Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cot"" "subject:"scot""
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Socialt samspel och digital teknik i förskolans undervisning : Hur förskolebarn förhandlar om teknik i en digital resa genom rymden / Social interaction and digital technology in preschool education : How preschool children negotiate technology in a digital journey through spaceStenberg, Robert, Berg, Ferdous January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva och diskutera hur digital teknik och pedagogiska aktiviteter ömsesidigt konstrueras och meningsförhandlas inom ramarna för ett teknikbaserat lek- och undervisningsprojekt i förskolan. The social construction of technology (SCOT) blev en relevant teoretisk utgångspunkt för studiens syfte. Teorin valdes för att ge möjlighet att kunna synliggöra hur socialt samspel utvecklas och hur tekniken förhandlas i en teknikbaserad undervisning. Den forskningsmetod som användes i denna studie baseras på kvalitativa metoder där ett lek- och undervisningsprojekt genomfördes i två förskolor i norra Sverige. För att synliggöra studiens syfte och forskningsfrågor användes observation, videoobservation samt kompletterande fältanteckningar. Studiens resultat visade att den digitala tekniken och det sociala samspelet är två integrerade enheter som ömsesidigt påverkas av varandra. De deltagande barnen använde sig av artefakter i sina förhandlingsstrategier för att kunna inverka på den digitala tekniken. I sin tur influerade den digitala tekniken barnens ömsesidiga samspel och deras interaktion med den digitala tekniken. Ömsesidig påverkan mellan den digitala tekniken och det sociala samspelet skapade situationer av rika dialoger mellan barnen och mellan barnen och den digitala tekniken. Dessa två enheter influerade växelvis varandra där de tillsammans skapade en utmanande, stimulerande och flexibel lärandemiljö. För att kunna vidga barnens digitala kompetens behöver förskolans pedagoger skapa möjligheter för barnen att möta, undersöka och utforska digital teknik.
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Transmedialt arbete med spel på svenska folkbibliotek : En enkätstudie / Transmedial work with games in Swedish public libraries : Asurvey studyYsberg, Katrin, Ivares, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to attain an understanding of the adoption and development of games and transmedia storytelling in Swedish public libraries. We studied the extent, the purposes and the way in which Swedish public libraries have included games and transmedia storytelling into their collections and programs. In order to fulfill the aim of the study a survey study was conducted. The survey was distributed to one public library in every Swedish municipality. The empirical material was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as the SCOT-model. Transmedia storytelling proved to be a difficult concept to study, therefore we focused mainly on its connection to gaming programs. The findings show that transmedial gaming programs are less common than regular gaming programs, and among these eight different types of programs were identified. Concerning the purposes for these different types of programs nine distinct categories were identified, which showed that the public libraries had diverse views regarding games and transmedial work with games in libraries. Through an analysis using the SCOT-model we reached the conclusion that the studied libraries’ adoption of games and transmedial work with games is in its early stages and that there are still problems to be solved before a consensus can be reached.
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Planification des déplacements et développement urbain durable en Champagne-Ardenne : approche analytique des quatre principales agglomérations de la région Champagne-Ardenne / Mobility planning and urban sustainable development in Champagne-Ardenne : Analytic approch of the four main cities of Champagne-ArdenneHasan, Ali 30 May 2012 (has links)
Résumé : La coordination entre les politiques d'urbanisme et de transport, dans un nouveau contexte façonné par la montée en puissance des préoccupations environnementales et des enjeux du développement durable, est plus que jamais recherchée afin d'assurer une meilleure cohérence entre ces deux domaines. Ce travail a pour objectif d'analyser la place des politiques de mobilités urbaines au sein d'une politique plus globale de développement urbain durable.Beaucoup d'innovations et de bonnes pratiques dans le domaine du transport, proposant des modes alternatifs de déplacement, ont été adoptées pour répondre aux exigences du développement durable et surtout pour tenter de diminuer la place de la voiture particulière. Pour ce faire, des actions technologiques et organisationnelles doivent être insérées au sein de formes urbaines alternatives favorisant la ville à courte distance et la mixité et renforçant l'accessibilité (une des facettes du lien entre transport et urbanisme). De ce fait, la coordination et la complémentarité entre les politiques d'urbanisme, d'habitat et de transport ainsi qu'entre les acteurs aux échelles urbaine et interurbaine, doivent être renforcées.Cette recherche trouve son originalité dans l'étude comparative des quatre principales agglomérations de la région Champagne-Ardenne (Reims, Troyes, Charleville-Mézières et Châlons-en-Champagne), agglomérations de taille moyenne qui ont moins été étudiées que les grandes agglomérations. Elle examine comment les questions des déplacements et des mobilités ont été prises en compte dans les documents de planification stratégique de transport (SCoT et PDU). Alors que le lien entre transport et urbanisme se présente comme un des objectifs prônés par la loi SRU, qu'en est-il vraiment de la cohérence entre ces deux domaines en Champagne-Ardenne ? / Abstract : Mobility planning and urban sustainable development in Champagne-Ardenne. Analytical approach of the four main cities of Champagne-ArdenneCoordination between urbanism and transportation policies is more and more demanded in a new context characterized by an increasing concern for environmental issues and sustainable development. This research aims to analyse the role of urban mobility policies within more global sustainable development policies. Many innovative practices have been adopted in order to limit the importance of private cars and to foster alternative modes of mobility. This supposes to integrate technological and organisational actions into alternative urban forms favouring short distance, mixity and accessibility, which needs a better coordination between urbanism, dwelling and transportation policies at both urban and interurban scales.This research takes its originality from a comparative survey of the four main cities in Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, Troyes, Charleville-Mézières and Châlons-en-Champagne, i.e. mid-size cities that have been less studied than greater cities. It appreciates how mobility issues have been taken into account in strategic planning documents (SCOT, PDU). Since the link between mobility and city planning is one of the main objectives of the Solidarity and Urban Renewal act implemented in 2000, how far goes the coherence between these two fields of action ?Key-words : Strategic planning – Mobility planning policies – Urban mobility plans (PDU) – Master plans (SCOT) – Coherence between transport and urbanism – Champagne-Ardenne – Mid-size cities.
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Cosmo Alexander: His Travels and Patronage in AmericaGeddy, Pamela McLellan 01 January 2000 (has links)
Relatively little is known of European artists who worked for short periods of time in the American Colonies during the eighteenth century. Perhaps Cosmo Alexander was typical of other artists who came to America seeking greater opportunity than in their homeland, only to leave several years later, perhaps disillusioned and no wealthier. Artists who are better known stayed in America long enough to build up clientele in a broad area and produced enough works to have many survive long enough to be documented by later sources. As the subjects in many of Alexander's portraits show, there was a large prosperous middle-class patronage of the art of portraiture. Considering the social conventions of the time, personal references and letters of recommendation would have facilitated travel and introduction to prospective clients. The emphasis of this research is the patronage which Cosmo Alexander found in the American Colonies as evidenced by portraits executed between 1765 and 1771. Family connections, Scottish ancestry and communities having large Scottish populations have played a part in determining probable routes. In 1961 Gavin L. M. Goodfellow submitted a thesis to Oberlin College on Cosmo Alexander. This was the first and (to date) the only extensive monograph on the artist. The thesis was general in nature, covering Alexander's life and listing all paintings known at that time, only sixteen of which were believed to have been painted in America. Because he dealt in detail with Alexander's total biography and stylistic characteristics, only one chapter was devoted to American works. Since Goodfellow's research the number of American paintings signed by or attributed to Alexander has increased from sixteen to twenty-six. With greater documentary evidence available, patterns can be established and generalizations made which possibly are typical of other artists in similar circumstances.
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Vida em conexão: celulares, usuários e mercado na construção do novo social / Connected life: mobile phones, users and market in the construction of the new socialSciré, Claudia D\'Ipolitto de Oliveira 15 August 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho se debruça sobre os elementos da cultura digital de nossos dias, que têm se tornado objetos presentes em toda a vida social, em suas mais diferentes esferas os telefones celulares. O intuito é descrever e analisar alguns dos fenômenos imbricados na construção desta cadeia de conectividade da qual celulares e todos nós, enquanto usuários, fazemos parte. Para tanto, o esforço empreendido foi o de compreender como estes objetos se inserem e compõem um amplo arranjo sociotécnico no qual circulam discursos, saberes, práticas, relações, circustâncias e eventos, envolvendo o mercado, os produtores, as inovações tencológicas de um lado e, consumidores e suas diversas práticas de uso e formas de vida, de outro. Demonstra-se como que toda esta rede não escapa aos eixos do mercado, pelo contrário, engloba-os e os faz crescer e os celulares constituem elementos agenciadores deste processo à medida em que fazem as próprias vidas de seus usuários circular pelas infovias, alterando os regimes de relações que envolvem o contato com o outros, as formas de ser estar no mundo, as formas de controle e os regimes de subjetivação. A principal contribuição deste estudo é, assim, mostrar que se está diante de novos vetores de poder que incidem diretamente sobre a gestão das vidas de cada um, às formas de uso do tempo, constituição de afetos, contribuindo, igualmente para dar novos contornos aos processos de geração de valor, cada vez mais atrelados aos momentos de consumo. Em suma, entender quais novas roupagens de questões, caras à teoria social, tais como governamentalidade e sociedade do controle entram em jogo, a partir do momento em que este objeto torna-se onipresente nas práticas sociais e de que forma estas questões se atualizam, é o que consistiu na tarefa primordial deste trabalho / This thesis focuses on one representative element of the current digital culture, which has become present in all social life in its different spheres the mobile phone. Our aim is to describe and analyze some of the overlapping phenomena in the construction of this connectivity chain to which mobile phones and we, as users, belong. To this end, the effort undertaken was to understand how these artifacts are inserted and comprise a broad socio-technical arrangement in which discourses, knowledge, practices, relationships, circumstances and events flow, involving the market, the producers, the technological innovations on one side and the consumers, and their various daily use practices and life habits on the other. We try to show how this whole network does not escape to the axes of the market, by contrast, it embraces and makes them grow and how the mobile phones are important elements of this process because they made the lives of its users move through the networks flows, changing, by this way, the relationships that involve the contact with the other, the ways of being in the world, the control practices and the regimes of subjectivity. The main contribution of this study is thus to show that one is facing new vectors of power that directly affect the management of each other\'s lives, the time use forms, the constitution of affects, contributing also to give new dimensions to processes of value creation, which are increasingly tied to consumption occasions. In short, to understand how new social issues, come into play, from the time that this artifacts become ubiquitous in social practices and how these are updated in terms of governmentality and social control is the primary task of this work
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Following the instruments and users : the mutual shaping of digital sampling technologiesHarkins, Paul Michael January 2016 (has links)
The socio-musical practice of sampling is closely associated with the re-use of pre-existing sound recordings and the technological processes of looping. These practices, based on appropriation and repetition, have been particularly common within the genres of hip-hop and Electronic Dance Music (EDM). Yet early digital sampling instruments such as the Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument (CMI) were not designed for these purposes. The technologists at Fairlight Instruments in Australia were primarily interested in the use of digital synthesis to imitate the sounds of acoustic instruments; sampling was a secondary concern. In the first half of the thesis, I follow digital sampling instruments like the Fairlight CMI and the E-mu Emulator by drawing on interviews with their designers and users to trace how they were used to sample the sounds of everyday life, loop sequenced patterns of sampled sounds, and sample extracts from pre-existing sound recordings. The second half of the thesis consists of case studies that follow the users of digital sampling technologies across a range of socio-musical worlds to examine the diversity of contemporary sampling practices. Using concepts from the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS), this thesis focuses on the ‘user-technology nexus’ and continues a shift in the writing of histories of technologies from a focus on the designers of technologies towards the contexts of use and ‘the co-construction’ or ‘mutual shaping’ of technologies and their users. As an example of the ‘interpretative flexibility’ of music technologies, digital sampling technologies were used in ways unimagined by their designers and sampling became synonymous with re-appropriation. My argument is that a history of digital sampling technologies needs to be a history of both the designers and the users of digital sampling technologies.
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Vida em conexão: celulares, usuários e mercado na construção do novo social / Connected life: mobile phones, users and market in the construction of the new socialClaudia D\'Ipolitto de Oliveira Sciré 15 August 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho se debruça sobre os elementos da cultura digital de nossos dias, que têm se tornado objetos presentes em toda a vida social, em suas mais diferentes esferas os telefones celulares. O intuito é descrever e analisar alguns dos fenômenos imbricados na construção desta cadeia de conectividade da qual celulares e todos nós, enquanto usuários, fazemos parte. Para tanto, o esforço empreendido foi o de compreender como estes objetos se inserem e compõem um amplo arranjo sociotécnico no qual circulam discursos, saberes, práticas, relações, circustâncias e eventos, envolvendo o mercado, os produtores, as inovações tencológicas de um lado e, consumidores e suas diversas práticas de uso e formas de vida, de outro. Demonstra-se como que toda esta rede não escapa aos eixos do mercado, pelo contrário, engloba-os e os faz crescer e os celulares constituem elementos agenciadores deste processo à medida em que fazem as próprias vidas de seus usuários circular pelas infovias, alterando os regimes de relações que envolvem o contato com o outros, as formas de ser estar no mundo, as formas de controle e os regimes de subjetivação. A principal contribuição deste estudo é, assim, mostrar que se está diante de novos vetores de poder que incidem diretamente sobre a gestão das vidas de cada um, às formas de uso do tempo, constituição de afetos, contribuindo, igualmente para dar novos contornos aos processos de geração de valor, cada vez mais atrelados aos momentos de consumo. Em suma, entender quais novas roupagens de questões, caras à teoria social, tais como governamentalidade e sociedade do controle entram em jogo, a partir do momento em que este objeto torna-se onipresente nas práticas sociais e de que forma estas questões se atualizam, é o que consistiu na tarefa primordial deste trabalho / This thesis focuses on one representative element of the current digital culture, which has become present in all social life in its different spheres the mobile phone. Our aim is to describe and analyze some of the overlapping phenomena in the construction of this connectivity chain to which mobile phones and we, as users, belong. To this end, the effort undertaken was to understand how these artifacts are inserted and comprise a broad socio-technical arrangement in which discourses, knowledge, practices, relationships, circumstances and events flow, involving the market, the producers, the technological innovations on one side and the consumers, and their various daily use practices and life habits on the other. We try to show how this whole network does not escape to the axes of the market, by contrast, it embraces and makes them grow and how the mobile phones are important elements of this process because they made the lives of its users move through the networks flows, changing, by this way, the relationships that involve the contact with the other, the ways of being in the world, the control practices and the regimes of subjectivity. The main contribution of this study is thus to show that one is facing new vectors of power that directly affect the management of each other\'s lives, the time use forms, the constitution of affects, contributing also to give new dimensions to processes of value creation, which are increasingly tied to consumption occasions. In short, to understand how new social issues, come into play, from the time that this artifacts become ubiquitous in social practices and how these are updated in terms of governmentality and social control is the primary task of this work
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Les enjeux de la réglementation du stationnement sur le lieu de travail : Expériences et tendances à travers les exemples de l'Angleterre, la Belgique, la France et les Pays-BasLe Van, Elsa 13 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse traite du stationnement sur le lieu de travail, pour les activités tertiaires (immobilier de bureaux). Du législateur au planificateur urbain, de l'homme politique au promoteur immobilier, du chef d'entreprise au responsable administratif, c'est tout un jeu de relations croisées qui s'est instauré autour de la question des normes de stationnement liées à l'immobilier de bureaux. Pour les uns, ces normes doivent être fortement réglementées, pour les autres, le manque de place de stationnement peut constituer un frein au développement de l'activité économique. L'action sur le stationnement au lieu de travail vient du constat d'un désajustement entre l'offre de stationnement et les exigences globales de fonctionnement et de développement des aires urbaines. S'il est du ressort de la politique publique de prendre en charge ce désajustement, la définition d'une norme limitative, "plafond", pose trois questions relatives à l'impact de ces normes, à la cohérence de ces normes par rapport au contexte local, et enfin au contenu de la norme. L'objectif de la recherche est de montrer quelles seraient les conséquences d'une restriction des places de stationnement pour les pendulaires sur la mobilité. Il s'agit d'une part de comprendre quels sont les leviers des pouvoirs publics leur permettant à la fois de limiter le stationnement au lieu de travail et d'offrir les conditions nécessaires au développement économique de la Ville. Pour cela l'étude des pratiques des villes françaises (Grenoble, Lyon et Paris), mais aussi étrangères (Amsterdam, Bruxelles et Londres) permet de dresser un bilan des dispositifs réglementaires existants. D'autre part, l'analyse des interactions entre les différents acteurs permet de montrer l'existence de conflits d'intérêts dans la gestion des places de stationnement.
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Die Relationen der Identität und Gleichheit nach Johannes Duns Scotus Untersuchungen zur Ontologie der Beziehungen.Beckmann, Jan Peter. January 1967 (has links)
Diss.--Bonn. / On spine: J. Duns Scotus.
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Konverzace s našimi aplikacemi: Zkoumání sociálního kontextu komunikace s technologií / Conversations With Our Apps: Exploring the social context of communicating with technologyVaughan, Rebecca Susanne January 2021 (has links)
The words and messages in apps are part of a conversation between people and their technology that we take part in every day. As technology becomes increasingly embedded into our daily lives, we form relationships with our devices and our apps. While we might think of these relationships as different, our behaviors and interactions with technology are still shaped by the social world, and these messages found in apps are based on existing patterns in face-to-face conversation. UX writing is the process of creating these messages in user experiences, which facilitate people's social interactions between apps and other digital products. Interacting with apps and other digital products is inherently social, and by using conversational language as a driving component of UX writing and Human-Computer Interaction, we can also cast User Experience (UX) as a type of communicative exchange between a person and an app, and therefore User Experience (UX) as conversation. Through qualitative interviews and usability testing with native and non-native English speakers, this research explores what type of language style works best for a global audience in these conversations with our apps and how we can strategically apply conversational patterns to improve the experience of users. Abstrakt Slova a zprávy v...
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