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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automated Fault Tree Generation from Requirement Structures

Andersson, Johan January 2015 (has links)
The increasing complexity of today’s vehicles gives drivers help with everything from adaptive cruisecontrol to warning lights for low fuel level. But the increasing functionality also increases the risk offailures in the system. To prevent system failures, different safety analytic methods can be used, e.g.,fault trees and/or FMEA-tables. These methods are generally performed manually, and due to thegrowing system size the time spent on safety analysis is growing with increased risk of human errors. If the safety analysis can be automated, lots of time can be saved. This thesis investigates the possibility to generate fault trees from safety requirements as wellas which additional information, if any, that is needed for the generation. Safety requirements are requirements on the systems functionality that has to be fulfilled for the safety of the system to be guaranteed. This means that the safety of the truck, the driver, and the surroundings, depend on thefulfillment of those requirements. The requirements describing the system are structured in a graphusing contract theory. Contract theory defines the dependencies between requirements and connectsthem in a contract structure. To be able to automatically generate the fault tree for a system, information about the systems failure propagation is needed. For this a Bayesian network is used. The network is built from the contract structure and stores the propagation information in all the nodes of the network. This will result in a failure propagation network, which the fault tree generation will be generated from. The failure propagation network is used to see which combinations of faults in the system can violate thesafety goal, i.e., causing one or several hazards. The result of this will be the base of the fault tree. The automatic generation was tested on two different Scania systems, the fuel level displayand the dual circuit steering. Validation was done by comparing the automatically generated trees withmanually generated trees for the two systems showing that the proposed method works as intended. The case studies show that the automated fault tree generation works if the failure propagationinformation exists and can save a lot of time and also minimize the errors made by manuallygenerating the fault trees. The generated fault trees can also be used to validate written requirementsto by analyzing the fault trees created from them.

Vad kostar en krock med ett tungt fordon?

Snellman, Isolde January 2015 (has links)
This is a study of what accidents with trucks costs. The costs were considered with a broad perspective where both society, trucking companies and individual costs were heeded. Data from public and insurance databases have been analysed with statistical tools which yielded results showing that accidents are a significant economic cost to the trucking company. This economic impact has been largely overlooked in the past since it does not affect all trucking companies the same due to the random nature of accidents. However, looking at a large population of accidents it is found that they are common and expensive enough to be a standing cost to the owners of trucks. It is thereby found that accidents cause enough costs that it is possible to use economic reasons for motivating safety measures and that it is possible to calculate the costs of accidents and compare it to other costs that trucks generate, fuel for example. Another result is however that the risks and consequences of accidents exceed economical factors, that both society, individuals and the trucking company will be exposed to risks beyond what could be valued in money.

Försvenskningen av Skåne, 1658-1720 : I danska och svenska populärhistoriska framställningar från 1920 - tal till 2010 - tal. Historiesyn, nationalism och vetenskap / The Swedish Assimilation of Scania During the Period 1658-1720 : In Descriptions of Danish and Swedish Popular Historians` During 20th Century to Current View, View of History, Nationalism and Science

Lindgren, Mattias January 2012 (has links)
The title of this study is: The Swedish assimilation of Scania during the period 1658-1720 - In descriptions of Danish and Swedish popular historians` during 20th century to current view. View of history, nationalism and science .                                                                                                          The study concerns the Swedish, after the conquest of Scania 1658, attempts to induce feelings of Swedish nationality to the people in former Danish province of Scania 1658-1720. The goal of this study was to analyze 20th century and present Swedish and Danish historians’ descriptions of the Swedish and Danish treatment of the native Scania population. The aim was further to describe this historians` view of native rebellious group called “snapphanar” and which measures were taken to assimilate the Scanian population to Swedish realm. Lastly, the historians view above concerning a presence of a native Scanian regional or national identity was studied.                I studied writings of three popular historians from Denmark and from Sweden respectively. To compensate for the influence of nationalism on historiography, sources from three periods during the 20th and the current century was used.                                            In the attempt to reach these main goals I have analyzed the authors’ books and the Swedish and Danish versions of the website Wikipedia. All the popular historians´ mean that the people of Scania felt national identity, except Åberg which mean that they also had a regional identity. The Swedish scholarship had a big influence of making the native population citizens of the Swedish crown. Also the punishment had a big impact, which mainly affected the partisan group called snapphanar. This is in detail described by Wikipedia. 20th century Danish popular historians` describe the abuses on the natives by the Swedish realm while the Swedish historians mostly describe snapphanars rubies on them.

Scania bus operations and supply chain management - two case studies

Wang, Lin, Åkerlund, Maja January 2014 (has links)
With its core competence on bus chassis, Scania determined in the mid-2000s to co-produce coach products with two external bus body manufacturers, Lahden Autokori and Higer. However, after a decade’s cooperation, well-functioning work processes were not established and problems still existed. With this study, problems within Scania’s operations system and Scania’s supply chain management strategies towards these two partners have been identified and illustrated, by applying an abductive research method. With this study it has been evidenced that Scania’s bus operations management is affiliated with truck and the truck operations system does not fit the request from the collaborations with Lahden Autokori and Higer. Moreover, it has also been shown that even though the relationship with these two partners is by nature long-term, Scania’s attitude has been characterized by short-term thinking. This ambiguous supply chain management strategy has been causing problems. Furthermore, aside from problems within operations system and supply chain management, the third studied area is organizational identity. Due to the fact that some organizational identity issues caused by reorganization have largely influenced both of the collaborations, the formation of these identity issues as well as the impacts on the cooperation has been studied. Finally, some recommendations for improvements have been made based on the findings of this study.

"Den här är lite mer svenssonskriven" : Hur alternativa definitioner tas emot av Scania Lexicons användare

Eigner, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens främsta syfte är att undersöka hur en grupp användare av Scanias termdatabas Scania Lexicon ser på alternativt utformade terminologiska definitioner. Som en del i undersökningen berättar använd­arna hur de använder Scania Lexicon, om de har användning för definitionerna och om de tycker att definitioner­na är begripliga, lättlästa och användbara. De alternativa definitionerna består av en version skriven enligt klarspråksprinciper vad gäller meningsbyggnad och ordval, och en skriven enligt ett relativt nytt ordboksformat kallat cobuild. Användarna har fått läsa fem originaldefinitioner samt de två omskrivna versionerna. Resultatet visar att reaktionerna på cobuildformatet är negativa i nästan samtliga fall medan reaktionerna på klarspråksversionerna är blandade. Två användare tycker att klarspråksdefinitionerna är bättre i majoriteten av fallen medan de övriga fem oftast tycker bäst om originalet. Med utgångspunkt i dialogismen förklarar jag reakt­ionerna med genrekonventioner och vad som händer när dialogen med tidigare textnormer bryts. Med stöd i tid­igare forskning om klarspråk diskuterar jag attityder mot klarspråk. Hur kommer det sig att en substantivering som omformuleras till en verbfras kan ändra betydelse från professionell till något man sysslar med på fritiden?

Stridsyxekulturens bebyggelsemönster : En undersökning av samtida utgrävningar i Skåne    och hur ett bebyggelsemönster avspeglar sin kultur

Svanlund, Simon January 2015 (has links)
The goal with this work is to study the settlement during the Middle Neolithic B. Looking at the settlement pattern of the Battle Axe C culture (BAC) in Scania we might be able to get a picture of how the social structure of the BAC looked like and how it differed from' earlier and later culture groups.. What can a change in settlement tell archaeologists today about this and what problems do archeologist have to take into consideration.

Porovnání provozně ekonomických parametrů vybraných skupin tahačů návěsů

VÍTOVEC, Drahomír January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to find and evaluate decisive operational and economic indicators in a statistically significant group of trucks. They have a high level of chance and are therefore very difficult to determine in advance. These operating and economic indicators included repair and maintenance costs obtained from invoices, financial statements and the results of transport companies' operations. These costs were monitored for the time of operation of these trucks.

Ekonomické, provozní a ekologické porovnání nákladních vozidel Scania využívajících různá paliva / Economical, operational and environmental comparison of Scania trucks using different types of fuels

Turek, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
This master work deals with different fuels for trucks Scania and it is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts related to the topic. The most important are associated with transport and transportation, categorization and types of vehicles, greening road transport or financing. Depending on the practical part it is also place great emphasis on selected types of fuels, their production and also their advantages and disadvantages. In the practical part is introduced Scania company and the products and services that the company offers. Furthermore, this section generally analyzes Scania offer of engines for different types of fuels, including technical recommendations. At the end of the practical part are described specific vehicles, which are compared from financial aspect, in terms of environmental impact and operational limitations. The aim of the study is to compare Scania trucks using diesel, biodiesel and CNG.

Kommunicera hållbarhet : Ett steg mot ekologiskt hållbara fordonsinteriörer

Engblom, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Scania är en av världens ledande tillverkare av tunga fordon. Lastbilsinteriörerna består idag till stor del av fossila plaster. Det lämnade ett utrymme för mig att arbeta med ekologiskt hållbara material på något sätt. Utforskningen är till en början bred för att hitta en väg mot en lösning som kan bidra till att använda mera ekologiskt hållbara material i lastbilsinteriören i framtiden. Studien har ett fokus på material och syftet är att studera material och dess egenskaper ur ett ekologiskt hållbarhetsperspektiv. Arbetet bygger på en designmetod där stegen förklaras på ett strukturerat sätt från planering via utforskningen som till stor del består av analys av olika hållbara material och i vilka sammanhang dessa används. Under idéskapande lyfts ett antal olika förslag på hur ekologiskt hållbara material kan appliceras i lastbilsinteriörer samt utvärdering av dessa idéer. Resultatet presenteras i form av en handbok, det är ett koncept som ska fungera som inspirationskälla för att hitta olika alternativa material till fossil plast i fordonsinteriörer. Handboken är främst riktad som ett verktyg till Scanias designavdelning och ska kunna öppna upp för en dialog med andra avdelningar inom företaget. Vikten av att inkludera ekologiskt hållbara material i företagets strategiska hållbarhetsarbete kommer ha en betydande del för ett fortsatt framgångsrikt företag i framtiden.

Utvärdering av skiktvikt och ytfinish efter produktionsstörningar

Karin, Blezell January 2021 (has links)
Mellan November 2020 och januari 2021 utfördes ett examensarbete på Scanias förbehandling i Oskarshamn med fokus på att utvärdera skiktvikt och ytfinish vidproduktionsstörningar. Förbehandlingens funktion är att rostskydda lastbilshytten genom att behandla den med ett lager fosfat kristaller vilket ger ytan en matt mörkgrå finish. Temperatur och pH identifierades som de faktorer med störst påverkan på skiktvikt och ytfinish och dessa faktorer analyserades i olika förhållanden genom att doppa galvaniserade paneler i justerad badlösning från kamrarna i förbehandlingen. Analyser med fokus påskillnader i temperatur visade att en sänkning av temperaturen i G02 eller G03 inte signifikant påverkade skiktvikten. Däremot påvisade analys av temperaturens påverkan vikten av att hålla temperaturen i G06 runt om börvärdes området för att ge resultat liknande referens panelerna. Test panelerna för 005, kall G06, har liknande färg som referens panelerna men HDG panelen har en mycket mattare ytfinish. HDG panelen har dessutom enskiktvikt på 5,70 g/m² vilket ligger utanför börvärdes området. Test panelerna för 006, varm G06, har på samma sätt som 005 en liknande färg som referens panelerna men här är det istället EG panelen som har en mattare ytfinish men panelen har trots detta inte en avvikande skiktvikt. På grund av den avvikande ytfinishen är det möjligt att det finns en avvikelse i kristallens struktur men utan en SEM analys är det omöjligt att avgöra. Analys av pH gav oväntade resultat då det verkade som att en mer alkalisk miljö gör att panelen inte får ett fosfatskikt utan har samma ytfinish som en obehandlad panel. Däremot får panelerna i den sura miljön ett beige grå ytfinish.

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