Spelling suggestions: "subject:"singlemothers"" "subject:"singlemother""
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Hábitat, familia y comunidad en Popayán (Colombia), 1750-1850Pérez, María Teresa January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Women Adrift, Sporting Girls and the Unfortunate Poor: A Gendered History of Homelessness in Portland 1900-1929Serbulo, Leanne Claire 01 January 2003 (has links)
This purpose of this study is to incorporate women into the history of homelessness. Women's experience is missing from the narrative of industrial era homelessness, which causes researchers to make a distinction between the modem day homeless population and its predecessors. This distinction prevents researchers from examining the long term structural causes of homelessness and analyzing the role homelessness plays in U.S. society. This study explores the population characteristics and living conditions of three groups of women who were considered homeless during the early decades of the twentieth century in Portland. These groups include single working women who lived away from their family, prostitutes, and single mothers. This study also traces the development of charitable institutions and social welfare programs that arose to meet the needs of homeless women during this era and examines the relationships between homeless women and the reformers and charities that took up their cause. The inclusion of women's experience into the history of early twentieth century homelessness necessitates a broadened definition of the homeless phenomenon. Women's homelessness during this era was both defined and determined by their family situation. Women who lived outside of the patriarchal family were considered homeless and suffered economic hardship because of their non-traditional living arrangements. Incorporating an analysis of home back into homelessness will result in non-gendered policy implications. Labor market remedies and affordable housing solutions are still needed, but changes to the structure of the household economy are also called for. The unpaid labor women traditionally perform must be socially and economically valued and the sexual division of labor within the home needs to be challenged.
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單親母親的親職壓力因應策略、親職同理心與兒童虐待傾向關係探討 / Parental coping strategy, parental empathy, and child abuse potential in single mother.楊家雯, Yang, Chia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究指出,親職壓力是造成兒童虐待的危險因子之一。本研究探討:親職壓力因應策略與親職同理心對管教行為的影響,或此兩變項是否能調節親職壓力對管教行為的影響,欲透過研究結果來加強兒童虐待的預防。本研究請每位受試者填寫五種量表,分別為:基本資料、親職同理心、親職壓力、親職壓力因應與親職衝突策略量表,利用零相關和階層迴歸,分析142位育有國小子女之單親母親所填寫的量表。研究結果部分符合預期:親職壓力因應策略中的「主動面對問題」、「逃避隱藏情緒」可以調節親職壓力對非暴力管教行為的影響,「情緒認知調整」亦在親職壓力和嚴重攻擊管教行為間扮演調節變項。除了調節作用外,親職壓力因應策略對管教行為有獨特的預測力:「主動面對問題」使用經常性越高,輕度攻擊的使用次數越多,「負面情緒反應」使用經常性越高,心理攻擊和輕度攻擊的使用次數越多。「親職同理心」則對管教行為沒有獨特的預測力,也不具有調節作用。另外亦發現「親職同理心」和「逃避隱藏情緒」可以預測親職壓力。本研究針對研究結果進行討論,包括管教行為與兒童虐待的關係、親職壓力因應策略與管教行為間的關係、親職同理心扮演的角色,以及單親母親兒童虐待行為的預防。 / According to previous studies, parenting stress is one of the risk factors of child abuse. This study explored the influence of parenting stress- coping styles and parental empathy on parenting practices, and examined the moderating effect of these variables on the relationship between parenting stress and parenting practices. The subjects were asked to complete the questionnaires including: basic information, parental empathy scale, parenting stress scale, parenting stress-coping scale, and Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales. Zero-order correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze the scales completed by 142 single mothers. The results indicated that “Facing the problems actively” and “Evading hidden feelings” could moderate the relationship between parenting stress and non-violent discipline. “Adjustment in sentimental cognition” could moderate the relationship between parenting stress and severe assault. Furthermore, some of the parenting stress- coping styles had main effect on parenting practices: “Facing the problems actively” had a positive effect on minor assault. “Negative sentimental reaction” had a positive effect on psychological aggression and minor assault. There were no main effects nor moderator effect of parental empathy. The relationship between parenting practices and child abuse, the influence of parenting stress- coping styles on parenting practices, the role of parental empathy, and the prevention of child abuse in single-mother households were discussed in this study.
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Hábitat, familia y comunidad en Popayán (Colombia), 1750-1850Pérez, María Teresa January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Au croisement entre action publique et identité familiale : l'exemple des mères seules célibataires allemandes et françaises (1919-1998) / Über die Zusammenhänge zwischen öffentlichem Handeln und Familienidentität : das Beispiel der ledigen alleinerziehenden Mütter in Deutschland und Frankreich (1919-1998) / On connections between public action and familiy identity : the example of single mothers in Germany and France (1919-1998)Garcia, Anne-Laure 11 July 2011 (has links)
Cette étude propose une réflexion sur les croisements et les interactions entre action publique et identité familiale. Concevant la construction de l’identité comme un phénomène double – prescription externe à l’individu et autoidentitication subjective – ce travail s’interroge sur : (1) les instruments publics qui peuvent contribuer à la production d’un cadre matériel et normatif suffisamment stable pour influer dura-blement sur le schème de pensée des acteurs dans la sphère familiale ; (2) le rôle des acteurs lors de la formation incessante et de la transmission de normes et de valeurs familiales. Pour ce faire, cette étude se concentre sur le cas à la marge des mères seules célibataires en France et en Allemagne. Cette comparaison sert une stratégie réflexive au sein de laquelle la mise en regard systématisée fonde la formulation d’hypothèses explicatives. Tout d’abord, une approche historique met en évidence les rôles d’influence attribués rhétoriquement, idéologiquement et pratiquement à l’Etat envers les « filles-mères » et leurs enfants entre la fin du XIX ème siècle et 1945. Puis, une analyse comparative des droits publics et des politiques en direction des familles fonde une réflexion sur l’influence normative du « gouvernement des familles » (1945-1998). Enfin, l’analyse structurale d’interviews de mères seules célibataires issues des Pays de la Loire, de Thuringe et de Schleswig-Holstein permettra la conceptualisation des différents croisements et interactions observés entre action publique et construction de l’identité familiale, et que nous regroupons sous la notion d’« interférences ». / The dissertation deals with the possible connection between public action and the construction of family identity. The study draws upon the definition of the construction of a dual identity, i.e. as an external, prescriptive ascription of identity to the individual and as subjective self-identification. It examines (1) the public factors that may be instrumental in generating a normative and material framework robust enough to influence the thinking of social actors; and (2) the role of these actors in the development and transmission of family-related values and norms. The study focuses on single mothers in Germany and France. This comparison can be seen as an explorative study of explanatory models. First, I consider the various roles and influences affecting the single parent family – both rhetorical and ideological – and look at which of these has been attributed to the state. Here, I concentrate on the period between the end of the 19th century and 1945. Next I compare judicial rulings and public policies in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), the German Democ-ratic Republic (GDR) and France between 1945 and 1998. These documents (such as constitutions, civil laws, maternity protection acts, etc) reveal the interest of the state in interfamily action. Finally, I provide a structural analysis of a series of interviews conducted with mothers from Pays de la Loire, Thuringia and Schleswig-Holstein which ultimately paves the way for the conceptualisation of a construct of family identity as it relates to public action. / Die Dissertation befasst sich mit der Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von öffentli-chem Handeln (action publique) und der Konstruktion von Familienidentität. In Über-einstimmung mit der Definition einer doppelten Identitätskonstruktion – als externe, präskriptive Zuschreibung von Identität an das Individuum und als subjektive Selbstidentifikation – fragt die Studie nach: (1) den öffentlichen Instrumenten, die dazu beitragen können, eine normative und materielle Rahmung zu erzeugen, die stabil genug ist, um die Denkschemata der sozialen Akteure zu beeinflussen, und (2) der Rolle der Akteure bei der Herausbildung und der Weitergabe von familienbezo-genen Werten und Normen. Der Schwerpunkt der Studie ist auf den Fall ledig al-leinerziehender Mütter in Deutschland und Frankreich gerichtet. Dieser Vergleich kann als explorative Suche nach Erklärungsmustern betrachtet werden. Zunächst wird untersucht, welche Rolle und welcher Einfluss auf uneheliche Familienverhält-nisse dem Staat sowohl rhetorisch als auch ideologisch zwischen Ende des 19. Jahr-hunderts und 1945 zugeschriebenen werden. Anschließend werden rechtliche Maß-nahmen und Public Policies in der BRD, der DDR, und in Frankreich zwischen 1945 und 1998 vergleichend untersucht, in denen das Interesse des Staates für das familia-le Handeln seiner Bürger zum Ausdruck kommt (Verfassungen, Zivilrechte, Mutter-schutzgesetze, usw.). Abschließend ermöglicht eine strukturale Analyse von episodi-schen Interviews mit Müttern aus Pays de la Loire, Thüringen und Schleswig-Holstein die Konzeptualisierung der Konstruktion von Familienidentitäten in Wech-selwirkung mit dem öffentlichen Handeln
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Symboly vyloučení ze společenství v lidové tradici / Symbols of exclusion from society in folk traditionJUŘICOVÁ, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation titled Symbols of exclusion from society in folk tradition concentrates on the interaction of symbols and folk tradition. It explores the way the phenomenon of love and death is traditionally viewed in the Czech country, namely during the Middle Ages and modern times. The main focus of this dissertation is on the social roles of women, although it also shows proof of social exclusion of a man as an executioner. To demonstrate the reasons behind excluding individuals on the outskirts of society, the author also gives short characteristics of the views on the issue of chastity, traditional expectations of fulfilling the female social roles - as virgins, wives and mothers. The author then gives examples of behavior which, in folk tradition, were looked upon as impure/virtueless.
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Against All Odds: A Study Of Success Attainment Among African American Males From Single-Parent HouseholdsRoberts, Judith 01 January 2013 (has links)
For years the vast body of literature on single-parenting has focused on the weaknesses experienced by the family and the adverse consequences for the children who reside in such a household. The literature reviewed for this study postulate African American males raised in single-parent households perform poorly academically, are more likely to drop out of school, experience emotional difficulties, and are unable to attain self-sufficiency. Researchers have also argued that African American males from single-parent households are more vulnerable to delinquent acts than those of two-parent households. These acts can lead to incarceration or death. One arena that has not been thoroughly examined is the single-parent household in which the African American male has been able to achieve emotional stability, academic and professional success, abstaining from delinquent behaviors. The prevalence of this family structure coupled with the lack of research on successful African American males as products of this household, stimulate a need for better understanding of how the single-parent household functions.
My study sought to understand how African American males experience being raised in a single-parent household and what factors have allowed them to achieve success despite the many challenges they face. The participants included eight African American males who were raised in a single-parent household and who were identified as being successful, as defined by this study. A qualitative phenomenological approach was utilized which allowed participants to provide rich, detailed descriptions of their lived experiences through in-depth semi-structured interviews. A thorough analysis of each interview exposed the following themes: mother's influence, a sense of security, sense of self-worth, high expectations and support systems, all of which help to elucidate the phenomenon of being raised in a single parent household.
Their stories revealed a positive perception of the phenomena under study, illuminating the strengths of the single-parent household and the factors, as evidenced by the emerging themes that contributed to their success. The findings will serve as a valuable contribution to (a) the ongoing scholarly research on African American males and single-parent households, (b) single-parents raising African American sons, and (c) professionals working with this population.
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Hur påverkas ensamstående mödrars mentala hälsa utifrån deras ekonomiska utsatthet? / How is the mental health of single mothers affected by their financial vulnerability?Wiberg, Pernilla January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Ensamstående mödrars ekonomiska utsatthet utgör en riskfaktor för gruppens psykiska välmående. Ett problem som är känt sedan tidigare men som fortfarande är aktuellt än idag. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att undersöka hur ensamstående mödrar påverkas mentaltav sin ekonomiska utsatthet. Metod: Genom en systematisk granskning av artiklar utförs en innehållsanalys med hjälp av textkondensering. Resultat: Undersökningen visade på att ensamstående mödrars psykiska välmående påverkas av deras ekonomiska situation och att den psykiska ohälsan bland målgruppen fortfarande är hög. Identifierade teman: Socioekonomi, Kombinera arbetsliv och privatliv, Jämställdhet. Diskussion: Samband mellan ekonomi och psykisk ohälsa existerar men i framtida forskning behöver mer fokus ligga på policys och åtgärder eftersom problemet med psykisk ohälsa består inom målgruppen. / Introduction: The financial vulnerability of single mothers is a risk factor for the group's mental well-being. A problem that has been known for a long time but is still relevant today. Aim: The purpose of the literature review is to investigate how single mothers are mentally affecte ed by their financial vulnerability. Method: Through a systematic review of articles, a content analysis is performed using text condensation. Results: The study showed that the mental well-being of single mothers is affected by their financial situation and that mental illness among the target group is still high. Identified themes: Socio-economics, Combining working life and private life, Gender equality. Discussion: The link between economics and mental illness exists, but in future research more focusneeds to be on policies and measures as the problem of mental illness persists within the target group.
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Experiences of adolescent boys with absent fathers in single-mother families in Bakenberg Village, Limpopo ProvincePhasha, Kgethego Terrance January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Social Work)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The phenomenon of absent fathers continues to be one of the major social problems which affect families globally. This study has examined the experiences of adolescent boys who grow up without fathers in single-mother families in Bakenberg village in Limpopo Province. The objectives of this study were to establish the experiences of adolescent boys with absent fathers, to describe the challenges faced by adolescent boys in growing up without a father and to determine their understanding of the role and value of having a father. A qualitative approach was used for this study. This approach was complemented by the use of a descriptive phenomenological research design for its focus on lived human experiences and the meanings participants assigned to those experiences. A purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from 18 adolescent boys through face-to-face interviews and as well as focus group discussions. The data collected was analysed using the thematic analysis method.
The findings of this study showed that participants regarded fathers as an important figure in their lives and their families and his absence brought about financial challenges, poor academic progress, indulgence in alcohol and smoking brought about by negative outside influences as well as lack of immediate gender role model. The study also revealed that in the absence of fathers, these boys end up being compelled to play the role of the man in their families. For the participants in this study, other male figures such as uncles and grandfathers played a vital role in as far as gender specific roles and identity development is concerned. The study encourages more research into issues that impact negatively the children in one-parent families. The study also draws attention to the necessity to discover the reasons for the disintegration of the family structure, thereby highlighting a serious national and global problem which needs to be addressed for the health and well-being of our people because families form the foundation of a country‟s citizenry.
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Material Girls: Consumption and the Making of Middle Class Identity in the Experiences of Black Single Mothers in the Washington, DC Metropolitan areaPreston, Aysha L, Ph.D. 09 November 2018 (has links)
This dissertation explores the ways in which black single mothers in the Washington, DC metropolitan area use material goods and consumption practices to inform their identities as members of the middle class. Black middle class women are challenging stereotypes surrounding single mother households, the idea of family, and class status in the United States, as more women overall are having children while single, delaying or deciding against marriage, and are entering the middle and upper-middle classes as a result of advanced education and career opportunities. Because of these demographic and sociocultural shifts, the romanticized “nuclear family” which consists of a married heterosexual couple and their children is becoming less authoritative as a symbol of middle class status. Instead, the middle class is represented through lifestyle options such as home ownership, neighborhood selection, fashion choices, education, and leisure activities. In the Washington, DC metro area, black women are asserting their single status while employing strategies to raise their children and excel professionally in order to maintain a middle class lifestyle.
In this dissertation I examine black women, who are both single mothers and nonpoor, as an understudied, but constructive group in the DC metro area. Through ethnographic field research, I explored their experiences in the home, workplace, and greater community by employing a mixed methods approach including participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and focus groups. I demonstrate the ways material goods and experiences shape their complex identifies against and in support of various stereotypes. This research is unique in its focus on the black middle class from a new perspective and contributes to scholarly literatures on class and identity formation, black womanhood and motherhood, and material culture.
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