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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung von humanem PI31 und neuen alternativen Spleißvarianten des PI31 Gens PSMF1

Schwarz, Tobias 01 April 2009 (has links)
Das Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System eukaryotischer Zellen spielt eine zentrale Rolle beim Abbau von fehlgefalteten und nicht mehr benötigten Proteinen. Damit erfüllt es regulatorische Funktionen bei zellulären Prozessen wie z.B. dem Zellzyklus und der Transkription. Das Protein Proteasominhibitor 31 (PI31) wurde als Inhibitor des Proteasoms in vitro charakterisiert. Des weiteren wurde gezeigt, daß überexprimiertes PI31 im murinen System ein Modulator der Assemblierung des Immunoproteasoms (i20S) ist. Über die Funktion und Regulation von PI31 im humanen System war bisher nichts bekannt und wurde deshalb in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß neben dem PI31-Transkript mindestens neun weitere alternative Spleißvarianten des humanen PI31 Gens PSMF1 existieren. Die PI31-Isoformen V2 bis V10 unterscheiden sich von PI31 (V1) teils durch eine fehlende N-terminale Domäne oder einen veränderten C-Terminus. Die Isoform V5 wird als einzige gewebespezifisch in Testikeln exprimiert und ist im Zellkern lokalisiert. Ausschließlich die Überexpression der Isoform V3 führt zur Inhibition der proteasomalen Aktivität in vivo. Ein modulatorischer Einfluß von PI31 oder einer der Isoformen auf die Assemblierung des humanen i20S bestätigte sich dagegen nicht. Die Überexpression von PI31 und V3 in humanen Zellen führte indes zu einer Akkumulation und verzögerten Degradation von proteasomalen Substraten. Es wurde außerdem gezeigt, daß die Expression von humanem PI31 durch virusassoziierte Stimuli wie dsRNA und Typ I-Interferone induziert werden kann. Für die 3kb lange 3’UTR der PI31-mRNA konnte zusätzlich nachgewiesen werden, daß sie inhibitorisch auf die Expression wirkt und somit eine regulatorische Funktion besitzt. In Zusammenhang mit der von Kirk et al. (2008) gezeigten Heterodimerisierung von PI31 mit dem F-Box Protein Fbxo7, weisen die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse auf eine Funktion von PI31 und dessen Isoformen bei der Ubiquitinierung von proteasomalen Substraten hin. / The ubiquitin–proteasome pathway is the major intracellular system for protein degradation. It plays an important role in the regulation of cellular processes like cell cycle control, signal transduction and gene transcription. The protein proteasome inhibitor 31 (PI31) was initially characterized as a potent inhibitor of proteasomal activity in vitro. Furthermore it was shown that PI31 modulates the assembly of the murine immunoproteasome (i20S). The function and regulation of PI31 in the human system is so far unexplored and therefore the topic of this study. It was shown that at least nine alternatively spliced variants of the PI31 gene PSMF1 exist additionally to the PI31 transcript. The PI31 isoforms V2 to V10 differ from PI31 (V1) in parts of the N-terminus and in a modified C-terminus. Only the isoform V5 is tissue specific expressed in testis and localized in the nucleus. After overexpression only the isoform V3 has the ability to inhibit the proteasomal activity in vivo. In contrast to the murine system neither PI31 nor the isoforms showed a modulatory effect on the assembly of the i20S. The overexpression of PI31 and V3 in human cells results instead in the accumulation and delayed degradation of proteasomal substrates. Furthermore the expression of human PI31 can be induced by virus associated stimuli like dsRNA and type I interferones. In addition, for the 3kb long 3’UTR of the PI31-mRNA an inhibitory effect on the expression and therefore a regulatory role was shown. Together with data from Kirk et al. (2008), who show the heterodimerization of PI31 with the F-box protein Fbxo7, the presented results suggest a function of PI31 and its isoforms in the process of ubiquitination of proteasomal substrates.

Influence du microenvironnement stromal de la moelle osseuse sur le développement des lymphocytes B normaux et pathologiques / Contribution of bone marrow microenvironment in normal and pathological B cell development

Balzano-Foucher, Marielle 29 September 2016 (has links)
Chez l’adulte les premières étapes du développement hématopoïétique se déroulent dans la moelle osseuse (MO). La contribution de cellules d’origine mésenchymateuse, appelées niches stromales, a été démontrée dans le cas de la maintenance des cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) et du développement des lymphocytes B (LB). Ainsi la maintenance des CSH dépend de niches périvasculaires sécrétant CXCL12 et SCF. Par ailleurs les LB les plus précoces (preproB) sont en contact de cellules stromales CXCL12+, puis migrent vers des cellules stromales exprimant l’interleukine-7 lors de leur différentiation en cellules proB. L’expression du préBCR, marque ensuite l’entrée dans le stade préB. À ce stade, les cellules sont au contact de cellules stromales galectine-1+.Malgré les progrès obtenus dans la compréhension du rôle des niches stromales, leur hétérogénéité et les mécanismes contrôlant la migration et l’adhésion des cellules hématopoïétiques en différenciation restent à mieux définir. Dans cet objectif, nous avons caractérisé phénotypiquement les cellules stromales de la MO mais aussi démontré l’existence d’une niche multi-spécifique, associée aux sinusoïdes et capable de soutenir les CSH et les LB.La contribution des niches dans le développement et la résistance aux traitements des Leucémies Aigues Lymphoblastiques de type B (LAL-B), équivalents pathologiques des LB en développement, a aussi été démontrée. Au cours de mon travail de thèse nous avons révélé l'influence d'un facteur exprimé par des cellules stromales de la MO sur la prolifération des LAL-B. À terme, ces travaux permettront de développer des traitements ciblant les fonctions protectrices des niches tumorales. / In adults, the early stages of hematopoietic development take place in the bone marrow (BM). The contribution of specialized cells of mesenchymal origin, called stromal niches, has been demonstrated in the case of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) maintenance and B lymphocyte development. Indeed, the maintenance of HSC depends on perivascular niches secreting CXCL12 and SCF. Furthermore progenitor B cells (preproB) are in contact with CXCL12+ stromal cells and migrate towards interleukin 7 expressing stromal cells during their differentiation into proB cells. PreBCR expression then marks the entrance into the preB cell stage. At this point, the cells are in contact with galectin-1+ stromal cells.Although progress have been made in understanding the role of stromal cell niches, their heterogeneity and the mechanisms controlling migration and adhesion of differentiating hematopoietic cells are controversial and remain to be defined. With this objective, we characterized phenotypically BM stromal cells but also demonstrated the existence of a multi-specific niche, associated to sinusoids and able to support both HSC and early B cells.The contribution of BM niches in the development and resistance to treatment of B cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL), pathological equivalent of developing B cells has also been demonstrated. During my PhD, our work revealed the influence of a factor expressed by BM stromal cells on the proliferation of B-ALL. Ultimately, this work will allow the development of treatments targeting the protective functions of tumor niches.

The role of E3 ubiquitin ligase FBXO31-SCF in neuronal morphogenesis / The role of E3 ubiquitin ligase FBXO31-SCF in neuronal morphogenesis

Vadhvani, Mayur 24 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Functional and mechanistic characterization of the F-box protein Fbxw5 / Funktionale und mechanistische Charakterisierung des F-box proteins Fbxw5

Werner, Achim 01 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Caracterização de um Novo Gene da Família F-box Expresso no Pistilo de Nicotiana tabacum L. / Characterization of a New F-box Family Gene Expressed in the Nicotiana tabacum L. Pistil

Samantha Vieira Abbad 13 August 2012 (has links)
O estudo da reprodução sexual de plantas e uma área de crescente interesse devido a importância de sementes e frutos em nossa dieta diária, ambos resultantes do desenvolvimento de partes do pistilo, apos fertilização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar um novo gene F-box expresso no pistilo de N. tabacum. Proteínas F-box atuam na interação proteína-proteína, geralmente direcionando proteínas alvo para degradação pela via ubiquitina-proteassomo. Foram identificados cinco genes de função desconhecida que codificam putativas proteínas F-box, em duas bibliotecas de cDNAs de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum (DEPAOLI, 2006; QUIAPIM et al., 2009) previamente construídas em nosso laboratório. A expressão de cada um destes genes foi analisada nos diferentes órgãos de N. tabacum, por qRT-PCR. O clone 085H05 da biblioteca TOBEST (QUIAPIM et al., 2009) apresentou expressão preferencial nos órgãos florais. Este clone foi selecionado para uma caracterização funcional mais detalhada. O padrão de expressão deste gene foi avaliado no estigma/estilete durante os 12 estádios do desenvolvimento floral de N. tabacum (KOLTUNOW et al., 1990). O resultado revelou que sua expressão e regulada durante o desenvolvimento, atingindo o maior nível de expressão na antese (estádio 12). Isto sugere que este gene esteja envolvido no desenvolvimento do estigma/estilete. A sequência codificadora do gene correspondente a 085H05 foi determinada e, apos amplificação e clonagem, este gene foi denominado S/S_F-box (Stigma/Style_F-box). Para compreender a função da proteína de S/S_F-box, plantas transgênicas de superexpressao e de silenciamento (por RNAi) deste gene foram geradas. As plantas de RNAi apresentaram o estilete e o ovário reduzidos quando comparados ao controle SR1. Em concordância, as plantas de superexpressao produziram flores com o estilete mais alongado do que o controle, alem do estigma e do ovário de maior tamanho. Altas concentrações de exudato foram observadas na superfície do estigma destas plantas, a partir do estádio 7 tardio. No controle SR1, concentrações equivalentes apenas são observadas nos estádios finais do desenvolvimento. Os fenótipos observados nas plantas transgênicas sugerem que a proteína codificada por S/S_F-box esteja envolvida com o desenvolvimento do pistilo e com o controle do tamanho deste órgão. Adicionalmente, as plantas de RNAi apresentaram o fenótipo de perda da dominância apical. Os níveis de expressão do gene S/S_F-box foram avaliados em plantas que tiveram aumento na produção de auxina no estigma/estilete (plantas STIG1prom::iaaM), revelando que este gene não e regulado, a nível transcricional, por este hormônio. Experimentos de localização subcelular, realizados por expressão transitória da sequência de S/S_F-box fusionada a sequência dos genes repórteres GFP e YFP (S/S_F-box::GFP; S/S_F-box::YFP), indicaram que a proteína S/S_F-box esta localizada no citoplasma e no núcleo celular. Adicionalmente, foi realizado o screening de uma biblioteca de cDNAs de estigma/estilete, construída no sistema de duplo-hibrido, para investigar proteínas candidatas a interagirem com a proteína de S/S_F-box. Os resultados indicaram interação da proteína S/S_F-box com SKP1, confirmando a participação de S/S_F-box no complexo SCF, que promove a degradação de proteínas alvo pela via ubiquitina-proteassomo. Duas proteínas candidatas a alvo foram identificadas: os fatores de transcrição VOZ1 e SIP1, ambos envolvidos com a proliferação celular. Em suma, e possível propor que a proteína codificada por S/S_F-box tenha função relacionada a proliferação celular e ao desenvolvimento dos órgãos vegetais, incluindo o pistilo. / The study of sexual reproduction in plants is an area of increasing interest due to the importance of seeds and fruits in our daily diet, both resulting from the development of parts of the pistil, after fertilization. The aim of this study was to characterize a new F-box gene expressed in the N. tabacum pistil. F-box proteins act in protein-protein interactions, generally directing target proteins to degradation via ubiquitin-proteasome. Five genes of unknown function coding for putative F-box proteins were identified at two cDNAs libraries from N. tabacum stigmas/styles (DEPAOLI, 2006; QUIAPIM et al., 2009), previously constructed in our laboratory. The expression of each of these genes was analyzed in the different N. tabacum organs, by qRT-PCR. The 085H05 clone from the TOBEST library (QUIAPIM et al., 2009) showed preferential expression in floral organs. This clone was select for a more detailed functional characterization. The expression pattern of this gene was evaluated in the stigma/style during the 12 N. tabacum flower developmental stages (KOLTUNOW et al., 1990). The result revealed that its expression is regulated during development, reaching the highest expression level at anthesis (stage 12). It suggests that this gene is involved in the stigma/style development. The coding sequence of the gene corresponding to 085H05 was determined and, after amplification and cloning, the gene was named S/S_F-box (Stigma/Style_F-box). To understand the S/S_F-box protein function, transgenic plants either overexpressing or silencing (by RNAi) the S/S_F-box gene were generated. The RNAi plants showed reduced style and ovary when compared to the control SR1. In accordance, the overexpressing plants produced flowers with a style more elongated than the control, besides an ovary and a stigma of larger size. High concentrations of exudate were observed on the stigma surface of these plants, since the later stage 7. In the control SR1, equivalent concentrations are only observed at the later stages of development. The phenotypes observed in the transgenic plants suggest that the protein encoded by S/S_F-box is involved with pistil development and with the control of pistil size. Additionally, the RNAi plants showed the phenotype of loss of apical dominance. The expression levels of the S/S_F-box gene were evaluated in plants with increased auxin production in the stigma/style (plants STIG1prom::iaaM), showing that this gene is not transcriptionally regulated by this hormone. Subcellular localization experiments, carried out by transient expression of the S/S_F-box sequence fused to the reporter genes GFP and YFP V (S/S_F-box::GFP; S/S_F-box::YFP), showed that the S/S_F-box protein is localized in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. Additionally, the screening of a stigma/style cDNA library constructed on the yeast two hybrid system was performed, to investigate candidate proteins for S/S_F-box protein interaction. The results indicated interaction between S/S_Fbox and the SKP1 protein, confirming the involvement of the S/S_F-box protein in the SCF complex, which promotes degradation of target proteins via ubiquitin-proteasome. Two candidates for target proteins were identified: the transcription factors VOZ1 and SIP1, both involved in cell proliferation. In summary, it is possible to propose that the protein encoded by S/S_F-box has functions related to cell proliferation and organ development, including the pistil.

Caracterização de um Novo Gene da Família F-box Expresso no Pistilo de Nicotiana tabacum L. / Characterization of a New F-box Family Gene Expressed in the Nicotiana tabacum L. Pistil

Abbad, Samantha Vieira 13 August 2012 (has links)
O estudo da reprodução sexual de plantas e uma área de crescente interesse devido a importância de sementes e frutos em nossa dieta diária, ambos resultantes do desenvolvimento de partes do pistilo, apos fertilização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar um novo gene F-box expresso no pistilo de N. tabacum. Proteínas F-box atuam na interação proteína-proteína, geralmente direcionando proteínas alvo para degradação pela via ubiquitina-proteassomo. Foram identificados cinco genes de função desconhecida que codificam putativas proteínas F-box, em duas bibliotecas de cDNAs de estigmas/estiletes de N. tabacum (DEPAOLI, 2006; QUIAPIM et al., 2009) previamente construídas em nosso laboratório. A expressão de cada um destes genes foi analisada nos diferentes órgãos de N. tabacum, por qRT-PCR. O clone 085H05 da biblioteca TOBEST (QUIAPIM et al., 2009) apresentou expressão preferencial nos órgãos florais. Este clone foi selecionado para uma caracterização funcional mais detalhada. O padrão de expressão deste gene foi avaliado no estigma/estilete durante os 12 estádios do desenvolvimento floral de N. tabacum (KOLTUNOW et al., 1990). O resultado revelou que sua expressão e regulada durante o desenvolvimento, atingindo o maior nível de expressão na antese (estádio 12). Isto sugere que este gene esteja envolvido no desenvolvimento do estigma/estilete. A sequência codificadora do gene correspondente a 085H05 foi determinada e, apos amplificação e clonagem, este gene foi denominado S/S_F-box (Stigma/Style_F-box). Para compreender a função da proteína de S/S_F-box, plantas transgênicas de superexpressao e de silenciamento (por RNAi) deste gene foram geradas. As plantas de RNAi apresentaram o estilete e o ovário reduzidos quando comparados ao controle SR1. Em concordância, as plantas de superexpressao produziram flores com o estilete mais alongado do que o controle, alem do estigma e do ovário de maior tamanho. Altas concentrações de exudato foram observadas na superfície do estigma destas plantas, a partir do estádio 7 tardio. No controle SR1, concentrações equivalentes apenas são observadas nos estádios finais do desenvolvimento. Os fenótipos observados nas plantas transgênicas sugerem que a proteína codificada por S/S_F-box esteja envolvida com o desenvolvimento do pistilo e com o controle do tamanho deste órgão. Adicionalmente, as plantas de RNAi apresentaram o fenótipo de perda da dominância apical. Os níveis de expressão do gene S/S_F-box foram avaliados em plantas que tiveram aumento na produção de auxina no estigma/estilete (plantas STIG1prom::iaaM), revelando que este gene não e regulado, a nível transcricional, por este hormônio. Experimentos de localização subcelular, realizados por expressão transitória da sequência de S/S_F-box fusionada a sequência dos genes repórteres GFP e YFP (S/S_F-box::GFP; S/S_F-box::YFP), indicaram que a proteína S/S_F-box esta localizada no citoplasma e no núcleo celular. Adicionalmente, foi realizado o screening de uma biblioteca de cDNAs de estigma/estilete, construída no sistema de duplo-hibrido, para investigar proteínas candidatas a interagirem com a proteína de S/S_F-box. Os resultados indicaram interação da proteína S/S_F-box com SKP1, confirmando a participação de S/S_F-box no complexo SCF, que promove a degradação de proteínas alvo pela via ubiquitina-proteassomo. Duas proteínas candidatas a alvo foram identificadas: os fatores de transcrição VOZ1 e SIP1, ambos envolvidos com a proliferação celular. Em suma, e possível propor que a proteína codificada por S/S_F-box tenha função relacionada a proliferação celular e ao desenvolvimento dos órgãos vegetais, incluindo o pistilo. / The study of sexual reproduction in plants is an area of increasing interest due to the importance of seeds and fruits in our daily diet, both resulting from the development of parts of the pistil, after fertilization. The aim of this study was to characterize a new F-box gene expressed in the N. tabacum pistil. F-box proteins act in protein-protein interactions, generally directing target proteins to degradation via ubiquitin-proteasome. Five genes of unknown function coding for putative F-box proteins were identified at two cDNAs libraries from N. tabacum stigmas/styles (DEPAOLI, 2006; QUIAPIM et al., 2009), previously constructed in our laboratory. The expression of each of these genes was analyzed in the different N. tabacum organs, by qRT-PCR. The 085H05 clone from the TOBEST library (QUIAPIM et al., 2009) showed preferential expression in floral organs. This clone was select for a more detailed functional characterization. The expression pattern of this gene was evaluated in the stigma/style during the 12 N. tabacum flower developmental stages (KOLTUNOW et al., 1990). The result revealed that its expression is regulated during development, reaching the highest expression level at anthesis (stage 12). It suggests that this gene is involved in the stigma/style development. The coding sequence of the gene corresponding to 085H05 was determined and, after amplification and cloning, the gene was named S/S_F-box (Stigma/Style_F-box). To understand the S/S_F-box protein function, transgenic plants either overexpressing or silencing (by RNAi) the S/S_F-box gene were generated. The RNAi plants showed reduced style and ovary when compared to the control SR1. In accordance, the overexpressing plants produced flowers with a style more elongated than the control, besides an ovary and a stigma of larger size. High concentrations of exudate were observed on the stigma surface of these plants, since the later stage 7. In the control SR1, equivalent concentrations are only observed at the later stages of development. The phenotypes observed in the transgenic plants suggest that the protein encoded by S/S_F-box is involved with pistil development and with the control of pistil size. Additionally, the RNAi plants showed the phenotype of loss of apical dominance. The expression levels of the S/S_F-box gene were evaluated in plants with increased auxin production in the stigma/style (plants STIG1prom::iaaM), showing that this gene is not transcriptionally regulated by this hormone. Subcellular localization experiments, carried out by transient expression of the S/S_F-box sequence fused to the reporter genes GFP and YFP V (S/S_F-box::GFP; S/S_F-box::YFP), showed that the S/S_F-box protein is localized in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. Additionally, the screening of a stigma/style cDNA library constructed on the yeast two hybrid system was performed, to investigate candidate proteins for S/S_F-box protein interaction. The results indicated interaction between S/S_Fbox and the SKP1 protein, confirming the involvement of the S/S_F-box protein in the SCF complex, which promotes degradation of target proteins via ubiquitin-proteasome. Two candidates for target proteins were identified: the transcription factors VOZ1 and SIP1, both involved in cell proliferation. In summary, it is possible to propose that the protein encoded by S/S_F-box has functions related to cell proliferation and organ development, including the pistil.

Electrokinetics as an alternative to neutron reflectivity for evaluation of segment density distribution in PEO brushes

Zimmermann, Ralf, Romeis, Dirk, Bihannic, Isabelle, Stuart, Martien Cohen, Sommer, Jens-Uwe, Werner, Carsten 09 December 2019 (has links)
Unravelling details of charge, structure and molecular interactions of functional polymer coatings defines an important analytical challenge that requires the extension of current methodologies. In this article we demonstrate how streaming current measurements interpreted with combined self consistent field (SCF) and soft surface electrokinetic theories allow the evaluation of the segment distribution within poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) brushes beyond the resolution limits of neutron reflectivity technique.

Role of the SCF/KIT signalling pathway in embryonic stem cells

Fraser, Lindsay January 2011 (has links)
Murine embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the developing embryonic blastocyst. These cells can self renew which allows them to be propagated indefinitely in the laboratory and they can differentiate into cell types derived from all three germ layers. Manipulation of the mouse genome using gene targeting techniques in conjunction with ES cell technology has provided valuable insights into embryonic development and cell lineage specification. KIT is a trans-membrane receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that dimerises upon binding to its ligand, stem cell factor (SCF) resulting in the auto-phosphorylation of intracellular kinase domains. This activity is crucial for the transmission of signals from the cell surface to the nucleus. KIT is expressed on stem and progenitor cells of many lineages and defects in the SCF/KIT signaling pathway causes detrimental effects at both the cellular and physiological level. This project aimed to investigate the role of the SCF/KIT signalling pathway during murine ES cell differentiation and survival. To assess the role of SCF/KIT signalling in ES cell proliferation and survival, we knocked out the c-kit gene in mouse ES cells to produce heterozygous (KitW-lacZ/+) and KIT Null (KitW-lacZ/W-lacZ) cell lines. The self renewal and differentiation profile of these cell lines revealed an auxiliary role for SCF/KIT during ES cell self renewal and an absolute role in survival upon in vitro differentiation. This phenotype of apoptosis upon differentiation was recapitulated in wild type E14 ES cells treated with a KIT neutralising antibody (ACK2). Wild type cells that were treated with the JNK inhibitor, SP600125 had a comparable phenotype to KIT null cells indicating that this could be one of the mediators of KIT signalling that has a protective role in the survival of differentiating ES cells. We hypothesised that blocking classical apoptotic pathways might prevent the death on differentiation observed in KIT null cells. However, neither blocking the pro-apoptotic P38 pathway with the chemical inhibitor PD169316 nor over-expressing the pro-survival protein BCL2 in KIT Null cells could prevent their apoptosis upon differentiation phenotype. This strongly suggests that these pathways are not involved in KIT mediated survival of differentiating ES cells. Although compensatory mechanisms are thought to exist for defective KIT signaling in vivo, an absolute role is assigned to KIT during ES cell differentiation. Further analysis of micro array data comparing gene expression from wild type E14 and KIT Null cell lines may reveal the specific mechanisms of KIT mediated survival during differentiation onset.

Redes neurais artificiais na avaliação de concentração de tensões em juntas tubulares soldadas. / Artificial neural networks to calculate stress concentration factors in welded tubular joints.

Cardoso, Ademar de Azevedo 30 April 1999 (has links)
Neste trabalho está apresentada uma alternativa para o cálculo do fator de concentração de tensões (FCT) em juntas tubulares soldadas do tipo Y. Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA) foram utilizadas para representar a distribuição de tensões ao longo da junta tubular para os casos de carregamento força axial no plano e momento fletor no plano. As RNA podem aprender a partir de um conjunto de dados sem a necessidade de uma expressão matemática entre as variáveis dependentes e independentes; representa uma vantagem sobre o procedimento normalmente utilizado, ou seja, as equações paramétricas. O modelo proposto representa um avanço no projeto de juntas tubulares, uma vez que evita a necessidade de se conhecer uma expressão matemática para representar a distribuição de tensões na junta e fornece um método mais preciso para avaliar a distribuição de tensões ao longo da junta soldada. O conjunto de dados utilizado foi formado a partir de simulações numéricas das juntas soldadas através do MEF, nas quais foi considerada a geometria do cordão de solda. / An alternative approach to calculate stress concentration factors (SCF) in Y-type welded tubular joints is presented. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were used to represent the stress distribution along the tubular joints in both in-plane axial force and in-plane bending moment load cases. ANN can learn from a database without establishing a mathematical expression between dependent and independent variables, which is an advantage over the usual parametric equations approach. The proposed model represents an improvement in the tubular joints design, since it avoids the previous knowing of a mathematical expression to represent the stress distribution in the joint and provides an accurate method to evaluate the stress distribution along the welded fillet joint. The database herein used was completed with FE simulations of tubular joints which consider the geometry of the weld fillet.

Signal Transduction in Mast Cell Migration

Sundström, Magnus January 2001 (has links)
<p>Mast cells are essential effector cells in the immune system as they release several inflammatory mediators. An accumulation of mast cells has been described in inflammatory conditions such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. Increased mast cell number, in the skin and other organs, is also a characteristic in mastocytosis, a disease without an effective treatment. One explanation for the increase in mast cell number is migration of mast cells in the tissue. In our studies we utilised mast cell lines, including HMC-1; cell lines transfected with the <i>c-kit</i> gene; and <i>in vitro</i> developed mast cells.</p><p>Our aim was to characterise, two variants of the HMC-1 cell line; the signalling pathways essential for mast cell migration towards TGF-β and SCF; and the mechanism regulating mast cell accumulation in mastocytosis.</p><p>Our results help to explain inconsistent findings regarding mast cell biology when HMC-1 cells have been used as a model system. The two variants, which we name HMC-1<sup>560</sup> and HMC-1<sup>560, 816</sup>, are used in different laboratories around the world. HMC-1<sup>560</sup> and HMC-1<sup>560, 816</sup> exhibited different characteristics regarding their karyotype, phenotype as well as their set of activating point mutations in the Kit receptor. Furthermore, divergent signalling pathways are of importance for mast cell migration towards TGF-β and SCF. The classical MAP kinase-signalling cascade was found to be of major relevance for TGF-β-induced migration. In contrast, this pathway had a modest impact on SCF-induced migration, which instead was highly dependent on p38 MAP kinase signalling. Finally, one mechanism for mast cell accumulation in mastocytosis appeared to be an activating point mutation in the gene for the Kit receptor. This mutation appeared to prone transfected cells and mast cell progenitors to a higher rate of migration towards SCF if compared with cells expressing wt Kit receptor.</p><p>In conclusion, our results show the importance of two different MAP kinase signalling pathways and mutations in the Kit receptor for mast cell migration induced by various types of stimuli. This knowledge helps us to understand the mechanism </p>

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