Spelling suggestions: "subject:"salvation."" "subject:"alvation.""
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Officerskapet i Frälsningsarmén med utgångspunkt från general Erik Wickbergs tal, predikningar och artiklar / Officership in the Salvation Army (FA) based on General Erik Wickberg’s speeches, sermons and articles.Axelsson, Stig January 2018 (has links)
Officerskapet i Frälsningsarmén (FA) med utgångspunkt från general Erik Wickbergs tal, predikningar och artiklar. Erik Wickberg (1904–1996) är den ende svensk som har varit ledare för Frälsningsarmén (FA) i hela världen. Mellan åren 1961–1969 var han rörelsens stabschef och mellan åren 1969–1974 var han general. På riksarkivet i Stockholm finns hans tal– och predikomanuskript. Dessa har i många år väckt mitt intresse. I min uppsats från 2016 (Predikantskap i Frälsningsarmén, Erik Wickberg stabschef och general 1961–1974, Uppsala universitet) analyserades ett antal predikningar och denna forskning inspirerade mig att med utgångspunkt från Erik Wickbergs tal, predikningar och artiklar undersöka vad han hade att säga om officerskapet i FA. Syftet har alltså varit att söka beskriva, förklara och förstå hans sätt att identifiera och beskriva officerskapet. Dessutom ville jag veta hur hans idealbild av officerskapet såg ut och hur han teologiskt motiverar detta. Vidare har det varit angeläget att se närmare på debatten när det gäller officerskapet under hans tid och vilken form av ecklesiologi som framträder i Erik Wickbergs framställningar. Åtskilliga forskare har ägnat sig åt att analysera officerskapets ecklesiologi och teologi men ingen annan har gjort detta med utgångspunkt från Erik Wickbergs tal, predikningar och artiklar. Jag fann tidigt att det var nödvändigt att ge både en historisk och en teologisk bakgrund till begreppet officerskap, samtidigt säga något om hans tids frågor gällande officerskapet men också beröra något om senare tiders utveckling. Allt detta för att Erik Wickbergs framställningar inte skulle ”hänga i luften”. Materialet har alltså bestått av ett sjuttiotal tal och predikningar, hans artiklar i den engelskspråkiga officerstidskriften The Officer och iSalvation Army’s Year Book. Dessutom har andras forskning och andra källor skapat en historisk och teologisk förståelse för begreppet officerskap. På detta sätt har även Erik Wickbergs texter tillsammans med övrigt material kommit att belysa varandra. I teoribildningen analyserades officerskapet och det är ingen tvekan om att detta skapat en form av en världsvid subkultur där en personlig inre kallelse är inkörsporten och där ordersystem, reglementen och uppdrag bidragit till att skapa en enhetlighet och en internationell samhörighet. Inspiration har hämtats från boken Models of the Church av Avery Dulles. I denna bok ser han på kyrkan utifrån olika modeller. Några av dessa har använts och officerskapet har studerats från ett institutionellt perspektiv, från ett sakramentalt perspektiv,från ett evangelisatoriskt perspektiv, från ett diakonalt perspektiv och från ett omslutande ecklesiologiskt perspektiv. Dessa perspektiv har fått bilda kapitelrubrikerna i uppsatsen. Jag tänker mig att officerskapet vilar i det institutionella och i det sakramentala perspektivet. Det institutionella handlar om FA:s speciella struktur, det som gör FA till en armé. Det sakramentala handlar om den andliga dimensionen. Det evangelisatoriska och det diakonala perspektivet om vad FA vill åstadkomma, FA:s båda ”vingar” eller de båda operativa perspektiven. Alla dessa perspektiv är i sin tur sedda i ett ecklesiologiskt perspektiv. Utgångspunkten är alltså vad Erik Wickberg talar och skriver i växelverkan med bakgrund, hans samtid och något om senare utveckling. I uppsatsens avslutningskapitel har jag analyserat resultaten med hjälp av frågeställningar som Avery Dulles ställer sig i boken Models of the Church. I min forskning framkommer det tydligt att Erik Wickberg ser officeren främst som en evangelist med syfte att leda människor fram till en omvändelse till Kristus. Av detta följer att uppgiften blir av uppsökande karaktär och Erik Wickberg återkommer gång på gång till begreppet angripande kristendom. Officerens uppgift är också att vårda sig om flocken. Dessa två uppgifter sätter sin prägel på hans sätt att se på officerskapet. Idealbilden handlar om att vara helt överlåten till Gud och uppdraget. Officerskapet ska präglas av ödmjukhet, självinsikt, självdisciplin och entusiasm där förnuft och känsla samarbetar. Den teologiska motivationen för officerskapet hämtar han från Guds kärlek genom Jesus Kristus. Erik Wickbergs budskap är att det är Kristi kärlek som tvingar människorna till engagemang. Att vandra i Kristi efterföljelse är ett måste. När det gäller debatten under hans ämbetstid om officerskapets teologiska innebörd tycks inte Erik Wickberg ta ställning för de två huvudlinjerna huruvida officerskapet ska ses som ett ämbete med en speciell andlig status eller om det endast har med funktion att göra. Han talar ofta om officerskapets dignitet och om officerskapet som något heligt och om att man står i en succession av uppdragsbärare som börjar redan i Gamla testamentet. Under Erik Wickbergs tid som general görs ett försök till att teologiskt beskriva officerskapet i ett sammanhang där även han deltar. I denna beskrivning utgår officerskapet från det allmänna prästadömet som ett specifikt uppdrag att utrusta lemmarna i Kristi kropp. Enligt Erik Wickberg är officerskapets ecklesiologiska hemvist i en av Gud utvald rörelse som har antagit karaktären av en armé i syfte att uppsöka och förkunna och gestalta evangeliet till människor som inga andra bryr sig om. Skulle man ge upp armétanken har man, enligt honom, inget berättigande längre. Kyrkobegreppet är för statiskt för honom. Allra sist frågar jag mig vad händer när man ser på officerskapet med hjälp av de olika perspektiven. När det institutionella perspektivet får dominera tar samtalen om befordringar, bestämmelser, disciplin och lydnad för stor plats. Detta kan även hindra framväxandet av en kreativ och fruktbar teologi. Erik Wickberg inser dessa risker. Det finns även exempel i forskningsmaterialet på hur man utifrån ett institutionellt synsätt försöker hitta försvar för FA:s ordersystem i Guds ord som det i själva verket är svårt att hitta en grund för. I det sakramentala perspektivetsom handlar om officerskapet som ett synligt tecken på Guds nåd är det lätt att urskilja predikningar om betydelsen av att vara föredömen och där han varnar för status och karriärism. Erik Wickbergs helgelseförkunnelse är inte narcissistisk utan har hela tiden ett fokus på medmänniskan. Det evangelisatoriska perspektivet handlar om officerskapets betydelse för förkunnelsen om frälsning. Erik Wickberg utmanar, uppmanar och inspirerar till en ständigt pågående evangelisation. Man finner att han menar att officerskapet har sin andliga grund i det sakramentala perspektivet för att fungera som förkunnelse om frälsning. Erik Wickberg har svårt att se det diakonala perspektivet utan att samtidigt betona betydelsen av omvändelsen. Han är orolig för att FA ska uppfattas som en filantropisk organisation som upphör att predika Guds Ord. Samtidigt har han haft att förvalta ett mycket stort socialt arbete med tusentals sociala institutioner. Det är ingen tvekan om att ett av hans syften var att hålla samman FA i hela världen. Detta gjorde honom tyst ibland inför orättvisor av olika slag. Vad kan då Erik Wickberg ha betytt för officerskapet? Han betonade ofta officerens andliga dignitet. Han ville se officeren som ett föredöme i ödmjukhet. Hans förkunnelse hade plats både för intellekt och känsla. Han satte förkunnelsen om individens frälsning i fokus. Det var inte alltid som han lika klart lyckades förena denna förkunnelse med ord om rättvisa och fred trots att han själv vid ett tillfälle definierade FA som ”a prophetic cry of protest against asleepy, lazy, selfish kind of religion, against closed clique worship and against barriers of raceand nationality and class”. / Officership in the Salvation Army (FA) based on General Erik Wickberg’s speeches, sermons and articles. Erik Wickberg (1904–1996) is the only Swede who has been the leader of the Salvation Army (SA) Worldwide. Between 1961 and 1969 he was the movement’s Chief of the Staff and between the years from 1969 to 1974 he was General. His speeches and sermon scripts are kept at the National Archives in Stockholm (RA). These have for many years raised my interest. I analyzed a number of his sermons in my thesis from 2016 (Preaching in The Salvation Army, Erik Wickberg Chief of the Staff and General 1961–1974, Uppsala University) and from this research and based on Erik Wickberg’s other speeches, sermons and articles I have investigated what he had to say about the officers of the SA. The purpose has been to seek, describe, explain and understand his way of identifying and describing the officership in the SA. In addition I have asked myself how his ideal image of officers looks and how he theologically justifies this. It has also been important to look more closely at the debate about the officership during his era and discover what kind of ecclesiology that appears in Erik Wickberg’s presentations. Several researchers have devoted themselves to describe and analyze the ecclesiology and theology of the officership. However, I am sure that no one else has done this based on Erik Wickberg’s speeches, sermons and articles. I discovered early on that it was necessary to give both a historical and theological background to the concept of officership, at the same time to say something about the issues surrounding officership in his time as well as touch on recent developments. All of this to ensure that Erik Wickbergs presentations would not be out of reach. The material has thus consisted of some seventy speeches and sermons, as well as his articles in the officer magazine The Officer and in the Salvation Army’s Year Book, both written in English. In addition, the research of others and a variety of sources, have created an historical and theological understanding of the concept of officership. As a result Erik Wickberg’s texts, in combination with other material, have come to illuminate each other. In theory I have analyzed officership and claim that it created a form of a world-wide subculture where a personal inner calling is the gateway and where the order system, the regulations and the assignment, contribute to creating a uniformity and an international affinity. Furthermore, I have been inspired by the book Models of the Churchby Avery Cardinal Dulles. In this book he looks at the church being based on different models. I have used some of these myself and thus seen officership from an institutional perspective, from a sacramental perspective, from an evangelistic perspective, from a diaconal perspectiveand finally from an ecclesiological perspective. These perspectives have formed the chapter headings in the essay. I am of the opinion that officership rests in the institutional and sacramental perspective. The institutional is concerned with the SA’s special structure, that which makes SA an army. The sacramental is concerned with the spiritual dimension. The evangelistic and the diaconal perspective is concerned with what the SA wants to accomplish, both being “wings” or two operational perspectives. All of these perspectives are in turn viewed from one ecclesiological perspective. The starting point is what Erik Wickberg speaks and writes about as an interaction with background, his era and something about later development. In the essay’s closing chapter I have analyzed the results with help from the issues Avery Dulles raises in his book Models of the Church. In my research it is clear that Erik Wickberg sees the officer primarily as an evangelist with the purpose of leading people to a conversion to Christ. This leads to the task being one of outreach in which Erik Wickberg will return again and again to the concept of attacking Christianity. The officer’s task is also to care for the flock. These two tasks characterize his way of looking at officership. The ideal image is about being totally entrusted to God and the mission. The officership must be characterized by humility, self-insight, self-discipline and enthusiasm where common sense and emotion work together. The theological motivation for officership is drawn from God’s love through Jesus Christ. Erik Wickberg’s message is that it is Christ’s love that forces people to engage. To walk in Christ’s path is a necessity. As for the debate during his term of office about the theological meaning of officership Erik Wickberg does not seem to take a stand regarding the two main lines of whether the officership should be seen as an office with a particular spiritual status or if it only is functional. He often speaks of the dignity of the officers and about officership as something sacred and about being in a succession of mission bearers that begins already in the Old Testament. During Erik Wickberg’s time as a General, an attempt is made to theologically describe officership in a context in which Erik Wickberg also participates. This description is based on the general priesthood officership as being a specific single mission to equip the members of the body of Christ. According to Erik Wickberg, the ecclesiological residence of officership is in a movement chosen by God that has adopted the character of an army in order to seek out and proclaim and portray the gospel to the marginalised. If one gives up on the“army”way of thinking, one has, according to him, no justification anymore. The church concept is too static for him. Most recently, I ask myself what happens when you look at the concept of the officer with the help of the different perspectives. We have seen that when the institutional perspective dominates, the conversations are about promotions and regulations in which discipline and obedience take a prominent place. This can also prevent the emergence of a creative and fruitful theology. I can see that Erik Wickberg realizes these risks. There are also examples in the research material on how someone from an institutional stance attempts to defend the SA’s order system in the word of God which in fact is difficult to find a basis for. The sacramental perspective is about officership as a visible sign for God’s grace. There are easily discernable sermons about the importance of being exemplary where he warns of status and careerism. Erik Wickberg’s sanctification is not narcissistic but always has a focus on fellow human beings. The evangelistic perspective is about the importance of the officership as the proclamator of salvation. Erik Wickberg challenges, encourages and inspires a constant ongoing evangelisation. One finds that he believes that officership has its spiritual foundation in the sacramental perspective serving as a proclamation of salvation. Erik Wickberg has difficulty seeing the diaconal perspective without at the same time emphasizing the meaning of conversion. He is worried that the SA can be perceived as a philanthropic organization that ceased to preach the Word of God. At the same time, he had to manage a very large social work with thousands of social institutions. There is no doubt that one of his purposes was to hold SA together throughout the world. This made him quiet at times in the face of different kinds of injustice. What did Erik Wickberg mean with officership? He often emphasized the officer’s spiritual dignity. He wanted to see the officer as an example of humility. His preaching had room for both intellect and emotion. He proclaimed salvation with an individual focus. It was not always possible to unite this proclamation with words of justice and peace even though he himself defined the SA at one time as “a prophetic cry of protest against a sleepy, lazy, selfish child or religion, against closed clique worship and against barriers of race and nationality and class”.
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O PASSE NO ESPIRITISMO: CURA OU SALVAÇÃO? / Pass in the spiritualism: cure or salvation?Alencar, Cristina Galdino de 15 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:47:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
CRISTINA GALDINO DE ALENCAR.pdf: 2890246 bytes, checksum: 89970da15c0d37c03ab3d12c8265475c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-03-15 / The health is considered essential element and the disease represents a threat in
different ways, depending on the science that analyzes them and of the context in
that are expressed. I alleviate him/it and the physical ransom sends the search
automatically for sources therapeutic religious alternatives that can revert your
picture and to reach the true cure. However it was done necessary to rescue the
relationship between religion and medicine and to insert the health in a context of unit
of body, it lies, spirit and atmosphere, proposed by the vision holística, sistêmica and
emergent. In this accomplished study, it tried to verify through bibliographical
revision, the true reason of this search for the cure through the pass. It was noticed
that the pass not only it represents an alternative of treatment of physical cure, but
also of spiritual evolution. For being the spiritism a religion that nails the reincarnation
as the human being evolutionary process, a lot of times, the disease is had as middle
of approximating the person to the divine to become aware him that your state of
disease can be related the action karmica of the cause law and effect, that in
agreement with the spiritualistic vision, it governs the destinies of the spirit in
educational proof in the matter. It was noticed with that that, actually, the cure is
reached as middle of providing á person the understanding of the need of your
integral balance, but also if spiritual growth, could be understood as salvation. / A saúde é considerada elemento essencial e a doença representa uma ameaça de
diferentes formas, dependendo da ciência que as analisa e do contexto em que se
expressam. O alivio e o resgate físico remete automaticamente a busca por fontes
terapêuticas alternativas religiosas que possam reverter seu quadro e alcançar a
verdadeira cura. No entanto fez-se necessário resgatar a relação entre religião e
medicina e inserir a saúde num contexto de unidade de corpo, mente, espírito e
ambiente, proposta pela visão holística, sistêmica e emergente. Neste estudo
realizado, procurou-se verificar através de revisão bibliográfica, o verdadeiro motivo
desta busca pela cura através do passe. Notou-se que o passe não só representa
uma alternativa de tratamento de cura física, mas também de evolução espiritual.
Por ser o espiritismo uma religião que prega a reencarnação como processo
evolutivo do ser humano, muitas vezes, a doença é tida como meio de aproximar a
pessoa ao divino para conscientizá-lo que seu estado de doença pode estar
relacionado a ação karmica da lei de causa e efeito, que de acordo com a visão
espírita, rege os destinos do espírito em prova educativa na matéria. Percebeu-se
com isso que, na verdade, a cura é alcançada como meio de proporcionar á pessoa
o entendimento da necessidade de seu equilíbrio integral, mas também se
crescimento espiritual, podendo ser entendido como salvação.
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PLURALISMO RELIGIOSO: CAMINHOS DE SALVAÇÃO. / Religious pluralism: paths to salvation.Azevedo, Rogerio Regis de 22 November 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-11-22 / This work was done in an attempt to introduce other paths to salvation, beyond
salvation from the Christian point of view, considering the plurality of beliefs and the
growing understanding that the dialogue between religions needs to be broaden as a
means towards world peace. Religion is a human manifestation that interpellates for
its origin and its destination, and is present in all places and cultures. Thus, religious
plurality is in the world, and everybody hopes to, somehow, feel good already in this
life, and, for those who believe, there is hope for a peaceful life after death. This
dissertation certainly does not intend to provide a complete treatment on the
theological and philosophical issues raised by religious pluralism, nor does it present
a historical overview of the attitudes adopted by Christians and non-Christians, but it
focuses on the current debate around the arguments for and against the salvific
possibilities presented by the great religious traditions of the world. Therefore, we
seek the most important contemporary thinkers to compose our bibliographic list that
could produce a dialectic enters the theoretical principles of religious pluralism. / Este trabalho foi realizado na tentativa de apresentar outros caminhos de salvação,
além da salvação do ponto de vista cristão, tendo em vista a pluralidade de crenças
e o crescente entendimento de que é preciso ampliar o diálogo entre as religiões em
busca da paz mundial. A religião é uma manifestação humana que interpela por sua
origem e por seu destino e está em todos os lugares e culturas. Dessa forma, a
pluralidade religiosa está no mundo e todos esperam, de alguma forma, sentirem-se
bem já nesta vida e, para os que crêem, há esperança de uma vida de paz depois
da morte. Esta dissertação certamente não pretende oferecer um tratamento
completo sobre as questões teológicas e filosóficas suscitadas pelo pluralismo
religioso, tampouco faz um panorama histórico das atitudes adotadas por cristãos e
não-cristãos, mas está voltada para o debate atual em torno dos argumentos
favoráveis e contrários às possibilidades salvíficas apresentadas pelas grandes
tradições religiosas do mundo. Para tanto, buscamos os principais pensadores
contemporâneos para compor nosso rol bibliográfico que pudesse produzir uma
dialética entre os princípios teóricos do pluralismo religioso.
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God's disposition toward humanity in the theology of John Calvin : one will or two? : an analysis of Calvin's teaching on the knowledge of God, predestination and the atonementBuckner, Forrest H. January 2015 (has links)
In the course of this study, we find that for Calvin, God has one righteous will that is expressed as two, decidedly asymmetrical dispositions toward humanity. For Calvin, the only God that can be known, proclaimed, and trusted is God the Father, the God of creation, election and redemption who relates to his people according to his fatherly love; for reasons known only to him, God inexplicably creates some whom he does not rescue from their sinful state of rebellion against him. We first examine Calvin's teaching on the knowledge of God and discover that God has revealed his unchanging nature to those with faith. God's loving, righteous, wise, good, powerful, judging (of evil), and holy nature is exhibited in creation and providence, in Scripture, and most of all in Christ. We next explore Calvin's teaching on predestination and discover that God's one, secret, righteous will is expressed in two, decidedly asymmetrical wills toward humanity: (1) God's disclosed electing will that directly corresponds with God's nature and is extended to all but only effected in the elect; (2) God's veiled reprobating will toward the reprobate that, from the human perspective, only corresponds to God's nature in part. We continue by examining Calvin's teaching on the reconciling work of Christ, finding that, for Calvin, creation and redemption clearly exhibit God's disclosed disposition toward humanity while demonstrating God's veiled disposition only in very small part. We then provide constructive analysis in three related areas: (1) Calvin's teaching on the intra-trinitarian relations, (2) the locus of mystery in Calvin's, Arminius', and Barth's accounts of predestination, and (3) the reclaimed logic of Mosaic sacrifice in relation to Calvin's atonement teaching. In the context of a concluding summary, we consider three biblical accounts that depict God as possessing one rather than two dispositions toward humanity.
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O uno e os éons: A soteriologia em plotino e em sua polêmica antignósticaGallego, Roberto de Almeida 06 November 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-11-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of the present study is to explore the issue of salvation as proposed by
Plotinus who was both a philosopher and a mystic, and the most noteworthy representative
of the last period of Greek philosophy and also the experience of gnosis, an important
religious movement that reached its climax in the first centuries of the Christian Era. Initially,
the study sought to contextualize this theme within the historical framework in which the socalled
Plotinus s antignostic polemic occurred, namely, during the Late Antiquity, when the
notion prevailed that the earthly existence replete with suffering and privation would have to
be transcended. The human being was but a stranger in the world that surrounded them and,
therefore, should return to their spiritual homeland, their true ancestry. It was within this
historical context that Plotinus s and the Gnostics doctrine on salvation took place. Although
they converged on some of its aspects, there existed a profound divergence of views between
them. This study also sought to outline the fundamental concepts behind confront systems.
With regard to the Gnostics, the Sethian school was analyzed since it formulated two Gnostic
treatises contained in the so-called Nag Hammadi Library , which were acknowledged and
criticized by Plotinus: the Zostrianus and Allogenes. In addition, the study went on to
examine the theme of salvation vis a vis the theories of cosmogony/cosmology,
anthropogony/anthropology, and ethics of the Plotinian and Gnostic systems, especially the
Sethian Gnostic texts. Lastly, the study focused on the salvationary aspects of both traditions,
the role ascribed to man in the redemption process, and also the scope of salvation. As the
basis for research, works by Brazilian and foreign commentators were resorted to, as well as
primary sources such as Plotinus s Enneads and the Gnostic treatises held in the Nag
Hammadi Library , mainly the aforementioned Zostrianus and Allogenes. The reason for
undertaking this research lies in the fact that in Brazil there are few studies about the
relationship between Plotinus and the Gnostics, and there are even fewer studies conducted in
the spectrum of their soteriology. Therefore, the present research hopes to arouse the interest
of Brazilians for the study of philosophical and religious construction addressing the
fundamental issues of the human soul / O presente trabalho tem, como objetivo, estudar a problemática da salvação em Plotino - a um
só tempo filósofo e místico, e o mais notável representante do último período da filosofia
grega - e a gnose, um importante movimento religioso que conheceu o seu ápice nos
primeiros séculos da era cristã. Inicialmente, buscou-se contextualizar tal temática no cenário
histórico em que se deu a denominada polêmica antignóstica de Plotino , isto é, a
Antiguidade Tardia, na qual prevaleceu a percepção de que a existência terrena, repleta de
sofrimentos e carências, haveria de ser transcendida. O ser humano, um estrangeiro no
mundo, deveria retornar à sua pátria espiritual, sua verdadeira origem. É, neste quadro
histórico, que tem lugar a proposta de Plotino, bem como a dos gnósticos, acerca da salvação,
que, embora se mostrem convergentes em alguns aspectos, divergem, profundamente, em
outros. Em seguida, tratou-se de alinhavar os traços fundamentais dos sistemas em confronto,
sendo que, com relação aos gnósticos, privilegiou-se a escola sethiana, autora de dois tratados,
constantes da chamada Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi , conhecidos e criticados por Plotino: o
Zostrianos e o Alógenes. Na seqüência, cuidou-se de examinar o tema da salvação à luz da
cosmogonia/cosmologia, antropogonia/antropologia e ética, dos sistemas plotiniano e
gnóstico, particularmente o gnóstico sethiano. Por último, enfocou-se o procedimento
salvífico das duas tradições cotejadas, assim como o papel reservado ao homem no processo
de redenção e, ainda, a abrangência da salvação. Recorreu-se, para a realização da pesquisa, a
comentaristas nacionais e estrangeiros, bem como, na medida do possível, às fontes primárias,
quais sejam, as Enéadas de Plotino e os tratados gnósticos, contidos na referida Biblioteca de
Nag Hammadi , em especial os já mencionados Zostrianos e Alógenes. A justificativa para
este trabalho reside no fato de que, no Brasil, não há muitos estudos acerca da relação entre
Plotino e os gnósticos, e menos ainda, no campo específico das soteriologias respectivas.
Desta forma, a pesquisa espera estimular, em nosso país, o interesse pelo estudo das
construções filosófico-religiosas apontadas, que lidam com problemas fundamentais da alma
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A critical analysis of "all Israel will be saved" in Romans 11:25-32 in the light of sociological investigation.January 2004 (has links)
Liu Tsui-yuk. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-128). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / List of Abbreviations --- p.ix / Chapter / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / The Issue of Rom 11 :25-32 --- p.1 / Brief Survey on Scholarly Concerns --- p.4 / Theological Considerations --- p.4 / Text-Context-Semantic Considerations --- p.7 / Purpose and Methodology of the Present Study --- p.14 / The Nature of the Epistle of Romans --- p.15 / The Role of Paul to the Community --- p.17 / The Christian Community of Rome --- p.20 / The Audience of the Epistle of Romans --- p.24 / The Thesis of the Present Study --- p.24 / Chapter 2. --- THE SOCIAL SETTING OF ROMANS IN THE LIGHT OF KIRCHENPOLITIK --- p.25 / Building up Consensus --- p.25 / The Necessity of a Consensus --- p.25 / The Necessity of a Consensus for the Roman Christian Community --- p.25 / The Necessity of a Consensus for Paul --- p.27 / The Content of the Consensus --- p.29 / Defining Self-Identity Regarding the Religion of Origin --- p.30 / The Necessity of Defining Self-Identity Regarding the Religion of Origin --- p.31 / Defining Self-Identity --- p.32 / Freeing from Jewish Identity Markers --- p.33 / Setting up New Boundary --- p.33 / Resolving Conflicts --- p.35 / "Conflicts between the ""“Strong"" and ""Weak""" --- p.35 / Boasting of the Jewish Christians over the Gentile Christians --- p.36 / Boasting of the Gentile Christians over the Jewish Christians --- p.36 / Paul's Way to Resolve the Conflicts --- p.37 / Giving Direction Regarding the Surrounding World --- p.38 / "The ""“Chrestus"" Expulsion" --- p.38 / The Content of the Instruction Regarding the Surrounding World --- p.41 / Creating an Image of World --- p.41 / Offering Orientations --- p.43 / Establishing a Structure of Authority --- p.44 / Independence of the Influence of External Authority --- p.45 / Establishing Internal Authority --- p.46 / The Lordship of Jesus Christ --- p.47 / The Leadership of Paul --- p.48 / The Structure of Authority --- p.48 / Chapter 3. --- THE CONTEXT OF ROMANS IN THE LIGHT OF KIRCHENPOLITIK --- p.51 / ROM 1:1-17 introducrtion in the Light of Kirchenpolitik --- p.52 / Rom 1:18-5 :21 The Core Values of the Gospel: Righteousness of God-To Man's Faith in the Light of Kirchenpolitik --- p.60 / Rom 6:1 -8:39 The Outworking of the Gospel: In Relation to the Individual in the Light of Kirchenpolitik --- p.66 / Rom 9:1-11:36 The Outworking of the Gospel: In Relation to Israel and Gentiles in the Light of Kirchenpolitik --- p.68 / Rom 12:1-15:13 The Outworking of the Gospel: for the Redefined People of God In Everyday Terms in the Light of Kirchenpolitik --- p.68 / Rom 15:14-16:27 Conclusion in the Light of Kirchenpolitik --- p.70 / Chapter 4. --- THE IMMEDIATE CONTEXT OF ROMANS IN THE LIGHT OF KIRCHENPOLITIK --- p.72 / Paul's Concern for His Kinspeople (Rom 9:1-5) --- p.72 / The Election and Mercy of God (Rom 9:6-29) --- p.74 / God's Election (Rom 9:6-13) --- p.74 / God's Mercy (Rom 9:14-29) --- p.75 / The Word of Faith (Rom 9:30-10:21) --- p.77 / The Mystery of God's Faithfulness (Rom 11:1 -24) --- p.80 / A Concluding Hymn of Adoration (Rom 1 1:33-36) --- p.82 / Chapter 5. --- "PAUL'S MEANING AND RHETORICAL FORCE OF ""ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED"" (ROM 11:25-32) IN THE LIGHT OF KIRCHENPOLITIK" --- p.83 / Paul's Intended Audience --- p.84 / The Inaccurate Assumption: Gentile Christian Audience --- p.84 / True Audience: Gentile and Jewish Christians --- p.84 / Rom 11:25-32 in the Light of Kirchenpolitik --- p.87 / The Confession(Rom 11:25-27) --- p.87 / Prelude ((Rom 11:25a) --- p.88 / Mystery: Hardening of Israel and Fullness of Gentiles (Rom 11:25b) --- p.92 / Mystery: All Israel will be saved (Rom 11:26a) --- p.97 / The Biblical Basis (Rom 11:26b-27) --- p.102 / Concluding Remark (Rom 11:28-32) --- p.104 / Irrevocable Divine Gifts and Call (Rom 11:28-29) --- p.105 / Divine Disobedience and Mercy (Rom 11:30-32、) --- p.108 / Summary: The Rhetorical Force of All Israel Will Be Saved --- p.109 / Chapter 6. --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.115 / Bibliography --- p.119
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In Requiem Aeternam : monuments funéraires du littoral méditerranéen de la petite Camargue à la Catalogne du nord, XIe - XVe siècles / In Requiem Aeternam : funeral monuments of the Mediterranean coastline of "La Petite Camargue" to "Catalogne du Nord", 11th-15th centuryChauvain-Marc, Sylvie 09 December 2013 (has links)
Objet sculpté ou gravé, associant l’image et le texte, le monument funéraire se charge des aspirations spirituelles, sociales et artistiques de groupes sociaux divers. Dans un souci de préservation mémorielle, gisants, dalles à effigie, sarcophages ossuaires, bas-reliefs aux représentations diverses (funérailles, absoute, Christ de pitié, crucifixion, Vierge de la Chandeleur), tombeaux monumentaux ou épitaphes, mettent le défunt en scène au terme d’un cheminement de vie culminant à la quête du salut éternel de l’âme. Cette volonté de laisser une trace, de perpétuer son souvenir au-delà de la mort, pousse le commanditaire à mettre en ordre ses affaires, avant d’immortaliser ses derniers espoirs et ses dernières volontés dans la pierre. La grande variété typologique du territoire étudié, compris entre la Petite Camargue et la Catalogne du Nord du XIe au XVe siècle, met en évidence les traditions artistiques funéraires locales, et les apports septentrionaux et plus méridionaux (Espagne, Italie) qu’elles intègrent. Cette approche globale du patrimoine funéraire du littoral méditerranéen et de la société apporte une meilleure compréhension des mentalités religieuses, des pratiques juridiques (testaments) et économiques (dons, legs pieux, fondations de chapelles et d’anniversaires) et enfin esthétiques (somptuosité, ostentation), au seuil du trépas. Le croisement de différentes sources écrites et numériques (base Palissy) conduit à l’élaboration d’un corpus prenant en compte les monuments funéraires retrouvés, mais également disparus dont on garde traces dans les productions anciennes. / Carved ou engraved objet, associating the image and the text, funeral monument embodies the spiritual and artistic aspirations of various social groups. In order to preserve memory, recumbent statues, tombstones with effigy, sarcophagus ossuaries, low-reliefs with various representations (funeral, absolution, Christ of pity, crucifixion, Virgin of the Candlemas), monumental tombs or epitaphs, present the deceased at the end of his journey through life, peaking at the quest of the eternal salvation of the soul. This will to leave a trace, to perpetuate one’s memory beyond death, pushes the one who ordered such tombstone into putting one’s affairs in order before immortalizing his last hopes and his last wills in the stone.The large typological variety of the studied territory, between little “Camargue’ and the north of “Catalogne”, of the 11th to the 15th centuries, highlights the local funerary artistic traditions and the northern contributions or the more southern ones in Europe (Spain, Italy) which they integrate. This comprehensive approach of the funeral heritage of the Mediterranean coastline and the society brings a better understanding of religious mentalities, legal practices (wills), and economic (gifts, pious legacy, foundations of chapels and death birthdays) and lastly esthetic ones(sumptuousness, ostentation) at the threshold of the death. The crossing of various written and digital sources (Palissy bases) has led to the development of a fascinating corpus taking into account the monuments that were found again, but also the ones that disappeared, whose traces are found in the old productions.
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Oralidade em Itinerários-cartas de Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira para Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho / Orality in itineraries-letters of Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira to Alphonsus de Guimaraens FilhoSimone Strelciunas Goh 27 February 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o gênero cartas, na sua especificidade, cartas entre escritores apresentado em um corpus único e cronológico e demonstrar que ele registra marcas de oralidade, especificamente marcadores de atenuação, criando um discurso epistolográfico cortês de Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira com seu interlocutor Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho. Elegemos como corpus seis cartas de Mário de Andrade e dezenove de Manuel Bandeira enviadas a Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho no período de 1940 a 1944 e editadas no livro Itinerários . Faz-se um estudo descritivo e histórico do gênero cartas, verificando que a forma/composição do gênero não sofreu alterações desde os primórdios do ano 200 dC até os nossos dias. Posicionamos as cartas entre os polos da escrituralidade/oralidade, constatando a condição híbrida do gênero e dos textos sob análise. As cartas foram produzidas de forma gráfica, no entanto, apresentam marcas de oralidade. Verificamos que a história epistolográfica entre os escritores foi duradoura e atingiu seu objetivo, colaborando para o aprimoramento estético de Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho. Acrescenta-se que tal êxito se deu pela presença da cortesia verbal nas cartas, especialmente, por meio dos marcadores de atenuação. Tais marcas modalizaram o enunciado, diminuindo a força dos atos ameaçadores de face. Na conclusão, destaca-se a valiosa contribuição das cartas de Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira em relação às conquistas literárias de Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho. A tese contribui para os estudos linguísticos, uma vez que comprovamos que mesmo sendo escritores renomados, Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira mostraramse respeitosos e corteses para com o jovem escritor Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho, conseguindo manter a interação mesmo à distância. / The objective of this paper is to study the genre \'letters\' in their specificity \'letters between writers\' presented in a unified, chronological corpus and demonstrate that it registers brands of orality, particularly attenuation markers, creating a courteous epistolographic speech of Mario de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira and his interlocutor Alphonsus Guimaraens Filho. We elected as a corpus 6 letters from Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira and 19 sent to Alphonsus Guimaraens Filho during the period of 1940 to 1944 and edited in the book Itinerários. A descriptive and historical study of the genre letters is made, verifying that the form/composition of the genre did not suffered any modifications since the beginning of the year 200 AD to the present day. We positioned the letters between the scripturality/orality poles, evidencing the hybrid condition of the genre and the texts under analysis. The letters were produced graphically and conceptually written, however, they present orality marks. We verified that the epistolographic history between the authors was long lasting and it reached its goal, contributing to the aesthetic enhancement of Alphonsus Guimaraens Filho. It can be added that such success is given by the presence of verbal courtesy in the letters especially through the markers of attenuation. Such marks modalized the statement, decreasing the strength of face threatening acts. In conclusion, it is highlighted the valuable input of Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeiras letters regarding the literaly achievements. The thesis contributes to linguistic studies, once proven that despite being renowned writers, Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira proved to be respectful and courteous towards the young writer Alphonsus Guimaraens Son, succeeding at keeping the same distance interaction.
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Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-10-01T20:40:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2003-03-28 / It has a purpose to undestand the meaning therapy effects on religions rite to
mothers who have children cecith serious illness, this when they are inside the
hospital institution. To gighitht the facts are the comprehension of those
religious rite in a critical moment in those mother’s life wich are emotional
fragility, fears anguish and eagernes. They search for ansuceis in the
“transcendent place” to settle doun the anguish with illness and the fear of
death. Terrin (1998) expresses: in critical moments of life people search for
religion, and in cases of illness this kind of search ain to oletain health,
trealment and explanation to the suffering borh fisic and emotional for the potont
and it’s family. Is has the objective to verify what the religious rite means to
children’s motheres achem those children are in the hospital with serious ilness.
The facts that were colected, were interoreted in it’s phenonenon methody wich
goes furthes to describe the religious rite in desinty as well as sence. It has
used remark techniques, studies and interveus well organized. It is established
thar religious rites do settle down the fears, anguishand eagernes fron the
mothers who deals with illnes. Religion has a poucerful meaning on this
moments. / Tem–se como propósito compreender o efeito terapêutico do rito religioso, para
as mães de crianças com doenças graves na instituição hospitalar. Destaca-se
fatores para a compreensão do efeito desses ritos, em um momento crítico da
vida dessas mães, em estado de fragilidade emocional com medos, angústias
e ansiedades. Há a busca de respostas no “transcendente” para emenizar a
angústia da doença e o medo da finitude (morte). Terrin (1998) expressa que
nos momentos críticos da vida as pessoas buscam a religião, e no caso das
doenças essa busca visa sobretudo a obtenção da saúde, cura, de respostas e
explicações para o sofrimento físico e emocional do ser doente. Tem-se como
objetivo geral verificar a ação terapêutica do rito religioso para as mães de
crianças com doenças graves na instituição hospitalar. Os dados coletados,
foram interpretados à luz do método fenomenológico, que além de descrever
os ritos religiosos em sua densidade, os analisa em seu sentido. Utilizou-se
como técnicas a observação participante, estudo de caso e entrevistas semiestruturadas.
Constatou-se que no contexto hospitalar o rito religioso tem o
efeito terapêutico de diminuir os medos, angústias e ansiedades das mães
frente a doença. É que a religião tem uma força poderosa neste contexto.
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Gothic Cathedral as Theology and LiteratureWilson, Mary E 27 February 2009 (has links)
There is a tendency in modern times for life to be divided into strictly separated categories-our music is divided into bins at the record store according to sometimes arbitrary genre distinctions, courses offered by one university department often cannot be counted towards a degree in another department, and students from middle school through college are outraged when they learn that "spelling counts" in a history paper. These distinctions, which are second nature to us even in childhood, were not as numerous or as strict in the medieval European understanding of life. Even when there were systems of division, such as the classification of scholarly subjects according to the Trivium and Quadrivium, the classifications were seen as interconnected and were meant to be studied together. I don't believe we can hope to truly understand any aspect of medieval culture if we examine these aspects in isolation according to our own categories. My hope is to come to a greater understanding of some part of medieval culture by examining in combination two aspects of this culture that are not normally combined in modern study-sacred architecture and sacred literature.
I will explore correlations in the use of sacred geometry, number symbolism, light metaphysics, and optics in Gothic cathedral architecture and sacred literature of the same period. I will also explore the evolution of cathedral architecture from the Romanesque model to the Gothic model in terms of correlations with an evolving approach to popular theology as reflected in the literature of the period.
More specifically, I will look at the use of sacred geometry and number symbolism as a central element of sacred architecture regardless of style and period and the increasing importance of light metaphysics and optics in Gothic architecture as a reflection of a changing approach to popular theology culminating in such thirteenth and fourteenth century writings as those of Robert Grosseteste, Chaucer, and Dante, particularly his Divine Comedy, which present to a popular audience a complex theology which would previously have been reserved for a clerical audience.
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