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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Framställs helt onyanserat som ett monster” : Hur kända svenska män som anklagats för sexualbrott porträtteras i media / “Presented completely outright like a monster” : How famous Swedish men accused of sexual crimes are portrayed in the media

Broström, Ina, Bråten, Alexandra, Tecsi, Sara January 2021 (has links)
This study analyzed newspaper articles written about five famous Swedish men who in recent years have been accused of different types of sexual crimes. These men were Paolo Roberto, Martin Timell, Göran Lambertz, Jean-Claude Arnault and Soran Ismail. The study’s purpose was to investigate how these famous Swedish men who have been accused of sexual crimes are portrayed in the media, and how this portrayal is related to the media's representation of the victims. The theories used to investigate these questions were Nils Christie's theory of Ideal Victims (1986), Yvonne Jewkes theory about Media and crime (2015), and David Gresham Matza's theory of Neutralization techniques (1957). By using a qualitative content analysis, the selection of material from four newspaper editors could be analyzed and coded, which resulted in a number of themes that contribute to the portrayal. The themes that could be identified were: the high status profile, denial of responsibility or victim, the sex offender, and the man as a victim. The analysis of these themes in relation to the theories and previous research shows that the media often emphasize the high status of these men, and the fact that they tend to reject responsibility by denying the existence of both causing harm and the existence of a victim. Furthermore, the men are also portrayed as sex offenders by giving the victims space to tell their story. Finally, the men themselves can be seen as victims mainly due to the media attention directed at them. / Studien analyserar tidningsartiklar rörande fem kända svenska män som under de senaste åren anklagats för olika typer av sexualbrott. Dessa män är Paolo Roberto, Martin Timell, Göran Lambertz, Jean-Claude Arnault och Soran Ismail. Studien ämnar att undersöka hur dessa kända svenska män som blivit anklagade för sexualbrott porträtteras i media, samt hur denna porträttering står i relation till medias framställning av offren.De teorier som användes för att besvara frågeställningarna var Nils Christies teori om Ideala offer (1986), Yvonne Jewkes teori om Medier och brott (2015), samt David Sykes och Gresham Matzas teori om Neutraliseringstekniker (1957). Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har urvalet av materialet från fyra tidningsredaktioner analyserats och kodats för att därigenom kunna urskilja genomgående teman som bidrar till porträtteringen, vilka presenteras och analyseras tillsammans med teorier och tidigare forskning. De teman som kunde identifieras benämndes: högstatusprofilen, förnekande av ansvar eller offer, sexualbrottslingen, samt mannen som offer. Analysen av dessa teman i förhållande till teorier och tidigare forskning visar på att media ofta betonar männens höga status och det faktum att männen tenderar att skjuta ifrån sig ansvaret genom att förneka både förekomsten av skada och offer. Vidare framställs männen även som sexualbrottslingar genom att offren får utrymme att tala om händelserna, samt att männen själva kan ses som offer främst på grund av den mediala uppmärksamheten som riktats mot dem.

A hypnotherapy (ego-states) model for survivors of sexual crimes : a psycho-educational perspective

Fourie, Anna Margaretha 28 February 2003 (has links)
Dissociation is commonly associated with sexual crimes or other forms of trauma where a person experienced a threat to the existence or survival of the self. During dissociation the ego may split in such a way that ego-states (subselves or segments of the greater personality) form to encapsulate feelings of guilt, pain, fear, and anger. If dissociation is severe, sufferers will have no conscious recollection of the sexual trauma as it is deeply repressed in the subconscious. This may result in symptoms/pathology later in life. Research indicated that hypnosis (due to its dissociative nature) is favourable as treatment modality for pathology/symptomatology associated with trauma and dissociation. This research study investigates the development of ego-states during experiences of sexual trauma and hypnosis (especially Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) as effective treatment modality within the field of psycho-education. It proposes a hypnotherapy model where the diagnostic tools as indicated by the Medical Hypno-analysis model, are being used to determine the existence of repressed memories related to sexual trauma. The therapeutic processes as indicated by the Ego-State Therapy model, are being used to resolve and work through the core repressed traumatic experiences through the mobilization of associated and related ego-states. This study presents four case studies and discusses their clinical diagnostic procedures and therapeutic processes. The case studies illustrate that certain symptomatology/pathology experienced later in life may be the result of repressed memories and the formation of maladapted ego-states earlier in life when sexual trauma was experienced. Highly charged emotional and negative beliefs were set in the ego-states and could only be disarmed from their destructive content through regressions and hypnotherapy. A detailed discussion of the proposed hypnotherapy model and its application and concerns regarding its application within the field of psycho-education are also presented. The results of this study indicate that the proposed hypnotherapy model (the combination of Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) can be used effectively and successfully when working with survivors and symptomatology/pathology associated with sexual crimes. / Educational Studies / D. Ed.

Sex i rätten, vad är egentligen straffbart? : Våldtäkt och hämndpornografi, en studie av den sexuella integriteten / Sex in court, what exactly is liable for punishment? : Rape and revenge pornography, a study of sexual integrity

Blomqvist, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Begrepp som personlig integritet, sexuell självbestämmanderätt samt sexuell integritet är vedertagna begrepp inom juridiken som används av såväl lagstiftare, rättsväsende och doktrin, men trots detta finns det ingen egentlig definition av endera begreppen.    Jag har i den här uppsatsen visat att sexuell integritet innebär rätten för den enskilde att själv bestämma när, var, hur och med vem denne vill delta i en sexuell aktivitet. En sexuell aktivitet innebär i sin tur utförande av eller deltagande i en sexuell handling, eller att försätta sig i en sexuell situation. Ett sexualbrott innebär därmed att en person inkräktar på den enskildes rätt till detta val.    Våldtäkt har funnits vara urtypen av sexualbrotten. Om en gärning anses utgöra en våldtäkt, utgör den därmed även en kränkning av den utsattes sexuella integritet. Innebörden av den senaste utformningen av våldtäktsbrottet samt vad det innebär att delta frivilligt har diskuterats. Definitionen av frivillighet är av vikt, då detta sedan 1 juli 2018 är den nedersta gränsen för när en gärning utgör en våldtäkt. Vidare illustrerades den osäkerhet som råder inom rättsväsendet gällande straffvärderingen av våldtäkt. Anledningen till denna osäkerhet är frågan om hur stor påverkan det nya rekvisitet om frivillighet bör ha, då det ansetts göra att fler gärningar kan klassificeras som våldtäkt än tidigare.    Hämndpornografi har länge behandlats enbart som ett förtalsbrott, det vill säga ett brott mot någons ära och anseende. Numera kan hämndpornografi, det vill säga akten av att sprida sexuellt eller naket material på en annan utan dennes tillåtelse, även behandlas enligt de nya paragraferna om olaga integritetsintrång i 4 kap 6 c, d §§ BrB. Olaga integritetsintrång innefattar även andra typer av gärningar, varför jag valde att hålla mig till termen hämndpornografi för att underlätta för läsaren.    Olaga integritetsintrång utgör ett brott mot den enskildes frihet och frid, eller med andra ord dennes personliga integritet. Jag har i den här uppsatsen argumenterat för att hämndpornografi bör urskiljas från resterande punkter i 4 kap 6 c § BrB, då spridande av bild eller annan uppgift om någons sexualliv, samt spridande av bild på någons helt eller delvis nakna kropp har andra skyddsområden jämfört med övriga punkter, nämligen att de båda utgör intrång på den enskildes sexuella integritet. Detta har skett genom problematisering av förarbetena till lagen, analys av relevanta rättsfall samt belysande av utsattas berättelser om hur hämndpornografi påverkat dem.    Utöver detta har jag även påvisat att det behövs ytterligare vägledande praxis för att lösa den inkonsekvens och osäkerhet som råder gällande tillämpningen av såväl våldtäkt som olaga integritetsintrång.

A esfera da vida privada do cidadão como limite à interferência do direito penal: a questão da pornografia infantil / Citizens personal privacy field as a limit for the criminal laws interference: the issue of child pornography

Louveira, Leopoldo Stefanno Gonçalves Leone 11 June 2013 (has links)
A dissertação analisa a questão dos limites ao poder estatal de interferência por meio do Direito Penal na vida dos cidadãos quando em jogo elementos de sua esfera íntima, mais precisamente, o exercício da sexualidade humana. Sob o pano de fundo do exame dos diversos aspectos jurídicos relacionados à pornografia infantil, o estudo busca verificar de que forma os discursos do combate ao abuso infantil e da luta contra a pedofilia podem estar ancorados em critérios meramente moralizantes, dando guarida à criação de tipos penais desprovidos de legitimidade. Parte-se de uma abordagem introdutória a respeito da relação entre Direito e Moral incluídas aí as noções de moral social e moral sexual , trazendo um retrato da evolução da matéria até a forma liberal de disciplinar o assunto, sem a influência de tabus religiosos ou éticos. A despeito da tentativa de mudança de paradigmas do chamado Direito Penal Sexual, com o abandono de antigos critérios de tutela do pudor público e a introdução da noção de dignidade sexual, assentada na autodeterminação sexual, a disciplina jurídicopenal da pornografia infantil vem sendo objeto de patente recrudescimento nas últimas décadas. Com o advento da rede mundial de computadores, a tendência internacional de combate aos crimes cibernéticos levou o legislador brasileiro a editar a Lei n.º 11.829/09, que alterou o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), para aumentar penas, criar novos tipos penais e incriminar todos os elos da cadeia da produção pornográfica infantil, incluindo as condutas de mera aquisição/posse de material pornográfico infantil real (artigo 241-B) e a pseudopornografia infantil (artigo 241-C). O trabalho analisa até que ponto essas incriminações seriam justificáveis para o fim invocado, visto que, no caso da modalidade simulada, por exemplo, estão ausentes critérios de exclusiva proteção de bens jurídicos, lesividade e ofensividade, reclamados pelo Direito Penal do Fato. Ao final, a figura do pedófilo merecerá um exame específico, apoiado em conceitos médico-científicos, a fim de delimitar qual seria a melhor maneira político-criminal de abordar os portadores dessa parafilia (pena ou tratamento). / This dissertation analyzes the issues regarding the limits of the states power in interfering by means of Criminal law in the lives of citizens, when elements of his/her intimate plane are at stake, more precisely, the exercise of human sexuality. In the background of the examination of several legal aspects regarding child pornography, the study seeks to verify by which form speeches of combating child abuse and the fight against pedophilia might be anchored by merely moralizing criteria, and in turn supporting the creation of crimes lacking legitimacy. Starting off with an introductory approach regarding the relation between Law and morality here including the notions of social and sexual morality -, and bringing forth a portrait of the evolution of the subject even in its liberal form of disciplining the subject, without the influence of taboos be them religious or ethic. Despite the attempted change in paradigms called Sexual Criminal Law, with the abandonment of old criteria of tutelage of public shame and the introduction of the notion of sexual dignity, based on sexual selfdetermination, the judiciary criminal discipline of child pornography has been subject of manifest recrudescence in the last decades. In the dawn of worldwide net of computers, the international tendency of cyber-crime fighting has led the Brazilian legislator to edit the Law n.° 11.829/09, that altered the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), to raise punishment, and create new crimes and incriminate al the links of the child pornography production chain, including those who merely acquire the true pornographic material (article 24-B) and pseudo child pornography (article 241-C). This presentation analizes up to what point these incriminations would be justifiable for the invoked end, since, in she simulated mode, for instance, the criteria of exclusive protection of the legal interest are absent, prejudice and offensiveness, claimed by the Factual Criminal Law. Finaly, the figure of the pedophile deserves a more specific examination, supported by medical scientific concepts, to bound which would be the best political-criminal way to address the carrier of this paraphilia (penalty or treatment).

A hypnotherapy (ego-states) model for survivors of sexual crimes : a psycho-educational perspective

Fourie, Anna Margaretha 28 February 2003 (has links)
Dissociation is commonly associated with sexual crimes or other forms of trauma where a person experienced a threat to the existence or survival of the self. During dissociation the ego may split in such a way that ego-states (subselves or segments of the greater personality) form to encapsulate feelings of guilt, pain, fear, and anger. If dissociation is severe, sufferers will have no conscious recollection of the sexual trauma as it is deeply repressed in the subconscious. This may result in symptoms/pathology later in life. Research indicated that hypnosis (due to its dissociative nature) is favourable as treatment modality for pathology/symptomatology associated with trauma and dissociation. This research study investigates the development of ego-states during experiences of sexual trauma and hypnosis (especially Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) as effective treatment modality within the field of psycho-education. It proposes a hypnotherapy model where the diagnostic tools as indicated by the Medical Hypno-analysis model, are being used to determine the existence of repressed memories related to sexual trauma. The therapeutic processes as indicated by the Ego-State Therapy model, are being used to resolve and work through the core repressed traumatic experiences through the mobilization of associated and related ego-states. This study presents four case studies and discusses their clinical diagnostic procedures and therapeutic processes. The case studies illustrate that certain symptomatology/pathology experienced later in life may be the result of repressed memories and the formation of maladapted ego-states earlier in life when sexual trauma was experienced. Highly charged emotional and negative beliefs were set in the ego-states and could only be disarmed from their destructive content through regressions and hypnotherapy. A detailed discussion of the proposed hypnotherapy model and its application and concerns regarding its application within the field of psycho-education are also presented. The results of this study indicate that the proposed hypnotherapy model (the combination of Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) can be used effectively and successfully when working with survivors and symptomatology/pathology associated with sexual crimes. / Educational Studies / D. Ed.

A esfera da vida privada do cidadão como limite à interferência do direito penal: a questão da pornografia infantil / Citizens personal privacy field as a limit for the criminal laws interference: the issue of child pornography

Leopoldo Stefanno Gonçalves Leone Louveira 11 June 2013 (has links)
A dissertação analisa a questão dos limites ao poder estatal de interferência por meio do Direito Penal na vida dos cidadãos quando em jogo elementos de sua esfera íntima, mais precisamente, o exercício da sexualidade humana. Sob o pano de fundo do exame dos diversos aspectos jurídicos relacionados à pornografia infantil, o estudo busca verificar de que forma os discursos do combate ao abuso infantil e da luta contra a pedofilia podem estar ancorados em critérios meramente moralizantes, dando guarida à criação de tipos penais desprovidos de legitimidade. Parte-se de uma abordagem introdutória a respeito da relação entre Direito e Moral incluídas aí as noções de moral social e moral sexual , trazendo um retrato da evolução da matéria até a forma liberal de disciplinar o assunto, sem a influência de tabus religiosos ou éticos. A despeito da tentativa de mudança de paradigmas do chamado Direito Penal Sexual, com o abandono de antigos critérios de tutela do pudor público e a introdução da noção de dignidade sexual, assentada na autodeterminação sexual, a disciplina jurídicopenal da pornografia infantil vem sendo objeto de patente recrudescimento nas últimas décadas. Com o advento da rede mundial de computadores, a tendência internacional de combate aos crimes cibernéticos levou o legislador brasileiro a editar a Lei n.º 11.829/09, que alterou o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), para aumentar penas, criar novos tipos penais e incriminar todos os elos da cadeia da produção pornográfica infantil, incluindo as condutas de mera aquisição/posse de material pornográfico infantil real (artigo 241-B) e a pseudopornografia infantil (artigo 241-C). O trabalho analisa até que ponto essas incriminações seriam justificáveis para o fim invocado, visto que, no caso da modalidade simulada, por exemplo, estão ausentes critérios de exclusiva proteção de bens jurídicos, lesividade e ofensividade, reclamados pelo Direito Penal do Fato. Ao final, a figura do pedófilo merecerá um exame específico, apoiado em conceitos médico-científicos, a fim de delimitar qual seria a melhor maneira político-criminal de abordar os portadores dessa parafilia (pena ou tratamento). / This dissertation analyzes the issues regarding the limits of the states power in interfering by means of Criminal law in the lives of citizens, when elements of his/her intimate plane are at stake, more precisely, the exercise of human sexuality. In the background of the examination of several legal aspects regarding child pornography, the study seeks to verify by which form speeches of combating child abuse and the fight against pedophilia might be anchored by merely moralizing criteria, and in turn supporting the creation of crimes lacking legitimacy. Starting off with an introductory approach regarding the relation between Law and morality here including the notions of social and sexual morality -, and bringing forth a portrait of the evolution of the subject even in its liberal form of disciplining the subject, without the influence of taboos be them religious or ethic. Despite the attempted change in paradigms called Sexual Criminal Law, with the abandonment of old criteria of tutelage of public shame and the introduction of the notion of sexual dignity, based on sexual selfdetermination, the judiciary criminal discipline of child pornography has been subject of manifest recrudescence in the last decades. In the dawn of worldwide net of computers, the international tendency of cyber-crime fighting has led the Brazilian legislator to edit the Law n.° 11.829/09, that altered the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), to raise punishment, and create new crimes and incriminate al the links of the child pornography production chain, including those who merely acquire the true pornographic material (article 24-B) and pseudo child pornography (article 241-C). This presentation analizes up to what point these incriminations would be justifiable for the invoked end, since, in she simulated mode, for instance, the criteria of exclusive protection of the legal interest are absent, prejudice and offensiveness, claimed by the Factual Criminal Law. Finaly, the figure of the pedophile deserves a more specific examination, supported by medical scientific concepts, to bound which would be the best political-criminal way to address the carrier of this paraphilia (penalty or treatment).

Vill du följa med och klappa på hundvalpen i min bil? : En studie om ideella föreningars påverkan på Polismyndighetens arbete mot sexualbrott mot barn via internet

Keisu, Emma, Kankkonen, Linn January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie har vi intervjuat nio polisanställda personer i syfte att undersöka hur Polismyndigheten arbetar med sexualbrott mot barn via internet. Vi studerade även hur ideella föreningars arbete påverkar Polismyndigheten. Samtliga intervjupersoner var positivt inställda till de ideella föreningarnas syfte att skydda barnen. Däremot fanns det varierande attityder gentemot deras arbetsmetoder. Resultatet av denna studie visade att de ideella föreningarna hade påverkan på Polismyndighetens arbete. De föreningar som lämnar information till polisen och utbildar samhället om barns utsatthet på nätet agerar som ett komplement till Polismyndigheten. Däremot försvårar de som konfronterar och offentliggör misstänkta polisens arbete, då den misstänkta kan radera bevismaterial och på andra sätt påverka utredningen negativt. Det fanns en variation i attityderna till dessa ideella föreningar inom Polismyndigheten; ju närmare internetrelaterade sexualbrott mot barn personen jobbar desto mer kritisk var intervjudeltagarna till vissa av de ideella föreningarnas tillvägagångssätt. Samtliga intervjupersoner belyste även föräldraansvaret. / In this study, nine police employees have been interviewed with the purpose to investigate how the Swedish police work against sexual crimes against children online. We also studied how non-profit organisations affected the police. All interviewees were positive to the non-profits’ purpose of protecting children, but less so to their methods. The results showed that non-profit organisations had an influence on police work. The organisations that provide the police with information and educate society act as a complement to the police. On the other hand, those who confront and expose potential suspects make the police’s work more difficult, as the potential suspect can delete evidence and in other ways influence the investigation negatively. There was a variation in attitudes towards the non-profits within the police. The closer you work to internet-related sexual crimes against children, the more critical they were of some non-profit organisations approach. All interviewees highlight parental responsibility.

Crimes against children in Gauteng

Tanfa, Denis Yomi 31 March 2004 (has links)
The study provided a general orientation of crimes against children in South Africa to buttress the rationale of the research. A concise definition of crime, child, child abuse, sexual child abuse, physical child abuse, victims and perpetrators of sexual crimes against children. The research described the various forms of crimes against children in Guateng, the causes and explanations. An interpretation of the empirical study was provided in this research. It focussed on the perpetrators and victims of child sex crimes. The types of offenders, the motives and theoretical explanations of their behaviour. The modus operandi of the perpetrators found in the empirical study. The various characteristics of victims and perpetrators, the legal processes in the adjudication of child sexual offenders. The research examined some of the prevention strategies of child sexual crimes. Findings of the empirical research are provided. / Criminology / M.A. (Criminology)

The crimes committed by UN peacekeepers in Africa: a reflection on jurisdictional and accountability issues

Kalwahali, Kakule 27 June 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates both substantive and procedural issues pertaining to allegations of crimes committed by UN peacekeepers in three African countries, Somalia, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Under the current UN Model Status-of-Forces Agreements, criminal jurisdiction over peacekeepers rests with their sending States. However, although the UN has no criminal jurisdiction, it has been the Office of Internal Oversight Services that has conducted investigations. It is argued that every Status of Force Agreement and every Memorandum of Understanding should contain specific clauses obligating Troop-Contributing Countries to prosecute and the UN to follow-up. If rape, murder, assault, and any other crimes by UN peacekeepers go unpunished, the message sent to the victims is that peacekeepers are above the law. Rape is the most commonly committed crime by peacekeepers, but is usually considered as an isolated act. The procedural issue of prosecuting peacekeepers is investigated in order to establish whether troops can be caught under the ambits of the criminal law of the Host State to hold UN troops criminally accountable for their acts. The laws relative to the elements of each crime and the possible available defences under the three Host States, and the criminal law of South Africa as a Troop-Contributing Country, are discussed. The apparent lack of prosecution is investigated and existing cases of prosecution discussed. Alternatives to the unwillingness by States with criminal jurisdiction under the Status of Forces Agreement or under the Memorandum of Understanding are considered. Considering the current rules related to crimes committed by peacekeepers, the argument put forward is that crimes by peacekeepers must be dealt with completely and transparently though a Convention aiming at barring Troop-Contributing Countries who do not meet their obligations under international law from participating in future operations of peace. This thesis, furthermore, suggests a tripartite court mechanism to fill the lacunae in the law relating to the prosecution of peacekeepers. It considers the issues of reserving jurisdiction over peacekeepers to the Troop-Contributing Countries which are reluctant to prosecute repatriated alleged perpetrators. The victims’ importance in criminal proceedings and their their right to a remedy are highlighted. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.D.

Crimes against children in Gauteng

Tanfa, Denis Yomi 31 March 2004 (has links)
The study provided a general orientation of crimes against children in South Africa to buttress the rationale of the research. A concise definition of crime, child, child abuse, sexual child abuse, physical child abuse, victims and perpetrators of sexual crimes against children. The research described the various forms of crimes against children in Guateng, the causes and explanations. An interpretation of the empirical study was provided in this research. It focussed on the perpetrators and victims of child sex crimes. The types of offenders, the motives and theoretical explanations of their behaviour. The modus operandi of the perpetrators found in the empirical study. The various characteristics of victims and perpetrators, the legal processes in the adjudication of child sexual offenders. The research examined some of the prevention strategies of child sexual crimes. Findings of the empirical research are provided. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

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