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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunen - en part i utbildningspolitiken?

Quennerstedt, Ann January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the municipality (the local authority) as a participant in Swedish educational policy. The reform of school governance in the 1990s, gave municipality wider authority in the educational field and a greater responsibility for education. Discussions about the equivalence of education were a key aspect in decentralising school governance and responsibility for education, and questions were raised about how equivalence would be affected by increased local influence on education. Since the meaning of equivalence had become contested in educational policy, the answer differed. In the dissertation, political discussions about the municipality and about equivalent education are merged, and together form a base for the main question: In what different ways are the municipality constructed as a participant in educational policy? The analysis is undertaken within a curriculum theory tradition and from a discourse theory perspective that focuses school and education as situated in a field of tension determined by social and political struggle. The research interest is directed to the world as constructed in language and communication. The empirical material studied in the dissertation consists of national political texts, texts from the National Agency for Education and interviews with local politicians (local authority committee members). From the analysis, three discourses about the municipality as a participant in educational policy are identified. These are: The municipality as responsible for performance, which centres the construction of the municipality on a responsibility for educational performance. All actions undertaken by the municipality are in the discourse defined within a framework of goal achievement and results. The municipality as a non-participant, where the municipality has no place in educational policy or realisation of the educational system. Education is considered as a matter between the state, the professionals and the families. The municipality as a political-ideological actor, where the municipality is constructed as a participant with scope to organise school on the basis of certain political and ideological principles. The ideological stance adopted by the political majority guides the municipality’s actions in the educational field. The discourses have tangible consequences for the shape which school education assumes on a day-to-day basis in municipalities. Depending on which discourse that dominates a municipality’s understanding of its own role, the actions undertaken by that municipality will be more or less directed towards education performance, and more or less ideologically based. / Avhandlingen fokuserar kommunen som en part i Svensk utbildningspolitik. När styrningen av skolan reformerades i 1990-talets början fick kommunerna ett ökat ansvar för skolan, och större möjligheter och befogenheter att fatta beslut om hur den egna skolan ska organiseras. Diskussioner om utbildningens likvärdighet utgjorde en nyckelaspekt för den decentraliserade styrningen av och ansvaret för skolan, och frågan restes om hur likvärdigheten skulle påver-kas av ett ökat lokalt inflytande över utbildningsområdet. Eftersom betydelsen av likvärdighet hade blivit omstridd i den utbildningspolitiska debatten, fick frågan olika svar beroende på vilken innebörd som gavs begreppet likvärdighet. I avhandlingen förs de politiska diskussio-nerna om kommunens ansvar för skolan och om likvärdig utbildning samman, och dessa te-man utgör en helhet som ligger till grund för avhandlingens huvudfråga: På vilka olika sätt framträder kommunen som en part i utbildningspolitiken? Avhandlingens ansluter sig till en läroplansteoretisk tradition, och till ett diskursteoretiskt perspektiv där utbildningen och dess innehåll betraktas befinna sig i ett spänningsfält ytterst bestämt av sociala och politiska krafter i kamp. Forskningsintresset riktas mot världen som konstruerad i språk och kommunikation. Avhandlingens empiriska material består av natio-nella politiska texter, Skolverkstexter, kommunalpolitiska texter och intervjuer med kommu-nala skolpolitiker. Utifrån analysen kan tre diskurser om kommunen som en part i utbildningspolitiken identifie-ras. Dessa är: Kommunen som resultatansvarig, där konstruktionen av kommunen centreras kring ett ansvar för utbildningens resultat. Alla kommunens handlingar definieras i diskursen inom detta ram-verk av måluppnående och utbildningsresultat. Kommunen som icke-part, där kommunen inte ses ha någon uppgift i utbildningspolitiken eller skolans genomförande. Utbildning betraktas i diskursen som en angelägenhet mellan staten, skolans professionella och familjerna. Kommunen som politisk-ideologiskt handlande, där kommunen konstrueras som en part med utrymme att organisera skolan utifrån specifika politiska och ideologiska principer. De ideo-logiska ställningstaganden som görs av kommunens politiska majoritet är kraftigt vägledande för kommunens handlingar på utbildningsområdet och påverkar hur utbildning organiseras i kommunen. De olika diskurserna får påtagliga konsekvenser för hur den konkreta skolverksamheten tar form i en kommun. Beroende på vilken av diskurserna som dominerar en kommuns uppfatt-ning om sin egen roll, så kommer kommunens handlingar att vara mer eller mindre inriktade mot utbildningsresultat, och mer eller mindre politiskt-ideologiskt präglade.

Gouvernance scolaire au Togo. Intelligibilité des pratiques des acteaurs et nouveaux paradigmes d'intervention

Tete, Kokouvi 19 January 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda essencialment la governança de les escoles primàries públiques a Togo. Tot basant-se en dades empíriques recollides en un treball de camp al país, intenta analitzar el funcionament dels comitès de gestió de les escoles primàries, òrgans de govern d’aquests centres. Conjuntament i complementàriament, la investigació analitza el paper dels directors d’escola en la governança escolar, posant l’accent en les seves diferents responsabilitats, les polítiques de contractació, les condicions en l’exercici professional i les qüestions relatives a la seva formació. La metodologia utilitzada en la realització d’aquest estudi és de tipus qualitatiu. Els resultats de la investigació són fruit de l’anàlisi d’un corpus de dades obtingut a partir d’entrevistes semiestructurades individuals i col·lectives dutes a terme principalment, amb directors d’escoles i pares d’alumnes, presidents aquests dels comitès de gestió de les escoles primàries. Aquestes entrevistes semiestructurades van ser completades amb sessions d’observació in situ i l’anàlisi de documentació oficial de Togo vinculada al tema de la investigació. Els resultats proposats, una barreja de « saber indígena » i de textos oficials, permeten comprendre en profunditat el rol que juguen les diferents parts implicades en la governança de les escoles primàries a Togo. Els comitès de gestió, òrgans d’orientació, de planificació i de presa de decisions en matèria de gestió administrativa, pedagògica i financera, estan composats per representants de l’equip docent, dels pares d’alumnes i de la comunitat local. Si els textos oficials defineixen i clarifiquen suficientment els papers i responsabilitats dels diferents membres de les instàncies de govern escolar, els resultats de la investigació posen de relleu algunes dificultats que afecten el seu funcionament. L’escassa participació de les mares i els pares de l’alumnat en les eleccions dels seus representants, així com la gestió opaca dels recursos financers, són alguns d’aquests entrebancs. Quant als directors d’escoles, figura emblemàtica de la governança escolar, són nomenats per decret ministerial. Tal i com succeeix amb el cas dels comitès de gestió de les escoles primàries, els resultats mostren la definició de les atribucions dels directors i revelen dificultats relatives a la seva contractació, formació i a les seves condicions de treball. / La presente tesis doctoral trata esencialmente de la gobernanza de las escuelas primarias públicas en Togo. Basándose en datos empíricos recogidos en un trabajo de campo realizado en este país, intenta analizar el funcionamiento de los comités de gestión de estas escuelas. Conjuntamente y de manera complementaria, la investigación aborda el papel de los directores de escuela en la gobernanza escolar, haciendo hincapié en sus distintas responsabilidades, las políticas de contratación, las condiciones en el ejercicio de sus funciones y las cuestiones relativas a su formación. La metodología utilizada en este estudio es de tipo cualitativo. Los resultados de la investigación son el fruto del análisis de un corpus de datos constituido a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales y colectivas llevadas a cabo, principalmente, con directores de escuelas y padres de alumnos, presidentes de los comités de gestión de las escuelas primarias. Estas entrevistas semiestructuradas fueron completadas por sesiones de observación in situ y por el análisis de documentación oficial de Togo relacionada con el tema de la investigación. Los resultados propuestos, una mezcla de « saber indígena » y de textos oficiales, permiten comprender en profundidad el rol desempeñado por las distintas partes implicadas en la gobernanza de las escuelas primarias en Togo. Los comités de gestión, órganos de orientación, planificación y de toma de decisiones en materia de gestión administrativa, pedagógica y financiera, están compuestos, según la normativa, por representantes del equipo docente, de los padres de alumnos y de la comunidad local. Mientras que los textos oficiales definen y clarifican con suficiencia los papeles y responsabilidades de los distintos miembros de las instancias de gobernanza escolar, los resultados de la investigación ponen sin embargo de manifiesto algunas dificultades que afectan a su funcionamiento. La escasa participación de las madres y padres del alumnado en las elecciones de sus representantes, así como la gestión opaca de los recursos financieros constituyen algunos de estos problemas. En cuanto a los directores de escuelas, figura emblemática en la gobernanza escolar, son nombrados por decreto ministerial. Tal y como ocurre con los comités de gestión de las escuelas primarias, los resultados subrayan la definición de las atribuciones de los directores y revelan dificultades relativas a su contratación, formación y a sus condiciones de trabajo. / This research is about the governance in state elementary schools in Togo, based on empirical data gathered in fieldwork across the country. It describes and analyses the operation of management committees as an organ of orientation, decision-making and management organs of these centres. It also discusses the headmaster’s role, emphasizing their responsibilities, the recruitment procedures, the exercise of its powers and matters relating to their training. The methodology used in this study is qualitative. The results of this research come from data collected from individual and collective semi-structured interviews that were completed with observations and documentary analysis. Interviews were conducted primarily to the presidents and secretaries of the management committees, parents, headmasters as well as school inspectors. The results suggested, a mixture of «traditional knowledge» and official texts, show in detail the role played by the different parties involved in the governance of elementary schools in Togo. The management committees are organs of orientation, planning and decision on administrative, financial and pedagogical topics in schools are composed of representatives of the teaching staff, parents, and local community. If the official texts adequately define and clarify the roles and responsibilities of different members of school government, the research results highlight some difficulties that affect their operation. The low participation of mothers and fathers of students in the election of their representatives, and the opaque management of financial resources, are some of these obstacles. The headmasters, emblematic figure of the school governance, are appointed by ministerial decree. As well as with the management committees of primary schools, the results show the definition of the headmasters’ attributions and reveal difficulties relating to their recruitment, training and working conditions. / Cette thèse de doctorat traite essentiellement de la gouvernance des écoles primaires publiques au Togo. S’appuyant sur de données empiriques collectées lors d’un travail de terrain réalisé dans ce pays, elle s’est attachée à analyser le fonctionnement des comités de gestion des écoles primaires, instances de gouvernance multi parties prenantes mises en place au sein de ces établissements scolaires publics du premier degré. Conjointement et de manière complémentaire, la recherche aborde la question des directeurs d’écoles dans la gouvernance scolaire, en mettant l’accent sur leurs différentes responsabilités, les politiques de leur recrutement, les conditions d’exercice de leur fonction et des questions relatives à leur formation. La méthodologie utilisée pour la réalisation de cette étude est de type qualitatif. Les résultats de la recherche sont le fruit d’analyse d’un corpus de données constitué d’entrevues semistructurées individuelles et collectives conduites principalement auprès de directeurs d’école et de parents d’élèves présidents de comités de gestion des écoles primaires. Ces entretiens semi-directifs ont été complétés par des séances d’observation in situ et par l’analyse de documents officiels du Togo en lien avec la thématique de la recherche. Les résultats proposés, un mélange de « savoir indigène » et de textes officiels, permettent de comprendre en profondeur le rôle joué par les différentes parties prenantes dans la gouvernance des écoles primaires au Togo. Les comités de gestion des écoles primaires, organes d’orientation, de planification et de prise de décision en matière de gestion administrative, pédagogique et financière, sont composés de représentants du corps enseignant, ceux des parents d’élèves et ceux de la communauté locale. Si les textes officiels définissent et clarifient avec suffisance les rôles et responsabilités des différents membres des instances de gouvernance scolaire, les résultats de la recherche mettent cependant en exergue, certaines difficultés qui affectent leur fonctionnement. La faible participation des parents aux élections de leurs représentants ainsi que la gestion opaque des ressources financières constituent quelques unes de ces difficultés. Quant aux directeurs d’école, figure emblématique dans la gouvernance scolaire, ils sont nommés par arrêté ministériel. A l’instar des comités de gestion des écoles primaires, les résultats révèlent la définition des attributions des directeurs d’école et dévoilent des difficultés relatives à leur recrutement, à leur formation et à leurs conditions de travail.

A model for the improvement of democratic school governance in South Africa : an education law perspective / by Marius Hilgard Smit.

Smit, Marius Hilgard January 2009 (has links)
The South African education system has been undergoing a process of transformation and democratisation. An historical overview of democracy in the South Africa education system confirms that the system had developed to become a highly centralised and bureaucratic system during the twentieth century, but it was transformed in 1996 to afford a greater degree of parental participation through local school governing bodies. Democracy is founded on a belief in individual rights, equality, and self-government by the majority of the people. The moral authority of the majority is based on the notion that there is more enlightenment and wisdom between many than in a single man. However, the power of the majority is always limited by the prerequisite of the rule of law and the implicit requirements of legality and justice. This implies that bureaucratic or undemocratic exercise of power by the majority or any person, including the state, would be contrary to the requirements of legality and democracy. An overview of the theories of democracy explains the complexities of the different orientations and ideological approaches to democracy. Critiques of democracy have identified an elitist, inegalitarian, and antiparticipatory core in liberal democracy. The sensible approach to these weaknesses of liberal democracy is to integrate the best features of the various theories of democracy towards a workable solution to manage the systemic conflicts. This includes the formal application of checks and balances and the substantive adjustment of the executive, legislative and judicial practice to maintain a harmonious equilibrium between equality and liberty. The theory of deliberative democracy suggests an additional way to improve substantive democracy. There is an inextricable link between democracy, education and the law. The South African Constitution provides for representative (political) and participatory democracy, as well as for the enshrinement of fundamental rights such as the right to basic education. In addition, the education legislation and policies contain numerous provisions that prescribe and necessitate democratisation of the education system. However, the empirical results of the study show that a number of controversial bureaucratic practices and a tendency towards increased centralisation of the system, constrain democratic school governance. The most prominent undemocratic practices in the system inter alia include: the over-politicisation of schools by the dominant teachers’ union; the bureaucratic appointment of educators; the interference by teachers’ unions with the appointment of educators, the bureaucratic imposition of English medium language policies on Afrikaans schools; and • the ambivalent attitude towards inclusive education. An investigation into the knowledge levels of senior education administrators, school principals and school governing chairpersons, which participated in this study, revealed that their knowledge of participatory democracy and Education Law was superficial. This ignorance of these stakeholders in education compounds the problem of effectively administering, managing and governing schools in a democratic manner. Conclusions drawn from the evidence of this study suggests that certain of the encumbrances to democracy in schools and the system can be attributed to systemic weaknesses, as well as to misconceptions and the misapplication of democratic principles. Finally, the study proposes two models to improve democratic school governance. The first model suggests a theoretical framework for improving the power relations, knowledge, civic attitudes and democratic values. The final model, which is based on the first theoretical model, proposes that Area School Boards be statutorily established to govern defunctive schools and that deliberative forums should be established and implemented within the organisational hierarchy of the education system. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009

A model for the improvement of democratic school governance in South Africa : an education law perspective / by Marius Hilgard Smit.

Smit, Marius Hilgard January 2009 (has links)
The South African education system has been undergoing a process of transformation and democratisation. An historical overview of democracy in the South Africa education system confirms that the system had developed to become a highly centralised and bureaucratic system during the twentieth century, but it was transformed in 1996 to afford a greater degree of parental participation through local school governing bodies. Democracy is founded on a belief in individual rights, equality, and self-government by the majority of the people. The moral authority of the majority is based on the notion that there is more enlightenment and wisdom between many than in a single man. However, the power of the majority is always limited by the prerequisite of the rule of law and the implicit requirements of legality and justice. This implies that bureaucratic or undemocratic exercise of power by the majority or any person, including the state, would be contrary to the requirements of legality and democracy. An overview of the theories of democracy explains the complexities of the different orientations and ideological approaches to democracy. Critiques of democracy have identified an elitist, inegalitarian, and antiparticipatory core in liberal democracy. The sensible approach to these weaknesses of liberal democracy is to integrate the best features of the various theories of democracy towards a workable solution to manage the systemic conflicts. This includes the formal application of checks and balances and the substantive adjustment of the executive, legislative and judicial practice to maintain a harmonious equilibrium between equality and liberty. The theory of deliberative democracy suggests an additional way to improve substantive democracy. There is an inextricable link between democracy, education and the law. The South African Constitution provides for representative (political) and participatory democracy, as well as for the enshrinement of fundamental rights such as the right to basic education. In addition, the education legislation and policies contain numerous provisions that prescribe and necessitate democratisation of the education system. However, the empirical results of the study show that a number of controversial bureaucratic practices and a tendency towards increased centralisation of the system, constrain democratic school governance. The most prominent undemocratic practices in the system inter alia include: the over-politicisation of schools by the dominant teachers’ union; the bureaucratic appointment of educators; the interference by teachers’ unions with the appointment of educators, the bureaucratic imposition of English medium language policies on Afrikaans schools; and • the ambivalent attitude towards inclusive education. An investigation into the knowledge levels of senior education administrators, school principals and school governing chairpersons, which participated in this study, revealed that their knowledge of participatory democracy and Education Law was superficial. This ignorance of these stakeholders in education compounds the problem of effectively administering, managing and governing schools in a democratic manner. Conclusions drawn from the evidence of this study suggests that certain of the encumbrances to democracy in schools and the system can be attributed to systemic weaknesses, as well as to misconceptions and the misapplication of democratic principles. Finally, the study proposes two models to improve democratic school governance. The first model suggests a theoretical framework for improving the power relations, knowledge, civic attitudes and democratic values. The final model, which is based on the first theoretical model, proposes that Area School Boards be statutorily established to govern defunctive schools and that deliberative forums should be established and implemented within the organisational hierarchy of the education system. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009

The contribution of school governing bodies (SGBS) in Section twenty-one rural schools

Nyambi, Makhayingi Mandrew 05 September 2005 (has links)
The awarding of section twenty-one status to schools is seen as part of the democratisation of education in South Africa. The aim of this study is to determine the impact that the allocation of section-twenty one powers has on the functioning of School Governing Bodies in rural section 21 schools. A case study involving three schools; a moving school, stationary school and a promenading school was conducted. The SGB members in these schools were interviewed to elicit information and get their viewpoints. Non-participatory observation was also conducted to add on the information gathered from the respondents. Other stakeholders involved in education were also interviewed, for instance the Chairperson of the National Association of School Governing Bodies and the Section 21 co-ordinator. It has emerged from the findings of the study that many SGBs are not coping with the allocated functions thrust upon them because of lack of skills and involvement. This results in the bulk of the SGB duties being performed by the principal or educators. / Dissertation (MEd (Education Management))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Restructuring school governance : the changing leadership role of the principal in a democratic decision-making milieu

Masheula, Nkosana Maxwell 25 August 2009 (has links)
With the advent of democracy in South Africa, education has undergone major changes. One of these changes seeks to entrench democratic management and governance in schools. In terms of section 16 of the South African Schools Act of 1996 the governance of public school is vested in the governing body, but the professional management must be undertaken by the principal under the authority of the Head of Department. Parents are not involved in the teaching and learning domain. This study investigated the leadership role of the principal in the management and governance of the public schools in the Ekurhuleni East Education District (Gauteng Province). The data were obtained through a structured questionnaire and the stakeholder participation grid. Respondents were principals from the primary and secondary schools. It is recommended that consideration be given to the ongoing capacity building of the SGB's so that they give better, efficient and effective service. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

The capacity of school governing bodies in rural schools in the Moretele district of the Nkangala region

Maluleka, John Shebabese 31 March 2008 (has links)
The introduction of school governing bodies provided the communities with an opportunity to play a significant role in the organisation and governance of the schools. This involvement of significant stakeholders is purported to oversee that schools offer education of high quality to the learners. However, school governance is a legal responsibility, which requires skills, knowledge and expertise to ensure that SGB members will be able to fulfil the concomitant legal duties. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of SGBs' capacity on school governance in three rural schools in the Moretele District. The findings revealed that SGBs' knowledge and understanding of their roles and responsibilities, and the type of training they receive have a marked effect on their functionality. There is also a need to recruit SGB members with a particular level of education, knowledge, understanding and expertise to minimize the chances of failure. / Educational Studies / Thesis (M. Ed.)

Exploring practices determining the effectiveness and improvement of secondary schools in the Free State Province

Makoelle, Tsediso Michael 11 1900 (has links)
Globally, there are numerous debates on what constitutes an effective school. Parents strive to choose what they regard as the best school for the education of their children. Historically, school effectiveness is a phenomenon associated with learner attainment. Yet, school effectiveness is measured and conceptualized differently throughout the world. The aim of this research was to determine and define the factors contributing to the effectiveness of secondary schools in the Free State Province of South Africa. A case study was conducted on six schools selected in the Free State Province. Data were collected qualitatively by means of semi-structured and focus-group interviews with principals, SMTs, teachers, SGBs, learning facilitators and school-management and -governance developers. A documentary analysis was carried out to triangulate data from interviews. The data collected were triangulated and supported by an extensive literature review on school effectiveness and improvement. In particular, the literature review encompassed the policy context of school effectiveness in South Africa, definitions of the concept of school effectiveness, models of school effectiveness, methods of evaluating school effectiveness, the relationship between school effectiveness and school improvement, change and school improvement, approaches to school improvement and the characteristics of effective schools. The legislative framework for both teacher and school evaluations is highlighted and their effectiveness critically reviewed with reference to current investigations in the field. These empirical investigations, which, form part of this larger qualitative research project, show that effective schools exhibited high learner attainment, effective teaching and learning, as well as a highly effective leadership and management. Management, leadership and administration, curriculum, school governance and VI school support structures were confirmed as very instrumental as far as school effectiveness and improvement are concerned. Furthermore the study indicates that the current policies are not enhancing school effectiveness and improvement, thus the study recommends the index of school effectiveness and improvement (ISE&I). The Index of School Effectiveness and Improvement, which is a document that schools can use to review and enhance their effectiveness, is a model developed in the course of this study to assist schools in improving their effectiveness. Unlike the WSE review, which takes place every five years, the index suggests a continuous and regular review process by schools carried out by all stakeholders. In conclusion, an overview of the challenges identified by this research project, as well as the aspects in need of further research, is highlighted. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The role of the school governing body (SGB) in conflict management : a case study

Majola, Vangile Joyce 01 1900 (has links)
The study focused on the role of the School Governing Body (SGB) in the management of conflict in schools. The investigation was done in one of the secondary schools in Gauteng Province. Causes of conflict and the challenges facing the SGB, teachers, learners and parents have been discussed. Types and nature of conflict have been listed and discussed including the resolutions and management of conflict. A literature review provided a conceptual framework and covered definitions of conflict, conflict management strategies, conflict resolution, governance and qualities required for a successful SGB in governing conflict in a secondary school. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach was conducted and data gathered by means of interviews with the SGB. Finally a synopsis of findings and recommendations was made to assist the policy makers, departmental officials, SGBs, principals, teachers and parents in proper management of conflict in secondary schools. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Exploring the experiences and challenges faced by school governing bodies in secondary schools in the province of KwaZulu Natal

Baruth, Gayatri Devi 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the experiences and challenges of the SGBs in secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal. The research study focused mainly on the following key areas: the handling of learner discipline, the management of school finances, the formulation of the admissions policy and finally, the appointment of staff. The South African Schools Act promulgated in 1994 was committed to ensuring democracy in education through the active involvement of all stakeholders such as parents, learners (in secondary schools), educators and principal in the decision-making processes in schools. However, the evolution of school governance within the South African context during the past sixteen years has gone through many challenges in its determination to create an equitable society. Many School Governing Boards (SGBs), especially those in rural and previously disadvantaged schools do not adhere to the practices stipulated within the South African School Act of 1996 and as a result fail in their mandate. The empirical approach, namely qualitative research was successful in obtaining information from participants about the challenges they faced in school governance. The study revealed that SGBs faced immediate challenges and were not adequately capacitated to handle these challenges. Findings on learner discipline included cases such as stabbings, bullying, theft, alcohol and substance abuse, gang fights, school violence and learner fights. Findings on the handling school finances included cases such as the misappropriation of funds and the lack of proper financial planning. The adoption of discriminatory admissions practices by schools was also evident. In particular, cases of discrimination against age, religion and the use of admission tests were reported. A high level of corruption, nepotism, personal preferences and the abuse of power was common in the staff appointments vii made by the SGBs were also reported. Finally, the study made a number of recommendations with regard to the research findings for all stakeholders in South African education to consider. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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