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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Person and man in the philosophical anthropology of Max Scheler.

January 2000 (has links)
Cheung Ching-yuen. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-123). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter Chapter One --- Introduction --- p.5 / Chapter I --- The Study of Man --- p.8 / Chapter II --- Philosophical Anthropology and other Sciences of Man --- p.11 / Chapter III --- Max Scheler and Philosophical Anthropology --- p.17 / Chapter Chapter Two --- Scheler's Concept of Person --- p.29 / Chapter I --- The Concepts of Person --- p.30 / Chapter II --- Scheler's Ethical Personalism --- p.40 / Chapter III --- "Person, Community and World" --- p.48 / Chapter Chapter Three --- Scheler's Concept of Man --- p.54 / Chapter I --- The Concepts of Man --- p.55 / Chapter II --- Man as ens amans --- p.71 / Chapter III --- Spirit and Life --- p.90 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Conclusion --- p.102 / Note --- p.107 / Bibliography --- p.118

Essence et formes de la sympathie : contribution à l'étude phénoménologique des lois affectives : synthèse interprétative de l'ouvrage de Max Scheler

Barbeau, Hélène 12 November 2021 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche a pour but de faire une synthèse interprétative du concept de la sympathie dans l'œuvre de Max Scheler. Nous ne prétendons pas y parvenir avec grand succès pour les 3 raisons suivantes: premièrement, plusieurs thèmes riches et complexes s'entrecoupent au moment de présenter des définitions exactes. Par exemple, nous avons rencontrée de grandes difficultés au premier chapitre à spécifier ce que sont les états psychiques parce que de tels concepts exigent la participation de plusieurs autres notions. Scheler lui-même, à l'intérieur de son œuvre, n'arrive pas à expliciter avec clarté et concision ces thèmes qui l'ont préoccupés pour la quasi totalité de sa vie. Deuxièmement, la quantité de concepts faisant objet de confusion, comparables aux états psychiques, n’est pas moindre. Le temps consacré aux tentatives de descriptions nous obligeait parfois à laisser de côté la méthode de synthèse, utilisant uniquement les voies de l'analyse. Troisièmement, le souci de rigueur a fait en sorte que nous nous sommes référée à maintes reprises à l'original du texte. Là encore, des subtilités aussi primordiales que la distinction entre Einfühlung et Einfühlung avaient été laissées pour compte dans la traduction de M. Lefebvre, transformant ainsi l'idée initiale de l'auteur de Essence et formes de la sympathie et nous obligeant à assurer notre propre traduction. On peut ainsi, avec raison, objecter le manque de rigueur, l'absence de clarté, le passage trop rapide d'une explication à une autre. Toutefois, nous considérons comme un privilège d'avoir pu côtoyer pendant quelques années ces grandes idées. Et c'est avec gratitude que nous tenons ici à remercier notre directeur de thèse, M. Jaromir Danek. pour avoir su, pour avoir compris, pour avoir senti que les fondements de cette thèse ne reposaient pas toujours sur un terrain propice à la rigueur scientifique, mais qui pourtant ouvrira, et nous le disons avec conviction, sur un intérêt marqué à ?replonger" dans de telles profondeurs, en apportant alors davantage de précisions et de cohérence. Donc, que le lecteur ne nous blâme pas d'avoir eu l'audace d'aller à la rencontre d'un des plus grands penseurs de notre temps, au détriment, nous le répétons, d'une certaine perfection dans l'engagement d'effectuer une synthèse; mais qu'il garde cependant comme pensée-de-fond lors de sa lecture que cette thèse est, en quelque sorte, le reflet d'une problématique de tout temps: la présence d'émotions dans la tentative de communiquer avec l'Autre et dans la compréhension du monde qui l'entoure.

The function of Wertfühlen in Scheler's theory of value.

Brettler, Lucinda Ann Vandervort. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

The function of Wertfühlen in Scheler's theory of value.

Brettler, Lucinda Ann Vandervort. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.

La sympathie comme révélation de la valeur d'autrui : intersubjectivité, affectivité et axiologie chez Max Scheler dans Nature et formes de la sympathie

Peraza Herrera, Yail Angela 18 May 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de dégager la conception de Scheler à propos de la sympathie et de l’amour développée dans Nature et formes de la sympathie. Plus précisément, nous visons à montrer avec l’auteur que, contrairement à ce que proposent les théories psychologiques, lesdits sentiments constituent des actes purs émergeant d’une dimension supérieure, métempirique de l’homme, leur fonction étant de saisir certaines qualités également à caractère pur : les valeurs portées par ceux qui font l’objet de notre sympathie et de notre amour. Afin de mener à terme notre projet, notre premier chapitre abordera les conditions de base pour la rencontre intersubjective, thème sous-jacent de tout l’ouvrage. Nous montrerons alors que cette dernière est fondée sur deux actes à caractère eidétique : la conscience de l’altérité au sens général et la perception d’un autre au sens concret. Néanmoins, étant donné que cela n’est que le début du lien avec autrui, notre deuxième chapitre présentera –suite à la critique des théories psychologiques de la sympathie- la hiérarchie schelerienne des sentiments sympathiques, actes supérieurs à la perception. Ici nous expliquerons que c’est la sympathie dite « Mitgefühl », en tant que saisie affective de la valeur de l’existence psychique d’autrui, qui élève la rencontre à un niveau ontologique et éthique-axiologique plus haut. Or, Scheler défendra que le sommet de ladite rencontre se trouve dans l’acte de l’amour, sujet de notre troisième chapitre. Ainsi, une fois que nous aurons réfuté les perspectives psychologiques sur ce sentiment, nous décrirons les types scheleriens d’amour ainsi que leurs correspondances axiologiques. Notre cheminement conclura en montrant que l’amour spirituel, en visant la valeur de la personne spirituelle d’autrui, est le seul capable de mener la rencontre interhumaine à sa perfection morale.

Entre el amor y la sospecha: la persona como fundamento de la ética según Scheler y Ricoeur

Acárate Coronel, Luz María 13 May 2014 (has links)
El movimiento fenomenológico fundado por Husserl a inicios del siglo XX, cuya exigencia frente al positivismo de la época se expresaba en un “ir a las cosas mismas” y “salvar al hombre de ser simple hombre de hechos”, encuentra desarrollos distintos en Scheler y Ricoeur, cuyas concepciones de fenomenología pueden ser entendidas como dos herejías husserlianas. Si bien para ninguno la fenomenología era toda la filosofía, la adoptaron en sus concepciones filosóficas entendiéndola o como una actitud o como un método de fundamentación que apela a la experiencia de la evidencia, la cual requiere de una labor de explicitación. En el marco de sus concepciones de fenomenología, ambos desarrollaron propuestas éticas cuyo fundamento es la persona, la cual es comprendida como una estructura: ya sea, como en el caso de Scheler, una estructura de actos, un ordo amoris, que instancia e individualiza una jerarquía a priori y objetiva del valor, o, como en el caso de Ricoeur, una estructura lingüística ternaria (soi-mêmecomme un autre), que da cuenta de la mediación que instaura, en la subjetividad, la hermenéutica de la sospecha. El lugar protagónico de la persona en sus propuestas y la necesidad de la explicitación de la evidencia nos permiten pensar en un posible diálogo entre ambos. Dicho diálogo nos da tanto la posibilidad de tratar las inversiones axiológicas de relevancia ética, que decantan en una subordinación del valor de la persona frente a otros valores, como la posibilidad de pensar, desde nuestros autores, la importancia actual de una antropología filosófica de orientación fenomenológica. / Tesis

現象學視野中的公教精神: 一個馬克斯舍勒的可能視角 = Catholicism in phenomenological horizon : a possible perspective of Max Scheler. / Catholicism in phenomenological horizon: a possible perspective of Max Scheler / Xian xiang xue shi ye zhong de Gong jiao jing shen: yi ge Makesi Shele de ke neng shi jiao = Catholicism in phenomenological horizon : a possible perspective of Max Scheler.

January 2016 (has links)
本文嘗試分析馬克斯·舍勒在現象學視野之下對於天主教神學和社會思想的詮釋來探索天主教會在資本主義和世界大戰等現代性文化的壓力之下真正有效的自我更新方式。舍勒運用現象學的思維方法,通過強調經驗的自身性特徵,論述發生式的意義生成和反應-對抗式的意義生成之間的差別,恢復了天主教在批判精神和確證精神之間的平衡,這與新經院體系、圖賓根天主教學派、新托馬斯主義等流派在純然適應或純然對抗的極端思維中理解天主教會與現代社會關係的做法非常不同,也幫助天主教會克服了"保守-激進"的二元論思維的束縛。具體而言,本文將從以下四個方面論述舍勒的天主教思想:1)從知識社會學的角度分析舍勒對宗教更新的本質、宗教知識的文化學特徵以及宗教世界觀的情感結構的論述,總結出公教精神以自身性的原初性思維對抗實證性思維的過程,以及天主教的整體性文化特徵和貴族主義的情感基調;2)從政治現象學的角度分析舍勒的基督教民主、基督教社會主義、基督教自由等理念,尤其是他以態度民主代替情緒民主、以先知性論述社會主義的原始精神、以意志自由和能力自由的區分來論述宗教自由絶對意義的做法,從而用天主教的宗教視角審視了現代政治文化的弊端;3)從社會學的角度分析舍勒以共感而不是以同情為基礎的宗教集體主義,並將之作為天主教在一戰之後乃至於整個現代社會中帶有尖銳批判性的社會學貢獻,並依此建構天主教會戰後理想的和平理念和社會建設的任務;4)從倫理學的角度分析舍勒如何從時常被鄙棄的情感性、身體性等直觀生命經驗中找出先驗的價值奠基力量,並以之作為與在禁慾和縱慾的極端力量牽引之下的現代資本主義倫理殊為不同的自然倫理學的基礎。最後,本文還將比較舍勒與二十世紀中期的天主教新神學運動和梵二神學的論述,指出舍勒的現象學方法中所體現出來的現實主義和人類學轉向,是與天主教神學從梵一會議到梵二會議的歷史演變邏輯一致的,因而會為天主教會未來的發展帶來更多潛在的借鑒意義。 / This thesis mainly focuses on how German philosopher Max Scheler applied his special phenomenological perspective to penetrate into the self-renewal of the Catholic Church and its social teachings under modern society context, including capitalism and World War etc. Scheler, who emphasized the self-given and realistic characters of experience, distinguished the original-given mode from the counter-react mode in the process of constructing meanings, and rehabilitated the balance of introspective self-criticism and extrovertly instructive confirming of catholic spirit. This phenomenological perspective of Scheler is regarded as a sharp distinction from other Catholic schools like the Catholic Tübingen School, the Scholasticism in the 19th century and later, the Neo-Thomism, as their understandings of the self-renewal of the Catholic Church were somehow guided under the extremism-oriented romantic idealism or authoritarian ideology. To some sense, Scheler’s method actually gave an end to the ongoing historical debate of the "conservatism-liberalism" or "nominalism-realism" dualism, and widened the horizon to approach the understating of real "one": ecumenism. For details, this thesis will analyze Scheler’s phenomenological method in understanding the self-renewal of the Catholic Church with four sections: 1 ) from the dimension of sociology of knowledge, an analysis of Scheler’s interpretation of the essence of the evolution of religious knowledge, its social cultural characters and "its inherent emotional structure as well; an comparing study of religious self-givenness with positivism, and also an comparing study of Ganzheit knowledge and Sammlung knowledge, with which the Christian aristocratism will be drawn and discussed; 2) from the dimension of political phenomenology, an analysis of Scheler’s conceptions of Christian democracy, Christian socialism and Christian freedom, from which the difference with electoral democracy, Marxist socialism, and left-wing liberalism and the special religious narratives of the Catholic Church in political fields will be given; 3) from the dimension of sociology, an analysis of Scheler’s religious collectivism on the basis of empathy rather than sympathy, this kind of collectivism was saturated with phenomenological intentional theory and was carried forward in the proposing the after-WWI re-construction tasks for the Catholic Church by Scheler; 4) from the dimension of ethics, an analysis of Scheler’s percipient contentions on the a-priori ethical value of some long-disdained conception, like body and emotion, by giving a laudatory reconsideration to which, Scheler criticized asceticism or the erotic-individualism-oriented capitalistic ethics. In total, Scheler concentrated the unique value of the Catholic Church in breeding the personal and social ethos with its special religious spirit which is quite similar to the orient wisdom from China. Lastly, this thesis will also draw a comparison between Scheler and the theologians in the Nouvelle Théologie Movement in the middle of the 20th century in order to conclude that the realistic and anthropological turn in Scheler’s phenomenological method was actually identical with the theological development from the Vatican I council to the Vatican II council, so Scheler’s phenomenological understanding of self-renewal of the Catholic Church and its social teaching would potentially shed more light on its future development. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李晶. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 195-210). / Abstracts also in English. / Li Jing.

O formalismo no direito e a ética dos valores: teoria dos valores em Hans Kelsen e Max Scheler

FONSECA, Yuri Ikeda 04 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rosana Moreira (rosanapsm@outlook.com) on 2018-08-20T18:46:31Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_FormalismoDireitoEtica.pdf: 1371206 bytes, checksum: 7835acfcddee847958d0ad05c865cd3f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2018-08-27T17:27:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_FormalismoDireitoEtica.pdf: 1371206 bytes, checksum: 7835acfcddee847958d0ad05c865cd3f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T17:27:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_FormalismoDireitoEtica.pdf: 1371206 bytes, checksum: 7835acfcddee847958d0ad05c865cd3f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-04 / A filosofia dos valores (Wertphilosophie), surgida no contexto das investigações neokantianas da Escola de Baden no final do século XIX, é uma abordagem teórica focada no estudo do fenômeno chamado valor. No primeiro capítulo deste trabalho, utilizando metodologia de história das ideias, são tratadas a ética formalista de Immanuel Kant, origem da filosofia dos valores nas teorias de Franz Brentano e dos neokantianos Hermann Lotze, Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert e Emil Lask, bem como a divisão da teoria dos valores em uma vertente objetivista e uma vertente subjetivista, procurando demonstrar que prevaleceu esta última por influência das concepções sobre valores de Friedrich Nietzsche. No segundo capítulo, abordam-se, representando a visão subjetivista, a ideia de Max Weber de neutralidade axiológica (Wertfreiheit) das ciências e o formalismo jurídico de Hans Kelsen, sustentado por uma teoria dos valores subjetivista e cética. Apresenta-se também o argumento de Carlos Santiago Nino contra a ideia, defendida por Kelsen, de que apenas uma concepção relativista de valores poderia promover os ideais democráticos de tolerância. O terceiro capítulo dedica-se, após uma breve consideração sobre fenomenologia de Edmund Husserl, aos argumentos de Max Scheler contra o formalismo ético kantiano para sustentar uma axiologia objetivista a partir da noção de que os valores são conteúdos materiais cognoscíveis a priori e, portanto, aptos a fundamentar uma ética não-formal. Conclui-se que, embora a fundamentação de Scheler seja problemática ao considerar o conhecimento dos valores como uma função das emoções e não da razão, por outro lado sua formulação do a priori e de um âmbito de axiologia pura com regras semelhantes às da lógica viabilizam objeções aos pressupostos da axiologia subjetivista. / The philosophy of values (Wertphilosophie), appearing in the context of the neo-Kantian investigations of the School of Baden in the late 19th Century, is a theoretical approach focused on the study of the phenomenon called value. The first chapter of this work, with the methodology of a history of ideas, discusses the formalist ethics of Immanuel Kant, the origin of the philosophy of values in the theories of Franz Brentano and neo-Kantians Hermann Lotze, Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert and Emil Lask, and the division of the theory of values into an objectivist strand and a subjectivist one, trying to demonstrate that the latter has prevailed due to the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche's conceptions of values. The second chapter deals with Max Weber's idea of axiological neutrality (Wertfreiheit) of the sciences and Hans Kelsen's legal formalism, which is supported by a subjectivist and skeptical theory of values, both representing the subjectivist view. It is also presented Carlos Santiago Nino’s argument against the idea, defended by Kelsen, that only a relativistic conception of values could promote the democratic ideals of tolerance. The third chapter is dedicated, after a brief comment on Edmund Husserl's phenomenology, to Max Scheler's arguments against Kantian ethical formalism to support an objectivist axiology based on the notion that values are material contents that can be known a priori and are, therefore, capable of substantiating a nonformal ethic. It is concluded that, though Scheler’s statement of grounds is problematic in considering the knowledge of values as a function of emotions, not of reason, on the other hand his formulation of the a priori and of a scope of pure axiology with rules similar to those of logic facilitate objections to the presuppositions of the subjectivist axiology.

A crise dos valores éticos segundo Max Scheler

Ginetti, Emerson 10 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Emerson Ginetti.pdf: 664930 bytes, checksum: 7584d2eecbcbbd465127b00f2dcb8f59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work aims to make an analysis of the crisis of ethical values while considering it to be a crisis of historical values, according to Ferdinand Max Scheler. There exists an explanation to the crisis, as well as a possible solution: the rescue of material ethics of objective values, which are shaped in configurations prevalent within modern man, lacking references capable of sustaining an ethic that will lead to perfect morality and its own achievement. Note that the crisis is marked by secularism, relativism and subjectivism in the axiological field. The current crisis gives a reversal in the hierarchy of values. This trend is the subordination of the highest to the lowest. This reversal in the hierarchy of values, according to Scheler, is motivated by the morale of those who are affected by "resentment" and "humanitarianism". Note that the need for sustained moral values is more stable and durable. Non-impregnated interests or subjective elaborations where the moral act is sustained by the paradigms presented by modernity. The highest values are subject to those associated with sensitivity to the matter. Thus, Scheler proposes his objectivist ethics as a possible replacement for subjectivism predominant in modern society, aspiring to something that sustains human life and work / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo tecer uma análise da crise dos valores éticos, considerando-a como uma crise de valores históricos, segundo o pensamento de Ferdinand Max Scheler. Há uma explicação da crise que também poderá ser ainda uma possível solução: o resgate de uma ética material dos valores objetivos, que não se molda nas configurações predominantes no seio do homem moderno, carente de referenciais capazes de sustentar uma ética que o conduza à perfeição moral e à sua própria realização. Nota-se que a crise é marcada pelo secularismo, relativismo e subjetivismo, no campo axiológico. Na crise atual dá-se uma inversão na hierarquia dos valores. Tal tendência é a subordinação dos valores mais altos aos mais baixos, passando, estes, a serem considerados superiores. Esta inversão na hierarquia dos valores, segundo Scheler, é motivada pela moral daqueles que se encontram acometidos pelo ressentimento e pelo humanitarismo . Nota-se a necessidade de uma moral sustentada por valores que sejam mais estáveis, duradouros, não impregnados de interesses ou elaborações subjetivas onde o ato moral, que deve orientar a conduta humana, é sustentado nos paradigmas apresentados pela modernidade. Os valores mais altos estão submetidos aos que estão ligados à sensibilidade, à matéria. Desse modo, Scheler propõe sua ética objetivista como possível substituto para o subjetivismo predominante na ética da sociedade moderna, aspirando-se a algo que sustente o ser e o agir humanos e dê razão aos mesmos

Entre el amor y la sospecha: la persona como fundamento de la ética según Scheler y Ricoeur

Acárate Coronel, Luz María 13 May 2014 (has links)
El movimiento fenomenológico fundado por Husserl a inicios del siglo XX, cuya exigencia frente al positivismo de la época se expresaba en un “ir a las cosas mismas” y “salvar al hombre de ser simple hombre de hechos”, encuentra desarrollos distintos en Scheler y Ricoeur, cuyas concepciones de fenomenología pueden ser entendidas como dos herejías husserlianas. Si bien para ninguno la fenomenología era toda la filosofía, la adoptaron en sus concepciones filosóficas entendiéndola o como una actitud o como un método de fundamentación que apela a la experiencia de la evidencia, la cual requiere de una labor de explicitación. En el marco de sus concepciones de fenomenología, ambos desarrollaron propuestas éticas cuyo fundamento es la persona, la cual es comprendida como una estructura: ya sea, como en el caso de Scheler, una estructura de actos, un ordo amoris, que instancia e individualiza una jerarquía a priori y objetiva del valor, o, como en el caso de Ricoeur, una estructura lingüística ternaria (soi-mêmecomme un autre), que da cuenta de la mediación que instaura, en la subjetividad, la hermenéutica de la sospecha. El lugar protagónico de la persona en sus propuestas y la necesidad de la explicitación de la evidencia nos permiten pensar en un posible diálogo entre ambos. Dicho diálogo nos da tanto la posibilidad de tratar las inversiones axiológicas de relevancia ética, que decantan en una subordinación del valor de la persona frente a otros valores, como la posibilidad de pensar, desde nuestros autores, la importancia actual de una antropología filosófica de orientación fenomenológica.

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