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Emprego de diferentes algoritmos de árvores de decisão na classificação da atividade celular in vitro para tratamentos de superfícies de titânioFernandes, Fabiano Rodrigues January 2017 (has links)
O interesse pela área de análise e caracterização de materiais biomédicos cresce, devido a necessidade de selecionar de forma adequada, o material a ser utilizado. Dependendo das condições em que o material será submetido, a caracterização poderá abranger a avaliação de propriedades mecânicas, elétricas, bioatividade, imunogenicidade, eletrônicas, magnéticas, ópticas, químicas e térmicas. A literatura relata o emprego da técnica de árvores de decisão, utilizando os algoritmos SimpleCart(CART) e J48, para classificação de base de dados (dataset), gerada a partir de resultados de artigos científicos. Esse estudo foi realizado afim de identificar características superficiais que otimizassem a atividade celular. Para isso, avaliou-se, a partir de artigos publicados, o efeito de tratamento de superfície do titânio na atividade celular in vitro (células MC3TE-E1). Ficou constatado que, o emprego do algoritmo SimpleCart proporcionou uma melhor resposta em relação ao algoritmo J48. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar, para esse mesmo estudo, os algoritmos CHAID (Chi-square iteration automatic detection) e CHAID Exaustivo, comparando com os resultados obtidos com o emprego do algoritmo SimpleCart. A validação dos resultados, mostraram que o algoritmo CHAID Exaustivo obteve o melhor resultado em comparação ao algoritmo CHAID, obtendo uma estimativa de acerto de 75,9% contra 58,6% respectivamente, e um erro padrão de 7,9% contra 9,1% respectivamente, enquanto que, o algoritmo já testado na literatura SimpleCart(CART) teve como resultado 34,5% de estimativa de acerto com um erro padrão de 8,8%. Com relação aos tempos de execução apurados sobre 22 mil registros, evidenciaram que o algoritmo CHAID Exaustivo apresentou os melhores tempos, com ganho de 0,02 segundos sobre o algoritmo CHAID e 14,45 segundos sobre o algoritmo SimpleCart(CART). / The interest for the area of analysis and characterization of biomedical materials as the need for selecting the adequate material to be used increases. However, depending on the conditions to which materials are submitted, characterization may involve the evaluation of mechanical, electrical, optical, chemical and thermal properties besides bioactivity and immunogenicity. Literature review shows the application decision trees, using SimpleCart(CART) and J48 algorithms, to classify the dataset, which is generated from the results of scientific articles. Therefore the objective of this study was to identify surface characteristics that optimizes the cellular activity. Based on published articles, the effect of the surface treatment of titanium on the in vitro cells (MC3TE-E1 cells) was evaluated. It was found that applying SimpleCart algorithm gives better results than the J48. In this sense, the present study has the objective to apply the CHAID (Chi-square iteration automatic detection) algorithm and Exhaustive CHAID to the surveyed data, and compare the results obtained with the application of SimpleCart algorithm. The validation of the results showed that the Exhaustive CHAID obtained better results comparing to CHAID algorithm, obtaining 75.9 % of accurate estimation against 58.5%, respectively, while the standard error was 7.9% against 9.1%, respectively. Comparing the obtained results with SimpleCart(CART) results which had already been tested and presented in the literature, the results for accurate estimation was 34.5% and the standard error 8.8%. In relation to execution time found through the 22.000 registers, it showed that the algorithm Exhaustive CHAID presented the best times, with a gain of 0.02 seconds over the CHAID algorithm and 14.45 seconds over the SimpleCart(CART) algorithm.
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Efeito da largura temporal de pulso do Laser de Er:YAG em zircônia pré-sinterizada / Effect of Er:YAG laser pulse widths on pre-sintered zirconiaSilva, Beatriz Togoro Ferreira da 19 October 2015 (has links)
Este estudo se propôs a analisar os efeitos das diferentes larguras temporais de pulso do laser de Er:YAG na rugosidade superficial, na perda de volume do material e na altura do degrau formado em uma Y-TZP (Yttrium-stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystal) pré-sinterizada. Foram utilizados 5 blocos de Y-TZP pré-sinterizados destinados ao uso CAD/CAM que foram seccionados, obtendo-se 63 espécimes padronizados. Em seguida, esses espécimes foram lixados com uma sequência decrescente de lixas para padronização da superfície. Os grupos experimentais foram compostos a partir de 1 fator de variação - o tratamento de superfície. Os espécimes foram irradiados com o laser de Er:YAG (Fidelis III Fotona, Eslovênia) - 2,94 ?m, 100 mJ, 15,87J/cm2, 10 Hz, 1W, 7 mm, 60% água/40% ar. Assim formaram-se 7 grupos experimentais (n=9): G1 (50 ?s); G2 (100 ?s); G3 (300 ?s); G4 (600 ?s); G5 (1000 ?s); G6 (Abrasão triboquímica com partículas de 30 ?m); G7 (Sem tratamento). Após os tratamentos de superfície, os espécimes foram sinterizados em forno específico, de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante. Foram capturadas imagens em Microscópio Confocal a Laser 3D de cada espécime e avaliadas por meio de um software. A análise dos grupos irradiados revelou um aumento da rugosidade nos grupos G1, G2, G3 e G4 quando comparados aos grupos G6 e G7. O grupo G5 apresentou superfície totalmente plana e desfavorável para retenção. No que se refere à perda de volume e formação de degrau, os grupos G1, G2 e G3 demonstraram grande perda de volume e grande altura de degrau formado, o que pode levar a uma desadaptação da peça protética. No grupo G4 foram observados valores de rugosidade satisfatórios com pouca perda de volume e pequena altura de degrau formado, semelhante ao que foi notado para a abrasão trioboquímica (G6), podendo ser indicada para tratamento de superfície de Y-TZP pré-sinterizada. A irradiação com o laser de Er:YAG promoveu um padrão morfológico com muitas irregularidades, característico de ablação para os grupos G1, G2, G3 e G4 e, para todos os protocolos utilizados, não foi observada a presença de trincas ou carbonização. Sugere-se que a largura temporal de 600 ?s (G4) seja a mais indicada como alternativa para tratamento de superfície, objetivando a criação de micro-retenções superficiais, com pouca perda de volume de material e que, ao mesmo tempo, não provoque danos à estrutura da cerâmica policristalina. / This study evaluated the effects of different Er:YAG laser pulse width protocols on surface roughness, loss of volume of the material and the step height formed of pre-sintered Yttrium-stabilized tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystal (Y-TZP) by three-dimensional profilometric assessment. Blocks of pre-sintered Y-TZP were cut providing 63 standard 5mm thick samples which were divided by surface treatment, as follows (n=9): G1 (50?s); G2 (100?s); G3 (300?s); G4 (600?s); G5 (1000?s); G6 (tribochemical silica coating); G7 (Untreated). Laser settings: The Er:YAG laser (Fidelis III; Fotona, Ljubljana, Slovenia) 100mJ, 15,87J/cm2, 10Hz, 1W, (60%) and air (40%) cooling. After treated or not, samples were sintered according to the manufacturer\'s recommendations. Roughness, volume loss and step and were analyzed by 3D profilometric assessment with confocal laser microscopy. Irradiated groups showed an increased roughness in the groups G1, G2, G3 and G4 when compared to G6 and G7 groups. The G5 group showed a completely flat and unfavorable surface for retention. The groups G1, G2 and G3 shown great loss of volume and the step height formed, which can lead to a gap on the crowns. In G4 were observed satisfactory roughness with little loss of volume and the step height formed similar to G6. Irrespective of laser protocol, any of the specimens showed presence of cracks and carbonization. It is suggested that the pulse width 600?s (G4) is the most suitable pulse width protocol as an alternative surface treatment, promoting micro-retention, with little loss of volume of material, comparable to gold standard treatment.
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Nouvelles solutions de préparation et d'activation des surfaces : assemblages époxy-fonte / New solutions of preparation and activation of surfacesRezai Bidakhavidi, Caminde 19 December 2017 (has links)
Les revêtements organiques déposés en surface de tuyaux en fonte ductile ont pour vocation d’assurer une protection (notamment la résistance chimique, la tenue à la corrosion) vis-à-vis des effluents agressifs transportés. Pour assurer l’adhérence entre le revêtement (époxy) et son substrat, une préparation de surface est souvent nécessaire. Parmi les procédés conventionnels, le grenaillage est la solution la plus utilisée. Simple à mettre en œuvre et d’efficacité prouvée, il permet d’assurer le décapage de la surface tout en générant une rugosité adaptée. Si la solution est approuvée, des questions subsistent néanmoins quant à l’influence respective de la topographie et de la physico-chimie des surfaces. De plus, encouragées par les nouvelles réglementations environnementales, de nouvelles techniques de préparation de surface se développent.Le travail présenté s’est alors attaché à évaluer l’effet de nouvelles techniques de préparation comme le laser de structuration et le jet d’eau à ultra haute pression à comparer à d’autres procédés conventionnels tels que le brossage et le sablage. Ces nouvelles alternatives vont permettre alors de mieux comprendre l’influence du décapage et de la rugosité de surface avant la mise en peinture.Enfin, les différents résultats obtenus ont été alors spécifiquement analysés pour permettre la compréhension des phénomènes ou mécanismes d’adhésion se produisant à l’interface du couple époxy/substrat, d’un point de vue mécanique et physico-chimique. Divers moyens d’analyses ont alors pu être mis en œuvre pour caractériser les surfaces d’un point de vue morphologique (ratio de surface) et chimique (spectroscopies Raman et photoélectronique à rayons X (XPS)) pour évaluer la tenue interfaciale (test de traction adhérence). / Organic coatings applied on the surface of cast iron pipes ensure very good chemical and anti-corrosion protection against aggressive effluents. To improve adherence between coating (epoxy) and substrate, a surface preparation is required. Among conventional processes shot blasting has emerged as the most efficient and cheapest solution for ensuring stripping while generating adapted roughness. However, as it may enhance both mechanical anchorage and chemical bonding a better understanding of these phenomena should be developed. Besides new eco-friendly alternatives were investigated.Indeed, new techniques were evaluated, i.e. laser structuring and an ultra-high pressure water jet whose major benefits are understanding the effect of ablation and surface roughness prior to applying a coating. Moreover, two other conventional processes (sand blasting and brushing) were introduced to obtain a various roughness.Results obtained were then analyzed to further understand bonding mechanisms at the interface.Several processes were then implemented to evaluate the surface morphology as well as the surface chemistry (spectroscopy Raman and XPS) correlated to the adhesion mechanisms
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Modified functional surfaces for increased biointegration : Surface chemistry, mechanical integrity and long-term stability of zirconia and alumina based ceramics / Surfaces fonctionnelles modifiées pour augmenter biointégration : Chimie de surface, intégrité mécanique et la stabilité à long terme de céramiques à la base de zircone et d'alumineCaravaca, Carlos Francisco 16 September 2016 (has links)
Les céramiques bioinertes (zircone, alumine), sont utilisées dans des dispositifs médicaux pour l’orthopédie et l’odontologie. Leurs surfaces peuvent avoir plusieurs fonctions : fixation du dispositif dans le milieu vivant (ex : implants dentaires), rôle tribologique (prothèses articulaires)… Dans tous les cas, ces surfaces sont traitées pour maximiser leur performance, mais ces modifications peuvent entrainer des conséquences négatives. Ainsi, le 2e chapitre montre qu’introduire de la rugosité par sablage joue sur l’intégrité mécanique et sur la stabilité à long terme de l’alumine, de la zircone et d’un composite alumine-zircone. Par ailleurs, dans les prothèses articulaires, la lubrification joue un rôle fondamental pour minimiser l’usure et donc augmenter la durée de vie moyenne des implants, permettant en outre de favoriser l’adsorption de protéines réduisant le contact direct entre les deux surfaces glissantes. La chimie des surfaces (y compris la présence de contamination) peut modifier ces aspects. Dans le 3e chapitre de ma thèse j’ai étudié l’effet de la contamination et des différentes techniques de nettoyage permettant de la réduire sur la mouillabilité des matériaux typiquement utilisés dans les prothèses de hanche, et sur l’adsorption de protéines à leurs surfaces. Finalement, les cellules utilisent les protéines en surface comme points de fixation et identification. Les implants avec une surface capable de recruter plus de protéines aidant à l’adhésion des cellules auront plus des chances d’être intégrés que des implants recrutant des protéines qui empêchent l’adhésion. Dans le 4e chapitre, j’ai exploré un nouveau concept de modification de surface de la zircone consistant en un greffage d’organosilanes directement sur sa surface, de manière à prouver le potentiel de cette technique à améliorer l’ostéointegration sans diminuer la performance mécanique. / Bioinert ceramics (zirconia, alumina) are used in medical devices in orthopedics and dentistry. Their surfaces may provide different functions: fixation of the device in the living tissue (e.g. dental implants), tribological role(joint substitutions),… In all cases the surfaces are treated to maximize their performance, but this modifications may entail negative consequences. The use of roughness to promote osseointegration of implants is a common practice, especially on dental implants. Roughening is often conducted by mechanical treatments, the most common being sandblasting. Therefore, chapter 2 focus on the implications of roughening by sandblasting on the mechanical behaviour of zirconia, alumina and a zirconia-alumina composite, and the differences between them. The work brought in chapter 3 was carried out entirely during a six-month secondment at CeramTec GmbH. In a bearing couple, lubrication mechanisms are complex and wettability and proteins play a yet-to understand role. The study compared the wettability of different materials, their ability to welcome protein adsorption and the effect of different cleaning procedures on wettability measurements and protein adsorption. Finally, the influence of the surface on cell activity is not driven exclusively by roughness: chemical modifications of the surface may enhance the perception of cells for the surface, and by careful tuning of the surface properties one may achieve a better integration without the downsides of roughness. In chapter 4, we explored a novel modification of zirconia, based on known techniques in chemistry, which introduces molecules with special functional groups capable of rendering the surface friendlier for cell adhesion, and opening the window for new exciting developments in the field of bioinert ceramics.
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Atmospheric pressure Radio Frequency discharges, diagnostic and numerical modelingBalcon, Nicolas, nicolas.balcon@gmail.com January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the properties of a Radio Frequency capacitive discharge at atmospheric pressure in argon. In these conditions where the pressure x distance product is around 150 Torr.cm, the discharge usually consists of several locally hot filaments. By pulsing the RF generator with an appropriate width and period, it was found possible to control the filament to glow transition in order to obtain a diffused and stable plasma.¶
The 2 mm gap between the electrodes is open to the ambient air and fed with argon via one hundred submillimetric holes regularly spread on the surface of the top electrode. This configuration allows on-line surface treatment of polymer films without having to turn the discharge off between successive samples. An important and lasting improvement of the polymer wettability is quickly obtained without risk of damage.
The plasma diagnostic methods are emission spectroscopy and electric measurements. The Stark broadening of the Balmer β transition line of atomic hydrogen is measured to determine a plasma density of 10^15/cm3 in the filamentary mode. The glow mode density estimation was based on power balance yielding a density of 5×10^11/cm3. Emission line ratios between neutrals and Ar+ ions are used in the Saha equation to calculate the electron temperature. It results in an approximation of 1.3 eV for the glow mode and 1.7 eV for the filaments.¶
A unidimensional self-consistent fluid model is developed to gain insight into the homogeneous discharge behaviour. Poissons equation for the electric field is coupled to the first moments of the Boltzmann equation (continuity equation, drift-diffusion equation and energy equation). Transport and reaction coefficients are obtained from the mean energy of the electrons.¶
The model is applied to a reduced argon kinetic with the main ionization and excitation processes. Simulation results are in agreement with experimental measurements. The atmospheric pressure RF discharge is similar to a lower pressure RF discharge for which the ionization occurs mainly inside the oscillating sheaths where electrons are the most energetic
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Hydrophobic Impregnation of Concrete Structures : Effects on Concrete PropertiesSelander, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Hydrophobic impregnations often referred to as water repellent agents, today mainly consisting of alkylalkoxysilanes, are often used on concrete to prolong the service life of the structure. This is accomplished by protecting the reinforcement bars from chlorides or by changing the moisture content inside. When the concrete is treated with a water repellent agent the properties of the surface layer becomes hydrophobic and thereby water droplets are stopped from entering, still allowing water vapour to pass through. This change can reduce chloride ingress and stop heavy rain from penetrating through the surface layer. This thesis presents results concerning how the properties of concrete are affected by a hydrophobic impregnation. Moisture transport and fixation in the surface layer of the concrete are studied as well as the secondary effects of more practical use such as the effect on chloride ingress, water absorption and humidity level. It also presents results on how the penetration depth and concentration of the water repellent agent (i) depend on a number of parameters, and (ii) affect the outcome of the treatment. Water repellent treatments on a number of different concrete structures in Stockholm, ranging from tunnel to high-rice building, are evaluated as well. The three most important factors for the penetration of any water repellent agent into concrete are time, porosity and degree of saturation. A semi-empirical equation is derived that gives an idea on how much these factors affect the efficient penetration depth of the water repellent agent. The depth and concentration have a major effect on the performance of the treatment. The moisture diffusion coefficient for a water repellent treated concrete is close to constant and not nearly as dependent on the relative humidity (RH) as for untreated concrete. Unlike untreated concrete, where capillary suction plays an important role for the moisture transport at high RH, the vapour transport is the dominant transport mechanism even at high RH for water repellent treated concrete. The moisture fixation is affected by a water repellent treatment and the effect is clearest at high moisture levels. The main reason for this is that the capillary porosity is affected by the treatment to a relatively high degree while the gel porosity to a large extent remains unaffected. A hypothesis is presented which suggests that the RH inside the concrete at the time of the treatment affects not only the depth and concentration but also in which range of pore radii the water repellent agent is present and active. The durability of hydrophobic impregnations can be divided into surface effects and in depth effects. The first is sensitive to the environmental and mechanical loadings and normally disappears within a year while the later can be long lasting if a sufficient depth is reached. Hydrophobic impregnations are not the answer to all problems in concrete related to moisture, but if correctly used it can prolong the service life of the structure which will lead to savings of natural resources and thus both economical and environmental savings for the community. / Vattenavvisande impregneringsmedel, som i dagsläget till största del består av alkylalkoxysilaner, används ofta på betong för att förlänga livslängden på konstruktionen. Detta syfte uppnås genom att armeringen skyddas mot klorider eller att fukthalten inuti betongen sänks. När betongen impregneras ändras ytskiktets fuktmekaniska egenskaper från hydrofila till hydrofoba vilket gör att vattendroppar kan stoppas medan vattenånga tillåts passera. Dessa förändrade egenskaper kan medföra att kloridinträngningen minskar och att kraftiga regn inte tränger genom det impregnerade skiktet. Denna avhandling presenterar resultat om hur betongen påverkas av en vattenavvisande impregnering. Fukttransport och fuktfixering i betongens ytskikt har undersökts men även sekundära effekter som kloridinträngning, vattenabsorption och förändring i fuktinnehåll vilka alla är av större praktisk nytta. Avhandlingen presenterar också resultat om vilka faktorer som påverkar impregneringens inträngningsdjup och koncentration samt vilken betydelse dessa har för funktionen. För att utvärdera impregneringars effekt i olika miljöer har ett stort antal objekt i Stockholm undersökts, innefattande olika konstruktioner från en tunnel till höghus. Impregneringens inträngningsdjup och koncentration har en avgörande betydelse för dess funktion. De tre viktigaste faktorerna för alla impregneringsmedels inträngning i betong är tid, porositet och fuktnivå. En semiempirisk ekvation har tagits fram där det framgår hur dessa tre faktorer påverkar det slutliga inträngningsdjupet för impregneringen. Till skillnad från obehandlad betong är transportkoefficienten för en impregnerad betong nästan oberoende av den relativa fuktigheten (RF) i omgivningen. Vid höga RF, där största delen av fukttransporten i obehandlad betong sker på grund av kapillärkrafter, är ångtransporten fortfarande den dominerande transportmekanismen i impregnerad betong. Fuktfixeringen i betong påverkas av en impregnering och effekten är störst vid höga RF. Det är dock tydligt att en viss mängd fukt finns inuti den impregnerade betongen. Detta kan förklaras med att största delen av kapillärporerna påverkas av impregneringen medan gelporerna förblir obehandlade. Resultaten indikerar också att fuktnivån vid impregneringstillfället avgör vilken del av porsystemet som kan behandlas och inte bara koncentrationen och inträngningsdjupet. Långtidsegenskaperna hos impregneringen kan delas upp i yt- och djupeffekt. Effekten på ytan avtar normalt sett inom ett år på grund av damm och partiklar, UV-ljus, slitage mm. Djupeffekten påverkas däremot inte av dessa faktorer och kan finnas kvar i decennier. Vattenavvisande impregneringar är inte lösningen på alla fuktrelaterade problem i betong, men om de används på rätt sätt så kan det förlänga livslängden på många konstruktioner. Detta leder till ett bättre hushållande med naturresurser och därmed både ekonomiska och miljömässiga besparingar för samhället. / QC20100715
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In Situ Real-time Visualization and Corrosion Testing of Stainless Steel 316LVM with Emphasis on Digital In-line Holographic MicroscopyKlages, Peter E. 17 August 2012 (has links)
Digital in-line holographic microscopy (DIHM) has been incorporated as an additional simultaneous in situ optical technique with ellipsomicroscopy for surface imaging and microscopy to study metastable pitting corrosion on stainless steel 316LVM in simulated biological solutions. DIHM adds microscopic volume imaging, allows one to detect local changes of the index of refraction in the vicinity of a pitting event, and allows one to track tracer particles and/or material ejected from the pitting sites. To improve the pitting corrosion resistance of stainless steel 316LVM, a simple surface treatment was tested and the aforementioned imaging techniques were used to verify that pitting occurred only on the wire face. Treatments consisted of polishing the samples to remove the passive layer, then immersing the wires in 90 C nanopure water for several hours. Treated wires show a marked increase in pitting corrosion resistance over untreated wires: the pit initiation potential increases by a minimum of 200 mV. Additional testing with scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy indicate that the removal of sulphide inclusions from the surface is the most probable cause of this enhancement. To increase holographic reconstruction performance, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been used; 4 Mpixel holograms are reconstructed using the dot product approximation of the Kirchhoff-Fresnel integral in 60 ms on a Tesla c1060 GPU. Errors in sizes and positions can easily be as large as 5 to 10 % for regions where the dot product approximation is not valid, so algorithms with fewer or no approximations are also required. Reconstructions for arbitrary holographic geometries using the full Kirchhoff-Fresnel integral take approximately 1 hour (compared to 1 week on a quad-core CPU), and reconstructions using convolution methods, in which the results of 256 reconstructions at 4096 x 4096 pixels in one plane are combined, take 17 s. This method is almost exact, with approximations only in the obliquity factor.
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Emprego de diferentes algoritmos de árvores de decisão na classificação da atividade celular in vitro para tratamentos de superfícies de titânioFernandes, Fabiano Rodrigues January 2017 (has links)
O interesse pela área de análise e caracterização de materiais biomédicos cresce, devido a necessidade de selecionar de forma adequada, o material a ser utilizado. Dependendo das condições em que o material será submetido, a caracterização poderá abranger a avaliação de propriedades mecânicas, elétricas, bioatividade, imunogenicidade, eletrônicas, magnéticas, ópticas, químicas e térmicas. A literatura relata o emprego da técnica de árvores de decisão, utilizando os algoritmos SimpleCart(CART) e J48, para classificação de base de dados (dataset), gerada a partir de resultados de artigos científicos. Esse estudo foi realizado afim de identificar características superficiais que otimizassem a atividade celular. Para isso, avaliou-se, a partir de artigos publicados, o efeito de tratamento de superfície do titânio na atividade celular in vitro (células MC3TE-E1). Ficou constatado que, o emprego do algoritmo SimpleCart proporcionou uma melhor resposta em relação ao algoritmo J48. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar, para esse mesmo estudo, os algoritmos CHAID (Chi-square iteration automatic detection) e CHAID Exaustivo, comparando com os resultados obtidos com o emprego do algoritmo SimpleCart. A validação dos resultados, mostraram que o algoritmo CHAID Exaustivo obteve o melhor resultado em comparação ao algoritmo CHAID, obtendo uma estimativa de acerto de 75,9% contra 58,6% respectivamente, e um erro padrão de 7,9% contra 9,1% respectivamente, enquanto que, o algoritmo já testado na literatura SimpleCart(CART) teve como resultado 34,5% de estimativa de acerto com um erro padrão de 8,8%. Com relação aos tempos de execução apurados sobre 22 mil registros, evidenciaram que o algoritmo CHAID Exaustivo apresentou os melhores tempos, com ganho de 0,02 segundos sobre o algoritmo CHAID e 14,45 segundos sobre o algoritmo SimpleCart(CART). / The interest for the area of analysis and characterization of biomedical materials as the need for selecting the adequate material to be used increases. However, depending on the conditions to which materials are submitted, characterization may involve the evaluation of mechanical, electrical, optical, chemical and thermal properties besides bioactivity and immunogenicity. Literature review shows the application decision trees, using SimpleCart(CART) and J48 algorithms, to classify the dataset, which is generated from the results of scientific articles. Therefore the objective of this study was to identify surface characteristics that optimizes the cellular activity. Based on published articles, the effect of the surface treatment of titanium on the in vitro cells (MC3TE-E1 cells) was evaluated. It was found that applying SimpleCart algorithm gives better results than the J48. In this sense, the present study has the objective to apply the CHAID (Chi-square iteration automatic detection) algorithm and Exhaustive CHAID to the surveyed data, and compare the results obtained with the application of SimpleCart algorithm. The validation of the results showed that the Exhaustive CHAID obtained better results comparing to CHAID algorithm, obtaining 75.9 % of accurate estimation against 58.5%, respectively, while the standard error was 7.9% against 9.1%, respectively. Comparing the obtained results with SimpleCart(CART) results which had already been tested and presented in the literature, the results for accurate estimation was 34.5% and the standard error 8.8%. In relation to execution time found through the 22.000 registers, it showed that the algorithm Exhaustive CHAID presented the best times, with a gain of 0.02 seconds over the CHAID algorithm and 14.45 seconds over the SimpleCart(CART) algorithm.
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Tratamento a plasma para melhoria na metalização de placas de circuito impresso / Plasma treatment for improved metallization of printed circuit boardsLaraia, André Bianchi 31 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by André Bianchi Laraia (andreblaraia@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-08-29T22:49:26Z
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on 2018-08-30T12:07:55Z (GMT) / Submitted by André Bianchi Laraia (andreblaraia@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-09-12T01:58:28Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-07-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um processo de tratamento com plasma para melhorar ametalização química de placas de circuito impresso (PCI). A pluma de plasma é gerada em argônio a partir da descarga de barreira dielétrica (DBD) promovida entre uma agulha cirúrgica e um cilindro usando capilar de borosilicato como dielétrico. A tensão picoa-pico aplicada foi de 5 kV, com forma de onda senoidal na frequência de 37 kHz e potência de descarga em torno de 765 mW. O substrato é um composto de fibra de vidro e resina epóxi. Com incidência perpendicular da pluma de plasma na superfície, o diâmetro da área tratada circular é de 10 mm. Desta forma, o ângulo de contato reduz de 75 ° a 45 ° com 3 s de interação entre superfície da amostra e a ponta do plasma e o ângulo atinge o mínimo de 33 ° após 180 s de tempo de tratamento. A metalização química foi feita com banhos seqüenciais de solução de paládio e finalizada com banho de solução aquosa de cobre. Testes de adesão padrão mostraram uma forte adesão das camadas de metal nas superfícies previamente tratadas com as plumas de plasma. Esta adesão melhora com o tempo de tratamento. A melhoria na metalização foi observada em superfície plana e também em furos usados para conectar diferentes camadas em PCIs. A área metalizada na superfície dos buracos é maior nos orifícios tratados. Quanto maior o tempo de tratamento, maior é essa área. Todos os resultados indicaram que a técnica de tratamento por plasma de placas de fibra de vidro melhora a sua metalização química pelo cobre, levando a uma adesão mais uniforme e eficaz do metal à superfície com um método ambientalmente amigável / This work reports the development of a plasma treatment process to improve the chemical metallization of printed circuit boards (PCB). The plasma plume is generated in argon from a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) promoted between a surgical needle and a cylinder using a borosilicate capillary as dielectric. The applied peak-to-peak voltage was 5 kV, with sinusoidal waveform at 37 kHz frequency and power in the discharge around 765 mW. The substrate was a composite of fiberglass and epoxy resin. With perpendicular incidence of the plasma plume on the surface the diameter of the circular treated area was 10 mm. In this area the contact angle reduces from 75° to 45° with 3 s of the plasma-surface interaction and the angle reaches the minimum of 33° after 180 s of treatment time. Chemical metallization was made with sequential baths of solution of palladium and finished with bath of aqueous solution of copper. Standard adhesion tests showed a strong adhesion of the metal layer on surfaces previously treated with the plasma plumes. This adhesion improves with the treatment time. The improvement in the metallization was observed on flat surface and also in holes used to connect different layers in PCB’s. The metallized area on the surface of the holes is larger in treated holes. The longer the treatment time the larger is this area. All these results indicated that the technique of plasma treatment of fiberglass boards improves its chemical metallization by copper leading to a more uniform and effective adhesion of the metal to the surface with an environmental friendly method
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Emprego de diferentes algoritmos de árvores de decisão na classificação da atividade celular in vitro para tratamentos de superfícies de titânioFernandes, Fabiano Rodrigues January 2017 (has links)
O interesse pela área de análise e caracterização de materiais biomédicos cresce, devido a necessidade de selecionar de forma adequada, o material a ser utilizado. Dependendo das condições em que o material será submetido, a caracterização poderá abranger a avaliação de propriedades mecânicas, elétricas, bioatividade, imunogenicidade, eletrônicas, magnéticas, ópticas, químicas e térmicas. A literatura relata o emprego da técnica de árvores de decisão, utilizando os algoritmos SimpleCart(CART) e J48, para classificação de base de dados (dataset), gerada a partir de resultados de artigos científicos. Esse estudo foi realizado afim de identificar características superficiais que otimizassem a atividade celular. Para isso, avaliou-se, a partir de artigos publicados, o efeito de tratamento de superfície do titânio na atividade celular in vitro (células MC3TE-E1). Ficou constatado que, o emprego do algoritmo SimpleCart proporcionou uma melhor resposta em relação ao algoritmo J48. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar, para esse mesmo estudo, os algoritmos CHAID (Chi-square iteration automatic detection) e CHAID Exaustivo, comparando com os resultados obtidos com o emprego do algoritmo SimpleCart. A validação dos resultados, mostraram que o algoritmo CHAID Exaustivo obteve o melhor resultado em comparação ao algoritmo CHAID, obtendo uma estimativa de acerto de 75,9% contra 58,6% respectivamente, e um erro padrão de 7,9% contra 9,1% respectivamente, enquanto que, o algoritmo já testado na literatura SimpleCart(CART) teve como resultado 34,5% de estimativa de acerto com um erro padrão de 8,8%. Com relação aos tempos de execução apurados sobre 22 mil registros, evidenciaram que o algoritmo CHAID Exaustivo apresentou os melhores tempos, com ganho de 0,02 segundos sobre o algoritmo CHAID e 14,45 segundos sobre o algoritmo SimpleCart(CART). / The interest for the area of analysis and characterization of biomedical materials as the need for selecting the adequate material to be used increases. However, depending on the conditions to which materials are submitted, characterization may involve the evaluation of mechanical, electrical, optical, chemical and thermal properties besides bioactivity and immunogenicity. Literature review shows the application decision trees, using SimpleCart(CART) and J48 algorithms, to classify the dataset, which is generated from the results of scientific articles. Therefore the objective of this study was to identify surface characteristics that optimizes the cellular activity. Based on published articles, the effect of the surface treatment of titanium on the in vitro cells (MC3TE-E1 cells) was evaluated. It was found that applying SimpleCart algorithm gives better results than the J48. In this sense, the present study has the objective to apply the CHAID (Chi-square iteration automatic detection) algorithm and Exhaustive CHAID to the surveyed data, and compare the results obtained with the application of SimpleCart algorithm. The validation of the results showed that the Exhaustive CHAID obtained better results comparing to CHAID algorithm, obtaining 75.9 % of accurate estimation against 58.5%, respectively, while the standard error was 7.9% against 9.1%, respectively. Comparing the obtained results with SimpleCart(CART) results which had already been tested and presented in the literature, the results for accurate estimation was 34.5% and the standard error 8.8%. In relation to execution time found through the 22.000 registers, it showed that the algorithm Exhaustive CHAID presented the best times, with a gain of 0.02 seconds over the CHAID algorithm and 14.45 seconds over the SimpleCart(CART) algorithm.
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