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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvecklingsområdets dolda potentialer : En ny stadsdesign mot hållbar social integration i Lindängen Centrum / The hidden potentials of the suburb : A new urban design towards sustainable social integration in Lindängen Centrum

Jarl, Emmie, Musa, Jasmina January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie behandlar hur fysisk planering samspelar med social integration och social hållbarhet samt hur det appliceras i ett utvecklingsområde. Undersökningen har skett i delområdet Lindängen i Malmö med fokus på Lindängen centrum där de sociala och fysiska rummen har granskats för en upprustning av stadsmiljön. Det finns en brist på kunskap inom ämnet gestaltad livsmiljö kopplat till socialt hållbart samhällsbygge samt har tidigare forskning visat att kommuner har svårt att avsätta medel till förvaltning av offentliga rum. Generellt bör gestaltning, kvalitet och hållbarhets lyftas i högre grad vid utgivning av forskningsmedel. Lindängen centrum blir en intressant fallstudie eftersom området relaterar till problem som dålig samverkan i byggprocessen i samband med fastighetsägarens ekonomiska synpunkter vilket har resulterat i att platsen inte utvecklats. Det finns många teorier som visar på hur stadens och offentliga rummens utformning kan förutsätta mänskliga handlingsbeteenden för social integration. Aktiva gator, kantzoner och fasader behövs för interaktion mellan människor där placering av dörrar, fönster och bänkar kan vara avgörande. Detta uppnås med fysiska objekt i rummen och olika bebyggelsestrukturer i form av levande fasader, primära och sekundära ytor samt soft edges. Dessa aspekter genererar livet och flödet i de fysiska rummen. Följande teorier som presenteras i arbetet har tillämpats i fallet Lindängen och utifrån detta skapades ett gestaltningsförslag. Detta gestaltningsförslag visar på hur olika former av upprustning kan leda till ett främjande av social integration som i sin tur stärker den stadens sociala hållbarhet. / This study is focused on how physical planning cooperates with social integration and social sustainability as well as how it applies in a development area. Our research has occurred in the sub-area Lindängen in Malmö centered on Lindängen Centrum where the social and physical space has been audited for rearmament of the urban environment. There is a lack of knowledge within the subject of urban design connected with social sustainability. Antecedent research has indicated that municipalities are struggling with funding the governance of public spaces. Design, quality, and sustainability should generally be emphasized to a higher degree at the publication of research funds. Lindängen centrum becomes an interesting case study, seeing that the environment relates to problems, for instance, bad concurrence concerning economic problems which results in that the location has not been developed. There exist many theories that conclude how the city and the design of the public spaces can presuppose human action behavior for social integration. Active streets, borders, and facades are crucial for the interaction among people where the placement of doors, windows, and benches can be vital. This is achieved by physical objects in spaces and various building structures in the shape of living facades, primary and secondary surfaces as well as soft edges. These aspects generate life and the flow in the physical spaces.The following theories presented in this study have been applied in the Lindängen case and based on this created a design proposal. This design proposal shows how various improvements in the urban spaces can lead to a furtherance of social integration, which in turn can strengthen the city's social sustainability.

Bibliotek och integration : En diskursanalys av svensk dagspress rapportering om folkbibliotekens integrationsarbete åren 2012–2020 / Libraries and Integration : A discourse analysis of Swedish media coverage of the public libraries integration work during the years 2012-2020

Strand, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Introduction. The study investigates how public libraries integration work was covered in the Swedish daily press during 2012-2020. The aim was to identify prevailing discourses, how they changed over time and how this can be understood in relation to bigger social changes. Method. A total of 114 articles, from two full-text databases, was analysed. The material was divided into three time periods, with the intention to be able to identify changes over time. The periods were picked as a point of comparison to the refugee crisis, based on previous research showing how the event affected migration and integration in Sweden. Analysis. A qualitative discourse analysis was carried out. The material was analysed from the perspective of the library’s activities, the visitors and the relation between integration and the libraries other area of responsibility. Results. Two primarily practices were identified: the library as a place for language training and as a meeting place. The process of integration was portrayed as a meeting between native Swedish speakers and newly arrived swedes, where the library filled the roll as an enabler. This was sometimes seen as a new area of responsibility for the library, resulting in new qualifications needed for the librarians. Conclusion. A total of four discourses where identified: 1) the meeting place discourse, 2) the language discourse, 3) the collections discourse and 4) the societal discourse. The study shows an increasing criticism for the integration work, based on other rival discourses. The study points to a discrepancy between the library and the public’s understanding on the purpose of libraries, which can be seen as a threat to libraries legitimacy in society. The study suggest that libraries should take a more active role in the media to shape the public understanding of their performed work. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Flyktingars problem och behov vid social integration : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Yousef, Rose-Marie, Nord, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Background: Integration policy and immigration policy advocate for the needs of refugees, protection and integration into society. Measures through policies have been arranged to facilitate integration, but there are problems with the implementation of a successful integration policy for refugees. There are various laws and guidelines that support refugees and their living conditions and rights. Problem: Refugee families consisting of children, young adults and adults may face difficulties in integration into a new country. It is important to know how that group is to be received and managed in order to meet the needs of the refugees. Aim: The purpose of this study is to highlight the problems that may appear for refugees and refugee families’ social integration in Europe. This will be accomplished through a systematic literature study. Method: Systematic literature study based on 12 scientific articles. Selected articles were: 7 qualitative articles, three quantitative and two with mix method. Result: The language, the school, the residence permit, good treatment of a refugee and a social network proved to be significant in promoting the integration process for the refugees. Conclusion: In social work, it is important to know how refugees should be treated in order to not impede their integration into the new society. It is important that refugees do not feel excluded or discriminated against. It is valuable to have sympathy for the refugees and to understand that no individual would want to leave their country voluntarily. Further research is needed to be able to find new approaches that can promote the refugee family’s integration process and a sustainable future. / Bakgrund: Integrationspolitiken och invandringspolitiken redogör för flyktingarnas behov, skydd och integration i samhället. Integration -och invandringspolitiken har anordnat ett flertal åtgärder för att underlätta integrationen. Trots detta kvarstår mycket problematik kring implementeringen av en lyckad integrationspolitik för flyktingar. I Europa har det inrättats specifika lagar och riktlinjer som ska stötta flyktingarnas livsvillkor och rättigheter i det nya samhället. Problem: Flyktingfamiljer som består av barn, unga vuxna och vuxna kan bemöta svårigheter vid integrationen i ett nytt land. Det är viktigt att veta hur denna grupp ska bemötas och introduceras till samhället för att därmed kunna tillgodose flyktingarnas behov. Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att genom en systematisk litteraturstudie belysa vilka problem som kan uppstå för flyktingar och flyktingfamiljer vid den sociala integrationen i Europa. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie som är baserad på 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Valda artiklar var: 7 kvalitativa artiklar, tre kvantitativa och två med mix-metod. Resultat: Språk, skola, uppehållstillstånd, ett bra bemötande av flyktingar och ett socialt nätverk visade sig vara betydande faktorer för främjandet av integrationsprocessen för flyktingarna. Slutsats: I det sociala arbetet är det viktigt att veta hur flyktingar ska bemötas för att inte försvåra deras integration i det nya samhället. Det är viktigt att flyktingarna inte känner sig exkluderade eller diskriminerade. Det är värdefullt att ha sympati för flyktingarna och förstå att ingen individ skulle frivilligt vilja lämna sitt hemland. Vidare forskning behövs för att kunna hitta nya förhållningssätt som kan främja flyktingfamiljernas integrationsprocess och en hållbar framtid.

Tillgängligt för alla : Folkbiblioteken, de papperslösa och medborgarskapets exklusivitet / Accessible to Everyone : The Public Libraries, the Undocumented and the Exclusiveness of Citizenship

Erixon, Emil January 2017 (has links)
When applying for a library card you normally need to show a valid ID and register your contact information. Some people cannot meet these requirements, e.g. undocumented immigrants, and this thesis examines how pub- lic libraries in Sweden act towards this group. The purpose of the study has been to examine which arguments have been used in the discussion regarding undocumented immigrants’ right to become library patrons, and to examine how the public libraries interpret the Swedish Library Act, which states that public libraries should be accessible to everyone. To examine how Swedish public libraries presently handles this question, a survey was sent out to public libraries in all of Sweden’s municipalities, and in three of them interviews were conducted and the public debate analysed. The thesis’ theoretical framework consists of recent year’s discussion in citizenship theory that challenges the notion of citizenship and suggests that presence and acts of citizenship grant even non- citizens certain civic rights in the modern welfare state. The results of the study show that some public libraries in Sweden have discussed how to act towards un- documented immigrants and have adapted their policies to meet the needs of this user group. The argument ana- lysis shows that the discussion regarding the undocumented immigrants’ right to become library patrons consists of a practical as well as an ideological discussion. The libraries want to be able to identify their users, but it is not a question of principle. In the political discussion, however, the opinion is expressed that individuals without permission to be in the country should not be granted access to public institutions such as public libraries. For the libraries, presence is more important than citizenship, and the Swedish Library Act, if somewhat vague when it comes to the rights of undocumented immigrants, supports these policy changes. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

"De bygger ett nytt liv i ett nytt land" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om nyanländas och etablerade svenskars erfarenheter av social integration och dess betydelse för nyanländas integrationsprocess

Andersson, Moa, Honkanen, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
Integration har på senare år fått stort utrymme i den samhälleliga såväl som den politiska debatten. Integration är en dubbelriktad process som betonar det ömsesidiga ansvaret och tillmötesgåendet mellan etablerade svenskar och nyanlända. Den sociala integrationen kan således ses som en förutsättning för nyanländas integrationsprocess, då den sociala aspekten innefattar tillgång till det svenska språket och ett socialt nätverk, samt interaktion med majoritetssamhällets invånare. Däremot skiljer sig förutsättningarna mellan män och kvinnor, då kvinnor generellt sett har mindre personlig frihet och sämre förutsättningar än män i sin integrationsprocess. Utifrån ett integrationsprojekt riktat till föräldralediga kvinnor kommer den här studien att undersöka deltagares erfarenheter av social integration och dess betydelse för nyanländas integrationsprocess. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, varav två med föräldralediga kvinnor och fyra stycken med så kallade etablerade svenskar, kommer att ligga till grund för det empiriska materialet. Det insamlade materialet kommer att analyseras gentemot Diaz integrationsmodell som betonar den sociala aspekten av integration, samt Berrys ackulturationsmodell och deras förståelse av integration för att skapa en djupare förståelse för respondenternas erfarenheter och uppfattningar. Resultatet visar att språket har en avgörande betydelse för de nyanländas integrationsprocess, där mötet med etablerade svenskar utgör både en huvudsaklig förutsättning för att lära sig språket och en huvudsaklig utmaning i deras integrationsprocess. Utifrån resultatet inser vi att ett ömsesidigt tillmötesgående och en öppenhet också utgör en förutsättning för en lyckad integration. / During recent years the issue of integration has gained increased attention in the public, as well as the political, debate. Integration is described as a two-way process that emphasises mutual responsibility between newcomers and established swedes. Therefore, social integration can be seen as a precondition for the integration process of newcomers, as the social aspect involves knowledge of the Swedish language and access to a social network, as well as interaction with the residents of the majority society. However, when it comes to the individual integration process women tend to have less personal freedom than men. This study will focus on an integration project aimed at favouring newly arrived women on parental leave as a part of their integration and will research experiences of social integration and its importance among the project participants. Six semi structured interviews, including two interviews with newly arrived women and four with established swedes, will lay the ground for the empirical materialof this study. The collected material will then be analysed through Diaz’s integration model thatemphasises the social aspect of integration, and Berry’s acculturation model, as well as theirunderstanding of the concept of integration. The theoretical concepts of this study are thought to help us gain a more nuanced understanding of the experiences and views of the participants. The result shows that the language is of crucial importance for the integration process of newcomers, whereas the interplay with established swedes constitutes both a principal precondition in order to learn the language, as well a main challenge to their integration process. Based on the results we acknowledge the importance of a mutual recognition and openness as prerequisites for successful integration.

Vägen ut : en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur en marginaliserad position

Rogneby, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to investigate how people can return from a marginalized position and become a part of society. Also how a model for returning from a marginalized position should be formed. The intention is to make a contribution to those in society that are helping people to return from marginalized positions. The survey is based on 5 thematic qualitative interviews on individuals that have returned from homelessness, criminality, drug abuse and prostitution. The main results of the investigation are that those who took part in it started their role exit with a turning point. After that they decided that they had to change their life. They then started their road back to society by separating themselves from the negative things that their former role resulted in. Thereafter they started to adapt to a life in society. To interpret the empirical material I used “The role exit process” made by Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh (1988). Since I found that her model could not be used to fully understand stigmatized role changes like the ones that marginalized people go through, I changed the model. This investigation’s empirical material has been interpreted through that modified process of the role exit.</p>

Vägen ut : en kvalitativ studie om vägen ut ur en marginaliserad position

Rogneby, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how people can return from a marginalized position and become a part of society. Also how a model for returning from a marginalized position should be formed. The intention is to make a contribution to those in society that are helping people to return from marginalized positions. The survey is based on 5 thematic qualitative interviews on individuals that have returned from homelessness, criminality, drug abuse and prostitution. The main results of the investigation are that those who took part in it started their role exit with a turning point. After that they decided that they had to change their life. They then started their road back to society by separating themselves from the negative things that their former role resulted in. Thereafter they started to adapt to a life in society. To interpret the empirical material I used “The role exit process” made by Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh (1988). Since I found that her model could not be used to fully understand stigmatized role changes like the ones that marginalized people go through, I changed the model. This investigation’s empirical material has been interpreted through that modified process of the role exit.

Process in social boundaries a study of processes in the isolation of selected rural and urban communities /

Freudenberg, Christopher D. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Sussex, 1970. / Title from screen page; viewed 17 Oct. 2005. "Department of Ethnography and Social Anthropology, University of Aarhus, Summer 2002" Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print format.

French like us? municipal policies and North African migrants in the Parisian banlieues, 1945-1975 /

Byrnes, Melissa K. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Georgetown University, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references.

Mångfaldens interaktion : Skapandet av socialt kapital inom interkulturella relationer / The interaction of diversity : The production of social capital within intercultural relations

Nordenankar, Malin, Nordström, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Sweden has developed into a country of ethnic and cultural diversity. Research highlight the importance of reciprocal integration and intercultural venues. Minority and majority population must participate in the process of integration, by mutually accepted conditions. The civil society offers social venues but these venues are culturally segregated which prevent intercultural relationships to develop. Språkvän is a civic organization that takes on this challenge. By examining how reciprocity is created within these intercultural relations, knowledge of how reciprocal integration can develop in practice will be created. Reciprocity is developed through social relationships, and the relationship in its entirety must therefore be studied. Theories of social capital enable the study of social relations, based on three features: a structural, a cognitive and a relational dimension. The aim of this study has been to examine how social capital is created within the intercultural relationships, and participants of Språkvän has been interviewed. Volunteers and newcomers were interviewed in focus groups, based on a qualitative and hermeneutic approach. The study showed that there is a discrepancy regarding expectations of the relationship. In line with previous research the terms of the relationships are not reciprocal which endangers the cohesion and perseverance of the relationships.

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