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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Robson, Graham George January 2015 (has links)
Many researchers have highlighted the need for students to have a willingness to communicate (WTC) in second and foreign language classrooms. WTC is important because it is believed that WTC leads to eventual communication both inside and outside the classroom. Previous research into WTC has centered mainly on the use of structural models and trait, self-reported measurements of WTC, but recent research has shown that WTC is also heavily dependent on the situation. However, very few studies recognize this and have, thus, not employed situational measurements of WTC. After a thorough review of WTC literature, 13 pertinent constructs were modified to reflect the situation in the foreign language classroom. These were related to constructs of the classroom, beliefs about communication; self-determined motivation; self-perceived competence; communication anxiety and willingness to communicate. A preliminary study employing exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis, followed by a main study conducted with and confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis were undertaken with first- and second-year Japanese university students. The factor analysis was used to investigate the underlying structures of the factors and the Rasch analysis was used to determine fit, category functioning and dimensionality. Nine reliable and unidimensional factors were brought forward from the main study, which were Classroom Efficacy Factor and Classroom Affective Factor as the two classroom factors; Intrinsic Motivation for Communication, Introjected Regulation for Communication and External Regulation for Communication as the three self-determined motivation constructs, and finally, Self-Perceived Competence, Communicative Anxiety and Willingness to Communicate split in two subconstructs of pair/work and whole class activities. The second half the study was the formulation of a structural equation model using the above constructs to predict situational WTC. The model also included an often under-utilized resource, the teacher, who assessed the learners’ actual communication to identify if WTC leads to language use. All the fit indices in the final model (N = 376) were good, and the model included three additional paths. The model indicated that classroom constructs led to motivation and self-perceived competence, which predicted confidence. Motivation led directly to WTC and indirectly to WTC through confidence. Lastly, WTC predicted actual communication. The constructs in this study can be applied in other studies of situational WTC. This study helps to both expand our understanding of constructs affecting situational WTC and actual communication, and provides more validity to the construct of situational WTC. It also reaffirms the importance of what happens in the classroom, which is main arena for communication in the EFL setting. / Language Arts

Jobbstimulansen : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie om vad arbetssökande upplever motiverar dem till egen försörjning genom arbetstagande / The Job Stimulus : A Quantitative Vignette Study on What Unemployed Job Seekers Experience Creates Motivation Toward Self-sufficiency through Employment

Söderlund, Frida, Johansson, Stina January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vad arbetssökande upplever motiverar dem till egen försörjning genom arbetstagande med utgångspunkt i jobbstimulansen och andra metoder inspirerade av motivationsteorierna Self-Efficacy Theory och Self-Determination Theory. Inspiration till studien uppkom ur ett intresse för- och ifrågasättande av reformen som beskrivs i 4 kap. 1b § Socialtjänstlagen (2001:453), även kallad jobbstimulansen, vars införande bland annat syftade till att göra det lönsamt för arbetssökande biståndstagare att ta ett arbete, men som kan anses fått andra negativa effekter (Socialstyrelsen 2016). Jobbstimulansen är fortsatt en del av socialtjänstens arbete utan tydliga belägg för att modellen faktiskt gör det den ska; motivera individer ut i arbete. Detta föranledde studiens övergripande frågeställning: Vad upplever arbetssökande motiverar dem till egen försörjning genom arbetstagande?  För att besvara syftet och dess frågeställningar genomfördes en vinjettstudie med inomgruppsdesign där respondenterna var eller har varit arbetssökande. Studiens resultat indikerar att inre motivationsincitament upplevs mer motiverande än yttre ekonomiska incitament vilket således står i kontrast till nuvarande lagstiftad metod. Vidare belyser studien att det finns andra metoder som kan fungera bättre än jobbstimulansen samt vilka teoretiska grunder detta kan baseras på. Trots att studien kan anses vara experimentell och bitvis fiktiv då vi endast mäter grad av upplevd motivation och inte faktisk motivation kan resultatet anses vara intressant då den motsätter sig nuvarande metod samt påbörjar ett utforskande av motivationsarbete inom socialtjänsten. / The aim of the study was to examine what unemployed job seekers experiences create motivation toward self-sufficiency trough employment in relation to the current statutory method jobbstimulansen (the Job Stimulus) and other methods inspired by motivational theories such as the Self-Efficacy Theory and the Self-Determination Theory. Inspiration for the study arose from an interest in- and a questioning of the reform described in 4. Ch. 1b § of Socialtjänstlagen (2001:453), known as the Job Stimulus. The insertion of which aimed, among other things, at making it profitable for job seekers to take a job can be considered to have had other negative effects (Socialstyrelsen 2016). The Job Stimulus is still part of the Social Services' work without clear evidence that the model does what it is supposed to; motivate individuals into work. This led to the study's overarching question: What do job seekers feel motivates them toward self- sufficiency through employment? To answer the purpose and its questions we made a vignette study where the respondents currently are or have been unemployed. The result of the study indicates that internal motivational incentives are perceived as more motivating than external financial incentives, which thus contrasts with the current statutory method. Furthermore, the study illuminates alternative methods that may prove more effective than the Job Stimulus, along with the theoretical underpinnings supporting these approaches. Although the study may be considered a bit experimental and partially fictitious as we only measure the perceived degree of motivation and not actual motivation, the result can be considered interesting as it opposes the current method and begins an exploration of motivational work within the Social Services.

Leveling up Learning : Examining the Influence of Gamification on Micro-Learning in the Workplace

Fredriksson, Jonatan January 2024 (has links)
In our constantly increasing digital society, the need for continuous learning is becoming increasingly crucial. Having an adaptable workforce is important for productivity in the long term. A solution that has seen increasing traction in recent times is so-called micro-learning. Micro-learning breaks down learning into smaller, more digestible units. Another trend that has also seen increasing relevance is gamification, a technique employing motivational incentives like video games. This Design Science thesis explores the intersection between micro-learning and gamification, trying to understand with an exploratory approach users’ hands-on experiences with two different micro-learning systems. One system integrating explicitly designed gamification features, the gamified micro-learning platform. The other system instead lacked these designed gamified features, the non-gamified micro-learning platform. Through a six-week study phase, participants explored the two different platforms and then shared their experiences. By understanding participants' hands-on experiences through the lens of Self Determination Theory, the aim of the study is to then derive a set of design principles for implementing gamification in a micro-learning system informed by the data gathered.

Navigating Crises: Internal Communication Strategies and Employee Motivation in Swedish SMEs During COVID-19

Almenayes, Noura, Najm, Lanya Nadhim January 2024 (has links)
This paper examines how internal communication strategies in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) during COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on employee intrinsic motivation. By analyzing experiences of managers and employees in Sweden, it identifies effective communication methods that enhance morale and engagement. It also explores how these strategies align with Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and provides practical recommendations for crisis management communication. Through analysis of communication channels, frequency, and styles, it offers insights for organizational communication and crises management. This qualitative study employs thematic analysis of interviews with managers and employees in Swedish SMEs during COVID-19. It evaluates internal communication strategies such as channels, frequency, and styles, and their impact on employee motivation, aligning findings with SDT. To conlcude, this thesis illuminates the interplay between internal communication strategies and employee motivation within Swedish SMEs during COVID-19 pandemic. Through qualitative analysis, the study underlines the importance of flexible communication approaches, digital channels, and transparent styles in fostering resilience and engagement. The findings suggest that aligning communication strategies with SDT princibles can enhance organizational effectiveness during crises. Practical recommendations are provided to empower leaders in cultivating supportive work environments and promoting employee well-being.

Exploring the Impact of Creative Writing on Upper-Secondary ESL Students’ Motivation to Write in English / Utforskning av Kreativt Skrivandes Påverkan på Motivation hos Gymnasielever som Studera Engelska som Andraspråk

Berro, Hadi, Duong, Manh January 2024 (has links)
The study examined the integration of Creative Writing (CW) into Swedish upper-secondary education, focusing on enhancing student motivation and engagement. It was hypothesized that CW, by fostering autonomy, competence, relatedness, and enjoyment, could improve students' intrinsic motivation, and engagement, as guided by Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Given the frequent issue of student dropouts, there is a recognized need for teachers to identify effective strategies to increase students’ motivation. The researchers propose incorporating CW alongside traditional methods as a potential solution. By raising student motivation, this strategy hopes to boost academic achievement and lower dropout rates. The study incorporates CW in an attempt to make learning more motivating and interesting while also meeting the diverse needs of students. The study enlists a mixed-methods approach to investigate the effectiveness of a CW intervention. The intervention involved students creatively reimagining endings in classical literature, facilitated through digital resources to ensure broad access, and engagement. The effect of the intervention on student motivation was measured using surveys in a pre- and post-test design. In addition, semi-structured interviews were used to gather qualitative data. Results indicated that substantial improvements in students' enjoyment, motivation, and ability to express themselves were achieved, suggesting that CW can bridge traditional teaching methods, and contemporary educational demands. The study highlights the potential of integrating CW into curricula, proposing that such innovative pedagogical strategies can revitalize student engagement and foster a more dynamic, and enjoyable learning environment. These findings advocate for broader application and further exploration of CW within educational settings to enhance student motivation, and their engagement with literacy.

Hur är friluftsmotivationen? : En kvalitativ studie om elever i gymnasiet och deras motivation till delmomentet friluftsliv / How is the outdoor education motivation? : A qualitative study on students in high school and their motivation for the outdoor education life component

pasha, mohannad January 2024 (has links)
The study is about students' motivation towards the element of outdoor life within the subject of sports and health. The aim is to analyze and create an understanding of some students' attitude and motivation for the outdoor life component in the subject of sports and health. For this, two well-formulated questions were used that could answer the purpose. The method that was selected for this was qualitative thematic method with semi structured interview. The theoretical starting point used to measure the motivation of the students who participated in the study was the self-determination theory. This theory was a very excellent choice as it helped me measure students' motivation. The results show that the students' motivation varies, there are students who have high motivation and then there are students who have low motivation. By using the psychological needs within self determination theory consisting of autonomy, competence and belonging, I was able to measure students' motivation as well as know why their motivation looked the way it did. / Studien handlar om elevers motivation gentemot delmomentet friluftsliv inom ämnet idrott och hälsa. Syftet vara att analysera och skapa en förståelse för några elevers inställning och motivation för delmomentet friluftsliv i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Till detta användes två välformulerade frågeställningar som kunde besvara syftet. Metoden som var utvald till denna föll för kvalitativ tematisk metod med semistrukturerad intervju. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten som användes för att mäta motivationen hos eleverna som deltog i studien var självbestämmandeteorin. Denna teori var ett mycket utmärkt val då det bidrog till att jag kunde mäta elevernas motivation. Resultatet visar att motivationen hos eleverna varierar, det finns elever som har hög motivation och så existerar det elever som har en låg motivation. Genom att använda sig av de psykologiska behoven inom självbestämmande teorin som består av autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighetkunde jag mäta elevernas motivation samt veta varför deras motivation såg ut som den gjorde

Player Motivation & Deviant Play : Game mechanics in gameplay contexts that aim to diminish theeffects of deviant play in competitive multiplayer online games

Traistar, Bianca January 2024 (has links)
This research explores player motivations in first-person shooter competitive multiplayer games and proposes game mechanics illustrated in gameplay contexts that promote competence, relatedness, and autonomy. By adopting a self-deterministic lens for exploring player motivations and experiences, and how they are negatively affected by toxic play, the study aims to identify insights that could diminish the negative effects for standard players. Following a design-based research approach, the project employed player-centred methods to explore personal accounts of experience in the researched context. The end result is an annotated portfolio presenting game mechanics in gameplay contexts that allow players to understand who they are playing with and against, to bond with their teammates, and to get a second chance to rejoin the game. The annotated portfolio frames the knowledge contribution as insights into how the designs enhance perceived competence, relatedness, and autonomy.

A Pilots’ Motivation : A qualitative approach in analysing pilots’ motivation despite limited control over working hours

Dolfe, Daniel January 2024 (has links)
This study uses the Self Determination Theory (SDT) to describe and analyse what motivates pilots whilst having limited control over working hours. Pilots work in a challenging environment with variable working hours and high operational demands. This affects the pilots autonomous, intrinsic, extrinsic and controlled motivation. The study uses a qualitative approach interviewing eight Swedish pilots working at different airlines. This study describes and analyses the sense of autonomy, sense of competence and sense of relatedness, and how autonomous motivation, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and controlled motivation affects pilots´ motivation. This study finds that pilots value the sense of autonomy that comes from empowerment to take decisions within the strict framework of rules they operate in. The pilots feel a strong sense of competence from training programs and knowledge transfer colleagues, and relatedness to colleagues through a sense of being cared for, all these seems to promote autonomous and intrinsic motivation. Further, intrinsic motivation arises from a passion for flying and executing leadership. Extrinsic motivation arises from salary, and fear of punishment. The pilots lack of ability to control their working hours leads to controlled motivation and stress. The findings of this study could be used to improve pilot welfare and motivation. By understanding and addressing pilot motivation airlines can develop strategies to support its workforce more effectively.

Välbefinnandet kommer som ett brev på posten : En kvalitativ studie om vad som motiverar äldre till att styrketräna

Larsson, Elin, Nystedt, Jennie January 2016 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse för hur äldre personer förhåller sig till styrketräning med särskilt fokus på deras motivationsfaktorer och vad som påverkar deras upplevelse av kompetens, autonomi och tillhörighet. Detta har studerats inom ramen för self determination theory (SDT) och utifrån följande frågeställningar: (1) Vad motiverar äldre till att styrketräna? (2) Av vilka anledningar började seniorerna med just styrketräning? (3) Vilka faktorer påverkar seniorernas upplevelse av kompetens, autonomi och tillhörighet vid styrketräning?   Metod Med ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt utfördes sex intervjuer med seniorer över 70 år som är aktiva inom styrketräning. På centret där samtliga deltagare tränar idag genomfördes halvstrukturerade intervjuer utifrån en utarbetad intervjuguide. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades med ett tolkande tillvägagångssätt. Genom ett induktivt synsätt framkom meningsbärande enheter och teman som sedan kategoriserades in efter likheter för att gradvis bygga en hierarki.   Resultat Resultaten visar att seniorerna motiveras till att styrketräna av att upprätthålla fysiken och undvika försämring samt hälsovinster. Alla tre behoven var av stor betydelse för motivationen. Kompetens och tillhörighet hade framträdande roller samtidigt som autonomi beskrevs som en självklarhet. En viktig del i behovstillfredsställelsen var det senior-anpassade centret, både personal, redskap och centrets klientel var källor till upplevd kompetens. Centret bidrog även till en hög känsla av tillhörighet då det sociala utbytet var en viktig del i motivationen för många. Att alla hade fysiska begränsningar genererade samhörighet och skapade en prestigelös miljö på centret.   Slutsats Framförallt var kompetens och tillhörighet viktiga komponenter för seniorernas motivation till styrketräning. För att tillfredsställa dessa behov var centrets utformning avgörande, vad gäller både instruktörer, utrustning samt klientelet som vistas där. Förhoppningsvis kan resultatet användas som underlag vid skapandet av arenor och mötesplatser som attraherar äldre.

Motivation från personliga tränares perspektiv : Hur inre och yttre motivation rymmer sig inom yrket som personlig tränare / Motivation from the perspective of personal trainers : How intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is applied in the profession of personal trainers

Strandell, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien behandlar personliga tränares arbete med inre och yttre motivation. Syftet är att undersöka hur personliga tränare arbetar med dessa motivationsinriktningar samt hur motivation kan gestalta sig hos deras klienter - för att i slutändan kunna presentera den inriktningen som är mest gynnsam för klientens långsiktiga upprätthållning av ett beteende. för att undersöka frågeställningar användes semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Inre motivatorer som identifierades var vilja, ambition och intresse. Yttre motivatorer som identifierades var förväntningar och press från omgivningen, tränarpress och tidspress. Samtliga tränare hade en utbredd erfarenhet av båda inriktningarna. Inre motivation var dock den inriktning som helhetligt präglade samtligas arbete. Det var även den inriktning som visade sig vara mest gynnsam för klientens långsiktiga upprätthållning av ett beteende. / This study examines personal trainers work towards intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The aim is to recognize personal trainers work towards these motivational characters aswell as recognizing these motivational characters ways of expressing themselves in their clients - so that in the extension the character who fits most appropriate to provide a long-term solution for the maintenance of a behavior can be recognized. To examine the issues semi-structured interviews was applied. Intrinsic motivation was identified as will, ambition and interest. Extrinsic motivation was identified as expectations and pressure from the environment, pressure from the trainer and deadline-pressure. All trainers showed an expansive experience from both motivational characters. Intrinsic motivation was however the character who generally characterized the work of all trainers. Intrinsic motivation was also the character of motivation deemed most appropriate for providing a long-term solution for the maintenence of a behaviour.

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