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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évolution du fonctionnement des réseaux territorialisés d'organisations par la prise en compte de l'innovation sociale : le cas de deux pôles de compétitivité de la région PACA / Evolution of territorial clusters management by the implementation of social innovation : the case of two competitiveness clusters of the PACA region

Peres, Raphaële 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les modèles économiques classiques sont remis en cause, c’est pourquoi il nous est apparu pertinent d’interroger l’innovation sociale comme levier de changement. Les pôles se retrouvent dans un contexte incertain, du fait d’un désengagement financier de l’état, d’une évolution de leurs missions et d’une perspective de réforme de cette politique publique. Nous sollicitons les deux conceptions de l’innovation sociale. En tant que résultat, elle correspond à une réponse aux besoins sociaux et aux effets positifs générés. Quant à son processus, il sollicite des acteurs hétérogènes locaux qui se mettent en réseaux et partagent des ressources pour créer un projet commun. A partir de celles-ci, une grille d’analyse de sept critères est élaborée. Afin de proposer un nouveau modèle des pôles, nous nous appuyons sur le "business model" de l’économie sociale et solidaire car ce champ est considéré comme propice au développement des innovations sociales. Nous élaborons un cadre épistémologique (constructivisme pragmatique) et méthodologique (étude de cas multiples, qualitatif et abduction) de la recherche. Nous retrouvons les sept dimensions de l’innovation sociale dans le fonctionnement des pôles, qui représentent des structures propices à son développement. Le business model de l’économie sociale et solidaire dans les pôles révèle des problématiques d’implication et de solidarité. Les communautés de pratiques, le développement des pôles vers une communauté de destin, une gestion démocratique peuvent être une solution ; ainsi que l'implication des pôles dans une attractivité territoriale durable pour les inscrire dans une chaîne de valeur locale en considérant le territoire comme bien commun / Nowadays, traditional economic models are questioned by researchers. It appeared relevant to analyze if social innovation can be considered as a lever for change. Innovation centers are facing an uncertain context, as there appears to be less financial involvement from the state, a real transformation of their missions and a potential public policy reform. We’re soliciting the two existing visions of social innovation. As a result, it represents an answer to social needs and to generate positive impacts. Its process mobilizes local heterogeneous actors, which are forming networks and sharing resources, in order to create a common project. So, we’re formulating an evaluation grid on seven criteria. Then, to offer a new model for innovation centers we’re drawing on the social and solidarity economy business model. This field seems to be conducive for social innovations development. We’re building the epistemological (pragmatic constructivism) and methodological frameworks (exploratory qualitative research, abductive logic, multiple-case study) for the research. For our results, seven dimensions of the social innovation are spotlighted in innovations centers functioning. The social and solidarity economy business model reveals mobilization and solidarity issues. We’re recommending to initiate communities of practice, an innovation centers’ development focused on a common destiny, a democratic management. Finally, we’re suggesting that innovation centers should be more committed in a sustainable territorial attractiveness, so they can be a part of the local value-chain, by considering the territory as a common good

Empowerment et économie sociale et solidaire : étude de cas d'organisations féminines en Afrique de l'Ouest / Empowerment and social and solidarity economy : case studies of women's organisations in West Africa

Ben Lazrak, Asma 13 February 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser les différentes formes de pratiques de l'économie sociale et solidaire qui permettent aux femmes africaines d'aller au delà de leur vulnérabilité. Ces activités génératrices de revenus entraînent à la fois une augmentation de l'empowerment individuel et collectif des femmes ainsi que le développement de leurs communautés. Les femmes africaines sont des agents incontournables du changement par le biais des actions individuelles, mais surtout, collectives. En Afrique comme dans les différents pays du sud, les associations féminines constituent non seulement un lieu pour les femmes pour acquérir une certaine autonomie économique mais un véritable espace de liberté et d'échange qui permettent aux femmes de sortir de l'isolement, d'avoir de nouvelles compétences, d'avoir plus d'estime et confiance en soi en tant qu'un individu à part entière au même titre qu'un homme dans des sociétés à dominance patriarcale. C'est à travers ces activités que les femmes confirment leur rôle, affirment leur statut social et renforcent toute leur féminité en terme d'avoir, d'être et surtout de paraître. Les groupements féminins avec des degrés différents, ont acquis un certain succès. L'impact positif de la participation des femmes dans ces groupements permet de penser que l'empowerment individuel ou collectif des femmes pauvres est possible en optant pour des solutions alternatives basées sur des pratiques et actions collectives qui permettent d'acquérir plus de capacités et de liberté. Dans ce sens, l'approche des capacités de Sen est pertinente dans la mesure où elle renforce le poids des activités féminines issue de l'économie sociale et solidaire, permettant ainsi de renforcer les gains en terme d'empowerment.La principale fonction des groupements économiques féminins est de permettre aux femmes membres de pouvoir subvenir à leurs besoins par une mobilisation et une redistribution des ressources et par conséquent sortir de la précarité. Ces femmes qui s'activent dans les groupements et qui sont souvent responsables de famille, cherchent les moyens surtout financiers de pouvoir s'acquitter de leurs obligations familiales et sociales. A travers notre travail, nous avons relevé d'autres gains pour les femmes sur le plan individuel et collectif qui sont aussi importants et moins quantifiables. Le contexte de crise et de précarité confère aux activités féminines un rôle social très important surtout dans les pays du sud, où la féminisation de la pauvreté est importante. / The objectives of this work are to analyse different practices of social and solidarity economy that enable African women to move beyond vulnerability. Income generating activities involve both an increase in individual and collective empowerment of women, and in addition - further development of their communities. African women are key agents of change through individual actions, but most of all - though collective once. In Africa, as well as in various countries of the South, female organisations are not only a place for women to gain some economic independence, but a genuine areas of freedom and exchange, that allow them to come out of isolation, to learn new skills, and to have more esteem and self-confidence as individuals in their own rights alongside the men in a patriarchal societies. It is through these activities that women strengthen their role, their social status, and reinforce their femininity and presence Women's organisations, in different degree, manage to gain some success. The positive impact of women's participation in these groups suggests that the individual or collective empowerment of poor women is possible by opting for alternative solutions based on practical and collective actions that develop more capacity and greater freedom. In this sense, Sen's capability approach is relevant to the extent, that it reinforces the importance of women's activities within the social economy, thereby strengthening the gains in terms of empowerment. The main function of female economic organisations is to enable women members to be able to support themselves through mobilisation and redistribution of resources and therefore help them out of poverty. These women who are active in organisations and are often responsible for the family, often seek most financial means to meet their family and social obligations. Through our work, we have identified further significant gains for women as individuals, as well as in a collective, but these gains are less quantifiable. The context of crisis and insecurity gives women's activities a very important social role especially in the South, where the feminisation of poverty is important.

L'innovation sociale chez les acteurs de l'économie sociale et solidaire en Auvergne : une approche communicationnelle / Social innovation among actors of the social and solidarity economy in Auvergne : a communicational approach

Duracka, Nicolas 13 June 2016 (has links)
Chacune des périodes de crise qu’a connue l’histoire contemporaine ont été jalonnées d’un ensemble de bouleversements sociaux que l’on pourrait appeler des innovations sociales. Elles rassemblent, dans un élan collectif et ascendant, une myriade de mouvements citoyens qui visent la réponse à des besoins sociaux non, ou peu satisfaits, par l’Etat et le marché. Par ailleurs, en s’appuyant sur un ensemble d’organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire, elles poursuivent une quête de démocratisation de l’activité économique. Dès lors, c’est pour mieux comprendre ces phénomènes de transformation sociale que ce travail tente de mobiliser les sciences de l’information et de la communication. Autrement dit, dans une démarche exploratoire, il questionne le rôle de la communication dans les capacités de changement institutionnel porté par ces initiatives. Une première analyse théorique permet de mettre en lumière l’hétérogénéité du mouvement de l’innovation sociale chez les acteurs de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Elle souligne, dans ce cadre, la tendance de ces organisations à s’emparer de pratiques de communication stratégiques (marketing et management), bien qu’elles soient historiquement investies d’un rôle politique et symbolique, lui intimant la nécessité de s’emparer d’un répertoire plus critique de la communication. Par conséquent, une seconde analyse empirique, dont les fondements épistémologiques se retrouvent dans la théorie de la complexité d’Edgar Morin et dans une approche réflexive, montre que l’analyse des initiatives citoyennes doit s’appuyer sur les apports communicationnels tout autre. Plus précisément, différents niveaux d’analyses de la communication de ces acteurs permettent de mettre à jour les capacités transformatrices, ou isomorphiques, des initiatives socialement innovantes de l’économie sociale et solidaire. En conclusion, ce que nous dit cette étude, c’est que la transformation sociale en germe dans ces organisations ne peut s’analyser que par une approche praxéologique de la communication. En d’autres termes, la praxis communicationnelle, comme activité organisante de perspective partagée dans un espace public de proximité, est une activité typificatrice d’habitudes, vectrice de changement institutionnel. / Each periods of crisis in contemporary history has been marked by a series of social upheavals that could be called social innovations. They bring together, in a collective and ascending momentum, a myriad of citizen movements that aim at the response to social needs not very satisfied by the State and the market. Moreover, by relying on a set of organizations of the social and solidarity economy, they pursue a quest for democratization of economic activity. Therefore, is to better understand these phenomena of social transformation that this work tries to mobilize the information and communication sciences. In other words, in an exploratory approach, he questions the role of communication in the institutional capacity for change brought about by these initiatives. A first theoretical analysis allows to highlight the heterogeneity of the social innovation movement among social and solidarity economy actors. In this context, she underlines the tendency of these organizations to seize strategic communication practices (marketing and management), although they are historically invested with a political and symbolic role, telling her the need to seize a more critical repertory of communication. Consequently, a second empirical analysis, whose epistemological foundations are found in Edgar Morin's theory of complexity and in a reflexive approach, shows that the analysis of citizen initiatives must be based on very different communicational inputs. More precisely, different levels of communication analysis of these actors make it possible to update the transformative, or isomorphic, capacities of socially innovative initiatives of the social and solidarity economy. In conclusion, what this study tells us is that the social transformation that germinates in these organizations can only be analyzed through a praxeological approach to communication. In other words, communicative praxis, as an organizing activity of shared perspective in a public space of proximity, is a typifying activity of habits, vector of institutional change.

La contribution juridique à l’alternative des communs dans une approche macro-institutionnelle / The contribution of the law to the development of the commons as an alternative paradigm in a macro-institutional perspective

Celati, Benedetta 27 October 2017 (has links)
Le présent projet de thèse, élaboré dans le cadre d’une cotutelle entre l’Université de Pise et l’Université Paris Est Marne la Vallée, vise à étudier l'impact du financement de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS), interprétée comme modèle socio -économique ancré dans le paradigme du "commun", par rapport à sa capacité de transformation sociale, en France et en Italie. La recherche s’appuiera sur le cadre théorique de l'approche institutionnaliste en économie et se focalisera sur l'importance de l'élaboration juridique pour l'affiramtion de la diversité des systèmes et des institutions économiques. En tant que doctorant de sciences juridiques de l’Université de Pise en cotutelle avec l’Université de Paris Est dans le domaine des sciences économiques, je propose de compléter la recherche juridique classique, entendue comme l'analyse critique du droit positif, par des recherches relevant d’autres disciplines. Les hypothèses seront verifiées par des études de terrain en France et en Italie. / The thesis, developed within the framework of an international co-direction agreement between the University of Paris Est Marne-La-Vallée, in France, and the University of Pise, in Italy, aims to explore the impact of instruments for financing Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS), understood as a social and econonomic model anchored in the paradigm of the "commons", in relation to her capacity for social transformation, in France and in Italy. The study will be based on the approch of Institutional economics and will focus on the importance of the legal development for the affirmation of the diversity of the economic systems and institutions. As a doctoral candidate in law at the University of Pise in co-direction with the University of Paris Est in the field of economics, I propose to improve the legal research with further researches in other disciplines. The hypothesis will be tested by field studies in France and in Italy.

Autonomy and Empowerment: Social and Solidarity Economy Initiatives and Local Development in Peripheralised Areas of Germany and Hungary

Mihály, Melinda 03 September 2021 (has links)
Peripheralisation is a process to which a person, a group or an area might be subjected to. Stigmatisation, selective migration, disconnection, dependence and social exclusion are dimensions of peripheralisation that are interconnected and that accelerate each other’s effects. Structurally disadvantaged rural areas, especially remote small villages in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are particularly affected by the processes of peripheralisation. While economic decline and ethnic exclusion produced contagious “ghettoes” (Virág 2010) or “internal colonies” (Kóczé 2011) in the last two decades in structurally disadvantaged small villages of Hungary, in the German context the phenomenon of a “rural ghetto” seems to be non-existent. In Germany, mainly East German old industrial towns and rural areas are affected by peripheralisation, selective out-migration, demographic shrinking and demographisation are emphasised here. Ethnographic research in the case study villages of Eastern Germany and Hungary confirmed that peripheralisation is relational and amongst others national and regional social policies influence how it manifests on the local level. While areas undergoing moderate peripheralisation were able to attract counter-cultural migrants (“back-to-the-landers“, Calvário and Otero 2015), who further counteracted peripheralisation processes, socially excluded people (Roma and long-term unemployed) accumulated in areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation. While counter-cultural migrants (case study G1 and H3), who follow a critique of materialist mainstream culture, modern farming practices, and the globalization of the agri-food systems, were free to decide where to live, the inhabitants of areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation (H2) got locked into spaces which are abandoned by the state, investors and the majority society (non-Roma people). As class, gender, ethnicity and place of residence influences autonomy, the individual and collective autonomy of the counter-cultural migrants is on a higher level than the autonomy of the inhabitants of areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation. As local initiatives (social and solidarity economy initiatives or rural social enterprises) are created to counteract processes of peripheralisation, the central question of this research is: In the context of peripheralisation how can social and solidarity economy initiatives contribute to local development? To explore in what ways rural social enterprises may (or may not) counteract processes of peripheralisation this study relies on a critical realist ethnography (with participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentary analysis) and on a normative approach of local development, integrating economic, social, and environmental aspects too. ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS In line with the relational approach to individual autonomy (Mackenzie 2014), a normative assumption of social enterprise scholars is that even if social enterprises receive state funding or money from private foundations or churches, they should be able to preserve their organisational autonomy. However, it should be pointed out that existing institutional contexts influence the political and organisational independence of social and solidarity economy (SSE) initiatives. Even if the reunification of Germany resulted in the assimilation of many East German institutions into West German ones, compared to Hungary, East Germany got integrated into a country with a thick institutional system for welfare provision and in which state-civil society relationships are rather characterised by partnership than state control. The current Hungarian government shows authoritarian tendencies, when it limits funding sources for civilian-based initiatives. Such a context, leads to municipality-based and faith-based social enterprises to blossom over civilian-based ones. These organisations are embedded in centralised structures and they often envision development through patronising means and thus reproduce the marginality of the socially excluded (particularly Roma) within the local society. Beyond monetary resources, non-monetary resources, such as volunteers or strong communities with reciprocal behaviour are considered to be potential resources for social enterprises. However, this research showed that with intensifying peripheralisation (eg. the selective out-migration of better-off social strata) SSE initiatives can decreasingly rely on non-monetary resources locally. Even if capitalist integration of CEE influenced negatively village communities, the reciprocal structures still existed in a village undergoing a higher (but not advanced) level of peripheralisation (H3) when the Ministers moved there and started their faith-based social enterprise together with the locals. In contrast, when the colleagues of the Equality Foundation started their civilian-based social enterprise in a village undergoing advanced peripheralisation, structures of reciprocal relations no longer existed there (H2). People in this village had time, but had been experiencing socio-spatial marginalisation (educational and territorial segregation, lack of jobs locally, limited access to public transport and car) for such a long time that they did not have the actual capacity to initiate local development without assistance coming from outside the village. SOCIAL CONSIDERATIONS The potential of participative decision-making is recognised by social enterprise researchers as a vehicle to empower marginalised people. From the four case studies only two initiatives (H2, G1) aim explicitly to achieve participative decision-making. Within the two other projects decisions are made through representatives of the community. In the case of the municipality-based social enterprise (H1), dominantly one representative, the Mayor has the power to make decisions, while in the case of the faith-based social enterprise (H3) the community representative, the 8 Presbyters and the Minister (who are all male) have the institutionalised right to make decisions for the community. The two civilian-based social enterprises (G1 and H2) are embedded in differently peripheralised contexts. In the case of advanced peripheralisation (H2) help comes outside of the village, from a development organisation. Building up the capacities of the local stakeholders for participative decision-making is a long-term strategy for the Foundation, which explicitly focuses on the empowerment of Roma and women. In case of moderate peripheralisation (G1) local agents, amongst whom counter-cultural migrants are overrepresented, have a capacity to start their SSE initiatives without help coming from a development organisation. Even if inhabitants of areas undergoing advanced peripheralisation have an agency, they need professional assistance from outside. It is, however, of particular importance that the development organisation follows the philosophy of democratic solidarity and has a capability-based approach. Without such assistance it would be naïve to expect agents of severely peripheralised areas to set up and run SSE initiatives themselves. At the same time it would be also wrong to think that without local knowledge (for example the knowledge of surviving in conditions of deep poverty and lived experiences of institutional racism) “developers” could reach long lasting results. Among the four case studies, the empowerment capacity was the highest in the civilian-based social enterprise (belonging to the Equality Foundation). This was the only initiative that acknowledged the ethnicised (and gendered) structural oppression of Roma (women). In addition to aiming to increase the individual autonomy of their stakeholders (through supporting adult education or providing advices on how to deal with domestic abuse), the organisation also aims to develop the collective autonomy of the inhabitants of the village through their community development project. Without identifying themselves as a Roma feminist organisation, the Equality Foundation has consciously focused on women as partners of local development. The reasoning behind their decision is connected to the role women play in the social reproduction of their households. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS There are life situations, when social needs get prioritised over environmental considerations. Deep poverty is one of those life situations. For example, the daily survival under conditions of housing poverty and extreme cold weather overwrites long-term strategies, such as environmentalism. Due to a lower purchasing power, poorer households have lower levels of consumption too. This, however, does not mean that underprivileged people would not aim to consume more. On the contrary, as our society is dominated by the ideology of capitalist consumerism, to counteract social exclusion consumerism is seen as a strategy towards social integration for people living in deep poverty. The comparison between a Hungarian village undergoing advanced peripheralisation (H2) and a German village undergoing moderate peripheralisation (G1) shows that only people with a higher level of individual autonomy are capable of “decolonizing their imaginary” (Latouche 2011), namely of questioning capitalist consumerism and develop ethical consumption practices.:Contents List of Abbreviations 11 Figures / Maps / Images 13 Tables 15 1 Introduction 17 1.1 AIMS AND MOTIVATION 17 1.2 THE RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCH 20 1.3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 21 2 Theorising peripheralisation and local development 23 2.1 PERIPHERALISATION, A MULTI-DIMENSIONAL, SELF-REINFORCING PROCESS 23 2.1.1 Dimensions of peripheralisation 23 2.1.2 Advanced peripheralisation 28 2.2 SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT 29 2.2.1 Economic dimension 30 2.2.2 Social dimension: autonomy and empowerment 31 2.2.3 Environmental dimension 36 2.3 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 38 3 Contexts: social and solidarity economy in the context of peripheralisation 41 3.1 PERIPHERALISATION 41 3.1.1 Post-socialist transformation, a historical overview of periheralisation 41 3.1.2 Multi-dimensional peripheralisation in East Germany and Hungary 44 3.1.3 The relational aspect of peripheralisation 48 3.1.4 Advanced peripheralisation, a Hungarian (semi-peripheral) reality 50 3.2 SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY IN CEE 51 3.2.1 Informal social and solidarity economy 52 3.2.2 Institutionalised social and solidarity economy 54 4 Methodology 59 4.1 TOWARDS A CRITICAL REALIST ETHNOGRAPHY 59 4.1.1 The scope of postmodern reflexive ethnography 60 4.1.2 Critical realism 61 4.1.3 Critical realist ethnography 62 4.2 CASE SELECTION AND COMPARATIVE PROCEEDING 63 Stage 1: Selecting areas undergoing peripheralisation 63 Stage 2: Identifying rural social enterprises 66 4.3 DATA COLLECTION 68 4.3.1 Interviews 69 4.3.2 Participant observation 72 4.3.3 Documents 76 4.4 POTENTIAL AND LIMITATIONS OF THE METHODOLOGY 77 4.4.1 Positivist critiques of the ethnographic approach 77 4.4.2 Anti-realist and postmodern critiques of ethnography 78 4.4.3 Critical realism and political engagement 79 4.4.4 Data analysis and reflections on the field experiences 81 5 Peripheralisation and the local scale 83 5.1 PERIPHERALISATION: THE LOCALITY AND THE CASE STUDY PROFILES 83 5.2 PERCEPTIONS AND RESPONSES TO PERIPHERIALITY IN DIFFERENT CONTEXTS 91 5.2.1 Surviving advanced peripheralisation 91 5.2.2 Uneven access to education 92 5.2.3 Counter-cultural migration 93 5.3 THE MAIN CHALLENGES AND MISSION OF THE CASE STUDY SOCIAL ENTERPRISES 95 6 The interplay between autonomy and local resource-mix strategies 99 6.1 ORGANISATIONAL AUTONOMY AND ACCESS TO FUNDING 99 6.2 MARKET-BASED RESOURCES: EARNED INCOME 102 6.3 NON-MARKET RESOURCES: GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES 106 6.3.1 International governmental funding 106 6.3.2 National governmental funding 114 6.3.3 Non-governmental funding 119 6.4 NON-MONETARY RESOURCES: THE CAPACITIES OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY 120 7 Empowerment capacity of the case study initiatives 123 7.1 DECISION-MAKING STRUCTURES 123 7.1.1 Representative decision-making structures 124 7.1.2 Participative decision-making structures 127 7.2 EMPOWERMENT OF ROMA (WOMEN) 131 7.2.1 The empowerment capacity of rural social enterprises: a perspective of the Roma 132 7.2.2 A gendered aspect: the empowerment of Roma women 137 8 Environmental considerations 143 8.1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS ON THE LOCAL LEVEL 143 8.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS ON THE ORGANISATIONAL LEVEL 145 9 Summary and conclusions 149 9.1 LIMITATIONS AND POTENTIALS OF THE METHODOLOGY 149 9.2 THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS: THE CAPACITY OF SOCIAL AND SOLIDARITY ECONOMY IN COUNTERACTING PERIPHERALISATION 150 9.2.1 Economic considerations: autonomy and local resource-mix strategies 150 9.2.2 Social considerations: Autonomy and Empowerment 153 9.2.3 Environmental considerations: environmental consciousness and environmental impact 156 9.3 POLICY IMPLICATIONS FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL ECONOMY POLICIES 156 10 References 159 10.1 GENERAL WORKS 159 10.2 DATABASES, RELATED MATERIALS 172 10.3 MEDIA SOURCES 172 10.4 WEBPAGES 173 10.5 LEGAL REFERENCES 174 Annex 1 Expert sampling sheet (hu) 175 Annex 2 Information sheet (hu) 177 Annex 3 Information sheet (de) 179 Annex 4 Consent form (hu) 181 Annex 5 Consent form (de) 183 Annex 6 Expert interviews 185 Annex 7 Case study interviews 187 Annex 8 Participant observation 189 Annex 9 Anonymised data sources 193

Organisation d'une émission obligataire socialement responsable : la perception du gestionnaire d'actifs / Organization of a socially responsible bond issue : the perception of the asset manager

Mayssour, Yasser 17 October 2018 (has links)
L’évolution des nouvelles pratiques de l’investissement socialement responsable ouvre la voie à des modes d’organisation innovants. Un grand marché est né entre l’offre et la demande, de nouvelles « architectures transactionnelles » proposant des émissions obligataires socialement responsables voient le jour. L’objectif étant de créer la liquidité et de contribuer au développement économique et social. L'étude des arrangements organisationnels qui ont abouti à émettre une obligation socialement responsable à destination de la société de gestion se nourrit de deux expériences pionnières. Le contexte organisationnel nous amène à nous interroger sur la place du gérant de fonds dans le financement de l’économie solidaire. La société de gestion de portefeuille, acteur majeur au coeur des modes d’organisations, se positionne entre les émetteurs d’obligations et les investisseurs souhaitant intégrer des critères extra-financiers dans leurs choix de sélection de portefeuille. La problématique de notre travail de recherche s'intéresse à l'étude de l’attractivité des gestionnaires d’actifs face à des mécanismes différenciés d' Economie Sociale et Solidaire. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons d'étudier la perception du point de vue du gérant de fonds de deux modes d'organisation différents, qui aboutissent à la construction d'un produit qualifié d’ISR dans le sens où il répond aux attentes des investisseurs souhaitant intégrer des dimensions extra-financières dans leurs choix de sélection de produits. Dans cette optique, le gérant de fonds ISR est amené à prendre des décisions quant au choix des produits dans son processus de construction du portefeuille. Il joue un double rôle de constructeur de performance ESG et d'intermédiaire financier et doit faire face à un ensemble de contraintes de gestion mais aussi vis-à-vis de ses partenaires. / The evolution of the new practices of the socially responsible investment opens the way for innovative modes of organization. A big market was born between supply and demand, new "transactional architectures" proposing socially responsible bond issues. The objective being to create the liquidity and to contribute to the economic and social development.The study of the organizational arrangements which succeeded to emit a socially responsible obligation aimed at the management company feeds on two experiences pioneers. The organizational context brings us to wonder about the place of the fund manager in the financing of the united economy. The asset management, at the heart of the organization modes, is positioned between the bond issuer and the investors wishing to integrate extra-financial dimension into their choices of selection of asset.The problem of our research work is interested in the study of the attractiveness of the asset managers in the face of mechanisms differentiated of Voluntary and united Sector.So, within the framework of this thesis, we suggest studying the perception from the point of view of the fund manager of two different modes of organization, which end in the construction of a product qualified as SRI in the sense where he meets the expectations of investors wishing to integrate extra-financial dimensions into their choices of selection of products.From this perspective, the fund manager SRI is brought to make decisions as for the choice of products in its process of construction of the portfolio. He plays double role of construction social performance and financial intermediary and has to face a set of constraints of management but also towards these partners.

Communication et Economie sociale et solidaire : Identification des problèmes et des solutions / Communication and Social and Solidarity Economy : Identifying issues and solutions

Delille, Pascale 15 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche, en sciences de l'information et de la communication, s'intéresse à un secteur peu étudié par les SIC : l’économie sociale et solidaire. Il vise, d'une part, à identifier les problèmes de communication des acteurs de l'ESS et, d'autre part, à explorer les solutions déployées pour répondre à ces problèmes. Pour mener cette analyse, nous avons d'abord, construit un cadre théorique spécifique articulant les travaux d’ E.Morin, J.Habermas, E.Ostrom et J-L. Laville. Puis nous avons successivement déployé trois méthodes : une observation participante dans un atelier international consacré à la communication de l'ESS, une série d'entretiens semi-directifs auprès de différents acteurs (initiatives solidaires, journalistes, responsables administratifs, etc.), puis une étude de cas élargie conduite auprès du Parlement Européen. Ce cadre théorique et ces différentes méthodes nous ont permis de mettre en évidence les problèmes communicationnels récurrents de l'ESS (terminologie difficile d’accès, hétérogénéité peu lisible, transversalité peu développée, etc.) et de voir comment différentes pratiques économiques innovantes (PTCE, entreprises récupérées, SCIC, etc.) permettaient de remédier, en partie, à ces problèmes. Au final, il ressort de notre travail que les pratiques de l’économie collaborative, qui s’enracinent historiquement dans l’ESS, semblent apporter une solution communicationnelle efficace aux problèmes identifiés et que l’ESS est en capacité d’assurer la durabilité, selon la grille de lecture d’Ostrom sur la gouvernance des biens communs, des formes d’organisations de cette nouvelle économie. / The following research work on Information and Communication Sciences, focuses on a fieldunderstudied by this scientific discipline, the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). It aims to identifyon one hand the communication issues among the SSE stakeholders, and to explore their relatedsolutions on the other hand. This analysis has been first based on a theoretical framework articulatingthe work of Morin, Habermas, Ostrom, and Laville. Then, three methods have then been successivelyemployed: a participative observation during an international workshop treating of all aspects of SSEcommunication; a series of semi-directive interviews with various key actors (from the solidarityinitiatives, some journalists, administrative heads, etc.), and finally an enlarged case study conductedwithin the European Parliament. This methodology allowed us to determine the recurrentcommunication issues encountered within the SSE (difficult access to its terminology, unclearheterogeneity, low-developed transversality, etc.) as well as to assess how different innovativeeconomical practices (such as PTCE, recovered enterprises, SCIC, etc.) could potentially overcomethese challenges. In conclusion, it appears from this work that the practices linked to the collaborativeeconomy, which are historically rooted within SSE, can bring an effective solution on thecommunicative level. Furthermore, and according to the new Ostrom reading greed related to thecommon goods governance, the SSE seems to be able to ensure the sustainable development of this newform of economy

Emergence et structuration de l'économie sociale et solidaire en Roumanie / Emergence and structuring of the social and solidarity economy in Romania

Dragan, Alexandru 09 September 2016 (has links)
La Roumanie est passée en un laps temps très court du centralisme autoritaire à un pluralisme décentralisé. Son inscription sur l’axe politique occidentale, marquée par l’adhésion à l’OTAN et à l’UE, a intensifié les mécanismes de contrôle extérieurs, notamment dans le domaine de la justice et de la « liberté » (d’expression, de la presse, etc.). Au sens large, l’enjeu majeur fut la consolidation de la démocratie. Afin d’accomplir cette dernière, une émergence de la société civile et des organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire est indispensable. Dans les pays post-communistes, les organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire ont connu une renaissance après la chute du communiste. D’un côté, les coopératives et les mutuelles, bien présentes dans la vie économique pendant le communisme, ont gagné leur liberté interne de décision démocratique. De l’autre, les associations et les fondations, interdites auparavant, ont commencé à apparaître. Nous parlons donc d’une émergence, dans le sens d’une apparition d’un fait social, économique et politique nouveau. L’objectif général de cette étude est d’analyser l’économie sociale et solidaire roumaine par une approche géographique, à plusieurs échelles. La référence de l’étude sera la région Ouest de la Roumanie, à travers cinq territoires d’études. La finalité de la thèse est de comprendre ce qu’est l’économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) dans le contexte post-communiste roumain et de quelle émergence et de quelle structuration peut-on parler dans la région Ouest de la Roumanie. / Romania evolved in a very short time from an authoritarian centralism to a decentralized pluralism. Its inscription on the Western political axis, joining NATO an the EU, intensified extremal control mechanisms, particularly in the field of justice and "freedom" (of expression, of the press, etc) Broadly, the major challenge was the consolidation of democracy. To accomplish this, the mergence of civil society and social and solidarity economy's organizations was essential. In post-communist countries, the organizations of the social and solidarity economy experienced a renaissance after the fall of the Communist. On the one hand, cooperatives and mutual insurance systems, althought present in the economy during communism, gained their internal freedom of democratic decision. On the other hand, associations and foundations, previously forbidden, began to appear. We are talking about the emergence, in the sense of an appearance of a social economic and political fact. The aim of this study is to analyze the Romanian social and solidarity economy through a geographical approach, on several scales. The reference of the study will be the Western region of Romania, through five study areas. The purpose of the thesis is to understand what the social and solidarity economy (SSE) is in the Romanian post-communist context and about what kind of emergence and structuring can we deal in the Western region of Romania

L'émergence de l'économie sociale et solidaire : une histoire de la société civile organisée en France et en Europe de 1968 à nos jours : groupements, discours et institutionnalisations / The Emergence of the Social and Solidarity Economy : a History of Organized Civil Society in France and Europe from 1968 to Nowadays : associations, speeches, and institutionalizations

Duverger, Timothée 16 June 2015 (has links)
« L’économie sociale et solidaire n’existe pas ». La sentence du sociologue Matthieu Hély dénonce une forme de privatisation qui consiste à transférer la solidarité de l’État social vers les initiatives socio-économiques, compatible avec le nouvel esprit du capitalisme. Mais la formule prête à confusion. En pointant un possible oxymore, il laisse penser que l’économie sociale et solidaire n’a pas d’existence ontologique. Or, c’est une réalité sociale, dont les racines plongent dans le XIXe siècle. Si elle connaît une éclipse à partir des années 1930, elle réapparaît en 1968 à la faveur d’une réarticulation des rapports entre l’État, le marché et la société civile. Elle se scinde en deux branches : l’économie sociale historique et l’économie sociale émergente, qui prend successivement la forme de l’économie alternative, de l’économie solidaire et de l’entrepreneuriat social. À l’approche statutaire de la première, fait pendant l’approche axiologique de la seconde. L’économie sociale et solidaire est une émergence. Ce n’est pas la simple addition des formes d’entreprises qui la composent (coopératives, mutuelles et associations, puis sociétés commerciales à finalité sociale). Au contraire, « le tout est plus que la somme des parties ». Une alchimie particulière a lieu : l’acte d’institution, qui revient à poser la question du politique. Le problème est celui de la création qui survient dans le passage d’une économie sociale et solidaire en soi à une économie sociale et solidaire pour soi. Il convient donc d’explorer ses trajectoires, en considérant que l’économie sociale et solidaire n’a pas seulement une histoire, mais qu’elle est une histoire, c’est-à-dire le produit de dynamiques de groupements, de discours et d’institutionnalisations. À partir de l’étude de ces trois axes, cette thèse invite à s’intéresser aux métamorphoses de la société civile organisée de l’économie sociale et solidaire, dans une perspective multiscalaire, à la fois française et européenne, scandées par trois évènements structurants : l’irruption sociale de Mai 68, la fin de la guerre froide de 1989 et la crise du capitalisme de 2008. / “There is no such thing as the Social and Solidarity Economy”. The sentence rendered by sociologist Matthieu Hély is targeted at a form of privatization, which consists in transferring the social solidarity of the State to socio-economic initiatives, which are more compatible with the new spirit of capitalism. And yet his words are misleading. By pointing at a possible contradiction in terms, he leads us to believe that the social and solidarity economy has no ontological existence, despite the fact it is a social reality that has its roots in the XIXth century. Although it was somehow eclipsed in the 1930s, it came back to the fore in 1968 with the reshuffling of the relationship between the State, the market, and civil society. It then split into to branches: the historical social economy, and the emerging social economy, which found an expression in the alternative economy, the solidarity economy, and finally in social entrepreneurship. The statutory approach of the first found a match in the axiological approach of the second. The social economy is a form of emergence. It is not simply the sum of the forms of initiatives it is composed of (cooperatives, mutual fund organizations, and trading companies with a social aim). Much to the contrary, in fact, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. A particular chemistry takes place through the act ofinstitution, which consists in questioning its political dimension. The issue lies in the creation process that occurs in the transitional phase from a social economy in itself to a social economy for itself. This requires us to explore the different paths it took based on the assumption that the social and solidarity economy does not only have a history, but also is a history in the sense that it spawned from group dynamics, speeches, and institutionalizations. Based on the study of these three key processes, this thesis seeks to offer a new insight into the metamorphosis of the organized civil society of the social and solidarity economy on both French and European levels, articulated around three main events: the social irruption of May 1968, the end of the Cold War, and the 2008 crisis of capitalism.

La conscience en droit social / Conscience and consciousness in social law

Mannes, Alice 16 November 2018 (has links)
La conscience se définit comme la connaissance que chacun a de son existence et de celle du monde extérieur. Par extension, elle correspond à la représentation mentale claire qu'un individu peut se faire de la réalité d'une situation. Lorsque le monde extérieur prend les traits de l'environnement de travail et que les situations à appréhender relèvent de l'exécution du contrat y afférent, quelle peut être l'influence de la conscience ? Existe-t-il des limites quant à sa compatibilité avec l'accomplissement du travail ou avec le bon déroulement des relations sociales ? Cette thèse a pour objectif l'étude des différents "cas de conscience" au sein de l'entreprise, à travers le point de vue des différents acteurs concernés - employeurs, salariés, organisations syndicales et représentants du personnel, autorités administratives et organismes de protection sociale. Il s'agit de comprendre dans quelles types de situation la conscience, sous sa forme individuelle comme collective, a la possibilité de s'exprimer, voire de jouer un rôle. En outre, il convient de s'interroger sur l'appréhension - ou la non-appréhension - de ces manifestations de la conscience par le droit social interne, international et comparé. Si les contours de certaines occurrences de la conscience sont a priori cernés, à l'image notamment des droits d'alerte ou des clauses éponymes insérées parfois dans les contrats, l'encadrement d'autres déclinaisons, sans doute plus sensibles, demeure encore à construire. / Consciousness can be defined as the knowledge of one’s existence and the outer world. By extension, it is someone’s clear mental picture of an actual situation and the ability of judging the morality of such a situation is called conscience. When the outer world is the work environment and when the actual situations to deal with are work-related, what could be the role of consciousness and conscience? Could they interfere with work duties or the conduct of good industrial relations? The purpose of this thesis is to study the “issues of conscience” within the corporation, in a broad sense, through the relevant stakeholders’ perspectives – including employers, administrative authorities, workers, trade unions, or even staff representatives – in order to know when individual and collective consciousness and conscience can have a legal impact. One should ask oneself about the existence of a statutory regime for those “issues of conscience” in domestic, comparative and international laws. Some manifestations of consciousness and conscience are already well known, such as whistleblowing or conscience clauses, but some others still need to be provided with a legal framework.

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