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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANA CARLA BON 11 September 2015 (has links)
[pt] Apesar da crescente consciência dos problemas éticos nas empresas, diariamente são divulgadas notícias de fraude e corrupção mostrando o quanto ainda é necessário ser feito para coibir o comportamento antiético. Esta pesquisa se propõe a contribuir na compreensão do processo de tomada de decisão ética por meio da adoção de múltiplos e simultâneos fatores (individuais e situacionais). Baseado em uma extensa revisão da literatura, este estudo propõe uma teoria integrada dos conceitos de auto monitoramento e orientação futura como fatores individuais e redes sociais no ambiente de trabalho para analisar sua influência em tomadas de decisões éticas. Um questionário e um experimento, ambos online, foram utilizados para descobrir fontes de intenção e comportamento antiético. A amostra foi composta, principalmente, por indivíduos em cargos de gestão de diferentes indústrias, incluindo um número considerável de mulheres em cargos corporativos de alto nível. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se diferentes ferramentas quantitativas – modelagem de equações estruturais e análise de agrupamento – para fornecerem resultados complementares sobre a teoria. Este estudo encontrou evidências de que não só fatores individuais, especialmente auto monitoramento, mas também a estrutura fechada da rede social do indivíduo aumentam o risco de tomada de decisão antiética. Além disso, o gênero desempenha um papel diferenciado na estrutura de rede dos entrevistados. Um padrão invertido da estrutura da rede surgiu entre os entrevistados que escolheram as opções antiéticas, em comparação com a estrutura da rede dos entrevistados éticos. Os resultados forneceram evidências de que fatores individuais e a consequente criação de redes sociais interagem proporcionado risco mais elevado de decisões antiéticas. / [en] Despite the growing awareness of ethical problems in corporations, the daily news around the world is replete with cases of fraud and corruption, suggesting that much is still to be understood to curb unethical behavior. This research represents a step forward to our understanding of ethical decision-making through the adoption of multiple and simultaneous factors. Based on an extensive review of the literature, this study proposed an integrated theory of self-monitoring, temporal orientation as individual factors, and social networks influencing unethical options. A web survey and a web experiment were used to uncover sources of unethical intention and behavior. The sample consisted mostly of individuals from management positions in different industries, including a considerable number of women in high-level corporate positions. Data were analyzed using different quantitative analytical tools – structure equation modeling and cluster analysis –to provide supplemental results over theory. This study found evidence that individual factors, especially self-monitoring but also future orientation, increase the risk of unethical decision-making. Moreover, gender plays a role in the network structure, and the high self-monitors in network closure are the ones who increase the likelihood of unethical acts. An inverted pattern of the network structure emerged among respondents who chose the unethical options, compared to the network structure of the ethical respondents. The findings provided evidence about the different dynamics of how individual factors influence the creation of social networks, and how the connection of these two can pose a higher risk of unethical business decision-making.

Oficina educativa sobre monitorização glicêmica para crianças escolares com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 / Educational workshop on glucose monitoring for school children with diabetes mellitus type 1

Leia Alves Kaneto 29 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O processo educativo e de suporte deve ser permanente e compartilhado, tendo o indivíduo com diabetes como o centro de toda a ação. A automonitorização glicêmica é, em geral, a primeira prática de autocuidado ensinada à criança com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) em seu processo de autonomia no manejo da doença. Objetivos: Geral: Avaliar a efetividade da oficina educativa no desempenho da técnica de monitorização glicêmica capilar em crianças escolares com diagnóstico de DM1; Específicos: Verificar os Índices de Conformidade do procedimento da técnica de monitorização glicêmica das crianças escolares com DM1 antes e após serem submetidas à oficina educativa e comparar os Índices de Conformidade, pré- e pós-oficina, da técnica de automonitorização glicêmica das crianças com DM1 que serão submetidas à oficina educativa. Método: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, quase-experimental, pré-teste e pós-teste. Participaram do estudo 33 crianças escolares, de 6 a 11 anos, com DM1 há mais de um ano, usuárias de dois ambulatórios infantis de endocrinologia de um complexo hospitalar do município de São Paulo. Após a concordância dos pais e o assentimento da criança, foram assinados, respectivamente, o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e o Termo de Assentimento. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio do emprego dos seguintes instrumentos: 1) Dados sociodemográficos; 2) Perfil de monitorização glicêmica e 3) Passos da técnica de monitorização glicêmica, antes da oficina educativa. Os instrumentos 2 e 3 foram reaplicados um mês e meio após o término da oficina. Resultados: Verificou-se que houve resultados estatísticos significativos para três passos da técnica de automonitorização glicêmica: trocar a lanceta do lancetador (p=0,021), pressionar o local de punção (p=0,057) e desprezar o material utilizado em recipiente adequado para perfurocortantes (p=0,004). A oficina educativa também foi eficaz para provocar mudança de comportamento nas crianças, uma vez que elas conseguiram sair de uma média de conformidade de 5,3 passos corretos da técnica de monitorização, para 6,58 passos, ou seja, passaram a executar um passo a mais em conformidade em relação ao que vinham realizando. Conclusão: A oficina educativa, por meio de atividades lúdicas, foi uma ferramenta eficaz para melhorar o desempenho da execução da técnica de automonitorização glicêmica capilar realizada por crianças escolares com DM1. / Introduction: In the case of diabetes, care must be patient-centered and the educational process and support must be permanent and shared. Blood glucose monitoring is generally the first practice of self-care taught to children with diabetes mellitus type 1 (DM1) to grant them autonomy to manage their disease. Objectives: General: To evaluate the effectiveness of the educational workshop on the performance of the capillary blood glucose monitoring technique in school children diagnosed with DM1; Specific: To check Compliance Indices of the blood glucose monitoring technique of school children with DM1 before and after being subjected to the educational workshop and to compare Compliance Indices, pre- and post-workshop, of the glucose monitoring technique of children with DM1 to be submitted to the educational workshop. Method: This is a quantitative quasi-experimental pretest and posttest study. The study included 33 school children, 6-11 years of age, with DM1 for more than a year, attended at two endocrinology pediatric clinics of a hospital complex in São Paulo. The Informed Consent Form and the Child Assent Form were signed by parents and children, respectively, upon agreeing with the protocol. Data collection was conducted through the use of the following instruments: 1) sociodemographic data; 2) glycemic profile monitoring and 3) steps for the glucose monitoring technique before the educational workshop. Steps 2 and 3 were reapplied six weeks after the end of the workshop. Results: We found that there were statistical significant results for three steps of the self-monitoring blood glucose technique: replacing the lancet of the lancing device (p = 0.021), press the puncture site (p = 0.057) and dispose of the material used in a suitable container for needles and other sharps (p = 0.004). The educational workshop was also effective to promote behavior changes in children, as they were able to move from an average of 5.3 correct steps in the compliance monitoring technique, to 6.58 steps. Therefore, they started to perform one more step correctly than they had previously done. Conclusion: The educational workshop using play activities was an effective tool to improve the performance of the capillary blood glucose monitoring technique performed by school children with DM1.

Self-Monitoring and Romantic Relationships: Individual Differences in Romantic Jealousy

Andolina, Tiffany Lucille 01 January 2015 (has links)
To extend the research on self-monitoring and romantic relationships, we explored the connection between self-monitoring and romantic jealousy using a between-subjects design. We hypothesized high self-monitors (like men) would find sexual infidelity more distressing than emotional infidelity, whereas low self-monitors (like women) would find emotional infidelity more distressing than sexual infidelity. Participants completed the 25-item Self-Monitoring Scale (Snyder, 1974) and 6 hypothetical infidelity scenarios (Buss et al., 1999). To statistically control for third variables, participants also completed the 11-item Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (Gangestad & Simpson, 1991). Although we found a main effect for self-monitoring in romantic jealousy, these results did not support our hypotheses. That is, these reliable differences in self-monitoring reflected more or less distress by emotional infidelity. Limitations (e.g., third variables, directionality) and future directions (e.g., potential moderators/mediators for self-monitoring differences in romantic jealousy) of this research are discussed.


17 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] O teste do desenho do relógio tem ampla utilização para avaliar cognição no envelhecimento. Apesar de existirem diversos sistemas de pontuação, as estratégias de planejamento da construção do desenho não são mensuradas. O objetivo desta dissertação foi mapear, descrever e classificar as estratégias de planejamento e organização da construção do desenho do relógio. Para tanto, os diferentes padrões de sequência de ações para a construção do desenho foram classificados. 77 idosos saudáveis frequentadores da Casa de Convivência e Lazer do Rio de Janeiro foram avaliados. Os resultados mostraram heterogeneidade nos padrões adotados pelos idosos, sendo que os predominantes foram uma sequência geral (círculo-número-centro-ponteiro) e uma numérica, seguindo um padrão sequencial de ordem crescente. A estratégia círculo-número-centro-ponteiro (sequência geral) e a Quadrante (sequência numérica) foram as que tiveram associação acima do esperado, com medidas que avaliam bom desempenho em planejamento. Esta nova classificação complementa os critérios de pontuação semi-quantitativos e qualitativos existentes. / [en] The Clock drawing Test is widely used to evaluate cognition in aging. Although there are several scoring systems for the test, planning strategies of clock drawing construction are not measured. The objective of this dissertation was to map, describe and classify planning and organization strategies of clock drawing construction. Therefore, different action sequence patterns for clock drawing construction were classified. 77 healthy older adults from community centers, called Casas de Convivência in Rio de Janeiro were evaluated. The results showed heterogeneity in the patterns adopted by the elderly, and the predominant ones were a general sequence (circle-number-center-hand) and a numerical one following a sequential pattern of increasing order. The circle-number-center-hand (general sequence) strategy and the quadrant strategy (numerical sequence) frequencies were more than expected when associated with measures that evaluate good performance in planning. This new classification complements the previous existing semi-quantitative and qualitative scoring criteria.

"Knowing Where I Am At": The Experience of Self-Monitoring Blood Glucose for People with Non-Insulin-Requiring Type 2 Diabetes.

Brackney, Dana Elisabeth 13 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Eleven participants living with non-insulin-requiring Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) discussed their self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) experience. All had been recently diagnosed (< 2 years) and treated for diabetes with a self-regulating SMBG guideline for primary care practice. Their digitally-recorded interviews and photographed logbooks were analyzed thematically and interpreted through the lens of numeracy literature to answer 2 questions: 1. What is the meaning of SMBG among people with non-insulinrequiring T2DM? 2. How do people with non-insulin-requiring T2DM perceive the function of SMBG in diabetes self-management? The meanings of SMBG were patient competence, "It is easy, just a little pin prick"; patient control, "I can control it. It doesn't control me"; and patient security, "It is not that way anymore." Three periods of lived time were observed: Diagnosis "The numbers say I have diabetes"; "I just can't figure out why it does that"; and Routine "I make my numbers." Prominent numeracy functions emerged by time period. During Diagnosis primary numeracy functions included comparing SMBG results to target values. Participants expressed this experience as, "I am some kind of O.K." During applied numeracy functions included taking medication correctly. SMBG readings were experienced as a clue to the diabetes mystery, sometimes confusing the participants, "I just don't know why it does what it does," or answering questions, "Now there is no question marks." Numbers motivated some people for action "The numbers get me out a walking" or restraint "If I didn't have the numbers, I would be tempted to cheat." During Routine interpretive numeracy functioned to aid the evaluation of the efficacy of participant's health behavior change. Numbers had taken on meaning helping a person to "know where I am at." Clinical implications are suggested including adjustments to the selfregulating SMBG guideline for primary care practice. Findings are discussed in relation to personal knowledge processes (Sweeny, 1994) and related SMBG research. Participants concluded that routine SMBG is essential to maintaining and restraining health behavior. This study provides a model for use of SMBG in diabetes selfmanagement and patient perspectives on SMBG during the 2 years following T2DM diagnosis.

Non-erotic Cognitive Distractions During Sexual Activity In Heterosexual And Gay College Students

Lacefield, Katharine 01 January 2010 (has links)
The present study examined 100 gay and lesbian (LG) college students and 100 heterosexual students to determine whether group differences existed in frequency of and anxiety related to non-erotic cognitive distractions during sexual activity. Non-erotic cognitive distractions is a descriptive term to include both self-evaluative behaviors related to physical performance and body image concerns, as well as additional cognitive distractions (e.g., contracting an STI or emotional concerns) during sexual activity. Participants, matched on gender (96 males and 104 females), age, and ethnicity, completed questionnaires assessing frequency and associated anxiety related to non-erotic cognitive distractions during sexual activity, as well as measures of additional variables (e.g., religiosity and self-esteem). Results indicated that LG participants experience significantly more cognitive distractions and concomitant anxiety related to body image, physical performance, and contracting a disease or illness during sexual activity. With regard to gender differences, men reported more distractions related to contracting a disease or illness than women. An interaction effect was observed between sexual orientation and gender for body image-, disease-, and external/emotional-based distractions. It also was found that gay men, lesbians, and heterosexual women reported significantly more body image concerns than straight men. Implications of these findings are discussed

The Efficacy of Training Kindergartners in Assisted Self-Graphing as a Supplemental Intervention Within a Response-To-Intervention Model

Magnan, Joselyn Emily 03 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.


蕭舜之, Hsiao, Shun Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,行銷領域所探討之調節焦點理論與調節配適理論,是有關於消費者心理的研宄,主要是強調,當消費者本身的長期目標導向和所採取的手段方法達到配適時,可以使消費者「感覺對了」,因而產生好的態度反應。同理,當廣告所傳遞的訊息焦點和消費者本身的長期目標導向配適時,也就能使消費者對標的物產生好的態度反應。 本研究以調節焦點理論與調節配適理論為基礎,觀察台灣和日本的消費者,旨在探討文化背景的不同,是否會影響消費者的長期目標導向?對調節配適的效果又會有怎樣的影響?而消費者自我監控程度的不同,又會對調節配適效果發生怎樣的調節作用? 而本研究結果顯示: 一、 在促進廣告訊息焦點下,當消費者長期促進導向程度越高,越能提升消費者的態度反應,然而在預防廣告訊息焦點下,消費者長期預防導向程度越高時,則無法看出較佳的態度反應。 二、 日本的男、女消費者在預防長期目標導向程度上的差距,大於台灣的男、女消費者差距。 三、 在促進廣告訊息焦點下,消費者的促進導向程度越高,越能提升好的態度反應,此效果在日本的消費者上更明顯 四、 在促進(預防)廣告訊息焦點下,消費者的長期促進(預防)導向程度越高,對產品態度和廣告態度有正向(負向)的提升效果,然而當消費者自我監控程度越高會越弱化該效果。 / Regulatory focus theory and regulatory fit theory are talking about research of consumer’s behaviour in marketing related field in recent years. Two theories emphasise that when consumer’s long-term goal orientation fits methods they take, consumer would feel “that is right” and then positive attitude reaction is made. Meanwhile, when messages from advertisement fit consumer’s long-term goal orientation, consumer would have positive attitude toward the object of advertisements. This research is based on regulatory focus theory and regulatory fit theory to observe consumers in Taiwan and Japan. It discusses does differences of culture background affect consumer’s long-term goal orientation or not. How does culture background influences outcomes of regulatory fit theory? What kind of results based on regulatory fit theory would be made according to differences of consumer’s self-monitoring? The results of the research are in the following: First, in promotion focus advertisement, when the extent of consumer’s chronic promotion goal orientation is higher, the consumer attitude toward the object of the advertisement is more positive. However, in prevention focus advertisement, though the extent of consumer’s chronic prevention goal orientation is higher, consumer did not show more positive attitude toward the object of advertisement. Second, the difference in prevention goal orientation between male and female consumer in Japan is bigger than the difference in prevention goal orientation between male and female consumer in Taiwan. Third, in promotion focus advertisement, when the extent of consumer’s chronic promotion goal orientation is higher, the consumer attitude toward the object is more positive. This situation is more obviously in Japan’s consumer than in Taiwan’s consumer. Finally, in promotion (prevention) focus advertisement, when the extent of consumer’s chronic promotion (prevention) goal orientation is higher, the consumer attitude toward the object is more positive (negative). However, this result will be more unobvious when the extent of consumer’s self-monitoring is higher.

Efeito da insulina glargina sobre o controle glicêmico e risco de hipoglicemia em pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e doença renal crônica estágios 3 e 4: ensaio clínico, controlado e randomizado / Insulin glargine effect on glycemic control and hypoglycemia risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease stages 3 and 4: a randomized, open-label controlled clinical trial

Betonico, Carolina de Castro Rocha 27 January 2017 (has links)
Diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma das principais causas de doença renal crônica terminal. Na doença renal diabética (DRD) observa-se um curso bifásico no padrão glicêmico, na fase inicial o aumento da resistência insulínica induz a hiperglicemia e, com perda progressiva da taxa de filtração glomerular, há redução na depuração dos medicamentos anti-hiperglicemiantes e insulina, aumentando o risco de hipoglicemias. Portanto, diante da perda da função renal, a reavaliação da terapia hipoglicemiante e ajustes constantes nas doses de insulina são necessários, com intuito de otimizar o controle glicêmico e minimizar seus efeitos colaterais. A revisão da literatura mostra diversos pontos sem resposta, principalmente relacionados à dose, ajuste da terapia insulínica, seguimento e monitoração do controle glicêmico em portadores de DM e DRC. O objetivo deste ensaio randomizado, cruzado, controlado foi comparar o controle glicêmico do tratamento com insulina glargina à insulina NPH em portadores de DM2 e DRD estágios 3 e 4. Pacientes e métodos: Trinta e quatro pacientes foram randomizados para receber insulina glargina uma vez ao dia ou insulina NPH em três aplicações diárias. Insulina lispro foi prescrita três vezes ao dia, em aplicações pré-prandiais nos dois grupos. Após 24 semanas de terapia, os pacientes tiveram seu esquema de insulina trocado para terapia insulínica oposta. Testes laboratoriais foram realizados após 12, 24, 36 e 48 semanas de estudo. O sistema de monitorização continua de glicose (CGMS) foi instalado ao término de cada terapia. Resultados: Dos 34 pacientes incluídos, 29 completaram as 48 semanas propostas no estudo, 2 pacientes perderam seguimento por má adesão e 3 pacientes não completaram o estudo em decorrência a eventos adversos (1 óbito, 1 ingresso em hemodiálise e 1 evento cardiovascular, todos em uso de insulina NPH). Após 24 semanas de tratamento com insulina glargina houve uma redução estatisticamente significante da média da HbA1c de 8,86 ± 1,4% para 7,95 ± 1,1% (p=0,0285), esta diferença não foi observada com a insulina NPH (8,21 ± 1,29% para 8,44 ± 1,32%). Durante o uso de insulina glargina o número de eventos noturnos de hipoglicemia foi menor comparado a insulina NPH (p=0,046); além disso, hipoglicemia grave ocorreu apenas na terapêutica com NPH. Conclusão: O tratamento com insulina glargina foi associado a melhor controle glicêmico e a redução do risco de hipoglicemia noturna quando comparada à insulina NPH,em pacientes portadores de DM e DRC estágios 3 e 4 / Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Kidney disease diagnosis and its progression require re-evaluation of hypoglycemic therapy and constant dosing adjustments, to optimize glycemic control and minimize its side effects. Long acting insulin analogs and its pharmacokinetics have not been studied in different stages of kidney disease, nor is there consensus defining appropriate dose adjustment in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and CKD. The aim of this randomized, cross-over, open-label controlled clinical trial is to compare the glycemic response to intensive insulin treatment with NPH insulin or insulin glargine in T2DM patients and CKD stages 3 and 4. The primary efficacy end point was change in A1C from baseline. Thirty-four patients were randomized to receive insulin glargine once a day or NPH insulin, three times a day. Insulin lispro was prescribed as prandial insulin to both groups. After six months, patients switched to the other insulin therapy group. Laboratory tests were performed at baseline at 12, 24, 36 and 48 weeks. A continuous glucose monitoring system was implemented after 24 weeks and at the end of protocol. Results: Total of 29 subjects have completed the two branches of study, 2 patients dropped out due to low compliance and other 3 patients as a result of adverse events (1 death, 1 ingress on dialysis program, 1 cardiovascular event; all of them were on NPH therapy). After 24 weeks, average of A1c decreased on glargine group compared to baseline 8,86 ± 1,4% to 7,95 ± 1,1% (p=0,0285), but this difference was not observed on NPH group. There were no differences of insulin doses between both groups. Glargine group showed a tendency of lower risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia compared to NPH group (p=0,046). Conclusion: Insulin glargine improved glycemic control by reducing HbA1c without gain weight and with reduced tendency toward nocturnal hypoglycemic events compared with NPH insulin

Equipe multiprofissional: a construção coletiva de uma intervenção em educação em diabetes tipo 2 no Programa de Automonitoramento Glicêmico (AMG) / Team multiprofessional: construction of a collective action in education in type 2 diabetes in Glycemic Self-Monitoring (AMG)

Anibal Filho, Walter 17 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T13:10:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Walter Anibal Filho.pdf: 2121512 bytes, checksum: 703a7c09d1732c473fd21d82591e73c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-17 / Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by impaired glucose metabolism, whose inadequate glycemic control can reduce life expectancy and impair quality of life. Due to high government investment, poor adherence by the user and little rapport of the multidisciplinary team in the program self-monitoring blood glucose (AMG), appeared motivated this study with the objectives of evaluating the performance of the team; develop and evaluate educational strategies for effective performance monitoring in type 2 diabetic patients in the AMG. We conducted a qualitative and quantitative research, the principles of action research. A total of ten professionals Basic Health Unit and Health Reference Elderly (UBS/URSI) Carandiru, SP. Eight meetings were held with educational interventions, participatory and reflexive strategies. To evaluate the performance of the team an instrument of perception and was used to assess knowledge was applied pre-and post - tests. The AMG was worse with dimension Review: little appreciation, absence of permanent education and actions that strengthen and/or value the work of professionals and systematic review. It was found best results pos test. The collective construction actions established itself as: update, add knowledge, interdisciplinary rapport, case discussion, self-assessment, focus on promotion and prevention, strengthening the program, set goals for membership, user awareness, joint consultations with multidisciplinary care and inclusion in the annual work plan. Interventions contributed to identify factors affecting the routine work, enhance the knowledge/skills, encourage participation and create a favorable environment for teamwork. Therefore efforts should be targeted to interactive strategies that are incorporated into the practice of professionals for greater integration of the team, for the benefit of the user / O diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença crônica, caracterizada pelo comprometimento do metabolismo da glicose, cujo controle glicêmico inadequado pode reduzir a expectativa de vida e comprometer a qualidade de vida. Devido ao alto investimento governamental, a baixa adesão por parte do usuário e o pouco entrosamento da equipe multiprofissional no programa automonitoramento glicêmico (AMG), surgiu a motivação deste estudo com os objetivos de avaliar a atuação da equipe; desenvolver e avaliar estratégias de educação para a efetiva atuação no acompanhamento de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 no AMG. Realizou-se uma pesquisa quali-quanti, nos princípios da pesquisa-ação. Participaram dez profissionais da Unidade Básica de Saúde e de Referência Saúde do Idoso (UBS/URSI) Carandiru, SP. Foram realizados oito encontros, com intervenções educativas, com estratégias participativas e reflexivas. Para avaliar a atuação da equipe foi utilizado um instrumento de percepção e para avaliar o conhecimento foi aplicado um pré e pós-testes. O AMG foi dimensão com pior avaliação: pouca valorização, ausência de educação permanente e de ações que fortalecem e/ou valorizam a atuação dos profissionais e avaliação sistemática. Constataram-se melhores resultados no pos teste. Na construção coletiva estabeleceu-se como ações: atualização, agregar conhecimentos, entrosamento interdisciplinar, discussão de casos, auto avaliação, focar na promoção e prevenção, aprofundamento no programa, estabelecer metas de adesão, conscientização do usuário, articulação das consultas com o atendimento multiprofissional e inclusão no plano de trabalho anual. As intervenções contribuíram para identificar fatores que interferem na rotina de trabalho, aprimorar os conhecimentos/competências, estimular a participação e criar um ambiente favorável para o trabalho em equipe. Desta forma esforços devem ser direcionados para que estratégias interativas sejam incorporadas na pratica dos profissionais, para uma maior integração da equipe, em benefício do usuário

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