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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skalierbare Ausführung von Prozessanwendungen in dienstorientierten Umgebungen

Preißler, Steffen 25 October 2012 (has links)
Die Strukturierung und Nutzung von unternehmensinternen IT-Infrastrukturen auf Grundlage dienstorientierter Architekturen (SOA) und etablierter XML-Technologien ist in den vergangenen Jahren stetig gewachsen. Lag der Fokus anfänglicher SOA-Realisierungen auf der flexiblen Ausführung klassischer, unternehmensrelevanter Geschäftsprozesse, so bilden heutzutage zeitnahe Datenanalysen sowie die Überwachung von geschäftsrelevanten Ereignissen weitere wichtige Anwendungsklassen, um sowohl kurzfristig Probleme des Geschäftsablaufes zu identifizieren als auch um mittel- und langfristige Veränderungen im Markt zu erkennen und die Geschäftsprozesse des Unternehmens flexibel darauf anzupassen. Aufgrund der geschichtlich bedingten, voneinander unabhängigen Entwicklung der drei Anwendungsklassen, werden die jeweiligen Anwendungsprozesse gegenwärtig in eigenständigen Systemen modelliert und ausgeführt. Daraus resultiert jedoch eine Reihe von Nachteilen, welche diese Arbeit aufzeigt und ausführlich diskutiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigte sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der Ableitung einer konsolidierten Ausführungsplattform, die es ermöglicht, Prozesse aller drei Anwendungsklassen gemeinsam zu modellieren und in einer SOA-basierten Infrastruktur effizient auszuführen. Die vorliegende Arbeit adressiert die Probleme einer solchen konsolidierten Ausführungsplattform auf den drei Ebenen der Dienstkommunikation, der Prozessausführung und der optimalen Verteilung von SOA-Komponenten in einer Infrastruktur.

A study of optimizing the Processing time for Building permits : Study Case: Tyresö municipality

Alizadeh Amirbeigi, Sara January 2013 (has links)
There are rules in urban development and the construction industry, which encourages organizations to work according to standards and approved codes. For example: it is required by law for all property owners to apply and obtain a permit in order to carry out an action in construction building. Often, the permit process takes a great deal of time to process.   Currently, there is a lack of constructional project for residential buildings in Stockholm region, and there is critique toward the municipalities for having a long processing time for reviewing building permits. This study is about ways to optimize the processing time for building permits. As a first step, it was important to study parameters, which maximizes the quality and efficiency. Since, time is often one of the restricted factors in urban development, optimizing the processing time issuing a construction permit can be one of the quality elements in service oriented business organizations like a municipality.   This study aims to analyze the building permit processing time, and investigate different factors that have influence on it. The case for this was Tyresö municipality, a municipality with approximately 45 000 inhabitants in the south east of the Stockholm region. Required information has been developed based on interviews with the municipality's personnel and professional construction developer who have applied for building permit in Tyresö region. In addition, previous reports, statistics, and cases from the municipality archive have been used to identify important concepts as empirical material.   Long processing time is a current existing problem in many municipalities. A service oriented organization like a municipality should try to increase clients’ satisfaction by a continual and proper communication with public. The municipality can identify the costumer needs and expectations and improve the quality efficiency by communication. Optimizing of processing time in the building permit cases is one of the issues of process optimization that can increase customer satisfaction. Using Total Quality Management strategy in the organization, help the municipality to optimize the processing time continuously. It means quality improvement and leads to long term costumer satisfaction. Since functional team develops solutions to problems in TQM style it often shortens the time taken to produce services. The focus of this management style is on importance of the relationship between costumer and organization and it is directly linked to their communication.   By service guarantee as a tool, municipality which is a politically governed organization makes assurance for public as its costumer to provide community services with proper quality. A well defined service Guarantee has been contributed the improving quality of the services. It helps the planning and building department of municipality to increase the costumer satisfaction and attract more building developer to invest in the municipality region. / Lagar och regler är till för att ha ett väl fungerande samhälle. Samma sak gäller inom samhälls- och stadsutveckling, då regelverk och normer styr utvecklingen. Ett exempel är att bygglov behövs för den som vill bygga. Handläggningstiden för bygglov ingår allt som oftast i planeringstiden för byggnation, och handläggningstiden kan ibland dra ut på tiden.   För närvarande har kommunernas handläggningstid av bygglovsärenden fått massiv kritik. För att komma till rätta med problemet, och korta handläggningstiderna, måste kommunerna identifiera de kritiska parametrarna som kan bidra till effektivare processer. Då tid är oftast en viktig faktor, kan tidsoptimering vara ett sätt att få höja kvaliteten och effektiviteten, speciellt i en serviceorienterad organisation, liksom kommun.   Denna studie syftar till att undersöka, identifiera och analysera de faktorer som påverkar handläggningstiden för bygglov. Undersökningen har utförts på Tyresökommun, en kommun med omkring 45 000 innevånare som ligger i sydöstra Stockholmsregionen. Studien är baserad på intervjuer av de anställda på bygglovsenheten samt de ansökande. Även äldre ärenden i kommunens arkiv har analyserats, för att få ett bättre underlag i den här studien.    De långa handläggningstiderna är ett av större problem kommunerna dras med, något som även gäller Tyresö kommun. Med en kontinuerlig och bättre kommunikation med de bygglovssökande identifieras behov och förväntningar vilket leder till mer effektiviserad handläggningstid. Denna handläggningstidsoptimering är en åtgärd för att sträva efter en optimerad process. Genom att identifiera problemen och använda sig av en Total Quality Management-strategi kan kommunen optimera handläggningstiden kontinuerligt som utmynnar till kvalitetsförbättringar och större kundnöjdhet. Enligt TQM är handläggarnas utveckling av problemlösningar en orsak till kortare handläggningstid. Relationen mellan kunden och organisationen är av stort betydelse i det här ledarskapet och är kopplad till en direkt kommunikation dessa emellan. Vilket betyder sökande som kund samt kommunen som en organisation skall föra en kontinuerlig kommunikation enl. TQM.   Med servicegaranti som ett verktyg kan kommunen utlova tjänster med anständiga kvaliteter. Välutvecklad servicegaranti bidrar till en förbättrad tjänstekvalitet och kortare handläggningstid. Detta medför en förhöjd kundnöjdhet och lockar fler bygginvesterare till regionen.

Interfacing Digital and Physical Twins with a Microservice Architecture

Wintercorn, Oskar January 2022 (has links)
Throughout history, humans have proven to develop and improve their quality of life constantly. Incorporating mechanical principles into otherwise manual labor was one such aspect. Today, introducing mechanization to the industry and steam power is regarded as the first industrial revolution. Since then, a second and a third have followed, introducing concepts such as electricity, automation, computers, and computerization. Finally, in 2011 the fourth industrial revolution was introduced as Industry 4.0 by a project started in Germany, which considers digitalization. Industry 4.0 uses concepts such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing. The goal of these concepts is to be able to further the capabilities of automation in the industry, creating smart factories. A problem experienced today when making changes to the production line is that an immense amount of hard coding is required for the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) controlling the system as well as for the system controlling the factory. The Eclipse Arrowhead Framework addresses these issues by applying a particular set of parameters to all systems within the IT infrastructure. The Arrowheadframework offers parameters such as orchestrator, authorization, and a service registry to each system incorporated within the framework. By applying this, the System of Systems (SoS) and the parameters provided by the Arrowhead framework create a local cloud. In doing so, each system within a factory belongs to its local cloud, building a factory made of a cluster of local clouds. By applying the ideas of Industry 4.0, a proof of concept is created, showing that today’s industry would benefit from using the concepts stated above with digital twins. The thesis explores and proves that, with the help of digital twins, today’s industry can cut down on manufacturing process development. In addition, it reduces the time it takes to apply changes to the production line by enabling machine learning to facilitate human interaction. A model factory created by fischertechnik is used, together with a PLC, as the physical twin in this master thesis. In addition, using Siemens Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software NX, a digital twin is created; this digital twin will communicate with the physical twin to simulate the behavior of the physical twin in real-time. A server has been created and is acting as a hub of communication for both of the twins. The use of the digital twin to communicate with the physical twin will enable tremendous advances in automation regarding industry 4.0.

Versioning of Web Services for the Swedish Public Sector’s secure electronic mail service Mina meddelanden

Wong, Sai Man January 2015 (has links)
Mina meddelanden (English: My Messages) is a secure electronic mail service provided by seven Swedish public authorities, which may be used by the Swedish population to electronically receive mail from the public sector. The IT infrastructure of this mail service is primarily developed and maintained by the Swedish Tax Agency. It is built on Web Services and the principles of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This allows external stakeholders to connect to the system as subsystems: Senders, Postal Services or Mailbox Operators, each designed to either send, mediate or receive mail using Web Services. Used in this way, Web Services allow for a loosely coupled system, however, system upgrades must be deployed in an orderly fashion so as to prevent breakdowns. The main research areas of this literature review, conducted with an iterative search process, include versioning of Web Services, SOA strategies, design patterns and frameworks. Based on the findings of this research, two theoretical approaches are suggested for Mina meddelanden: (i) a gradual change between two strictly controlled versions with a unified repository to store relevant Web service artifacts and documentations, and (ii) more generally to implement an integration platform that includes a service bus to mediate messages to the most suitable version. Mina meddelanden is a government project, and there are strict IT regulations and directives that must be followed. Therefore, the first approach is the most suitable at the time of writing, since there is already a working version of the system that follows these rules. Future implementation of an integration platform requires further study to ensure legal requirements are met. / Mina meddelanden är en säker digital posttjänst som tillhandahålls av sju svenska myndigheter och kan användas av den svenska befolkningen för att ta emot post elektroniskt från den offentliga sektorn. IT-infrastrukturen av denna posttjänst utvecklas och underhålls främst av Skatteverket. Den är byggd på webbtjänster och principerna av en tjänsteorienterad arkitektur (SOA). Detta gör det möjligt för externa aktörer att ansluta till systemet som delsystemen: Avsändare, Förmedlare eller Brevlådeoperatörer som är utformade för att antingen skicka, förmedla eller ta emot e-post med hjälp av webbtjänster. Webbtjänster gör det möjligt för delsystemen att samarbeta med varandra, men uppdateringar utav ett sådant system måste ske på ett metodiskt sätt för att förhindra haverier. Det huvudsakliga undersökningsområdet av denna litteraturstudie, genomfördes med en iterativ sökprocess, omfattas av versionshantering av webbtjänster, SOA strategier, designmallar och ramverk. Baserat på litteraturstudien förslås två teoretiska tillvägagångssätt för Mina meddelanden: (i) en succesiv förändring mellan två strikta och kontrollerade versioner med ett enat förvar för att lagra relevanta webbtjänster artefakter och dokumentationer och (ii) en mer generell lösning att implementera en integrationsplattform som inkluderar en tjänstebuss för att förmedla meddelanden till den mest passande versionen. Mina meddelanden är ett statligt projekt och måste därför följa strikta IT direktiv och riktlinjer, så det första tillvägagångssättet är den bäst kvalificerad i skrivande stund på grund av att det redan finns en fungerande version av systemet som följer dessa regler. Framtida implementationer av en integrationsplattform kräver ytterligare studier för att säkerställa att juridiska krav är uppnådda.

Comparing Monolithic and Event-Driven Architecture when Designing Large-scale Systems / Jämföra monolitisk och event-driven arkitektur vid design av storskaliga system

Eder, Felix January 2021 (has links)
The way the structure of systems and programs are designed is very important. When working with smaller groups of systems, the chosen architecture does not affect the performance and efficiency greatly, but as these systems increase in size and complexity, the choice of architecture becomes a very important one. Problems that can arise when the complexity of software scales up are waiting for data accesses, long sequential executions and potential loss of data. There is no single, optimal software architecture, as there are countless different ways to design programs, but it is interesting to look at which architectures perform the best in terms of execution time when handling multiple bigger systems and large amounts of data. In this thesis, a case called "The Income Deduction" will be implemented in a monolithic and an event-driven architectural style and then be put through three different scenarios. The monolithic architecture was chosen due to its simplicity and popularity when constructing simpler programs and systems, while the event-driven architecture was chosen due to its theoretical benefits of removing sequential communicating between systems and thus reduce the time systems spend waiting for each other to respond. The main research question to answer is what the main benefits and drawbacks are when building larger systems with an event-driven architectural style. Additional research questions include how the architecture affects the organisation’s efficiency and cooperation between different teams, as well as how the security of data is handled. The two implementations where put through three different scenarios within the case, measuring execution time, number of HTTP requests sent, database accesses and events emitted. The results show that the event-driven architecture performed 9.4% slower in the first scenario and 0.5% slower in the second scenario. In the third scenario the event-driven architecture performed 49.0% faster than the monolithic implementation, finishing the scenario in less than half the amount of time. The monolithic implementation generally performed well in the simpler scenarios 1 and 2, where the systems had fewer integrations to each other. In these cases it is the preferred solution since it is easier to design and implement. The event-driven solution did perform much better in the more complex scenario 3, where a lot of systems and integrations were involved, since it could remove certain connections between systems. Lastly, this thesis also discusses the sustainability and ethics of the study, as well as the limitations of the research and potential future work. / Strukturen som system och program designas efter är väldigt viktigt. När en arbetar med mindre grupper av system så kommer den valda arkitekturen inte att påverka prestandan mycket. Men när dessa system växter i storlek och komplexitet så kommer valet av arkitektur vara väldigt viktigt. Problem som kan uppstå när mjukvarukomplexiteten ökar är väntandet på dataaccesser, långa sekventiella exekveringar och potentiell förlust av data. Det finns ingen optimal mjukvaruarkitektur, det finns oräkneligt många sätt att designa program. Det är intressant att kolla på vilka arkitekturer som preseterar bäst sätt till exekveringstid när en hanterar ett flertal större system och stora mängder data. I den här avhandlingen kommer ett fall, kallat "Ingångsavdraget", att implementeras i en monolitisk och en event-driven arkitekturell stil och sedan köras igenom tre olika scenarion. Den monolitiska arkitekturen var vald på grund av dess enkelhet och populäritet vid utveckling av enklar program och system. Den event-drivna arkitekturen valdes på grund av vissa teoretiska fördelar, så som att kunna undvika sekventiell kommunikation mellan systemen och därmed reducera tiden som systemen väntar på svar från varandra. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan som ska besvaras är vad de största fördelarna och nackdelarna är när man bygger större system med en event-driven arkitekturell stil. Andra forskningsfrågor inkludera hur arkitekturen påverkar effektiviteten hos en organisation och samarbetet mellan olika team, samt hur datasäkerheten hanteras. De två implementationerna sattes igång tre olika scenarion inom fallet, där exekveringstid, antal HTTP-anrop skickade, databasaccesser och event skickad mättes. Resultaten visar att den event-drivna arkitekturen presterade 9.4% långsamare i det första scenariot och 0.5% långsamare i det andra scenariot. I det tredje scenariot presterade den event-drivna lösningen 49.0% snabbare än den monolitiska lösningen och avslutade därmed scenariot under hälften av tiden. Den monolitiska implementationen presterade generellt väl under de simplare scenarion 1 och 2, där systemen hade färre integrationer till varandra. I dessa fallen så är den den föredragna lösningen eftersom det är lättare att designa och implementera. Den event-drivna lösningen presterade mycket bättre i det mer komplexa scenario 3, där många system och integrationer var inblandade, eftersom den kunde ta bort vissa kopplingar mellan system. Slutligen så diskuteras även hållbarhet och etik i studien, samt begränsningarna av forskningen och potentiellt framtida arbete.

Webové služby jako realizace architektury orientované na služby / Realisation of Service-Oriented Architecture: Web Services

Jiráček, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The main subject of this master thesis is the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). It shows a complete overview of Web Services in terms of realisation of a SOA. The thesis mentions what is already done and what else remains to ful ll the basic SOA principles. Then, it reviews Java EE platform tools used to deal with the Web Services. Next, it introduces the Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology as a solution of the web service's area - SOA governance. Moreover, it examinates the possible usage of JMX for the web service's management and monitoring issues. Finally, it implements an exemplary web services management and monitoring application on GlassFish server for testing purposes.

A Method for Standardization within the Payload Interface Definition of a Service-Oriented Spacecraft using a Modified Interface Control Document​ / En metod för standardisering av nyttolastgränsyta för en service-orienterad rymdfarkost via ett modifierat dokumentet för gränssnittskontroll

Klicker, Laura January 2017 (has links)
With a big picture view of increasing the accessibility of space, standardization is applied within a service-oriented space program. The development of standardized spacecraft interfaces for numerous and varied payloads is examined through the lens of the creation of an Interface Control Document (ICD) within the Peregrine Lunar Lander project of Astrobotic Technologies, Inc. The procedure is simple, transparent, and adaptable; its applicability to other similar projects is assessed. / För en ökad tillgång till rymden finns det behov av standardisering för en förbättrad service. Utvecklingen av standardiserade rymdfarkostgränsytor för flera och olika nyttolaster har undersökts via ett dokumentet för gränssnittskontroll (ICD) inom projektet Peregrine Lunar Lander för Astrobotic Technologies, Inc. Proceduren är enkel, transparent och anpassningbar; dess användning för andra liknande projekt har värderats.

Evaluation of Potential Propulsion Systems for a Commercial Micro Moon Lander

Papavramidis, Konstantinos January 2019 (has links)
In the advent of Space 4.0 era with the commercialization and increased accessibility of space, a requirement analysis, trade-off options, development status and critical areas of a propulsion system for a Commercial Micro Moon Lander is carried out. An investigation of a suitable system for the current mission is examined in the frame of the ASTRI project of OHB System AG and Blue Horizon. Main trajectory strategies are being investigated and simulations are performed to extract the ∆V requirements. Top-level requirements are extracted which give the first input for the propulsion design. An evaluation of the propulsion requirements is implemented which outlines the factors that are more important and drive the propulsion design. The evaluation implements a dual comparison of the requirements where weighting factors are extracted, resulting the main drivers of the propulsion system design. A trade-off analysis is performed for various types of propulsion systems and a preliminary selection of a propulsion system suitable for the mission is described. A first-iteration architecture of the propulsion, ADCS and GNC subsystems are also presented as well as a component list. A first approach of the landing phase is described and an estimation of the required thrust is calculated. A unified Bipropellant propulsion system is proposed which fills out most of the mission requirements. However, the analysis shows that the total mass of the lander, including all the margins, exceeds a bit the mass limitations but no the volume limitations. The results shows that a decrease in payload capacity or the implementation of a different trajectory strategy can lower the mass below the limit. In addition, further iterations in the lander concept which will give a more detailed design, resulting to no extra margins, can drive the mass below the limit. Finally, a discussion on the results is done, addressing the limitations and the important factors that need to be considered for the mission. The viability of the mission due to its commercial aspect is being questioned and further investigation is suggested to be carried out on the ”micro” lander concept. / I tillkomsten av Space 4.0 era med kommersialisering och ökad tillgänglighet av rymden, en kravanalys, avvägningsalternativ, utvecklingsstatus och kritiska områden av ett framdrivningssystem för en kommersiell mikro månlandare bärs ut. En undersökning av ett lämpligt system för det aktuella uppdraget genomförs inom ramen för ASTRI-projektet för OHB System AG och Blue Horizon. Olika strategier för banor undersöks och simuleringar utförs för att extrahera ΔV-kraven. Topp-nivå krav definieras och ger den första inputen för designen av framdrivningssystemet. En utvärdering av framdrivningskraven implementeras och belyser de viktigaste faktorer som driver design av framdrivningssystemet. En avvägningsanalys utförs för olika typer av framdrivningssystem och ett preliminärt urval av ett framdrivningssystem som är lämpligt för uppdraget beskrivs. En arkitektur för framdrivningen, ADCS och GNC-delsystem presenteras såväl som en komponentlista. Ett första tillvägagångssätt av landningsfasen beskrivs och en uppskattning av den nödvändiga dragkraften beräknas. Ett enhetligt Bi-propellant framdrivningssystem föreslås som uppfyller ut de flesta uppdragskraven. Analysen visar dock att summan av månlandarens massa, inklusive alla marginaler, överstiger massbegränsningarna men inte de volymbegränsningarna uppsatta i projektet. Resultaten visar att en minskning av nyttolastkapaciteten eller genomförandet av en annan banstrategi kan minska den totala massan då den inom gränsvärdena. Dessutom, ytterligare iterationer i månlandarens koncept som kommer att ge en mer detaljerad design, vilket resulterar i inga extra marginaler, kan leda till att den uppskattade massan minskar ytterligare. Slutligen förs en diskussion om resultaten, med hänsyn till de begränsningarna och de viktigaste faktorerna som måste beaktas för uppdraget. Lönsamheten hos uppdraget på grund av sin kommersiella aspekt är ifrågasatt och vidare utredning föreslås utförs på ”mikro” månlandare konceptet.

Extending Service Oriented Architecture Using Generic Service Representatives

Najafi, Mehran 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) focuses on dividing the enterprise application layer of an enterprise system into components (as services) that have direct relationships with the business functionality of the enterprise. Web services, which are based on message exchanges, are the most widely adopted SOA technology. Web services provide web-accessible programs and devices that have been widely promoted for cloud computing environments. However, different types of web services are required to model actual services in the business domain. Particularly, enterprises (business providers such as banks, health care, and insurance companies) usually send their agents or other personnel (e.g., representatives, installers, maintainers, and trainers) to client sides to perform required services. An enterprise agent can be modeled as a software agent - a computer program that cannot be transmitted efficiently by communication messages. Lacking an efficient way to model the transmission of enterprise agents in traditional message based technologies restricts the application and usage of service-oriented architectures. The central problem addressed in this thesis is the need to develop an efficient SOA model for enterprise agents that will enable service providers to process client data locally at the client side.</p> <p>To address the research problem, the thesis proposes to model enterprise agents in SOA with a generic software agent called the Service Representative. This is a generic software agent which stays at the client side and can be customized by different service providers to process client data locally. Moreover, to employ a service representative, the thesis proposes a new type of web services called Task Services. While a traditional web service, called Data Service, processes client data completely at the server side, a task service is a web service with the capability of processing client data and resources partially or completely at the client side, using a Service Representative. Each task service assigns a task with three components to the generic service representative: task model, task knowledge, and task data. The task components are mapped to business components such as business process models, business rules and actions, and business data, where they can be efficiently transmitted by service messages.</p> <p>The combination of a service representative and task services provides an executable platform for service providers at the client side. Moreover, the client does not need to reveal its data, and hence privacy and security are maintained. Large volume client data is processed locally, causing less network traffic. Finally, real-time and event-triggered web services can be developed, based on the proposed approach.</p> <p>The main contributions and novelty of this research are: i) a domain independent computational model of enterprise agents in SOA to support a wide variety of client-processing tasks, ii) client- side web services which are compatible with typical server-side web services and comparable to other client-side processing technologies, iii) extensions of the SOA architecture by adding novel generic components including the service representative, the competition desk, and the service composition certifier, iv) provision of a formal model of client-side and server-side web services based on their construction of business components, v) empirical evaluations of the web service model in a number of different applications, using a prototype system, and vi) the application of the developed model to a number of target domains including the healthcare field. Furthermore, because client-side and server-side web services are complementary, a decision support model is provided that will assist service developers to decide upon the best service type for a web service.</p> / Doctor of Science (PhD)

Defect Localization using Dynamic Call Tree Mining and Matching and Request Replication: An Alternative to QoS-aware Service Selection

Yousefi, Anis 04 1900 (has links)
<p>This thesis is concerned with two separate subjects; (i) Defect localization using tree mining and tree matching, and (ii) Quality-of-service-aware service selection; it is divided into these parts accordingly.</p> / <p>This thesis is concerned with two separate subjects; (i) Defect localization using tree mining and tree matching, and (ii) Quality-of-service-aware service selection; it is divided into these parts accordingly.</p> <p>In the first part of this thesis we present a novel technique for defect localization which is able to localize call-graph-affecting defects using tree mining and tree matching techniques. In this approach, given a set of successful executions and a failing execution and by following a series of analyses we generate an extended report of suspicious method calls. The proposed defect localization technique is implemented as a prototype and evaluated using four subject programs of various sizes, developed in Java or C. Our experiments show comparable results to similar defect localization tools, but unlike most of its counterparts, we do not require the availability of multiple failing executions to localize the defects. We believe that this is a major advantage, since it is often the case that we have only a single failing execution to work with. Potential risks of the proposed technique are also investigated.</p> <p>In the second part of this thesis we present an alternative strategy for service selection in service oriented architecture, which provides better quality services for less cost. The proposed Request Replication technique replicates a client’s request over a number of cheap, low quality services to gain the required quality of service. Following this approach, we also present a number of recommendations about how service providers should advertise non-functional properties of their services.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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