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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad innebär social hållbarhet för utvecklingen av vård- och omsorgsboenden för äldre? / What does social sustainability entail for the development of care and nursing homes for the elderly?

Hjärp, Julia, Salomonsson, Mira January 2024 (has links)
Konceptet ESG har på senare år blivit ett alltmer uppmärksammat begrepp globalt. Att samhället utvecklas i linje med miljömässiga (E), sociala (S) och bolagsstyrningsmässiga (G) hållbarhetsaspekter har blivit av stor vikt för att nå FN:s 17 globala mål. I dagsläget har den miljömässiga hållbarhetsaspekten kommit längst i utvecklingen både i teorin och praktiken medan bolagsstyrning och i synnerhet den sociala aspekten hamnat i skymundan. Denna studie har därför fokuserat uteslutande på den sociala hållbarhetsaspekten.  Denna studie undersöker hur social hållbarhet främjas i utvecklingen av vård- och omsorgsboenden för äldre och har samlat information från fyra intressenter som är med och bidrar till detta. Studien är en kvalitativ flermetodsstudie där resultatet inhämtats från en dokumentanalys, semistrukturerade intervjuer och enkäter. Detta för att få en samlad bild av hur synen på social hållbarhet inom vård- och omsorgsboenden är hos de äldre, vårdföretagen som bedriver omvårdnaden, fastighetsföretagen som äger och förvaltar äldreboenden, samt kommunen som besitter bostadsförsörjningsansvaret för äldre.  Resultatet av studien visar att det inte finns en samsyn kring hur social hållbarhet ska implementeras inom vård- och omsorgsboenden för äldre bland intressenterna. Däremot har diskussionen kring vad social hållbarhet på äldreboenden är för något börjat ta form bland intressenterna, dock i varierande grad. Skillnaderna i synen på social hållbarhet i sammanhanget har dessutom visat sig försvåra utvecklingen av äldreboenden till följd av bristande kommunikation mellan intressenter. Dessutom har det resulterat i att de äldres röster inte beaktas till följd av detta. Det råder vidare ingen konsensus kring vem som har ansvaret för att se till att social hållbarhet uppnås. I och med att social hållbarhet är ett relativt outforskat ämne och än mindre inom ämnet vård- och omsorgsboenden för äldre går det att konstatera att denna studie är något före sin tid. / The concept of ESG has become an increasingly recognized term globally in recent years. Ensuring that society develops in line with environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) sustainability aspects has become crucial for achieving the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Currently, the environmental sustainability aspect has made the most progress in both theory and practice, while governance and especially the social aspect have been neglected. Therefore, this study has focused exclusively on the social sustainability aspect. This study examines how social sustainability is promoted in the development of care and nursing homes for the elderly, gathering information from four stakeholders involved in this process. The study was conducted qualitatively, with data collected through document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and surveys. This approach aimed to provide a comprehensive view of how social sustainability is perceived within care and nursing homes by the elderly themselves, the care companies providing the services, the property companies owning and managing the facilities, and the municipalities responsible for housing provision för the elderly. The results of the study indicate that there is no consensus among stakeholders on how social sustainability should be implemented in care and nursing homes for the elderly. However, discussions about what social sustainability in elder care entails have begun to take shape among stakeholders, albeit to varying degrees. The differences in perspectives on social sustainability have also been found to hinder the development of nursing homes due to inadequate communication between stakeholders. Additionally, this has resulted in the voices of the elderly not being adequately considered. There is also no consensus on who is responsible for ensuring that social sustainability is achieved. Given that social sustainability is a relatively unexplored subject, and even more so within the context of care and nursing homes for the elderly, this study can be considered somewhat ahead of its time.


Sierra Varela, Leonardo Andrés 27 October 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / There is a consensus nowadays that the economic, environmental and social considerations in a country's development are needed to achieve sustainability. In the area of construction, agendas have been advanced to promote sustainable development that takes the life cycle of a project into consideration. Nevertheless, it is clear that the fundamental limitation of sustainability is that it tends to concentrate on the biophysical and economic considerations of the built environment without paying sufficient attention to the social aspects. Not including the social aspects early on affects a society's short and long-term infrastructure development. Since the impacts on society are multidimensional, a representation that evaluates the social aspects must be also. The assessment of the social aspects and quality of life go beyond the quantitative aspects. Indeed, the results of an evaluation are just as significant as the participatory legitimacy of its process. In this sense, multicriteria decision-making methods are an alternative that optimally represent the multidimensional and participatory assessment of the social aspects. However, social sustainability in the evaluation of infrastructures has not been adequately addressed to date. In this light, the social dimension in the assessment of infrastructures requires a review and new approaches in the decision-making in the early phases of a project's development. All this leads to the proposal of the general aim of the study as follows: To assess the social sustainability of infrastructures by integrating it into the decision-making. This general aim is split into different specific objectives that seek to explore the areas for improvement in the treatment of social sustainability. From this point, methodologies are proposed to estimate the contribution to social sustainability through multicriteria infrastructure assessment. The scope of this investigation focuses on the assessment of civil engineering infrastructures in the formulation, feasibility and planning stages as well as consideration of multiple social aspects. The document presented is composed of six complementary articles (three already published and three others in the review process in scientific journals). In general, for the development of the research goals the studies use different techniques: a Delphi panel of experts, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP), utility theory, stochastic systems, multi-objective methods and Bayesian reasoning techniques. The research has been applied to different international contexts. The social criteria were contextualized in the life cycle of Chilean infrastructures. An active learning method about sustainability was applied in a graduate course in Spain with international students. Additionally, two methods to estimate short and long-term social contribution were implemented on road infrastructures in El Salvador. From the results of the investigation, methods have been proposed to address the social dimension in the multicriteria assessment of civil infrastructures and integrate it into the decision-making process. The proposals arose from an exploration of the needs to improve the multicriteria methods to assess social sustainability. Thus, integrated treatments are put forward to strengthen the social dimension in the sustainability assessment process. This study contributes the tools that support public entities responsible for land-use planning and the prioritization of infrastructures to strengthen the decision-making processes. / Hoy en día existe un consenso por el cual las consideraciones económicas, ambientales y sociales en el desarrollo de los países constituyen dimensiones necesarias para alcanzar la sostenibilidad. En el ámbito de la construcción se han impulsado agendas que promueven el desarrollo sostenible considerando el ciclo de vida de los proyectos. Sin embargo, se reconoce que la limitación fundamental de la sostenibilidad, es que tiende a centrarse en las consideraciones biofísicas y económicas del entorno construido; sin prestar la suficiente atención a los aspectos sociales. La no consideración temprana de los aspectos sociales afecta al desarrollo de la infraestructura en la sociedad a corto y largo plazo. Dado que los impactos sobre la sociedad son multidimensionales, una representación que evalúe los aspectos sociales también debe serlo. La valoración de los aspectos sociales y la calidad de vida superan los aspectos cuantitativos. En efecto, los resultados de una evaluación son igual de trascedentes que la legitimidad participativa de su proceso. En este sentido los métodos de toma de decisiones multicriterio constituyen una alternativa que representa de un modo óptimo la evaluación multidimensional y participativa de los aspectos sociales. Con todo, la sostenibilidad social en la evaluación de infraestructuras no ha sido adecuadamente tratada hasta este momento. A la vista de estos antecedentes, la dimensión social en la evaluación de las infraestructuras requiere una revisión y nuevos enfoques en la toma de decisión en las fases tempranas del desarrollo del proyecto. Todo ello conduce a plantear el objetivo general de la investigación de la siguiente forma: Evaluar la sostenibilidad social de las infraestructuras integrándola en la toma de decisiones. Este objetivo general se desglosa en diferentes objetivos específicos que buscan explorar las áreas de mejora en el tratamiento de la sostenibilidad social. A partir de este punto, se proponen metodologías para estimar la contribución a la sostenibilidad social a través de la evaluación multicriterio de infraestructuras. El alcance de la investigación se concentra en la evaluación de infraestructuras de ingeniería civil en las etapas de formulación, factibilidad y planificación; y la consideración de múltiples aspectos sociales. El documento presentado se compone por seis artículos complementarios (tres de ellos ya publicados y otros tres en proceso de revisión en revistas científicas). En general para el desarrollo de los objetivos de la investigación los estudios utilizan diferentes técnicas: panel de expertos Delphi, el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP), la teoría de la utilidad, sistemas estocásticos, métodos multiobjetivo y las técnicas de razonamiento Bayesiano. La investigación se ha aplicado a distintos contextos internacionales. La contextualización de los criterios sociales en el ciclo de vida se implementó en infraestructuras chilenas. Se aplicó un método de aprendizaje activo de la sostenibilidad en un curso de posgrado en España con estudiantes internacionales. Por su parte, dos métodos de estimación de la contribución social, a corto y largo plazo, en infraestructuras viarias se implementaron en El Salvador. A partir de los resultados de la investigación se han propuesto métodos para tratar la dimensión social en la evaluación multicriterio de infraestructuras civiles e integrarla en el proceso de toma de decisión. Las propuestas han surgido a partir de una exploración de las necesidades de mejora de los métodos multicriterio para evaluar la sostenibilidad social. De esta forma se proponen tratamientos integrados para fortalecer la dimensión social en el proceso de evaluación de la sostenibilidad. Esta investigación aporta las herramientas que respaldan a los organismos públicos encargados de la planificación territorial y de la priorización de infraestructuras para apoyar los procesos de t / Hui en dia hi ha un consens pel qual les consideracions econòmiques, ambientals i socials en el desenrrollament dels països constitueixen dimensions necessàries per a aconseguir la sostenibilitat. En l'àmbit de la construcció s'han impulsat agendes que promouen el desenvolupament sostenible considerant el seu cicle de vida. No obstant això, es reconeix que la limitació fonamental de la sostenibilitat, és que tendix a centrar-se en les consideracions biofísiques i econòmiques de l'entorn construït; sense prestar la suficient atenció als aspectes socials. La no consideració primerenca dels aspectes socials afecta el desenrollament de l'infraestructura a la societat a curt i llarg termini. Atès que els impactes sobre la societat són multidimensionals, una representació que evalue els aspectes socials també ha de ser-ho. La valoració dels aspectes socials i la qualitat de vida superen els aspectes quantitatius. En efecte, els resultats d'una evaluació són igual de transcendents que la legitimitat participativa del seu procés. En este sentit els mètodes de presa de decisions multicriteri constituïxen una alternativa que representa d'una manera òptima l'evaluació multidimensional i participativa dels aspectes socials. Amb tot, la sostenibilitat social en l'evaluació d'infraestructures no ha segut adequadament tractada fins ara. A la vista d'estos antecedents, la dimensió social en l'evaluació de les infraestructures requerix una revisió i plantejar nous enfocaments en la presa de decisió en les fases primerenques del desenrrollament del projecte. Tot això conduïx a plantejar l'objectiu general de la investigació de la següent manera: Evaluar la sostenibilitat social de les infraestructures integrant-la en la presa de decisions. Est objectiu general es desglossa en diferents objectius específics que busquen explorar les àrees de millora en el tractament de la sostenibilitat social. A partir d'est punt, es proposen metodologies per estimar la contribució a la sostenibilitat social a través de l'evaluació multicriteri d'infraestructures. L'abast de la investigació es concentra en l'evaluació d'infraestructures d'enginyeria civil en les etapes de formulació, factibilitat i planificació; i la consideració de múltiples aspectes socials. El document presentat es compon de sis articles complementaris (tres d'ells ja publicats i tres més en procés de revisió en revistes científiques). En general per al desenrrollament dels objectius de la investigació els estudis utilitzen diferents tècniques: panell d'experts Delphi, el Procés Analític Jeràrquic (AHP), la teoria de la utilitat, sistemes estocàstics, mètodes multiobjectiu i les tècniques de raonament Bayesià. L'investigació s'ha aplicat a diferents contextos internacionals. La contextualització dels criteris socials en el cicle de vida es va implementar en infraestructures xilenes. Es va aplicar un mètode d'aprenentatge actiu de la sostenibilitat en un curs de postgrau a Espanya amb estudiants internacionals. Per altra banda, es van implementar dos mètodes d'estimació de la contribució social, a curt i llarg terme, en infraestructures viàries a El Salvador. A partir dels resultats de la investigació s'han proposat mètodes per tractar la dimensió social en l'avaluació multicriteri d'infraestructures civils i integrar-la en el procés de presa de decisió. Les propostes han sorgit a partir d'una exploració de les necessitats de millora dels mètodes multicriteri per a evaluar la sostenibilitat social. D'esta manera es proposen tractaments integrats per a enfortir la dimensió social en el procés d'evaluació de la sostenibilitat. Esta investigació aporta les ferramentes que donen suport als organismes públics encarregats de la planificació territorial i de la priorització d'infraestructures per recolzar els processos de presa de decisió. / Sierra Varela, LA. (2017). EVALUACIÓN MULTICRITERIO DE LA SOSTENIBILIDAD SOCIAL PARA EL DESARROLLO DE INFRAESTRUCTURAS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/91849 / Compendio

Fair and Square? : Leading the Cultural and Creative Sectors towards Social Sustainability with the Fair Practice Code

Bank, Rikke, Dogan, Hande January 2024 (has links)
Art and culture are increasingly recognised as essential components of our societal development, enriching the quality of our lives through imagination, connection, and innovation, while supporting various aspects of well-being, including health and lifelong learning. However, the professionals in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) often experience precarious employment conditions, including contract instability and limited social security. Ensuring secure work environments is not just a matter of policy—it is a fundamental human right. Opening this dialogue in the CCS, the Fair Practice Code serves as a compass emerging with the potential to lead the future direction of these sectors, initiated in the Netherlands and currently being adapted to Denmark. Given the urgency in addressing the psychosocial challenges within the CCS, this thesis offers a timely contribution, bridging the research gap between sustainability leadership and fair practice. With this study we explore stakeholders’ perceptions of the Code and how sustainability leadership actualises it, consequently examining social sustainability within the CCS. To address the research questions, an exploratory research design is employed, including semi-structured interviews with primary stakeholders within the CCS in Denmark and with complementary insights from the Netherlands to facilitate the collection of data. The study found that stakeholders in the CCS perceive sustainability as a foundation for the Fair Practice Code, with the other four values - trust, transparency, solidarity, and diversity - embedded within. Based on our findings, we present a revised compass for steering social development and two sets of recommendations to practitioners within the CCS.

Social hållbarhet vid upphandling av bygg- och anläggningsentreprenader i medelstora kommuner / Social sustainability in the procurement of construction contracts in midsized municipalities

Samuelsson, Totte January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte: Utvecklingen inom bygg- och anläggningssektorn går emot att företag måste bidra positivt till samhället där de är verksamma för att få kontrakt på entreprenader inom offentlig upphandling, exempelvis genom att bidra till den sociala hållbarheten. Sverige är ett av flera länder i Europa som sticker ut med initiativet att främja och förbättra det samhällsutvecklande arbetet som företag gör. Social hållbarhet kan defi-nieras med orden; hälsa, utbildning, säkerhet, styrning, samhällsengagemang och lika förutsättningar. Målet med arbetet är att ge insyn och exempel på medelstora kommu-ners syn på social hållbarhet i upphandlingar av bygg- och anläggningsentreprenader. Metod: Litteraturstudier, dokumentanalyser och intervjuer har genomförts. Tillsam-mans utgör de en fallstudie av tre medelstora kommuner. Litteraturstudierna har ge-nomförts för att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk för arbetet. Dokumentanalyser av doku-ment från kommunerna har varit del av empiriinsamlingen. Intervjuer med företrädare för organisationer inom kommunerna som upphandlar bygg- och anläggningsentre-prenader har genomförts som en del av empiriinsamlingen. Resultat: Diskrepans rådde mellan intervjurespondenternas uppgifter angående socia-la krav i upphandlingar av bygg- och anläggningsentreprenader och kommunala poli-tiska beslut. Respondenterna ansåg i stort att politiska initiativ angående sociala krav i nämnda upphandlingar saknades. Politiska beslut och upprättade dokument påvisade att motsatsen skulle råda; kommunernas arbete med social hållbarhet var högst aktivt enligt politikerna. Konsekvenser: Intresset i frågan angående sociala krav i upphandlingar av bygg- och anläggningsentreprenader är påtagligt från såväl politiker som tjänstemän. En utökad kommunikation dem emellan är av stor vikt för arbetets utveckling. Begränsningar: Studien utfördes inom tre medelstora kommuner i före detta Skara-borgs län. Regional utveckling i frågan om social hållbarhet kan ha påverkat kommu-nerna i en gemensam riktning avskild från andra delar av landet. / Abstract Purpose: The current development in the construction sector is trending towards a required positive contribution to the society in which they're active in order to procure construction contracts in the public sector, for example by contributing to social sus-tainability. Sweden is one of several European countries that stand out in the initiative to further and improve the socially developing work done by companies. Social sus-tainability can be defined as follows: health, education, public safety, government, social engagement and equal opportunity. The aim of this work is to provide perspec-tive and examples of midsized municipalities' thoughts on social sustainability in pro-curement of construction contracts. Method: Literary studies, document analysis, and interviews have been conducted. Together, they embody a case study of three midsized municipalities. The literary studies were conducted in order to create a theoretical framework for the essay. Doc-ument analyses of documents from the municipalities have been a part in the empiri-cal acquisition process. Interviews with representatives from municipal organisations which procure construction contracts have been conducted as part of the empirical acquisition process. Findings: There was a discrepancy between the information provided by the inter-viewees regarding the social demands in the procurement of construction contracts and the political decisions made by the municipalities. The interviewees usually posit-ed that political demands in these procurements were thoroughly lacking or nonexist-ent. Political decisions and established documents showed the opposite; municipal work with social sustainability was very active according to the politicians. Implications: The interest in the question of social demands in the procurement of construction contracts is significant, both from politicians and white collar workers. An expanded communication between the two is of grave importance for the devel-opment in the sector. Limitations: This study was conducted in three midsized municipalities in what used to be the fief of Skaraborg. Regional development in the question of social sustaina-bility may have affected the municipalities in a collective direction without regards to the rest of the country.

Sustainable Food Consumption : Exploring Consumers' Perspectives

Velin, Johanna, Gustafsson, Pär, Torstensson, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore consumers’ descriptions of sustainable food consumption. The concept of sustainability can be difficult to grasp, but is often defined in terms of three pillars; environment, society and economy. Prior research of sustainable food consumption have often focused on one of the pillars rather than all of them together in relation to consumers understandings of sustainable food consumption. Notwithstanding, previous research have mentioned that in order to fully comprehend sustainability it is essential to take all of the three pillars into consideration. Therefore, this study acknowledged this gap, as it focused on the three pillars of sustainability as a base, and further connected the three pillars to the four food concepts; organic, Fairtrade, sustainable diets and waste, in order to fully understand consumers descriptions of sustainable food consumption. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach, and the data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a sample of students and employees at Linnaeus University in Sweden. The interviewees gave varied and interesting answers, which later were analyzed in comparison to the theory on the subject. With the answers from the interviews it was concluded that environmental and social sustainability were prioritized to economic sustainability among participants. As the participants’ descriptions of sustainable food consumption was varied, and all of the four concepts in relation to three pillars were analyzed, a framework was developed in order to clarify how the consumers describe sustainable food consumption. The study also presents a number of implications for further research as well as managerial implications.  Keywords Sustainable food consumption, consumers description, three pillars of sustainability, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, social sustainability, organic, Fairtrade, sustainable diets, vegetarian, locally produced, waste reduction, food waste

PMS PMDS Faser & uttryck : En informativ och konstnärlig booklet / PMS PMDD Phases & faces : An informative and artistic booklet

Ekström, Ellen January 2016 (has links)
Ett grafiskt designprojekt, en booklet med fokus på PMS och PMDS. Innehållet i bookleten är objektivt och subjektivt i form av information samt visualiseringar. Personer med PMS eller PMDS har kommit till uttryck genom sina berättelser och självporträtt. / A graphic design project, a booklet that focuses on PMS and PMDD. The content of the booklet is objective and subjective with information and visualizations. Persons with PMS or PMDD has manifested through their stories and self-portraits.

Områdesbaserad politik – möjligheter till strukturell förändring : Lokalt utvecklingsarbete i marginaliserade bostadsområden i Malmö / Area-based policy – opportunities for structural change : Local development work in marginalised neighbourhoods in Malmö

Karlsson, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
In 1995 the Swedish government launched the first area-based initiative Special initiatives in immigrant-dense neighbourhoods as a response to the current debate concerning the failings of the integration policy. The area-based policy and projects undertake the mission to reverse the trend in marginalized neighbourhoods in Sweden’s major cities from 1995 to 2014. The empirical material is from the projects Area-programs for a socially sustainable Malmö (2010-2015) and Lindängen towards the future (2012-2014), Malmö municipality. Adopting a social constructionist approach the study’s aim is to examine the projects’ assumptions concerning what – and who – should be changed and how.  Based on the policy´s claim to achieve structural change the study also examines if, and if so what, possibilities the projects have to create opportunities for structural change.   The study shows that the area-based projects cannot create opportunities for structural change but rather work to reduce the social consequences of structural deficiencies that are made visible through the reproduction of marginalised neighbourhoods. In the projects the social problem is constructed as consisting of four interrelated factors: long-term unemployment, foreign background, segregation and lack of social responsibility. The strategy is to mobilise public, private and civil sector actors so that they – despite society’s exclusion of people of foreign background in situations of long-term unemployment – take their social responsibility and make available resources to individual residents in order to prepare them for becoming active citizens. As they are not able to reduce poverty, promote inclusive political and economic processes or legitimate relationships between those in power and representatives of civil society with demands for changing conditions, their ability to create opportunities for structural change is found to be  limited. / 1995 implementeras det första områdesbaserade projektet Särskilda insatser i invandrartäta bostadsområden som svar på den pågående debatten rörande samhällsutvecklingen och den misslyckade integrationspolitiken. Den områdesbaserade politiken syftar till att vända utvecklingen i marginaliserade bostadsområden i Sveriges storstäder 1995-2014. Här studeras Malmö stads Områdesprogram för ett socialt hållbart Malmö (2010-2015) och Lindängen mot framtiden (2012-2014). Genom att anlägga en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats syftar studien till att undersöka föreställningar om vad - och vem - som bör förändras och hur. Med bakgrund i politikområdets anspråk om att uppnå strukturell förändring undersöker studien även om, och i så fall vilka, förutsättningar politikområdet och projekt i praktiken har att möjliggöra strukturell förändring.   Studien visar att de områdesbaserade projekten inte har möjlighet att verka strukturförändrande utan snarast arbetar för att minska de sociala konsekvenserna av strukturella brister som synliggörs genom reproduktionen av marginaliserade bostadsområden. Projekten konstruerar det sociala problemet som bestående av fyra interrelaterade faktorer: långvarig arbetslöshet, utländsk bakgrund, boendesegregation och bristande samhällsansvar. Deras strategi är att mobilisera offentliga, privata och civila sektorsaktörer för att de – trots samhällssystemets exkludering av människor med utländsk bakgrund i situationer av långvarig arbetslöshet – ska ta sitt samhällsansvar och tillgängliggöra resurser till enskilda invånare för att förbereda dem för att bli aktiva samhällsmedborgare. Projektens möjlighet att skapa strukturell förändring hindras av att de inte kan minska fattigdom, främja inkluderande politiska och ekonomiska processer, eller bidra till legitima relationer mellan makthavare och aktörer från det civila samhället med krav på förändrade villkor. / <p>QC 20161213</p>

Evaluating Social Sustainability in Plans for Inter-Cultural Cities

Gapas, Diane Faye 29 April 2013 (has links)
Recently, there is an increasing interest and awareness on sustainability and sustainable development. Sustainability is comprised of the three E’s: environment, economy and equity. Of these three, the equity or the social sustainability component is often overlooked. As cities become more global and demographically diverse due to immigration, diversity’s impact to the city should be addressed through policies and plans. The content analysis and evaluation of city plans, policies and urban design examines their response to accommodating and including inter-cultural diversity using identified indicators of social sustainability and equity. This study finds that the length of time a city has been a foreign-born population hub does not statistically impact its integration of social sustainability measures in its comprehensive and sustainability plans. It concludes with best practices of sample cities and discussion on how city and other jurisdictions’ plans can incorporate, address and measure immigrant and inter-cultural responsiveness through social sustainability and equity concerns.

Utformningen av socialt hållbara studentbostadsområden

Jergander, Sara, Felicia, Lindqvist January 2020 (has links)
Efterfrågan på studentbostäder blir större i universitets- och högskolestäder, där kombinationen av ett ökat intresse för högre studier och en långvarig bostadsbrist resulterat i att studenter stått bostadslösa vid kursstart. Resultatet har utmynnat i att studentbostadsområdens fysiska miljö nedprioriterats, trots dess påverkan på det psykiska välmåendet och den enskilde individens uppfattning av ett lärosäte eller en stad ifråga. Genom utformningen av studentbostadsområden med syftet att öka den sociala hållbarheten kan uppfattningen av bosättningen förbättras. Social hållbarhet utgör en av tre hållbarhetsdimensioner som syftar på det gemensamma målet gällande global hållbarhet. Social hållbarhet relaterar till de sociala aspekterna i samhället, där förhållandena som berör begreppet, på grund av sin komplexitet, har gjort att det många gånger exkluderats i praktiken. Inom konceptet social hållbarhet ingår flera aspekter, däribland socialt kapital, vilket syftar på individers olika sociala sammanhang och nätverk. Studien syftade till att beskriva hur ett socialt hållbart studentbostadsområde kan utformas genom målsättningen av strukturering kring kriterier och riktlinjer. Dessa kriterier och riktlinjer förväntades uppstå genom kombinationen mellan studenters preferenser kring ett studentbostadsområdes fysiska och sociala faktorer, samt litteratur kring ämnet. Genom 25 semistrukturerade intervjuer med studerande vid Högskolan i Gävle kunde respondenternas preferenser definieras. Detta med hjälp av frågor kring deras tidigare och nuvarande bostadsområden, samt deras åsikter och preferenser kring utformningen av ett studentbostadsområde generellt. För ytterligare förståelse av studenternas bostadssituationer genomfördes inventeringar av befintliga studentbostadsområden i Gävle. Studien utmynnade i 16 kriterier utifrån analysmodellens begrepp, som senare resulterade i 9 riktlinjer. Dessa riktlinjer applicerades sedan i en fysisk kontext med hjälp av ett gestaltningsförslag. Dock var denna gestaltning endast ett förslag kring riktlinjernas applicering. Diskussion kring huruvida riktlinjerna kan appliceras, ter sig bäst genom att applicera och utforma dessa utifrån en lokal kontext. Studiens slutsats utmynnade i att relationen mellan social hållbarhet och utformningen av studentbostadsområden kan beskrivas med hjälp av studiens analysmodell. Kriterierna och riktlinjerna presenterade i studien, resulterade i ett starkt socialt kapital inom studentbostadsområden, men ansågs vara bäst applicerbara inom en lokal kontext. Kriterier och riktlinjer kring ett socialt hållbart studentbostadsområde i relation till socialt kapital bör struktureras genom kombinationen av litteratur och preferenser hos de som utnyttjar den fysiska miljön ifråga. / The demand on student housing is growing in cities containing universities, where the combination of a growing interest in higher education and a prolonged shortage in housing has resulted in students being homeless by the time their studies has begun. The result of this has become a de-prioritization in the physical environment. Although, the design of these areas should be prioritized higher as it affects both mental well-being and the individual perception of the university and the city. By designing residential areas for students with the purpose of increasing the social sustainability, it is possible to improve the perception of these areas over all. Social sustainability form one of three dimensions of sustainability that aims for the common goal of global sustainability. Social sustainability relates to the social aspects in society. Conditions relating to social sustainability has, due to its complexity, often been excluded in practice. Within the concept of social sustainability are many aspects, among which social capital is included, which refers to different social contexts and social networks. The aim of the study was to describe how socially sustainable residential areas for students could be designed through the objective of structuring criterias and guidelines. These criterias and guidelines was expected to be formed by the combination of preferences amongst students, regarding physical and social factors in residential areas for students, and literature concerning the subject. Through 25 semi-structured interviews with students at the University of Gävle, the preferences amongst the respondents could be defined, by asking them about their preferences, previous and current residential areas. As well as their general opinions regarding the design of a residential area for students. For further understanding of residential areas for students, an inventory was made in similar existing areas in Gävle. The study resulted in 16 criterias based on the concepts within the analysis model, that later resulted in 9 guidelines. These guidelines were applied in a physical context by creating a design proposal. This design was only a proposal concerning the application of the guidelines. A discussion regarding the application of the guidelines, is in itself best applied and created through a local context. The conclusion was that the relationship between social sustainability and the design of residential areas for students, could be described by using the analysis model in the study. The criterias and guidelines presented in the study, resulted in strong social capital within the residential areas for students. Although they are best applied in local context. These are best structured by combining literature and preferences amongst those using the physical environment in question.

Investigating Reflections on Social Sustainability: The Case of EU-Funded Projects in Remote Northern Communities

Raaby, Erika January 2019 (has links)
There has been a general population decline in the European Arctic and northern periphery, with out-migration being one of the main drivers. The population is ageing and less able to contribute to the economic welfare. The EU has implemented a series of projects in the region in an attempt to remedy the out-migration and make the regions attractive for further investments and development. The study investigates how actors within a number of EU-funded projects perceived local social sustainability, in their communities and within their projects. It aims to gain a better understanding of what social sustainability means in northern contexts, and how EU-funded projects could improve social sustainability. Using coding inspired by the Arctic Social Indicators, the study mapped perceptions and reflections through conducting a series of interviews with actors attached to EU projects. The results show that a majority of projects potentially have had a higher impact on social sustainability than the actors reflected upon, such as the impact on cultural wellbeing that comes from improving local slow tourism, focussing on local traditions and heritage. The study also finds that transnational cooperation is perceived to be beneficial for socially sustainable outcomes with benefits including knowledge transfer and business cooperation. Transnational cooperation, however, comes with challenges such as communication issues due to language barriers, and policy difficulties when working across borders. Overall the study concludes that the EU projects are perceived to have positive outcomes on the social sustainability in northern communities. Not only did the actors perceive these EU-funded projects to be important for monetary development, but also in creating invaluable bonds between partners.

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