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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Missionarinnen in heterosexuell erotisierten Beziehungsgeflechten : eine theologisch-soziologische Untersuchung in deutschen evangelikalen Missionsgesellschaften / Heterosexual female missionaries in eroticised entanglement of relationships : a theological-sociological investigation of evangelical german mission societies

Kessler, Martina 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German / In dieser empirischen Untersuchung wird die Lebens- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Missio-nar/-innen auf dem Missionsfeld erforscht. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist die Frage, wie der Status (Single oder verheiratet, Frau oder Mann) die Lebens- und Arbeitsgemein-schaft von Missionar/-innen beeinflusst. Mit welchen heterosexuell erotisierten Situationen werden Missionar/-innen konfrontiert? Ziel ist es, die verschiedenen Erotisierungen zu erken-nen, deren Einfluss auf die Missionsarbeit zu verstehen und herauszuarbeiten, welche Präven-tion für die Missionar/-innen hilfreich ist. Nach der Begriffsklärung wird im ersten Schritt die aktuelle Genderdebatte beleuchtet, um den Denkrahmen der Erotisierung zwischen Frau und Mann zu skizzieren und um die Notwendigkeit feministischer Ansätze zu erkennen. Dann werden in einer biblisch-theologischen Untersuchung zu Geschlecht und Erotik die biblisch-theologische Wesensmä-ßigkeit von Frauen und Männern, die Authentizität des Ehelebens, sowie sexuelle Versuchung und Versuchlichkeit dargestellt. Ebenso wird die Anziehung durch die Schönheit nach dem Hohelied dargestellt. In einer missionswissenschaftlichen Literaturstudie wird Leiterschaft und Mitarbeiterführung, sowie der Wahrnehmung von Frau- und Mannsein im Missionskon-text gesichtet. Die empirische Forschung begann mit einer Prästudie, in der die im Arbeitskreis Evan-gelikale Mission (AEM) zusammengeschlossenen Missionsgesellschaften zu ihrem aktuellen Umgang mit Erotisierungen im missionarischen Beziehungsgeflecht befragt wurden. In der dann folgenden empirischen Forschung wurden Missionar/-innen narrativ interviewt. Sie be-richteten von Erotisierungen, die sie in ihrer aktiven Missionar/-innenzeit erlebt hatten. Dabei wurden Erotisierungen mit und ohne Erotik festgestellt. Ebenso wurden die Folgen der Eroti-sierungen für die Mission und hilfreiche Präventionen thematisiert. Die Auswertung geschah mittels Grounded Theory in der Software MAXQDA. Die Ergebnisse werden interpretiert und münden in Konsequenzen für die Praxis. / This empirical study investigates the living and working community of missionaries, male and female, on the missions field. The basis of this study is the question, how does the status of the missionary (single or married, man or woman) influence the community of missionar-ies. What kind of heterosexual eroticising situations are missionaries confronted with? The goal is to identify these eroticisations, attempt to understand their impact on missionary work and to find preventative measures that could be helpful for missionaries. After explaining key terms, the first step is to look at the gender debate in order to sketch out the various ways of understanding eroticisations between man and woman and to emphasise the necessity of feministic approaches. Then a biblical-theological investigation on gender and eroticism displays the biblical-theological perspective on the essential being of man and woman, the authenticity of marriage, as well as sexual temptation and the suscepti-bility to sexual temptation. The attraction of beauty in Solomon’s Song of Songs is also de-scribed. Finally, the role of leadership as well as the perception of what it means to be a man or woman in the context of missions is evaluated in a missiological literature review. The empirical research began with a pre-study in which mission societies who are member of the Arbeitskreis evangelikaler Missionen (AEM) were asked how they deal with eroticisations within the context of missions. The empirical research which followed was based on narrative interviews with missionaries. They described eroticisations that were ex-perienced during their time as active missionaries. It became apparent that there were erotici-sations with and without involving erotism. Furthermore, they addressed the consequences of eroticisations for missions itself and suggested helpful preventative measures. The interviews are analysed using Grounded Theory and the software MAXQDA. The results were interpret-ed and led to consequences for praxis. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Kultuur, moraliteit en die HI-Virus in die Kgalagadi-gemeente van Botswana in missiologiese perspektief

Stoltz, Paul Stefanus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Hierdie navorsing meen dat die kerk in die verlede te veel klem gele het op negatiewe seksuele praktyke, en verantwoordelike seks nie aan die qeloofsgemeenskap voorgehou is nie. Sodoende het 'n negatiewe mentaliteit in die geloofsgemeenskap ontstaan, wat verder aangewakker is deur verskeie sosio-politieke en ekonomiese faktore. Dit het tot 'n gebroke familielewe, huwelike, immoraliteit en 'n identiteitskrisis gelei, wat uiteindelik saamgewerk het tot die HIV-dilemma. Daar is nie werklik 'n begrip van die sin van bogenoemde elemente in die geloofsgemeenskap nie, en gevolglik konsentreer hierdie navorsing daarop om, met die evangelie as basis op 'n geinkultureerde wyse, bogenoemde kultuurbeskouinge in die Kgalagadi-gemeente te inkultureer. Hierin moet die plaaslike gemeente se koninklike, profetiese en priesterlike funksies gestalte kry in die daarstelling van sisteme, sodat doelgerig tot die bekamping van, pastorale hulp aan, en bystand aan HIV-slagoffers bygedra kan word. / The Church has focused too much on the negative aspects of sexuality and not enough on how to have sexual relations in a responsible manner. A negative mentality regarding sexuality, family life and morality had been created in the community, which contributed to the HIV-dilemma. There is no understanding of these aspects in the community. Inculturation of the relevant aspects into the Kgalagadi congregation should be done on the basis of the gospel. In this the local congregation should fulfill its kingly, prophetic and priestly functions by creating relevant systems to help prevent, support and counsel HIV-victims. / Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Die man wie se vrou 'n mastektomie gehad het : 'n pastorale beradingsmodel

Barnard, Hendrik Johannes Jacobus 03 April 2014 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / ‘n Praktiese teologiese probleem is in die bediening geïndentifiseer: die man wie se vrou ‘n mastektomie gehad het, word nie pastoraal ondersteun nie. Hierdie probleem is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing ondersoek. Met die kennis uit die navorsing en die literatuurstudie is daaraan die navorsingsdoelstelling beantwoord. Hierdeur is die praktiese teologie op ‘n unieke wyse verryk, deur ‘n wetenskaplike bydrae om die pastorale berader beter te bekwaam. Borskanker is ‘n lewensbedreigde siekte waarop geen man voorberei is nie. Met die verlies van ‘n kosbare liggaamsdeel van die vrou en haar behoefte aan ondersteuning van haar man, begin hy om sy ware-man wees (identiteit) te bevraagteken. Die verlies het ook trauma by die man tot gevolg. As die man deur sy emosies oorweldig word en hy nie oor die vermoë beskik om dit te verwerk nie, kan hy in wanhoop verval. Die man lewe in die postmoderne era. Die uitdagings en onsekerhede van hierdie era het ‘n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die “Post-foundational” praktiese teologiese benadering gelewer. Daarom het die navorser besluit om hierdie benadering in die studie te volg. Hierdeur is ‘n gesprek tussen die praktiese teologie, mediese- en geesteswetenskappe vanuit ‘n transversale perspektief moontlik, om die invloed van die mastektomie op die man te bepaal. Duidelike behoeftes en vrae kom navore wat vereis dat die berader homself sal onderskei in kennis van die onderskeie pastorale benaderings en tegnieke, toepaslike mediese, Bybel- en geestes wetenskappe. Die omstandighede waarin die man hom bevind het die bevraagtekening van sy spiritualiteit tot gevolg. Sy spiritualiteit kan vir hom van groot waarde wees. Die doel van die beradingsmodel is om die man te fasiliteer om sy ware identiteit in Christus te ontdek. Deur die genade van die Here word geloofsvolwassenheid in die man ‘n waarheid. Daardeur vind transendering ten opsigte van ‘n “bevraagde identiteit” na ‘n “identiteit van betekenis en hoop” plaas. Deur die werking van die Heilige Gees word die man op die vervulling van God se heilsbeloftes vir die nood waarin verkeer verseker. Die doel van hierdie beradingsmodel vir die praktiese teologie, is ‘n geloofsvolwasse man met ‘n nuwe toekomsverhaal. / A practical theological problem was identified in the ministry: a husband whose wife undergoes a mastectomy does not receive pastoral care. This problem was investigated through a qualitative research study. The research objective was answered by doing research and a literature study. This scientific research enriches the practical theology in an unique way so that the pastoral counsellor is supported and can be more competent. Breast cancer is a life-threatening disease that no husband is prepared for. The wife loses an intimate part of her body and needs to be supported by her husband. He starts to question his own manhood (identity). This loss is also a traumatic experiences for him. He is overwhelmed by his emotions and can fall into despair if he does not have the ability to process the problem. We live in the post-modern era. This has lead to the development of the Post-foundational practical theological approach. The researcher therefore decided to follow this approach in his study. This help to determine the influence of the disruption and uncertainties in the life of the man through a discourse between the practical theology, medical- and human science from a transversal perspective. Evident questions were raised for which the counsellor needs to distinguish himself with knowledge about the various pastoral approaches and techniques, appropriate knowledge of the Bible, medical- and human science. The circumstances in which the man finds himself raise questions about the meaning of his spirituality. Spirituality can be of great help for the husband. The aim of this counseling model is to facilitate the husband through the narrative approach to find the meaning of his true identity in Christ. Through the grace of God the husband becomes spiritually mature. The dependence on God through a process of transcendence changes the ‘question identity’ to an ‘identity of value and hope’. Through the work of Holy Spirit the husband is reassured of the fulfillment of the promises of salvation by God. The aim of this counseling model for the practical theology is a spiritually matured husband with a new future story. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Accountable to God alone? : theologising with a hammer : the HIV/AIDS crisis, condoms and Catholicism

Nicholls, Gordon Charles 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Theological positions are usually considered as coterminous with ethical considerations. That which the Church has earnestly considered in the light of what is believed to be God's will, as elucidated in religious texts and through prayerful contemplation, are considered to be ethical without contradiction. Recently the Roman Catholic Church adopted a position forbidding the use of condoms as protection from contracting HIV/AIDS. Instead, the Church has declared that the way to controlling the AIDS pandemic is via sexual abstinence for the unmarried and sexual faithfulness within marriage. It is acknowledged that it is not possible for all the church's theological positions to be driven by pragmatic concerns within society. Nor can a church easily be seen to be promoting sex outside of marriage by recommending the indiscriminate use of condoms. However, the Roman Catholic Church, by forbidding the use of contraception, puts itself in an ethically questionable light relative to other Christian churches. The Catholic Church needs to reconsider its stance on contraception from first principles, divorced from dogmatic beliefs and practices which were derived by men and which have endured beyond their usefulness or theological veracity. It is evident that a church should not adhere to dogmas that are ungodly in their impact and ethically questionable in their import. If a church needs to revise its dogmatic stance on such issues, it should have the courage to do so. This research considers whether the stance of the Catholic Church on condoms can be considered ethical. The position of the Catholic Church is considered critically from a variety of philosophical, empirical and ethical viewpoints. In so doing, it highlights the principled and practical problems of resolving differing moral positions that cross the religious and secular divide. The approach adopted is one of an applied ethical nature, given the probable effects of participating in unprotected sex. Pregnancy and contracting HIV/AIDS are the likely outcomes of not using condoms, and these conditions will create enormous problems for the individual concerned, her, or his, family, as well as for the greater society. The position taken in this research is that the Catholic Church's stand on abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in marriage, as the answer to the HIV/AIDS crisis, would be a realistic ethical position, if, and only if, it was at all feasible and realisable in practice. However, it is the contention of the author, based on empirical considerations, that the idealistic stance taken by the Catholic Church is out of touch with the realities in our contemporary South African society and is doomed to failure. Given this perspective, the Catholic stance is morally questionable, as, if sexual relationships continue to occur outside of marriage, and if condoms are not used, the result will be unwanted pregnancies, HIV infections of both mothers and their babies, crises for families and society at large, and ultimately widespread death from AIDS. Given the pandemic facing South Africa, the Catholic position in banning the use of condoms, is ethically questionable and morally suspect. The Church needs to be called to account for the implications of its dogmatic stance. The HIV/AIDS pandemic is simply too serious for a public institution, such as the Catholic Church, to be involved in perpetuating theological niceties and holding idealised positions. The Church is not divorced from the society it exists in and a realistic, responsible and accountable response is needed in the current context of hundreds of thousands of persons facing death from AIDS and its related diseases. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teologiese standpunte word gewoonlik beskou as gelyktermig met etiese oorwegings. Dit wat die Kerk met erns beskou het word sonder weerspreking as eties aanvaar in die geloof dat dit die wil van God is wat belig word in religieuse geskrifte en deur gebedsoordenking. Onlangs het die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk 'n standpunt aanvaar wat die gebruik van kondome verbied as beskermingsmiddel teen MIV/VIGS-besmetting. Daarteenoor het die Kerk verklaar dat die VIGS-pandemie beheer moet word via seksuele weerhouding vir ongetroudes en seksuele getrouheid binne die huwelik. Daar word toe gegee dat dit nie moontlik is om al die die kerk se teologiese standpunte aan pragmatiese kwellinge binne die gemeenskap te onderwerp nie. Daarmee saam kan die kerk ook nie buite-huwelikse seks aanmoedig deur aan te beveel dat kondome onoordeelkundig benut word nie. Relatief tot ander Christelike kerke plaas die Rooms- Katolieke Kerk homself egter in 'n etiese bevraagtekenbare posisie deur die gebruik van voorbehoedmiddels te verbied. Die Katolieke Kerk behoort sy standpunt oor geboortebeperking te heroorweeg in die lig van primêre prinsiepe - geskei van dogmatiese oortuigings en bedrywe wat deur mense bedink is en wat hulle bestaansreg as nuttigheid of teologiese waarheid oorskrei. Dit is duidelik dat 'n kerk nie dogmas behoort aan te hang wat onverantwoord in haar impak en eties bevraagtekenbaar in hulle belangrikheid is nie. Indien 'n kerk sy dogmatiese standpunte oor sulke sake moet hersien, behoort dit die moed te hê om dit te doen. Hierdie navorsing skenk oorweging aan die vraag of die Katolieke Kerk se standpunt oor kondome as eties beskou kan word. Die posisie van die Katolieke Kerk word krities beskou vanuit 'n verskeidenheid filosofiese, empiriese en etiese standpunte. Dit verlig die beginsels en praktiese probleme wat verband hou met die resolusie van die verskillende morele posisies wat die kloof tussen die religieuse en sekulêre moet oorbrug. Die benadering wat benut word is van 'n toegepas etiese aard, gegewe die waarskynlike gevolge van deelname aan onbeskermde seks. Swangerskap en besmetting met MIV /VIGS is die waarskynlike resultate indien kondome nie benut word nie. Dit lei gevolglik tot enorme probleme vir die betrokke individu, familie en die breër samelewing. Die aanspraak van hierdie navorsing is dat die Katolieke Kerk se standpunt - dat weerhouding van seks voor die huwelik en getrouheid binne die huwelik as antwoord dien vir die MIV /VIGS krisis - 'n realistiese etiese posisie verteenwoordig indien, en slegs indien, dit toepasbaar en haalbaar binne die praktyk is. Dit is egter die bewering van hierdie skrywer, gebaseer op empiriese oorwegings, dat die idealisriese standpunt van die Katolieke Kerk uit voeling is met die realiteite van ons kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing en dat dit gedoem is tot mislukking. Gege hierdie perspektief, word dit duidelik dat die Katolieke standpunt moreel verdag is, veral as in gedagte gehou word dat - indien seksuele verhoudings buite huweliksverband voortduur en kondome nie gebruik word nie - die resultaat onbeplande swangerskap, MIV besmetting van beide moeders en babas, krisisse vir families en die samelewing en uiteindelik wydverspreide sterftes as gevolg van VIGS sal wees. Gegewe die pandemie wat Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar word die Katolieke standpunt waarin die gebruik van kondome verbied word eties bevraagtekenbaar asook moreel verdag. Die Kerk moet tot verantwoording geroep word vir die implikasies van sy dogmatiese standpunt. Die MIV /VIGS'pandemie is eenvoudig te ernstig vir 'n openbare instansie soos die Katolieke Kerk om betrokke te bly in die voorsetting van teologiese kieskeurigheid en die verkondiging van geïdealiseerde standpunte. Die Kerk is nie los van die samelewing waarbinne dit bestaan nie en 'n realistiese, verantwoordelike en toerekenbare respons word benodig binne die huidige konteks waarbinne honderde duisende mense dood as gevolg van VIGS in die gesig staar.

Missionarinnen in heterosexuell erotisierten Beziehungsgeflechten : eine theologisch-soziologische Untersuchung in deutschen evangelikalen Missionsgesellschaften / Heterosexual female missionaries in eroticised entanglement of relationships : a theological-sociological investigation of evangelical German mission societies

Kessler, Martina 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German / In dieser empirischen Untersuchung wird die Lebens- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Missio-nar/-innen auf dem Missionsfeld erforscht. Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist die Frage, wie der Status (Single oder verheiratet, Frau oder Mann) die Lebens- und Arbeitsgemein-schaft von Missionar/-innen beeinflusst. Mit welchen heterosexuell erotisierten Situationen werden Missionar/-innen konfrontiert? Ziel ist es, die verschiedenen Erotisierungen zu erken-nen, deren Einfluss auf die Missionsarbeit zu verstehen und herauszuarbeiten, welche Präven-tion für die Missionar/-innen hilfreich ist. Nach der Begriffsklärung wird im ersten Schritt die aktuelle Genderdebatte beleuchtet, um den Denkrahmen der Erotisierung zwischen Frau und Mann zu skizzieren und um die Notwendigkeit feministischer Ansätze zu erkennen. Dann werden in einer biblisch-theologischen Untersuchung zu Geschlecht und Erotik die biblisch-theologische Wesensmä-ßigkeit von Frauen und Männern, die Authentizität des Ehelebens, sowie sexuelle Versuchung und Versuchlichkeit dargestellt. Ebenso wird die Anziehung durch die Schönheit nach dem Hohelied dargestellt. In einer missionswissenschaftlichen Literaturstudie wird Leiterschaft und Mitarbeiterführung, sowie der Wahrnehmung von Frau- und Mannsein im Missionskon-text gesichtet. Die empirische Forschung begann mit einer Prästudie, in der die im Arbeitskreis Evan-gelikale Mission (AEM) zusammengeschlossenen Missionsgesellschaften zu ihrem aktuellen Umgang mit Erotisierungen im missionarischen Beziehungsgeflecht befragt wurden. In der dann folgenden empirischen Forschung wurden Missionar/-innen narrativ interviewt. Sie be-richteten von Erotisierungen, die sie in ihrer aktiven Missionar/-innenzeit erlebt hatten. Dabei wurden Erotisierungen mit und ohne Erotik festgestellt. Ebenso wurden die Folgen der Eroti-sierungen für die Mission und hilfreiche Präventionen thematisiert. Die Auswertung geschah mittels Grounded Theory in der Software MAXQDA. Die Ergebnisse werden interpretiert und münden in Konsequenzen für die Praxis. / This empirical study investigates the living and working community of missionaries, male and female, on the missions field. The basis of this study is the question, how does the status of the missionary (single or married, man or woman) influence the community of missionar-ies. What kind of heterosexual eroticising situations are missionaries confronted with? The goal is to identify these eroticisations, attempt to understand their impact on missionary work and to find preventative measures that could be helpful for missionaries. After explaining key terms, the first step is to look at the gender debate in order to sketch out the various ways of understanding eroticisations between man and woman and to emphasise the necessity of feministic approaches. Then a biblical-theological investigation on gender and eroticism displays the biblical-theological perspective on the essential being of man and woman, the authenticity of marriage, as well as sexual temptation and the suscepti-bility to sexual temptation. The attraction of beauty in Solomon’s Song of Songs is also de-scribed. Finally, the role of leadership as well as the perception of what it means to be a man or woman in the context of missions is evaluated in a missiological literature review. The empirical research began with a pre-study in which mission societies who are member of the Arbeitskreis evangelikaler Missionen (AEM) were asked how they deal with eroticisations within the context of missions. The empirical research which followed was based on narrative interviews with missionaries. They described eroticisations that were ex-perienced during their time as active missionaries. It became apparent that there were erotici-sations with and without involving erotism. Furthermore, they addressed the consequences of eroticisations for missions itself and suggested helpful preventative measures. The interviews are analysed using Grounded Theory and the software MAXQDA. The results were interpret-ed and led to consequences for praxis. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Die man wie se vrou 'n mastektomie gehad het : 'n pastorale beradingsmodel

Barnard, Hendrik Johannes Jacobus 03 April 2014 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / ‘n Praktiese teologiese probleem is in die bediening geïndentifiseer: die man wie se vrou ‘n mastektomie gehad het, word nie pastoraal ondersteun nie. Hierdie probleem is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing ondersoek. Met die kennis uit die navorsing en die literatuurstudie is daaraan die navorsingsdoelstelling beantwoord. Hierdeur is die praktiese teologie op ‘n unieke wyse verryk, deur ‘n wetenskaplike bydrae om die pastorale berader beter te bekwaam. Borskanker is ‘n lewensbedreigde siekte waarop geen man voorberei is nie. Met die verlies van ‘n kosbare liggaamsdeel van die vrou en haar behoefte aan ondersteuning van haar man, begin hy om sy ware-man wees (identiteit) te bevraagteken. Die verlies het ook trauma by die man tot gevolg. As die man deur sy emosies oorweldig word en hy nie oor die vermoë beskik om dit te verwerk nie, kan hy in wanhoop verval. Die man lewe in die postmoderne era. Die uitdagings en onsekerhede van hierdie era het ‘n bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die “Post-foundational” praktiese teologiese benadering gelewer. Daarom het die navorser besluit om hierdie benadering in die studie te volg. Hierdeur is ‘n gesprek tussen die praktiese teologie, mediese- en geesteswetenskappe vanuit ‘n transversale perspektief moontlik, om die invloed van die mastektomie op die man te bepaal. Duidelike behoeftes en vrae kom navore wat vereis dat die berader homself sal onderskei in kennis van die onderskeie pastorale benaderings en tegnieke, toepaslike mediese, Bybel- en geestes wetenskappe. Die omstandighede waarin die man hom bevind het die bevraagtekening van sy spiritualiteit tot gevolg. Sy spiritualiteit kan vir hom van groot waarde wees. Die doel van die beradingsmodel is om die man te fasiliteer om sy ware identiteit in Christus te ontdek. Deur die genade van die Here word geloofsvolwassenheid in die man ‘n waarheid. Daardeur vind transendering ten opsigte van ‘n “bevraagde identiteit” na ‘n “identiteit van betekenis en hoop” plaas. Deur die werking van die Heilige Gees word die man op die vervulling van God se heilsbeloftes vir die nood waarin verkeer verseker. Die doel van hierdie beradingsmodel vir die praktiese teologie, is ‘n geloofsvolwasse man met ‘n nuwe toekomsverhaal. / A practical theological problem was identified in the ministry: a husband whose wife undergoes a mastectomy does not receive pastoral care. This problem was investigated through a qualitative research study. The research objective was answered by doing research and a literature study. This scientific research enriches the practical theology in an unique way so that the pastoral counsellor is supported and can be more competent. Breast cancer is a life-threatening disease that no husband is prepared for. The wife loses an intimate part of her body and needs to be supported by her husband. He starts to question his own manhood (identity). This loss is also a traumatic experiences for him. He is overwhelmed by his emotions and can fall into despair if he does not have the ability to process the problem. We live in the post-modern era. This has lead to the development of the Post-foundational practical theological approach. The researcher therefore decided to follow this approach in his study. This help to determine the influence of the disruption and uncertainties in the life of the man through a discourse between the practical theology, medical- and human science from a transversal perspective. Evident questions were raised for which the counsellor needs to distinguish himself with knowledge about the various pastoral approaches and techniques, appropriate knowledge of the Bible, medical- and human science. The circumstances in which the man finds himself raise questions about the meaning of his spirituality. Spirituality can be of great help for the husband. The aim of this counseling model is to facilitate the husband through the narrative approach to find the meaning of his true identity in Christ. Through the grace of God the husband becomes spiritually mature. The dependence on God through a process of transcendence changes the ‘question identity’ to an ‘identity of value and hope’. Through the work of Holy Spirit the husband is reassured of the fulfillment of the promises of salvation by God. The aim of this counseling model for the practical theology is a spiritually matured husband with a new future story. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Kultuur, moraliteit en die HI-Virus in die Kgalagadi-gemeente van Botswana in missiologiese perspektief

Stoltz, Paul Stefanus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Hierdie navorsing meen dat die kerk in die verlede te veel klem gele het op negatiewe seksuele praktyke, en verantwoordelike seks nie aan die qeloofsgemeenskap voorgehou is nie. Sodoende het 'n negatiewe mentaliteit in die geloofsgemeenskap ontstaan, wat verder aangewakker is deur verskeie sosio-politieke en ekonomiese faktore. Dit het tot 'n gebroke familielewe, huwelike, immoraliteit en 'n identiteitskrisis gelei, wat uiteindelik saamgewerk het tot die HIV-dilemma. Daar is nie werklik 'n begrip van die sin van bogenoemde elemente in die geloofsgemeenskap nie, en gevolglik konsentreer hierdie navorsing daarop om, met die evangelie as basis op 'n geinkultureerde wyse, bogenoemde kultuurbeskouinge in die Kgalagadi-gemeente te inkultureer. Hierin moet die plaaslike gemeente se koninklike, profetiese en priesterlike funksies gestalte kry in die daarstelling van sisteme, sodat doelgerig tot die bekamping van, pastorale hulp aan, en bystand aan HIV-slagoffers bygedra kan word. / The Church has focused too much on the negative aspects of sexuality and not enough on how to have sexual relations in a responsible manner. A negative mentality regarding sexuality, family life and morality had been created in the community, which contributed to the HIV-dilemma. There is no understanding of these aspects in the community. Inculturation of the relevant aspects into the Kgalagadi congregation should be done on the basis of the gospel. In this the local congregation should fulfill its kingly, prophetic and priestly functions by creating relevant systems to help prevent, support and counsel HIV-victims. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Macht Macht erotisch? : Authentisch leben, eine Herausforderung in der christlichen Mission, am Beispiel sexueller Versuchlichkeit weiblicher, lediger, heterosexueller Fuhrungskrafte in Deutschland / The erotic attraction of power? Authentic Living, A Challenge in Christian Missions. Exemplified in the sexual temptability of single heterosexual female leaders in Germany

Kessler, Martina 30 April 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Zusammenfassung Der Ausgangspunkt dieser Untersuchung ist die Frage, wie weibliche, ledige, heterosexuelle Führungskräfte in deutschen, christlichen Organisationen mit ihrer Sexualität und sexuellen Versuchlichkeit umgehen. Das Ziel ist es, ledigen, leitenden Missionarinnen Hilfestellungen zu geben, wie sie authentisch leben und arbeiten können um so auch die Authentizität ihrer missionarischen Botschaft zu stärken. Welchen Einfluss hat sexuelle Versuchlichkeit auf Authentizität von weiblichen Singles in der Missionsarbeit? Macht Macht diese Frauen erotisch? Im ersten Schritt untersuchen wir Frausein und sexuelle Versuchlichkeit theologisch, biologisch und soziologisch. Die abgeleiteten Thesen dienten als Grundlage zu einer empirischen Untersuchung. Fünf ledige Frauen in Führungspositionen wurden interviewt die in missionarischer Authentizität leben wollen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Interviews führen zur Verifizierung und Modifizierung der Thesen. SchlieÃlich werden praktische Konsequenzen gezogen wie Missionsorganisationen ihre ledigen Leiterinnen unterstützen können. English Summary The starting point of this investigation is the question how female, single, heterosexual leaders in German Christian organisations deal with their sexuality and sexual temptability. The objective is to provide these women with support to live and work authentically in order to strengthen the authenticity of their mission. Which impact has sexual temptability on the authenticity of female singles in the mission field? Is their power sexy? In the first step we investigate womanhood and sexual temptability both in theological and in psychological-sociological perspective. The derived hypotheses served as a basis for an empirical investigation. Five single women in leadership positions were interviewed. The results of the interviews lead to verification and modification of the hypotheses. Finally, we draw practical consequences for mission agencies how to support female, single leaders. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

A critique of sex and power within the womanist liberation theology: human dignity-relationship perspective

Mtshiselwa, Pumla 01 1900 (has links)
“The power of sex to dominate and the ability of power to obtain sex in order to dominate” is at the crux of the researchers’ investigation. The researcher problematizes the usage of power for the attainment of sexual favours. At the heart of this research is the question, what is at the root of the exploitation and “sexifying” of power by either the granter or the recipients of sexual favours. The researcher utilises various lenses in exploring the research problem. Such lenses include a social lens which zooms in at the social power possessed by men over women in society and a theological lens which zooms in on the domination of men over women in scripture. In an attempt to explore the subject at hand, the author explores the role of patriarchy, unequal opportunities between men and women and poverty as some of the primary proponents for those who offer themselves as sex objects to those in power. In most cases, it is women who are at the suffering end of poverty; it is also women who are forced to use their bodies for sex, this, therefore, means that women are doubly oppressed. Part of the socialised “sexual oppression” of women is the notion that women were created for marriage, work, labour and the pleasure of men. Anthropologically, men and women are the crown of creation and are worthy of dignity. It is, therefore, a necessity for women to reclaim their dignity. The researcher is aware of the complex nature of sex which varies from negative to positive experiences depending on the individual. In a society that views sex as a commodity and is permissive in its perception of sex, in a society that has a high rate of pornography, swinging and swapping. The researcher probes the “humanising” of sex so that it is not just a physical activity but an intimate act of love and affection. The principles for the above involves viewing sex as personal and relational; sex as exclusive and unique; sex as fruitful and productive; sex and selfless and sacrificial and an acknowledgement of sex as multi-dimensional. Though the writer comes from a religious background and is the Wesleyan tradition, though she converses with a faith community in Eersterust as part of her quantitative research; she does not evade confronting the reality of the bible as a document flawed with patriarchy, clothed in culture and set in a particular context. The author who is Wesleyan draws from this rich heritage and compares the times of John Wesley which were characterised by, “Champagne, dice or a neighbour’s spouse” to the South African context. She utilises the Wesleyan quadrilateral to draw these parallels. All these findings led the author to the conclusion that conversations, training, safe space and capacitating of those in power, those abusing power, those attracted to power must be held for the restoration of human dignity with particular reference to women. The church remains a powerful and efficient platform for the above. The Church can no longer evade her role in rectifying the damage caused by patriarchy as assumedly condoned by the bible. The church can no longer evader her role in the restoration of human dignity. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Pre-marital sex among Seventh-day Adventist youth in Botswana and possibilities for preventative action

Orapeleng, Galenakgosi M. 11 1900 (has links)
This research set out to investigate factors that lead to seemingly prevalent pre-marital sex by Botswana Seventhday Adventist youth aging between 12 and 30 years. A 31- item questionnaire, divided into four sections, was used on a group of 45 youths. It was discovered that 78% of the youths studied had been involved in pre-marital sex at some point in their lives. Thirty-seven percent were still practicing it. The most vulnerable age range was 14 to 18 years, but some had started experimenting with sex as early as six years. Some of the contributing factors to the youth's involvement in sex included media, friends and lack of knowledge due to parents not giving them guidance.Prevention of pre-marital sex can be made possible by the cooperation of entities like the family, the church, the school and the individual. Hence, the suggested model called the Integrated Sexuality Education. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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