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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical Layer Security with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Advanced Wireless Networks

Abdalla, Aly Sabri 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are emerging as enablers for supporting many applications and services, such as precision agriculture, search and rescue, temporary network deployment, coverage extension, and security. UAVs are being considered for integration into emerging wireless networks as aerial users, aerial relays (ARs), or aerial base stations (ABSs). This dissertation proposes employing UAVs to contribute to physical layer techniques that enhance the security performance of advanced wireless networks and services in terms of availability, resilience, and confidentiality. The focus is on securing terrestrial cellular communications against eavesdropping with a cellular-connected UAV that is dispatched as an AR or ABS. The research develops mathematical tools and applies machine learning algorithms to jointly optimize UAV trajectory and advanced communication parameters for improving the secrecy rate of wireless links, covering various communication scenarios: static and mobile users, single and multiple users, and single and multiple eavesdroppers with and without knowledge of the location of attackers and their channel state information. The analysis is based on established air-to-ground and air-to-air channel models for single and multiple antenna systems while taking into consideration the limited on-board energy resources of cellular-connected UAVs. Simulation results show fast algorithm convergence and significant improvements in terms of channel secrecy capacity that can be achieved when UAVs assist terrestrial cellular networks as proposed here over state-of-the-art solutions. In addition, numerical results demonstrate that the proposed methods scale well with the number of users to be served and with different eavesdropping distributions. The presented solutions are wireless protocol agnostic, can complement traditional security principles, and can be extended to address other communication security and performance needs.

Etiska dilemman och avvägningar mellan smittskydd och sekretesskydd

Flodbring Larsson, Olivia, Skillryd, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Due to their contagiousness, communicable disease require healthcare staff to not only see to the needs of their patient, but also to the protection of themselves and other people from getting infected. Ethical issues and dilemmas tied to the patient’s anatomy and confidentiality arise as interventions to prevent further spread of the disease necessarily involve informing others about the risk of infection. Knowledge of and about communicable disease is necessary for acts of caution to be taken by both the person carrying it and those who are at risk of becoming infected. The Swedish communicable disease control system is regulated mainly with the Communicable Diseases Act (smittskyddslag, SFS 2004:168) and confidentiality within healthcare is regulated by the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (offentlighets- och sekretesslag, SFS 2009:400). In this thesis we identify dilemmas and concessions in the taking of measures to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, focusing especially on these two laws. This is done from the perspective of social work in healthcare settings with some focus on healthcare counsellors. For this purpose we have used content analysis with a deductive approach, produced a coding schedule, and analyzed relevant data in official documents. To discuss identified dilemmas and concessions further, we have used a theory of care ethics and utilitarianism. In our results we describe dilemmas consisting of situations where it is impossible to both maintain secrecy regarding the patient’s status as ill while informing others about their risk of infection, situations where differing interests arise, and situations where several principles which need to be followed differ from one another. These dilemmas are ethical in nature rather than legal, although professionals must make decisions regarding what information to share and what to keep secret. This makes for situations where practical answers to ethical dilemmas are necessary, and the contagious nature of the patient’s disease makes work more difficult. / I arbetet med smittsamma sjukdomar ska hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal inte enbart värna om patienten, utan även andra människor. Sjukdomarnas smittsamhet medför försvårande omständigheter och medför andra etiska frågor än andra sjukdomar. Inte minst uppstår etiska problem kopplade till patientens autonomi och sekretesskydd vid smittsamma sjukdomar på grund av risken för att också andra kan bli sjuka. Vetskap om sjukdomen är ett måste för att rimliga försiktighetsåtgärder ska kunna vidtas av både den smittade och osmittade personer. Smittskyddet i Sverige regleras främst genom smittskyddslagen (SFS 2004:168) och hälso- och sjukvårdens sekretess genom offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (SFS 2009:400). Vi identifierar dilemman och avvägningar i det praktiska arbetet med att besluta om och vidta smittskyddsåtgärder utifrån lagstiftningen, och diskuterar sedan dessa. Vårdetik lyfts och appliceras. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är socialt arbete i hälso- och sjukvård, och delvis rollen som hälso- och sjukvårdskurator. Metoden består av innehållsanalytisk bearbetning, kodning, av lagtext och förarbeten med en deduktiv ansats. I resultatet redovisar vi hur balans mellan olika rättigheter och skyldigheter genomsyrar smittskyddslagen (2004), vars primära syfte är att tillgodose befolkningens behov av skydd mot smittsamma sjukdomar. För att uppnå detta görs flera avsteg från sekretessen som annars gäller i hälso- och sjukvård. Vi identifierar och beskriver de dilemman och avvägningar som uppstår som situationer där det är omöjligt att både hemlighålla patientens sjukdomsstatus och skydda andra från smitta, då det råder skilda intressen, och situationer då skilda principer behöver följas. Dessa dilemman är främst etiska och praktiska i och med att den som fattar beslut om och vidtar smittskyddsåtgärder måste besluta vilka uppgifter som ska röjas och på vilket sätt. Etiska riktlinjer är inte irrelevanta och kan utgöra både vägledning genom olika dilemman och avvägningar, men också försvåra det praktiska arbetet i och med de verkliga konsekvenser smittskyddsåtgärder har för människorna de berör. Dessutom väger alltid lagen tyngre när det gäller att instruera professionella i hur de ska agera. Skyddet mot spridning av vissa sjukdomar prioriteras över skyddet av patientens sekretess.

Secrecy, Acknowledgement, and War Escalation: A Study in Covert Competition

Carson, Austin Matthews 19 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Hardware-Aided Approaches for Unconditional Confidentiality and Authentication

Bendary, Ahmed January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Die reg op toegang tot inligting in publieke administrasie

Roberts, Benita Valera 30 November 2005 (has links)
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) stipulates that every person has the right of access to information held by government. To give effect to this right, legislation in the form of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act 2 of 2000) was promulgated. This study explores the access to information regime that was established by die aforementioned legislation with specific reference to similar regimes in the United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Attention is also devoted to the prerequisites and potential obstacles associated with the implementation of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000. Based on the practices in other states, the conclusion was reached that the nature of information that may be requested in the South African context should be expanded, that cabinet records should only be excluded to the extent that disclosure thereof would be harmful, that frequently requested records should be made automatically available and that decision-making guidelines of government institutions should be published. As far as procedural requirements are concerned, it is proposed that information officers should acknowledge receipt of requests and that, where necessary, records should be translated to ensure that they are useful to a requester. It is further proposed that the wording of the ground of refusal regarding policy formulation and decision-making in government institutions be amended to take account of the consequences of disclosure. It is imperative that appeal and review mechanisms be accessible to members of the public and it is therefore proposed that an information commissioner be instituted to settle disputes in information related matters. Lastly it is proposed that sanctions be imposed against officials who deliberately undermine the public's right of access to information and that separate units be established in government institutions to deal exclusively with requests for access to information. / Public Administration / D. Litt. et Phil. (Public Administration)

Prostor Zakarpatska v české literatuře / Space of Zakarpattia in the Czech literature

Krabsová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the phenomenon of Carpathian Ruthenia, or Zakarpattia, which is one of the most discussed issues in Czech literature. It expands the traditional view of the issue with a chronological survey of works by Czech authors who were inspired by Carpathian Ruthenia, and maps their writings created from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century. It focuses on their interpretation, with particular reference to the topology. The first chapter presents the terminological problems associated with the territory of the Transcarpathian region and briefly summarizes its history. The next chapter submits an account of the exceptional nature of this area (its contrasts, periphery, regionalism, myths, exoticism, idylls and adventures), and attempts to characterize its uniqueness (backwardness, belief in superstitions, Jews, alcoholism, poachers, enchanting countryside and outlaws). Carpathian Ruthenia appears to be a place of secrecy, where hypothetical characters grow. The topology of the mountain is also an important element. The following chapter, the longest, presents most of the works by the Czech authors who were inspired by this region. The first of these authors came to Carpathian Ruthenia during the 1920s as government workers or tourists. Their works are arranged...

公開的秘密—從網路日記看網路上的公開與私密 / Open Secret-The Publicness and the Privateness of the Online Diary

廖思逸 Unknown Date (has links)
在大多數人的日記經驗中,藏匿、上鎖、被偷窺後的憤怒總是如影隨形,因為所有說不出與不能說的秘密,都被寄情於日記之中。然而隨著網路普及,越來越多的基本生活需求可藉由網路滿足後,傳統的紙本日記也開始轉以網路作為記載與儲存的媒介,成了任何人都可公開遊賞的園地。 / 本文基於研究者本身在網路日記社群三年來的親身書寫參與經驗,以「愛情國小」作為主要研究場域,除了以日記作為文本分析的對象外,並深入訪談重度使用者以及退用者,以瞭解使用者如何處理既公開又私密的網路日記書寫。本文自日記在東西方的歷史發展出發,先行定位私密在日記中扮演的角色,再輔以從社會心理學層面對秘密本質的探討,來重新探討公開與私密的問題。最後以Goffman分析日常生活之人際互動的戲劇理論為本,佐以社會學中的陌生人理論,解析人們如何在公開的網路日記裡進行表演,其間的變與不變。 / 顛覆了傳統紙本日記之私密形式的公開網路日記,之所以能為日記書寫者接受或喜愛,無非是它既能滿足日記書寫的基本需求,同時又能在日記書寫之餘創造與他人社交互動的樂趣。雖然紙本日記「自我忠實紀錄」之要素,必須仰賴將他人隔離的秘密形式才得以達成,但日記書寫者仍是企圖向日記中想像的對象揭露公開,解決秘密無處可訴的焦慮。而網路日記不僅隔離了現實生活中的親友熟人,更進一步為日記書寫者帶來了能提供積極聆聽,並能給予回應互動的具體觀眾。這些網路上似近實遠、似遠實近的陌生人,讓網路日記書寫者願意公開與之分享私密自我,並且無須擔憂網路日記紀錄的後台面向會對現實生活之前台演出造成破壞。換言之,網路日記既有公開面對觀眾、在意觀眾反應的前台特性,亦有自現實生活前台角色解放、呈現私密自我的後台性質,實則為一結合了公開與私密、前台與後台之「私密自我的展演」的中間地帶。因此,網路日記書寫者只能透過訊息管道的操弄與分寸拿捏,隨著與不同觀眾間親疏遠近的關係變化,揭露不同層面或程度的私密,且更進一步控制與不同觀眾間的心理距離。 / Diaries, on which personal matters are inscribed, are defined as a literary form that is written for oneself and therefore are kept privately, some even locked up, to avoid prying. However, the privateness, the distinguishing characteristic of diaries, has abated since the prevalent internet has become one of the media of storing content of diaries. The study is to investigate how diary writers coping with the conflict between the privateness and publicness in online diaries. / This study is based on the personal online diary writing experience of the author for three years in "Love School" ( http://love.youthwant.com.tw), the field of this study. The interviews with nine persons, including heavy users and dropouts that had ever been indulgent in Love School, are the main qualitative analysis material with some online diaries for textual analysis. / Beginning from exploring the changes in the nature of diaries both in eastern and western history, the study proceeds with probing to the characteristic of secrecy to comprehend that diaries inherently are both public and private. Moreover, Goffman's theory of human interaction in daily life and Simmel's of strangers offer steppingstones to detail the features—interacting and sharing intimacy with others unknown—of writing diaries on public internet. / Briefly speaking, the prevailing phenomenon of online diaries reveals that making diaries public can satisfy the needs of recording private life and of social contact simultaneously. Despite that traditional diary is kept away from anyone to ensure frankness, all the diary writers indeed still reveal themselves in it to some object(s), real or imaginary. Online diaries not only can exclude, if writers want, people who know them in person, but also bring in the unlimited audience with real feedback. Since the audience is composed of strangers, somehow far enough not to reach online diary writer's everyday life but virtually close to see his/her innermost, the online diary writer doesn't have to be anxious about the destruction of frontstage performances in everyday life, caused by backstage behaviors in diary being revealed. In other words, online diary is a frontstage as well as a backstage, that is, a middle region, where the division of the public and private is blurred. In online diaries, diary writers are able to disclose private selves hidden from frontstage role playing while audience¹s gaze and applause, absent in backstage, is all around. To reconcile the conflict between publicness and privateness, online diary writers master in manipulating information accesses and discretion. Therefore, they can disclose different aspects and degrees of privacy to various audiences according to various relationships, and can be the dominators subsequently to control psychological distances between them.

Efficient information leakage neutralization on a relay-assisted multi-carrier interference channel

Ho, Zuleita K.-M., Jorswieck, Eduard A., Engelmann, Sabrina 22 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In heterogeneous dense networks where spectrum is shared, users privacy remains one of the major challenges. When the receivers are not only interested in their own signals but also in eavesdropping other users' signals, the cross talk becomes information leakage.We propose a novel and efficient secrecy rate enhancing relay strategy EFFIN for information leakage neutralization. The relay matrix is chosen such that the effective leakage channel (spectral and spatial) is zero. Thus, it ensures secrecy regardless of receive processing employed at eavesdroppers and does not rely on wiretaps codes to ensure secrecy, unlike other physical layer security techniques such as artificial noise. EFFIN achieves a higher sum secrecy rate over several state-of-the-art baseline methods.

The Tax Information Exchange Agreements and their Implementation in Peru / Los Acuerdos de Intercambio de Información Tributaria y su Implementación en el Perú

Valdez Ladrón de Guevara, Patricia 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author begins by giving an overview of the systems of tax information exchange. Not only describes and analyzes the nature of this figure, but also performs a comprehensive analysis of the content, the subjects involved, and the ways and means of information exchange. Finally, analyzes international agreements on exchange of information on tax matters in Peru which is part. He concludes his analysis by focusing on the implementation of FATCA (Foreingn Account Tax Compliance Act) in Peru. / En el presente artículo, la autora comienza dándonos un panorama general sobre los sistemas de intercambio de información tributaria. No solo define y analiza la naturaleza de esta figura, sino que además realiza un exhaustivo análisis del contenido y sujetos comprendidos, así como de las formas y modalidades del intercambio de información. Finalmente, analiza los acuerdos internacionales sobre intercambio de información de materia tributaria en los cuales el Perú es parte. Concluye su análisis centrándose en la implementación del FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) en el Perú.

Transparência nos bancos públicos brasileiros: um estudo sobre a implementação da Lei de Acesso à Informação (LAI) no Banco do Brasil (BB), Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) e Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES)

Mencarini, Fabrizio 24 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by FABRIZIO MENCARINI (fabriziogpp@gmail.com) on 2015-03-30T15:24:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Fabrizio_Final_v3.pdf: 6320754 bytes, checksum: a5e928e10e8ba1c2ff9f5a86356e6eb8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by PAMELA BELTRAN TONSA (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2015-03-30T16:41:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Fabrizio_Final_v3.pdf: 6320754 bytes, checksum: a5e928e10e8ba1c2ff9f5a86356e6eb8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-30T16:51:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Fabrizio_Final_v3.pdf: 6320754 bytes, checksum: a5e928e10e8ba1c2ff9f5a86356e6eb8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-24 / Os bancos públicos representam, historicamente, importante instrumento do governo federal no âmbito da formulação e implementação de políticas públicas. A relevância das ações materializadas por eles, principalmente, em relação ao desenvolvimento econômico e social, por meio da utilização de vultosos recursos oriundos do tesouro nacional, desperta a atenção da sociedade interessada em conhecer mais sobre as operações de empréstimos. A política de transparência torna-se central à luz de relevantes conceitos de democracia e de desdobramentos importantes de publicidade, prestação de contas e Accountability, principalmente após a Constituição de 1988 pela necessidade de efetivação de mecanismos democráticos. Desta forma, esta pesquisa busca contribuir tanto para a discussão teórica quanto para a base empírica do tema de transparência nos bancos públicos. Com a realização de pesquisa documental estruturada para levantamento de dados e informações, foi possível analisar os fatores apresentados a partir dos casos do Banco do Brasil (BB), da Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) e do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), avançando no debate da transparência dos bancos públicos. Esta pesquisa exploratória explica, além de outros fatores, como o conceito de transparência aplicado ao objeto de banco público no Brasil assume a característica de “conceito essencialmente contestado” (GALLIE, 1956). / Historically, public banks represent important instrument of the federal government as part of the formulation and implementation of public policies. The relevance of actions materialized for them, especially in relation to economic and social developments, through the use of significant resources from the national treasury, arouses the attention of the society interested in learning more about the loans. The policy of transparency becomes the central about the relevant concepts of democracy and important developments of advertising and accountability, especially after the 1988 Brazilian Constitution by the need for effective democratic mechanisms. Thus, this research aims to contribute both to the theoretical discussion as to the evidence base theme of transparency in public banks. With the completion of documentary research for structured data collection and information, it was possible to analyze the factors presented cases from the Bank of Brazil (BB), Caixa Economica Federal (CEF) and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), advancing the discussion of transparency of public banks. This exploratory research explains, among other factors, how the concept of transparency applied to public database object in Brazil takes on the characteristic of "essentially contested concept" (Gallie, 1956).

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