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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing Sharing Platforms : A study of the Hoffice coworking network / Design av delningsplattformar : En studie om Hoffice nätverket

Lundin, Emma January 2016 (has links)
The sharing economy, or collaborative consumption, refers to peer-to-peer sharing of goods and services coordinated through a commercialized or community-based online platform. Collaborative consumption platforms are used for sharing of our under-used assets, e.g. our homes, tools, and vehicles, and can bring social communities together. Through sharing we use our resources more effectively, and contribute towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Hoffice was started in 2013 in Stockholm and promotes the concept of working for free in the homes of others, and is getting a lot of attention around the world. This nonprofit network helps people arrange home offices, where hosts share their residence with people who, through Facebook, can reserve a seat for the day. The purpose of these work events is to create free workspaces, with the possibilities for social, structured and disciplined environments, while allowing individuals to benefit from the support and intelligence of others. This research aims to study the hosts in the Hoffice network, to find ways to explain the key driving values, as well as barriers, and apply it to a tailored platform in order to motivate more people to host work events. The central research question is furthermore How could well adapted social platforms increase motivation for people to engage in the collaborative consumption as exemplified by Hoffice? Six semi-structured interviews with past host from year 2014-2015 were conducted to gain qualitative answers about how an online platform can be developed in order to motivate Hoffice members to become hosts. The questions were divided into three different sections; Background, About Hoffice, and Online platform. Observations were performed with a purpose of understanding the structure of a Hoffice event, and to gain a better understanding of the users needs and behaviors. After a first version of a prototype was developed, evaluations and user tests were completed with the interviewees and the founder of Hoffice. Results show that communication, offline and online, is important when people engage in collaborative consumptions, and Facebook has a great impact on people when communicating and spreading information. Although Facebook has some weaknesses when it comes to planning and inviting people to events due to their restrictions and functionalities. Also, when using Facebook for a sharing service, the users are forced to have a Facebook account to partake. All services that involve sharing should consider and support geographical location features. Moreover, to show appreciation is important. People find motivation from feeling liked and appreciated, and want to feel that their contribution is making a positive impact on other people's lives. Finally, it is important to have clear rules and guidelines for monitoring member’s behavior, otherwise uncertainties and dissatisfaction will occur. / Delande ekonomin, eller gemensam konsumtion, hänvisar till peer-to-peer-delning av varor och tjänster som samordnas genom en kommersialiserad eller samhällsbaserad online-plattform. Plattformar för gemensam konsumtion används för delning av våra underutnyttjade tillgångar, t.ex. våra hem, verktyg och fordon, och kan skapa sociala gemenskaper. Genom att dela använder vi våra resurser mer effektivt och bidrar till en mer hållbar livsstil. Hoffice startades 2013 i Stockholm och främjar gratis arbetsplatser i hemmen, och har fått stor uppmärksamhet runt om i världen. Detta ideella nätverk hjälper människor anordna hemmakontor, där värdar delar deras bostad med människor, som genom Facebook kan reservera en plats för dagen. Syftet är att skapa gratis arbetsytor, med möjligheter för sociala, strukturella och disciplinerade miljöer, samtidigt som individer drar nytta av stöd och intelligens från andra. Denna forsknings syfte är att studera värdarna i Hoffice nätverket, för att hitta sätt att förklara de viktigaste drivkrafterna, liksom hinder, och tillämpa det på en skräddarsydd plattform för att motivera fler människor att vara värd. Den centrala frågeställningen är dessutom, Hur kan välanpassade sociala plattformar öka motivationen för människor att engagera sig i kollaborativ konsumtion som exemplifieras av Hoffice? Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med tidigare värdar från år 2014-2015 genomfördes för att få kvalitativa svar om hur en plattform online kan utvecklas för att motivera Hoffice medlemmar att bli värdar. Frågorna delades in i tre olika sektioner; Bakgrund, Om Hoffice, och Online-plattform. Observationer utfördes med ett syfte att förstå strukturen hos en Hoffice-arbetsdag, och för att få en bättre förståelse av användarnas behov och beteenden. Efter att en första version av en prototyp tagits fram utfördes utvärderingar och användartester. Resultaten visar att kommunikation, både offline och online, är viktigt när människor engagerar sig i kollaborativ konsumtion, och Facebook har en stor inverkan på människor vid kommunikation och spridning av information. Facebook har dock vissa brister när det gäller att planera och bjuda in folk till evenemang på grund av sina begränsningar och funktioner. När man använder Facebook för en delningstjänst tvingas användarna även ha ett Facebook-konto för att delta. Alla tjänster som innebär att dela bör överväga och stödja geografiska platsfunktioner. Dessutom, att visa uppskattning är viktig. Folk motiveras av känslan från uppskattning, och vill känna att deras bidrag gör en positiv inverkan på andra människors liv eller situation. Slutligen är det viktigt att ha tydliga regler och riktlinjer för övervakning av medlemmars beteenden, annars kommer osäkerhet och missnöje att inträffa.

Does hierarchy rank predict social network structure in captive chimpanzees? : A social network analysis

Heurlin, Jasmine January 2022 (has links)
One important part of the management of zoo populations is the exchange of animals. The removal of an individual can have unknown effects on the social dynamics of the group. Social network studies are a well-established method to describe the social interactions within a group. This study aims to describe the social interactions in a group of chimpanzees and to test how social dominance rank predicts social interaction patters using a social network approach. Data was collected via observations on Kolmarden Wildlife Parks chimpanzee group, which is composed of seven males and eleven females. A total of 50 h of data was collected over 16 days. This resulted in a dominance rank and four different social networks for different behaviors (touch proximity, proximity, affiliative and agonistic behavior). The eigenvector coefficient, with the notable exception of the proximity network, was rarely correlated with the dominance rank and the highest ranked individual was never the most central. The more dominate individuals had fewer links to others through proximity and affiliative interactions. My analysis of the social network structure provides some evidence that the removal of high-ranking individuals would be unlikely to disproportionally affect the structure of the social network in this group. I highlight the possibility of further analysis such as knock-out analysis (where you examine the consequences of the removal of specific individuals) on existing data and argue that more observations would help to draw up a well-structured plan for translocations of individuals in this group. / En viktig del i förvaltningen av djurparkspopulationer är utbytet av djur. Att flytta en individ från en grupp kan ha okända effekter på gruppens sociala dynamik. Studier av djurs sociala nätverk är en väletablerad metod för att beskriva sociala interaktioner inom en grupp av djur. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva de sociala interaktionerna i en grupp av schimpanser och testa huruvida en ranking av dominans förutspår mönster i dessa sociala interaktioner genom att tillämpa ’social network analysis’ metoden. Observationsdata samlades in på Kolmårdens djurparks schimpansgrupp, som består av sju hanar och elva honor. Totalt samlades 50 timmar av data under 16 dagar. Detta resulterade i en dominansrankning och fyra olika nätverk för olika typer av sociala interaktioner (närhet med beröring, närhet, affiliativa och agnostiska beteenden). Egienvector koefficienten, med det anmärkningsvärda undantaget för närhets nätverket, var sällan korrelerat med dominansrankningen och den högst rankade individen var aldrig mest central. Mer dominanta individer hade färre länkar till andra genom närhet med beröring och affiliativa interaktioner. Mina analyser av de sociala nätverkens struktur ger vissa bevis för att borttagandet av högt rankade individer inte skulle ge oproportionerliga effekter på den sociala strukturen i denna grupp. Jag uppmärksammar också möjligheterna att med mer analyser som t.ex. knock-out analyser (där man undersöker konsekvensen av att ta bort individer från olika nätverk) på befintlig data, samt mer observationer skulle hjälpa för att kunna göra en väl strukturerad plan för flytt av individer från denna grupp.

Peer Relationships and Chinese Adolescents' Academic Achievement: Processes of Selection and Influence

Mengqian Shen (5930852) 16 June 2022 (has links)
<p>Similarity in academic achievement among friends (i.e., academic homophily) can arise from two processes, selection and influence. This study applied stochastic actor-based modeling using SIENA to disentangle friendship selection and social influence regarding academic achievement of Chinese adolescents in a three-year longitudinal sample of 880 middle school students (400 girls, year 1 mean age = 13.33) and 525 high school students (284 girls, year 1 mean age = 16.45). SIENA analyses revealed significant selection and influence effects pertaining to academic achievement for both middle school students and high school students across three years. Chinese adolescents preferred friendships with similarly achieving or higher achieving peers but avoided friendships with lower achieving peers. Friends’ influence on academic achievement can be both beneficial and detrimental. Chinese adolescents were more likely to increase in achievement when they befriended high-achieving peers, but decreased achievement when they were friends with low-achieving peers. There were no significant sex differences or school year differences (i.e., the first to second years versus the second to third years) in selection or influence effects for academic achievement. Influence effects were stronger for middle school students than for high school students, but no significant grade level differences emerged for selection effects. This study expands upon prior research by simultaneously assessing selection and influence effects on academic achievement and further examining the direction and strength of selection and influence processes regarding academic achievement using sophisticated modeling analyses. These results provide insights into the important role of cultural context in peer relationships and academic development by considering the strong pressure Chinese adolescents experience to be academically successful.</p>

An Exploration of Mental Contrasting and Social Networks of English Language Learners

Pinkston, Adam T. 30 July 2020 (has links)
This study focuses on how applying MCII, a wish-fulfillment and goal-setting method researched by Gabriele Oettingen, benefits the quantity and quality of English language learners' (ELLs) social networks while participating in a study abroad program in the United States. This is done by instructing participants in the use of MCII, giving them weekly reminders on that instruction and the goals they set, and by measuring change from beginning to end. Analyzing the social networks of 36 English language learners at an intensive English program (IEP) after 14 weeks of instruction shows that the ELLs displayed growth in the number of ways they met new people and in the depth of their relationships. This study also shows although learners who used MCII largely perceived it positively and noted using it in their lives, there was no significant difference between that group and those who did not use MCII in terms of proficiency development.

Towards a Taxonomy of Privacy Concerns of Online Social Network Sites Users : A Case Study of Facebook Beacon

Jamal, Arshad January 2011 (has links)
More than half a billion people use Online Social Network Sites (OSNS) today. They disclose personally identifiable information such as names, date of birth, email address, phone numbers, and home address on their profiles. Some OSNS users also disclose their political and religious views and personal interests. The huge commercial potential of OSNS users’ information and the integration of OSNS with third party advertisers and/or aggregators pose threats to users’ privacy. This thesis reports a study which contributes to our understanding of the form and nature of online privacy by critically analysing the privacy concerns related with the failed launch of Facebook’s advertising tool Beacon. Beacon is an interesting case study because it highlighted the privacy concerns of OSNS users. Qualitative data was gathered from 29 weblogs (blogs) representing user opinions (492 comments) published between 6th November 2007(when Beacon was launched) and 28th February 2008 (when commentary had dwindled). A thematic analysis of the blogs contributed in the development of a taxonomy of privacy concerns of OSNS users specifically related with the third party information use. Noticeably, the concerns such as commercialism, terms of service (TOS), lack of user control, lack of user awareness and data protection influence user perceptions of online privacy. The limitations and key implications for designers and service providers of OSNS are also discussed.

Skapa socialt nätverk hos äldre : Kan produktutveckling bidra till social förändring? / Create a social network for the elderly : Can the development of a product contribute to social change?

Kelemen, Petra January 2021 (has links)
Idag lever vi i ett samhälle som drabbats av en ensamhetsepidemi där de värst drabbade är äldre människor över 60 år. Ensamheten påverkar oss människor mentalt och fysiskt, vilket kan vara en faktor som leder till en mer fortgående mental åldringsprocess men även en tidigare bortgång. Detta arbete syftar till att utforska hur en användarcentrerad designprocess kan bidra till att öka sociala nätverk hos äldre. Studien bygger på litteratursökning, kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer med äldre över 65 år. För att avgöra vem som känner sig ensam gjordes en `UCLA Loneliness Scale´ som vanligtvis används i forskningssyfte för att mäta ensamhet. Designarbetet består av en förstudie (intervju, observation och autoetnografi) och designprocess som innefattar kravspecifikation och idegenerering. Arbetet resulterade i ett produktförslag i form av en brosch som bärs av användaren. Tanken är att den ska ge en känsla av tillhörighet vilket kommer minska känslan av ensamhet eller till och med förhindra förekomsten av ensamhet hos användaren. Produkten är avsedd för kommande generationer och utesluter inte digital utveckling. / Today we live in a society affected by an epidemic of loneliness where the worstaffected are  older people over 60 years. Loneliness affects us people mentally and physically, which can be a factor that leads to a more progressive mental aging process but also earlier death. This work aims to explore how a user-centered design process can contribute to incease social networking amongst elderly people. Research strategy involves literature search, qualitative interviews and observations with elderly over 65 years. Design work consists of survey methods (interview and observation) and design process, which includes requirements specification and idea generation. To determine who feels lonelly, a ´UCLA Loneliness Scale´ was made, which is commonly used in research studies to measure loneliness. Design work consists of research methods (interview, observation and autoetnography) and design process, which includes requirements specification and ide generation. The work results in a product proposal in the form of a badge that is used as an accessory. This would give the user a sense of belonging and reduce the feeling of loneliness or prevent the feeling of loneliness. The product is intended for future generations and does not exclude digital development.

Social Network Gap Analysis Evaluation: A Case Study of the Southeastern Health Equity Council

Bright, Candace Forbes, Cozart, Thometta, Bagley, Braden, Scott, Hannah, Dennis, Jonathan 01 January 2019 (has links)
Despite the growing emphasis on collaboration in public health, there remains a dearth of literature providing tools for the evaluation of coalitions and councils. This study employed social network gap analysis as an evaluation tool. Survey data collected from the Southeastern Health Equity Council members were used to assess connections among members as a whole, by committee, by state, and by health specialty area. Analysis of how well Southeastern Health Equity Council met the representation outlined in its strategic plan was also conducted. Recommendations for improving the network and opportunities to effectively recruit and advance the work of Southeastern Health Equity Council are discussed.

The role of Social Networking Service (SNS) for young refugees’ employment in Sweden : A qualitative study on how Facebook contributes to young refugees aged 18-30 years old seeking job information in Jönköping, Sweden

Li, Jingsi, Kardgar, Milad January 2022 (has links)
This research has investigated how Facebook contributes to young refugees aged between 18-30 seeking a job in Jönköping. Past research revealed that the usage of social media has drastically increased during the past years so social media has become one of the main forms of communication. The refugee crisis started after the war in the Middle East in 2011 and refugees faced many challenges after their arrival to a new country, including finding a job which is one of the most important concerns among them. The fact we mentioned inspired us to do the research about how Facebook impacts young refugees’ employment in Sweden.  In this paper, we chose a qualitative method including interviews and surveys from a small group that is representative of the larger population. This research conducted a semi-structured interview which consisted of a list of fixed questions that followed with open-end answers to help us to gain more data. The study result showed that most of the participants think Facebook is a useful tool to use for finding job information. We concluded five features used by participants for searching job information on Facebook which were search bar, Facebook groups, companies’ Facebook pages, the Job search feature on the Facebook menu, and social networking on Facebook. In conclusion, we observed that Facebook is playing a positive role in helping young refugees aged between 18-30 in Jönköping to gain job information. This research has been conducted in a limited range of young refugees aged 18-30 in Jönköping, Sweden. Therefore, further research from a broader range of participants might be a complement to this research. Moreover, it might provide additional knowledge if the further investigation shows how Facebook impacts differently on the young refugees who come to Sweden with family or friends, and unaccompanied young refugees.

Ensam i en gemenskap - Äldres upplevelser av ensamhet

Sundström, Karin, Wendt, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
Our aim with this study was to examine older people's experiences of loneliness. Specifically, we investigated how loneliness affects the elderly, how it is expressed, and what its sources are. The study was conducted using a qualitative method, by interviewing four caregivers at two nursing homes, and three social workers who work as care administrators for nursing homes. We found that the experience of loneliness is prevalent among the elderly who live in nursing homes. Furthermore, we identified two outstanding themes in their experiences, which we categorised as experiences of loneliness and feelings of being safe. Feelings of being safe had two subthemes; moving to a nursing home and the living situation. Feelings of being unsafe were closely related to loneliness, and this was partially a reason why the elderly wanted to move to a nursing home, as a way to get closer to other people and overcome loneliness. Experiences of loneliness varied in the following subthemes; suffering of existential loneliness, extent of social relationships, social networks, and social life, expressions of loneliness, and the meaning of loneliness. We found different forms of loneliness, including loneliness based on loss of relationships, mostly due to the passing away of one’s social group, which was expressed partially as an experience of existential loneliness. The elderly people’s network of friends and family varied; some of them had a close network with many visitors every day, and others had almost none that visited them.

Economic integration of Iraqi immigrants with higher education into the Swedish labour market

Al-Baldawi, Hassan January 2019 (has links)
The issue of unemployment and labour integration of immigrants into the labour market in host countries has always been a source of debate among the public and policymakers in the host countries. This study focuses on the economic integration of highly educated Iraqi immigrants into the Swedish labour market. Based on semi-structured interviews with eight Iraqi immigrants living in Malmö, who have higher education from Iraq, this study aims to illuminate the obstacles and opportunities for Iraqi immigrants to integrate into Swedish labour market, and to find out if their position in the Swedish labour market corresponds to their academic qualifications obtained from Iraq. The theoretical framework of this study explores the concepts of integration, human capital, social capital, and discrimination. Findings of the study revealed that, lack of fluency in Swedish language, family responsibilities, and devaluation of human capital function as main obstacles for highly-educated Iraqi immigrants’ integration into Swedish labour market. The social networks of Iraqi immigrants can be considered as a tool to avoid unemployment in Sweden, but at the same time, it provides access only to a certain categories of jobs that are not in par with higher education of these immigrants. Furthermore, the finding of this study also reveals that the positions of the highly educated Iraqi immigrants have acquired in the Swedish labour market are not commensurate with the educational qualifications they have from Iraq.

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