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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La gouvernance sans État : une étude de cas sur les territoires contrôlés par le Front Révolutionnaire Uni en Sierra Leone

Sesay, Mohamed 13 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La guerre civile en Sierra Leone débute en 1991 et dure jusqu'en 2002. Encore aujourd'hui, les analystes sont assez partagés sur ses causes, notamment les motivations des rebelles du Front Révolutionnaire Uni (RUF), mouvement à l'origine des hostilités. De son entrée en Sierra Leone à nos jours, le RUF a été l'objet de plusieurs débats et critiques, tant sur son organisation que sur ses méthodes guerrières. En questionnant d'abord la capacité organisationnelle de ce mouvement, la thèse a pour objet de contextualiser les arguments souvent associés avec des guerres civiles de ce type. Ils insistent sur l'absence de sens : ces conflits illustreraient d'abord une situation de chaos total. Elles seraient aussi la conséquence de l'absence ou de la défaillance d'un État. Cette présente étude s'inscrit dans le prolongement des débats sur le RUF. Elle démontre que ce dernier n'était pas si désorganisé que ce que racontent les commentateurs, avertis ou non. Cette opinion répandue résulte notamment d'une médiatisation intense de son usage intensif de la violence extrême, très réelle cependant. Le RUF n'était pas qu'un groupe de voleurs de diamants sanguinaires mais aussi une force assez structurée avec une logique hiérarchique claire, voire une idéologie. Grâce à ces facteurs, il a mis en place des structures lui permettant d'établir les relations de gouvernant à gouvernés avec les populations urbaines sous son contrôle. Cette force rebelle a instauré un mode de gestion de la collectivité. Cela a modifié la nature de ce groupe armé, devenu, dans les zones sous son contrôle, un " appareil administratif " civil, loin d'être toujours performant mais bien identifiable comme tel. En juxtaposant les interactions complexes d'une gouvernance quotidienne, la thèse met en lumière les méthodes de gouvernance du RUF et les aspects dits " normaux " de la vie dans ces villes en guerre. Elle analyse les variables de la relation entre les membres du mouvement rebelle occupant ces communes et la population locale. Une fois une ville conquise, les rebelles sont obligés d'y faire quelque chose. Le RUF impose un " système administratif " instaurant un ordre de vie en commun dans toute cette zone. L'étude analyse donc ces outils de la gouvernance civile, mobilisés en temps de guerre. Au cours de cet étude, plusieurs recherches de terrain en Sierra Leone, ont été menées. Ces séjours sur place ont permis la réalisation de plusieurs entretiens, individuels et collectifs. Ils soutiennent les idées générales exposées dans cette thèse.

Critical Investigation of the Sierra Leone Conlfict: A Moral Practical Reconstruction of Crisis and Colonization in the Evolution of Society

Kabba, Munya 06 December 2012 (has links)
This Sierra Leone Conflict arose from the society’s failure to institutionalize the requisite post-conventional organizing principle for collective will formation and for conflict resolution. In this post-traditional society - one artificially constructed from diverse political and cultural groups, without a shared ethos – only mutual (communicative) understanding can resolve differences and ensure solidarity. A lack of mutual understanding overburdens the adaptive capacity of the society, creating crises tendencies. Repression only intensified these tendencies, ensuring their eventual catastrophic explosion, 11 years civil conflict. State hindrances to social (communicative) interaction rendered the society incapable of realizing the requisite post conventional moral learning i.e. the social intelligence or problem-solving equipment required to resolve conflict, decolonize itself, neutralize normative power, shed dogmatic consciousness, change oppressive conventions, and influential customs. Thus, the study promotes civic virtues of post conventional morality (justice, truthfulness, moral rightness) as the key for liberating the society from its crisis-inducing colonial organizing principle. As the basis of sociology, the discipline the remains focused on society-wide problems, the theory of social evolution is adopted here to reconstruct the crisis in Sierra Leone’s constitutional democratic development. The study uses the rational reconstructive method to explicate problematic validity claims of norms, policy decisions, or the social order. The social order was rendered crisis-ridden because the reasons - the axis around which mutual understanding revolve - adduced for it cannot admit of consensus. The emerging social disintegration exemplifies use of deficient logic in social interaction, one below the requisite categorical moral cognitive consciousness. For this research, colonization is not necessarily externally induced, but forms of understanding in the political, legal, social, and educational interactions. The key point of the study is this: today Sierra Leone achieves solidarity, and decolonize from its conventional organizing principle, only if the state, economy, and civil society can find their limit in the socio-cultural domain.

Critical Investigation of the Sierra Leone Conlfict: A Moral Practical Reconstruction of Crisis and Colonization in the Evolution of Society

Kabba, Munya 06 December 2012 (has links)
This Sierra Leone Conflict arose from the society’s failure to institutionalize the requisite post-conventional organizing principle for collective will formation and for conflict resolution. In this post-traditional society - one artificially constructed from diverse political and cultural groups, without a shared ethos – only mutual (communicative) understanding can resolve differences and ensure solidarity. A lack of mutual understanding overburdens the adaptive capacity of the society, creating crises tendencies. Repression only intensified these tendencies, ensuring their eventual catastrophic explosion, 11 years civil conflict. State hindrances to social (communicative) interaction rendered the society incapable of realizing the requisite post conventional moral learning i.e. the social intelligence or problem-solving equipment required to resolve conflict, decolonize itself, neutralize normative power, shed dogmatic consciousness, change oppressive conventions, and influential customs. Thus, the study promotes civic virtues of post conventional morality (justice, truthfulness, moral rightness) as the key for liberating the society from its crisis-inducing colonial organizing principle. As the basis of sociology, the discipline the remains focused on society-wide problems, the theory of social evolution is adopted here to reconstruct the crisis in Sierra Leone’s constitutional democratic development. The study uses the rational reconstructive method to explicate problematic validity claims of norms, policy decisions, or the social order. The social order was rendered crisis-ridden because the reasons - the axis around which mutual understanding revolve - adduced for it cannot admit of consensus. The emerging social disintegration exemplifies use of deficient logic in social interaction, one below the requisite categorical moral cognitive consciousness. For this research, colonization is not necessarily externally induced, but forms of understanding in the political, legal, social, and educational interactions. The key point of the study is this: today Sierra Leone achieves solidarity, and decolonize from its conventional organizing principle, only if the state, economy, and civil society can find their limit in the socio-cultural domain.

Exploring the differences and similarities in sexual violence as forms of genocide and crimes against humanity

Wakefield, Lorenzo Mark January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Even though sexual violence has always been a part and parcel of conflicts and atrocities throughout the ages, it never found any interpretation by subsequent tribunals who were responsible for prosecuting offenders.The case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu was the first of its kind to give jurisprudential recognition and interpretation to sexual violence as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide respectively. This case was important for the following reasons:1. It acknowledged that sexual violence can amount to an act of genocide; 2. It acknowledged that sexual violence can amount to a crime against humanity; and 3. It was the first case to define rape within an international context.Following the case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu many tribunals gave recognition to the extent of which sexual violence takes place during atrocities by correctly convicting accused for either participating in sexual violence or aiding and abetting to sexual violence. Amidst the various interpretations on what constitutes sexual violence and how it is defined, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the Special Court for Sierra Leone all either conceptualised sexual violence as genocide, war crimes or/ and crimes against humanity.At the same time, the development of sexual violence as either a crime against humanity or a war crime did not end with the courts. The case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu sparked a fire in the international community, which led to it paying more attention to the place of sexual violence in treaty law. Taking into account that rape is listed as a crime against humanity in both the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda statutes, the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Court statutes both list more than one form of sexual violence as a crime against humanity. It is interesting to note that the latter two treaty developments took place only after the International Criminal Tribunal conceptualised sexual violence as a crime against humanity.Thus apart from merely listing rape as a crime against humanity, the Statute establishing the Special Court for Sierra Leone, states in article 2(g) that sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy and any other form of sexual violence constitutes a crime against humanity. The Statute establishing the International Criminal Court states in article 7(1)(g) that rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilisation or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity constitutes a crime against humanity. The interpretation of these acts is further guided by the ‘Elements of Crimes’ which are annexed to the International Criminal Court statute.Once again it is interesting to note that the ‘Elements of Crimes’ for these acts are similar to how the International Criminal Tribunals (both the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda tribunals) conceptualised various acts of sexual violence.On the other hand, the definition of genocide remained the same as it was defined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948. This definition does not expressly mention any form of sexual violence as a form of genocide.However, once again, the trial chamber in the case of The Prosecutor v Jean-Paul Akayesu set the benchmark for sexual violence to constitute a form of genocide by way of interpretation. The definition of genocide did not subsequently change in the Statute establishing the International Criminal Court.Based on these premises, this thesis attempts to investigate the similarities and differences in sexual violence as a form of both genocide and a crime against humanity,by addressing the following question:What are the essential and practical differences between sexual violence as crimes against humanity and genocide and what is the legal effect of the differences, should there be any? Chapter 1 highlights the historical overview and developments of sexual violence as genocide and crimes against humanity, while chapter 2 investigates how sexual violence can amount to a form of genocide. Chapter 3 assesses the advances made in sexual violence as a crime against humanity, while chapter 4 importantly draws a comparative analysis between sexual violence as genocide and a crime against humanity. Chapter 4 draws this comparison by weighing up four differences and four similarities in sexual violence as genocide and a crime against humanity.Chapter 5 highlights the conclusion and provides an answer for the research question that is posed above. Here it is concluded that even though there exist multiple differences in sexual violence as crimes against humanity and genocide, there are also multiple similarities which could possibly amount to a better chance for conviction of an accused under a crime against humanity than genocide. Chapter 5 also provide possible recommendations for the consequences that might flow should sexual violence as a crime against humanity be fairly similar to sexual violence as genocide.

Motivations and incentives for pro-environmental behaviour : the case of silvopasture adoption in the tropical forest frontier

Zabala, Aiora January 2015 (has links)
On the frontier of biodiversity-rich tropical forests, how land is used has an important role in buffering the primary ecosystem. Unsustainable small-scale cattle farming endangers soil quality and degrades the landscape. Silvopasture is a type of agroforestry that provides both ecological and livelihood benefits. A number of projects have been implemented across the tropics to encourage silvopasture adoption, with varying success. This dissertation questions the reasons for variable outcomes among participants within these projects: what motivates smallholders to adopt innovative land-use practices, and what form of incentives may help to overcome obstacles and catalyse adoption. This dissertation contributes to the ongoing debate on payments for ecosystem services, specifically about their suitability and effectiveness. To understand what influences decisions to adopt sustainable land-use practices, I review systematically and quantitatively the literature on adoption predictors, and I empirically analyse participation and short-term adoption in a pilot project for planting fodder trees in the border of a protected forest in Chiapas, Mexico, using primary and secondary data. I focus on subjective perspectives and livelihood strategies of actual and potential participants as explanatory variables, which have received unduly scarce attention in past studies. This lack of attention is partially caused by the difficulties of operationalising internal variables. I address this challenge by developing an analytical approach that increases the precision of the resulting perspectives in Q methodology. I cluster livelihood strategies and model adoption. This in-depth case-study suggests the type of incentives that are adequate to encourage adoption of sustainable land-use practices. Results indicate that payments may not be the best incentive for pioneer adopters, and that the adoption process is composed of separate individual steps, which are influenced distinctly by identifiable predictors, such as livelihood diversity. Uncovering this heterogeneity of motivations towards adoption provides useful knowledge for designing more effective external policy interventions.

Vliv přírodních zdrojů na vnitrostátní konflikty v mezinárodních vztazích - prodej budoucí kořisti v občanských válkách v Africe / The impact of natural resources on the intrastate conflicts in international relations - sale of booty futures in the African civil wars

Pazderník, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the potential impact of natural resources on intrastate conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa. The major aim is to investigate the general validity of the resource curse theory and of Ross's hypothesis about selling booty futures in civil wars. The presumed negative influence of both theories is tested on the cases of recent intrastate conflicts in the region, namely in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, Liberia and Sierra Leone. However, the main contribution of the thesis is probably the analysis of another case, namely Botswana, which, unlike other countries, appears to be out of the generally valid standards of the resource curse theory, as the only one experiencing long-term positive economic growth. The partial aim of the thesis is also to analyze the Botswana's success in managing natural resources and then to suggest some possible recommendations for other states in the region. The thesis is written in the qualitative approach, particularly in the form of thorough work with academic literature. The research method is the Method of Difference by John Stuart Mill, in its revised form of the Most Similar Systems Design.

イギリスにおける奴隷貿易と奴隷制の廃止 : 環大西洋世界のなかで / イギリス ニオケル ドレイ ボウエキ ト ドレイセイ ノ ハイシ : カンタイセイヨウ セカイ ノ ナカ デ

布留川 正博, Masahiro Furukawa 04 March 2021 (has links)
イギリスにおけるアボリショニズム(奴隷貿易・奴隷制廃止運動)は、1780年代に開始された。その中心的組織は、ロンドン奴隷貿易廃止委員会であった。この組織の中核にいたのは、クウェイカー教徒と英国国教会福音主義派である。彼らは、大衆的な議会請願運動を主導し、それをバックに奴隷貿易廃止法成立に取り組んだ。この法律は、1807年に成立した。その後1823年に、反奴隷制協会が結成され、さらに広範な大衆運動が繰り広げられ、1833年に奴隷制は廃止された。しかし、これで奴隷が完全に解放されたわけではなかった。彼らは年季奉公人として、元の奴隷主の下で週45時間働かなければならなかった。年季奉公人制が廃止されたのは1838年である。 / The abolitionists' movement in Britain began in 1780s. The Quakers and the Anglican evangelicals spearheaded the movement whose organization was the London Abolition Committee. They collected several hundred thousand signatures of people against the slave trade. The abolition of the British slave trade was effected on 1807. The anti-slavery associstion was formed in 1823. Ten years later slavery was abolished in the British colonies. But the slaves were not emancipated completely, because they, as an apprentice, were obligated to work 45 hours per week under their former masters.The apprenticeship was abolished in 1838. / 博士(経済学) / Doctor of Economics / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Nevada Fall Corridor : a cultural landscape report

Gerdes, Marti M. 08 1900 (has links)
xv, 298 p. ; ill. (chiefly col.), maps (chiefly col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: AAA F868.Y6 G47 2004 / This study describes existing conditions, evaluates significance and historic integrity, and recommends treatment strategies to preserve historic elements of the Nevada Fall Corridor cultural landscape in Yosemite National Park. It reports findings from field investigation that examined and inventoried landscape features such as stone retaining walls, treadway material, bridges and causeways, and water features on both current-use and abandoned trail segments. The site was examined numerous times over a three-month period, with a followup visit one year later. Libraries and other archives were consulted for written and photographic historic documentation, which were analyzed against current conditions. The process also involved review of comparison documents as well as national guidelines set forth by the National Park Service. / Adviser: Melnick, Robert Z.

International crimes prosecution case selection : the ICC, ICTR, and SCSL

Mahony, Christopher January 2013 (has links)
International crimes prosecutions have become more common since 1993, both domestically and at international courts and tribunals. The advance of this norm confronts realist state interests causing debate about the norm's status. Kathryn Sikkink views a norm as cascading when enough states adopt it to cause international influence, without domestic pressure, to procure levels of conformity. This thesis considers the degree of conformity by observing the level of case selection independence to determine whether this norm is cascading. By identifying the jurisdictional and functional elements of case selection independence, I develop a framework for observing the interface between politics and law. While Sikkink errs towards the quantity of international crimes prosecutions, I focus on the quality. This project examines case selection independence at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Court, in Uganda. The project considers whether case selection has become more or less independent at these courts - whether the norm of international crimes prosecution has cascaded or contracted. In observing the various case selection independence elements I attempt to explain the observed cascades and contractions at each court. I then consider whether a cascade or contraction occurred during the period of the courts' collective design and function. The research qualitatively observes a cumulative justice contraction. The research observes a combination of factors affecting case selection independence, including shifts in power dynamics between and among weak and powerful states, increasing state sophistication in international court engagement, a shift in jurisdiction triggering actors and forums, and realist state co-option of norm entrepreneurs via endearing explanation of independence-diminishing policies.

El regreso de las identidades perdidas: movimientos indígenas en países centro-andinos

Álamo Pons, Óscar del 27 December 2006 (has links)
Esta investigación analiza los procesos de organización y emergencia indígena en los países centro-andinos (Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú) de la región latinoamericana. En concreto, determina aquellos factores que determinan la aparición de movimientos indígenas en Bolivia y Ecuador (de diferente intensidad) así como su inhibición en Perú a pesar de que los tres países comparten características socio-económicas comunes y trayectorias histórico-políticas paralelas - incidiendo en la dinámica que politiza las identidades étnicas en las tres últimas décadas. Al margen de ello, especifica el impacto que los movimientos indígenas contemporáneos tienen en: los sistemas políticos actuales y su desempeño en la arena electoral; los procesos de democratización en marcha en la zona y los desafíos que suponen para éste y las iniciativas de reforma del estado. / This research analyzes the indigenous organization process in center-andean countries (Bolivia, Ecuador, Perú) and reveals those factors which cause indigenous movements (in Bolivia and Ecuador) and those ones which impede this phenomenon in Perú - although these countries have common trends in economical, political and historical spheres - with special attention to the political dynamic of ethnic identities during the last three decades. Also these pages detail the impact of the indigenous movements in: political systems and their performance in electoral arena; democratization processes and the challenges that these movements put into them and over state reform initiatives.

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