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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis de los factores económicos y comerciales que han influido en la exportación de café certificado, partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00, hacia Alemania entre los años 2008 – 2018 / Analysis of the economic and commercial factors that have influenced the export of certified coffee, tariff item 0901.11.90.00, to Germany between 2008 – 2018

Alvarez Benites, Rosario Angelica 18 August 2019 (has links)
Uno de los productos que más se comercializa en el mundo es el café, ocupa el segundo lugar después del petróleo como materia prima comercializada. Además, su consumo no es solo como una bebida, sino también se usa en la industria farmacéutica y cosmética . El Perú ocupa el noveno lugar como productor de café y el séptimo como exportador, tiene una oferta variada de café convencional, certificado y especial. Entre sus principales mercados de destino se encuentran Europa y Estados Unidos. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal describir, a partir de las evidencias, la influencia que tuvieron los factores económicos y comerciales en la exportación de café certificado (partida arancelaria 0901.11.90.00) de Perú hacia Alemania entre los años 2008 - 2018. Para lograr los objetivos de la investigación, se recabó información relevante a través de entrevistas a especialistas relacionados al sector como: MINAGRI, SENASA, MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, certificadoras, Cámara Peruana de Café y Cacao, empresas y asociaciones exportadoras. Se utilizó el software de Atlas Ti con el objetivo de analizar cada entrevista y conocer que variables son las más preponderantes dentro los factores económicos y comerciales respectivamente. / Coffee is one of the most traded products in the world, second only to oil as a commercialized raw material. In addition, its consumption is not only a beverage, but it is also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Peru occupies the ninth place as a coffee producer and the seventh as an exporter, has a varied offer of conventional, certified and special coffee. Among its main markets of destination are the United States and Europe. The main objective of this research is to analyze and describe, based on the evidence, the influence that economic and commercial factors had on the export of certified coffee (tariff item 0901119000) from Peru to Germany between 2008 - 2018. Relying on said factors to describe how it influences the sales to the outside of said good. To achieve the objectives of the research, relevant information was gathered through interviews with specialists related to the sector such as: MINAGRI, MINCETUR, PROMPERÚ, Cámara de Café y Cacao, certifiers, companies and export associations. The Atlas Ti software was used with the objective of analyzing each interview and knowing which variables are the most predominant within the economic and commercial factors respectively. / Tesis

Mejoramiento de la productividad en proyectos de saneamiento básico rural; caso de estudio: Construcción de casetas sanitarias ejecutados por la empresa SICMA S.A.C. en la region de Puno durante los periodos 2016 – 2017 / Improvement of productivity in rural basic sanitation projects; case study: Construction of sanitary huts executed by the company SICMA S.A.C. in the region of Puno during the periods 2016 - 2017

Moscairo Chura, Juan Brayan, Valdivia Daza, Reynaldo Victor 16 March 2019 (has links)
El sector construcción en el Perú es uno de los más dinámicos en la economía del país, se debe a que en los últimos años el gobierno ha venido impulsando la inversión pública, mediante la ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura y en especial a los de saneamiento básico rural; razón por la que la empresa SICMA S.A.C. viene ejecutando proyectos similares en distintos lugares de la región de Puno. El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar el estado actual de la productividad en 9 proyectos de saneamiento básico rural, durante los años 2016 y 2017. Como resultado de análisis de estos datos se determinó que la productividad de la mano de obra en los proyectos ejecutados de forma tradicional es muy baja debido a que no se tiene una adecuada planificación mucho menos control de la ejecución de estos proyectos. Como otro objetivo de esta investigación se ha implementado el sistema Last Planner, en uno de los proyectos de saneamiento básico rural de similares características que las anteriores, obteniéndose mejoras respecto al desempeño de la mano de obra incrementándose la productividad. Estas mejoras fueron evidenciadas mediante la comparación de los rendimientos y valores de ocupación del tiempo, obtenidos de forma tradicional con los obtenidos implementando el sistema Last Planner; quedando con esto demostrado de que es posible la aplicación de herramientas basadas en la filosofía Lean Construction en la ejecución de este tipo de proyectos y que con ellas se puede mejorar la productividad y reducir los plazos de ejecución. / The construction sector in Peru is one of the most dynamic in the economy of the country, it is because in recent years the government has been promoting public investment, through the execution of infrastructure projects and especially basic sanitation rural; reason why the company SICMA S.A.C. It has been executing similar projects in different places in the Puno region. The objective of this research is to determine the current state of productivity in 9 rural basic sanitation projects, during the years 2016 and 2017. As a result of analysis of these data, it was determined that the productivity of the labor force in the executed projects of Traditional way is very low because you do not have adequate planning much less control of the execution of these projects. As another objective of this research, the Last Planner system has been implemented, in one of the rural basic sanitation projects with similar characteristics as the previous ones, obtaining improvements regarding the performance of the workforce, increasing productivity. These improvements were evidenced by the comparison of the yields and values of occupation of time, obtained in a traditional way with those obtained by implementing the Last Planner system; remaining with this demonstrated that it is possible the application of tools based on the philosophy Lean Construction in the execution of this type of projects and that with them can improve the productivity and reduce the terms of execution. / Trabajo de investigación

Passformsanalys av återanvändbara sanitetsbindor : en subjektiv upplevelse präglad av byxan / Fit analysis of reusable sanitary pads : a subjective experience characterized by trousers

Lee, Anna January 2022 (has links)
God passform är en subjektiv bedömning och definieras av varje enskild individ. Subjektiva upplevelser är präglade av individens egna känslor, erfarenhet och preferenser. I samarbete med en forskningsverksamhet ämnade den här studien till att identifiera olika faktorer som påverkar individens subjektiva passformsbedömning av återanvändbara mensskydd. I studien undersöktes passformen på syntetiska återanvändbara bindor i tre olika modeller anpassade efter kvinnors olika behov. I framtagningsprocessen av bindorna ingick olika marknadsanalyser som gav underlag till konstruktionsarbetet. Studien baserades på en kvalitativ marknadsundersökning där fem utvalda kvinnor i åldrarna 26 – 43 utförde avprovningar och förde logg om sina upplevelser av bindornas passform. Den empiriska undersökningen visar att en av de längre bindorna, ur passforms- och komfortsynpunkt, anses mer tillförlitlig än de andra två modellerna då bindan upplevdes mer följsam längsmed kroppen och troskanten utan att sticka ut och skava mot huden. En gemensam nämnare för samtliga bindor konstaterades vara ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till bindornas tjocklek. Subjektiva bedömningar av passform, som är uppdelade i mindre delmoment, är mätbara men eftersom denna studie är inriktad till en småskalig forskning kan inga slutsatser dras. Däremot kan studien tillhandahålla nya insikter och djupare förståelse för kvinnors tankegångar och preferenser gällande bindors passform. / A good fit is a subjective assessment and psychologically defined by each individual based on their own experiences, feelings, and preferences. With the support of a Borås-based research firm, this study aimed to identify various factors that influence the individual's subjective fit assessment of environmentally friendly, synthetic, and reusable menstrual pads. This study examined the fit of three different styles adapted to conform to a menstruating woman’s different needs. As a result of a pilot study and various market research, the conceptual design phase of the pads provided a reliable foundation for the design process. The study was based on a qualitative market study in which five women underwent various exploratory methods of evaluating their subjective experiences regarding the fit and comfort of the pads. The empirical study reveals one of the longer pads, from a fit and comfort point of view, to be more compliant than the other two styles as the longer and thin one was perceived to have higher conformity. A common denominator for all three of the menstrual pads appeared to be a critical approach towards the thickness of the products causing stiffness and skin irritation. Subjective assessments of fit, divided into multiple components, have proven to be measurable, but since this study is focused on small-scale research, conclusions cannot be drawn unless the quantity of collected data or the data itself is conducted in a different way. This study provided new insights and a deeper understanding of a small group of women's thoughts and preferences regarding the fit of the modern pad.

Towards a rational design of gravel media water treatment filters : MRI investigation of the spatial heterogeneity in pollutant particle accumulation

Minto, James Martin January 2014 (has links)
Gravel filters are potentially a low cost, low maintenance water treatment solution. They require no mechanical or electrical parts and can operate without the addition of chemicals or the need for close supervision. As such, they are an appropriate technology for treating road runoff as a component of Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) and as an initial stage of drinking water treatment in rural areas. However, the processes by which pollutant particles are removed in gravel filters are poorly understood and practical experience shows that many filters fail long before their expected design life is reached. For this reason gravel filters are little used for drinking water treatment and, when they are incorporated into SuDS, their removal efficiency and maintenance requirements are unpredictable. The aim of this thesis was to better understand particle removal processes and the implications for gravel filter design. This was achieved through a combination of lab-based experiments and numerical modelling. • The change in conservative tracer transport characteristics with pollutant particle accumulation was assessed through column experiments. • The spatial heterogeneity of particle accumulation was measured by collecting 3D data with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Multiple scans of filters allowed the temporal evolution of particle accumulation to be assessed. A method for processing the raw MRI data to yield the change in 3D pore geometry was developed, assessed and applied. • A simple method for extracting and comparing pore network characteristics at different stages of particle accumulation was applied to the MRI derived geometry. • Direct modelling of the 3D MRI pore geometry with the open source software OpenFOAM allowed correlation of flow velocities with particle accumulation at each point in the pore network. Lagrangian particle tracking was used to simulate the transport of a conservative tracer through the filter. Key findings were that spatial heterogeneity in particle accumulation was influenced by both initial pore geometry and the temporal evolution of the pore network with accumulation. This was attributed to the formation of high velocity preferential flow paths that were evident in both the 3D MRI data and the numerical model of that data. Pore networks exhibited a decrease in connectivity with accumulation and this was mirrored by a decrease in the volume of the filter that was accessible to a conservative tracer. Conclusions of this thesis are that MRI is a useful tool for non-invasively assessing the spatial variability of clogging in gravel filters and, when combined with numerical modelling of the pore geometry, for establishing the link between pore velocity and particle removal. The formation of preferential flow paths is detrimental to the pollutant removal efficiency of a filter and could explain why many filters fail to produce good quality effluent well before their physical pollutant storage capacity is reached.

Gestion de l'eau en milieu urbain : étude de la ville de Québec entre 1840 et 1920 /

Labrecque, Annie-Claude January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Evaluation of finite element analysis techiques applied to a floating offshore wind turbine

Almherigh, Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed January 2005 (has links)
The work presented here is a research thesis of the Ph. D programme in The School of Computing, Science & Engineering at The University of Salford UK. The work presents the evaluation of using explicit finite element techniques for structural non-linear dynamic analysis of a floating offshore wind turbine used for harnessing wind kinetic energy and converting it to electricity. The LS-DYNA3D explicit finite element analysis programme is used in performing the evaluation of the analysis and in creating a full scale model typical to the one evaluated. The developed model (case study) is a 1.4MW power rated floating 3 blades turbine elevated at 46.5 m above main sea level a top a tripod lattice steel tower firmly resting on a moored floating concrete hull buoy, positioned on a concrete circular disk. The mooring cables supporting the floating units in the multi unit farm are designed to share seabed anchoring piles for economic reasons. The model is intended for use in moderately deep waters of up to 500m. The State-of-the-art report is presented concerning wind energy technology, floating offshore wind structures and important features of the LS-DYNA3D code. The theoretical basics for service loads experienced by the floating wind turbine are explored and the loads are quantified. The Verification and validation work on developed small models is presented to ensure confidence in the developed full scale model and the evaluation of the finite element techniques which may be applied to such structures. Development of full scale model, material properties, loads and boundary conditions are presented. Recommendations both for this model and future development are accordingly made.

Le droit alimentaire européen dans les échanges commerciaux entre l'Union européenne et les pays subsahariens / European food law in commercial trade between European union and subsaharian countries

Nyama, Annie Laurence 30 October 2012 (has links)
Les échanges commerciaux de denrées alimentaires entre l'Union européenne et les Etats Subsahariens sont en constante augmentation et sont encadrés par les grands principes du droit alimentaire européen, composante du droit de la consommation. Ces grands principes énoncent des règles d'information des consommateurs, de sécurité, de conformité et de traçabilité des produits alimentaires qui doivent être respectés par toutes les parties prenantes du secteur agroalimentaire et des ses filières. C'est donc une masse importante de règles internationales, communautaires européennes qui se combinent aux textes nationaux. Les exportateurs/importateurs au sein de la Communauté, et les professionnels des pays tiers, mettent en œuvre ces règles dans les contrats de vente internationales des denrées. Les problèmes de santé et de sécurité sont posés par les consommateurs inquiets de leur protection. Mais les producteurs seront attentifs à l'évolution des règles qui protègent les consommateurs car elles conditionnent les activités de production, de transformation de transport, de stockage et de commercialisation. Certes, l'Afrique subsaharienne occupe une place faible dans le commerce mondial, mais son importance dans les échanges avec le continent européen, reste un facteur d'encouragement de la production des produits africains commercialisables. A cet effet, les pays subsahariens ne peuvent plus se contenter d'une réglementation locale, inadaptée, bien lacunaire et peu effective, au regard de l'importance des solutions aux questions sanitaires alimentaires dans le cadre du commerce mondial. D'ailleurs les importateurs européens imposent, contractuellement, à leurs partenaires africains le respect des impératifs sanitaires européens sans lesquels ils ne pourraient mettre les aliments importés en circulation en Europe. La thèse met en évidence un impératif de modernisation des instruments juridiques et institutionnels en Afrique subsaharienne. La place que prennent désormais les normes, quelles qu'en soient les différentes variantes est, à cet égard, très instructive. Les normes permettent aux producteurs et exportateurs des pays en développement de raccourcir les opérations complexes de compréhension des textes impératifs et des principes techniques et managériaux très modernes. / Food trade between EU and Sub-Saharans, are permanently increasing. This trade is surrounded by some food Law major principles, part of consumer Law. These main principles, deal with: safety, information, conformity, traceability, of food stuffs which have to be respected by all stakeholders in the agro-food business. This huge amount of legal instruments (international, European,) has to be mixed with the local regulations. These rules are used in the frame of the international contracts of importing food. Health and safety questions are a strong demand from consumers. But producers are paying much attention to the evolution of this corpus of rules of consumer protection, as far as they influence production, transformation, transport, storage, and distribution .Of course sub,-Saharan countries occupy a small part of international food trade, but it remains an important partner of EU, and this is an important encouragement mean to develop African production of foodstuffs. African countries cannot anymore apply their local and obsolete regulations, unefficient and lacking with global trade. In fact, European importers stress, by the terms of their contracts, imposed to the African partners, to respecting European sanitary rules. Otherwise they could not put the imported goods into circulation on the EU market. The thesis shows the necessity to up to date legal instruments in Africa . In particular the standards (official and private standards) will be very efficient for helping producers and exporters from developing countries to understand the constraints of mandatory rules, and their technical consequences in terms of modern production and management processes.

S'affronter pour réguler : le conflit transatlantique sur le boeuf aux hormones dans l'organisation internationale du commerce agroalimentaire. / Ruling by conflicts : Transatlantic “beef-hormones” war and the international organization of food trade

Dangy, Louise 12 March 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est de comprendre dans quelle mesure le conflit entre l’Amérique du Nord et l’Europe sur l’utilisation d’hormones de croissance en élevage a participé à l’histoire institutionnelle de la régulation du commerce mondial de denrées alimentaires. Entre 1980 et la période contemporaine (2016), plusieurs épisodes critiques ont mis en évidence la perspective atypique de l’Union européenne à l’égard de l’emploi de ces médicaments vétérinaires ainsi que la contestation suscitée par cette réglementation spécifique dans le cadre de la mondialisation commerciale. Ce conflit se joue sur plusieurs scènes : au sein de la Communauté européenne qui, pendant la décennie 1980, peine à trouver un accord interinstitutionnel quant à une législation commune sur les hormones de croissance ; dans le cadre du General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) puis del’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) ; et enfin au sein du Codex Alimentarius, l’organisation internationale chargée d’élaborer des normes alimentaires. Dans chacune de ces instances, la gestion du conflit coïncide avec une phase importante du point de vue institutionnel : création d’organes spécifiques, nouveaux principes et procédures de travail. Dès lors, notre travail visait à détailler l’impact éventuel du conflit sur les hormones de croissance sur chacune de ces institutions ainsi quesur la façon dont, globalement, elles participent à la régulation du commerce international dans le domaine agroalimentaire.Notre travail s’est appuyé sur une enquête socio-historique utilisant un matériau riche et varié permettant de couvrir l’ensemble des institutions identifiées sur la période 1980-2016 : un corpus documentaire a été constitué grâce aux archives des différentes institutions, une trentaine d’entretiens semi-directifs ont été menés. Enfin, plusieurs centaines d’heures d’observationethnographique ont pu être réalisées, la plupart grâce à notre statut de fonctionnaire française du ministère de l’agriculture. Il met en évidence l’évolutivité des fonctions remplies par le conflit sur les hormones de croissance : celui-ci a en premier lieu permis de fédérer l’ensemble des acteurs concernés de la nécessité de renforcer les institutions supranationales, que ce soit à l’échelon européen ou international. Il a ensuite participé à l’élaboration concrète des institutions en permettant d’en tester les instruments au fur et à mesure de leur création, et ainsi, de permettre de réaliser les ajustements jugés nécessaires. De ce point de vue, la gestion du conflit sur les hormones révèle la perception des relations internationales des différents acteurs et sa variabilité temporelle. Enfin, constituant un paramètre pérenne que les acteurs intègrent à leur stratégie de négociationinternationale, le conflit sur les hormones est devenu un point d’ancrage autour duquel s’est structurée une communauté. Il doit ainsi être considéré pour son potentiel socialisateur.Notre enquête apporte également des informations concernant les attentes d’un certain nombre d’acteurs privés en termes de régulation internationale. Le cas des hormones mobilise l’attention des grandes firmes pharmaceutiques qui poussent à l’établissement de normes internationales contraignantes pour le commerce de produits agricoles et concentrent plus particulièrement leur action sur les instances productrices de normes (comme le Codex Alimentarius). Ce comportement semble indiquer que ces acteurs utilisent les instruments de régulation mondiale pour la diffusion de principes d’action publique. / The goal of this work is to understand how deep the commercial war between North America and Europe regarding the use of growth hormones in food-producing animals impacted institutional history of global food trade regulation. Between 1980 and the contemporary period (2016), several crises revealed the atypical nature of the European Union ban. As a result, the European Union views legitimacy was contested in the globalization context. The conflict takes places in several arenas. First of all, it constitutes an issue for Europe, which strived to find an interinstitutional agreement on how to legislate on growth hormones at the European level during the 80ies. Then, it has been one of the most talked about disagreements of the General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) and the World trade organization (WTO) negotiations from 1987 onwards. Finally, it involves the CodexAlimentarius Commission, the international organization in charge of setting food standards. In each of these institutions, the beef-hormones conflict management goes with important institutional changes: new specific units, working principles and procedures were created. Thus, my work aimed to precisely describe what consequences the beef-hormones conflict might have had on any of these institutions. As a result, I show how this specific case contributed to the instauration of internationalfood trade regulation.My work relies on a socio-historical inquiry based on diverse and rich empirical data, in order to cover the three aforesaid institutions between 1980 and 2016. I constituted a documentary corpus from institutional archives, and I performed about thirty sociological interviews. I spent several hundreds of hours realizing ethnographing observation, most of which being facilitated by my belonging to the ministry of agriculture’s services. Analysis of this data emphasizes the transforming role of the beef-hormones conflict at an international scale. The conflict first convinced all the stakeholders that it was crucial to strengthen supranational institutions (be it at the European or at the global level). It also allowed to test newly created instruments in their practical functioning. From this prospective, the beef-hormones conflict management reveals the different actors’ internationalrelations perceptions and their evolution during the studied period. Finally, as the beef-hormones conflict has constituted a pattern to the establishment of negotiation strategies, it became a cultural reference structuring an international community. It is therefore a socializing factor.My inquiry also enables a better understanding of private actors’ expectations about international regulation. Veterinary drug industries are actively involved in the institutional discussions surrounding the beef-hormones case, requesting for binding international food trade standards. They are more particularly interested in the activity of standard-setting bodies like Codex. This attitude indicates that those actors use global regulation instruments to advocate for their preferred collective action principles

Badrumsrenovering i bostäder : Jämförelse mellan radiatorsystem och golvvärmesystem ur energi-, fukt- och komfortaspekt i Västerås

Davidsson, Lukas, Alsterlund, Isak January 2019 (has links)
This degree project cover renovation of sanitary rooms with focus on an exchange from a radiator system to an underfloor heating system out of the three aspects energy, moisture and thermal comfort. The used method is literature study, interview, case study and calculations. When a radiator system is replaced with an underfloor heating system the energy demand will decrease due to a possible temperature reduction. The power requirement for the bathrooms will be reduced if the finish material have a higher density and the volume of the room is small. The moisture aspect can in some cases deteriorate with the replacement of systems. It is possible to achieve the same thermal comfort with any system, but it is easier to adjust with an underfloor heating system. An exchange from a radiator system to an underfloor heating system is possible. The energy and thermal comfort aspects improves, but the moisture aspect will potentially degrade.

Mosaico de vulnerabilidades: açaí artesanal e risco da transmissão oral da doença de Chagas / Mosaic of vulnerabilities: açai artisanal and risk of oral transmission of Chagas\' disease

Gonçalves, Edvaldo Sapia 02 August 2017 (has links)
Desde o surto de transmissão oral da doença de Chagas veiculada por caldo de cana em Santa Catarina no ano de 2005, que levou ao reconhecimento deste risco alimentar, demanda-se maior atenção da vigilância sanitária de alimentos para este problema sanitário. Mas é na Região Norte do Brasil que a polpa de açaí é a principal implicada nos novos e sucessivos eventos que aumentam progressivamente o número de pessoas que adoecem e morrem pela doença, agravando a situação epidemiológica, principalmente no estado do Pará que é o principal produtor da fruta. Entre as ações de controle do risco sanitário, que abrangem o exercício repressivo do poder de polícia, estão aquelas que incidem sobre os batedores artesanais de açaí e que tendem a privá-los de continuar a exercer a atividade que os auxilia a superar as vulnerabilidades às quais estão submetidos. Pressupondo que o ordenamento jurídico não exclui o reconhecimento e a proteção desses que aqui são considerados como fornecedores vulneráveis, o objetivo da pesquisa é o de identificar as situações específicas de vulnerabilidades que justificam e tornam exigíveis as normas de proteção especial aos fornecedores envolvidos nas atividades de fornecimento do açaí artesanal. Para isto, fez-se compor um mosaico de vulnerabilidades ecoepidemiológica, socioeconômica e programática com fragmentos obtidos de diversas fontes (jornais e boletins, relatórios de investigação de surtos, estudos epidemiológicos, bases de dados epidemiológicos, consensos científicos, notas técnicas, pesquisas acadêmicas, normas jurídicas, decisões judiciais etc.). Essas vulnerabilidades não são apreendidas por uma vigilância sanitária que insiste em análises de riscos que são insuficientes para abranger e oferecer respostas que as dimensões complexas daquelas merecem. O mosaico revela uma imagem complexa e interdisciplinar dos fornecedores vulneráveis de açaí, de modo que ele também abrange aqueles que são os principais destinatários de seus produtos, os consumidores mais pobres e igualmente vulneráveis. Por meio do método do diálogo das fontes, que privilegia a aplicação simultânea e coordenada das normas de modo a alcançar o máximo possível do atendimento dos mandamentos constitucionais, foi possível identificar possibilidades jurídicas de proteção concomitantes a estes que, apesar de ocuparem os lados opostos da relação de consumo, normalmente encontram-se ligados pelas mesmas ou semelhantes vulnerabilidades. Os resultados revelam que as vulnerabilidades contribuem para o grave quadro epidemiológico da transmissão oral da doença de Chagas, entre elas a vulnerabilidade programática marcada por uma grande fragmentação institucional e setorial, bem como pela manifesta fragilidade estrutural dos órgãos de vigilância sanitária. A superação do quadro de iniquidade em saúde a que estão submetidos os vulneráveis e a injustiça social que recai sobre os batedores artesanais de açaí, exige atenção e cuidados especiais às vulnerabilidades por meio de ações interinstitucionais, intersetoriais e interdisciplinares. Isto precisa envolver uma vigilância sanitária solidária que vá além da racionalidade analítica dos riscos e realize também ações orientadas pela racionalidade complexa dos cuidados com as vulnerabilidades, comprometendo-se efetivamente com a promoção da saúde. / Since the outbreak in the transmission of Chagas disease by the ingestion of sugarcane juice in Santa Catarina (2005), which led to the recognition of this food risk, greater attention was required from sanitary surveillance of food for this sanitary problem. However, it is in the Brazilian Northern Region that açais pulp is the main cause implicated in the newest and successive events that progressively increase the number of people who became ill and died from the disease, aggravating the epidemiological situation, especially in the state of Pará, which is the main producer of the fruit. Among the actions to control the risk of contamination, which include a repressive exercise of police power, there are some which affect the artisanal harvest of açai, and that tend to deprive the harvesters from exercising their activity which helps them to overcome the vulnerabilities that they are submitted to. Assuming that the legal system does not exclude the recognition and protection of those considered vulnerable suppliers, this researchs objective is to identify specific situations of vulnerabilities that justify and make enforceable the special protection norms to the providers involved in the activities of supplying the artisanal acaí. With that in mind, a mosaic of vulnerabilities was composed eco-epidemiological, socioeconomic and programmatic - with fragments obtained from different sources (newspapers, bulletins, outbreak investigation reports, epidemiological studies, epidemiological databases, scientific consensus, technical notes, academic research, legal norms, judicial decisions, etc.). These vulnerabilities are not captured by health surveillance which insists on risk analyzes that are insufficient to encompass and provide answers to the complex dimensions that they deserve. The mosaic reveals a complex and interdisciplinary image of the vulnerable açais suppliers, in a way that it also encompasses those who are the primary recipients of their products, the poorest and equally vulnerable consumers. Through the method of dialogue of the sources that favors the simultaneous and coordinated application of the norms in order to reach the maximum possible fulfillment of the constitutional laws, it was possible to identify legal possibilities of protection concomitant to those that, despite being in opposite sides of the consumption relationship, are usually linked by the same or similar vulnerabilities. The results reveal that the vulnerabilities contribute to serious epidemiological pictures of the oral transmission of Chagas\' disease, among them the programmatic vulnerability is marked by a great institutional and sectoral fragmentation, as well as by the manifested structural fragility of the sanitary surveillance organs. In order to overcome of the iniquity framework in health to which the vulnerable are exposed and the social injustice that falls on the artisanal açais harvesters, it requires special attention and care to vulnerabilities through interinstitutional and interdisciplinary actions. Those requirements involve a solidary sanitary surveillance that goes beyond the analytical rationality of risks and also carries actions guided by the complex rationality of caring about vulnerabilities, effectively committing itself to the promotion of health.

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