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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detecção de sinais e estimação de energia para calorimetria de altas energias / Signal detection and energy estimation for high energy calorimetry

Peralva, Bernardo Sotto-Maior 07 May 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-20T15:14:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 bernardosottomaiorperalva.pdf: 4608167 bytes, checksum: c63c1f7fc453965f36158791fb85964e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-24T16:49:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 bernardosottomaiorperalva.pdf: 4608167 bytes, checksum: c63c1f7fc453965f36158791fb85964e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-24T16:49:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bernardosottomaiorperalva.pdf: 4608167 bytes, checksum: c63c1f7fc453965f36158791fb85964e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-07 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nesta dissertação, são apresentados métodos para detecção de sinais e estimação de energia para calorimetria de altas energias aplicados no calorímetro hadrônico (TileCal) do ATLAS. A energia depositada em cada célula do calorímetro é adquirida por dois canais eletrônicos de leitura e é estimada, separadamente, através da reconstrução da amplitude do pulso digitalizado amostrado a cada 25 ns. Este trabalho explora a aplicabilidade de uma aproximação do Filtro Casado no ambiente do TileCal para detectar sinais e estimar sua amplitude. Além disso, este trabalho explora o impacto na detecção de eventos válidos e estimação da amplitude quando somam-se os sinais referentes à mesma célula antes da aplicação do filtro. O método proposto é comparado com o Filtro Ótimo atualmente utilizado pelo TileCal para reconstrução de energia. Os resultados para dados simulados e de colisão mostram que, para condições em que a linha de base do sinal de entrada pode ser considerada estacionária, a técnica proposta apresenta uma melhor eficiência de detecção e estimação do que a alcançada pelo Filtro Ótimo empregada no TileCal. / The Tile Barrel Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of ATLAS at LHC. The energy deposited in each cell of the calorimeter is read out by two electronic channels for redundancy and is estimated, per channel, by reconstructing the amplitude of the digitized signal pulse sampled every 25 ns. This work presents signal detection and energy estimation methods for high energy calorimetry, applied to the TileCal environment. It investigates the applicability of a Matched Filter and, furthermore, it explores the impact when summing the signals belonging to the same cell before the estimating and detecting procedures. The proposed method is compared to the Optimal Filter algorithm, that is currently been used at TileCal for energy reconstruction. The results for simulated and collision data sets showed that for conditions where the signal pedestal could be considered stationary, the proposed method achieves better detection and estimation efficiencies than the Optimal Filter technique employed in TileCal.

Uma contribuição à análise de técnicas de monitoramento de espectro para sistemas PLC

Amado, Laryssa Ramos 29 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-20T18:23:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 laryssaramosamado.pdf: 2344885 bytes, checksum: 4328135ddbd0305fc11aa0bf0f8f8b61 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-24T16:50:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 laryssaramosamado.pdf: 2344885 bytes, checksum: 4328135ddbd0305fc11aa0bf0f8f8b61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-24T16:50:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 laryssaramosamado.pdf: 2344885 bytes, checksum: 4328135ddbd0305fc11aa0bf0f8f8b61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-29 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A presente dissertação tem como objetivos principais a discussão e a análise do uso de técnicas de monitoramento de espectro aplicadas a sistemas PLC, para que a ocupação deste espectro seja explicitada. Neste contexto, diversas técnicas de processamento de sinais e inteligência computacional são utilizadas para extrair e selecionar o menor número de características que sejam mais representativas para detecção, a fim de projetar o melhor e menos complexo detector de sinais a ser utilizado inicialmente na faixa de frequência entre 1,705 e 100 MHz, mas que permita futuras modificações para aplicações na faixa entre 1,705 e 250 MHz. Além disso, o problema de monitoramento de espectro para sistemas PLC é formalizado, e questões de investigação são analisadas tanto para dados simulados em MATLAB quanto para dados medidos em campo. O processo de medição destes dados é descrito e suas características são explicitadas. Finalmente, a análise dos resultados obtidos indica a adequabilidade das técnicas aplicadas ao problema em questão, porém indicam necessidade do aprofundamento desta investigação. Desta maneira, este trabalho consiste em um estudo inicial sobre importantes questões pertinentes ao monitoramento de espectro de sistemas PLC. / This master thesis aims to discuss and analyze the use of spectrum sensing techniques applied to PLC systems, in order to explicit the spectrum occupation. These techniques extract and select the least quantity of the most representative signal features in order to project the best detector that presents the lowest computational complexity. In addition to that, the spectrum sensing problem is formalized, and a few investigation questions are analyzed for both synthetic and measured data. The measurement of PLC signals and their characterization is also exposed. Although the analysis of the attained results indicate that the techniques used are suitable for the examined problems, their further investigation is necessary, in order to better understand the PLC environment and the spectrum sensing issues related to it. This work is, therefore, an initial study about the mentioned matters.

Performance Analysis Of Post Detection Integration Techniques In The Presence Of Model Uncertainties

Chandrasekhar, J 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we analyze the performance of the Post Detection Integration (PDI) techniques used for detection of weak DS/CDMA signals in the presence of uncertainty in the frequency, noise variance and data bits. Such weak signal detection problems arise, for example, in the first step of code acquisition for applications such as the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) based position localization. Typically, in such applications, a combination of coherent and post-coherent integration stages are used to improve the reliability of signal detection. We show that the feasibility of using fully coherent processing is limited due to the presence of unknown data-bits and/or frequency uncertainty. We analyze the performance of the two conventional PDI techniques, namely, the Non-coherent PDI (NC-PDI) and the Differential-PDI (D-PDI), in the presence of noise and data bit uncertainty, to establish their robustness for weak signal detection. We show that the NC-PDI technique is robust to uncertainty in the data bits, but a fundamental detection limit exists due to uncertainty in the noise variance. The D-PDI technique, on the other hand, is robust to uncertainty in the noise variance, but its performance degrades in the presence of unknown data bits. We also analyze the following different variants of the NC-PDI and D-PDI techniques: Quadratic NC-PDI technique, Non-quadratic NC-PDI, D-PDI with real component (D-PDI (Real)) and D-PDI with absolute component (D-PDI (Abs)). We show that the likelihood ratio based test statistic derived in the presence of data bits is non-robust in the presence of noise uncertainty. We propose two novel PDI techniques as a solution to the above mentioned shortcomings in the conventional PDI methods. The first is a cyclostationarity based sub-optimal PDI technique, that exploits the periodicity introduced due to the data bits. We establish the exact mathematical relationship between the D-PDI and cyclostationarity-based signal detection methods. The second method we propose is a modified PDI technique, which is robust against both noise and data bit uncertainties. We derive two variants of the modified technique, which are tailored for data and pilot channels, respectively. We characterize the performance of the conventional and proposed PDI techniques in terms of their false alarm and detection probabilities and compare them through the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. We derive the sample complexity of the test-statistic in order to achieve a given performance in terms of detection and false alarm probabilities in the presence of model uncertainties. We validate the theoretical results and illustrate the improved performance that can be obtained using our proposed PDI protocols through Monte-Carlo simulations.

Scintilační detektor SE pro EREM / Scintillation SE Detector for Variable Pressure SEM

Tihlaříková, Eva January 2009 (has links)
This project deals with the theme of environmental scanning electron microscopy (EREM). This method allows the examination of insulators and wet specimens without pretreatment and modification like drying and metallization. The principle of this method consists in using higher pressure in a specimen chamber. The pressure is within the range of 100 – 200 Pa. However, the pressure in the specimen chamber restricts the signal detection interference. The objective of the work is to explore the possibility of interference in secondary electron route detection by way of electrostatic field. The electrostatic field was realized with the system consisting of four electrodes located in front of the scintillation detector. It should have interfered the secondary electron´s trajectory to the detector chamber. The optimization of voltage on the electrodes was made by simulation program called SIMION. The simulation results were experimentally verified with laboratory EREM.

Detecting Single-Cell Stimulation in Recurrent Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons

Bernardi, Davide 22 October 2019 (has links)
Diese Arbeit ist ein erster Versuch, mit Modellbildung und mathematischer Analyse die Experimente zu verstehen, die zeigten, dass die Stimulation eines einzelnen Neurons im Cortex eine Verhaltensreaktion auslösen kann. Dieser Befund stellt die verbreitete Ansicht infrage, dass viele Neurone nötig sind, um Information zuverlässig kodieren zu können. Der Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist die Stimulation einer zufällig ausgewählten Zelle in einem Zufallsnetzwerk exzitatorischer und inhibitorischer Neuronmodelle. Es wird dann nach einem plausiblen Ausleseverfahren gesucht, das die Einzelzellstimulation mit einer mit den Experimenten vergleichbaren Zuverlässigkeit detektieren kann. Das erste Ausleseschema reagiert auf Abweichungen vom spontanen Zustand in der Aktivität einer Auslesepopulation. Die Stimulation wird detektiert, wenn bei der Auswahl der Auslesepopulation denjenigen Neuronen ein Vorzug gegeben wird, die eine direkte Verbindung von der stimulierten Zelle bekommen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird das Ausleseschema erweitert, indem ein zweites Netzwerk als Ausleseschaltkreis dient. Interessanterweise erweist sich dieses Ausleseschema nicht nur als plausibler, sondern auch als effektiver. Diese Resultate basieren sowohl auf Simulationen als auch auf analytischen Rechnungen. Weitere Experimente zeigten, dass eine konstante Strominjektion einen Effekt auslöst, der kaum von Dauer und Intensität der Stimulation abhängt, der aber bei unregelmäßiger Stimulation zunimmt. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit einer theoretischen Erklärung für diese Ergebnisse. Hierzu werden die biologischen Eigenschaften des Systems im Modell detaillierter beschrieben. Weiterhin wird die Funktionsweise des Ausleseschemas so modifiziert, dass es auf Veränderungen reagiert, anstatt den Input zu integrieren. Dieser Differenzierdetektor liefert Ergebnisse, die mit den Experimenten übereinstimmen, und könnte bei nichtstationärem Input vorteilhaft sein. / This thesis is a first attempt at developing a theoretical model of the experiments which show that the stimulation of a single cell in the cortex can trigger a behavioral reaction and that challenge the common belief that many neurons are needed to reliably encode information. As a starting point of the present work, one neuron selected at random within a random network of excitatory and inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons is stimulated. One important goal of this thesis is to seek a readout scheme that can detect the single-cell stimulation in a plausible way with a reliability compatible with the experiments. The first readout scheme reacts to deviations from the spontaneous state in the activity of a readout population. When the choice of readout neurons is sufficiently biased towards those receiving direct links from the stimulated cell, the stimulation can be detected. In the second part of the thesis, the readout scheme is extended by employing a second network as a readout circuit. Interestingly, this new readout scheme is not only more plausible, but also more effective. These results are based both on numerical simulations of the network and on analytical approximations. Further experiments showed that the probability of the behavioral reaction is substantially independent of the length and intensity of the stimulation, but it increases when an irregular current is used. The last part of this thesis seeks a theoretical explanation for these findings. To this end, a recurrent network including more biological details of the system is considered. Furthermore, the functioning principle of the readout is modified to react to changes in the activity of the local network (a differentiator readout), instead of integrating the input. This differentiator readout yields results in accordance with the experiments and could be advantageous in the presence of nonstationarities.


ZHICHAO SHAO 21 August 2020 (has links)
[pt] Sistemas de múltiplas antenas de larga escala são técnicas fundamentais para sistemas de comunicação sem fio do futuro, que deverão servir dezenas de usuários por estação rádio-base. Neste contexto, um problema chave é o aumento do consumo de energia à medida que o número de antenas cresce. Recentemente, CADs de baixa resolução têm atraído grande interesse de pesquisa. Em particular, CADs de 1 bit são adequados para sistemas de larga escala devido ao seu baixo custo e consumo de energia. Nesta tese, CADs de 1 bit são usados em três diferentes abordagens de projeto, que operam a taxa de Nyquist e a taxas superiores a taxa de Nyquist com estratégias de amostragem uniforme e dinâmica. Nos sistemas operando a taxa de Nyquist, algoritmos de estimação de canal que exploram o conhecimento da baixa resolução e um novo esquema de detecção e decodificação iterativas são propostos, em que códigos low-density paritycheck de bloco curto são considerados para evitar alta latência. Nos sistemas operando a taxas superiores a taxa de Nyquist com sobreamostragem uniforme, algoritmos eficientes de estimação de canal e de detecção com janela deslizante com exploração da baixa resolução são propostos. Além disso, são deduzidas expressões analíticas associadas aos limitantes de Cramér-Rao para os sistemas com sobreamostragem. Resultados numéricos ilustram o desempenho dos algoritmos de estimação de canal propostos e existentes e os limitantes teóricos deduzidos. Nos sistemas operando com sobreamostragem dinâmica, duas abordagens de projeto são desenvolvidas: uma técnica baseada na maximização da soma das taxas e uma técnica baseada na minimização do erro médio quadrático. Em seguida, três algoritmos de redução de dimensão são apresentados e investigados. Resultados de simulações mostram que os sistemas com sobreamostragem dinâmica têm melhor desempenho do que os sistemas com sobreamostragem uniforme em termos de soma das taxas alcançáveis e de taxa de erro de símbolos, enquanto o custo computacional das técnicas examinadas é comparável. / [en] Large-scale multiple-antenna systems are a key technique for future wireless communications, which will serve tens of users per base station (BS). In this scenario, one problem faced is the large energy consumption as the number of receive antennas scales up. Recently, low-resolution analogto-digital converters (ADCs) have attracted much attention. Specifically, 1-bit ADCs in the front-end are suitable for such systems due to their low cost and low energy consumption. In this thesis, 1-bit ADCs are applied in three different system designs, which operate at the Nyquist rate and faster than Nyquist rates along with uniform and dynamic strategies. In the Nyquist-sampling system, low-resolution-aware channel estimation algorithms and a novel iterative detection and decoding scheme are proposed, where short block length low-density parity-check codes are considered for avoiding high latency. In the faster than Nyquist rates with uniform oversampling system, lowresolution-aware channel estimation and sliding window based detection algorithms are proposed due to their low computational cost and high detection accuracy. Particularly, analytical expressions associated with the Bayesian Cramér-Rao bounds for the oversampled systems are presented. Numerical results are provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed channel estimation algorithms and the derived theoretical bounds. In the dynamic-oversampling system, two different system designs are devised, namely, sum rate and mean square error based. Three different dimension reduction algorithms are presented and thoroughly investigated. Simulation results show that the systems with the proposed dynamic oversampling outperform the uniformly oversampled system in terms of the computational cost, achievable sum rate and symbol error rate performance.

Detection of Sparse and Weak Effects in High-Dimensional Supervised Learning Problems, Applied to Human Microbiome Data / Detektering av glesa och svaga effekter i högdimensionella övervakade inlärningsproblem, tillämpat på mikrobiomdata från människor

Lindahl, Fred January 2020 (has links)
This project studies the signal detection and identification problem in high-dimensional noisy data and the possibility of using it on microbiome data. An extensive simulation study was performed on generated data using as well as a microbiome dataset collected on patients with Parkinson's disease, using Donoho and Jin's Higher criticism, Jager and Wellner's phi-divergence-based goodness-of-fit-test and Stepanova and Pavlenko's CsCsHM statistic . We present some novel approaches based on established theory that perform better than existing methods and show that it is possible to use the signal identification framework to detect differentially abundant features in microbiome data. Although the novel approaches produce good results, they lack substantial mathematical foundations and should be avoided if theoretical rigour is needed. We also conclude that while we have found that it is possible to use signal identification methods to find abundant features in microbiome data, further refinement is necessary before it can be properly used in research. / Detta projekt studerar signaldetekterings- och identifieringsproblemet i högdimensionell brusig data och möjligheten att använda det på mikrobiomdata från människor. En omfattande simuleringsstudie utfördes på genererad data samt ett mikrobiomdataset som samlats in på patienter med Parkinsons sjukdom, med hjälp av ett antal goodness-of-fit-metoder: Donoho och Jins Higher criticis , Jager och Wellners phi-divergenser och Stepanova och Pavelenkos CsCsHM. Vi presenterar några nya tillvägagångssätt baserade på vedertagen teori som visar sig fungera bättre än befintliga metoder och visar att det är möjligt att använda signalidentifiering för att upptäcka olika funktioner i mikrobiomdata. Även om de nya metoderna ger goda resultat saknar de betydande matematiska grunder och bör undvikas om teoretisk formalism är nödvändigt. Vi drar också slutsatsen att medan vi har funnit att det är möjligt att använda signalidentifieringsmetoder för att hitta information i mikrobiomdata, är ytterligare experiment nödvändiga innan de kan användas på ett korrekt sätt i forskning.

Reducing Error Rates in Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Anomaly Detection via Information Presentation Optimization

Church, Donald Glen January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Multi-Carrier Radar for Target Detection and Communications

Ellinger, John David 01 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.


LAISA OLIVEIRA CARVALHO 19 December 2019 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como finalidade analisar diferentes estratégias de detecção passíveis de aplicação em sistemas de transmissão OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) operando em canais que variam rapidamente no tempo. Além dos métodos clássicos de detecção lineares tais como filtro casado, Zero Forcing e MMSE (Minimum Mean-Square Error), outras duas técnicas são estudadas, abrangendo também combinações entre elas. A primeira é a técnica de cancelamento paralelo de interferência (PIC - Parallel Interference Cancellation), a segunda é a detecção por busca por verossimilhança ascendente (LAS – Likelihood Ascent Search), ambas empregadas em conjunção com o filtro casado. Esse trabalho apresenta também um estudo dos efeitos de uma estimativa imperfeita do canal, no desempenho dos esquemas de detecção aqui enfocados. Os resultados dos experimentos são analisados em termos da taxa de erro de bit (BER) e custo computacional (complexidade)associado a estes esquemas. / [en] This work analyzing different detection strategies that can be applied in OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) transmission systems over fast time-varying channels. In addition to classical linear methods of detection such as a Matched Filter, Zero Forcing and MMSE, two other techniques are studied, also encompassing combinations of them. The first is the Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) technique, the second is Likelihood Ascent Search (LAS), both used in conjunction with the Matched Filter. This work also presents a study of the effects of imperfect channel estimation on the performance of the detection schemes studied here. The results of the experiments are analyzed in terms of bit error rate (BER) and computational cost (complexity) associated with these schemes.

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