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The Gravity of the OrdinaryFrankel, Leah H. 29 October 2014 (has links)
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Beltrami FlowsMargetis, Alexander 11 May 2018 (has links)
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Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health MonitoringKolli, Phaneendra K. 21 May 2010 (has links)
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An Experimental Investigation of the System-Level Behavior of Planetary Gear SetsBoguski, Brian C. 16 December 2010 (has links)
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Green Infrastructure: The Landscape of Urban EcoHousingUpchurch, Meredith 11 July 2006 (has links)
Cities are facing environmental crises like never before, with problems of excess water runoff, degraded water quality, air pollution, and energy use reaching critical levels. The development of urban areas and the built environment is the primary cause of these problems and the built environment needs to be a part of the solution. This design thesis project produces a prototype design for the Urban EcoHousing development on a city block in Alexandria, Virginia. Design goals for the project connect the "Ecological Services of the Urban Landscape" to the "Rights of the Urban EcoHousing Resident" to create livable green spaces that can serve ecological functions and give the residents spaces to use. A comparison study with a conventional housing development at the same location illustrates that ecohousing can meet the requirements of the conventional development while providing superior results for the residents and the environment. / Master of Landscape Architecture
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Collaborative learning in Open Source Software (OSS) communities: The dynamics and challenges in networked learning environmentsMitra, Raktim 22 August 2011 (has links)
The proliferation of web based technologies has resulted in new forms of communities and organizations with enormous implications for design of learning and education. This thesis explores learning occurring within open source software (OSS) communities. OSS communities are a dominant form of organizing in software development with implications not only for innovative product development but also for the training of a large number of software developers. The central catalyst of learning within these communities is expert-novice interactions. These interactions between experts and novices or newcomers are critical for the growth and sustenance of a community and therefore it is imperative that experts are able to provide newcomers requisite advice and support as they traverse the community and develop software.
Although prior literature has demonstrated the significance of expert-novice interactions, there are two central issues that have not been examined. First, there is no examination of the role of external events on community interaction, particularly as it relates to experts and novices. Second, the exact nature of expert help, particularly, the quantity of help and whether it helps or hinders newcomer participation has not been studied. This thesis studies these two aspects of expert-novice interaction within OSS communities.
The data for this study comes from two OSS communities. The Java newcomer forum was studied as it provided a useful setting for examining external events given the recent changes in Java's ownership. Furthermore, the forum has a rating system which classifies newcomers and experienced members allowing the analysis of expert-novice interactions. The second set of data comes from the MySQL newcomer forum which has also undergone organizational changes and allows for comparison with data from the Java forum. Data were collected by parsing information from the HTML pages and stored in a relational database.
To analyze the effect of external events, a natural experiment method was used whereby participation levels were studied around significant events that affected the community. To better understand the changes contextually, an extensive study of major news outlets was also undertaken. Findings from the external event study show significant changes in participation patterns, especially among newcomers in response to key external events. The study also revealed that the changes in participation of newcomers were observed even though other internal characteristics (help giving, expert participation) did not change indicating that external events have a strong bearing on community participation.
The effect of expert advice was studied using a logistic regression model to determine how specific participation patterns in discussion threads led to the final response to newcomers. This was supported by social network analysis to visually interpret the participation patterns of experienced members in two different scenarios, one in which the question was answered and the other where it was not. Findings show that higher number of responses from experienced members did not correlate with a response. Therefore, although expert help is essential, non-moderated or unguided help can lead to conflict among experts and inefficient feedback to newcomers. / Master of Science
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Theoretical magnetic flux emergenceMacTaggart, David January 2011 (has links)
Magnetic flux emergence is the subject of how magnetic fields from the solar interior can rise and expand into the atmosphere to produce active regions. It is the link that joins dynamics in the convection zone with dynamics in the atmosphere. In this thesis, we study many aspects of magnetic flux emergence through mathematical modelling and computer simulations. Our primary aim is to understand the key physical processes that lie behind emergence. The first chapter introduces flux emergence and the theoretical framework, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), that describes it. In the second chapter, we discuss the numerical techniques used to solve the highly non-linear problems that arise from flux emergence. The third chapter summarizes the current literature. In the fourth chapter, we consider how changing the geometry and parameter values of the initial magnetic field can affect the dynamic evolution of the emerging magnetic field. For an initial toroidal magnetic field, it is found that its axis can emerge to the corona if the tube’s initial field strength is large enough. The fifth chapter describes how flux emergence models can produce large-scale solar eruptions. A 2.5D model of the breakout model, using only dynamic flux emergence, fails to produce any large scale eruptions. A 3D model of toroidal emergence with an overlying magnetic field does, however, produce multiple large-scale eruptions and the form of these is related to the breakout model. The sixth chapter is concerned with signatures of flux emergence and how to identify emerging twisted magnetic structures correctly. Here, a flux emergence model produces signatures found in observations. The signatures from the model, however, have different underlying physical mechanisms to the original interpretations of the observations. The thesis concludes with some final thoughts on current trends in theoretical magnetic flux emergence and possible future directions.
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訓政時期政治體系之研究(1929--1947)姚誠, Yao, Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
緒論;第一章:訓政理念的探討。含中山先生的訓政設計、胡漢民先生對訓政的闡釋,對於訓政爭議的言論;第二章:內憂外患的環境。含內戰與共禍、抗戰與國際情勢;第三章:訓政體系的社會經濟坴礎。含黃金十年的財攻建設、黃金十年的經濟發展、社會建設運動的開展;第四章:訓政體系的文化基礎。含政治文化的內涵、傳統中國的政治文化、國家意識的培養; 第五章:政治庄會化皂內涵與功能。含建立政治共識的基模、三民主義國民教育的確立、配合訓政建設的國民教育目標;第六章:政治參與的逐步實現。含中山先生的地方自治理論、訓政時期地方自治實施概況、非國民黨政治勢力的發展;第七章:民意的匯集與表達。含國民會議的召開、國民參政會的功能;第八章:政治傳播的綱路。含政治傳播機構的遞嬗、政治傳播方略的改進、政治傳播程序的分析;第九章:黨政姞構與黨政關係。含國民黨皂組織結構、國民政府的組織結構、黨攻關係皂運作;第十章:訓政精英的甄拔與培訓。含訓政政治就是典型的精英政治、中央領導階層的訓政精英、訓政精英的甄補管道;第十一章規則的制定--約法、法律暨規章。含訓政時期約法的制定與內容、主法的精神與程序、各類法規的頒訂;第十二章規則的執行--行攻。含國防政策、高等教育政策、財經政策;第十三章規則的裁判--司法、監察。含司法審判--法院、監察機關的功能;結論--訓政成效的評估。
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孫逸仙與馬克斯主義國家觀的比較研究陳榮源, CHEN, RONG-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
能轉化到干涉主義。第五章:無產階級與國家的Aufhebung ;說明無產階級與政黨的
矛盾及Aufhebung 的晢學意義。第六章:孫逸仙的國家觀;由進化論、歷史觀、心物
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