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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ligger problemet i planeringens natur? : En ekofeministisk analys av hållbarheten i den klimatsmarta staden

Carshall, Johanna, Gustafson, Petra January 2024 (has links)
Climate change is progressing rapidly, largely due to human activities, and has resulted in an increase in the Earth's average temperature by over one degree since the 19th century. Sweden has also been affected, experiencing approximately double the temperature rise compared to the global average. In response to climate change, Swedish strategic planning has increasingly focused on the concept of the sustainable and smart city (den klimatsmarta staden). This concept is relatively new and, particularly in a Swedish context, has scarcely been addressed in academic literature or subjected to critical scrutiny. Swedish strategic planning is closely linked to and shaped by the issue of sustainability, as the fundamental provisions of the Swedish Planning and Building Act support the ecological, social, and economic dimensions of sustainable development. However, due to the relatively unexplored and unclear nature of the concept of the sustainable and smart city, it is uncertain how it expresses economic, social, and ecological sustainability. Themes such as climate change, humanity's relationship with nature, and the various interpretations of sustainability have been discussed and critically examined within the framework of ecofeminism. Ecofeminism posits a strong connection between the subordination of both women and nature by men, where the feminist aspect of ecofeminism critiques power structures through intersectional gender analyses, and the environmental aspect focuses on understanding the non-human world and human-nature interactions. Through a case study of strategic planning in The City of Stockholm, this study critically examines how sustainability is (and is not) expressed through the concept of the sustainable and smart city using ecofeminist analytical tools. The study finds that the manner in which sustainability is articulated through the concept of the sustainable and smart city in metropolitan strategic planning partially aligns with an ecofeminist perspective on sustainability. Throughout the study, it has become evident that ecofeminism provides more interesting analytical opportunities than could be fully explored within this study. / Klimatförändringarna pågår i snabb takt och till stor del på grund av mänskliga aktiviteter har jordens medeltemperatur ökat med drygt en grad sedan 1800-talet. Även Sverige är påverkat och har haft ungefär en dubbelt så stor temperaturhöjning än vad som skett globalt. För att hantera klimatförändringarna har den strategiska planeringen bland annat kommit att fokusera på konceptet den klimatsmarta staden. Konceptet den klimatsmarta staden är relativt nytt och har, särskilt i en svensk kontext, knappt behandlats i den akademiska litteraturen eller utsatts för kritisk granskning. Den svenska strategiska planeringen är tydligt kopplad till och präglad av frågan om hållbarhet, bland annat genom att plan- och bygglagens grundläggande bestämmelser stöttar de ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska dimensionerna i konceptet hållbar utveckling. På grund av konceptet den klimatsmarta stadens outforskade och förhållandevis oklara innebörd är det dock ovisst hur konceptet ger uttryck för ekonomisk, social och ekologisk hållbarhet. Klimatförändringarna, människans förhållningssätt till naturen samt hur olika uppfattningar om hållbarhet kommer till uttryck och förhåller sig till varandra är alla exempel på teman som diskuterats och kritiskt granskats inom den så kallade ekofeminismen. Ekofeminismen menar att det finns ett starkt samband mellan mäns underordnande av både kvinnor och natur, där den feministiska delen av ekofeminismen kritiserar maktstrukturer genom intersektionella genusanalyser och den miljöinriktade delen sätter förståelsen av den icke-mänskliga världen och interaktioner mellan människa och natur i centrum. Genom en fallstudie av Stockholms stads strategiska planering, granskas kritiskt hur hållbarhet kommer (och inte kommer) till uttryck i konceptet den klimatsmarta staden med hjälp av ekofeministiska analysverktyg. Studien konstaterar att sättet som hållbarhet kommer till uttryck genom konceptet den klimatsmarta staden i storstadskommunal strategisk planering till viss del överensstämmer med en ekofeministisk uppfattning om hållbarhet. Under studiens gång har det visat sig att ekofeminismen möjliggör fler intressanta analysmöjligheter än vad det har funnits möjlighet att beakta i denna studie.


Dohnalová, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
Study of revitalisation of an east side of trade fair area in Brno is focused on incorporating area to the city structure, this requires to make the area accessible. Attention is payed to movement of physical bareer, designing different form of boundary line between the city and the Trade fair area, densification of new city structure, public space, solution of transport situation and sustainable strategies applied to the area.

Samhällsutmaningarnas lösning stavas Smart stad; hur påverkas den personliga integriteten? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om beslutsfattares inställning till och planer för personlig integritet i den smarta staden / Smart cities, a solution to societal challenges. But what happens to citizen privacy? : A qualitative case study of policymakers’ attitudes and plans regarding citizen privacy in the smart city

Nord, Jonas, Wåhlberg, Gabriel January 2019 (has links)
Svenska städer utmanas av ökad urbanisering, en skiftande demografi och krav på en minskad miljöpåverkan. Ett led i att bemöta dessa utmaningar är utvecklingen av den smarta staden. Den smarta staden saknar ännu en vedertagen definition men innebär en digitalisering och effektivisering av stadens funktioner. Digitalisering i den smarta staden möjliggör effektivisering genom att nyttja algoritmer, höghastighetsinternet, sensorer och billiga stora lagringsvolymer för att generera önskvärda resultat. Stora mängder data kan behandlas i realtid och användas till exempelvis beslutsstöd eller automatiserad beslutsfattande. Ett outforskat område inom smarta städer är dess inverkan på invånare och besökares integritet, där vissa menar att den smarta staden skulle kunna möjliggöra storskaliga integritetskränkningar genom aggregering och korrelering av behandlade personuppgifter. Integritet är en central del av en fungerande demokrati eftersom den möjliggör samhällsutveckling utanför existerande normer och höjer mänskligt välmående. För att förstå risken för integritetskränkningar i den smarta staden behövs insikt i hur beslutsfattarna, som utformar den smarta staden, ser på risken för integritetskränkningar, samt det lagrum inom vilket den smarta staden utvecklas. Denna studie utforskar definitionen av den smarta staden, problemen den smarta staden ämnar lösa och risken att den smarta staden innebär integritetskränkningar. Definitionen av den smarta staden saknar konsensus men ses i stor utsträckning använda teknik som möjliggörare. Konkreta initiativ av den smarta staden är lättare att kategorisera och förstå innebörden av, samtidigt ser inte beslutsfattare att framtagandet av en definition är avgörande för utvecklingen av den smarta staden. Den smarta staden ses enhälligt syfta till att lösa samhällsutmaningar och bidra till livskvalité. Integritetsutmaningarna i den smarta staden ses vara en avvägning mellan samhällsnytta och integritet, där beslutsfattare ser att integritetsfrågan är av ringa vikt jämfört med forskning inom området. GDPR ses vara en central reglering för integritet i den smarta staden, trots detta saknas entydighet från beslutsfattare kring förordningens applicering och potentiella konsekvenserna i den smarta stadens samtida explorativa utveckling. Studien utgår ifrån EU-förordningen GDPR, nationella riktlinjer för smarta städer och integritet, det nationella samarbetsprogrammet för smarta städer och samtida forskning inom smarta städer, integritet och dess överlapp. Den bedrivs genom en kvalitativ fallstudie av Stockholms smarta stad-initiativ. / Swedish cities face challenges such as increased urbanisation, shifting demographics and demands on lowered environmental impact. The smart city may be considered part of the solution to these challenges. While there is no commonly accepted definition of the term “smart city” the term may be summarised as utilising digitalisation to increase a city’s efficiency. Digitalisation in the smart city enables efficiency and increases quality of life through the utilisation of algorithms, high speed internet, sensors and cheap digital storage. Large amounts of data may be processed in real time and used to assist in, or automate, decision making. Experts suggest that the smart city may negatively impact the privacy of visitors and citizens by aggregating and correlating processed personal data. Privacy is a central part of a healthy democracy, it enables societal change by allowing citizens to act outside existing societal norms and increases citizen wellbeing. Since the smart city is currently shaped by policy makers, an understanding of their attitudes towards the risks of the smart city infringing on citizen privacy provides insights into whether the smart city may poses an overall threat to citizen privacy. Another important factor to consider is the legal constraints within which the policy makers operate. This study explores the definition of the term “smart city”, its role in solving problems and the risks of it negatively impacting the integrity of citizens and visitors. While there is no consensus regarding the smart city’s definition, some common ground may be found in that it is enabled by technology. Instead of grappling with the implications of the smart city as a whole we found it appropriate to understand it by categorising and comprehending the initiatives which comprise the smart city, as well as their interactions, separately. The smart city’s role in society is to solve societal challenges and increase quality of life, decision makers don’t consider it important to define the smart city as a part of its development. Smart cities bring about a trade-off situation in which decision makers clearly favor efficiency over integrity, a stark contrast to the published papers in the field which hold integrity in a higher esteem. Despite the GDPR being a key regulation to consider when dealing with integrity in the smart city we found that decision makers are unaware of its application, scope or potential consequences for the development of the smart city. This study is conducted as a qualitative case study of the Stockholm smart city project and explores the project’s impact on privacy. The study is contextualised through the EU-regulation GDPR, national guidelines for integrity, the national program for smart cities and current research within smart cities, integrity and their intersection.

Alerta Po? - Um sistema de comunica??o apoiado em redes de sensores sem fio para monitora??o do c?rrego Itaim / Alert Po? - A supported communication system sensor networks wireless for Itaim river monitoring

Cardoso, Marco Antonio Ruiz 25 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-01-03T16:21:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ALERTA PO? ? UM SISTEMA DE COMUNICA??O APOIADO EM REDES DE SENSORES SEM FIO PARA MONITORA??O DO C?RREGO ITAIM.pdf: 3373158 bytes, checksum: 31363a3d5310d22b8a185ceba8f3f1c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-03T16:21:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALERTA PO? ? UM SISTEMA DE COMUNICA??O APOIADO EM REDES DE SENSORES SEM FIO PARA MONITORA??O DO C?RREGO ITAIM.pdf: 3373158 bytes, checksum: 31363a3d5310d22b8a185ceba8f3f1c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-25 / The problems of floods in Brazil cause many difficulties in the lives of many Brazilians throughout the country. Examples such as S?o Paulo, where during the summer the heavy rains, attached to infrastructure problems, enhance transit and leave homeless, or as Po? suffering almost every year with social problems arising from flooding revealing that the problem is recurrent. In this sense, to minimize financial losses and, above all, avoid loss of life (deaths), this work presents a development proposal to interconnect wireless sensor networks and the Internet using low-cost sensors for the level of streams monitoring and rivers urban. In this research the main objective is to provide a reliable system of monitoring streams of water level, crossing a city and contribute to the security of the population, built through the use of a network of sensors without low financial cost wire. The collected data is transmitted in real time to the City Security Control Center that treats these raw data and makes them available in useful information and easy viewing of the stream water level of the residents in the municipality of Po? through a page Web Prefecture. To increase agility in decision-making, information will also be available to citizens through an application installed on mobile devices (smartphones or tablets) that allows the current view of the percentage of water in the stream. The case study results showed the feasibility of implementing this proposal therefore be demonstrated that the water level in the stream monitoring using low cost sensors through a web page and application for mobile devices is possible. With the implementation of wireless sensor network citizens begin to monitor and be alerted to possible flooding, enabling the rescue of material goods and human lives. / Os problemas das enchentes no Brasil causam diversas dificuldades na vida de v?rios brasileiros em todo o territ?rio nacional. Exemplos como o de S?o Paulo, onde durante o ver?o o excesso de chuvas, unido a problemas de infraestrutura, intensificam o tr?nsito e deixam desabrigados, ou como de Po? que sofre praticamente todos os anos com problemas sociais decorrentes de enchentes revelando que o problema ? recorrente. Neste sentido, para minimizar preju?zos financeiros e, principalmente, evitar perda de vidas (mortes), este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de desenvolvimento para interconex?o de redes de sensores sem fio e a internet utilizando sensores de baixo custo para monitoramento do n?vel de c?rregos e rios urbanos. Nesta pesquisa o principal objetivo ? oferecer um sistema confi?vel de monitora??o do n?vel de ?gua de c?rregos, que atravessam uma cidade e que contribua com a seguran?a da popula??o, constru?do por meio do uso de uma rede de sensores sem fio de baixo custo financeiro. Os dados coletados s?o transmitidos em tempo real para o Centro de Controle de Seguran?a da Cidade que trata estes dados brutos e os disponibiliza em informa??es ?teis e de f?cil visualiza??o sobre o n?vel de ?gua do c?rrego aos cidad?os residentes no Munic?pio de Po? atrav?s de uma p?gina web da Prefeitura. Para aumentar a agilidade na tomada de decis?es, as informa??es tamb?m estar?o dispon?veis aos cidad?os por meio de um aplicativo instalado em dispositivos m?veis (smartphones ou tablets) que permite a visualiza??o atual da porcentagem de ?gua no c?rrego. Os resultados do estudo de caso apontaram para a viabilidade de implementa??o desta proposta, pois, demostrou-se que ? poss?vel o monitoramento do n?vel de ?gua no c?rrego utilizando sensores de baixo custo atrav?s de uma p?gina web e aplicativo para dispositivos m?veis. Com a implementa??o da rede de sensores sem fio os cidad?os passam a monitorar e a serem alertados sobre poss?veis enchentes, possibilitando o salvamento de bens materiais e de vidas humanas.

Cidades inteligentes: uma proposta viabilizadora para a transforma??o das cidades brasileiras / Smart Cities: a proposal enabler for the transformation of Brazilian cities

Jord?o, Kelem Christine Pereira 06 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-01-30T17:17:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 KELEM CHRISTINE PEREIRA JORDAO.pdf: 4120546 bytes, checksum: e2df721fc88d77da909d4f7f6eb692f6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-30T17:17:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KELEM CHRISTINE PEREIRA JORDAO.pdf: 4120546 bytes, checksum: e2df721fc88d77da909d4f7f6eb692f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-06 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas ? PUC Campinas / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The United Nations reports that the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions, corresponding to the highest today's global challenge and it is an essential requirement for the development of any nation, whether in developed or developing countries. To contextualize this scenario within the urban territory in the search for its applicability, it is identified that the higher the existing socioeconomic differences, the greater the obstacles to build smart cities. The result of this type of scenario corresponds to territories that are continually prevented from transform and develop fully. In this context, the research project aims to present a diagnosis of Brazilian cities, through the analysis of a set of indicators that reflect the level of development on the issue, considering the diversity of issues present in this context, such as infrastructure urban, different levels of socioeconomic development, sustainability, among others, set up a problem where multiple and diverse criterion are presented. The method used came from the development of a smart city model applied to the Brazilian reality, designed by the intersection of the concepts of digital city, sustainable and creative, and additionally by the World Bank's view that stimulates social and economic growth of developing cities through investments in telecommunications. Through this proposed model, it comes on the establishment of indicators that once analyzed together, will know the reality and the potential of municipalities and assist managers in decisionmaking to drive the transformation of their cities. Also, enable grouping the municipalities in sets per their equivalent investment needs, and therefore essential information for the design of government programs for the massification of the development of smart cities. / A Organiza??o das Na??es Unidas relata que a erradica??o da pobreza em todas as suas formas e dimens?es, corresponde ao maior desafio global da atualidade e trata-se de requisito indispens?vel para o desenvolvimento de qualquer na??o, sejam em pa?ses desenvolvidos ou em desenvolvimento. Ao se contextualizar esse cen?rio dentro do territ?rio urbano na busca por sua aplicabilidade, identifica-se que quanto maior as discrep?ncias socioecon?micas existentes, maiores ser?o os obst?culos para se construir cidades inteligentes. O resultado desse tipo de cen?rio corresponde a territ?rios que continuamente est?o impedidos de se transformarem e se desenvolverem plenamente. Neste contexto, o projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar um diagn?stico das cidades brasileiras, atrav?s da an?lise de um conjunto de indicadores que reflitam o seu grau de desenvolvimento na tem?tica, considerando-se que a diversidade de quest?es presentes nesse contexto, tais como infraestrutura urbana, sustentabilidade, diferentes n?veis de desenvolvimento socioecon?mico e cultural, dentre outras, configuram uma problem?tica em que v?rios e diversificados crit?rios se apresentam. O m?todo utilizado partiu da elabora??o de um modelo de cidade inteligente aplicado a realidade brasileira, concebido pela intersec??o dos conceitos sobre cidade digital, sustent?vel e criativa, e adicionalmente pela vis?o do Banco Mundial em estimular o crescimento socioecon?mico das cidades em desenvolvimento atrav?s de investimentos em telecomunica??es. Por meio desse modelo proposto, chega-se na constitui??o de indicadores que uma vez analisados conjuntamente, permitir?o conhecer a realidade e a potencialidade dos munic?pios e auxiliar gestores na tomada de decis?o para conduzir a transforma??o de suas cidades. Possibilitar? tamb?m o agrupamento desses munic?pios em conjuntos conforme as suas necessidades equivalentes de investimentos, sendo, portanto, informa??o essencial para o delinear de programas governamentais para a massifica??o do desenvolvimento das cidades inteligentes brasileiras.

Cooperative data exchange for wireless networks : Delay-aware and energy-efficient approaches / Echange coopératif de données pour les réseaux sans fil : Approches respectueuses des délais et efficaces sur le plan énergétique

Zayene, Mariem 29 August 2019 (has links)
Avec le nombre croissant d’appareils intelligents à faible puissance, au cours ces dernières années, la question de l’efficacité énergétique a joué un rôle de plus en plus indispensable dans la conception des systèmes de communication. Cette thèse vise à concevoir des schémas de transmission distribués à faible consommation d’énergie pour les réseaux sans fil, utilisant la théorie des jeux et le codage réseau instantanément décodable (IDNC), qui est une sous-classe prometteuse du codage réseau. En outre, nous étudions le modèle de l'échange coopératif de donnée (CDE) dans lequel tous les périphériques coopèrent en échangeant des paquets codés dans le réseau, jusqu’à ce qu’ils récupèrent tous l’ensemble des informations requises. En effet, la mise en œuvre du CDE basé sur l’IDNC soulève plusieurs défis intéressants, notamment la prolongation de la durée de vie du réseau et la réduction du nombre de transmissions afin de répondre aux besoins des applications temps réel. Par conséquent, contrairement à la plupart des travaux existants concernant l’IDNC, nous nous concentrons non seulement sur le délai, mais également sur l’énergie consommée. En premier lieu, nous étudions le problème de minimisation de l’énergie consommée et du délai au sein d’un petit réseau IDNC coopératif, entièrement connecté et à faible puissance. Nous modélisons le problème en utilisant la théorie des jeux coopératifs de formation de coalitions. Nous proposons un algorithme distribué (appelé “merge and split“) permettant aux nœuds sans fil de s’auto-organiser, de manière distribuée, en coalitions disjointes et indépendantes. L’algorithme proposé garantit une consommation d’énergie réduite et minimise le délai de complétion dans le réseau clustérisé résultant. Par ailleurs, nous ne considérons pas seulement l'énergie de transmission, mais aussi la consommation de l'énergie de calcul des nœuds. De plus, nous nous concentrons sur la question de la mobilité et nous analysons comment, à travers la solution proposée, les nœuds peuvent s’adapter à la topologie dynamique du réseau. Par la suite, nous étudions le même problème au sein d’un réseau large et partiellement connecté. En effet, nous examinons le modèle de CDE multi-sauts. Dans un tel modèle, nous considérons que les nœuds peuvent choisir la puissance d’émission et change ainsi de rayon de transmission et le nombre de voisin avec lesquels il peut entrer en coalition. Pour ce faire, nous modélisons le problème avec un jeu à deux étages; un jeu non-coopératif de contrôle de puissance et un jeu coopératif de formation de coalitions. La solution optimale du premier jeu permet aux joueurs de coopérer à travers des rayons de transmission limités en utilisant la théorie des jeux coopérative. En outre, nous proposons un algorithme distribué “merge and split“ afin de former des coalitions dans lesquelles les joueurs maximisent leurs utilités en termes de délai et de consommation d’énergie. La solution proposée permet la création d’une partition stable avec une interférence réduite et une complexité raisonnable. Nous démontrons que la coopération entre les nœuds au sein du réseau résultant, permet de réduire considérablement la consommation d’énergie par rapport au modèle coopératif optimal qui maintient le rayon de transmission maximal. / With significantly growing number of smart low-power devices during recent years, the issue of energy efficiency has taken an increasingly essential role in the communication systems’ design. This thesis aims at designing distributed and energy efficient transmission schemes for wireless networks using game theory and instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) which is a promising network coding subclass. We study the cooperative data exchange (CDE) scenario in which all devices cooperate with each other by exchanging network coded packets until all of them receive all the required information. In fact, enabling the IDNC-based CDE setting brings several challenges such us how to extend the network lifetime and how to reduce the number of transmissions in order to satisfy urgent delay requirements. Therefore, unlike most of existing works concerning IDNC, we focus not only on the decoding delay, but also the consumed energy. First, we investigate the IDNC-based CDE problem within small fully connected networks across energy-constrained devices and model the problem using the cooperative game theory in partition form. We propose a distributed merge-and-split algorithm to allow the wireless nodes to self-organize into independent disjoint coalitions in a distributed manner. The proposed algorithm guarantees reduced energy consumption and minimizes the delay in the resulting clustered network structure. We do not only consider the transmission energy, but also the computational energy consumption. Furthermore, we focus on the mobility issue and we analyse how, in the proposed framework, nodes can adapt to the dynamic topology of the network. Thereafter, we study the IDNC-based CDE problem within large-scale partially connected networks. We considerate that each player uses no longer his maximum transmission power, rather, he controls his transmission range dynamically. In fact, we investigate multi-hop CDE using the IDNC at decentralized wireless nodes. In such model, we focus on how these wireless nodes can cooperate in limited transmission ranges without increasing the IDNC delay nor their energy consumption. For that purpose, we model the problem using a two-stage game theoretical framework. We first model the power control problem using non-cooperative game theory where users jointly choose their desired transmission power selfishly in order to reduce their energy consumption and their IDNC delay. The optimal solution of this game allows the players at the next stage to cooperate with each other through limited transmission ranges using cooperative game theory in partition form. Thereafter, a distributed multihop merge-and-split algorithm is defined to form coalitions where players maximize their utilities in terms of decoding delays and energy consumption. The solution of the proposed framework determines a stable feasible partition for the wireless nodes with reduced interference and reasonable complexity. We demonstrate that the co-operation between nodes in the multihop cooperative scheme achieves a significant minimization of the energy consumption with respect to the most stable cooperative scheme in maximum transmission range without hurting the IDNC delay.


LAMPUGNANI, DAVIDE 15 June 2015 (has links)
La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del rapporto tra tecnologia e società all’interno del fenomeno delle smart cities. In particolare, facendo riferimento all’approccio dei Science and Technology Studies, il lavoro di ricerca si propone di indagare i processi di traduzione socio-tecnica dell’idea di “smart city” riferendosi empiricamente al campo italiano ed al caso della città di Torino. A livello concettuale e metodologico, si sottolinea la necessità di far dialogare ed integrare lo studio dettagliato dei processi socio-tecnici con il più ampio contesto storico entro cui questi si trovano inseriti. A livello storico, invece, la tesi traccia una traiettoria che, partendo dalla città reticolare moderna della metà dell’800 e risalendo fino ai movimenti delle intelligent cities e della smart growth degli anni ’90, arriva fino al rilancio globale della smart city nel biennio 2008-2009. Infine, a livello attuale, il lavoro pone in evidenza il rapporto ambivalente tra le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione socio-tecnica veicolate dagli attori imprenditoriali ed istituzionali internazionali e le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione sviluppate dalle città. Attraverso l’analisi del caso di Torino Smart City la tesi mostra le potenzialità insite nell’idea di “smart city” ed i rischi connessi alla riproduzione di forme di tecno-determinismo e tecno-utopismo. / The object of the thesis is the study of the relationship between technology and society within the phenomenon of smart cities. In particular, referring to the Science and Technology Studies approach, the research aims at investigating the processes of socio-technical translation of the “smart city” idea by empirically addressing the Italian field and the case study of the city of Turin. At conceptual and methodological level, we show the necessity of a dialogue and an integration between the thick description of socio-technical processes and the wider context within which these are embedded. At historical level, the thesis traces a trajectory that, starting from the modern networked city of mid ‘800 and continuing up to intelligent cities and smart growth movements of the 90s, reaches the global raising of the smart city in 2008-2009. Finally, at present, the work underlines the ambivalent relationship between narrations and forms of socio-technical translation pushed by entrepreneurial and international institutional actors and narrations and forms of translation developed by cities. By analyzing the case of Torino Smart City the thesis shows both the inherent potentialities of the “smart city” idea and the risks connected with the reproduction of forms of techno-determinism and techno-utopianism.

La flânerie et la ville intelligente : appropriation et co-construction

Roy, Alexandre 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Developing and applying a smart city for development model: the case of COR in Rio de Janeiro

Kuhl, Alexander 19 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Alexander Kuhl (alexanderkuhl7@gmail.com) on 2018-07-24T23:39:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation Alexander Kuhl.pdf: 3005947 bytes, checksum: 3084c2bd323a14678ee8bf10e419d6fe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Janete de Oliveira Feitosa (janete.feitosa@fgv.br) on 2018-07-27T18:52:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation Alexander Kuhl.pdf: 3005947 bytes, checksum: 3084c2bd323a14678ee8bf10e419d6fe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T14:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertation Alexander Kuhl.pdf: 3005947 bytes, checksum: 3084c2bd323a14678ee8bf10e419d6fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-19 / Purpose: The present thesis addresses how smart city initiatives can positively impact development, with a special emphasis on developing countries in Latin America. Existing definitions and maturity models have a very strong focus on the mere use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and ignore the special needs and factors to be considered in developing countries. Methodology: By using the extant literature on Smart Cities and Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) as a related area from which to learn, a comprehensive Smart City for Development (SC4D) model is introduced and then exemplified via its application to a Latin American smart city initiative. Findings: The thesis argues that a favorable ecosystem for SC4D is one that is backed by both national and local sustainability, infrastructure, human capital, services, apps, and data. Practical implications: Successful SC4D initiatives include bottom-up approaches, citizen participation, a fit with both the national and the local culture, as well as a fit with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the Capability Approach developed by Amartya Sen. / Objetivo: A presente dissertação analisa como as iniciativas de cidades inteligentes podem ter impacto no desenvolvimento de países, com ênfase especial nos países em desenvolvimento da América Latina. As definições e os modelos de maturidade atualmente existentes para Cidade Inteligente têm um foco muito forte no uso de Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (ICT), ignorando as necessidades especiais e os fatores a serem considerados nos países em desenvolvimento. Metodologia: Fazendo uso da literatura existente e da revisão da literatura sobre Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação para Desenvolvimento (ICT4D), como área relacionada, um modelo abrangente de Cidade Inteligente para Desenvolvimento (SC4D) é apresentado e então exemplificado por meio da sua aplicação em uma iniciativa de Cidade Inteligente na América Latina. Resultados: O trabalho argumenta que um ecossistema favorável para o SC4D é aquele apoiado pela sustentabilidade nacional e local, infraestrutura, capital humano, serviços, aplicativos e dados. Aplicabilidade: As iniciativas de sucesso de SC4D incluem abordagens bottom-up, participação dos cidadãos, adequação à cultura nacional e local, bem como adequação aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas e à Abordagem das Capacidades de Amartya Sen.

Data Verifications for Online Social Networks

Rahman, Mahmudur 10 November 2015 (has links)
Social networks are popular platforms that simplify user interaction and encourage collaboration. They collect large amounts of media from their users, often reported from mobile devices. The value and impact of social media makes it however an attractive attack target. In this thesis, we focus on the following social media vulnerabilities. First, review centered social networks such as Yelp and Google Play have been shown to be the targets of significant search rank and malware proliferation attacks. Detecting fraudulent behaviors is thus paramount to prevent not only public opinion bias, but also to curb the distribution of malware. Second, the increasing use of mobile visual data in news networks, authentication and banking applications, raises questions of its integrity and credibility. Third, through proof-of- concept implementations, we show that data reported from wearable personal trackers is vulnerable to a wide range of security and privacy attacks, while off-the-shelves security solutions do not port gracefully to the constraints introduced by trackers. In this thesis we propose novel solutions to address these problems. First, we introduce Marco, a system that leverages the wealth of spatial, temporal and network information gleaned from Yelp, to detect venues whose ratings are impacted by fraudulent reviews. Second, we propose FairPlay, a system that correlates review activities, linguistic and behavioral signals gleaned from longitudinal app data, to identify not only search rank fraud but also malware in Google Play, the most popular Android app market. Third, we describe Movee, a motion sensor based video liveness verification system, that analyzes the consistency between the motion inferred from the simultaneously and independently captured camera and inertial sensor streams. Finally, we devise SensCrypt, an efficient and secure data storage and communication protocol for affordable and lightweight personal trackers. We provide the correctness and efficacy of our solutions through a detailed theoretic and experimental analysis.

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