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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Crisis of Caring: Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue among Student Conduct and Behavior Intervention Professionals

Bernstein Chernoff, Cara Rachel 05 April 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the self-perception of compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and burnout by student conduct administrators working in the United States of America. Additionally, this study looked at the years of experience, job responsibilities, on-call responsibilities and direct student contact hours which may impact an individual’s overall professional quality of life. To accomplish the objectives outlined in the purpose statement, the following research questions were explored: 1. What is the relationship between student conduct professionals’ compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress? 2. What is the relationship between student conduct professionals’ years of experience and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress? 3. What is the relationship between student conduct professionals’ responsibility areas and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress? 4. What is the relationship between student affairs professionals serving in an on-call capacity and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress? 5. What is the relationship between student conduct professionals’ amount of direct student contact and the compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress? This study utilized a quantitative methodology to collect data. For the purposes of this study, members of the Association for Student Conduct Administration were selected as the intended sample population. The study sample was comprised of 381 individuals (n=381). The web-based survey included Stamm’s (2010) Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL), closed-ended questions as well as a demographic survey. The study findings indicated that student conduct and behavior intervention professionals exhibited average levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. Correlations within the study sample existed negatively between compassion satisfaction and secondary traumatic stress with a positive correlation between burnout and secondary traumatic stress. Statistically significant results included the relationship between compassion satisfaction and the job responsibilities of academic integrity and alternative dispute resolution. Additionally, a statistically significant finding between burnout and the job responsibilities of student organizational conduct and Title IX investigation and adjudication. Lastly, a statistically significant difference between hours of direct student contact hours and secondary traumatic stress as well as a statistically significant predictor between hours of direct student contact hours and compassion satisfaction were established.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av empatitrötthet : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses experiences of compassion fatigue : A literatur review

Andersson, Joel, Doctor Mazreku, Jade January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Empatitrötthet är en kombination av utmattning och sekundär traumatisk stress som medfört en avsaknad eller förlust av empatiska förmågor i hopp om att skydda det egna välmåendet. Prevalensen av empatitrötthet ökar och därmed konsekvenserna det har på vården. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa litteratur som beskrev sjuksköterskors upplevelser av empatitrötthet. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats användes och underlaget bestod av tio kvalitativa studier baserade på beskrivningar från sjuksköterskor i olika omvårdnadssammanhang för att framhäva sjuksköterskor upplevelser av empatitrötthet.Resultat: Litteraturöversiktens resultat visar två huvudkategorier: Upplevda förluster i åsamkande av empatitrötthet och Upplevda lärdomar av empatitrötthet. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av sjuksköterskors upplevelser är former av förluster relaterat till empatitrötthet. Konklusion: Empatitrötthet är ett mångfacetterat fenomen vilket påverkar sjuksköterskan på flera plan. I slutändan leder det till inadekvat omvårdnad av patienter. Vidare för att undvika empatitrötthet krävs mer resurser i form av fler sjuksköterskor, tid för reflektion ska möjliggöras och ökat stöd från ledning samt organisation. Detta krävs för att säkerställa ett hållbart yrkesliv för sjuksköterskan och god omvårdnad för patienten. / Background: Compassion fatigue is a combination of fatigue and secondary traumatic stress which brings with it a lack or loss of empathic abilities, as a way to protect the individual's own wellbeing. The prevalence of compassion fatigue is on the rise as well as the consequences it has on nursing.Aim: The purpose of the study was to compile literature that described nurses' experiences of empathy fatigue. Method: A qualitative approach was used, and the data consisted of ten qualitative studies based on descriptions from nurses in various nursing contexts to highlight nurses’ experiences of compassion fatigue. Result: The result of the literature review discovered two main categories: Experienced losses caused by compassion fatigue and Perceived lessons learned by compassion fatigue. The findings show that the majority of nurses' experiences present themselves as losses related to compassion fatigue.Conclusion: Compassion fatigue is a multifaceted phenomenon which affects the nurse on several levels. In the end, it leads to inadequate care of patients. Furthermore, to avoid compassion fatigue, more resources are required such as additional nurses, added time for reflection and increased support from management and organization to ensure a sustainable career for the nurse and adequate care for the patients.

A Mixed Methods Research Approach to Identify the Prevalence and Impact of Compassion Fatigue on Forensic Nurses

Matthews, Erica M. 06 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Examining Trauma Exposure, Organizational Climate, and Job Outcomes in Child Welfare

Rodgers, Shano 01 January 2018 (has links)
Exposure to traumatic situations is routine for child welfare workers in California, and the attrition rate for newly hired social workers in some states is estimated to be nearly 50% in the 1st year of employment. Prior research has indicated that reasons for dissatisfaction included dysfunctional organizational climate and culture. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which trauma exposure contributed to secondary traumatic stress and intent to quit and to examine the degree to which organizational climate moderated the exposure among direct service child welfare employees. Kurt Lewin's field theory, Figley's theory of secondary traumatic stress or compassion fatigue, and McCann and Pearlman's constructivist self-development theory were foundational for this study. The research questions determined whether a) trauma exposure to would relate positively with secondary traumatic stress and intent to quit, b) organizational climate would relate negatively with secondary traumatic stress and intent to quit, and c) organizational climate would moderate the relationship between trauma exposure and secondary traumatic stress as well as intent to quit. Pearson correlations indicated that exposure to traumatic situations was statistically related to secondary traumatic stress but not intent to quit, and organizational climate was statistically significant in relation to secondary traumatic stress and intent to quit. Hierarchical regression analysis indicated no interaction effect on either dependent variable but might have approached significance with a larger sample. Positive social change can occur through child welfare organizations emphasizing strategies that can reduce secondary traumatic stress and turnover.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av empatitrötthet : En litteraturstudie / Nurses´ Experiences Of Compassion Fatigue : A literature review

Johansson, Hedvig, Jönsson, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Empatitrötthet, översatt från engelskans compassion fatigue, är ett komplext begrepp och anses vara en konsekvens av långvarig exponering av utbrändhet och sekundär posttraumatisk stress, som kännetecknas som avsaknad av empati. Empatitrötthet hos yrkesverksamma sjuksköterskor ses som ett problem, då det empatiska bemötandet mot patienterna ligger till grund för en personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa empatitrötthet relaterat till sjuksköterskans erfarenhet. Metod: Litteraturstudien är sammanställd av tio primärstudier med kvalitativ ansats, där sjuksköterskor från olika instanser inom sjukvården intervjuats för att undersöka deras erfarenhet av empatitrötthet. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier uppkom genom analysen: Ro ett sjunkande skepp, Alla känslor spenderas och Att hantera det ohanterbara. Resultatet visar att empatitrötthet påverkar sjuksköterskans välbefinnande negativt och har en inverkan på det patientnära arbetet. Hög arbetsbelastning i kombination med utebliven återhämtning och emotionellt påfrestande scenarion på arbetsplatsen föranledde empatitrötthet. Erfarenheter av empatitrötthet gestaltade sig i distansering och social isolation. Konklusion: Empatitrötthet är ett mångfacetterat fenomen som utvecklas över tid och gör sig uttryck i ett brett spektrum av negativa känslor hos sjuksköterskan. Empatitrötthet resulterade i emotionella och fysiska utmaningar för sjuksköterskor vilket i många fall utmynnade i en emotionell distansering som skapade svårigheter att möta patienternas komplexa behov. Varje enskild sjuksköterska ansågs finna sitt individuella sätt att hantera förlusten av den empatiska förmågan. / Background: Compassion fatigue is a complex concept and is considered to be a consequence of long-term exposure to burnout and secondary post-traumatic stress, which is characterized as a lack of empathy. Compassion fatigue in professional nurses is seen as a problem, as the empathic treatment of patients is the foundation of person-centred care. Purpose: The aim of the current study was to explore compassion fatigue related to the nurse's experience. Method: The literature study is compiled from ten primary studies with a qualitative approach, where nurses from different agencies within the healthcare were interviewed to investigate their experience of empathy fatigue. Results: Three main categories emerged from the analysis: Rowing a Sinking Ship, All Emotions Are Spent, and Dealing with the unmanageable. The results show that empathy fatigue affects the nurse's well-being negatively which leads to an impact on the complex person-centred care. High workload combined with lack of recovery and emotionally stressful scenarios in the workplace caused empathy fatigue. The experiences of empathy fatigue took the form of distancing and social isolation. Conclusion: Empathy fatigue is a multifaceted phenomenon that develops over time and manifests itself in a wide range of negative feelings in the nurse. Empathy fatigue resulted in mental and physical challenges for the nurses, which in many cases resulted in an emotional distancing that created difficulties in meeting the patients' complex needs. Each nurse was considered to find their own individual way of dealing with the loss of the empathic ability.

Consequences of Caring: The Manifestation of Compassion Fatigue in High School Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staggs, Randi 01 August 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this research study was to explore the symptoms of compassion fatigue as experienced by teachers in grades 9-12 during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the research on the effects of compassion fatigue on educators is relatively sparse, the literature regarding compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, and vicarious trauma in other helping professions revealed a 12-symptom framework. Data collection strategies included individual virtual interviews and field notes. Analysis of data occurred in four phases: (a) analyzing transcripts and identifying themes, (b) categorization of data under the 12 symptoms of compassion fatigue, (c) building the explanation in narrative form, and (d) re-examination of the data. The triangulation of data protected the credibility of the analysis through multiple interview sources and member checking. The results revealed that the physical, emotional, professional, and personal experiences described in the teacher interviews exemplified the 12 established symptoms of compassion fatigue. The results suggested that concern for student experiences during the pandemic combined with other contributing factors to manifest a variety of individual symptoms in participants. The most common contributing factors for participants included concerns for the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of students, student academic issues, feelings of being overwhelmed/overloaded at work, and anger and frustration with the school administration and the school system. The themes that emerged from the data analysis indicate that the most common manifested symptoms include lack of sleep, stress and anxiety, thoughts of leaving the teaching profession, and disconnection from family and friends.

Sätt på din egna syrgasmask innan du hjälper någon annan : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av empatitrötthet / Please apply your own oxygen mask before assisting others with theirs : A qualitative literature review about nurses experiences of compassion fatigue in closed care

Widebrant, Ida, Andersson, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Empatitrötthet påverkar många inom vården och kan ge stora konsekvenser för den som drabbas. Fenomenet kopplades till sjuksköterskor för första gången 1992 och är ett begrepp inom omvårdnad som syftar till att beskriva en form av utmattningssyndrom som kan drabba sjuksköterskor. Trauman är en oundviklig del av sjuksköterskans yrke, så väl som strävan efter ett empatiskt förhållningssätt. När dessa komponenter hamnar i obalans kan det påverka sjuksköterskans hela person, såväl kropp, ande som själ. Syfte: Att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser av empatitrötthet. Metod: En systematisk kvalitativ litteraturstudie har utförts baserat på kvalitativa ansatser för att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser av empatitrötthet. Resultat: Det finns många bidragande faktorer till utvecklandet av empatitrötthet. Specifika grupper av sjuksköterskor, nyutbildade och de som anser sig vara “frälsare”, löper störst risk att drabbas. Ett empatiskt förfarande är viktigt för att kunna ge en god vård. Konsekvenserna av empatitrötthet och avsaknaden av empati kan leda till negativ inverkan på sjuksköterskan, patienten och vården i sin helhet. Det finns vissa hanteringsstrategier att tillgå, främst diskuteras egenvård.  Konklusion: Litteraturstudien visar på bredden och komplexiteten av begreppet empatitrötthet. Resultatet visar på vikten av ökad kunskap kring fenomenet och hur det kan förebyggas samt lindras. / Background: Compassion fatigue affects many in healthcare and can have significant consequences for those who experience it. The phenomenon was first linked to nurses in 1992 and is a concept within nursing that aims to describe a form of burnout that can affect nurses. Trauma is an inevitable part of a nurse's profession, as well as the pursuit of an empathetic approach. When these components become imbalanced, it can affect the nurse's entire being, including their body, mind, and soul. Aim: To investigate nurses' experiences of compassion fatigue in closed care.  Method: A systematic qualitative literature review has been conducted based on qualitative approaches to examine nurses' experiences of compassion fatigue.  Result: There are many contributing factors to the development of compassion fatigue. Specific groups of nurses, such as newly graduated nurses and those who consider themselves "saviors," are at the highest risk of being affected. An empathic approach is important in providing good care. The consequences of compassion fatigue and the lack of empathy can have a negative impact on the nurse, the patient, and the healthcare system as a whole. There are some coping strategies available, primarily self-care.  Conclusion: The literature review demonstrates the breadth and complexity of the concept of compassion fatigue. The results emphasize the importance of increased knowledge about the phenomenon and how it can be prevented and eased.

An exploration of the experience and effects of trauma counselling on lay counsellors: A constructivist approach

Macliam, Juliette Kathryn 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to tell the story of lay trauma counsellors - how the work they do affects them, what helps them to cope and what hinders their coping. The epistemological framework of this study is constructivism. This study involved in-depth interviews with three lay trauma counsellors from different cultural backgrounds who counselled for a minimum of one year. Hermeneutics was the method used to analyse the data. The stories of participants were recounted through the researcher’s lens in the form of specific themes that emerged for individual participants. Recurring themes evident in the stories of all three participants were discussed and compared with the literature. The information gleaned could be valuable to organisations considering setting up lay trauma programmes, to those with established programmes, as well as to prospective and experienced lay counsellors. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Att ta del av andras trauman : En kvalitativ studie om compassion fatigue i utredningsarbete med ensamkommande barn och ungdomar

Igelström Karlsson, Kalle, Modaser, Zekria January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate perceptions and experiences of compassion fatigue that exist among social workers who work with the investigative work of unaccompanied children and adolescents. The study further investigated their experiences of preventive and counteracting actions. In this qualitative study, interviews were conducted with six social workers who worked with unaccompanied children and adolescents. The results show that social workers have experiences of compassion fatigue. There are many descriptions of burnout syndrome, and a few descriptions of secondary traumatic stress. The results also show that social workers have many ideas about how to prevent or counteract compassion fatigue, both with ideas in the form of self-care or ideas about organizational changes. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter av compassion fatigue som finns bland socialsekreterare som arbetar med utredningsarbete av ensamkommande barn och ungdomar. I studien undersöktes också deras upplevelser av förebyggande eller motverkande åtgärder. Studien är kvalitativ och sex socialsekreterare som arbetar med ensamkommande barn och ungdomar intervjuades. Resultatet visar att socialsekreterarna har upplevelser och erfarenheter av compassion fatigue. Det finns många beskrivningar av utmattningssyndrom, och ett fåtal beskrivningar av sekundär traumatisk stress. Resultatet visar också att socialsekreterarna har många tankar om hur man förebygger eller motverkar compassion fatigue, både i form av egenvård eller idéer om organisatoriska förändringar.

Impact of Person-Environment Fit upon Strain and Well-Being for Emergency Responders

Schantz, April D. 21 June 2018 (has links)
This dissertation used a person-environment fit theoretical framework to examine the influence of person-job misfit as an organizational stressor on strain and well-being outcomes for emergency responders. Independent variables consisted of job attributes such as skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and job-based feedback. These job characteristics are often used in work redesign efforts as they are amendable to organizational change initiatives. Dependent variables included strain outcomes relevant to those working in emergency services: physical symptoms, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. Also, to include a positive aspect of emergency services work, the well-being outcome of compassion satisfaction was examined. Data were collected from 358 emergency responders across the United States via online survey, including law enforcement, firefighters, police/fire/medical dispatch, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics. Methodology utilized polynomial regression analysis in which joint linear and curvilinear effects from two predictors upon one outcome correspond to a three-dimensional response surface reflecting the fit-outcome relationship. This approach allowed a detailed examination of the nature of fit and the nature of misfit for each job attribute in relation to strain and well-being. Maximum likelihood with bootstrapping was used to estimate model parameters and test response surface features. Findings identified several influential fit-outcome relationships including skill variety fit-compassion satisfaction (a1 = 0.366), task identity fit-burnout (a2 = -0.083), task significance fit-burnout (a1 = -0.241) task significance fit-compassion satisfaction (a1 = 0.496,), job-based feedback fit-physical symptoms (a1 = -3.807), job-based feedback fit-burnout (a1 = -0.323), and job-based feedback fit-compassion satisfaction (a1 = 0.391). In terms of misfit, task identity misfit was related to secondary traumatic stress (a3 = -0.209) and job-based feedback misfit was related to burnout (a3 = -0.234). Conclusions regarding identified fit-outcome relationships suggested a potential to reduce frequency of physical symptoms, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress and increase employees’ experience of compassion satisfaction by considering employees’ preference for these job characteristics. On the basis of these findings, opportunities for Emergency Services Management agencies to facilitate wellness for personnel, as well as future research directions are discussed.

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