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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participer à un jeu : les modalités de participation ludique des enfants en situation de handicap / Participate in the game : The modalities of play participation of children in situation of handicap

Blin, Ludovic 07 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde la question des modalités de participation de l’enfant en situation de handicap à un jeu et tente d’appréhender les facteurs favorisant ou non cette participation. Pour cela, nous avons mis, tout d’abord, en exergue que derrière les notions de socialisation et d’intégration, la participation à un faire au sein d’un collectif est omniprésente. Ensuite, nous relatons l’évolution législative du champ du handicap avec la volonté étatique d’encourager la participation de la personne en situation de handicap à la société. Nous essayons aussi de mieux comprendre les enjeux en différenciant les notions d’intégration/d’inclusion portant en elles la question même de la participation. En outre, sur un plan théorique nous mettons en évidence le lien entre le jeu et la participation en nous appuyant sur les communautés de pratique de Wenger (2005), sur les dimensions de la participation de Billett (2008) et sur le travail de Brougère (2005, 2008) sur le jeu. De plus, pour répondre à notre question de recherche, nous avons fait le choix de l’approche ethnographique à partir d’une observation participante périphérique légitime (Brougère, 2006) et d’entretiens semi-directifs. Notre terrain de recherche est composé de plusieurs lieux d’observation, centres de loisirs, rencontres ludiques et observations au domicile, pour regarder au plus près la participation de l’enfant en situation de handicap à un jeu. Nous avons également construit des entretiens compréhensifs (Kaufmann, 2011) qui ont eu lieu auprès d’enfants en situation de handicap avec un membre de sa fratrie. Le souhait est que ces enfants nous parlent de leur participation à un jeu. L’ensemble des données empiriques est présenté sous la forme de treize portraits d’enfants en situation de handicap pour rapporter une situation réelle prise dans un contexte donné. Enfin, en nous appuyant sur ces portraits, nous proposons des pistes d’analyse sur les diverses modalités de participation ludique de l’enfant et sur les facteurs favorisant ou non sa participation à un jeu. / This thesis approaches the question of the modalities of participation of the children in situation of handicap in a play and tents to approach the factors favouring or not this participation. For this, we first of all highlihted that behind the notions of socialization and integration, the participation in acting with in a collective is omnipresent. Then, we recite the legislative evolution of the field of the handicap with the state-will to encourage the involvement of the person in situation of handicap to the society. We also try to understand better the skates by differentiating the notions of integration /inclusion carrying in them the very question of the participation. Besides, on a theoretical plan we highlight the link between the play and the participation resting on Wenger's communities of practice (2005), on Billett’s dimensions of participation (2008) and on Brougère's work about the play (2005, 2008). Moreover, to give an answer to our question of research we chose ethnographic approach from a peripheral participating observation (Brougère, 2006) and from interviews. Our ground of research consists of several places of observation: leisure centres, play meetings and observations done in the place of residence to have a closer look at the participation of the children in situation of handicap in a play. We also built comprehensive interviews (Kaufmann, 2011) which involved children in situation of handicap with a member of the brotherhood. The wish is that these children communicate with us about their participation in a play. The set of the empirical data is presented under the form of thirteen portraits of children in situation of handicap to report a real situation taken in a given context. Finally, resting on these portraits, we propose an analytical framework about the different modalities of the child's playful participation and about the factors favouring or not his/her participation to play.

A System Theoretical Approach to Situation Awareness : A holistic view of purposeful elements

Lagervik, Charlie January 2005 (has links)
From the theories of Ackoff about system theory and how the management of an organization should perform, the concept of situation awareness is discussed. A short history of the situation awareness concept is given in the light of aviation and human cognition. Motives are given why it is of interest to explore the concept of SA. The Russian Theory of Activity (Activity Theory) is presented with the focus on the orientational activity to give the background for a comparison against the adaptive-learning management system as presented by Ackoff. As result a definition of SA is presented, the result of the comparison of theories is presented, discussed and summarized in a conceptual design and future research is presented.

L’apprentissage par situation complexe en EPS au collège, rôles de la coopération et de la compétition en natation de vitesse chez des élèves de 5ème / Learning by complex situation in Physical Education (PE), role of cooperation and competition in speed swimming for 8th grade collège students.

Le Briquer, Yannick 22 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail examine les bénéfices d’un apprentissage par situation complexe en natation de vitesse chez des élèves de 5ème ; les soubassements théoriques sont pluriels. L’Approche Par Compétence (APC) à l’école, selon la pédagogie de l’intégration, invite à concevoir des situations complexes conduisant les élèves à intégrer leurs ressources pour résoudre des problèmes. Cette approche pédagogique se base aussi sur la psychologie sociale du développement et des acquisitions plaçant au coeur des dispositifs d’apprentissage, les interactions sociales et les échanges verbaux. Plus précisément, le dispositif étudié est construit à partir des principes socioconstructivistes de l’apprentissage coopératif. Au cours d’une séquence de douze séances d’EPS, les élèves de deux conditions d’enseignement différentes, ont été testés de façon répétée en situation complexe. Ce travail poursuit trois objectifs. En premier lieu, nous avons comparé les acquisitions sur les plans moteur, social et méthodologique, des élèves selon la condition (individuelle / interactive). Les résultats révèlent des progrès plus importants au niveau des performances chronométriques pour les élèves de la condition interactive. Ensuite, nous avons examiné le processus de « mise en synergie » des ressources, induit par la situation complexe. Etre préparé à intégrer ses ressources en situation complexe, optimise le développement de compétences motrices, cognitives et sociales. Enfin, nos observations dévoilent les effets de la compétition sur la coopération des élèves. L’apprentissage par situation complexe optimise l’exploitation des compétences individuelles au profit de la réalisation d’une performance collective. / This work examines the advantages of training in speed swimming complex situations for 8th grade pupils and there are many theoretical bases attached to it. The competencies-based approach (APC in French) at school, according to the pedagogy of integration, invites to conceive complex situations leading pupils to integrate their resources to solve problems. This teaching approach is also based on the development and acquisition social psychology putting forward training devices, social interactions and verbal exchanges. More precisely, this work is built according to the socioconstructivist principles of the co-operative learning. During a sequence of twelve PE sessions, two groups of pupils in two different teaching conditions, were tested in complex situations. This work pursues three goals. Initially, we compared pupils according to the condition (individual/interactive), their acquisitions on the physical, social and methodological levels. The results reveal more important progress on the level of chronometric performances for the pupils of the interactive condition. Then, we examined the resources, induced by the complex situation in the process of “setting in synergy”. To be prepared to integrate his complex situation resources optimizes the development of physical, cognitive and social skills. Lastly, our observations reveal the effects of competition on the pupils’ co-operation. The training by complex situation optimizes the coordination of individual skills to succeed in the collective performance.

Les facteurs influençant la réussite des activités collaboratives médiées par les TICE dans une situation de formation universitaire à la statistique / Factors influencing the success of collaborative activities mediated by ICT in university education situation in statistics

Diaz, Diane 27 April 2016 (has links)
Il ne fait aucun doute que notre société produit de plus en plus de données qui doivent être synthétisées et analysées. Leur traitement statistique est de plus en plus présent et l’usage de la statistique, déjà largement répandue, ne fait que s’accroître. Il paraît donc indispensable d’enseigner au grand nombre les rudiments de la statistique. Or, dans les cursus universitaires de sciences humaines et sociales (SHS), son enseignement est confronté à la difficulté de transmettre une discipline dont les étudiants sont peu familiarisés. De plus, la statistique s’adresse à un public hétérogène qui ne perçoit mal son degré d’intérêt et/ou son niveau d’utilité. Ces freins observés ont donné lieu à de nombreuses recherches permettant de dresser une typologie des obstacles les plus cités. Il s’agit couramment de difficultés de perception, de compréhension, d’application, d’appréciation, d’interprétation et de manipulation numérique. Notre thèse étudie quelques conditions qui semblent favorables à la réussite des étudiants dans leur apprentissage de la statistique et de ses applications. De nos lectures nous avons extrait les trois leviers les plus fréquemment cités : l’activité de l’apprenant, la collaboration en petits groupes et l’utilisation du numérique. Nous faisons nôtre l’essentiel des conclusions et des préconisations de ces modèles. Dans cette perspective, nous avons observé une situation de formation simultanément active, collaborative et médiée par un logiciel de traitement de données afin de réunir des conditions propices à la réussite des étudiants. Cependant, même dans une situation favorable où les étudiants suivent une formation dans un cadre institutionnel analogue, selon un contexte didactique et pédagogique identique, certains étudiants réussissent mieux que d’autres. C’est pourquoi, à eux seuls, le cadre institutionnel et le contexte ne peuvent expliquer ces dissemblances. Ce constat nous a engagée dans la recherche de caractéristiques préexistantes inhérentes aux étudiants qui pourraient contribuer à leur réussite. Notre présupposé théorique repose sur un modèle compréhensif qui concilie plusieurs facteurs que nous considérons comme déterminants dans le contexte étudié. Aussi distinguons-nous trois axes fondamentaux ; ceux liés à l’histoire des étudiants, à leur formation antérieure et culturelle que nous nommons biographiques, ceux correspondant à l’affectivité, à l’émotion et à la compétence perçue nommés psychologiques et ceux qui s’attachent aux connaissances déclaratives et aux compétences pré-acquises traduisant des fonctions cognitives dénommés cognitifs. Une meilleure connaissance de ces facteurs et de leur organisation pourrait enrichir la réflexion et les pratiques didactiques et pédagogiques dans une perspective d’amélioration constante des processus d’enseignement et d’apprentissage de la statistique. / There is no doubt that society produces ever more data which must be correlated and analysed. Statistical processing is increasingly prevalent and the use of this science continues to grow. It, therefore, seems essential to teach the largest number of people its elements. However, in the university curricula of Humanities and Social Sciences, this teaching is confronted with the difficulty of transmitting a discipline to which students are not accustomed. Moreover, statistics are addressed to a diverse public who do not always appreciate their relevance or application. These problems have resulted in extensive research to develop a classification of the difficulties most often cited. We often found problems associated with perception, comprehension, application, appraisal, interpretation andcomputer skills.Our thesis examines the conditions favourable to students' success. From our studies we have identified the three advantageous practices most often cited : practical experience for the student, collaboration in small groups and the use of digital technology. We have reached our viewpoint largely from the conclusions and recommendations of these models. From this perspective, we observed a training situation which was both active and collaborative, mediated by a data programme bringing together the conditions necessary for student success.However, even in a favourable situation where students are trained in a similar institutional framework, in the same pedagogical climate, some students are more successful than others. Therefore, the institutional framework and context alone cannot explain these dissimilarities.This observation has led us to search for some inherent characteristics of students which might influence their success. Our theory is based on a comprehensive model that comprises several factors that we consider crucial in the context studied. From this model we have identified three fundamental issues : those related to the history of the student named « biographical factors », those corresponding to the emotions and perceived difficulties called « psychological factors », and those concerning verbal and cognitive skills named « cognitive factors ». A better understanding of these factors and their organization could enrich the theory and practical application of both the teaching and study of statistics with a view to constant amelioration of the process.

Modélisation agent de la perception visuelle humaine limitée appliquée à la simulation du comportement des conducteurs en carrefour / No title in english

Ketenci, Utku Görkem 20 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le domaine de la modélisation du trafic routier, des améliorations sont nécessaires afin de permettre de simuler des situations accidentogènes. La grande majorité des modèles microscopiques actuels à base d'agents pour la simulation de trafic concerne l'activité décisionnelle du conducteur. Or, l'activité de perception est un préalable important à la décision. Notre objectif est donc de proposer de nouvelles solutions pour la modélisation agent de la perception du conducteur humain. La proposition comprend une double activité de perception (passive et active), couplée à une limitation quantitative des percepts (limite de la mémorisation à court-terme). Le modèle a été implémenté et testé dans le contexte d'un carrefour pour lequel nous possédons un ensemble de données d'observation. Les résultats obtenus confirment l'intérêt du modèle pour simuler des comportements proches des comportements observés et des variations inter-individuelles dans la population de conducteurs. / In the context of traffic modeling, we need some improvements in order to allow to simulate the near accident situations. The most actual agent based traffic simulations tools focuse on the decision activity of drivers. However, the activity of perception is an important precondition of decision. We aim to propose new solutions for agent based modeling of human drivers perception. The proposition include a double activity of perception (passive and active), coupled with a quantitative limitation of percepts (depending on the limit of short term memory). The model has been implemented and tested in the context of a crossroad for which we have a set of observation data. The obtained results confirm the interest of the model to simulate the behaviors of drivers more realistically, and to improve interindividual variations in the driver population.

Role dítěte v předrozvodovém a rozvodovém chování rodičů / The Role of a Child in a Pre-divorce and Divorce Behavior of Parents

Froncová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of possible roles that children may play due to a pre- divorce behaviour of their parents and a divorce and a post-divorce situation. The theme of these roles, resp. their list and description of some of them are to varying degrees part of almost every publication focused on the topic of divorce, or the topic of children in it. However, none of these publications addresses this issue in sufficient depth and detail. The theoretical part of the work introduces the knowledge on this topic published so far and creates a new theoretical system, resp. organization of undesirable roles of children in divorce and post-divorce situations. The empirical work then describes a qualitative survey focused on the identification of roles in the pre-divorce and especially the divorce and post-divorce situation. 14 respondents participated in this survey. The analysis of their statements further developed and modified the created theoretical system. It also added practical examples, putting this whole theoretical concept into a practical context. Keywords divorce, role of a child, pre-divorce situation, post-divorce situation

Evaluating Situation Awareness Oriented
 Design Principles as a Design Tool / Att Utvärdera Situation Awareness-Orienterade Designprinciper Som Designverktyg

Pesavento, Luca January 2015 (has links)
In critical scenarios such as power plant management or air traffic control, human errors can have critical consequences. It is therefore a key concern that operators have a clear understanding of the situation at hand. Providing high situation awareness when designing interactive systems for these users is an important concern: many factors need to be considered to avoid hazardous conditions. Situation Awareness Oriented Design (SAOD) is a design methodology that makes use of design principles as tools to guide designers in creating or adapting systems for achieving outstanding situation awareness. This study focuses on what problems arise when using a selection of SAOD principles as the principal tool in the design process. The research was carried out using a research-through- design methodology, where SAOD principles were employed for the design of D4SH, an interactive overview system in the maritime scope of remote service centres. The results indicate four problems that might occur in the design process by using these principles. First, principles did not help in making design decisions. Second, at times they indirectly conflicted with one another when having to make a choice. Third, grounded user analysis was needed for the correct use of the principles. Fourth, in some instances principles highlighted a problem without offering a desirable solution. Therefore, the validity of principles in the various phases of design is questioned, and some implications of using the principles as a complementary design tool are suggested. In conclusion, it is argued that the problems encountered are a necessary trade-off for having a powerful framework that can be successfully used in many contexts for situation awareness. / I kritiska situationer, såsom kraftverkshantering eller flyplansledning, kan mänskliga fel ha allvarliga konsekvenser. Det är därför viktigt att tekniska operatörer har en god uppfattning av den aktuella situationen. En nyckelfråga då interaktiva system för dessa användare designas är därför att tillhandahålla en hög situationsmedvetenhet, där många faktorer beaktas för att undvika farliga situationer. Situation Awareness Oriented Design (SAOD) är en metodik som använder designprinciper som vägledning då system anpassas för att tillhandahålla god situationsmedvetenhet. I denna studie undersöks vilka problem som uppstår när man använder ett urval av SAOD-principer som det främsta verktyget i designprocessen. Forskningen genomfördes med hjälp av en designmetodik där SAOD-principer användes för att utforma D4SH, ett interaktivt översiktsystem för servicecenter inom den marina sektorn. Studiens resultat indikerar fyra problem som kan uppstå genom att använda dessa principer i en designprocess. Först och främst upplevdes principerna inte underlätta designbeslut. För det andra var principerna indirekt motsägelsefulla då ett beslut skulle fattas. För det tredje behövdes en grundläggande användaranalys för att använda principerna korrekt. För det fjärde belyste principerna i vissa lägen problem utan att erbjuda en önskvärd lösning. Baserat på detta ifrågasätts principernas giltighet och konsekvenser av att använda principerna som ett kompletterande designverktyg föreslås. Slutsatsen av studien hävdar att problemen som identifieras är en nödvändig kompromiss för att kunna erbjuda en kraftfull ram, som framgångsrikt kan användas i många sammanhang för att tillhandahålla situationsmedvetenhet.

Att acceptera acceptansen : Personliga upplevelser av acceptans vid permanent ofrivillig barnlöshet

Ek, Fanny, Fuhrberg, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
Permanent involuntary childlessness is increasing, and it is something that has been shown to have a strong psychological impact on the affected individuals. At the same time, research linked to the concept of acceptance has become increasingly popular. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate how permanent involuntary childless people experience acceptance. That includes their attitude to the concept, any change in their attitude and their experience of going through or being in an acceptance process. Furthermore, the study also intended to investigate which factors may influence the experience of acceptance. The expectation based on this was to gain a deeper understanding of how healthcare and fellow human beings can support, help and respond to people who are facing an unchangeable situation. Nine permanent involuntary childless women were interviewed using a semi- structured interview guide, and the data were analyzed based on a narrative analysis method. The results showed that acceptance is a complex process that is closely linked to grief. The attitude to the concept and the experience of acceptance can also be perceived differently depending on where in the process a person is. Furthermore, the results showed that the breaking point, where people go from an involuntary childlessness to a permanent involuntary childlessness, is a critical phase and that a clear turning point is needed to be able to begin an acceptance process. An important conclusion is that the healthcare, the surroundings and the society have an impact on the acceptance process, where their respond both can be a help and an obstacle. / Permanent ofrivillig barnlöshet ökar alltmer och det har visat sig ha en stark psykologisk påverkan på de personer som befinner sig i den situationen. Samtidigt har forskningen kopplat till begreppet acceptans blivit alltmer populärt. Syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka hur permanent ofrivilligt barnlösa upplever acceptans. Detta innefattar deras syn på begreppet, eventuell förändring av denna syn samt upplevelse av att gå igenom alternativt vara i en acceptansprocess. Vidare ämnade studien även undersöka vilka faktorer som kan påverka upplevelsen av acceptans. Förhoppningen utifrån detta var att få en djupare förståelse för hur behandlare och medmänniskor kan stötta, hjälpa och bemöta personer som ställs inför en oföränderlig situation. Nio permanent ofrivilligt barnlösa kvinnor intervjuades med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide och datan analyserades utifrån en narrativ analysmetod. Resultaten visade att acceptans är en komplex process som är nära sammankopplad med sorg. Synen på och upplevelsen av acceptans kan även uppfattas olika beroende på var i processen en person befinner sig. Vidare visade resultaten att brytpunkten, där personer går från en ofrivillig barnlöshet till en permanent ofrivillig barnlöshet, är en kritisk fas och att en tydlig brytpunkt behövs för att kunna påbörja en acceptansprocess. En viktig slutsats är att vården, omgivningen och samhället har en påverkan på acceptansprocessen, där deras bemötande både kan vara en hjälp och ett hinder.

Motivation : En kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskors motivation under längre ansträngda situationer / Motivation : A qualitative study of nurses' motivation during longer stressful situations

Nilsson, Emma, Nilsson, Emilia, Olausson, Ella January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The study's purpose is to test the existing motivation theories on nurses' perceptions of the phenomenon of motivation during a pandemic. Method: A cross-sectional study that deals with the phenomenon of motivation with a deductive research approach. Our data collection has taken place through a qualitative research strategy. Conclusion: The study has shown that nurses are primarily motivated by meaningfulness, appreciation and solidarity. Through the study, we have also been able to see that nurses are motivated by increased salaries and financial compensation. / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att pröva befintliga motivationsteorier på sjuksköterskors uppfattning av fenomenet motivation under en pandemi. Metod: En tvärsnittsstudie som behandlar fenomenet motivation med en deduktiv forskningsansats. Vår datainsamling har skett genom en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Slutsats: Studien har visat på att sjuksköterskor främst motiveras av känslan av meningsfullhet, uppskattning och gemenskap. Genom studien har vi även kunnat se att sjuksköterskor blir motiverade av ökad lön och ekonomisk ersättning.

Development of Shared Situation Awareness Guidelines and Metrics as Developmental and Analytical Tools for Augmented and Virtual Reality User Interface Design in Human-Machine Teams

Van Dam, Jared Martindale Mccolskey 21 August 2023 (has links)
As the frontiers and futures of work evolve, humans and machines will begin to share a more cooperative working space where collaboration occurs freely amongst the constituent members. To this end, it is then necessary to determine how information should flow amongst team members to allow for the efficient sharing and accurate interpretation of information between humans and machines. Shared situation awareness (SSA), the degree to which individuals can access and interpret information from sources other than themselves, is a useful framework from which to build design guidelines for the aforementioned information exchange. In this work, we present initial Augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) design principles for shared situation awareness that can help designers both (1) design efficacious interfaces based on these fundamental principles, and (2) evaluate the effectiveness of candidate interface designs based on measurement tools we created via a scoping literature review. This work achieves these goals with focused studies that 1) show the importance of SSA in augmented reality-supported tasks, 2) describe design guidelines and measurement tools necessary to support SSA, and 3) validate the guidelines and measurement tools with a targeted user study that employs an SSA-derived AR interface to confirm the guidelines distilled from the literature review. / Doctor of Philosophy / As the way in which humans work and play changes, people and machines will need to work together in shared spaces where team members rely on one another to complete goals. To make this interaction happen in ways that benefit both humans and machines, we will need to figure out the best way for information to flow between team members, including both humans and machines. Shared situation awareness (SSA) is a helpful concept that allows us to understand how people can get and understand information from sources other than themselves. In this research, we present some basic ideas for designing augmented reality (AR) tools that help people work together in better ways using SSA as a guiding framework. These ideas can help designers (1) create AR tools that work well based on these basic ideas and (2) test how well different interface designs work using specially developed tools we made. We completed user studies to (1) show how important SSA is when using AR to help with tasks, (2) explain the design ideas and tools needed to support SSA, and (3) test these ideas and tools with a study that uses an AR tool, based on SSA, to make sure the guidelines we got from reading other research are correct.

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