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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How emerging technologies reshape urban mobility? Integrating system interactions into sustainability assessment

Hao Luo (6617804) 31 July 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>The transportation sector has emerged as one of the largest contributors to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions within the U.S. economy. As a consequence, transportation sustainability faces great challenges in automobile traffic congestion alleviation, air pollution reduction, and climate change adaptation. Emerging technologies bring new chances to resolve these issues. However, existing literature focusing on the sustainability assessment of emerging technologies often relies on the analysis of isolated systems using historical data. These studies neglected the complex interactions across different systems and failed to consider the potential impacts of future technology adoption. The sustainability performance of emerging transportation technologies is heavily dependent on competing and complementary relationships with existing transportation systems. Furthermore, the dynamics of system interactions can change with the diffusion of future technologies, as user behavior becomes more heterogeneous. Consequently, the future adoption of emerging technologies may lead to an uncertain urban sustainability outlook. Therefore, sustainability assessment and prospective system planning for emerging technologies necessitate a comprehensive examination of their interactions with urban transportation systems and the evolving landscape. </p> <p>The primary objective of this dissertation is to demonstrate the necessity and benefits of incorporating system interactions into sustainability assessments. To achieve this goal, this dissertation conducts four case studies, using various models inspired by machine learning, statistics, econometrics, and agent-based approaches, and applies them to two emerging technologies: shared mobility (including bike-sharing, shared e-scooters, and ride-hailing) and e-commerce. First, the interaction classification analysis shows that the current shared mobility primarily competes with public transit rather than complementing it, resulting in a significant bus ridership decline. Second, to enhance sustainability, it is crucial for shared mobility to substitute private car trips and integrate effectively with public transit. Understanding why current users do not sustainably use the system is the key. Results from the traveler mode choice behavior show that the travel cost and out-of-vehicle travel time (e.g., time spent on walking connection, waiting) of shared mobility are the major barriers for travelers to substitute car trips and use multimodal systems. Third, future system planning should improve the pricing mechanisms and fleet management to encourage travelers to use shared mobility in a sustainable way. Optimal pricing and fleet management strategies are sought through an agent-based simulation. Transit-oriented-development is proven to be the best fleet siting strategy and an optimal combination of fleet size and pricing for each shared mobility system is also solved for minimizing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) from urban transportation. Fourth, the penetration of e-commerce also reshapes urban mobility from personal travel demand changes, mode choice shifts, and goods delivery inclusion. We integrated the market segmentation and penetration of e-commerce into transportation simulation to comprehensively estimate its impact on urban mobility and transportation sustainability. </p> <p>Case studies from this dissertation demonstrate that the existing adoption of emerging technologies requires further actions in system design, user guidance, and operation management to obtain sustainability benefits. Knowledge from this dissertation supports decision-makers in their efforts to design and plan future emerging technologies toward a sustainable pathway. The findings and insights presented in the dissertation offer valuable guidance for policymakers, urban planners, and stakeholders involved in shaping the trajectory of these technologies.</p>

Considerations for a Service that enables Sharing Ride Experiences to and from the Airport

Becedas Segerström, Laura January 2019 (has links)
Although shared mobility services provide benefits such as minimizing congestion as well as pollution and costs of transportation, barriers such as trust and convenience are blocking these services from reaching a broader audience. In this paper, considerations for a new service that aims to bring together familiar strangers to share rides to and from the airport is presented using a Research through Design approach. The familiar strangers investigated in this study are frequent travelers of Scandinavian airlines (SAS). Interviews, ideation workshops, prototyping, and feedback sessions are the design activities that were used to understand motivations behind their choice of transportation to and from the airport, and current pain points that motivate the need for such a service, as well as to guide the design directions of the service to tackle the problems of trust and convenience current shared mobility services face. The findings showed that SAS travelers are willing to share rides with others belonging to their community when living far away from transit services to and from the airport, arriving uncomfortable hours at a new destination, when there’s a potential to make new business contacts as well as when traveling with loved ones. The final design presented in this paper serves as a framework on how to design services to enable people who share common physical spaces and similar travel behavior, to share rides together. / Även om “shared mobility” tjänster ger fördelar som att minimera trafikstockningar samt föroreningar och transportkostnader, finns det hinder som tillit och bekvämlighet som blockerar dessa tjänster från att nå en större publik. I den här uppsatsen presenteras omständigheter för en ny tjänst som syftar till att samla “familiar strangers” för att dela transportsätt till och från flygplatsen med hjälp av ett Research Through Design-metod. De “familiar strangers” som undersöktes i denna studie är frekventa resenärer av Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). Intervjuer, ideation workshops, prototyper och feed-back möten är de designaktiviteter som användes för att förstå motivation bakom resenärers val av transport till och från flygplatsen och aktuella smärtpunkter som motiverar behovet av en sådan tjänst samt för att styra designbeslut för tjänsten för att ta itu med problemen med förtroende och bekvämlighet som nuvarande “shared mobility” tjänster stöter på. Resultaten visade att SAS-resenärer är villiga att dela resor med andra som tillhör deras gemenskap när de bor långt ifrån transit tjänster till och från flygplatsen, när de anländer i ett nytt resmål vid obehagliga timmar, när det finns möjlighet att skapa nya affärskontakter såväl som när de reser med sina nära och kära. Den slutliga designen som presenteras i denna uppsats fungerar som en ram för hur man utformar tjänster för att möjliggöra för personer som delar gemensamma fysiska utrymmen och liknande resebeteenden, att dela resor tillsammans.

Simulation Framework and Potential Field Relocation for Systems of Shared Autonomous Vehicles

Wright, Landon Blaine 01 August 2019 (has links)
Shared autonomous vehicles present a significant opportunity to change the way that urban mobility is viewed by society. By providing a shared mobility platform at a cost lower than has previously been obtainable there are significant possibilites to enable a new era of mobility for consumers. This opportunity, however, comes with significant risks in the form of emissions and increased road usage. Understanding how the risks and benefits of shared autonomous vehicles can be balanced is crucial to be able to adequately prepare for their introduction. One of the primary ways to understand the interplay between the risks and benefits of autonomous vehicles is through the use of computer simulations. However, typically simulations must be defined for a specific area and provide results that are not applicable to a wide range of areas and situations. This work presents the development of a framework that can be used to simulate SAV behaviour at any given region of interest. This framework automates the process of generating a directed non-planar graph using data gathered from the OpenStreetMap project. It further provides tools to generate activity based trips that are statistically similar in time and density to provided data that reflects the trips in the simulation area. In the absence of this data, this work has identified the 2009 National Household Travel Survey as an acceptable surrogate for data specific to a region. The framework then provides methods by which the trip origins and destinations are mapped into the directed non-planar graph representation of the area of interest. This mapping is performed using real-world data including business locations and census data. Finally the framework is capable of simulating the activity of SAV in response to the defined trips given a variety of starting conditions and relocation strategies. In addition to the simulation framework this work presents a novel relocation strategy for unoccupied SAV based on the potential field methods that have been used in robotic navigation. This method provides a continously differentiable function that describes the unmet demand in the service area for a network of shared autonomous vehicles. The tunable parameters of the method are explored by using a design of experiments, and optimal values reflecting different scenarios are identified.The method is also evaluated in the context of both and over- and under-supply of vehicles for the given demand. As a result this method has been shown to provide substantial reductions in the wait time for a vehicle to service a trip with a minimal increase in the total distance that is traveled by all vehicles in the network.

Optimisation et intégration de la mobilité partagée dans les systèmes de transport multimodaux / Optimization and integration of shared mobility in multimodal transport systems

Aissat, Kamel 04 April 2016 (has links)
Le besoin de se déplacer est un besoin fondamental dans la vie de tous les jours. Avec l’extension continue des zones urbaines, l’augmentation de la population et l’amélioration du niveau de vie des citoyens, le nombre de voitures ne cesse d’augmenter. Ceci étant, la plupart des transports publics proposés aujourd’hui obéissent à des règles qui manquent de souplesse et qui incluent rarement le caractère dynamique, en temps et en espace, de la demande. Cela réduit ainsi l’attractivité de ces services et les rendant même parfois difficilement supportables. De ce fait, la majorité des usagers utilisent encore leur propre véhicule. Ce grand nombre de véhicules, qui est en augmentation continue sur les réseaux routiers, provoque de nombreux phénomènes de congestion induisant une surconsommation de carburant, des émissions inutiles de gaz à effet de serre et une perte de temps importante. Pour y remédier, nous proposons dans cette thèse de nouveaux systèmes de déplacement des usagers avec différents modèles d’optimisation pour la mobilité partagée (covoiturage et taxis-partagés) ainsi que la combinaison de la mobilité partagée avec les transports publics. Les expérimentations sont réalisées sur de vrais réseaux routiers ainsi que sur des données réelles. Ces nouveaux systèmes améliorent considérablement la qualité de service des systèmes classiques existants en termes de coût et de flexibilité tout en ayant un temps de calcul raisonnable. / The travelling is a fundamental part of everyday life. The continuous expansion of urban areas combined with the population increasing and the improvement of life standards increases the need of mobility and the use of private cars. Furthermore, the majority of public transportations are subject to rules lacking of flexibility and rarely taking into account the dynamic context. The attractiveness of public transportation is therefore reduced and, as a consequence, its financial support, resulting in a further deterioration of the public services quality and flexibility. Therefore, the majority of users still use their own vehicles. The number of vehicles is continuously increasing on road networks causing important phenomena of congestion, high fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases, time loss. This unpleasant situation forces communities to consider alternative solutions for the mobility such as ride-sharing, an interesting alternative to solo car use. The overall objective of this thesis is to propose new travel systems for users through the introduction of optimization models for shared mobility (ride-sharing and taxi-sharing) and the combination of shared mobility and public transportation. The computational experiments are carried out on real road networks and real data. Our numerical results show the effectiveness of our approach, which improves the quality of service compared to the traditional systems in terms of cost and flexibility. The running time remains reasonable to allow using our framework in real-time transportation applications.

Passenger-focused Scheduled Transportation Systems: from Increased Observability to Shared Mobility

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: Recently, automation, shared use, and electrification are proposed and viewed as the “three revolutions” in the future transportation sector to significantly relieve traffic congestion, reduce pollutant emissions, and increase transportation system sustainability. Motivated by the three revolutions, this research targets on the passenger-focused scheduled transportation systems, where (1) the public transit systems provide high-quality ridesharing schedules/services and (2) the upcoming optimal activity planning systems offer the best vehicle routing and assignment for household daily scheduled activities. The high quality of system observability is the fundamental guarantee for accurately predicting and controlling the system. The rich information from the emerging heterogeneous data sources is making it possible. This research proposes a modeling framework to systemically account for the multi-source sensor information in urban transit systems to quantify the estimated state uncertainty. A system of linear equations and inequalities is proposed to generate the information space. Also, the observation errors are further considered by a least square model. Then, a number of projection functions are introduced to match the relation between the unique information space and different system states, and its corresponding state estimate uncertainties are further quantified by calculating its maximum state range. In addition to optimizing daily operations, the continuing advances in information technology provide precious individual travel behavior data and trip information for operational planning in transit systems. This research also proposes a new alternative modeling framework to systemically account for boundedly rational decision rules of travelers in a dynamic transit service network with tight capacity constraints. An agent-based single-level integer linear formulation is proposed and can be effectively by the Lagrangian decomposition. The recently emerging trend of self-driving vehicles and information sharing technologies starts creating a revolutionary paradigm shift for traveler mobility applications. By considering a deterministic traveler decision making framework, this research addresses the challenges of how to optimally schedule household members’ daily scheduled activities under the complex household-level activity constraints by proposing a set of integer linear programming models. Meanwhile, in the microscopic car-following level, the trajectory optimization of autonomous vehicles is also studied by proposing a binary integer programming model. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2018

Decision-support tool for identifying locations of shared mobility hubs : A case study in Amsterdam

Podestà, Pietro January 2022 (has links)
Shared mobility is considered a more sustainable alternative to private modes. Nonetheless, its sudden and sometimes “out of control” emergence poses issues that need to be addressed. Lack of regulations and public space mismanagement cause sidewalks and city roads to be overcrowded with shared vehicles (especially in the case of micromobility). This causes nuisance and safety concerns and hinders the societal benefits shared mobility may provide. Shared mobility hubs have the potential to address these issues. The research was carried out within the context of the SmartHubs project, an EIT Urban Mobility project initiated in 2021 by a diverse consortium of 7 cities, companies, and universities to develop and validate effective and economically viable mobility hub solutions. This degree project aims to improve the Decision-Support-Tool (DST) developed by SmartHubs to identify locations of shared-mobility hubs having high potential in driving sustainable travel usage. To achieve that, the thesis proposes a methodology for determining smart hub locations and their corresponding utilities based on the combination of GIS cluster analysis of free-floating shared mobility parking patterns and a stated-preference study. The potential hub locations were determined from the cluster analysis of free-floating trip characteristics. Using the stated preference survey data, the thesis develops a model to estimate the probability of parking at the hub as a function of explanatory variables, including walking distance, reward policies and the parking situation. The model testing results showed that the proposed methodology can well predict the hub (usage) demand and improve the current DST originally developed in the SmartHubs project.

Elsparkcyklar i stadsrummet : En studie av elsparkcyklar i centrala Stockholm från ett användar- och icke- användarperspektiv / Electric scooters in the city : A study of electric scooters in central Stockholm from a user and non- user perspective

Eklöv, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Electric scooters have been pointed out as an important solution in today’s urban transportation systems and as vehicles that will contribute to more sustainable traffic. Based on new technology and new means of transportation being offered, the way we choose to transport ourselves also changes. More individuals choose to rent, or share vehicles instead of owning their own, which may lead to shared mobility growing further in the future. This study examines people's perceptions of electric scooters and electric scooters in the urban space in central Stockholm, with perspectives from users and non-users. The study consists of a qualitative interview study in which the interviews have taken place with users and non-users and with an equal distribution between sexes. The study also consists of a knowledge review with research from previous relevant studies. Finally, the results are presented based on five different focus areas: choice of means of transport, accessibility, legislation, safety, and security as well as opinions and attitudes, and an analysis based on the issues is raised. Based on the results of the study, there is a positive attitude towards electric scooters as a means of transportation and of its potential, both among users and non-users. The findings show that the scooters have made a difference in the traffic environment with implemented and planned measures, but also that there is a need for further development and adaptation of the vehicle in the urban transportation systems. Regulation and legislation regarding electric scooters are considered deficient, and incorrect parking and mismanagement among users were highlighted as problematic. / Elsparkcyklarna har pekats ut som en viktig roll i transportsystemet och som ett fordon som ska bidra till en mer hållbar stadstrafik. Baserat på ny teknik och nya färdsätt som erbjuds förändras också sätten vi väljer att transportera oss på. Fler individer väljer att hyra eller dela på fordon i stället för att äga ett eget vilket kan leda till att delad mobilitet kommer att växa ytterligare i framtiden.  I den här studien undersöks människors uppfattningar kring elsparkcykling och elsparkcyklar i stadsrummet i centrala Stockholm, med perspektiv från användare och icke-användare. Studien består av en kvalitativ intervjustudie där intervjuerna skedde med användare och icke-användare och en jämn fördelning mellan kvinnor och män. Studien består även av en kunskapsöversyn med forskning från tidigare relevanta studier. Avslutningsvis presenteras dels resultaten utifrån fem olika fokusområden: färdmedelsval, tillgänglighet, lagstiftning, trygghet och säkerhet samt åsikter och attityder och dels lyfts en analys upp baserad på frågeställningarna. Utifrån resultaten av studien finns en positiv syn på elsparkcyklar som färdmedel och dess potential. Det konstaterades att det skett en skillnad i trafiken med genomförda och planerade åtgärder, men även att det finns behov av en fortsatt utveckling och anpassning av fordonet i trafiken. Reglering och lagstiftning kring elsparkcyklarna anses som bristfälliga, och felparkeringar samt misskötsel bland användare lyftes upp som problematiskt.

Shared Mobility As A Socio-Technical System : An investigation of the mobility system in Augsburg

Henke, Wiebke Lena January 2020 (has links)
A major shift in our society is the one from a goods-dominant logic to a service-dominant one. Ownership becomes less important, while services from the area of sharing economy experience a rising demand. Municipalities and private companies are adapting and different shared mobility systems are emerging from their pursuit of new forms of mobility. In 2019, Augsburg created a shared mobility system where public transport, carsharing and bikesharing are all provided via one subscription. As this form of subscription does not have many customers yet, this thesis aims to first identify the system and research which reason and components motivate the people in Augsburg to use the system, as well as collecting different ideas for improvement. An expert interview was conducted with someone from the operator side and then customer interviews were held to get an insight from the customers’ point of view. This data was analyzed using tools from the area of information system as well as information architecture and the system was mapped out and discussed. The system was mapped out around the user and the connections were shown, which indicated that the user wants simplicity and clarity, as too many platforms and ways to book a mobility service was stated negatively.

Gemenskapsdriven mobilitet : En fallstudie om förutsättningarna för en mobilitetstjänst i en orienteringsklubb på Gotlands landsbygd / Community-driven mobility : A case study on the conditions for a mobility service in an orienteering club on rural Gotland

Johansson, Lovisa, Raza, Essie January 2023 (has links)
Landsbygden saknar i stor utsträckning tillräcklig kollektivtrafik och har i dagsläget få alternativ till självständigt resande. Befintliga mobilitetstjänster är inte tillräckligt anpassade efter landsbygdens förutsättningar vilket blir särskilt märkbart i samhällen med varierande befolkningsmängd. Eftersom användningsgraden har stor betydelse är det problematiskt att engagera användare på landsbygden. Istället för att lita på flexibla mobilitetstjänster för att säkerställa utbud mot efterfrågan oavsett säsong, används föreningslivet som en stabil grund till en fallstudie av förutsättningarna för effektiv användning av mobilitetstjänster på landsbygden. Föreningslivets gemenskap med gemensamma syften och mål skapar gynnsamma förutsättningar för mobilitetstjänster på landsbygden. Studiens resultat visar andra faktorer av betydelse för mobilitetstjänster i föreningslivet såsom ansvar, samordning, motivation, samhörighet, flexibilitet och trygghet. Även om föreningslivet ger grundläggande motivation och önskan om att samåka så behöver mobilitetstjänsterna förenkla flexibiliteten och inte påtvinga strikta planer, vilket upplevs som minskad kontroll. Framgångsfaktorerna kan vara gynnsamma för mobilitetstjänster på landsbygden även utanför föreningslivet, vad som är avgörande är inriktningen till sociala aktiviteter. Genom samåkning till sociala aktiviteter kan mobilitetstjänsterna användas oavsett säsong eftersom reseutbudet inte blir beroende av användningsgraden. Resultatet av studien visar att föreningslivets förutsättningar bidrar till en robust lösning för mobilitetstjänster som blir oberoende av den säsongsbetonade varierande befolkningsmängden. / The rural society lacks sufficient public transport to a large extent and currently has few alternatives for independent travel. Existing mobility services are not sufficiently adapted to rural conditions, which becomes particularly noticeable in communities with varying population sizes. Since the degree of use is of great importance, it is problematic to engage users in rural areas. Instead of relying on flexible mobility services to ensure supply versus demand regardless of season, association life is used as a solid foundation for a case study of the conditions for effective use of mobility services in rural areas. The community of associations with common purposes and goals creates favorable conditions for mobility services in rural areas. The results of the study show other factors of importance for mobility services in association life such as responsibility, coordination, motivation, belonging, flexibility and security. Although associational life provides basic motivation and the desire to carpool, mobility services need to simplify flexibility and not impose strict plans, which is perceived as reduced control. The success factors can be favorable for mobility services in rural areas even beside association life, what is decisive is the focus on social activities. By carpooling to social activities, the mobility services can be used regardless of the season, as the supply does not depend on the level of use. The results of the study show that the conditions of association life contribute to a robust solution for mobility services that are independent of the seasonally varying population.

Samverkan för hållbar mobilitet : Realisering av en gemensam mobilitetsplan på områdesnivå: drivkrafter, hinder och lärdomar / Collaboration for sustainable mobility : Realizing a common mobility plan at an area level: drivers, barriers and lessons learned

Hagström, Mikaela, Ljunggren, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Vår värld som vi känner den håller på att förändras på grund av klimatförändringar som berorav mänskliga aktiviteter. För att minska effekterna av stigande halter växthusgaser måste alladelar av våra samhällen minska utsläppen, där byggandet av bostäder och transporter är storautsläppsområden som måste förändras i grunden. Det har lett till en växande insikt omeffekterna för urbana transporter, som har resulterat i ökad efterfrågan på lösningar som kanförbättra mobiliteten i städerna och dessutom sänka utsläppen av växthusgaser. En av delösningar som har fått ökad uppmärksamhet är mobilitetshubbar. Dessa hubbar beskrivs somsamlingsplatser för olika färdmedel och tjänster som främjar hållbart resande, som till exempelkollektivtrafik, delningsfordon och aktiv mobilitet. En identifierad problematik medmobilitetshubbar är den bristande erfarenheten i att ta beslut om vilka funktioner som ska ingå,hur de ska finansieras och hur kostnader och intäkter ska fördelas. Detta skapar ett behov avsamverkan mellan offentliga och privata aktörer. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur byggherrar och kommun kan samverka kringmobilitetslösningar på områdesnivå. Studien baseras på en fallstudie avstadsutvecklingsprojektet Sege Park i Malmö. Resultaten visar att staden ställt höga krav föratt Sege Park ska bli ett attraktivt bostadsområde där hållbara resor prioriteras och blir enklaatt nyttjas av de boende. Det har lett till att områdets parkeringsbehov och mobilitetstjänstersamlats i ett gemensamt parkeringshus. Samtidigt har byggherrarna behövt arbeta fram olikainnovativa gemensamma mobilitetsåtgärder för att få boende i området att välja bort att äga enegen bil. För första gången har en mobilitetsplan som omfattar flera fastigheter skrivits, vilkethar krävt högre grad av samverkan mellan byggherrar och staden. Studiens material har samlats in genom de olika metoderna: litteraturstudie, fallstudie,dokumentdata och intervjuer. Det teoretiska ramverket som används i studien utgår från enmodell om samverkansstyrning (collaborative governance), som har utvecklats av Emerson,Nabatchi och Balogh (2012). Studien identifierar ett flertal drivkrafter för att samordnautveckling och drift för delade mobilitetsåtgärder på områdesnivå. Däribland en ekonomiskvinning, en bättre helhet och större nytta för de boende. Det har också identifierats ett antalhinder, som olika förutsättningar och tidsperspektiv samt bristande ledarskap, vilket har lett tillonödigt tidskrävande processer. Studien visar på vikten av samverkan mellan byggherrar ochstaden, samt behovet av ledarskap och tydlig struktur för att underlätta samarbetet ochmöjliggöra en effektiv implementering av hållbara mobilitetslösningar på områdesnivå. / Our world, as we know it, is undergoing changes due to climate change caused by humanactivities. To mitigate the effects of rising greenhouse gas emissions, all sectors of our societymust reduce their emissions, with housing construction and transportation being significantareas that require fundamental transformation. This has led to a growing recognition of theimpacts on urban transportation, resulting in an increased demand for solutions that canimprove mobility in cities while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One solution that hasgained attention is mobility hubs. These hubs are described as gathering places for variousmodes of transportation and services that promote sustainable travel, such as public transit,shared vehicles, and active mobility. A challenge with mobility hubs is the lack of experiencein making decisions about which functions to include, how to finance them, and how to allocatecosts and revenues. This creates a need for collaboration between public and private actors. This study aims to investigate how developers and municipalities can collaborate on an arealevel for mobility solutions. The study is based on a case study of the urban development project Sege Park in Malmö. The results show that the city has set high requirements for SegePark to become an attractive residential area where sustainable travel is prioritized and easilyaccessible to residents. This has led to the consolidation of the area's parking needs and mobilityservices in a shared parking facility. At the same time, developers have had to developvarious innovative shared mobility measures to encourage residents to choose not to own a private car. For the first time, a mobility plan encompassing multiple properties has been developed,requiring a higher level of collaboration between developers and the city. The study's data has been collected through various methods: literature review, case study,document analysis, and interviews. The theoretical framework used in the study is based on amodel of collaborative governance developed by Emerson, Nabatchi, and Balogh (2012). Thestudy identifies several drivers for coordinating the development and operation of sharedmobility measures, including economic benefits, a better overall outcome, and greater benefitsfor residents. Several barriers have also been identified, such as varying conditions and timeperspectives, as well as a lack of leadership, leading to time-consuming processes. The studyhighlights the importance of collaboration between developers and the city, as well as the needfor leadership and a clear structure to facilitate cooperation and enable the effectiveimplementation of sustainable area-level mobility solutions.

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