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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Olfactory Training in Patients with Parkinson's Disease

Hähner, Antje, Tosch, Clara, Wolz, Martin, Klingelhöfer, Lisa, Fauser, Mareike, Storch, Alexander, Reichmann, Heinz, Hummel, Thomas 22 January 2014 (has links)
Objective: Decrease of olfactory function in Parkinson's disease (PD) is a well-investigated fact. Studies indicate that pharmacological treatment of PD fails to restore olfactory function in PD patients. The aim of this investigation was whether patients with PD would benefit from “training” with odors in terms of an improvement of their general olfactory function. It has been hypothesized that olfactory training should produce both an improved sensitivity towards the odors used in the training process and an overall increase of olfactory function. Methods: We recruited 70 subjects with PD and olfactory loss into this single-center, prospective, controlled non-blinded study. Thirty-five patients were assigned to the olfactory training group and 35 subjects to the control group (no training). Olfactory training was performed over a period of 12 weeks while patients exposed themselves twice daily to four odors (phenyl ethyl alcohol: rose, eucalyptol: eucalyptus, citronellal: lemon, and eugenol: cloves). Olfactory testing was performed before and after training using the “Sniffin' Sticks” (thresholds for phenyl ethyl alcohol, tests for odor discrimination, and odor identification) in addition to threshold tests for the odors used in the training process. Results: Compared to baseline, trained PD patients experienced a significant increase in their olfactory function, which was observed for the Sniffin' Sticks test score and for thresholds for the odors used in the training process. Olfactory function was unchanged in PD patients who did not perform olfactory training. Conclusion: The present results indicate that olfactory training may increase olfactory sensitivity in PD patients.

Brain responses to odor mixtures with sub-threshold components

Hummel, Thomas, Olgun, Selda, Gerber, Johannes, Huchel, Ursula, Frasnelli, Johannes 06 February 2014 (has links)
Although most odorants we encounter in daily life are mixtures of several chemical substances, we still lack significant information on how we perceive and how the brain processes mixtures of odorants. We aimed to investigate the processing of odor mixtures using behavioral measures and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The odor mixture contained a target odor (ambroxan) in a concentration at which it could be perceived by half of the subjects (sensitive group); the other half could not perceive the odor (insensitive group). In line with previous findings on multi-component odor mixtures, both groups of subjects were not able to distinguish a complex odor mixture containing or not containing the target odor. However, sensitive subjects had stronger activations than insensitive subjects in chemosensory processing areas such as the insula when exposed to the mixture containing the target odor. Furthermore, the sensitive group exhibited larger brain activations when presented with the odor mixture containing the target odor compared to the odor mixture without the target odor; this difference was smaller, though present for the insensitive group. In conclusion, we show that a target odor presented within a mixture of odors can influence brain activations although on a psychophysical level subjects are not able to distinguish the mixture with and without the target. On the practical side these results suggest that the addition of a certain compound to a mixture of odors may not be detected on a cognitive level; however, this additional odor may significantly change the cerebral processing of this mixture. In this context, FMRI offers unique possibilities to look at the subliminal effects of odors.

Souvislost čichových aktivit a čichových schopností a všímavosti vůči pachům u šestiletých dětí / The relation of odor exposure, olfactory abilities, and odour awareness for six year olds children.

Vojtušová Mrzílková, Radka January 2018 (has links)
A great degree of interindividual variability has been established in measures of psychophysical olfactory performance and odor awareness in both children and adults. Previous studies have suggested the possibility that one of the factors that might contribute to this variability might be the degree of odor exposure in everyday contexts. In the present study, we hypothesized that children exposed to a greater variety of odors on a more frequent basis would exhibit higher odor identification and odor awareness scores. We have found an effect of odor exposure on the children's olfactory knowledge as reflected in their reports of olfactory behavior, but not olfactory abilities. In so doing, we replicated some of the previous findings in the literature of female over male advantage in the olfactory domain. Namely, we report that girls showed a more profound understanding of their olfactory environment and a greater degree of olfaction-oriented behavior, which was not accounted for by a gender difference in verbal fluency. Nevertheless, girls did not outperform boys on either of the measures of olfactory performance. Semi-longitudinal and longitudinal studies in verbally proficient children, employing both self- and parental reports of children's odor exposure and repeated olfactory testing, might...

Olfactory Approaches to Historical Study: The Smells of Chicago's Stockyard Jungle, 1900-1910

McNulty, Christine January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / As historians have expanded their interests from focusing on great men and groundbreaking events to perspectives that explore everyday experiences or ordinary people, odor emerges as an important interpretative lens. Understanding the olfactory history of communities, especially what types of odors were present and how people perceived and reacted to them, enlarges historians’ understanding of the life experiences and behaviors of people in the past. The historical study of odor provides insights into how quality of life and standards of living have changed over time. Understanding how people of different times reacted to odors suggests how they perceived the sensory world around them, including people living close by. In this thesis, I examine the olfactory conditions of the neighborhood surrounding the Union Stockyards and associated meat processing facilities on Chicago’s south side in the first decade of the twentieth century. During this period, an overpowering combination of putrid odors characterized this neighborhood, known as Back of the Yards. Various factors contributed to this malodorous “smellscape,” and it impacted the quality of life of the predominantly immigrant communities that made up the workforce and residents of that neighborhood.

Termální lázně Yverdon, pět smyslů v architektuře / Thermal baths Yverdon, five senses in architecture

Čermáková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Thesis on thermal bath spa in Yverdon solves problems of nowadays inadequate necessities of the spa area and the anticipated future direction of the city.

Making sense of smell : classifications and model thinking in olfaction theory

Barwich, Ann-Sophie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses key issues of scientific realism in the philosophy of biology and chemistry through investigation of an underexplored research domain: olfaction theory, or the science of smell. It also provides the first systematic overview of the development of olfactory practices and research into the molecular basis of odours across the 19th and 20th century. Historical and contemporary explanations and modelling techniques for understanding the material basis of odours are analysed with a specific focus on the entrenchment of technological process, research tradition and the definitions of materiality for understanding scientific advancement. The thesis seeks to make sense of the explanatory and problem solving strategies, different ways of reasoning and the construction of facts by drawing attention to the role and application of scientific representations in olfactory practices. Scientific representations such as models, classifications, maps, diagrams, lists etc. serve a variety of purposes that range from the stipulation of relevant properties and correlations of the research materials and the systematic formation of research questions, to the design of experiments that explore or test particular hypotheses. By examining a variety of modelling strategies in olfactory research, I elaborate on how I understand the relation between representations and the world and why this relation requires a pluralist perspective on scientific models, methods and practices. Through this work I will show how a plurality of representations does not pose a problem for realism about scientific entities and their theoretical contexts but, on the contrary, that this plurality serves as the most reliable grounding for a realistic interpretation of scientific representations of the world and the entities it contains. The thesis concludes that scientific judgement has to be understood through its disciplinary trajectory, and that scientific pluralism is a direct consequence of the historicity of scientific development.

Rings of a Thundering Tree : evoking imagined sensory experience through imagery

De Jager, Frederick 30 June 2008 (has links)
The collection of sonnets Rings of a Thundering Tree (2000), by R.K. Belcher, is rich in metaphorical imagery; lending itself particularly well to textual analyses of imagined sensory perceptions. Although perspectives on or theories about metaphor can be deployed in such analyses, an imagined sense of sensory perception in itself theoretically frames the study of this poetic imagery. In this regard, the titles of the sonnets within this collection and their themes, as well as the title of the collection and the theme of ”South African decay” (with which this title is linked), are explored with an emphasis on imagined sensory experiences. / English Studies / M.A. (English)

Le visage romanesque : dans les œuvres de Chariton, de Xénophon d'Éphèse, de Longus, d'Héliodore d'Émèse et d'Achille Tatius / Face in greek novel : in Chariton, Xenophon, Longus, Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius's novels

Saussard-Colard, Dorothée-Laure 28 September 2012 (has links)
L’analyse du vocabulaire grec du visage dans l’ensemble des romans de Chariton, de Xénophon, de Longus, d’Héliodore et d’Achille Tatius a pour dessein de montrer l’intérêt certain, à la fois esthétique et sensoriel, porté à cette partie souveraine du corps. Quelle est donc l’importance accordée au visage du héros ou de l’héroïne ? Et de quelle manière le discours rend-il compte de son incarnation, de sa réalité organique ? Comment les visages des personnages interagissent-ils ? Parce que le visage se révèle une interface entre l’intime et le social, entre l’intériorité et l’expressivité, on peut se demander en quoi ce lieu privilégié du corps, à travers la description de l’aspect physique des personnages, caractérise leur éthos permanent ou communique au lecteur leurs émotions fugitives. Le visage s’offre aux regards et interpelle. Ses traits sont autant de signes à interpréter pour celui ou celle qui le regarde et dont il mobilise le système de reconnaissance et de représentation. Certes, la description physique des héroïnes comme celle des jeunes hommes ne se limite pas au visage. Mais, seul le visage, qui n’a rien d’incertain, d’irrégulier, de disharmonieux, est appelé à refléter les vertus des personnages mais aussi ses plus grandes souffrances. La mise en icônes de traits représentatifs des personnages s’inscrit dans la logique des procédures de description physique qui caractérise la culture romanesque. Le roman aime ainsi à représenter la beauté, en alliant aux manifestations physiques les émotions de l’âme. Les visages des héros romanesques grecs sont dévoilés dans une sorte de mosaïque à la fois anatomique et littéraire, évoquant les éléments fondamentaux qui les constituent. Ainsi, sans confondre visage et portrait, nous avons déconstruit le visage romanesque pour en montrer les diverses facettes, la palette des couleurs, les références littéraires intertextuelles et mythologiques mais aussi certains invariants, pour enfin mieux le reconstruire. Nous avons donc procédé à l’étude et à l’analyse du visage, non seulement comme entité mais en tant que visage morcelé, voire éclaté. L’étude approfondie des sens s’est attachée à souligner la passion, ses effets et les émotions du corps, entre plaisir et souffrance, entre affection et violence. Cette recherche a permis de souligner les éléments communs aux différents romanciers, mais aussi leur originalité d'écriture. L'importance accordée au visage et plus généralement au corps dans la narratologie laisse apparaître le reflet des valeurs de la société grecque de leur temps. / The analysis of Greek vocabulary about the face in Chariton, Xenophon, Longus, Heliodorus and Achilles Tatius’s novels as a whole plans to show the definite interest, both aesthetic and sensory focused on this sovereign part of the body. So what is the importance attached to the hero or heroine’s faces? And how does the discourse explain its incarnation and organical reality? The face proves to be an interface between the private and social world, between interiority and expressiveness. So we can wonder how this privileged part of the body characterizes their permanent ethos ; we can wonder how it transmits their fleeting emotions to the reader, through the description of the physical look of the characters. The face catches attention. Its features mobilize the system of recognition and representation. Indeed the physical description of heroines as well as heroes is not limited to the face. But only the face, with nothing uncertain, irregular, disharmonious, is assigned to reflect the characters’ virtues but also their greatest suffering. « La mise en icônes »of characters’ representative features is part of the procedures of physical description that characterize the culture of the novel. Thus the novel likes to represent beauty by combining physical expressions with soul feeling. The faces of Greek novelistic heroes are revealed in a kind of mosaic at once anatomical and literary, evoking the basic elements that constitute them. Thus, without mixing up face and portrait, we have deconstructed the novelistic face to show its various facets, colour palette, intertextual literary and mythological references ; but also to show some invariants to, at last, rebuild it in a better way. We have therefore conducted a thorough study and analysis of the face not only as an entity but as a fragmented even blown up face. The detailed study of senses has endeavoured to emphasize passion and its effects, and show the emotions of the body between pleasure and suffering, affection and violence. On the one hand this research has permitted to highlight the elements common to the different novelists, their original writing and the importance granted to face and more generally to body in narratology. On the other hand it has led us to analyze the reflection of the values of the Greek society of their days.

Hodnocení kvality bezlepkových potravin se zaměřením na pečivo / Quality assessment of gluten-free foods with a focus on pastries

ZIMMELOVÁ, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the production of gluten-free bread from naturally gluten-free flour, which will be enriched with suitable additives that will increase antioxidant activity and naturally effect on the structure of the pastry, so it will meet the sensory requirements of final consumers. The literary part define, which proteins can be found in cereals, what does the gluten means, its function in the pastry and which diseases can cause. In connection with these diseases, a gluten-free diet for improving the patient's health and suitable foodstuff are briefly described. The literary part is concluded with the theory of sensory evaluation. The practical part deals with the production of naturally gluten-free breads enriched with ingredients from kitchen onions (Allium cepa L.) and subsequent sensory evaluation of this bread. Selected statistical procedures were used to obtain, processed and evaluated data. Antioxidant activity was also monitored and evaluated. By using texture-meter was find out, what effect has additives on aging of gluten-free bread.

Tvorba snoezelen místnosti pro žáky s těžkým mentálním a kombinovaným postižením / Creating snoezelen room for pupils with severe mental and combined disabilities

Hůrková, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the creation of Snoezelen room, its characteristics and properties. He is more closely involved with the creation of snoezelen for pupils with mental and combined disabilities who are trained in special primary schools. The work describes the target group, defines the snoezelen method and describes its origin and development in our country and abroad. The main goal of the thesis is to explain to the reader how the rooms are created and what it is necessary to know before deciding to launch the snoezelen room. This information was used mainly by special teachers who operate snoezelena in facilities where they work in schools. The thesis also touches on the topic of education at special schools, methods of working with these pupils and describes types of expressive therapies, therapies, basal stimulation and sensory stimulation. The thesis also reflects the Snoezelen-MSE qualification course in theory and practice, which was the main source. The output of the thesis is a proposed room model, description of equipment and activities that are suitable for working with disadvantaged pupils.

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