Spelling suggestions: "subject:"salvation."" "subject:"alvation.""
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[pt] A índole escatológica da Igreja, como reflexão teológica, é muito pertinente, visto que trata da relação entre a estrutura visível da Igreja e aquela realidade pensada como meta última da atividade eclesial. A escatologia do Vaticano II trouxe à tona essa reflexão, quando salientou que a tensão escatológica entre o já e o ainda não faz parte da natureza do Novo Povo de Deus, e que, por isso mesmo, a Igreja é sinal e instrumento desta plenitude da esperança no meio da humanidade. Sendo um sinal, ela se torna, para o mundo, sacramento visível da unidade de gênero humano, com Deus e consigo mesma. Nossa pesquisa deseja enfocar a posição do Concílio Vaticano II acerca dessa situação-missão da Igreja, pois, para os Padres conciliares, a salvação prometida pelo Senhor já começou em Cristo, mas ainda não se consumou, porque o tempo da restauração de todas as coisas dar-se-á somente quando tudo estiver no Pai pelo Filho no Espírito. Então, neste instante, o homem e com ele toda a criação chegará à sua restauração final. Enquanto isso não acontecer, a Igreja é impelida a levar adiante a obra de santificação da humanidade, como missão imputada por Cristo na unidade do Espírito Santo. Esse trabalho quer, portanto, demonstrar como essa salvação de Cristo continua por meio da ação eclesial, que instrui seus filhos sobre o sentido da vida temporal, enquanto esperança dos bens futuros e compromisso com o Reino de Deus. / [en] The eschatological nature of the Church as theological reflection, it is very relevant, since it is the relationship between the visible structure of the Church and that dream reality as the ultimate goal of ecclesial activity. The eschatological nature of Vatican II brought up this discussion when he emphasized that the eschatological tension between the already and not yet is in the nature of the new people of God, and that, therefore, the Church is sign and instrument of fullness of Hope in the midst of humanity. As a sign, it becomes the world visible sacrament of the unity of mankind with God and with herself. Our research focuses on the position of Vatican II about the situation, the Church s mission, as for the Fathers, the salvation promised by the Lord already begun in Christ, but not yet consummated, because the time of the restoration of all things give will be only when all; the man and with him the whole creation reach its final restoration in Christ. In the meantime the church is compelled to carry on the work of sanctification of humanity as mission charged by Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit. This work therefore want to show how the salvation of Christ continues through the action of the Church, instructing their children about the
meaning of temporal life, as hope of eternal life and commitment to the Kingdom of God.
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Bakbunden frälsning : en kritisk analys av det politiska frälsningsbegreppets predikament i modernitetenKlitgaard Nelsson, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the ideological underpinnings of political soteriological discourse. Through analyzing key texts in liberation theology, using critical theorists such as Theodor W. Adorno and Wendy Brown, I aim to understand to how this soteriological discourse respond to the predicaments that afflict theology in modernity – and to explore the ideological issues with these responses. I then turn to present day Swedish theological conversations concerning salvation and its political use, in order to discuss whether the issues exposed in liberation theology can be considered to continue to be a problem for the present discussion. I also discuss the ethical and theological obstacles connected to the translocation of liberation theology from the Latin America of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s to present day Sweden, or, in other words: from an exploited continent in protest against imperialism and capitalism, to the continent guilty of so much of the suffering that Latin American liberation theology condemned. What does it mean to turn to liberation theology in this context? I find, in this discourse, a certainty and assuredness concerning the salvation of all, which I find to be at least in part ideologically grounded. Instead, I suggest another direction for political revolutionary soteriology: to unsettle and disturb the modern image of the God-like man; to reconnect with the prehistoric fear of nature through a vigilant and restless immanent critique and through the subversive act of rituals and sacrifice.
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Nonviolent atonement : a theory -praxis appraisal of the views of J Denny Weaver and S Mark HeimUitzinger, Karen Dawn 11 1900 (has links)
Violence in traditional “satisfaction” atonement theologies is addressed here. An alternative
non-violent view follows in discussion with Weaver / Heim.
Weaver outlines a nonviolent Jesus narrative focussing on God’s rule made visible in history.
Jesus’ saving death stems not from God but Jesus’ opposing evil powers. For viability violent
biblical texts are disregarded. Church history interpretation is nonconventional. Early church is
nonviolent. The subsequent Constantinian “fall” births the violent satisfaction model. Weaver’s
problematical violence definition receives attention.
Girard’s scapegoating philosophy and Jesus’ rescuing humankind from this evil undergirds Heim’s
approach. Scapegoating establishes communal peace preventing violence. The bible is
antisacrificial giving victims a voice. Jesus becomes a scapegoating victim, yet
simultaneously exposes and reverses scapegoating, his death stemming from evil powers not
Nonviolent atonement influences numerous theological concepts with Incarnational theology
demonstrating Jesus’ humanness impacting upon atonement. Four ways to live out
transformation established by Jesus’ saving work follow. / School of Humanities / M. Th.(Systematic Theology)
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Nelly Hall: uppburen och ifrågasatt : Predikant och missionär i Europa och USA 1882-1901 / Nelly Hall: Esteemed and Questioned as a Preacher and Missionary in Europe and United States 1882-1901Gunner, Gunilla January 2003 (has links)
In 19th century Sweden women preached in the popular revival movements as they did in the other Nordic countries, in Great Britain and the United States. One of the most famous preachers in Sweden was Nelly Hall (1848–1916). Internal and external evidence of her public life is the main focus of the study, and in this way it seeks to uncover the origin of her inspiration and to specify her connection to the spiritual movements of the time, at the same time that it analyses the reception and the debate of women as preachers in the period when she was active. Nelly Hall studied at the Royal School for Women’s Higher Teacher Education and worked as a teacher for ten years before she decided to enter into the ministry of preaching. She was influenced by the Anglo-American Holiness movement and had close contacts with the Salvation Army in London. From 1883 she travelled in the southern parts of Sweden. Thousands of people listened to her and as part of her ministry she practised faith healing. She went on preaching tours to Finland, Norway, Germany and the United States. When the Swedish Holiness Mission started as a small mission society in 1887 it was to some extent a result of the preaching work carried out by Nelly Hall. She was elected a member of the first board and worked as a mission secretary for ten years. Around 1900 there was a shift in her theological thinking and she became more absorbed by apocalyptic ideas. In 1901 she went for the second time to the United States and lived there until 1916 when she died in Brockton, Massachusetts. Little is known about the last fifteenth years of her life. The ministry of Nelly Hall and other women raised considerable public interest and in the Swedish context her time of ministry coincided with the emerging movement for the emancipation of women. Many were against women preaching in public and the discussions often occurred in the press. Parts of these discussions as well as several pamphlets in favour of women’s preaching are analysed in this study. / <p>Contains a summary in English</p>
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La dialectique pluralisme religieux/incertitude religieuse dans la pensée de Peter L. Berger : analyse conceptuelle et essai critique.Nizigama, Isaac 06 1900 (has links)
La dialectique pluralisme religieux/incertitude religieuse, sur laquelle porte cette thèse, se révèle être un thème majeur dans la pensée de Peter L. Berger, en sociologie des religions et en théologie protestante. Une analyse systématique et détaillée des concepts-clés qui la constituent débouche sur la question des rapports entre sociologie et théologie à laquelle Berger lui-même s’est confronté. Abordée sous l’angle de l’idée du principe protestant, cette question s’est résolue, dès la fin des années 1960, en un certain « mariage » entre son approche de la sociologie de la connaissance et son approche théologique libérale. Les concepts de foi et théologie « inductives », de « voie médiane entre le fondamentalisme et le relativisme », semblent jaillir de cette dialectique et de ce « mariage ».
Si néanmoins cette dialectique se retrace dans la pensée de Berger dès ses premières œuvres, la défense d’une via media théologique appliquée à toutes les religions se révèle être la conséquence de l’abandon (dès 1967), de sa posture théologique néo-orthodoxe. Dans cette posture, la dialectique bergérienne s’appliquait à toutes les religions mais laissait la foi chrétienne intouchée et pensée en termes de certitude.
Or, une analyse critique de sa pensée permet de situer au moins à trois niveaux un certain nombre de problèmes : le niveau de sa conception de la religion manifestant une ambiguïté; le niveau des rapports entre sociologie et théologie révélant un biais libéral et une absence de contenu religieux concret pour le principe protestant; enfin le niveau de sa critique des quêtes contemporaines de certitudes religieuses, critique dont le fondement sur sa dialectique peut être questionné par des exemples de conception différente de la religion et de la certitude religieuse.
Pour ces trois niveaux, l’exemple de la conception de la certitude religieuse par les protestants évangéliques permet au moins une ébauche d’un tel questionnement. Cette conception, surtout dans son idée de l’« assurance du salut», se fonde, dans son approche surnaturelle de la certitude religieuse, sur une adhésion et une confiance fortes quant aux contenus traditionnels de la foi chrétienne. Si les arguments avancés dans cette perspective demeurent discutables, ils semblent assez pertinents puisque la vitalité contemporaine de la religion à l’ère du pluralisme religieux (voir notamment le protestantisme évangélique aux États-Unis) constitue une indication que la validité empirique de la dialectique bergérienne, et la critique qu’elle fonde, sont largement problématiques si l’on tient compte de l’auto-compréhension des groupes religieux eux-mêmes. / The dialectic religious pluralism/religious uncertainty, with which deals this dissertation, reveals itself as a major theme in Peter L. Berger’s thought, in sociology of religion and in protestant theology. A systematic and detailed analysis of the key concepts which constitute that dialectic leads to the question of the relationship between sociology and theology, which has been confronted by Berger himself. It is at the time Berger studied that question from the point of view of the idea of the protestant principle, during the late sixties, that he solved it by a kind of ‘wedding’ between his approach in the sociology of knowledge and his liberal theological approach. Concepts as ‘inductive faith and theology’, ‘middle position between fundamentalism and relativism’, seem to emerge both from that dialectic and from that ‘wedding’.
Nevertheless, while that dialectic can be retraced in Berger’s thought since his earlier works, the defence of a theological via media applied to all religions, appears to be the consequence of his rejection (since 1967), of his earlier theological stance deployed from the neo-orthodox approach. In that stance, the bergerian dialectic was applied to all religions but not to the Christian faith, thought in terms of certainty.
But, a critical analysis of Berger’s thought allows one to identify some problems at least at three levels: the level of his concept of religion which evidentiates an ambiguity ; the level of the relationship between sociology and theology which reveals a liberal bias and a lack of specific religious content for the protestant principle; and finally, the level of his critique of the contemporary religious certainty impulses; a critique whose base on his dialectic can be questioned by some examples of different conceptions of religion and of religious certainty.
About those three levels, the example of the conception of religious certainty by the Evangelical Protestants allows at least a draft of that questioning. It deploys a supernatural conception of the religious certainty, especially by the notion of « assurance of salvation », based on strong adherence and confidence in the traditional contents of the Christian faith. While the arguments of that conception can be subjected to questions, they seem enough relevant since the contemporary vitality of religion at the pluralistic era (cf. Evangelical Protestantism in U.S.A for example) constitutes an indication that the empirical validity of the bergerian dialectic, and of the critique based on it, is largely problematic if one takes into account the self-understanding of the religious groups themselves.
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Wisdom and salvation history in the wisdom Psalms / by Hyung Guen SimSim, Hyung Guen January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploration of the relationship of wisdom to salvation history in the book of Psalms. The notional starting point of this thesis is a conviction that there might be a juncture at which the two themes converge because in certain psalms such as Psalm 78, the Israelite concept of salvation appears to have a close relationship with the wisdom theme. In the history of Psalm interpretation so far, the concept of wisdom psalm has not been properly dealt with due to scholastic difficulty in ascertaining the clear criteria of a genre. The process of scrutinizing the history of interpretation showed that the Psalms in their final form were far more purposeful than were previously understood. The major guiding principles of the method employed are: (1) 'the canonical approach' of Brevard Childs; (2) 'the canonical criticism' of James Sanders; (3) 'the canonical process approach' of Bruce Waltke; (4) 'the Christo-canonical approach' of Jerry E. Shepherd; and (5) 'the communito-canonical approach' of deClaissé-Walford. This thesis made use of these methodological principles by attempting to read the Psalter from the beginning to the end, and by focusing mainly on the final stage of the Psalter proposed by B. Waltke as the third stage, or the final and complete Old Testament canon associated with the Second Temple, and by purposefully limiting the scope of our study to around the post-exilic period.
Having dealt with the issue of classifying the wisdom psalm, the presence of the wisdom motif in many psalms which do not fall into the wisdom category serves to add a didactic dimension to the entire Psalter. In so doing, we reach a conclusion that what we are dealing with is not merely the wisdom psalms within the Psalms, but 'the wisdom Psalter' as a literary unit. Then, it can be said that the Psalter is not merely an anthology of individual psalms used for cult, but was meant to be read also as a source of min , an instruction. This means that every psalm in the Psalter has pedagogical potential, which may have been the ostensible intent of the editor(s) at the final stage of the formation of the Psalter.
On this premise, this study attempts to set up a strategy to read the Psalms from the beginning to the end from book I up to book V as a wisdom Psalter, with a particular focus on how the wisdom motif relates to the salvation history motif. The question did not merely concern their interpretation as disjointed pieces, but also what their presence in the book of Psalter meant in terms of the relationship between wisdom and salvation history. This means that the study is influenced less by a historical and form critical approach, but more from a literary and canonical perspective. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Old Testament))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Wisdom and salvation history in the wisdom Psalms / by Hyung Guen SimSim, Hyung Guen January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is an exploration of the relationship of wisdom to salvation history in the book of Psalms. The notional starting point of this thesis is a conviction that there might be a juncture at which the two themes converge because in certain psalms such as Psalm 78, the Israelite concept of salvation appears to have a close relationship with the wisdom theme. In the history of Psalm interpretation so far, the concept of wisdom psalm has not been properly dealt with due to scholastic difficulty in ascertaining the clear criteria of a genre. The process of scrutinizing the history of interpretation showed that the Psalms in their final form were far more purposeful than were previously understood. The major guiding principles of the method employed are: (1) 'the canonical approach' of Brevard Childs; (2) 'the canonical criticism' of James Sanders; (3) 'the canonical process approach' of Bruce Waltke; (4) 'the Christo-canonical approach' of Jerry E. Shepherd; and (5) 'the communito-canonical approach' of deClaissé-Walford. This thesis made use of these methodological principles by attempting to read the Psalter from the beginning to the end, and by focusing mainly on the final stage of the Psalter proposed by B. Waltke as the third stage, or the final and complete Old Testament canon associated with the Second Temple, and by purposefully limiting the scope of our study to around the post-exilic period.
Having dealt with the issue of classifying the wisdom psalm, the presence of the wisdom motif in many psalms which do not fall into the wisdom category serves to add a didactic dimension to the entire Psalter. In so doing, we reach a conclusion that what we are dealing with is not merely the wisdom psalms within the Psalms, but 'the wisdom Psalter' as a literary unit. Then, it can be said that the Psalter is not merely an anthology of individual psalms used for cult, but was meant to be read also as a source of min , an instruction. This means that every psalm in the Psalter has pedagogical potential, which may have been the ostensible intent of the editor(s) at the final stage of the formation of the Psalter.
On this premise, this study attempts to set up a strategy to read the Psalms from the beginning to the end from book I up to book V as a wisdom Psalter, with a particular focus on how the wisdom motif relates to the salvation history motif. The question did not merely concern their interpretation as disjointed pieces, but also what their presence in the book of Psalter meant in terms of the relationship between wisdom and salvation history. This means that the study is influenced less by a historical and form critical approach, but more from a literary and canonical perspective. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Old Testament))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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The role(s) of the spirit-paraclete in John 16:4b-15 : a socio-rhetorical investigationTuppurainen, Riku Pekka 30 November 2006 (has links)
The subject and the scope of this study are the role(s) of the Spirit-Paraclete in John 16:4b-15. The methodology applied is socio-rhetorical criticism as developed by Vernon K. Robbins.
The fourth Gospel is called the `spiritual Gospel.' Its pneumatic connotations are not only related to its presentation of Christ but also to its frequent references to the Spirit and its cognates. Jesus' Spirit-Paraclete teaching in his Farewell Discourse is a prominent example of this. Its pneumatological content is, however, problematic. This is demonstrated by the various attempts of Johannine scholars. In addition, methodologies, goals and the scope of these studies vary. It was observed that if scholars suggest a role for the Spirit-Paraclete, they usually use `either-or' language, pointing out one role while excluding other possible roles from their conclusions or merely list explicitly mentioned functions of the Spirit-Paraclete.
This study is a response to this present situation. It deals with the last two Spirit-Paraclete sayings of Jesus in his farewell address to determine the role(s) of the Spirit-Paraclete, applying the comprehensive reading model which has not been applied to this text before. The hypothesis was that if a more comprehensive methodology is applied to the narrative, a more comprehensive understanding of the text would be gained. We applied multidisciplinary socio-rhetorical criticism which takes into account narrative-rhetorical, intertextual, social-cultural, ideological and sacred aspects of the text while not neglecting contexts in which the story took place, was recorded and is interpreted. Findings were that the roles of the Spirit-Paraclete go beyond mere theological and spiritual significance to touch sociological and psychological aspects of human experience. Thus, the roles of the Spirit-Paraclete are multidimensional. These roles are also integrated with each other. Together they support and point to one
major role of the Spirit-Paraclete, which does not, however, downplay his other roles. The central role of the Spirit-Paraclete in John 16:4b-15 is to be the divine presence who forms a performing community of the disciples called the people of the Spirit. / New Testament / D. Th. (New Testament)
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La dialectique pluralisme religieux/incertitude religieuse dans la pensée de Peter L. Berger : analyse conceptuelle et essai critiqueNizigama, Isaac 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Light used as metaphor in the prologue of the Fourth Gospel: the influence of this metaphor on the Maronite 'Prayer of the Faithful'Albalaa, Pierre 30 November 2007 (has links)
In this dissertation, the affinities between the Prologue of the Fourth Gospel and the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful especially the use of light metaphor are examined and new hypothetic proposals are suggested: the former has influenced the latter; both of them might have shared the same milieu or have been influenced by an existent Antiochene liturgical hymn. These proposals are discussed according to reflections on the Fourth Gospel, the Antiochene Syriac Maronite Church, the light metaphor, the work done on the Prologue from a socio-rhetorical perspective and the study conducted on the first English edition of the Maronite Prayer of the Faithful. / New Testament / M.Th. (New Testament)
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