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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är ett samhällsproblem och inte ett skolproblem" : En studie av mellan- och högstadielärares upplevelse av sin roll och ansvar i relation till elevers skolnärvaro / "It´s a societal problem and not a school problem" : A study of middle school and high school teachers' perceptions of their role and responsibilities related to pupils' school attendance

Skoglund, Christina January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks lärares förståelse av fenomenet skolfrånvaro/skolnärvaro utifrån ramsättningarna: roll och ansvar. Då fenomenet är komplext, sammanvävt inom ömsesidiga relationella beroenden mellan elev, lärare, skola, familj, vänner, hälsa, juridik, politik, och så vidare, sker studien genom kvalitativ tematisk analys för att undersöka empirin. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med mellan- och högstadielärare i kommunala grundskolor i en mellanstor kommun i Sverige. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats i ljuset av tidigare forskning samt med hjälp av teorier som på olika vis utgår från en systemisk förståelse. Forskningsfrågorna kunde besvaras genom studien och resultatet som följer visar att meningsskapande och förståelse för det sammantagna fenomenet polariseras av respondenterna. Frånvaro betraktas ur ett patogent perspektiv, likt något som behöver botas, och närvaro ur ett salutogent perspektiv, något som kan främjas. Implikationerna som kan följa av detta resultat är de mest intressanta produkterna från studien, vilka kan ge upphov till idéer för möjlig fortsatt forskning. / This study examines teachers' understanding of the phenomenon of school absence/attendance based on the frameworks: role and responsibility. Since the phenomenon is complex, interwoven within mutual relational dependencies between student, teacher, school, family, friends, health, law, politics, and so on, the study uses qualitative thematic analysis to examine the empirical data. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with middle and high school teachers in municipal primary schools in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. The interview material has been analyzed in the light of previous research and with the help of theories that in various ways are based on a systemic understanding. The research questions could be answered through the study and the results that follow show that the creation of meaning and understanding of the overall phenomenon is polarized by the respondents. Absence is considered from a pathogenic perspective, as something that needs to be cured, and presence from a salutogenic perspective, something that can be promoted. The implications that can follow from this result are the most interesting products of the study, which can give rise to ideas for possible further research.

Skolpersonals och elevers upplevelser av problematisk skolfrånvaro : En litteraturöversikt

Holgersson, Elin, Ahlén, Leonella January 2023 (has links)
Barnens framtida utveckling formas till stor del av skolan och påverkas av dess omgivningsfaktorer. Om eleven inte kommer till skolan och deltar i undervisningen kan det leda till konsekvenser. Syftet med studien var att undersöka upplevelser av problematisk skolfrånvaro bland skolpersonal och elever samt att diskutera kring arbetsterapeutisk kompetens för denna problematik. Urvalet resulterade i nio artiklar med kvalitativ ansats där skolpersonals- och/eller elevers upplevelser presenterades. Artiklarna analyserades med inspiration av kvalitativ innehållsanalys där resultatet delades in underkategorier som sedan fick tre huvudkategorier – 1) Orsaker till skolfrånvaro, 2) Resurstillgångar i skolmiljö vid skolfrånvaro, 3) Brister i skolmiljön. Resultatet visade att skolfrånvaroproblemen orsakades av att elever kände sig otrygga, rädda och pressade i skolmiljön. Skolpersonal och elever hade olika uppfattningar om huruvida tillgångar och resurser tillhandahållits. I diskussionen sammankopplas den inhämtade forskningen med arbetsterapi och hur kompetensen att se människan ur ett aktivitetsperspektiv kan användas i skolmiljön för att främja delaktighet. Slutsatsen indikerar att forskning och implementering av arbetsterapeutisk kompetens i skolmiljön kan vara av vikt för skolpersonal och elever kopplat till problematisk skolfrånvaro.

Elevohälsoplan 2023: Goda intentioner : En policyanalys av skolors arbete gällande skolfrånvaro och elevhälsa ur ett helhetsperspektiv

Fredriksson, Ricard, Holmberg Wallin, Rickard January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna uppsats syftade till att utforska varför skolfrånvaron och därmed hemmasittandet har ökat. Genom att analysera elevhälsoplaner och jämföra dem med tidigare forskning, identifierades en möjlig koppling mellan ändringar i skollagen och ökningen av hemmasittande. Bronfenbrenners systemteori och Beckers avvikarkarriär-teori användes som huvudsakliga teoretiska ramar för analysen. Resultaten pekade på att förändringar i skollagen har manifesterat sig som strikta riktlinjer i elevhälsoplanerna. Dessa riktlinjer, tillsammans med skolornas stödinsatser, kan ha en oavsiktlig stämplande effekt på elever som inte uppfyller förväntningarna. Studien visade att medan dessa stödinsatser syftar till att hjälpa elever, kan de i vissa fall förstärka elevernas avvikelse från den etablerade normen. Tidigare forskning har belyst vissa riskgrupper, såsom de med ADHD eller ASD, och deras potential att undvika skolan på grund av utmaningar relaterade till sociala faktorer och inlärningssvårigheter. Även om dessa specifika diagnoser inte alltid nämndes explicit i elevhälsoplanerna, antyder planernas fokus på sociala faktorer och inlärningssvårigheter att dessa riskgrupper kan vara i åtanke. Metodologiskt använde studien dokumentanalys av elevhälsoplaner, vilket gav en inblick i skolornas officiella ställningstaganden men kunde sakna insikt i verklig implementering. Studiens implikationer pekar på att skolan kan behöva omvärdera sina stödinsatser för att undvika oavsiktlig stigmatisering. Dessutom kan involvering av fler samhällsinstanser, som socialtjänsten, vara en väg framåt för att bättre stödja elever i riskzonen för hemmasittande. / Abstract This study aimed to investigate the reasons behind the rise in school absenteeism and, consequently, the increase in students staying at home. By analyzing student health plans and comparing them with prior research, a potential link between amendments in the Education Act and the surge in students staying at home was identified. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory and Becker's theory of deviant behavior served as the primary theoretical frameworks for the analysis. The findings indicated that changes in the Education Act have manifested as stringent guidelines in student health plans. These guidelines, combined with schools' supportive interventions, may inadvertently label students who do not meet the expectations. While these interventions aim to assist students, they might, in certain instances, amplify students' deviation from established norms. Previous research highlighted specific risk groups, such as those with ADHD or ASD, and their likelihood to avoid school due to challenges related to social factors and learning difficulties. Even if these specific diagnoses were not always explicitly mentioned in the student health plans, the plans' emphasis on social factors and learning difficulties suggests these risk groups might be considered. Methodologically, the study employed document analysis of student health plans, offering insight into schools' official stances but possibly lacking a comprehensive view of their actual implementation. The study's implications suggest that schools might need to re-evaluate their supportive measures to avoid unintentional stigmatization. Moreover, involving more societal entities, such as social services, might present a proactive approach to better support students at risk of staying home.

Barn som drabbas av problematisk skolfrånvaro : Socialt arbete med barn som lever med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Children that are affected by problematic school absenteeism : Social work with children that live with problematic school absenteeism

Hilding Blåvarg, Leija, Högman von Post, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks yrkesverksamma inom skola och socialtjänst perspektiv på problematisk skolfrånvaro ifrån yrkesverksamma inom skola och socialtjänst. Studien är en kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie där nio intervjuer genomförts och inkluderade tio deltagare. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats utifrån ekologisk systemteori och symbolisk interaktionism. Resultatet från studien visade på att problematisk skolfrånvaro ansågs uppstå av flera olika anledningar och att det inte är eleven som enbart är problemet utan att det är också samhället som brister när problematisk skolfrånvaro uppstår. Problematisk skolfrånvaro beskrivs som ett samlingsbegrepp för att elever inte är i skolan av olika anledningar eller inte hänger med i studierna. De insatser som studiens deltagare uppfattade vara mest effektiva mot problematisk skolfrånvaro var att kartlägga barnets situation, skapa en relation till barnet vårdnadshavare för att kunna ge rätt stöd och att personal gör sällskap med barnet till skolan. / This study explores problematic school absence through the perspectives of professionals from schools and social services. It is a qualitative semi-structured interview study involving nine interviews with ten participants. The interview material was analyzed through ecological systems theory and symbolic interactionism. The study indicates that problematic school absence is attributed to a variety of reasons and that the problem lies not solely with the pupils but also with society when problematic school absence occurs. Problematic school absence is described as an umbrella term for pupils not being in school for various reasons or not keeping up with their studies. The interventions perceived as most effective by the professionals interviewed were to map the child's situation, build a relationship with the child to provide the right support, and for staff to accompany the child to school.

Factors related to school refusal of black adolescents in the Impendle area

Chemane, Bonginkosi Reginald 11 1900 (has links)
The specific aim of this research study was to identify, explore, describe and interpret the factors related to school refusal of black adolescents. An overview of literature was used to arrive at a broader appreciation of issues pertaining to school refusal phenomenon and also to black adolescents. Ten subjects participated in this study. Data were gathered qualitatively using ethnographic interviews. The following factors were found to be contributory to the problem of school refusal: School refusers who stay with grandparents instead of staying with biological parents; fear of something specific at school; lack of insight into the refusal problem; lover plays a role in refusal behaviour; protective parents; poor social relationships; fathers that play a marginal role in the family; parents' worldview; emotional problems and weak or no attempts to stop behaviour. The emphasis was on the understanding of the refusal phenomenon rather than on cause and effect. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Absenteeism, an indicator of the health status of school children in the middle schools of the Molopo region in the North-West Province

Hlonipho, Maria Molebogeng 01 1900 (has links)
Health related absenteeism was identified as a problem in the schools in the Molopo region, needing a multi-disciplinary approach which included the parents. A conceptual framework on absenteeism was used as a guideline for the descriptive research design. Using a convenience sampling technique 426 absentees, 22 teachers and 2 school nurses filled in three separate questionnaires in ten schools selected to determine the extent of absenteeism due to health related and other problems, the control measures taken and the awareness of school personnel. Health problems were identified as the main reasons for absenteeism. Inadequate communication between the schools and parents as well as lack of guidelines on the control of absenteeism, were other problems identified. Recommendations made related to the provision of school health services that promote the health status of the pupils based on Primary Health Care principles, parental involvement in school health matters and the formulation of policies aimed at controlling absenteeism in schools. / Health Sciences / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Factors related to school refusal of black adolescents in the Impendle area

Chemane, Bonginkosi Reginald 11 1900 (has links)
The specific aim of this research study was to identify, explore, describe and interpret the factors related to school refusal of black adolescents. An overview of literature was used to arrive at a broader appreciation of issues pertaining to school refusal phenomenon and also to black adolescents. Ten subjects participated in this study. Data were gathered qualitatively using ethnographic interviews. The following factors were found to be contributory to the problem of school refusal: School refusers who stay with grandparents instead of staying with biological parents; fear of something specific at school; lack of insight into the refusal problem; lover plays a role in refusal behaviour; protective parents; poor social relationships; fathers that play a marginal role in the family; parents' worldview; emotional problems and weak or no attempts to stop behaviour. The emphasis was on the understanding of the refusal phenomenon rather than on cause and effect. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Absenteeism, an indicator of the health status of school children in the middle schools of the Molopo region in the North-West Province

Hlonipho, Maria Molebogeng 01 1900 (has links)
Health related absenteeism was identified as a problem in the schools in the Molopo region, needing a multi-disciplinary approach which included the parents. A conceptual framework on absenteeism was used as a guideline for the descriptive research design. Using a convenience sampling technique 426 absentees, 22 teachers and 2 school nurses filled in three separate questionnaires in ten schools selected to determine the extent of absenteeism due to health related and other problems, the control measures taken and the awareness of school personnel. Health problems were identified as the main reasons for absenteeism. Inadequate communication between the schools and parents as well as lack of guidelines on the control of absenteeism, were other problems identified. Recommendations made related to the provision of school health services that promote the health status of the pupils based on Primary Health Care principles, parental involvement in school health matters and the formulation of policies aimed at controlling absenteeism in schools. / Health Sciences / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Exploring student absenteeism at technical and vocational education colleges in North West, Bojanala District

Kasita, Mokotsi Patricia 16 November 2020 (has links)
Student non-attendance is a main challenge in TVET Colleges, especially in teaching and learning and the academic functioning of students. Various studies on student absenteeism and absenteeism in schools were reviewed in the literature. However, not much has been written about the challenges in TVET colleges. The focus of this research is on the three TVET College campuses in the Bojanala District in the North West Province. The qualitative method was used. Semi-structured interviews and non-participative observation were employed to gather information and the views of the participants about student absenteeism. The researcher selected the participants purposefully, as they have experienced the problem of absenteeism. Students and lecturers were selected as participants in the study. Lecturers acknowledged that the poor background of students was a contributing factor to poor attendance. The study concludes with recommendations on how to reduce the challenge of student non-attendance. The lack of transport money is a socioeconomic factor that contributes to student absenteeism in TVET colleges. It is recommended that NSFAS pays the transport money directly to the service provider. When students apply for a NSFAS bursary, they should provide proof of the transport that they use to help the bursary office in terms of transport arrangements. It is further recommended that all campuses should have student accommodation, and that bursary money should be paid directly to the accommodation services. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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