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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os meia-cara: africanos livres em São Paulo no século XIX / The \"meia-cara\": liberated African people in São Paulo at 19th century

Enidelce Bertin 13 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objeto os africanos livres que estiveram sob custódia do Estado prestando serviços em estabelecimentos públicos da Província de São Paulo. Através deles objetiva-se a análise das vicissitudes das relações entre africanos livres e Estado, percebendo os diferentes significados da tutela para ambas as partes. Sendo conhecedores da singularidade de sua condição, os africanos livres colocaram-se diante das autoridades como indivíduos livres, o que se chocava frontalmente com a prática dos seus tutores. Para os administradores públicos, os africanos livres não deveriam estar à parte da lógica escravista, por isso toda a \"proteção\" que a tutela guardava relacionava-se com uma perspectiva de manutenção da escravidão. Procurando perscrutar a resistência cotidiana dos africanos livres ao domínio representado pela tutela, pudemos desvendar os intensos laços de solidariedade mantidos entre eles, bem como a preservação da memória de uma experiência histórica comum, muitas vezes alinhavada desde a travessia atlântica. Portanto, nossa abordagem está centrada no entendimento dos africanos livres como sujeitos históricos, inseridos nas relações escravistas e atuantes no sentido da resistência à escravização latente. Porque desconfiamos que a presença dos mesmos na sociedade escravista do oitocentos foi mais ativa e efetiva do que apontava o discurso dos administradores públicos, nosso desafio está na reconstituição da experiência vivida por eles. Ao focalizar essa população, portanto, objetiva-se uma análise de sua experiência histórica como trabalhadores tutelados nos estabelecimentos públicos de São Paulo. / This research aims the liberated Africans who had been under the State guard, serving on the province of São Paulo public institutions. The main subject of this research is the analysis of diverging relationship between liberated African and the State, realizing the different meanings of \"public tutorship\" for both parts. Aware of their singular condition, liberated African faced the public authorities as free individuals, which was clearly against their tutors practice. For public administrators, liberated African shouldn\'t be unaware of the slavery logic, and this is why all \"protection\" by means of tutorship was related to a perspective of slavery maintenance. Trying to investigate liberated African\'s daily opposition to tutorship, we could disclose strong links of brotherhood kept among them, as well as the preservation of a common historic experience memory, often sketched since the atlantic traverse. Therefore, our approach is focused on the comprehension of liberated Africans as historical individuals, deepened into slavery relationship and acting to oppose latent slavery. Because we suspected that their presence in the 1800\'s was more active and effective than pointed out by the public administrators speech, our challenge is on restoration of experience lived by them. By focusing that population so, we aim to get an analysis of their historical experience as workers under the tutorship of public institutions in São Paulo.

Perdigão malheiro e a comparação histórica na crise da escravidão no Brasil, 1863-1871 / Perdigão Malheiro and the historical comparison in the slavery crisis in Brazil, 1863-1871

Santana, Rogerio Barreto 03 September 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação examina a prática da comparação histórica no Império do Brasil entre 1863 e 1871. O corpus documental compreende os discursos políticos emitidos por Perdigão Malheiro dentro e fora do Instituto dos Advogados do Brasil, seja representando a voz autorizada dos bacharéis, seja na forma de falas parlamentares, quando atuou como deputado pela Província de Minas Gerais. Seu livro A escravidão no Brasil igualmente assinala importante frente discursiva, na medida em que representou uma fonte de crítica à escravidão no país e balizou interpretações acerca do encaminhamento do problema da instituição secular. Os textos foram interpretados por meio não apenas da análise do discurso, mas também da História Política e do Contextualismo Linguístico, para quem as ideias de determinado pensador devem ser analisadas tendo em vista seu contexto social de produção e o conjunto de ideias e conceitos anteriores e contemporâneos a ele com os quais dialogou. Utilizam-se, ainda, os conceitos espaço de experiência e horizonte de expectativa, por acreditar-se que ambos compõem ferramentas relevantes para a compreensão dos sujeitos históricos na sincronia e diacronia e contribuem para uma abordagem comparada que apreende o significado histórico das projeções pensadas por aqueles atores dentro do seu contexto social e do conhecimento adquirido por eles em vistas das experiências de outros povos / This thesis examines the practice of historical comparison in the Brazilian Empire between 1863 and 1871. The sources include political speeches by Perdigão Malheiro given within and outside of the Instituto dos Advogados do Brasil (Brazilian Lawyers Institute), whether as the voice of the students, or as parliamentary speeches from the time when he acted as congressman for the province of Minas Gerais. His book A escravidão no Brasil (Slavery in Brazil) also points to an important discursive resource, inasmuch it represented a source of criticism of slavery in the country, and guided interpretations regarding how to conduct the institution. The documents have been interpreted not only through the analysis of the speech, but also through the prism of Political History and Linguistic Contextualism, by which an authors ideas ought to be analyzed alongside the social context where such speeches where produces and the ideas and concepts he/she was in dialogue with. This thesis also employs Kosellecks concepts of space of experience and horizon of expectation considering that both are useful tools to understanding the synchrony and diachronic facets of historical subjects. These concepts also contribute to a comparative perspective that captures the historical significance of the projections designed by those actors within their social context and of the knowledge acquired by them in view of the experiences of other people

Em distantes paragens: demografia, riqueza, escravidão e mercado em Santa Rita do Turvo na segunda metade do oitocentos / In distant paragens: demography, wealth, slavery and market in Santa Rita do Turvo in the second half of the nineteenth century

Costa, Fernando Antonio Alves da 26 February 2015 (has links)
Analisamos a riqueza inventariada em Santa Rita do Turvo na segunda metade do século XIX. Inicialmente abordamos o nível de concentração e a composição dos recursos declarados. Posteriormente investigamos separadamente os principais grupos de ativos que compuseram os patrimônios dos indivíduos que faleceram ao longo do período recuperado e que foram inventariados. A análise particularizada permitiu qualificar o tipo de escravidão vigente, a paisagem agrária predominante e o mercado da localidade. Sustentamos que a produção de gêneros configurada em Santa Rita do Turvo assumiu proporções relevantes, conheceu certa estabilidade no correr da segunda metade do Oitocentos e conferiu movimento ao cenário econômico da localidade, independentemente de conexões com regiões de economias mais complexas e vultosas. Contudo, admitimos que as questões apontadas na tese tiveram como base um grupo restrito da população da localidade e não o conjuntos de seus habitantes. Certamente este aspecto conferiu limites para as análises realizadas. / Analyzed the wealth inventoried in Santa Rita do Turvo in the second half of the nineteenth century. Initially approached the level of concentration and the composition of the declared resources. Later separately investigated the main groups of assets that comprised the assets of individuals who died during the period recovered and were inventoried. The detailed analysis allowed qualify the type of current slavery, the dominant agrarian landscape and the market of the town. We hold that the production of genres set in Santa Rita do Turvo assumed relevant proportions, met some stability in the course of the second half of the nineteenth century and gave movement to the economic environment of the locality, regardless of connections to regions of more complex and bulky economies. However, we admit that the issues raised in the thesis were based on a small group of village population and not the sets of its inhabitants. Certainly this aspect given limits for analyzes.

Cativeiros em conflito: crimes e comunidades escravas em Campinas (1850-1888) / Conflicted captivities: crimes and slave communities in Campinas (1850-1888)

Alves, Maíra Chinelatto 03 July 2015 (has links)
Esta tese investiga comunidades escravas na região de Campinas na segunda metade do século XIX. Através da leitura de depoimentos e interrogatórios de cativos e cativas em documentos judiciais de diferentes tipos reunidos no Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo (AESP) tem como objetivo compreender as dinâmicas sociais e afetivas que envolviam aqueles indivíduos e as variadas experiências vividas por trabalhadores especializados ou não, casados ou solteiros, de sexo masculino ou feminino que viveram escravizados na região. Questionando a ideia de uma existência forçosa de redes de solidariedade e companheirismo advindas simplesmente do fato de experimentarem juntos a escravidão, esta pesquisa procura perceber manifestações por vezes contraditórias de disputas, amizade, envolvimentos afetivos e sexuais, companheirismo e competição que foram registrados nos autos criminais referentes ao período indicado. / This dissertation investigates slave communities in Campinas, Province de São Paulo, in the second half of the Nineteenth century. Through the analysis of depositions and interrogations of male and female slaves registered in different kinds of court documents gathered in the Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo (AESP) this study aims at understanding the social and affective dynamics involving such individuals, as well as the various experiences of skilled or unskilled workers, married or single enslaved men and women who lived in the area. Questioning the idea of an inescapable existence of solidarity and fellowship networks naturally arising from joined experiences of enslavement, this dissertation intends to analyze sometimes contradictory demonstrations of disputes, friendships, sexual and emotional attachment, companionship and competition registered in the documents.

Sobre um tempo de incertezas: o processo da abolição e os significados da liberdade em Minas Gerais (1880-1888) / About a time of uncertainty: the abolition process and the meanings of freedom in Minas Gerais, 1880-1888.

Custodio Sobrinho, Juliano 06 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o processo de abolição da escravidão, enfocando a participação de diversos setores que negociaram ideias e vivenciaram relações - a partir de embates, expectativas, leituras de mundo e significados da liberdade - em um momento que diferentes projetos estavam sendo apresentados na arena social. Levando em consideração a diversidade regional, a pesquisa procura inserir o caso do Sul de Minas Gerais no debate historiográfico atual sobre a abolição e o abolicionismo no Império brasileiro (1880-1888). No que tange aos múltiplos projetos, ações e discursos propostos naquele período, abordamos o perfil e as perspectivas de indivíduos e grupos - escravos, libertos, livres, senhores e abolicionistas - que, através dos documentos, deixaram evidenciar seus posicionamentos diante da crise do sistema escravista. Assim, procuramos acessar as formas de resistência elaboradas e experimentadas pelos escravos na busca pela liberdade; os desafios das políticas de Estado para a manutenção da ordem e do controle sobre os conflitos sociais; as estratégias das elites para a preservação de certos privilégios, bem como sua tentativa de conduzir o processo de transformação das relações de força e de trabalho; e as mais variadas formas e atuações abolicionistas que deram o tom naquele cenário, carregadas de interesses, arranjos políticos e jogadas de poder. Para isso, as principais fontes elencadas foram a documentação da Polícia e da Justiça, os jornais e os relatos memorialísticos. / This work aims to analyze the abolition of slavery process, focusing on the participation of various social sectors that negotiated ideas and experienced relationships from clash of interests, expectations, world views and freedom meanings at a time when different projects were being presented in the social arena. Taking into account regional diversity, this research seeks to insert southern Minas Gerais case in the current historiographical debate on abolition and abolitionism in Brazilian Empire period (1880-1888). Regarding multiple projects, proposed actions and speeches at that time, we discuss the profile and prospects of individuals and groups slaves, freedmen, free, masters and abolitionists that have made very clear their positions, by means of documents, in facing the crisis of the slavery system. Thereby we seek to access the ways of resistance developed and experienced by slaves in the quest for freedom; the state policies challenges for the maintenance of order and control over social conflicts; the elites strategies to preserve certain privileges, as well as their attempt to lead the transformation process of power and work relationships; and the most varied abolitionists ways and performances that set the tone in that scene, loaded of interests, political arrangements and power moves. For this, the main listed sources were Police and Justice documentation, newspapers and memorialistic reports.

Back to the Future: Taking a Trip Back in Order to Move Forward in Octavia Butler’s Kindred

LaFaver, Zakary H 01 May 2014 (has links)
Slavery is something that cannot be taken lightly. Even Butler says no matter how harsh the slavery in her novel is, it does not compare to how gruesome actual slavery was: “As a matter of fact, one of the things I realized when I was reading the slave narrative…was that I was not going to be able to come anywhere near presenting slavery as it was. I was going to have to do a some-what cleaned-up version of slavery, or no one would be willing to read it” (qtd. in Kenan 497). Octavia Butler knew that if she presented slavery directly and in a way that called people, most likely white males, that there would not be an audience for the novel. Instead she had to present slavery as something society shaped, rather than a specific group of individuals. An analysis of Octavia Butler’s Kindred reveals that societal expectations alter the dynamics of such interracial relationships as those between Dana and Kevin, Dana and Rufus, and Rufus and Alice, determining their success or failure without regard to the foundations upon which these relationships were initially built.

Slavery in the Constitution

Mayo-Bobee, Dinah 28 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The U.S. Constitution and Slavery Debate

Mayo-Bobee, Dinah 19 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Conscience and Context in Eastman Johnson's The Lord Is My Shepherd

Slater, Amanda Melanie 01 December 2014 (has links)
This thesis considers the experiences that motivated the creation of an 1863 painting by American artist Eastman Johnson entitled The Lord is My Shepherd. An examination of the painting—which depicts a black man reading a Bible—reveals multiple artistic, social, political, and spiritual influences. Created in the midst of the American Civil War, the painting's inspiration derived from Johnson's New England childhood, training in Europe, encounters with the Transcendentalist movement, and his abolitionist views. As a result, The Lord is My Shepherd is a culminating work in Johnson's oeuvre that was prompted by years of experience and observations in an age of rampant racism and civil war. It is also argued that The Lord is My Shepherd has diaristic qualities in that Johnson explored significant social and political issues of the day such as slavery through his work. Before now, this painting has been considered a relatively minor work within Johnson's oeuvre. This thesis seeks to change that perception and raise awareness of the contextual significance of The Lord is My Shepherd.

Human Trafficking from Southern Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala: Why These Victims are Trafficked into Modern Day Florida

Golob, Timothy Adam 26 March 2014 (has links)
Florida is ranked as one of the United States' top three destination states for human trafficking; many of those victims originate from Mesoamerica--Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Human trafficking is a growing problem which hinders universal human rights for hundreds of new victims in Florida every year. Mesoamericans have a high risk of becoming victims due to the situations in their home countries. The issue of human trafficking has only recently gained the national and state attention of law makers and law enforcement officers. This study uses several human trafficking cases to educate and exemplify why Mesoamerican victims are selected and how human trafficking takes place in Florida. The results of this study demonstrate that traffickers use their knowledge of victims and victims' societies to lure and then enslave them into sex and labor trafficking. This research uses criminal cases to illustrate the conditions of the enslavement of human trafficking victims, the methods used by the traffickers, and the culmination of the court cases for both victims and perpetrators. Furthermore, it provides points of discussion to initiate future research and to guide legislature and law enforcement in methods to end this barrier to universal human rights.

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