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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two-dimensional cut plan optimization for cutter suction dredgers

de Ruyter, Marcus J. M. January 2009 (has links)
Optimal cut plans for cutter suction dredgers aim to maximize operational efficiency. Maximizing operational efficiency involves minimization of stoppage time resulting from non-productive dredger movements. To automate a systematic search for optimal twodimensional cut plans for cutter suction dredgers two models with an adaptive simulated annealing-based solution approach were developed. The first model, the dredge cut nesting model, optimizes irregular stock cutting problems where stencils represent dredge cuts and sheets represent dredging areas. Stencils are collections of unit dredge cuts with dimensions related to an effective cutting width which can be achieved with the cutter suction dredger considered. The objectives of the dredge cut nesting model are to maximize sheet coverage and to minimize stencil overlap. Centroids of unit dredge cuts of final nest layouts are extracted and used as grid nodes in the second model. The second model, the dredger routing model, optimizes asymmetric travelling salesperson problems with turning costs. The objectives of the dredger routing model are to minimize total route length and sum of turning angles, and to maximize average link length. A link consists of two or more route edges which are aligned with each other to within specified limits. A significant result of this research is that an engineering application of both models showed that two-dimensional cut plans for cutter suction dredgers can be systematically optimized and that dredger routes with minimum turning costs can be found. However, results also showed that the dredger routing model is not yet sophisticated enough to find cut plans for cutter suction dredgers for which overall project execution time is minimal.

Aplicação de uma técnica para melhoria da qualidade do sistema de produção da água de reuso: um estudo de caso de uma ETE do Estado de São Paulo / Application of a technique for improving the quality of the reuse water production system: a case study of an ETE of the state of São Paulo

Nakamura, Sérgio Yoshiyuki 22 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-08-04T21:21:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio Yoshiyuki Nakamura.pdf: 4979450 bytes, checksum: 9478fa7c8bfae19cb13670a88d649473 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-04T21:21:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio Yoshiyuki Nakamura.pdf: 4979450 bytes, checksum: 9478fa7c8bfae19cb13670a88d649473 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-22 / The current global water crisis makes awareness of the problem of its finiteness present in discussion, whether governmental, private, research, ecology or sustainability. The search for better forms of consumption and alternatives of treatment and production of reuse water is increasing importance and intensifying studies in those areas. The objective of this work was to analyze membrane filtration techniques for the treatment of sewage effluents generated by ETE, verifying the technical and economic feasibility of improving the quality of reuse water production in Brazil, specifically in the State of São Paulo, verifying the technical and economic viability. This state was selected because, in the years 2014 and 2015, it experienced an atypical drought that presented low rainfall indices that had not been counted for decades, resulting in a possible rationing of water for the population. An exploratory research was carried out about filter membranes and their applications and an on - site interview with the technical lider of a large sanitation company that produces reuse water from sanitary effluents with a quality 50% higher than required by the standards of potability using this technology. The results of this work indicated positive estimates for the investment in the use of filter membranes for the production of reuse water. Its cost in the plant was estimated at 0.10 R$ / m3 and the average sale price of 1,70 R$ / m3, allowing financial savings for the final consumer, in this case 90.26% / m3, and for the investor, according to those estimates, an attractive return on investment, with a payback of 7.31 years, for a 41-year contract. / A atual crise mundial de água faz com que a conscientização sobre o problema de sua finidade esteja presente em discussões, sejam elas governamentais, da iniciativa privada, de pesquisas, ecologia ou sustentabilidade. A busca por melhores formas de consumo e alternativas de tratamento e produção de água de reuso vem ganhando importância e intensificando os estudos nestas áreas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as técnicas de filtragem por membranas para tratamento dos efluentes de esgoto sanitário gerados por Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE), verificando a viabilidade técnica e econômica na melhoria da qualidade da produção de água de reuso no Brasil, especificamente no Estado de São Paulo. Este Estado foi selecionado porque, nos anos de 2014 e 2015, passou por uma estiagem atípica que apresentou reduzidos índices pluviométricos não contabilizados há décadas, resultando em um possível racionamento de água para a população. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória sobre membranas filtrantes e suas aplicações e uma entrevista in loco com o responsável técnico de uma grande empresa de saneamento, que produz água de reuso á partir de efluentes sanitários com uma qualidade 50% superior ao exigido pelos padrões de potabilidade, utilizando esta tecnologia. Os resultados deste trabalho indicaram estimativas favoráveis para o investimento na utilização de membranas filtrantes para a produção de água de reuso. O seu custo na planta foi estimado em 0,10 R$ / m3 e o preço médio de venda de 1,70 R$ / m3, permitindo economia financeira para o consumidor final, neste caso de 90,26 % / m3, e para o investidor, por estas estimativas, um retorno de investimento atrativo, com payback em 7,31 anos, para um contrato de 41 anos.

Avaliação dos possíveis impactos ambientais negativos decorrentes da instalação do aterro sanitário industrial e dos lagos de resíduos de bauxita: Parque Industrial - ALUMAR/ALCOA - São Luís - MA / Evaluation of the possible negative environmental impacts associated to the instalattion of industrial sanitary landfill and of lakes of the bauxite residues: Park Industrial - ALUMAR/ALCOA

Ana Valéria Rabelo Vieira 24 April 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise dos possíveis impactos ambientais negativos decorrentes da instalação do aterro sanitário industrial e dos lagos de resíduos de bauxita do Parque Industrial do Consórcio do Alumínio do Maranhão - ALUMAR, em termo de contaminação das águas superficiais e subsuperficiais das bacias hidrográficas envolvidas, baseado em um grupo de atributos, considerando um modelo exploratório. A partir de dados espaciais (ensaios laboratoriais e de campo) e mapas elaborados pela ALUMAR, nas escalas 1:10.000 e 1:20.000, foram selecionados, analisados e sintetizados todos os atributos de interesse em um conjunto de 12 documentos cartográficos. Num passo seguinte, foram investigados os aspectos do meio físico (colapsividade, erosão, afundamento, estabilidade do maciço e infiltração) e as características físicas do aterro sanitário industrial e do lagos de resíduos de bauxita (posição em relação ao nível de água, posição em relação ao substrato rochoso, aspectos construtivos e técnicas de impermeabilização), os quais podem gerar condições de instabilização no sistema e nas fontes, provocando vazamento. Frente à análise dos dados obtidos, os acidentes na área do aterro sanitário industrial e dos lagos de resíduos de bauxita, podem ser ocasionado por infiltração e erosão. A contaminação decorrente de vazamentos nesta região não atingirá níveis profundos devido à presença de material silte arenoargiloso da Formação Alter do Chão, pouco permeável, que impedirá o deslocamento dos contaminantes em profundidade, promovendo o espalhamento lateral controlado pelas camadas que comportam-se como drenos, e assim os contaminantes poderão ser interceptados pelos canais de drenagem, poluindo as águas superficiais e subsuperficiais e, por conseqüência, todos os componentes do meio ambiente. / This work presents an analysis of the possible negative environmental impacts associated to the installation of industrial sanitary landfill and of lakes of bauxite residues at the Industrial Park of Aluminum Consortium in Maranhão - ALUMAR, in terms of contamination of superficial waters and groundwater, based on a group of attributes, and considering an exploratory model. From laboratories, field data and maps elaborated by ALUMAR, at scales 1:10,000 and 1:20,000, the attributes were put into 12 cartographic documents. The analyses were done considering collapsible, erosion, settlement, slope stability and infiltration conditions of the areas, technological characteristics o f industrial sanitary landfill of the bauxite waste lakes and spacial position in relation to groundwater level and rocky substratum. According to the analysis of the data obtained, the accidents in the area of industrial sanitary landfill and of the lakes of bauxite residues can be caused by infiltration, due to both a deficiency in its impermeabilization system and erosion. The current contamination in this area will not reach deep levels due to the presence of clayey sand silt layers of the Alter do Chão Formation, and low permeability, which impede the movement of pollutants in depth. On the other hand, this layer should promote the lateral dispersal controlled by the layers which behave as drains. The pollutants can be intercepted by the drainage channels, polluting the superficial waters and groundwater and, as a consequence, all the components of the environment.

Seleção de áreas para instalação de aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos (classe II A) no litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul

Kuerten, Ingo Salvador January 2018 (has links)
O litoral norte do estado do Rio Grande do Sul é composto por vinte e um municípios, com uma população fixa de aproximadamente 330.000 habitantes e nenhum aterro sanitário para receber os resíduos sólidos urbanos produzidos na região. Este trabalho visa identificar e classificar áreas potenciais à instalação de um aterro sanitário de resíduos sólidos urbanos na região do litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Para a obtenção deste objetivo a pesquisa foi segmentada em duas etapas: a primeira consistiu no mapeamento, criação de banco de dados SIG, aplicação de técnicas de georreferenciamento e exclusão de áreas legalmente impedidas de receber tais atividades; a segunda etapa consistiu na seleção e classificação de três áreas dentre as porções restantes da fase de exclusão para indicação da mais apta para receber um aterro sanitário. Os resultados mostram que 83% da região do litoral norte está legalmente impedida, por um ou mais parâmetros, de receber um aterro sanitário de resíduos sólidos urbanos, restando 17% da área estudada. Dentre as três áreas selecionadas para o estudo classificatório, a área central, localizada no município de Palmares do Sul, foi considerada a mais apta para receber este tipo de empreendimento, mostrando que é possível encontrar soluções locais para a disposição final de resíduos sólidos urbanos no litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul. / The north coast of the Rio Grande do Sul state is composed by twenty-one counties, with a fixed population of 330,000 inhabitants, approximately and no one landfill to receive the urban solid waste produced in this region. This work aims to identify and classify potential areas for the installation of an urban solid waste landfill in the region of the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul. In order to achieve this objective, the research was segmented into two stages: the first one consisted of mapping, creation of GIS database, application of georeferencing techniques and exclusion of areas legally prevented from receiving such activities; the second stage consisted in the selection and classification of three areas among the remaining portions of the exclusion phase to indicate the most suitable to receive a sanitary landfill. The results show that 83% of the northern coast region is legally prevented, by one or more parameters, from receiving a sanitary landfill of urban solid waste, remaining 17% of the studied area. Among the three areas selected for the classificatory study, the central area, located in the municipality of Palmares do Sul, was considered the most suitable to receive this type of project, showing that it’s possible to find local solutions for the final disposal of urban solid waste in the the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul.

A percepção coletiva, pelo setor regulado, da Resolução brasileira que determina a fortificação de farinhas de trigo com ferro e ácido fólico / The collective perception of the milling industry, on law requiring iron and folic acid fortification of the wheat flour.

Latorre, William Cesar 30 September 2005 (has links)
Os indicadores brasileiros de anemia ferropriva são alarmantes. Para colaborar com a redução deste quadro, o governo brasileiro adotou a fortificação das farinhas de trigo com ferro. Nesta pesquisa, profissionais dos moinhos de trigo brasileiros foram questionados, sobre suas percepções da Resolução ANVISA nº 344/02, que obrigou a fortificação das farinhas. As respostas dos entrevistados permitiram construir Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) e interpretar alguns de seus aspectos com o objetivo de avaliar a aceitação e a adoção das determinações da legislação. Os DSC são redações organizadas, pelo pesquisador, das informações qualitativas obtidas nas entrevistas, contendo as principais idéias e expressões verbais que revelam as percepções dos entrevistados. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que esses concordam com a legislação, porém questionam sua forma de apresentação, autoritária e pouco participativa da categoria que, a princípio, deixou o setor arredio e exigente de uma contrapartida pelo governo de um programa de educação ao consumidor e também desconfiado se a estratégia atingirá a população pobre, devido ao preço dos derivados do trigo. A coletividade afirma que cumpre a legislação apesar das deficiências tecnológicas do setor, que têm sido contornadas com a escolha de qualificados fornecedores de micronutrientes com serviços analíticos agregados. A sobredosagem de micronutrientes tem sido praticada para contornar problemas tecnológicos e a falta de um controle laboratorial adequado. O composto de ferro mais empregado para fortificar farinhas de uso doméstico é o ferro reduzido e, para as de uso industrial, o composto de ferro varia conforme as necessidades dos clientes. Na percepção da coletividade dos moinhos de trigo, a problemática da fortificação obrigatória das farinhas é menos tecnológica e mais política e administrativa. A fortificação obrigatória foi uma grande conquista que pode ser melhorada com a fiscalização dos processos industriais e dos produtos. Deveria ser tratada como um programa, que educasse a população por mídia de massa e incluísse gestores capazes de mediar as ações, que envolvem setores com interesses distintos, como o governo, a indústria e a sociedade. / Anemia caused by iron deficiency is very prevalent in Brazil. To decrease it, the Brazilian government established that wheat flour must be fortified with iron and folic acid. This work presents the perceptions of the wheat flour milling professionals on the Brazilian law - Resolução ANVISA nº 344/2002, which has obligated the flour fortification. The answers of the interviewed professionals were used to writing the Collective Discourses of the Subjects. Some aspects of them were interpreted with the objective of evaluating the acceptance of the law by the milling community. Collective Discourses of the Subjects are wordings organized and written by the researcher using the information obtained with the interviewers, and contains the main ideas and verbal expressions which reveal the interviewers perceptions. The results allow to concluding the wheat mills community agree with the law, however it argues with its authoritarian way of dealing, without the participation of the milling fellows, who became strayed and distrust, and asking the government for an advertising campaign of consumer´s education. The milling fellows distrust if the poor population will be reached by the measure, because of the prices of the products derived from wheat. The collective subject says he is fulfilling the law, besides the technological deficiencies of the milling companies, which have been solved with good suppliers of micronutrients who includes lab services. Over dosage of micronutrients has been used to avoiding technological issues, and the lack of rapid lab analysis results. Between the interviewers, reduced iron is the most used iron compound to fortify wheat flour for domestic usage, and the source of iron for the flour for industrial purposes varies depending on the customer. The perception of the milling professionals reveals the fortification issues are more administrative and political, than technological. The fortification should be improved with the govern enforcement and should be seen like a program, which would include educational advertising to the population and should be managed by professionals able to mediate government, industry and society interests.

Studie rekonstrukce úpravny bazénových vod letního koupaliště Břeclav / The study of the reconstruction of the pool water treatment plant of the summer swimming pool Břeclav

Urban, Jaromír January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is to introduce the problems of communal spas, namely the treatment of water for swimming pools. Following is a proposal of reconstruction of the treatment plant for a real, operated area of the summer swimming pool. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. At the beginning of the theoretical part I make research of the history of balneology, the effects of bathing and swimming on the human body, possible resources for spa purposes and hygiene requirements for these waters. I also describe commonly used methods of treatment of swimming pool water. In the practical part I first describe the summer swimming pool in the town of Břeclav. There is a description of the swimming pool, its history and equipment. In the next chapter I present the currently operated technological line. Based on a personal visit, the next chapter evaluates the technical condition of the plant. Based on this evaluation, a new technological line for treatment of swimming pool water of the Břeclav summer swimming pool is proposed.

Washing and drying reusable sanitary pads

Sundberg, Fanny, Anderhell, Max January 2019 (has links)
Period poverty is a problem mainly found in places characterized by poverty. The lack of means for women and girls to properly handle their menstruation is the essence of the problem. With a lack of both quantity and quality regarding water often being an issue in such places, the hygiene is a constant challenge. Two different kinds of sanitary products are used globally, disposable and reusable. The reusable ones are often being made of cotton or other absorbent materials. Regardless the material, reusable products need cleaning between the times of use, which could be a challenge when water is not always accessible. To have a reusable sanitary pad that efficiently can be cleaned with low amounts of resources is important, especially in impoverished places. Spacerpad is a reusable sanitary pad and a part of a project at the University of Borås. The aim for the project is to reduce period poverty and to educate women and girls in menstrual hygiene management. The pad is made of polyester which does not absorb blood or water, instead the pad merely contains the fluids. This thesis was conducted as a field study in Nairobi, Kenya. The study aimed to simulate a menstruation, in order to analyze the microbial activity in two different reusable sanitary pads, during as well as after menstruation. With the influences from interviews and resources found in Kibera (a slum in Nairobi) a simulation of five days was executed, with nutrient solution instead of menstrual blood. The Spacerpad and a cotton pad were exposed to the same procedures and the effects of washing and drying were studied. The microbial activity was measured with the help of dipslides, a growth medium. The results of this study show that both Spacerpad and the cotton pad could be carriers of heavy growth of bacteria. Increasing microbial activity throughout the simulation as the days went by, ended with a dividing result after a soap wash as the final washing procedure. The pad made of cotton still carried above slight growth, compared to Spacerpad that showed almost no activity after the final cleanse. Even though the microbial activity reached high levels during the simulation, the fact that the Spacerpad can be cleaned with limited resources could be reason enough to consider the Spacerpad as a sufficiently sanitary product in an impoverished place like Kibera. / Mensfattigdom är något som vanligtvis återfinns på platser präglade av fattigdom. Bristen på medel för kvinnor och flickor att kunna hantera sin menstruation är kärnan av problemet. Med en brist i kvantitet och kvalitet på vatten som ett vanligt problem på sådana platser är det en konstant utmaning att upprätthålla sin hygien. Menstruationsskydd delas in i två olika typer, engångs- och återanvändningsbara produkter. De återanvändningsbara produkterna består ofta av bomull eller andra absorberande material. Oavsett material måste produkterna rengöras mellan användningarna, vilket kan vara en utmaning på platser där vatten inte alltid är tillgängligt. Tillgång till en återanvändningsbar binda som kan rengöras med små resurser är viktigt, speciellt på platser som kännetecknas av fattigdom. Spacerpad är en återanvändningsbar binda, framtagen som del av ett projekt vid Högskolan Borås, vars syfte är att reducera mensfattigdom och samtidigt utbilda kvinnor och flickor om menstruation och hygien. Bindan är tillverkad av polyester som inte absorberar blod eller vatten, vilket gör att bindan snarare håller vätskorna på plats. Denna uppsats gjordes som en fältstudie på plats i Nairobi, Kenya och hade som mål att simulera en menstruation. Detta för att se hur den mikrobiella aktiviteten skulle kunna se ut, under och efter en menstruation. Med influenser ur intervjuer och tillgångar från Kibera (ett slumområde i Nairobi) genomfördes simulationen med näringslösning som substitut till mensblod. I simulationen studerades effekten av tvätt och tork på den mikrobiella aktiviteten. Spacerpad och en bomullsbinda genomgick samma processer där aktiviteten mättes med hjälp av dipslides, ett växtmedium. Resultaten från denna studie visar att både Spacerpad och bomullsbindan kan vara bärare av hög tillväxt av bakterier. En ökande bakteriell aktivitet genom testdagarna, slutade med ett tudelat resultat efter en tvåltvätt som sista procedur. Bindan av bomull hade lätt tillväxt, medan Spacerpad knappt visade någon tillväxt alls efter den sista rengöringen. Den mikrobiella aktiviteten hos Spacerpad nådde höga nivåer under simulationen. Trots det så gör förmågan att kunna rengöras med låg åtgång av resurser, att den kan anses vara sanitär nog för att användas på platser präglade av fattigdom, som i Kibera.

Análisis de los factores económicos y comerciales que han influido en la exportación de café certificado, partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00, hacia Alemania entre los años 2008 – 2018 / Analysis of the economic and commercial factors that have influenced the export of certified coffee, tariff item 0901.11.90.00, to Germany between 2008 – 2018

Alvarez Benites, Rosario Angelica 18 August 2019 (has links)
Uno de los productos que más se comercializa en el mundo es el café, ocupa el segundo lugar después del petróleo como materia prima comercializada. Además, su consumo no es solo como una bebida, sino también se usa en la industria farmacéutica y cosmética . El Perú ocupa el noveno lugar como productor de café y el séptimo como exportador, tiene una oferta variada de café convencional, certificado y especial. Entre sus principales mercados de destino se encuentran Europa y Estados Unidos. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal describir, a partir de las evidencias, la influencia que tuvieron los factores económicos y comerciales en la exportación de café certificado (partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00) de Perú hacia Alemania entre los años 2008 - 2018. Para lograr los objetivos de la investigación, se recabó información relevante a través de entrevistas a especialistas relacionados al sector como: MINAGRI, SENASA, MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, certificadoras, Cámara Peruana de Café y Cacao, empresas y asociaciones exportadoras. Se utilizó el software de Atlas Ti con el objetivo de analizar cada entrevista y conocer que variables son las más preponderantes dentro los factores económicos y comerciales respectivamente. / Coffee is one of the most traded products in the world, second only to oil as a commercialized raw material. In addition, its consumption is not only a beverage, but it is also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Peru occupies the ninth place as a coffee producer and the seventh as an exporter, has a varied offer of conventional, certified and special coffee. Among its main markets of destination are the United States and Europe. The main objective of this research is to analyze and describe, based on the evidence, the influence that economic and commercial factors had on the export of certified coffee (tariff item 0901119000) from Peru to Germany between 2008 - 2018. Relying on said factors to describe how it influences the sales to the outside of said good. To achieve the objectives of the research, relevant information was gathered through interviews with specialists related to the sector such as: MINAGRI, MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, Cámara de Café y Cacao, certifiers, companies and export associations. The Atlas Ti software was used with the objective of analyzing each interview and knowing which variables are the most predominant within the economic and commercial factors respectively. / Tesis

Mejoramiento de la productividad en proyectos de saneamiento básico rural; caso de estudio: Construcción de casetas sanitarias ejecutados por la empresa SICMA S.A.C. en la region de Puno durante los periodos 2016 – 2017 / Improvement of productivity in rural basic sanitation projects; case study: Construction of sanitary huts executed by the company SICMA S.A.C. in the region of Puno during the periods 2016 - 2017

Moscairo Chura, Juan Brayan, Valdivia Daza, Reynaldo Victor 16 March 2019 (has links)
El sector construcción en el Perú es uno de los más dinámicos en la economía del país, se debe a que en los últimos años el gobierno ha venido impulsando la inversión pública, mediante la ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura y en especial a los de saneamiento básico rural; razón por la que la empresa SICMA S.A.C. viene ejecutando proyectos similares en distintos lugares de la región de Puno. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar el estado actual de la productividad en 9 proyectos de saneamiento básico rural, durante los años 2016 y 2017. Como resultado de análisis de estos datos se determinó que la productividad de la mano de obra en los proyectos ejecutados de forma tradicional es muy baja debido a que no se tiene una adecuada planificación mucho menos control de la ejecución de estos proyectos. Como otro objetivo de esta investigación se ha implementado el sistema Last Planner, en uno de los proyectos de saneamiento básico rural de similares características que las anteriores, obteniéndose mejoras respecto al desempeño de la mano de obra incrementándose la productividad. Estas mejoras fueron evidenciadas mediante la comparación de los rendimientos y valores de ocupación del tiempo, obtenidos de forma tradicional con los obtenidos implementando el sistema Last Planner; quedando con esto demostrado de que es posible la aplicación de herramientas basadas en la filosofía Lean Construction en la ejecución de este tipo de proyectos y que con ellas se puede mejorar la productividad y reducir los plazos de ejecución. / The construction sector in Peru is one of the most dynamic in the economy of the country, it is because in recent years the government has been promoting public investment, through the execution of infrastructure projects and especially basic sanitation rural; reason why the company SICMA S.A.C. It has been executing similar projects in different places in the Puno region. The objective of this research is to determine the current state of productivity in 9 rural basic sanitation projects, during the years 2016 and 2017. As a result of analysis of these data, it was determined that the productivity of the labor force in the executed projects of Traditional way is very low because you do not have adequate planning much less control of the execution of these projects. As another objective of this research, the Last Planner system has been implemented, in one of the rural basic sanitation projects with similar characteristics as the previous ones, obtaining improvements regarding the performance of the workforce, increasing productivity. These improvements were evidenced by the comparison of the yields and values of occupation of time, obtained in a traditional way with those obtained by implementing the Last Planner system; remaining with this demonstrated that it is possible the application of tools based on the philosophy Lean Construction in the execution of this type of projects and that with them can improve the productivity and reduce the terms of execution. / Trabajo de investigación

Passformsanalys av återanvändbara sanitetsbindor : en subjektiv upplevelse präglad av byxan / Fit analysis of reusable sanitary pads : a subjective experience characterized by trousers

Lee, Anna January 2022 (has links)
God passform är en subjektiv bedömning och definieras av varje enskild individ. Subjektiva upplevelser är präglade av individens egna känslor, erfarenhet och preferenser. I samarbete med en forskningsverksamhet ämnade den här studien till att identifiera olika faktorer som påverkar individens subjektiva passformsbedömning av återanvändbara mensskydd. I studien undersöktes passformen på syntetiska återanvändbara bindor i tre olika modeller anpassade efter kvinnors olika behov. I framtagningsprocessen av bindorna ingick olika marknadsanalyser som gav underlag till konstruktionsarbetet. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ marknadsundersökning där fem utvalda kvinnor i åldrarna 26 – 43 utförde avprovningar och förde logg om sina upplevelser av bindornas passform. Den empiriska undersökningen visar att en av de längre bindorna, ur passforms- och komfortsynpunkt, anses mer tillförlitlig än de andra två modellerna då bindan upplevdes mer följsam längsmed kroppen och troskanten utan att sticka ut och skava mot huden. En gemensam nämnare för samtliga bindor konstaterades vara ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till bindornas tjocklek. Subjektiva bedömningar av passform, som är uppdelade i mindre delmoment, är mätbara men eftersom denna studie är inriktad till en småskalig forskning kan inga slutsatser dras. Däremot kan studien tillhandahålla nya insikter och djupare förståelse för kvinnors tankegångar och preferenser gällande bindors passform. / A good fit is a subjective assessment and psychologically defined by each individual based on their own experiences, feelings, and preferences. With the support of a Borås-based research firm, this study aimed to identify various factors that influence the individual's subjective fit assessment of environmentally friendly, synthetic, and reusable menstrual pads. This study examined the fit of three different styles adapted to conform to a menstruating woman’s different needs. As a result of a pilot study and various market research, the conceptual design phase of the pads provided a reliable foundation for the design process. The study was based on a qualitative market study in which five women underwent various exploratory methods of evaluating their subjective experiences regarding the fit and comfort of the pads. The empirical study reveals one of the longer pads, from a fit and comfort point of view, to be more compliant than the other two styles as the longer and thin one was perceived to have higher conformity. A common denominator for all three of the menstrual pads appeared to be a critical approach towards the thickness of the products causing stiffness and skin irritation. Subjective assessments of fit, divided into multiple components, have proven to be measurable, but since this study is focused on small-scale research, conclusions cannot be drawn unless the quantity of collected data or the data itself is conducted in a different way. This study provided new insights and a deeper understanding of a small group of women's thoughts and preferences regarding the fit of the modern pad.

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