Airbus’s competitiveness in the aviation market and put its US rival Boeing at disadvantage. Given that whether the EU subsides are against the trade rules of the WTO needs further studies, this thesis would like to interpret related rules which regulate subsidy and civil aircraft industry. It would also like to decide if the EU involved in subsidizing by examining the constitutive requirements of subsidy under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures(SCM agreement)including financial contribution, benefit and specificity. This thesis will review the rationality of arguments in the first written submissions both by the US and EU, and then deliberate the opinions of similar decisions from the WTO panel in the past as well as take into account the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the United States of America concerning the Application of the GATT Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft in 1992. Finally, this article tries to forecast the opinions about what is regarded as subsidy and the related legal effects in future decisions by the WTO panel.
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Déterminants et inégalités d’utilisation des services obstétricaux essentiels dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaireLanglois, Étienne Vincent 11 1900 (has links)
Chaque année, 289 000 femmes décèdent des complications reliées à la grossesse et à l’accouchement, et 2.9 millions de nouveau-nés décèdent avant d’atteindre 28 jours de vie. La quasi-totalité (99%) des décès maternels et néonataux ont cours dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire (PRFI). L’utilisation des services obstétricaux essentiels, incluant l’assistance qualifiée à l’accouchement (AA) et les services postnataux, contribue largement à la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité maternelle et néonatale. Il est donc essentiel d’évaluer les déterminants et les inégalités de couverture de ces services, en vue d’informer l’élaboration de politiques et de programmes de santé dans les PRFI.
1. Étudier systématiquement les déterminants et inégalités socioéconomiques, géographiques et démographiques dans l’utilisation des services de santé postnataux dans les PRFI.
2. Évaluer l’effet de la politique de subvention des frais aux usagers introduite au Burkina Faso en 2007 sur les taux d’utilisation de l’assistance qualifiée à l’accouchement, en fonction du statut socioéconomique (SSE).
1. Nous avons réalisé une revue systématique sur l’utilisation des services postnataux dans les PRFI, en fonction des déterminants socioéconomiques, géographiques et démographiques. Notre étude incluait une méta-analyse de l’utilisation des services selon les quintiles de SSE et le milieu de vie (urbain vs. rural).
2. Nous avons utilisé un devis quasi-expérimental. Les sources de données consistaient en deux sondages représentatifs (n=1408 et n=1403), conduits respectivement en 2008 et 2010 auprès de femmes des districts sanitaires de Houndé et de Ziniaré au Burkina Faso, en plus d’une enquête sur la qualité structurelle des soins offerts dans les centres de santé primaire. Nous avons utilisé des modèles de régression de Poisson, multi-niveaux et segmentés, afin d’évaluer l’effet de la politique de subvention sur les taux d’AA. Nous avons estimé des ratios et différences de taux d’incidence ajustés, en fonction du SSE et du temps écoulé depuis l’introduction de la subvention.
1. Les estimés de ratio de cotes (RC) agrégés (IC 95%) pour les femmes de SSE élevé (5e quintile ou Q5), Q4, Q3 et Q2 (référence : quintile le plus pauvre, Q1) étaient respectivement : 2.27 (1.75 – 2.93); 1.60 (1.30-1.98); 1.32 (1.12-1.55); et 1.14 (0.96-1.34). La méta-analyse a aussi démontré un gradient d’utilisation des services postnataux entre les femmes urbaines et rurales : RC (IC 95%) = 1.36 (1.01-1.81). L’évaluation narrative a par ailleurs identifié une différence dans la couverture de services selon le niveau d’éducation.
2. Pour les femmes de faible SSE, le taux d’AA était 24% plus élevé (IC 95% : 4-46%) immédiatement après l’introduction de la subvention, en comparaison au taux attendu en l’absence de ladite subvention. L’ampleur de l’effet a diminué dans le temps, correspondant à des estimés (IC 95%) de 22% (3-45%) à 6 mois, 20% (1-43%) à 12 mois, et 17% (-4-42%) à 24 mois après l’introduction de la subvention. La force d’association variait selon les strates de SSE, l’effet le plus prononcé étant observé au sein du SSE le plus faible.
1. L’utilisation des services postnataux demeure inéquitable selon le SSE et l’accessibilité géographique aux formations sanitaires dans les PRFI.
2. Notre étude suggère que l’introduction de la subvention des frais aux usagers au Burkina Faso résulte en une augmentation soutenue dans le taux d’assistance qualifiée à l’accouchement, particulièrement chez les femmes de faible SSE.
Cette évidence scientifique devrait alimenter l’élaboration de programmes de santé materno-infantile, en plus de guider la planification de politiques et le renforcement des systèmes de santé des PRFI. / Background
Each year, 289 000 women die from complications related to pregnancy, childbirth or the postnatal period, and 2.9 million newborns decease before reaching 28 days of life. The near totality (99%) of maternal and neonatal deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Utilization of essential obstetric care services including skilled birth attendance (SBA) and postnatal care (PNC) largely contributes to the reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. There is a strong need to assess the determinants and inequalities in coverage of SBA and PNC services, to inform health policy planning.
1. Systematically assess the socioeconomic, geographic and demographic inequalities in PNC services utilization in LMICs.
2. Evaluate the effect of Burkina Faso’s 2007 user-fee subsidy policy on SBA rate across socioeconomic status (SES) strata.
1. We conducted a systematic review of the association between PNC services utilization and key determinants, including a meta-analysis of PNC use across socioeconomic status quintiles, and place of residence (urban vs. rural).
2. We used a quasi-experimental design. The data sources were two representative surveys (n=1408 and n=1403) carried out in 2008 and 2010, respectively, of women from Houndé and Ziniaré health districts of Burkina Faso, and a survey of health centres assessing structural quality of care. Multilevel segmented Poisson regression models were used to assess the effect of subsidy on SBA rate. We estimated adjusted rate ratios and rate differences as a function of time and socioeconomic status level.
1. The pooled odds ratio (OR) (95% CI) estimates for highest SES women (quintile 5, Q5), Q4, Q3 and Q2 (reference: poorest quintile, Q1) were respectively: 2.27 (1.75 – 2.93); 1.60 (1.30-1.98); 1.32 (1.12-1.55); and 1.14 (0.96-1.34). Meta-analysis also showed a PNC utilization divide between urban and rural women: OR (95% CI) = 1.36 (1.01-1.81). Narrative assessment of studies identified a gradient in PNC coverage across education levels.
2. For low-SES women, immediately upon the introduction of the subsidy policy, the rate of SBA was 24% higher (95% CI: 4-46%) than expected in the absence of subsidy policy introduction. The magnitude of the apparent effect decreased over time, with the corresponding estimates (95% CI) being 22% (3-45%) at 6 months, 20% (1-43%) at 12 months, and 17% (-4-42%) at 24 months after the policy introduction. Furthermore, the magnitude of the association varied across SES strata, with the apparent effect being most pronounced in the low SES stratum.
1. PNC utilization remains inequitable across socioeconomic status and geographic access to health facilities in LMICs.
2. Our study suggests that introduction of user fee subsidy in Burkina Faso resulted in sustained increase in the rate of SBA, especially among low-SES women.
This evidence should inform maternal and child health programmes and guide health policies and health care systems in LMICs.
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Porovnání přístupu k bioplynovým stanicím v ČR a vybraných státech EU.FIKAR, Miloslav January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on biogas stations used in agriculture. The thesis is divided into two parts - the literary research and the practical part. The first part of the thesis introduces the overall description of the biogas, its production, definition, and use. Moreover, the input and output raw materials of a biogas station are described. Subsequently, the operation and the chronological procedure used during the biogas production and resulting electricity in biogas station are introduced. The practical part of the thesis focuses on the actual situation in Europe and the development of both, the biogas stations' construction and the production of electricity from biomass. This part also analyses preferred raw materials of selected countries of the EU. Electrical capacity (IEC) and a particular state subsidy policy are also mentioned in the thesis. The research also includes particular examples of a good attitude and use of biogas stations in practice. In detail, the thesis deals with how these topics are dealt with in selected countries. In the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Poland. In conclusion, according to the ascertain data, the overall summary and prognosis for the future are introduced.
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Essays in macroeconomicsTrabandt, Mathias 03 August 2007 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Aufsätzen, welche die Effekte von Geld- und Fiskalpolitiken für die Makroökonomie untersuchen. Der erste Aufsatz analysiert, wie das Verhalten der Inflation nach z.B. geldpolitischen Veränderungen erklärt werden kann. Mankiw und Reis (2002) propagieren klebrige Information als eine Alternative zu Calvo klebrigen Preisen, um drei konventionelle Sichtweisen über die Inflation zu modellieren. Ich verwende ein DSGE Modell mit klebriger Information und vergleiche es mit Calvo klebrigen Preisen mit dynamischer Inflationsindexierung wie in Christiano et al. (2005). Ich zeige, dass beide Modelle in meinem DSGE Rahmen gleich gut geeignet sind, die konventionellen Sichtweisen zu erklären. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht, wie sich das Verhalten von Haushalten und Firmen in den USA und EU-15 infolge von Steuerveränderungen anpasst. Mittels eines neoklassischen Wachstumsmodells zeigt sich, dass die USA und EU-15 auf der linken Seite der Lohn- und Kapitalsteuer Laffer Kurve liegen. Die EU-15 befindet sich jedoch viel näher an der rutschigen Steigung als die USA. Eine dynamische Scoring-Analyse zeigt, dass Steuersenkungen in der EU-15 stärker selbstfinanzierend sind als in den USA. Es folgt, dass es in der EU-15 grössere Anreize durch Steuersenkungen als in den USA gibt. Der dritte Aufsatz analysiert, ob die Fiskalpolitik Steuerreformen vor deren Implementierung vorankündigen soll, um die Wohlfahrt zu maximieren. Domeij und Klein (2005) zeigen, dass Vorankündigung einer optimalen Steuerreform mit Wohlfahrtskosten verbunden ist. Ich prüfe diese Behauptung unter zusätzlicher Berücksichtigung von öffentlichen Gütern und Kapital nach. Ich zeige, dass nutzenbringende und produktive Staatsausgaben die Wohlfahrtskosten durch Vorankündigungen höchstwahrscheinlich reduzieren. Es zeigt sich weiter, dass kurzfristige Konfiszierung und/oder Subvention von Kapital und Löhnen nicht wichtig für die Wohlfahrsgewinne einer hinreichend vorangekündigten Steuerreform sind. / This dissertation consists of three essays which investigate the economic implications of monetary and fiscal policies on the macroeconomy. The first essay focuses on the question: how can we explain the behavior of inflation in response to e.g. monetary policy changes? Mankiw and Reis (2002) propose sticky information as an alternative to Calvo sticky prices to model three conventional views about inflation. We use a fully-fledged DSGE model with sticky information and compare it to Calvo sticky prices, allowing also for dynamic inflation indexation as in Christiano et al. (2005). We find that both models do equally well in our DSGE framework in delivering the conventional views. The second essay analyzes the question: how does the behavior of households and firms in the US compared to the EU-15 adjust if fiscal policy changes taxes? Using a calibrated neoclassical growth model we show that the US and the EU-15 are located on the left side of their labor and capital tax Laffer curves, but the EU-15 being much closer to the slippery slopes than the US. A dynamic scoring analysis shows that tax cuts in the EU-15 are much more self-financing than in the US. We conclude that there are higher incentive effects in the EU-15 compared to the US in response to tax cuts. Finally, the third essay focuses on the question: should fiscal policy pre-announce tax reforms before their implementation from a welfare point of view? Domeij and Klein (2005) show that pre-announcement of an optimal tax reform is costly in terms of welfare. We reexamine their claim by taking two additional features of government spending into account: public goods and public capital. We show that valuable and productive government spending is likely to reduce the welfare costs of preannouncement. As a further contribution, we show that short-run confiscation and/or subsidy of capital and labor income is not important for the welfare gains of pre-announced reforms with sufficiently long pre-announcement duration.
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