Spelling suggestions: "subject:"now."" "subject:"know.""
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Érosion éolienne et rugosité de la surface neigeuse en Terre Adélie : observations et approche numérique / Aeolian erosion and roughness of the snow surface in Adélie Land : observations and numerical approachAmory, Charles 08 January 2016 (has links)
Le bilan de masse en surface de l’Antarctique (noté BMS ; résultante de l’équilibre entres les termes d’accumulation et d’ablation) contribue directement aux variations du niveau moyen des mers. Dans le contexte du changement climatique, sa détermination par les modèles atmosphériques est nécessaire pour affiner son estimation présente et future.Les vents violents en périphérie de l’Antarctique de l’Est sont responsables d’un entraînement aérodynamique de la neige en surface qui influence de façon significative le BMS. Le transport de neige par le vent est également à l’origine du développement de formes d’érosion éolienne orientées parallèlement au vent moyen au moment de leur formation et dont la distribution spatiale est un déterminant majeur de la rugosité de surface. Ces éléments de rugosité exercent en retour un effet d’obstacle à l’écoulement qui affecte directement le champ de vent en surface et, par extension, le transport éolien de la neige.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur l’observation et la modélisation numérique de l’érosion éolienne de la neige au niveau d’une région côtière de l’Antarctique de l’Est, la Terre Adélie. Dans un premier temps, le modèle atmosphérique régional MAR, qui contient une représentation détaillée des processus de transport éolien, est mis en œuvre à une résolution spatiale de 5 km sur un domaine couvrant la Terre Adélie et comparé sur un mois d’été à des observations météorologiques incluant des mesures continues du vent et du flux éolien massique de neige aérotransportée. Il est montré que les flux éoliens de neige produits par le MAR sont hautement sensibles à la paramétrisation de la rugosité de surface, et qu’une calibration unique de ce paramètre ne permet pas de simuler avec une qualité équivalente le champ de vent en deux points de mesure distants d’à peine 100 km. À partir des observations, les interactions rugosité-érosion sont ensuite étudiées à l’échelle d’évènements individuels d’érosion éolienne. Il est mis en évidence i) que l’effet d’obstacle généré par les formes d’érosion éolienne a un impact inhibiteur sur le flux éolien de neige et ii) que cet effet d’obstacle peut être fortement diminué par l’aptitude des formes d’érosion éolienne à se réorienter parallèlement au vent dominant pendant un événement de transport. L’examen des observations sur une année révèle que ce processus d’ajustement aérodynamique est sujet à des variations temporelles majoritairement reliées à l’historique de la température. Enfin, on montre qu’une reconfiguration du modèle comprenant notamment l’introduction d’une dépendance à la température dans la paramétrisation de la rugosité de surface améliore considérablement la représentation des flux éoliens de neige par le MAR sur l’année considérée. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une distribution spatiale et temporelle de la rugosité de surface doit être prise en compte dans les modèles atmosphériques pour une simulation réaliste du transport éolien de la neige à l’échelle de l’Antarctique. / The Antarctic ice sheet surface mass balance (SMB; the result of the balance between accumulation and ablation terms) has a direct influence on variations in the global mean sea level. In the context of climate change, atmospheric models are needed to improve its current and future estimation.Intense surface winds over the coastal slopes of East Antarctica are responsible for aerodynamic entrainment of snow at the surface, which has a significant influence on the BMS. Transport of snow by the wind also produces aeolian erosion features aligned parallel to the prevailing winds at the time of their formation. The spatial distribution of these features is a major determinant of surface roughness. On the other hand, surface roughness is an obstacle to flow and directly affects the surface wind field and, by extension, aeolian snow transport.The work presented here is based on observations and numerical modeling of aeolian snow erosion in a coastal stretch of Adélie Land, East Antarctica. First, the regional atmospheric model MAR, which includes a detailed representation of aeolian transport processes, was run at a spatial resolution of 5 km over a zone including Adélie Land and model results were compared with meteorological observations made over one month in summer, including continuous measurements of the wind and the aeolian snow mass flux. Aeolian snow mass fluxes modeled by MAR were highly sensitive to parameterization of surface roughness, and a single calibration of this parameter was not enough to simulate the surface wind field at two measurement points located only 100 km apart with the same accuracy. Consequently, roughness-erosion interactions were analyzed at the scale of individual aeolian erosion events using observations. The results of this analysis underlined that (i) the barrier effect generated by aeolian erosion features had an inhibiting impact on the aeolian snow mass flux and (ii) that the barrier effect can be strongly reduced by the ability of aeolian erosion features to realign with the dominant wind during a transport event. Examination of observations made over a period of one year revealed that this adjustment process is prone to temporal variations mainly linked to past temperatures. Finally, we showed that reconfiguring the model, including introducing temperature dependence in the parameterization of surface roughness considerably improved the representation of aeolian snow mass fluxes by the MAR model for the year concerned. These results suggest that spatial and temporal distribution of surface roughness should be included in atmospheric models for realistic simulations of aeolian snow transport over Antarctica.
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Hyperkapnie a difuse plynů ve sněhové lavině (Změny funkčních parametrů jedinců v krizové situaci) / Hypercapnia and diffusion of gases in avalanche (Changes in functional parameters of individuals in a crisis situation)Mašek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Název: Hyperkapnie a difuse plynů ve sněhové lavině - (Změny funkčních parametrů jedinců v krizové situaci) Cíle práce: Cílem studie bylo kontinuální sledování kompenzačních mechanismů, zejména změn ventilačně-respiračních ukazatelů, v simulované sněhové lavině. Metoda: K získání dat byl použit experiment a nestandardizovaný dotazník. Výběr souboru byl vzhledem ke sledované problematice přísně selektivní. Výzkumu se účastnilo 22 probandů, ale po analýze dat bylo pro nesplnění požadovaných kritérií 11 osob vyřazeno. Soubor tedy tvořilo 11 zdravých mužů průměrného věku 25,3 let. Před vlastním experimentem byla pomocí osobního spirometru testována senzitivita na hyperkapnii a hypoxii (výdrž v apnoi) a dechová zdatnost (vitální kapacita plic s usilovným výdechem). Experimentální situaci představovalo jak dýchání do uzavřeného objemu (8 l), tak do vytvořené vzduchové kapsy ve sněhu (400 ml). Kontinuální záznamy oběhových funkcí (srdeční frekvence, krevní tlak) a ventilačně-respiračních parametrů (dechová frekvence, dechový objem, minutová ventilace, obsah O2 a CO2 ve vdechovaném a vydechovaném vzduchu, odpor při výdechu a saturace krve kyslíkem) byly snímány pacientským monitorem DATEX Ohmeda. Vzhledem k charakteru dat byla využita analýza rozptylu při opakovaném měření se dvěma faktory (dvoucestná...
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Variações na extensão da cobertura de gelo do Nevado Cololo, BolíviaOliveira, Ana Maria Sanches Dorneles Ferreira de January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta padrões de flutuações das geleiras do Nevado Cololo, Bolívia, no período 1975–2011, determinado partir de dados orbitais, cartográficos e climáticos. As massas de gelo do Nevado Cololo são representativas das geleiras tropicais andinas que estão sujeitas a alternância entre condições atmosféricas úmidas (novembro-abril) e secas (maio-outubro) (outer tropics). Essa sazonalidade é determinada pela oscilação latitudinal da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) e perturbada pelos eventos não sazonais do fenômeno ENOS. A fase positiva, o El Niño, contribui negativamente para o balanço de massa dessas geleiras e foi frequente no intervalo investigado. Esse trabalho usou imagens TM/Landsat-5 para determinar a cobertura de gelo em 1989, 1997, 2008 e 2011. Aplicando o Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI), que utiliza as características espectrais opostas das massas de gelo no visível e no infravermelho próximo, este trabalho delimitou as geleiras do Nevado Cololo. Utilizando as informações de carta topográfica foi obtido um Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE), elaborado pela interpolação de pontos de elevação usando o método geoestatístico krigagem ordinária. As informações obtidas do sensoriamento remoto e da cartografia foram incorporadas a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para se obter parâmetros das geleiras. A análise da séries temporais de precipitação e temperatura usaram dados do Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)/NOAA, do Climate Research Unit Time Series (CRUTS)/University of East Anglia e de duas estações meteorológicas. Os dados climáticos não apresentam tendências estatisticamente significativas, mas há uma fraca redução da precipitação durante os meses de novembro, dezembro e abril, condições essa que podem indicar menor nebulosidade durante o verão. Em 2011 só restavam 48 das 122 geleiras identificadas em 1975. Geleiras pequenas (< 0,1 km²) com cotas máximas baixas foram as mais afetadas e atualmente não existem geleiras abaixo de 4.626 m a.n.m. A cobertura de gelo era de 24,77 ±0,00032 km² em 2011, 42,02% menor do que em 1975. A perda superficial ocorreu em todas as vertentes, independente de orientação, mas as geleiras voltadas a leste foram mais afetadas. Mesmo a maior geleira do Nevado Cololo, face SW, perdeu 21,6% de sua área total e sua frente retraiu cerca de 1 km durante o intervalo de 36 anos. Proporcionalmente, houve o aumento do número de geleiras cuja declividade média está entre 30° e 40°. A redução da espessura gelo é atestada pela fragmentação de geleiras e afloramentos do embasamento em suas partes internas. A perda de massa dessas geleiras estudadas foi provavelmente causada pela intensificação dos processos de ablação. / This study presents fluctuations patterns for the Nevado Cololo glaciers, Bolivia, in the period 1975–2011, as determined from orbital, cartographic and climatic data. Nevado Cololo ice masses are representative of Andean tropical glaciers subjected to alternations of humid (November to April) and dry (May to October) (outer tropics) atmospheric conditions. This seasonality is determined by the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) latitudinal oscillation and disturbed by the no seasonal ENSO phenomena. The positive phase, El Niño, contributes negatively to these glaciers mass balance and was frequent during the investigated time period. This work used TM/ Landsat-5 imagery to determine the ice cover in 1989, 1997, 2008 and 2011. Applying the Normalized Snow Difference Index (NDIS), which uses the opposite spectral characteristics of ice masses in the visible and near infrared region, this work delimited the Nevado Cololo glaciers. Based on information from a topographic chart, we obtained a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using elevation points interpolated by the ordinary kriging geostatistical method. Information derived from remote sensing and cartographic sources was incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) to obtain glaciers parameters. The analyses of precipitation and temperature time series used data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)/NOAA, the Climate Research Unit Time Series (CRUTS)/University of East Anglia and from two meteorological stations. Climatic data show no statistically significant trend, but there was a weak precipitation reduction during November, December and April months, a condition that may indicate low cloudiness during the summer. By 2011, there were only 48 of the 122 glaciers identified in 1975. Small glaciers (<0.1 km²) with low maximum elevations were most affected and currently there are no glaciers below 4,626 m asl. The ice covered 24.77 km² in 2011, 42.02% less than in 1975. Surface loss occurred in all slopes, regardless of orientation, but glaciers facing east were most affected. Even the largest glacier in Nevado Cololo, SW face, lost 21.6% of its total area and its front retreated about 1 km during the 36 years period. Proportionately, there was an increase in the number of glaciers whose average slope is between 30° and 40°. The ice thickness reduction is attested by glaciers break up and bedrock outcrops in its internal parts. These glaciers mass loss was probably caused by the intensification of ablation processes.
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Karotenoidy sněžných řas jako biomarkery pro exobiologii: pohled Ramanovy spektroskopie / Carotenoids of snow algae as biomarkers for exobiology: Raman spectroscopic perspectiveNěmečková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The major aim of this thesis is critical evaluation of Raman spectroscopy in the detection of carotenoids of extremophiles, namely snow algae. Extremophilic microorganisms play an important role in exobiology since they set hypothetical boundaries for the presence of life on Earth. Raman spectroscopy will be a part of two mission to Mars. Here, a laboratory Raman microspectrometer was used for the analysis of 11 samples of snow algae from different locations over the years 2002-2017. The acquired spectra were compared with HPLC/UV-VIS analysis. The results showed that the ability of Raman spectroscopy to discriminate between structurally slightly differing carotenoid pigments or several carotenoids in an admixture is limited. Contrary, HPLC/UV-VIS permitted to detect various structurally similar carotenoids (and chlorophylls). However, HPLC/UV-VIS worked with overall pigment extracts during which some structural information can be lost. Raman microspectrometer allowed analysis of cells in different life-cycle stages and thus several various spectra could be studied. Raman microspectrometer was therefore more suitable for carotenoid detection in mixtures of various life-stages than HPLC/UV-VIS. Key words carotenoids, snow algae, exobiology, habitability, biomarker, Raman spectroscopy, HPLC/UV-VIS
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Evolution des propriétés physiques de neige de surface sur le plateau Antarctique. Observations et modélisation du transfert radiatif et du métamorphisme / Evolution of snow physical properties on the Antarctic Plateau. Observing and modeling radiative transfer and snow metamorphismLibois, Quentin 15 October 2014 (has links)
Le bilan d'énergie de surface du Plateau Antarctique est essentiellement contrôlé par les propriétés physiques des premiers centimètres du manteau neigeux. Or l'évolution de cette neige de surface est complexe car elle dépend de processus fondamentalement imbriqués: vitesse de métamorphisme, profils de température, pénétration du rayonnement solaire, précipitations, transport de neige par le vent, etc. L'objectif de ces travaux de thèse est d'étudier ces diverses composantes et leur couplage afin de simuler l'évolution de la densité de la neige et de la taille de grain (surface spécifique) sur le Plateau Antarctique. Pour représenter de manière physique l'absorption de l'énergie solaire à l'intérieur du manteau, un modèle de transfert radiatif à fine résolution spectrale (TARTES) a été implémenté dans le modèle de manteau neigeux détaillé Crocus. TARTES permet de calculer le profil vertical d'absorption d'énergie dans un manteau stratifié dont les caractéristiques sont connues. Parmi elles, la forme des grains, explicitement prise en compte dans TARTES, a été peu étudiée jusqu'à présent. C'est pourquoi une méthode de détermination expérimentale de la forme optique des grains est proposée et appliquée à un grand nombre d'échantillons de neige. Cette méthode, basée sur des mesures optiques, des simulations TARTES, et l'inférence bayésienne, a permis de déterminer la forme la plus adéquate pour simuler les propriétés optiques de la neige, et a mis en évidence le fait que représenter la neige par un ensemble de particules sphériques conduisait à surestimer la profondeur de pénétration du rayonnement d'environ 30%. L'impact de l'absorption en profondeur du rayonnement sur les profils de température dans le manteau et son métamorphisme est ensuite étudié par des approches analytique et numérique, mettant en valeur la sensibilité des profils aux propriétés de la neige proche de la surface. En particulier, la densité de la neige sur les premiers centimètres est cruciale pour le bilan d'énergie du manteau car elle impacte à la fois la profondeur de pénétration du rayonnement et la conductivité thermique du manteau. Puisque le modèle Crocus tient compte de ce couplage entre propriétés optiques et physiques du manteau, il est utilisé pour estimer l'influence des conditions météorologiques sur la variabilité temporelle des propriétés physiques de la neige de surface à Dôme C. Ces simulations sont évaluées au regard d'un jeu de données collectées lors de missions de terrain et de mesures automatiques de l'albédo spectral et de la pénétration du rayonnement dans la neige. Ces observations mettent en évidence le rôle primordial des précipitations dans les variations rapides de taille de grain en surface et l'existence d'un cycle saisonnier de cette taille de grain. Ces variations sont bien simulées par Crocus lorsque le forçage atmosphérique qui lui est imposé est adéquat. En particulier, l'impact du vent sur l'évolution du manteau est fondamental car il contrôle la densité de surface par le biais du transport de neige. Ce transport est aussi à l'origine de la variabilité spatiale des propriétés de la neige observée à Dôme C. C'est pourquoi une modélisation stochastique de l'érosion et du transport de neige dans Crocus est proposée. En plus d'expliquer la variabilité spatiale de la densité et de la taille de grain, elle permet de reproduire celle de l'accumulation annuelle ainsi que les variations rapides de hauteur de neige liées à des épisodes de vent. Ces travaux ont permis une meilleure représentation des processus physiques qui contrôlent les variations des propriétés de la neige de surface à Dôme C, tout en soulignant le rôle primordial du vent, dont l'impact sur le manteau est particulièrement complexe à simuler. / The surface energy balance of the Antarctic Plateau is mainly governed by the physical properties of the snowpack in the topmost centimeters, whose evolution is driven by intricated processes such as: snow metamorphism, temperature profiles variations, solar radiation penetration, precipitation, snow drift, etc. This thesis focuses on the interactions between all these components and aims at simulating the evolution of snow density and snow grain size (specific surface area) on the Antarctic Plateau. To physically model the absorption of solar radiation within the snowpack, a radiative transfer model with high spectral resolution (TARTES) is implemented in the detailed snowpack model Crocus. TARTES calculates the vertical profile of absorbed radiation in a layered snowpack whose characteristics are given. These characteristics include snow grain shape, a parameter that has been seldom studied. For this reason, an experimental method to estimate the optical grain shape is proposed and applied to a large number of snow samples. This method, which combines optical measurements, TARTES simulations and Bayesian inference, is used to estimate the optimal shape to be used in snow optical models. In addition, it highlights that representing snow as a collection of spherical particles results in overestimation of the penetration depth of solar radiation. The influence of the penetration of solar radiation on the snow temperature profiles is then investigated with analytical and numerical tools. The results point out the high sensitivity of the temperature profiles to surface snow physical properties. In particular, the density of the topmost centimeters of the snowpack is critical for the energy budget of the snowpack because it impacts both the effective thermal conductivity and the penetration depth of light. To simulate the evolution of snow physical properties at Dome C by taking into account their interdependence with snow optical properties, the model Crocus is used, driven by meteorological data. These simulations are evaluated against a set of data collected during field missions as well as automatic measurements of snow spectral albedo and penetration depth. These observations highlight the influence of weather conditions on the temporal variability of surface snow properties. They show the existence of a slow decrease of snow grain size at the surface during summer. Rapid changes are also observed, essentially due to precipitation. These variations are well simulated by Crocus when forced by an appropriate atmospheric forcing. In particular, the impact of wind on the evolution of the snowpack is crucial because it controls the surface density through snow transport. This transport is also responsible for the spatial variability of snow properties observed at Dome C. That is why a stochastic representation of snow erosion and transport in Crocus is proposed. It explains well the observations of the spatial variability of density and grain size, and reproduces the variability of the annual accumulation as well as rapid changes in snow height resulting from drift events. This study improves our understanding of the physical processes which drive the properties of snow close to the surface on the Antarctic Plateau, and also points out the critical role of wind, the impact of which is very difficult to account for in models yet.
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Branca de Neve multimídia: a personagem na literatura, no cinema e nos quadrinhosMiranda., Allana Dilene de Araújo de 18 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Aiming to study the character category and its manifestation on three different media, the following work analyzes the Snow White character and its representation in literature, films and comic books. The corpus used in this paper were: the short story Snow White and the seven dwarfs, by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm; the homonym 1937 animated movie produced by Walt Disney Studios; and the first volume of the miniseries One thousand and one nights of snowfall, a spin-off of the monthly issue Fables, by Bill Willingham. In the first three chapters, this paper presents considerations regarding each individual work, taking into account the specifics of their respective languages, also pointing out the differences between them. For that purpose, we use both the focalization (as defined by Gerrard Genéte) and mise en scène (as per Bordwell and Thompson, 1997) categories. The forth chapter is a direct comparison among the character in its three different versions, analyzing it as adaptation (Linda Hutcheon, 2006) and using as the major analysis criteria the female representation, taking into account production contexts, as appointed by Marina Warner (1999). / Objetivando estudar a categoria personagem e sua manifestação em três diferentes mídias, este trabalho analisa Branca de Neve e sua construção na literatura, no cinema, e nas histórias em quadrinhos. O corpus utilizado foi o conto Branca de Neve e os sete anões, assinado pelos irmãos Wilhelm e Jacob Grimm; a animação de 1937, produzida pelos estúdios Disney, homônima; e o primeiro volume da minissérie As mil e uma noites, derivada da revista mensal Fábulas, de Bill Willingham. Nos três primeiros capítulos, o trabalho tece considerações a respeito de cada obra individualmente, levando em conta especificidades da linguagem de cada texto, bem como apontando as diferenças entre eles. Para tanto, parte das categorias focalização, conforme definida por Gerrard Genéte (s.d.), e mise-en-scène, como abordada por Bordwell e Thompson (1997). No quarto capítulo, faz uma comparação direta da personagem nas três versões, analisando-a como adaptação, conforme orientado por Linda Hutcheon (2006), e utiliza, como principal critério de análise, a representação feminina, levando em conta contextos de produção, conforme apontado por Marina Warner (1999).
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Variações na extensão da cobertura de gelo do Nevado Cololo, BolíviaOliveira, Ana Maria Sanches Dorneles Ferreira de January 2013 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta padrões de flutuações das geleiras do Nevado Cololo, Bolívia, no período 1975–2011, determinado partir de dados orbitais, cartográficos e climáticos. As massas de gelo do Nevado Cololo são representativas das geleiras tropicais andinas que estão sujeitas a alternância entre condições atmosféricas úmidas (novembro-abril) e secas (maio-outubro) (outer tropics). Essa sazonalidade é determinada pela oscilação latitudinal da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) e perturbada pelos eventos não sazonais do fenômeno ENOS. A fase positiva, o El Niño, contribui negativamente para o balanço de massa dessas geleiras e foi frequente no intervalo investigado. Esse trabalho usou imagens TM/Landsat-5 para determinar a cobertura de gelo em 1989, 1997, 2008 e 2011. Aplicando o Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI), que utiliza as características espectrais opostas das massas de gelo no visível e no infravermelho próximo, este trabalho delimitou as geleiras do Nevado Cololo. Utilizando as informações de carta topográfica foi obtido um Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE), elaborado pela interpolação de pontos de elevação usando o método geoestatístico krigagem ordinária. As informações obtidas do sensoriamento remoto e da cartografia foram incorporadas a um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) para se obter parâmetros das geleiras. A análise da séries temporais de precipitação e temperatura usaram dados do Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)/NOAA, do Climate Research Unit Time Series (CRUTS)/University of East Anglia e de duas estações meteorológicas. Os dados climáticos não apresentam tendências estatisticamente significativas, mas há uma fraca redução da precipitação durante os meses de novembro, dezembro e abril, condições essa que podem indicar menor nebulosidade durante o verão. Em 2011 só restavam 48 das 122 geleiras identificadas em 1975. Geleiras pequenas (< 0,1 km²) com cotas máximas baixas foram as mais afetadas e atualmente não existem geleiras abaixo de 4.626 m a.n.m. A cobertura de gelo era de 24,77 ±0,00032 km² em 2011, 42,02% menor do que em 1975. A perda superficial ocorreu em todas as vertentes, independente de orientação, mas as geleiras voltadas a leste foram mais afetadas. Mesmo a maior geleira do Nevado Cololo, face SW, perdeu 21,6% de sua área total e sua frente retraiu cerca de 1 km durante o intervalo de 36 anos. Proporcionalmente, houve o aumento do número de geleiras cuja declividade média está entre 30° e 40°. A redução da espessura gelo é atestada pela fragmentação de geleiras e afloramentos do embasamento em suas partes internas. A perda de massa dessas geleiras estudadas foi provavelmente causada pela intensificação dos processos de ablação. / This study presents fluctuations patterns for the Nevado Cololo glaciers, Bolivia, in the period 1975–2011, as determined from orbital, cartographic and climatic data. Nevado Cololo ice masses are representative of Andean tropical glaciers subjected to alternations of humid (November to April) and dry (May to October) (outer tropics) atmospheric conditions. This seasonality is determined by the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) latitudinal oscillation and disturbed by the no seasonal ENSO phenomena. The positive phase, El Niño, contributes negatively to these glaciers mass balance and was frequent during the investigated time period. This work used TM/ Landsat-5 imagery to determine the ice cover in 1989, 1997, 2008 and 2011. Applying the Normalized Snow Difference Index (NDIS), which uses the opposite spectral characteristics of ice masses in the visible and near infrared region, this work delimited the Nevado Cololo glaciers. Based on information from a topographic chart, we obtained a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) using elevation points interpolated by the ordinary kriging geostatistical method. Information derived from remote sensing and cartographic sources was incorporated into a Geographic Information System (GIS) to obtain glaciers parameters. The analyses of precipitation and temperature time series used data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)/NOAA, the Climate Research Unit Time Series (CRUTS)/University of East Anglia and from two meteorological stations. Climatic data show no statistically significant trend, but there was a weak precipitation reduction during November, December and April months, a condition that may indicate low cloudiness during the summer. By 2011, there were only 48 of the 122 glaciers identified in 1975. Small glaciers (<0.1 km²) with low maximum elevations were most affected and currently there are no glaciers below 4,626 m asl. The ice covered 24.77 km² in 2011, 42.02% less than in 1975. Surface loss occurred in all slopes, regardless of orientation, but glaciers facing east were most affected. Even the largest glacier in Nevado Cololo, SW face, lost 21.6% of its total area and its front retreated about 1 km during the 36 years period. Proportionately, there was an increase in the number of glaciers whose average slope is between 30° and 40°. The ice thickness reduction is attested by glaciers break up and bedrock outcrops in its internal parts. These glaciers mass loss was probably caused by the intensification of ablation processes.
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Two Simple Soil Temperature Models: Applied and Tested on Sites in SwedenKjellander, Kalle January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Spatio-temporal climate variability and snow resource changes in FinlandIrannezhad, M. (Masoud) 23 November 2015 (has links)
In northern regions such as Finland, snowpack represents a major water resource for aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and different human uses, and snowmelt usually controls peak annual river discharge. To understand potential impacts of climate change, this thesis explored the effects of changes in surface air temperature (SAT) and precipitation patterns on snowpack accumulation and snowmelt processes in Finland.
Two initial studies provided national and spatial pictures of long-term variability and changes in observed SAT and precipitation in Finland and their relationships with the atmospheric circulation patterns (ACPs) of the Northern Hemisphere (NH). On national scale, mean annual SAT and annual precipitation increased significantly in Finland during the past century. Seasonal analysis revealed increases in spring (MAM) and summer (JJA) SAT and in winter (DJF) and summer precipitation. SAT and precipitation were most significantly correlated with the Arctic Oscillation (AO), East Atlantic/West Russia (EA/WR), East Atlantic (EA) and Scandinavia (SCA) patterns. However, there were spatial differences within Finland as regards climate trends and relationships with ACPs.
A study examining the dependence of snow resources on winter climate in Finland revealed a decline in snow water equivalent (SWE) and shortening of continuous snow cover duration (CSCD) in Finland during 1909-2008. This was mainly due to reductions in snowfall owing to winter warming and decreased precipitation in southern areas, but only to decreases in winter precipitation at higher latitudes. In southern Finland SWE and CSCD were associated with ACP affecting winter SAT (AO), and in central and northern parts with ACPs influencing winter precipitation (EA, EA/WR and AO).
Analysis of snowmelt hydrology in Finland indicated that snowmelt flux has a much greater influence than rainfall on simulated peak snowpack outflow in Finland, which has decreased and shifted towards earlier in the year. / Tiivistelmä
Pohjoisilla alueilla kuten Suomessa lumi edustaa merkittävää vesivarantoa mikä vaikuttaa vesi- ja maaekosysteemeihin sekä yhdyskuntien vesienkäyttöön. Lisäksi lumen sulanta aiheuttaa suurimmat vuosittaiset tulvahuiput. Tämä väitöstutkimus keskittyy ilmanlämpötilan ja sadannan muutoksien aiheuttamiin vaikutuksiin lumen kertymisessä ja lumen sulannan prosesseissa Suomessa, jotta ilmaston muutoksen aiheuttamia mahdollisia muutoksia voidaan paremmin ymmärtää.
Väitöskirjan kaksi tutkimusta antavat kansallisen ja spatiaalisesti kattavan kuvan pitkäaikaisvaihtelusta ja muutoksista ilmanlämpötilassa ja sadannassa Suomessa ja niiden yhteyden ilmastojärjestelmiin (ACP) pohjoisella pallonpuoliskolla. Kansallisella tasolla, vuosittainen keski-ilmanlämpötila ja vuosisadanta lisääntyivät merkittävästä Suomessa viimeisen vuosisadan aikana. Kausittainen analyysi paljasti kevät ja kesä ilmanlämpötilojen sekä talvi ja kesä-sadantojen lisääntyneen. Ilmanlämpötila ja sadanta korreloi merkittävimmin Arktisen (AO), Itä Atlantti/Länsi Venäjä (EA/WR), Itä-Atlantti (EA) ja Skandinaavisen (SCA) oskillaatioiden kanssa. Eri puolilla Suomea tuloksissa oli spatiaalista eroa liittyen ilmasto trendeihin ja yhteyksiin ilmakehän kiertoliikkeisiin.
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lisäksi lumivarojen riippuvuutta talviajan ilmastosta Suomessa. Vuosien 1909-2008 aineiston perusteella lumenvesiarvossa (SWE) havaittiin laskua sekä pysyvän lumipeitteen kestossa (CSCD) lyhenemistä. Etelässä tämä todettiin pääosin olevan seurausta talviajan lumisateiden vähentymisestä, jota vuorostaan selitti ilman lämpeneminen ja kokonaissademäärän pienentyminen. Pohjoisilla leveysasteilla ainoastaan talviaikaisen kokonaissademäärän pienentyminen selitti vähentyneitä lumivaroja. Tutkimuksessa Etelä-Suomen aineiston osalta tulokset SWE ja CSCD:ssa voitiin yhdistää muutoksiin talviseen SAT:hen (AO) vaikuttavissa ilmastojärjestelmissä (ACP). Keski- ja pohjoisosissa Suomea ilmastojärjestelmät (EA, EA/WR ja AO) vaikuttivat ainoastaan talviaikaiseen sadantaan.
Aineiston perusteella voitiin myös todeta, että Suomessa kevätaikaisesta lumensulannasta johtuvaan valuntahuippuun vaikuttaa enemmän välitön lumen sulanta kuin sulannan aikana esiintynyt vesisade. Lumen sulannan huippuarvo havaittiin myös laskeneen sekä sen ajoittuminen aikaistuneen.
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Environment and genetic background affecting endophyte-grass symbiosisWäli, P. (Piippa) 31 August 2006 (has links)
Mutualism is often conditional and the associations vary from antagonism to mutualism along environmental conditions and genotypes of interacting species. I studied antagonism-mutualism continuum hypothesis of symbiosis experimentally using two different Epichloë/Neotyphodium endophytes and their host grasses, agricultural meadow fescues and natural fine fescue, as study systems. These systemic fungal endophytes live asymptomatically within aerial tissues of grasses, and are vertically transmitted to the next grass generation via seeds. Thus, asexual endophyte strains are dependent on the growth, survival and reproduction of their hosts. Epichloë/Neotyphodium endophytes are considered plant mutualists, because they improve the resistance of the host against various stresses, e.g. herbivores. In addition to experimental approach, I examined prevalence and genetic structure of Epichloë festucae in natural grass populations. Finally, current knowledge concerning grass endophytes was reviewed and the effects of variable environment and genetic background on the ecology and the evolution of grass-endophyte symbiosis were discussed.
The endophyte improved the performance of the agronomic meadow fescues, but the beneficial effects were dependent on the grass cultivar and the growth environment. The endophyte-infected (E+) meadow fescues were more susceptible to the pathogenic snow molds and they suffered increased winter damage compared to the endophyte-free (E-) plants. Many natural Festuca rubra and F. ovina populations were either endophyte-free or had low infection frequency. The highest infection frequencies were found in subarctic areas where the infection incidence differed between habitats. Twenty out of the 25 E. festucae genotypes detected were carrying multiple alleles in microsatellite loci indicating multiple infections or vegetative hybridization of the fungus. A dominant genotype (63.5% of all isolates) occurred in all populations suggesting that this fungus is mainly asexual. E+ F. ovina seedlings performed worse than endophyte-free E- seedlings. In F. rubra, the river bank originated E+ seedlings allocated fewer, but longer and heavier tillers than the other seedlings indicating possible improved performance of the endophyte infected grasses in harsh river bank conditions.
In short, I detected both positive and negative effects of endophyte infection on grasses varying along species, environment and genotypic background of study subjects. The results support the antagonism-mutualism continuum hypothesis.
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