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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANA CARLA GOMES BIBIANO 04 November 2019 (has links)
[pt] Refatorar código-fonte consiste em aplicar transformações sobre a estrutura de código-fonte de projetos de software. Refatoração é bastante usada para remover estruturas pobres que dificultam a manutenção de sistemas de software. Poucas transformações isoladas são capazes de remover por completo estruturas pobres, mesmo as mais simples. Por exemplo, encurtar um método longo usualmente requer a extração de vários métodos. Até 60 por cento das transformações são inter-relacionadas e aplicadas em lotes, durante a dita refatoração em lote, ao invés de aplicadas isoladamente. Embora lotes serão frequentes na prática, o conhecimento sobre as características que constituem lotes está fragmentado na literatura. Qual o tamanho usual de lotes? As transformações internas a lotes costumam variar? Não há uma sumarização de conhecimento que responda tais questões. Ademais, são poucas as evidências sobre o efeito de lotes sobre a manutenção de sistemas. Lotes tendem a introduzir ou remover estruturas pobres, especialmente aquelas indicadas por anomalias de código-fonte? A resposta a perguntas como essa é insuficiente para apoiar a aplicação de lotes. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta dois estudos experimentais complementares visando resolver as limitações supracitadas. A dissertação começa com uma revisão da literatura sobre refatoração em lote baseada em 29 estudos. Nós identificamos sete características de lotes tais como o escopo de código-fonte afetado pela aplicação de um lote, mais sete tipos de efeito de lotes sobre a manutenção de sistemas, tais como a remoção de anomalias. As características e tipos de efeito identificadas foram sumarizadas por um mapa conceitual. A dissertação encerra-se com uma análise quantitativa de 57 projetos de sistemas abertos e fechados. Ao computar 4.607 lotes com uma heurística, nós descobrimos que a maioria dos lotes leva um único commit para ser aplicada (93 por cento) mas afeta mais do que um só método (90 por cento). Surpreendentemente, a maioria dos lotes introduz (51 por cento) ou não remove (38 por cento) anomalias. Revelamos também lotes até então desconhecidos mas capazes de remover por completo certas anomalias. Esta dissertação sugere trabalhos futuros com base em conflitos identificados na literatura quanto a características e tipos de efeito de lotes. / [en] Code refactoring means applying transformations on the code structure of a software project. Refactoring usually intends to remove poor code structures that harm the software maintenance. Each single transformation rarely suffices to fully remove poor code structures, even the simplest ones. For instance, shortening a long method often requires many method extractions. Up to 60 percent of the refactorings in software projects are constituted of a set of interrelated transformations, the so-called batches, rather than single transformations applied in isolation. Although batches are frequent in practice, the knowledge of batch characteristics is fragmented across studies. What is the usual size of batches? How do transformations vary within a batch? There is no summary that helps to address these questions. More critically, there is little empirical evidence of the batch effect on maintenance. Are batches more likely to introduce or remove poor code structures, especially those spotted by code smells? The current answer to questions like this is insufficient to support the batch application in practice. This Master s dissertation presents two complementary empirical studies that address both aforementioned literature gaps. The dissertation starts with a literature review of batch refactoring with 29 studies. We identified seven batch characteristics such as the scope in which batches are applied to code structures, plus seven types of batch effect on software maintenance, including code smell removal. All batch characteristics and types of effect were summarized in a conceptual map. The dissertation ends with the quantitative analysis of 57 open and closed software projects. From 4,607 heuristic-computed batches, we found that most batches occur entirely within one commit (93 percent) but affect more than just one method (90 percent). Surprisingly, batches mostly end up introducing (51 percent) or not removing (38 percent) code smells. Our results enabled us to reveal certain forms of batches, not documented by previous studies, that are useful to fully remove certain types of code smells.

Predictors of olfactory improvement after endoscopic sinus surgery in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps

Hernandez, A. K., Wendler, O., Mayr, S., Iro, H., Hummel, T., Mueller, S. K. 11 June 2024 (has links)
Objective. This study aimed to determine the predictors of olfactory improvement after endoscopic sinus surgery among patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Method. This prospective cohort study included patients admitted to a university hospital between 2006 and 2012. Assessment using odour identification testing, a sinonasal symptom questionnaire, the Rhinosinusitis Disability Index and mucus biomarker levels was performed at various time points. Correlation of variables with identification score differences at six postoperative time points and at baseline was performed, followed by multiple linear regression to determine significant predictors at each of the six post-operative time points. Results. Baseline absence of acute sinusitis, elevated serpin F2 and anterior rhinorrhoea predict early olfactory improvement, whereas baseline allergic rhinitis predicts late olfactory improvement. Baseline odour identification score was the strongest predictor across all time points. Conclusion. Patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps with worse disease or baseline olfactory function may benefit more from endoscopic sinus surgery in terms of olfactory improvement.

Korrelation von Riechvermögen und zirkadianer Rhythmik

Rosbach, Mona 12 August 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund: Neue Erkenntnisse zeigten, dass der Geruchssinn kein konstantes Merkmal ist, sondern durch zahlreiche interne und externe Faktoren beeinflusst wird und sich verändert. Studien an Tieren legen nahe, dass der Geruchssinn durch die innere Uhr reguliert wird und einer zirkadianen Rhythmik folgt. Allerdings sind Studien mit Menschen zu diesem Thema begrenzt. Die vorliegende Studie hatte daher das Ziel, die tageszeitlichen Schwankungen des Geruchssinns bei gesunden Erwachsenen zu untersuchen und potenzielle Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren. Material und Methoden: Zu vier Testzeitpunkten innerhalb eines einzelnen Tages wurden 56 gesunde Testpersonen (Hauptgruppe) im Alter von 18-68 Jahren am Morgen (8-10 Uhr), am Mittag (12-14 Uhr), am Nachmittag (16-18 Uhr) und am Abend (20-22 Uhr) getestet. Bei einer kleinen Zusatzgruppe (n=4) wurden die vier Termine auf vier verschiedene Tage verteilt. Zum ersten Testzeitpunkt absolvierten die Teilnehmenden einen kompletten Riechtest, bestehend aus Schwellen-, Diskriminations- und Identifikationstest mittels Sniffin‘ Sticks und einen Konzentrationstest (d2-R-Test). Sie beantworteten umfassende Fragebögen zu Schlafqualität, Chronotyp, Vorerkrankungen und Nasensymptomatik, sowie Selbsteinschätzungen der Nasenatmung, des Riechvermögens, der Wachheit und der Konzentrationsfähigkeit mittels Visueller Analogskala (VAS). Außerdem erfolgten Messungen der Kreislaufparameter Herzfrequenz und Blutdruck und der Nasenatmung (PNIF). Bei den weiteren Terminen wurden die Messungen der Riechschwelle, Konzentrationsfähigkeit, PNIF, Blutdruck, Herzfrequenz und die Selbsteinschätzung (VAS) wiederholt. Ergebnisse: Die Riechschwellenwerte variierten signifikant zwischen den verschiedenen Tageszeiten, wobei der beste Wert am Abend und der schlechteste am Morgen gemessen wurde. Ähnliche Tendenzen wurden auch beim PNIF beobachtet, mit einer Verbesserung der Werte im Tagesverlauf (morgens<mittags<nachmittags<abends). Es gab jedoch keine signifikanten Korrelationen zwischen dem Riechschwellen- und PNIF-Wert zu den vier Testzeitpunkten und keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der Differenz der Schwellenwerte (Schwelle Abend - Schwelle Morgen) und der Differenz der PNIF-Werte (PNIF Abend - PNIF Morgen). Außerdem wurde ein potenzieller Einfluss des Chronotyp auf das Riechvermögen beobachtet. Personen, die dem Morgentyp zugeteilt wurden, hatten morgens und mittags signifikant bessere Ergebnisse als Personen aus der Abendtyp-Gruppe. Ebenso lieferten Testpersonen der Abendtyp-Gruppe abends und nachmittags signifikant bessere Testergebnisse. Bei Personen mit Hyp- oder Anosmie wurden stärkere Schwankungen im Schwellentest im Laufe eines Tages dokumentiert. Personen mit höherem BMI und Personen mit subjektiv besserem Riechvermögen hatten signifikant bessere Testergebnisse im Schwellentest. Schlussfolgerung: Es kann aus den Ergebnissen der Studie, unter Berücksichtigung der experimentellen Limitationen, geschlussfolgert werden, dass sich der Geruchssinn des Menschen im Laufe eines Tages verändert. Die höchste Geruchsempfindlichkeit und parallel dazu die beste nasale Durchgängigkeit (PNIF) ist abends zu beobachten. Es scheint jedoch, dass die zirkadianen Veränderungen des Riechvermögens nicht wesentlich von den zirkadianen Veränderungen des nasalen Luftstroms abhängen. Außerdem könnten Chronotyp und BMI die beobachteten zirkadianen Schwankungen des Riechvermögens beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bieten wichtige Einblicke in die tageszeitlichen Veränderungen der Riechfunktion und liefern Erkenntnisse für die zukünftige Forschung auf dem Gebiet genauer Diagnosen und Behandlungen von Riechstörungen.:Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung 2. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen 3. Material und Methoden 4. Ergebnisse 5. Diskussion 6. Zusammenfassung 7. Summary 8. Abbildungsverzeichnis 9. Tabellenverzeichnis 10. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichung 11. Literaturverzeichnis 12. Danksagung 13. Anhang

Les marques de commerce non traditionnelles dans une perspective de droit comparé

Hémond, Anthony 02 1900 (has links)
De nouvelles marques de commerce ont fait progressivement leur apparition, des marques qui font appel à nos cinq sens que sont la vue, l'ouïe, l'odorat, le goût ou même le touché. Ces nouvelles marques, que l'on appelle parfois les marques non traditionnelles, posent quelques difficultés pour être enregistrées. En effet, certains pays refusent leur enregistrement, d'autres sont plus réceptifs à l'arrivée de ces nouvelles marques. Notre mémoire se propose d'analyser la possibilité ou non d'enregistrer certaines de ces marques au Canada, et d'examiner également ce que d'autres pays ont prévu pour ces marques non traditionnelles. Au final, nous serons en mesure d'élaborer des recommandations pour l'intégration de ces nouvelles marques dans le droit canadien. / In recent years, new trademarks have progressively appeared: trademarks appealing to all of our five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste or even touch. These new trademarks, sometimes called non-traditional marks, raise difficulties for registration. Indeed, some countries refuse registration, others are more open to the arrival of these new trademarks. This thesis analyses the possibility of allowing these non-traditional trademarks to be registered in Canada, and examines the conditions under which other countries accept to register them. In conclusion, our analysis will allow us to formulate recommendations on how to integrate these new trademarks into Canadian law.

The Certainty of Uncertainty

Nagle, Julie 15 May 2009 (has links)
In this paper I investigate the limitations of memory, physical and psychological effects on individuals’ perception that effect memory, and the impact of those limitations on our ability to recall objective truth. The paper is introduced with an explanation of my interest in the subjective narrative voice in historical accounts and questions the possibility of a completely objective voice. In the first chapter, a fantastical biographical story of the life of Tycho Brahe is used as an example of the difficulty in parsing truth from legend. Descriptions of changes in scientific methods exemplify the uncertainty of scientific fact. I propose that Brahe sought empirical data to replace the unfiltered memory perception an anosmic lacks. Additionally, if Brahe had a sense of smell his murder may have been unsuccessful. In the second chapter I describe anosmia, then explain the dominant theories of how olfaction takes place, and memory storage through smell. Memory recall through associated odors is unfiltered by the intellect, and unalterable, while other forms of memory are subject to change as our psyche continually reforms the experience. An objective account of events is impossible. I search instead for histories where myth, legend, truth, and imagination converge.

Život pod Goetheho dubem. Koncentrační tábor Buchenwald v letech 1937-1945 / Life under the Goetheʼs Oak. The Concentration Camp Buchenwald in 1937-1945

Diviš, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The theme and primary purpose of this thesis is illustration everyday life in the concentration camp Buchenwald. Buchenwald was a concentration camp where the Nazis imprisoned a lagre number of citizens of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The thesis will primary consist of three categories. First of all it is the issue of "the space", in which will be incorporated a brief outline of the development of concentration camps in Germany before the war, the function of administrative, technical and military buildings of SS units. Another theme of the thesis points to the physical labor of prisoners, which was daily content during their stay in a concentration camp. The purpose of their work should lead to rapid death with the lowest cost of their meals. In favor of or against the prisoners decided ideological-political, and economic aspects of the later mode. The concept of work in the Nazi concentration camps in successive years significantly changed, which were causing the preparations for war and the later development of the war conflict itself. The third theme contents the social relations and cultural life of the prisoners, which refer to the human adaptability in these inhuman conditions. In an effort to describe social days coexistence in this concentration camp is put emphasis on the...

Lavagem nasal com budesonida em alto volume de solução salina na rinossinusite crônica de difícil controle com polipose nasossinusal e asma brônquica: um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego placebo controlado / Nasal irrigation with budesonide in high-volume saline solution in difficult-to-control chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Melo, Nelson Almeida D\'Avila 25 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A lavagem nasal com budesonida em solução salina de alto volume (BAV) tem sido utilizada no tratamento de rinossinusite crônica (RSC). Atualmente, não existem evidências de superioridade da BAV sobre o placebo (PLA). Objetivo: O estudo avalia a eficácia da lavagem nasal com BAV na RSC com polipose nasossinusal de difícil controle e asma brônquica. Métodos: Os indivíduos foram prospectivamente recrutados e randomizados em dois grupos: budesonida (1mg/dia) ou placebo, diluídos em 250mL de Soro Fisiológico a 0,9%, e orientados para aplicar 125mL dessa solução em cada narina de 12 em 12 horas, por 12 semanas. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto a: qualidade de vida doença-específica (SNOT-20, NOSE), endoscopia nasossinusal (Lund-Kennedy) e olfato (UPSIT). Efeitos adversos foram avaliados por meio do cortisol sérico e urinário, feita a avaliação da opacidade do cristalino e teste de sobrecarga hídrica para aferição da pressão ocular. Resultados: Trinta e oito pacientes foram randomizados: 20 no grupo budesonida e 18 no grupo placebo; 3 pacientes do grupo placebo não concluíram o tratamento. O grupo BAV apresentou melhora estatisticamente significativa evidenciada nos questionários NOSE e Lund-Kennedy, enquanto no SNOT observou-se melhora em ambos os grupos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na comparação entre os grupos em nenhum parâmetro. Entretanto, o grupo BAV mostrou uma redução maior da obstrução nasal (NOSE), comparado ao grupo PLA, cuja análise dos dados apresentou uma tendência para significância estatística (p=0,0593) que poderia ter sido evidenciada caso houvesse um tamanho amostral maior. Pacientes com doença respiratória exacerbada por aspirina no grupo BAV apresentaram melhora mais importante da obstrução nasal (NOSE) quando comparada ao placebo (p=0,0030). Não ocorreu aumento significativo dos eventos adversos após os tratamentos. Conclusão: A lavagem nasal com budesonida em alto volume de solução salina na rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal de difícil controle e asma brônquica não mostrou ser eficaz na melhora da qualidade de vida doença-específica para rinossinusite (SNOT-20) quando comparada ao placebo, mas uma tendência para melhora significativa da obstrução nasal (NOSE) foi observada / Introduction: Nasal irrigation with high-volume budesonide (HVB) in saline solution has been utilized in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Currently, there is no evidence of the superiority of HVB over placebo (PLA). The efficacy and safety of this treatment in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) and asthma still needs to be better established. Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy of nasal irrigation with HVB in patients with difficult-to-control CRS with nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma. Methods: Subjects were prospectively recruited and randomized into two groups: budesonide (1 mg/day) or placebo, diluted in 250 mL of 0.9% saline solution. Patients were instructed to irrigate each nostril with 125 mL of this solution every 12 hours for 12 weeks. Patients were evaluated for disease-specific quality of life (SNOT-20, NOSE) and underwent sinonasal endoscopy (Lund-Kennedy score) and an olfactory test (UPSIT). Adverse effects were evaluated by measurement of serum and urinary cortisol levels, assessment of lens opacity, and a water-drinking test for measurement of intraocular pressure. Results: Thirty-eight patients were randomized: 20 to the budesonide and 18 to the placebo group. Three patients in the placebo group did not complete treatment. The HVB group exhibited statistically significant improvement in NOSE and Lund-Kennedy scores, while improvement in NOSE scores was observed in both groups. There were no statistically significant differences in any parameter on between-group comparison. However, the HVB group exhibited a greater reduction in nasal obstruction scores (NOSE) as compared to the PLA group, with data analysis showing a trend toward statistical significance (p=0.0593) if the sample size had been larger. Patients with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease in the HVB group exhibited greater improvement in nasal obstruction (NOSE) than those in the placebo group (p=0.0030). There was no increase in adverse effects after treatment. Conclusion: In patients with difficult-to-control chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma, nasal irrigation with high-volume saline solution plus budesonide was not effective in improving disease-specific quality of life (SNOT-20) as compared with placebo, but was associated with a trend toward significant improvement in nasal obstruction (NOSE)

Lavagem nasal com budesonida em alto volume de solução salina na rinossinusite crônica de difícil controle com polipose nasossinusal e asma brônquica: um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego placebo controlado / Nasal irrigation with budesonide in high-volume saline solution in difficult-to-control chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Nelson Almeida D\'Avila Melo 25 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A lavagem nasal com budesonida em solução salina de alto volume (BAV) tem sido utilizada no tratamento de rinossinusite crônica (RSC). Atualmente, não existem evidências de superioridade da BAV sobre o placebo (PLA). Objetivo: O estudo avalia a eficácia da lavagem nasal com BAV na RSC com polipose nasossinusal de difícil controle e asma brônquica. Métodos: Os indivíduos foram prospectivamente recrutados e randomizados em dois grupos: budesonida (1mg/dia) ou placebo, diluídos em 250mL de Soro Fisiológico a 0,9%, e orientados para aplicar 125mL dessa solução em cada narina de 12 em 12 horas, por 12 semanas. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto a: qualidade de vida doença-específica (SNOT-20, NOSE), endoscopia nasossinusal (Lund-Kennedy) e olfato (UPSIT). Efeitos adversos foram avaliados por meio do cortisol sérico e urinário, feita a avaliação da opacidade do cristalino e teste de sobrecarga hídrica para aferição da pressão ocular. Resultados: Trinta e oito pacientes foram randomizados: 20 no grupo budesonida e 18 no grupo placebo; 3 pacientes do grupo placebo não concluíram o tratamento. O grupo BAV apresentou melhora estatisticamente significativa evidenciada nos questionários NOSE e Lund-Kennedy, enquanto no SNOT observou-se melhora em ambos os grupos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na comparação entre os grupos em nenhum parâmetro. Entretanto, o grupo BAV mostrou uma redução maior da obstrução nasal (NOSE), comparado ao grupo PLA, cuja análise dos dados apresentou uma tendência para significância estatística (p=0,0593) que poderia ter sido evidenciada caso houvesse um tamanho amostral maior. Pacientes com doença respiratória exacerbada por aspirina no grupo BAV apresentaram melhora mais importante da obstrução nasal (NOSE) quando comparada ao placebo (p=0,0030). Não ocorreu aumento significativo dos eventos adversos após os tratamentos. Conclusão: A lavagem nasal com budesonida em alto volume de solução salina na rinossinusite crônica com polipose nasossinusal de difícil controle e asma brônquica não mostrou ser eficaz na melhora da qualidade de vida doença-específica para rinossinusite (SNOT-20) quando comparada ao placebo, mas uma tendência para melhora significativa da obstrução nasal (NOSE) foi observada / Introduction: Nasal irrigation with high-volume budesonide (HVB) in saline solution has been utilized in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Currently, there is no evidence of the superiority of HVB over placebo (PLA). The efficacy and safety of this treatment in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) and asthma still needs to be better established. Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy of nasal irrigation with HVB in patients with difficult-to-control CRS with nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma. Methods: Subjects were prospectively recruited and randomized into two groups: budesonide (1 mg/day) or placebo, diluted in 250 mL of 0.9% saline solution. Patients were instructed to irrigate each nostril with 125 mL of this solution every 12 hours for 12 weeks. Patients were evaluated for disease-specific quality of life (SNOT-20, NOSE) and underwent sinonasal endoscopy (Lund-Kennedy score) and an olfactory test (UPSIT). Adverse effects were evaluated by measurement of serum and urinary cortisol levels, assessment of lens opacity, and a water-drinking test for measurement of intraocular pressure. Results: Thirty-eight patients were randomized: 20 to the budesonide and 18 to the placebo group. Three patients in the placebo group did not complete treatment. The HVB group exhibited statistically significant improvement in NOSE and Lund-Kennedy scores, while improvement in NOSE scores was observed in both groups. There were no statistically significant differences in any parameter on between-group comparison. However, the HVB group exhibited a greater reduction in nasal obstruction scores (NOSE) as compared to the PLA group, with data analysis showing a trend toward statistical significance (p=0.0593) if the sample size had been larger. Patients with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease in the HVB group exhibited greater improvement in nasal obstruction (NOSE) than those in the placebo group (p=0.0030). There was no increase in adverse effects after treatment. Conclusion: In patients with difficult-to-control chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma, nasal irrigation with high-volume saline solution plus budesonide was not effective in improving disease-specific quality of life (SNOT-20) as compared with placebo, but was associated with a trend toward significant improvement in nasal obstruction (NOSE)

The role of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions

Russell, Benjamin Gallard, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
Odour plays an important role in many predator/prey interactions. In the northern hemisphere, many mammalian prey species have been shown to respond to predator odours. It is also widely assumed that mammalian predators utilise odours to locate their prey. This thesis explores the importance of odour in Australian mammalian predator/prey interactions. Responses of native Australian species to the faecal odour of two predators; the native tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus and the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes, were evaluated through live-trapping and focussed behavioural studies of captive animals. Tiger quoll responses to prey olfactory cues were investigated in a captive experiment. Native rodents (bush rats Rattus fuscipes, swamp rats R. lutreolus and eastern chestnut mice Pseudomys gracilicaudatus) equally avoided traps scented with either quoll or fox faeces, and in captive experiments, bush rats and swamp rats reduced their average speed in response to both predator odours. Of the marsupial species, northern brown bandicoots Isoodon macrourus and common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula were captured more frequently in quoll-scented traps than unscented traps or foxscented traps, while captures of brown antechinus Antechinus stuarttii, long-nosed bandicoots Perameles nasuta and southern brown bandicoot I. obesulus were unaffected by the either predator odour. In captive experiments, brown antechinus, long-nosed and northern brown bandicoots decreased their foraging in response to both predator odours, and spent less time in areas scented with quoll faeces. Tiger quolls didn't appear to detect odour sources from a distance of >65 cm, but they did follow scent trails and spent more time in areas scented with the urine and faeces of potential prey. Chemical analysis revealed no common components in fox and quoll odour which prey species could be responding to. Therefore, these native species have evolved to respond to fox odour since foxes were introduced to Australia 130 years ago. The stronger response of native rodents to fox odour may be a legacy of their co-evolution with canid predators prior to entering Australia. A better understanding of how odour is utilised in Australian predator/prey interactions may lead to a greater ability to protect Australia's unique mammalian fauna from introduced predators.

Les marques de commerce non traditionnelles dans une perspective de droit comparé

Hémond, Anthony 02 1900 (has links)
De nouvelles marques de commerce ont fait progressivement leur apparition, des marques qui font appel à nos cinq sens que sont la vue, l'ouïe, l'odorat, le goût ou même le touché. Ces nouvelles marques, que l'on appelle parfois les marques non traditionnelles, posent quelques difficultés pour être enregistrées. En effet, certains pays refusent leur enregistrement, d'autres sont plus réceptifs à l'arrivée de ces nouvelles marques. Notre mémoire se propose d'analyser la possibilité ou non d'enregistrer certaines de ces marques au Canada, et d'examiner également ce que d'autres pays ont prévu pour ces marques non traditionnelles. Au final, nous serons en mesure d'élaborer des recommandations pour l'intégration de ces nouvelles marques dans le droit canadien. / In recent years, new trademarks have progressively appeared: trademarks appealing to all of our five senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste or even touch. These new trademarks, sometimes called non-traditional marks, raise difficulties for registration. Indeed, some countries refuse registration, others are more open to the arrival of these new trademarks. This thesis analyses the possibility of allowing these non-traditional trademarks to be registered in Canada, and examines the conditions under which other countries accept to register them. In conclusion, our analysis will allow us to formulate recommendations on how to integrate these new trademarks into Canadian law.

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