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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hå och hamna : Ordhistoriska och ordgeografiska studier av paddlingens och roddens äldsta terminologi i Norden

Sandström, Åke January 2015 (has links)
In Old West Norse there is mention of an Arctic skin and osier boat, which was paddled with Old West Norse (húð)keipr, diminutive keipull, formed on Germanic *kaip- ’bend, unfold’ according to the construction method. In East Norse there was a corresponding wooden boat, e.g. Swedish själ-myndrick, formed on mynda verb ‘paddle’ (&lt; Primitive Norse *mundian ‘aim at a certain goal, take aim’). In the provinces south of this verb’s area of distribution there occurs instead svepa verb ’paddle’ (&lt; Primitive Germanic *swaipōn ‘swing’). The earliest instances of Nordic rowing navigation are found in Norway and Denmark. Instances of rowing in the Baltic area are found on some picture stones from about the 6th century. But oarlocks with a grommet were probably used already for the steering oar in the paddled boats of the Bronze Age. An early oarlock (with a grommet) is that made of a goose-necked piece of wood, Old Swedish hār, Old West Norse hár (&lt; *hanhu-, *hanha- ‘branching, fork of a branch’) and Old West Norse keipr (&lt; *kaip- ‘something with a crooked or bent (-back) shape’. The word hár exists as a first element in Old Swedish hā-band ‘oar-loop’, Old West Norse há-bora ‘oar-port’ etc. Old West Norse keipr ‘oarlock’ has no ancient compounds. East Nordic hamna (&gt; Finnish hamina), Old Danish hafnæ (Old Frisian hevene) and West Nordic hamla (Faroese homla, Old English hamele, hamule) ‘oar-loop’ occurred early on the oarlock with a grommet; hamna may be a derivation of the stem in Primitive Norse *haƀan verb ‘hold (fast)’, alternatively *hafna- ‘clasp something’; hamla derives from a Germanic *hamilōn with the meaning ‘bridling band’. Centrally in the Nordic area hamna (Danish havne) and hamla ‘oar-loop’ were also used denominatively with the meaning ‘row pushing in a hamna/hamla (oar-loop)’. In addition there is the Swedish dialectal sväva (~ sveva, svävja) ‘row (back, break etc.) with pushing rowing’ and in the group of older verbs for rowing there is East Swedish hopa &lt; Primitive Norse *hōƀian ‘fix one’s eyes upon a certain goal (in the distance)’. With word formations on Germanic *þulna- ‘wooden plug’ there arose from the Middle Ages and in the North Sea countries a new terminology for the oarlock: Norse tull, toll ‘oarlock with a thole pin’. Even younger concepts are tullgång ‘oarlock with two thole pins’, årklyka, årgaffel ‘oar crutch’. A distinctive trait of Old Swedish hār and hamna, Old West Norse hár and hamla and keipr and other common words for the oarlock is in these words the shift of meaning ‘oarlock of a specific kind’ &gt; ‘almost any kind of oarlock’. Finally, the question arises whether or not the word svear of a tribe by Lake Mälaren could be tied to the paddling through a connection to the stem of the verbs svepa and sväva. / <p>Ingår även i serie: Studier till en svensk dialektgeografisk atlas, 8</p>

Réponses syndicales stratégiques à l'intégration européenne : les syndicats nordiques entre complémentarités institutionnelles et gouvernance multiniveau

Gebert, Raoul 09 1900 (has links)
L'intégration européenne occasionne de multiples dilemmes pour les organisations syndicales, habitués à exercer leurs répertoires d'action dans un espace d'État-nation. Parmi les dilemmes spécifiquement liés à la gouvernance multiniveaux européenne, nous comptons la mobilité de la main-d'œuvre et la création d'un marché unique pour les services. Cette thèse examine les stratégies des organisations syndicales danoises et suédoises de trois secteurs pour s'attaquer à ces deux dilemmes. Des approches néo-institutionnalistes, notamment celle concernant les « variétés du capitalisme », s'attendraient à des réponses relativement uniformes, axées sur les fortes complémentarités institutionnelles nationales, tenant compte de la nature coordonnée des relations industrielles scandinaves. Notre thèse confirme que les institutions nationales jouent un rôle important pour atténuer les impacts de l'intégration économique, au fur et à mesure que l'intégration progresse. L'analyse de nos cas, basée sur plus de soixante entretiens semi-dirigés effectués en Europe, nous permet cependant d'affirmer un rôle également important pour des facteurs endogènes, notamment l'entrepreneuriat institutionnel et les capacités stratégiques. / European integration induces multiple dilemmas for trade unions whose repertories of action are normally limited to the scope of the nation state. Free movement of workers and the establishment of a common market for services are among said dilemmas that surface specifically in the context of European multilevel governance of industrial relations. This doctoral thesis examines trade union strategies in Denmark and Sweden in three sectors that address these two dilemmas. Neo-institutionalism, specifically “varieties of capitalism” literature, suggests that responses should be relatively uniform, centred around strong institutional complementarities on the national level, because of the strongly coordinated nature of the Nordic economies and industrial relations model. Our thesis confirms that national institutions play an important role in order to mitigate pressures of economic integration, in the long run. However, based on over sixty semi-structured interviews in Europe, our cases also ascertain an important role for endogenous factors, such as institutional entrepreneurship and strategic capabilities.

Masking Moments : The Transitions of Bodies and Beings in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Back Danielsson, Ing-Marie January 2007 (has links)
This thesis explores bodily representations in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (400–1050 AD). Non-human bodies, such as gold foil figures, and human bodies are analysed. The work starts with an examination and deconstruction of the sex/gender categories to the effect that they are considered to be of minor value for the purposes of the thesis. Three analytical concepts – masks, miniature, and metaphor – are deployed in order to interpret how and why the chosen bodies worked within their prehistoric contexts. The manipulations the figures sometimes have undergone are referred to as masking practices, discussed in Part One. It is shown that masks work and are powerful by being paradoxical; that they are vehicles for communication; and that they are, in effect, transitional objects bridging gaps that arise in continuity as a result of events such as symbolic or actual deaths. In Part Two miniaturization is discussed. Miniaturization contributes to making worlds intelligible, negotiable and communicative. Bodies in miniatures in comparison to other miniature objects are particularly potent. Taking gold foil figures under special scrutiny, it is claimed that gold, its allusions as well as its inherent properties conveyed numinosity. Consequently gold foil figures, regardless of the context, must be understood as extremely forceful agents. Part Three examines metaphorical thinking and how human and animal body parts were used in pro-creational acts, resulting in the birth of persons. However, these need not have been human, but could have been the outcomes of turning a deceased into an ancestor, iron into a steel sword, or clay into a ceramic urn, hence expanding and transforming the members of the family/household. Thus, bone in certain contexts acted as a transitional object or as a generative substance. It is concluded that the bodies of research are connected to transitions, and that the theme of transformation was one fundamental characteristic of the societies of study.

La Grande-Bretagne, le Nord et la Baltique du milieu du XIXe siècle jusqu'à la Première Guerre mondiale : des relations et un regard en évolution / Britain, the North and the Baltic from the mid-nineteenth century until the First World War : an evolving relationship and perception

Blanc, Philippe 02 December 2016 (has links)
Au milieu du XIXe siècle, la zone baltique est considérée par les Britanniques comme une périphérie lointaine et sous-développée, malgré l’existence de relations privilégiées liées à l’aura romantique de la Scandinavie, à l’importance économique de la région en tant que fournisseur de matières premières essentielles, et à sa position géographique, proche du rival russe du Grand Jeu. Au vu de ce lien particulier, du potentiel socioéconomique des pays nordiques, et de la nécessité de multiplier les débouchés commerciaux, les différents acteurs britanniques espèrent, après l’avènement du libéralisme, participer au développement de la région, et même en bénéficier sur le plan économique. Cependant, si la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle voit effectivement de nombreux Britanniques, marchands, entrepreneurs, capitalistes, ou ingénieurs, contribuer activement à l’essor et à la modernisation des régions baltiques, les évolutions diplomatiques et économiques, marquées essentiellement par la montée en puissance de l’Allemagne, une stabilisation des relations avec la Russie et une balance commerciale obstinément déficitaire, conduisent la Grande-Bretagne à repenser son rôle régional en permanence jusqu’aux tensions internationales du début du XXe siècle. / By the middle of the 19th century, the Baltic area is regarded by the British as a far-off, underdeveloped periphery, although there exist privileged relationships linked to the romantic attraction of Scandinavia, the economic importance of the region as supplier of essential raw materials and its geographical location in the vicinity of the Russian rival of the Great Game. Considering this special link, the socio-economic potential of the Nordic countries, and the necessity to multiply Britain’s commercial outlets, the various British actors hope, after the advent of liberalism, to participate in the region’s development, and even benefit from it at economic level. Yet, if, during the second half of the nineteenth century, many British merchants, entrepreneurs, capitalists or engineers do take an active part in the takeoff and modernisation of the Baltic regions, diplomatic and economic developments, whose main features are a rising Germany, more stable relations with Russia, and a stubbornly negative trade balance, lead Britain to continually reconsider its regional role until the international tensions of the early twentieth century.

From Gutenberg to Luther

Undorf, Wolfgang 26 January 2012 (has links)
Der Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die physischen, bibliographischen und infrastrukturellen Dimensionen skandinavischer Buchdruckkultur im Spannungsfeld zwischen Spätmittelalter und früher Neuzeit, Scholastik und Humanismus, spätem Katholizismus und früher Reformation. Ihr theoretischer Ausgangspunkt ist die Erkenntnis, dass die vorreformatorische skandinavische Buchkultur nur im Zusammenhang und Wechselspiel mit der gleichzeitigen kontinentaleuropäischen Buchkultur verstanden werden kann. Der von Deutschland ausstrahlende Vertrieb von gedruckten Büchern erweiterte sich im Gefolge der Preiskrise der 1480er und dem Ausbau Export-orientierter kontinentaler Buchdruckzentren zu einem fest etablierten, zuverlässigen Buchhandel europäischen Ausmasses. Er stellte für skandinavische Drucker eine grosse Herausforderung dar, der sie erst nach 1525 mehr und mehr gewachsen zeigten. Auch wenn die (selbstverständlich nur ungenau zu schätzende) Zahl der gedruckten Bücher, die vor der Reformation in Skandinavien vorhanden waren, an sich klein war, stützt die weit höhere Zahl der Provenienzen eindeutig die Erkenntnis, dass wir es mit einer wesentlich grösseren Buchkultur zu tun haben als bislang angenommen. Die skandinavische vorreformatorische Buchkultur unterschied sich dabei grundsätzlich nicht von der zeitgenössischen kontinentalen oder westeuropäischen Buchkultur. Gegenüber der dynamischen zeitgenössischen kontinentalen Buchzentren entwickelte sich Skandinavien zwar langsamer, ebenso wie Auswirkungen der geographisch periphen Lage nicht ausser Acht gelassen werden dürfen. Gleichzeitig aber war es in vielerlei Hinsicht fest im Gefüge der Netzwerke des kirchlichen, akademischen, intellektuellen und buchhändlerischen Europas verankert. / The subject of this thesis are the infrastructural, bibliographical and physical dimensions of Scandinavian print culture between the contradictory contexts of the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, scholasticism and humanism, late Catholicism and the dawn of the Reformation. Its theoretical point of point of origin is the awareness of the importance of the connection and interplay of Scandinavian pre-Reformation book culture with its contemporary continental counterpart for a deeper understanding of its characteristics and development. The trade with printed books emanating from Germany expanded to a reliable, well-established trade of European dimensions. While being a challenge for Scandinavian printing, which they met successfully not before after 1525, for readers it meant an opportunity. Although the number of printed books available in Scandinavia before the Reformation was not large, the large number of provenances identified and presented in this thesis supports the assumption that this print culture was much larger than assumed up to now. The nature of the Scandinavian pre-Reformation print culture didn’t essentially differ from its continental or Western European siblings. In comparison, Scandinavia did evolve slower and we mustn’t disregard the effects of a position in the geographical periphery. But, at the same time, was Scandinavia firmly positioned in European ecclesiastical, academical, intellectual and book trade networks.

Pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes : analyse et réception des discours en milieu urbain contemporain norvégien / Contemporary language practices : discourse analysis and attitudes towards adolescents’ new speech style in multiethnic areas in Oslo, Norway

Harchaoui, Sarah 26 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les pratiques langagières hétérogènes d’une quarantaine d’adolescents originaires des quartiers multiculturels de la capitale norvégienne. Croisant une approche sociolinguistique, épistémologique et psychoculturelle, nous nous interrogeons sur les motivations sociales et individuelles du recours à des variables lexicales et syntaxiques jugées innovantes en norvégien. Notre recherche vise à démontrer que ces éléments linguistiques ne résultent pas d’un manque de compétences linguistiques, mais bien d’une variation stylistique à laquelle les locuteurs-individus ont recours en fonction d’une multitude de paramètres internes et externes à l’énonciation. L’analyse sociohistorique permet de replacer les locuteurs dans leur environnement local et de contextualiser leurs faits de langue. L’analyse linguistique s’appuie quant à elle sur des données écologiques recueillies dans le cadre du projet national UPUS (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Processus de développement linguistique en milieu urbain) mené entre 2006 et 2008 à Oslo. In fine la thèse propose d’envisager les pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes comme un champ de ressources non-fixes présent dans le répertoire d’individus aussi bien adolescents qu’adultes, issus des minorités comme de la majorité nationale dont le point commun n’est pas le partage d’une origine ethnique mais bien l’expérience conjointe de l’actuel milieu urbain contemporain. / This thesis provides a sociolinguistic analysis of Norwegian contemporary language practices among 41 adolescents all raised in multilingual and multicultural environments in the Eastern parts of Oslo. Based on a series of examples from the UPUS-Project (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Linguistic Development in Urban Environments), this work discusses social and individual motivations which lead speakers to use innovative lexical (including non-European loan words) and syntactic features in Norwegian. We argue that heterogeneous features do not result from a lack of language skills but rather are a part of a speech style thatspeakers activate depending on discursive settings. We also take into account the social and historical dimensions of Oslo in order to contextualize the language practices and to demonstrate how speakers during the life stage of adolescence make themselves heard on the local and global society. We suggest that this new speech style is not restricted to Oslo and adolescents speakers, but rather is a common resource for whoever wants to show solidarity toward the contemporary urban reality.

Masking Moments : The Transitions of Bodies and Beings in Late Iron Age Scandinavia

Back Danielsson, Ing-Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores bodily representations in Late Iron Age Scandinavia (400–1050 AD). Non-human bodies, such as gold foil figures, and human bodies are analysed. The work starts with an examination and deconstruction of the sex/gender categories to the effect that they are considered to be of minor value for the purposes of the thesis. Three analytical concepts – masks, miniature, and metaphor – are deployed in order to interpret how and why the chosen bodies worked within their prehistoric contexts.</p><p>The manipulations the figures sometimes have undergone are referred to as masking practices, discussed in Part One. It is shown that masks work and are powerful by being paradoxical; that they are vehicles for communication; and that they are, in effect, transitional objects bridging gaps that arise in continuity as a result of events such as symbolic or actual deaths.</p><p>In Part Two miniaturization is discussed. Miniaturization contributes to making worlds intelligible, negotiable and communicative. Bodies in miniatures in comparison to other miniature objects are particularly potent. Taking gold foil figures under special scrutiny, it is claimed that gold, its allusions as well as its inherent properties conveyed numinosity. Consequently gold foil figures, regardless of the context, must be understood as extremely forceful agents.</p><p>Part Three examines metaphorical thinking and how human and animal body parts were used in pro-creational acts, resulting in the birth of persons. However, these need not have been human, but could have been the outcomes of turning a deceased into an ancestor, iron into a steel sword, or clay into a ceramic urn, hence expanding and transforming the members of the family/household. Thus, bone in certain contexts acted as a transitional object or as a generative substance.</p><p>It is concluded that the bodies of research are connected to transitions, and that the theme of transformation was one fundamental characteristic of the societies of study.</p>

Tectonically-controlled emplacement mechanisms in the upper crust under specific stress regimes: case studies / Tektonisch-kontrollierte Platznahmemechanismen in der oberen Kruste unter spezifischen Spannungsregimen: Fallbeispiele

Friese, Nadine 15 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Réponses syndicales stratégiques à l'intégration européenne : les syndicats nordiques entre complémentarités institutionnelles et gouvernance multiniveau

Gebert, Raoul 09 1900 (has links)
L'intégration européenne occasionne de multiples dilemmes pour les organisations syndicales, habitués à exercer leurs répertoires d'action dans un espace d'État-nation. Parmi les dilemmes spécifiquement liés à la gouvernance multiniveaux européenne, nous comptons la mobilité de la main-d'œuvre et la création d'un marché unique pour les services. Cette thèse examine les stratégies des organisations syndicales danoises et suédoises de trois secteurs pour s'attaquer à ces deux dilemmes. Des approches néo-institutionnalistes, notamment celle concernant les « variétés du capitalisme », s'attendraient à des réponses relativement uniformes, axées sur les fortes complémentarités institutionnelles nationales, tenant compte de la nature coordonnée des relations industrielles scandinaves. Notre thèse confirme que les institutions nationales jouent un rôle important pour atténuer les impacts de l'intégration économique, au fur et à mesure que l'intégration progresse. L'analyse de nos cas, basée sur plus de soixante entretiens semi-dirigés effectués en Europe, nous permet cependant d'affirmer un rôle également important pour des facteurs endogènes, notamment l'entrepreneuriat institutionnel et les capacités stratégiques. / European integration induces multiple dilemmas for trade unions whose repertories of action are normally limited to the scope of the nation state. Free movement of workers and the establishment of a common market for services are among said dilemmas that surface specifically in the context of European multilevel governance of industrial relations. This doctoral thesis examines trade union strategies in Denmark and Sweden in three sectors that address these two dilemmas. Neo-institutionalism, specifically “varieties of capitalism” literature, suggests that responses should be relatively uniform, centred around strong institutional complementarities on the national level, because of the strongly coordinated nature of the Nordic economies and industrial relations model. Our thesis confirms that national institutions play an important role in order to mitigate pressures of economic integration, in the long run. However, based on over sixty semi-structured interviews in Europe, our cases also ascertain an important role for endogenous factors, such as institutional entrepreneurship and strategic capabilities.

Black Pool : Hiberno-Norse identity in Viking Age and Early Medieval Ireland. / Black Pool : Iro-Skandinavisk identitet under det vikingatida och tidigmedeltida Irland

Amlé, Anton January 2014 (has links)
This paper is aimed at mapping important traits in a Hiberno-Norse identity. This is the main focus of the essay, but another important part is to problematize this using several theoretical approaches of which the main are identity, creolization and hybridization. The Hiberno-Norse culture being primarily an urban phenomenon, the thesis is delimited to the Hiberno-Norse towns with occasional comparisons to Scandinavia to see how the native Irish population influenced the invaders and how they gradually evolved into the Hiberno-Norse. Early on the Norse show signs of creolization that would ultimately lead to the creation of the Hiberno-Norse hybrid culture known from history and archaeology – an urban culture that show blended Norse and Irish features. / Denna uppsats är till för att sammanställa viktiga uttryck I en Iro-Skandinavisk identitet. Detta är huvudsyftet med uppsatsen, men en annan viktig del är att problematisera detta genom flera teoretiska begrepp, där de främsta är identitet, kreolisering och hybridisering. Då den Iro-Skandinaviska kulturen framför allt var ett urbant fenomen har uppsatsen avgränsats till de Iro-Skandinaviska städerna, med sporadiska jämförelser med Skandinavien för att se hur den inhemska Irländska befolkningen influerade angriparna och hur de skulle komma att utvecklas till Iro-Skandinaverna. Tidigt uppvisar nordborna tecken på kreolisering, som till slut skulle leda till uppkomsten av den Iro-Skandinaviska hybridkulturen känd från historian och arkeologin – en urban kultur som uppvisar blandade nordiska och irländska drag.

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