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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique

Bourassa, Isabelle 11 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à apporter un éclairage sur les facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique. De manière spécifique, elle poursuit trois principaux objectifs. Premièrement, nous cherchons à définir la notion de dialogue social et les termes qui y sont généralement associés tels que la concertation, la consultation, le tripartisme, le partenariat, la négociation collective, etc. Deuxièmement, nous faisons le point sur l’État du dialogue social au Québec, notamment en décrivant son évolution historique, les acteurs impliqués, les objets abordés et les instances de dialogue. Certaines comparaisons entre la culture québécoise de concertation et celles caractérisant d’autres cultures (Canada, États-Unis, Europe) sont par ailleurs présentées. De plus, ce tour d’horizon des différents lieux de dialogue social permettra de mieux saisir les composantes de la concertation en lien avec le développement économique, plus particulièrement, sur les façons de planifier le développement économique d’une manière socialement responsable (Papadakis, 2010). Troisièmement, une analyse empirique des facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique est effectuée. Pour atteindre les objectifs et répondre à notre question de recherche, nous articulons cette recherche en deux phases. Dans un premier temps, une cartographie des instances de dialogue social au Québec et la collecte de données auprès d’instances québécoises sont établies. Cette première phase permet également d’identifier quels sont les facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique généralement reconnus au sein de la littérature. Afin de mieux saisir ces facteurs et par conséquent, bonifier le modèle d’analyse, l’étude s’appuie sur une série d’entretiens exploratoires réalisés au Québec, mais aussi en France où la culture de dialogue social économique semble plus développée. Ce mouvement itératif entre la littérature et les entretiens exploratoires effectués permet de construire un modèle d’analyse des facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique. Dans un second temps, ce modèle d’analyse est testé en se concentrant sur deux organismes de concertation économique au Québec. Au sein de ces organismes ont été rencontrés des acteurs syndicaux, patronaux et gouvernementaux. L’entretien a été retenu comme la méthode de collecte de données utilisée auprès des individus (Gavard-Perret, Gotteland, Haon et Jolibert, 2008) et plus spécifiquement, des entretiens semi-directifs auprès des répondants afin de leur laisser la liberté de s’exprimer de façon plus large sur les questions et possiblement apporter de nouveaux éléments pouvant enrichir le modèle. La méthode de l’appariement logique sert à analyser les réponses aux questionnaires d’entrevues (Yin, 1994) et à les comparer aux propositions de recherche. Au plan théorique, l’apport des théories néo-institutionnalistes permet d’approfondir nos constats en lien avec la naissance et le développement des institutions de dialogue social. L’analyse de nos résultats nous permet de vérifier la théorie sur la création des institutions qui se veut la prise de conscience d’une problématique par les acteurs qui perçoivent leur implication au sein des institutions comme une façon de résoudre cette situation. Nous vérifions également la notion d’acteur dominant via le double rôle de l’acteur gouvernemental comme participant et comme donneur d’argent. Finalement, notre recherche a permis de confirmer notre modèle d’analyse tout en le raffinant par l’ajout de nouveaux facteurs déterminants de la concertation économique. Les entrevues que nous avons réalisées nous ont permis d’apporter des nuances et de préciser la portée des facteurs déterminants tirés de la littérature. Notre analyse confirme trois de nos propositions de recherche telle que formulées et deux autres le sont que partiellement. Nos constats confirment en effet que la volonté réelle des parties à travailler ensemble, la présence d’intérêts communs et la participation de l’État sont tous des facteurs qui ont un impact positif sur la concertation économique. La question de la confiance est nécessaire pour la poursuite de la concertation. En appui aux travaux antérieurs sur la question, nous avons observé que la confiance entre les acteurs influence positivement le déroulement de la concertation économique. Nous avons toutefois constaté qu’un certain niveau de méfiance réside entre les acteurs qui participent à ce processus, ces derniers représentant des organisations distinctes qui ont leurs intérêts propres. Pour permettre la concertation entre acteurs, le niveau de confiance doit être plus élevé que le niveau de méfiance. Nos observations nous ont aussi permis d’établir des liens entre la présence des facteurs déterminants et l’atteinte de résultats par la concertation, mais nous ne pouvons pas déterminer leur importance relative: nous ne pouvons donc pas prétendre qu’un plus grand nombre de facteurs réunis va assurer la réussite du processus de concertation ou s’il s’agit plutôt de la présence de certains facteurs qui auraient plus d’impact sur les résultats. Notre recherche fournit un apport important à la littérature sur la concertation puisqu’elle a permis de cerner de nouveaux facteurs déterminants à la réussite de ce processus. Les entretiens réalisés ont montré que le « contrôle des égos » des acteurs de la concertation et la mise en place de mécanismes permettant une intégration réussie des nouveaux participants au processus constituent des facteurs à ne pas négliger. De plus, notre recherche a permis de raffiner notre modèle conceptuel puisque nous avons été en mesure de cerner différents sous-facteurs qui permettent d’approfondir l’analyse des facteurs déterminants de la concertation. Notre recherche comporte toutefois certaines limites puisque les institutions comparées présentent des différences importantes en termes de culture et le nombre restreint d’organisme étudié limite grandement la généralisation des résultats. / This research aims to shed light on the determining factors of economic concertation. Specifically, it pursues three main goals. First, we define the notion of social dialogue and associated terms such as concertation, consultation, tripartism, partnership and collective bargaining. Second, we review the state of social dialogue in Quebec, describing its historical evolution, the actors involved, the themes addressed and the existing forums for dialogue. Some comparisons are also made between the culture of concertation in Quebec and elsewhere (Canada, United States, Europe). In addition, this overview of the different forums for social dialogue provides a better understanding of concertation related to economic development, in particular with regard to planning economic development in a socially responsible way (Papadakis, 2010). Third and lastly, we present an empirical analysis of the determining factors of economic development. This research was conducted in two stages. First, we mapped the existing forums for social dialogue in Québec and collected data from them. This first stage also allowed us to identify the determining factors of concertation generally referred to in the literature. To better understand these factors and improve our analytical model, exploratory interviews were conducted with actors of social dialogue in Quebec and France concerning their involvement in this process. These combined actions allowed us to create an analytical model of the determining factors of economic concertation. During the second stage, we studied two concertation organizations in Québec. Within these organizations, we met union, employer and government actors. Interviews were used as our method of data collection (Gavard-Perret, Gotteland, Haon & Jolibert, 2008), particularly semi-structured interviews with the actors. This type of interview allows the respondents to answer the questions more fully and possibly bring new elements to the model. The method of matching logic was used to analyze their answers (Yin, 1994) and compare them to our research proposals. On a theoretical level, neo-institutionalist theories enriched our observations regarding the creation and development of institutions of social dialogue. The analysis of our results confirmed the theory regarding the creation of these institutions, that is, that actors identify a problem and perceive their involvement as a way to solve it. Our analysis also confirmed the notion of the dominant actor and the dual role of the government actor. Lastly, our research confirmed our analytical model and revealed new factors. The interviews brought out nuances and precisions concerning the determining factors found in the literature. Our analysis confirmed three of our proposals and partially confirmed two others. More specifically, it confirmed the real intention of the parties to work together, the presence of common interests and the participation of the state. It revealed that trust is a necessary element of concertation. In support of previous work, we observed that trust between the actors has a positive influence on economic concertation. However, we observed a certain level of distrust between the actors given their role as representatives of organizations with differing interests. In order for concertation to proceed, the level of trust must be higher than the level of distrust. Our observations also brought out links between the presence of some determining factors and the results achieved through concertation, but it was impossible to determine their relative importance. Therefore, it is not possible to assert that the presence of several determining factors will have a greater impact on the results of the concertation process. Our research makes an important contribution to the literature by bringing out new determining factors of concertation. Our interviews showed that “ego control” on the part of the actors involved and the establishment of mechanisms for integrating new actors are important factors. Our research improved our model by identifying some sub-factors that enriched our study of the determining factors of concertation. However, the limited number of organizations studied and the significant cultural differences between them limit the generalizability of our results.

Partenariat social et droit des conventions et accords collectifs de travail en droit Russe : analyse critique et comparée à la lumière du droit du travail français

Zavyalova-Delhomme, Vera 17 May 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche propose une analyse critique, à la lumière du droit français, de la négociation collective et, plus largement du partenariat social en Russie. Seront présentés tous les aspects du droit de la négociation collective dans une perspective comparative : la nature juridique de l'accord collectif et de la convention collective, leur place dans la hiérarchie des normes, les acteurs du partenariat social (syndicats, organisations patronales, Etat). Sont également examinés les principes applicables à la procédure de négociation collective. Dans ce cadre, est étudiée l'effectivité de la norme collective négociée à travers son évolution dans le temps et le contrôle de son application par les parties et le juge. Cette recherche fait ressortir les défectuosités du droit russe. La qualité de source du droit n'a été reconnue à la norme collective négociée que récemment. Sa nature juridique et sa place dans la hiérarchie des normes restent ambiguës. Les acteurs de la négociation collective n'ont découvert ce procédé démocratique qu'après la chute de l'URSS. La faiblesse des acteurs rejaillit sur le contrôle de la norme collective négociée, imparfait à ce stade. Le manque d'indépendance et d'efficience de la justice sociale russe est un autre obstacle à l'effectivité de ce contrôle. La doctrine russe reste encore marquée par le dogme de l'autorité de l'acte de gouvernement hérité de l'époque soviétique. Pour mettre en lumière ces défectuosités du droit contemporain, l'histoire du droit français et du droit russe sont convoquées pour comprendre les dynamiques évolutives qui parfois ont été mises en perspective avec des recherches sociologiques et des données économiques. / This study proposes a critical analysis of collective bargaining, and, more generally, of the development of social partnership in post-Soviet Russia, from the perspective of French law. All aspects of collective bargaining are presented comparatively, including the legal nature of the collective agreement, its place in the hierarchy of norms, the actors of the social dialog such as trade unions, employers' unions, the Federal State or the subjects of the Russian Federation. The principles of collective bargaining procedure are also examined. Within this framework, the effectiveness of the negotiated social norm, as well as the control of its application by the parties involved and the court are presented in their evolutionary development. The study identifies multiple imperfections in Russian law where the negotiated social norm was only recently recognized as a source of law. Its legal nature and its place in the hierarchy of norms remain uncertain. The actors of collective bargaining have discovered this democratic procedure only after the Soviet Union's collapse. However, the actors' limited access to power impacts the control of the social norm. This control is thus flawed. Relative inefficiency of social justice in Russia is an important impediment to the effectiveness of this control. Russian researches are still being marked by the dogma of the authority of the governmental norm inherited from the Soviet period. In order to demonstrate these shortcomings of the present day Russian law in their dynamic the historical overview of the French and Russian systems of law is included, sometimes sociological research and economic data are used to support the argument.

La protection négociée des droits sociaux fondamentaux des travailleurs : contribution à l'étude des accords d'entreprise transnationaux / The negotiated protection of the fundamental social rights : contribution to the study of transnational company agreements

Frapard, Mathilde 30 September 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte de globalisation de l'économie, de nouveaux procédés d'autorégulation ont suscité l'intérêt des acteurs privés. Initiées par les entreprises transnationales, ces régulations volontaires visent notamment à encadrer les relations de travail et à offrir une protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux aux travailleurs des filiales. Parmi ces initiatives, l'une a émergé à la fin des années 1980 : l'accord d'entreprise transnational. Ainsi, la protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux ne relève plus uniquement de la responsabilité des États mais se révèle davantage comme appartenant à la « responsabilité sociale » des entreprises via la négociation transnationale d'entreprise. L'absence de toute règle spécifique relative à une telle négociation laisse cependant en suspens certains problèmes juridiques. Répondre à ces incertitudes juridiques nécessite de clarifier des concepts et de mesurer l'effectivité des accords dans la concrétisation des droits sociaux fondamentaux. / In a context of economic globalization, new self-regulation processes have attracted the interest of private actors. lnitiated by transnational companies, these voluntary regulations aim in particular to regulate labour relations and to provide protection of fundamental social rights for workers within subsidiaries. Among these initiatives, one emerged in the late 1980s : the transnational company agreement. Thus, the protection of fundamental social rights is no longer the exclusive concern of States (responsibility), but appears more as belonging to the "social responsibility" of companies via the transnational company bargaining. However, the lack of any specific rules regarding such negotiations leaves some legal problems open. The legal uncertainties related to the transnational company agreements require the clarification of legal concepts and the assessment of the effectiveness of the agreements in the realization of fundamental social rights within transnational companies.

A gênese do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul e a esfera pública institucionalizada

Daneris, Marcelo Tuerlinckx January 2012 (has links)
O presente artigo tem como objeto o Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul – CDES RS – e a representação da sociedade civil na sua composição, particularmente, o processo de escolha dos conselheiros. O estudo analisa as condições políticas, sociais e históricas para formação do Conselho de Desenvolvimento e as possibilidades dessa nova experiência de diálogo e concertação social através de um espaço público institucional. Estabelece ainda uma análise do processo de escolha dos conselheiros para formação do CDES RS em relação ao debate sobre a institucionalização da sociedade civil em processos de democratização, controle social e transparência da gestão pública. Entre os aspectos trabalhados destacam-se os esforços de concertação político-social que foram realizados por parte da sociedade gaúcha e de diferentes governos estaduais ao longo do tempo, especialmente, a partir da segunda metade do século XX; os processos de organização institucional de espaços públicos e de integração entre Estado e sociedade civil. / This article has as its object the Council of Economic and Social Development in Rio Grande do Sul - RS CDES - and the representation of civil society in its composition, particularly the process of choosing advisors. The study analyzes the political, social and historical formation of the Council for Development and the possibilities of this new experience of social dialogue and consensus through a public institution. It also establishes a process analysis of choice of advisors for the formation of RS CDES regarding the debate on the institutionalization of civil society in democratization processes, social control and transparency in public management. Among the issues worked out the efforts of political and social agreement has been made by the gaucho society and different state governments over time, especially from the second half of the twentieth century, the processes of institutional spaces public and integration between state and civil society.

Kolektyvinis tarnautojų teisių ir interesų gynimas valstybės tarnyboje / Collective defence of civil servants' rights and interests in civil service

Čereškienė, Sandra 25 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe teoriniu ir praktiniu aspektu analizuojamas kolektyvinis tarnautojų teisių ir interesų gynimas valstybės tarnyboje. Tyrimo pradžioje apibrėžiama valstybės tarnautojo samprata bei jų rūšys, kurios bendriausia prasme lemia kolektyvinio atstovavimo teisių apimtį bei joms taikomus apribojimus. Detaliai aptariama valstybės tarnautojų teisė jungtis į organizacijas kaip būtina kolektyvinio atstovavimo prielaida bei teisės jungtis į organizacijas teisinio reguliavimo ypatumai, įtvirtinti tarptautiniu bei nacionaliniu lygiu. Analizuojant valstybės tarnautojų teisę jungtis į organizacijas, atskirai išskiriami statutiniai ir krašto apsaugos sistemoje tarnaujantys valstybės tarnautojai. Darbe analizuojami socialinės partnerystės kaip efektyvios interesų derinimo priemonės įgyvendinimo valstybės tarnyboje ypatumai, atskirai aptariant socialinės partnerystės įgyvendinimo formas valstybės tarnyboje. Tiriamos socialinio dialogo plėtojimo valstybės tarnyboje pielaidos bei pabrėžiamas informavimo ir konsultavimo procedūrų įgyvendinimo valstybės tarnyboje būtinumas, siekiant tinkamo ir efektyvaus valstybės tarnautojų teisių ir interesų gynimo. Aptariamos kolektyvinių derybų dėl kolektyvinių sutarčių sudarymo valstybės tarnyboje problemos ir tendencijos. Apžvelgiami kolektyvinių darbo ginčų, kilusių valstybės tarnyboje, sprendimo metodai bei pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl pozityviųjų metodų plėtojimo, sprendžiant kolektyvinius darbo ginčus valstybės tarnyboje. / This master paper presents the analysis of the collective defence of civil servants’ rights and interests in the civil service in theory and in practice. The concept of a civil servant and its kinds are defined at the beginning of the research that in the most common meaning determine the scope of the collective advocacy rights as well as the restrictions applied to them. The right of civil servants to join the organisations which is viewed as a necessary presumption of collective bargaining is discussed in great detail. Moreover, the peculiarities of legal regulations of the right to join the organisations are pointed out at national and international levels. The distinctive features of social partnerships as an implementation of effective means of interest adjustment in the civil service are analysed in this study whereas the forms of social partnership implementation are discussed separately. The presumptions of the development of a social dialogue in the civil service are discussed while highlighting the necessity of the implementation of information and consultation procedures in the civil service with the view to appropriate and efficient advocacy of the civil servant rights and interests. The problems and tendencies of collective bargaining regarding the conclusion of collective agreements in the civil service are also set out and discussed. Collective work disagreements that arose in the civil service are viewed and the resolution methods as well as proposed... [to full text]

Diagnóstico social: um instrumento de pesquisa sobre populações e territórios

Siqueira, Renata Oliveira de 19 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Oliveira de Siqueira (siqueira.renataa@gmail.com) on 2017-01-15T15:10:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Renata Siqueira_19_09_2016.pdf: 4384855 bytes, checksum: 870b8380d293a6c9f5d6a9b69c57bb5b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafael Aguiar (rafael.aguiar@fgv.br) on 2017-01-30T15:53:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Renata Siqueira_19_09_2016.pdf: 4384855 bytes, checksum: 870b8380d293a6c9f5d6a9b69c57bb5b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-02T18:36:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Renata Siqueira_19_09_2016.pdf: 4384855 bytes, checksum: 870b8380d293a6c9f5d6a9b69c57bb5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-19 / This paper presents an analysis of the way the third sector and non-governmental organizations - NGOs have been dialoguing with the public and the territory they serve, especially under the focus tool social diagnosis, instrument technically addresses social issues and causalities to the phenomena observed in the localities. Therefore, it is carried out a literature review on the tool and the Third institutionalized context Sector and NGOs and a picture of the realization of the Social Diagnosis by Instituto Bola Pra Frente 2016. / A presente dissertação apresenta uma análise sobre a forma com que o Terceiro Setor e as Organizações Não Governamentais – ONGs vêm dialogando com o público e com o território que atendem, principalmente sob o enfoque da ferramenta diagnóstico social, instrumento que aborda tecnicamente as questões sociais e as causalidades dos fenômenos observados nas localidades. Para tanto, é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a ferramenta e o contexto de institucionalização do Terceiro Setor e das ONGs, além do retrato da realização do Diagnóstico Social pelo Instituto Bola Pra Frente em 2016.

A gênese do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul e a esfera pública institucionalizada

Daneris, Marcelo Tuerlinckx January 2012 (has links)
O presente artigo tem como objeto o Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul – CDES RS – e a representação da sociedade civil na sua composição, particularmente, o processo de escolha dos conselheiros. O estudo analisa as condições políticas, sociais e históricas para formação do Conselho de Desenvolvimento e as possibilidades dessa nova experiência de diálogo e concertação social através de um espaço público institucional. Estabelece ainda uma análise do processo de escolha dos conselheiros para formação do CDES RS em relação ao debate sobre a institucionalização da sociedade civil em processos de democratização, controle social e transparência da gestão pública. Entre os aspectos trabalhados destacam-se os esforços de concertação político-social que foram realizados por parte da sociedade gaúcha e de diferentes governos estaduais ao longo do tempo, especialmente, a partir da segunda metade do século XX; os processos de organização institucional de espaços públicos e de integração entre Estado e sociedade civil. / This article has as its object the Council of Economic and Social Development in Rio Grande do Sul - RS CDES - and the representation of civil society in its composition, particularly the process of choosing advisors. The study analyzes the political, social and historical formation of the Council for Development and the possibilities of this new experience of social dialogue and consensus through a public institution. It also establishes a process analysis of choice of advisors for the formation of RS CDES regarding the debate on the institutionalization of civil society in democratization processes, social control and transparency in public management. Among the issues worked out the efforts of political and social agreement has been made by the gaucho society and different state governments over time, especially from the second half of the twentieth century, the processes of institutional spaces public and integration between state and civil society.

A gênese do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul e a esfera pública institucionalizada

Daneris, Marcelo Tuerlinckx January 2012 (has links)
O presente artigo tem como objeto o Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social do Rio Grande do Sul – CDES RS – e a representação da sociedade civil na sua composição, particularmente, o processo de escolha dos conselheiros. O estudo analisa as condições políticas, sociais e históricas para formação do Conselho de Desenvolvimento e as possibilidades dessa nova experiência de diálogo e concertação social através de um espaço público institucional. Estabelece ainda uma análise do processo de escolha dos conselheiros para formação do CDES RS em relação ao debate sobre a institucionalização da sociedade civil em processos de democratização, controle social e transparência da gestão pública. Entre os aspectos trabalhados destacam-se os esforços de concertação político-social que foram realizados por parte da sociedade gaúcha e de diferentes governos estaduais ao longo do tempo, especialmente, a partir da segunda metade do século XX; os processos de organização institucional de espaços públicos e de integração entre Estado e sociedade civil. / This article has as its object the Council of Economic and Social Development in Rio Grande do Sul - RS CDES - and the representation of civil society in its composition, particularly the process of choosing advisors. The study analyzes the political, social and historical formation of the Council for Development and the possibilities of this new experience of social dialogue and consensus through a public institution. It also establishes a process analysis of choice of advisors for the formation of RS CDES regarding the debate on the institutionalization of civil society in democratization processes, social control and transparency in public management. Among the issues worked out the efforts of political and social agreement has been made by the gaucho society and different state governments over time, especially from the second half of the twentieth century, the processes of institutional spaces public and integration between state and civil society.

Role odborů jako reprezentantů pracujících občanů v České republice a v Německu / Role of trade unions as representatives of working citizens in Czech Republic and Germany

Bukaiová, Paulína January 2020 (has links)
My thesis studies the role of trade unions as representatives of workers in Czech Republic and Germany. The aim of this thesis is presentation of representation of collective and individual interests of workers on various levels - from national to corporate level. My thesis presents position of trade unions towards state and employers too. In the last chapter the thesis deals with social issues and challenges, that trade unions deal with as well. In conclusion the thesis offers a comparison of the role of trade unions at mentioned levels of representation in Czech Republic and Germany.

Garantir un réel accès à la justice efficace aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes : obstacles systémiques et conceptualisation du droit - perspectives canadiennes et internationales

Dumont Robillard, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
Malgré une demande croissante dans le secteur du travail domestique et un poids économique mondial considérable, les travailleuses domestiques migrantes demeurent parmi les plus précaires et les plus exploitées de la planète. Invisibles, isolées et travaillant pour des particuliers dans des résidences privées, elles échappent aux catégories traditionnelles d’emploi. Ces travailleuses se retrouvent alors à évoluer en marge du cadre légal ou encore, elles peinent à faire appliquer correctement les lois conçues pour les protéger. Ce mémoire cherche donc à analyser les manières d’envisager le droit afin de garantir un réel accès à la justice pour les travailleuses domestiques migrantes. En abordant d’abord les obstacles systémiques qui font échec à la réglementation du secteur domestique à travers le monde, cette recherche démontre une inadéquation du droit traditionnel à la réalité des travailleuses par l’analyse des effets de la réglementation canadienne qui leur est applicable. À la lumière de la récente Convention concernant le travail décent pour les travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques, ce mémoire démontre qu’une conceptualisation du droit basée sur le pluralisme juridique fournit des alternatives aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes pour accéder à la justice. Ultimement, l’empowerment de ces travailleuses par leur inclusion dans le dialogue social couplé à une réglementation adaptée à leur réalité permettra d’assurer une protection efficace de leurs droits. / In spite of an ever increasing demand in the domestic work sector and a considerable worldwide economic weight, migrant domestic workers are among the most precarious and exploited globally. Invisible, isolated and working for individuals in private residences, they fall outside the traditional work categorizations. Therefore, these women find themselves operating in margin of the legal system or, when they are protected by laws, they struggle to have those laws applied efficiently. This research will try to analyze the different ways we can consider law in order to guarantee a real and efficient access to justice to migrant domestic workers. After addressing the systemic obstacles to domestic work regulation worldwide, this research explores the inconsistency between traditional law and the reality of migrant domestic workers by analyzing the effects of the applicable Canadian regulation. In light of the recent Convention concerning decent work for domestic workers, this essay shows that a conceptualization of law based on legal pluralism offers domestic workers an alternative access to justice. Ultimately, including these workers in the social dialogue and implementing specific regulation adapted to their reality will provide them with an empowerment that will insure an effective protection of their rights.

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