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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Det milsvida skogsfolket : Skogssamernas samhälle i omvandling 1650-1800 / The boundless forest's people : The forest Sami society in transformation 1650-1800

Marklund, Bertil January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation shows that the forest Sami of Arvidsjaurbyn (the forest Sami community in Arvidsjaur) were actors on an economic, social and societal level. The parish of Arvidsjaur was founded by the Swedish state in the beginning of the 17th century. The dissertation is a source study. The primary area of investigation consists of the then existing Arvidsjaurbyn in Pite lappmark (the Sami region of Pite). With regard to economic and societal changes, comparative studies have been made of the forest Sami neighbours in the south, Uhmeåbyn (the forest Sami community in Ume lappmark), and the neighbours in the north, Jokkmokk and Sjokksjokk (forest Sami communities in Lule lappmark). Arvidsjaurbyn is unique as a research object, since the community consisted of no other Sami category but the forest Sami. They had cooperated under private management with each other and communicated with the state and the church for more than one hundred years before the first settler arrived (in 1757). Traditionally the forest Sami have been dependent on three industries, namely fishing, hunting and reindeer husbandry. In the 18th century the reindeer herding came to be dominant. The forest Sami showed that they could handle important issues in the encounter with the state and the church. Forest Sami lay assessors successfully defended the Sami community’s industries at the district court sessions. The economic differences among them were not great and the internal solidarity in the Sami community was strong. Arvidsjaurbyn was a Sami community with a considerable population increase 1750–1800. From the 1740s the Swedish state’s policy vis-à- vis the forest Sami became increasingly clear; they ought to pass on to the agricultural industry. The forest Sami were, however, not convinced to adhere to this state policy. Around 1800 the administration of lappskatteland (the taxation area of each forest Sami) came to be moved from the local district court to the county administrative boards, which was a considerable adversity for the forest Sami’s development potentialities. This dissertation is one of the few that problematizes the forest Sami in Sweden. It reveals a sustainable, cooperative, resilient and innovative society. / Denna avhandling om skogssamerna behandlar förändringarna i deras samhälle 1650–1800. Bland allmänheten är skogssamerna inte lika kända som fjällsamerna. En del forskning om skogssamerna har genomförts men då i sammanhang där den fjällsamiska forskningsdelen legat i förgrunden. I avhandlingen påvisas att skogssamerna hade kontroll på utvecklingen av sina näringar: De var därmed aktörer på en social och samhällelig nivå i samebyn, Arvidsjaurbyn. Omkring år 1800 skulle denna ordning, på grund av statliga åtgärder, komma att försvagas. Om vi hade kunnat besöka Övre Norrland omkring 1650 skulle vi ha träffat på skogssamer från Kemi lappmark i öster ned till skogslandet som omger Ångermanälven och dess biflöden i söder. Deras område gränsade mot fjällterrängen i väster och de uppodlade kustbygderna i öster. I dessa milsvida skogsområden var skogssamerna inbyggarna medan området säsongsvis nyttjades av kustbönderna för fiskets skull och av fjällsamerna för dess vinterbetesmarker. Skogssamernas kärnområde av idag utgörs av Arvidsjaurs och Malå kommuner med utlöpare in i Arjeplogs, Jokkmokks och Gällivare kommuner. Avhandlingen är en källstudie om skogssamerna 1650–1800. Källorna består av domböcker, skattelängder, befolkningstabeller, kyrkböcker, visitationsprotokoll och avräkningsböcker. Skogssamerna har studerats ned på individnivå varefter resultaten sammanförts, analyserats, generaliserats och diskuterats. Redan tidigt i avhandlingsarbetet stod det klart att lappskattelandet var en viktig del när förändringar i skogssamernas samhälle skulle undersökas. Undersökningsområdet omfattar dåvarande Arvidsjaurbyn i Pite lappmark där jämförande studier, med avseende på ekonomiska och samhälleliga förändringar, har gjorts med skogssamegrannarna i söder, Uhmeåbyn, och grannarna i norr, Jokkmokk och Sjokksjokk. Arvidsjaurbyn är unik som forskningsobjekt eftersom byn bestod av enbart skogssamer. Som skogssamer hade man i egen regi samarbetat med varandra och kommunicerat med stat och kyrka i över hundra år innan förste nybyggaren anlände. Den var egen socken och eget kyrkligt, rättsligt och administrativt område. Marknaden i Arvidsjaur var av gammalt datum och under 1700-talet kom marknadshandeln att utvecklas. Mot slutet av 1600-talet kom den fjällsamiska nomadismen att sätta sina spår i vinterskogslandet. Under första halvan av 1700-talet kom skogssamerna att stämma fjällsamer inför tinget för betesintrång. Dessa avtog avsevärt fram till 1800. Den fjällsamiska rennomadismen kom ändå inte att påverka skogssamerna särskilt mycket. De blev viktigare som skogssamernas förebilder för hur man ökar numerären i sin renhjord. Under 1750-talet inleddes en mer omfattande kolonisation av lappmarkerna. Arvidsjaurbyn blev den sista av de svenska lappmarkernas skogssamebyar som koloniserades (från och med 1757). Skogssamerna i Åsele, Ume, Pite och Lule lappmarker påverkades olika mycket av nybyggarnas intåg. Efter 1750 kom de flesta av skogssamernas lappskatteland i Uhmeåbyn i Ume lappmark att gå förlorade till nybyggarna med den påföljden att Uhmeåbyn (nuvarande Lycksele kommun) i praktiken hade upphört omkring år 1800. Skogssamebyarna norr däremot utvecklade sina näringar. Dit hörde Arvidsjaurbyn som ännu finns kvar (nuvarande skogssamebyarna Malå, Mausjaur, Östra Kikkejaur och Västra Kikkejaur). Förklaringarna till denna förmåga till överlevnad är onekligen intressanta. Skogssamerna har traditionellt lutat sig mot tre näringar nämligen fiske, jakt och renskötsel. Omkring 1650 dominerade jakt och fiske. Under 1700-talet kom renskötseln att bli dominerande. I den förändringen gick skogssamerna sin egen väg. Efter 1750 började man dela på lappskattelanden och renhjordarna ökade i storlek – en hållbar näringsutveckling som blev starten för näringen av idag. Arvidsjaurbyn var en av samebyarna med en befolkningsökning 1750–1800. Nybyggarna i Arvidsjaur kom inte att påverka skogssamernas näringar på ett allvarligt sätt förrän efter år 1800. Samtidigt omvandlades skogssamernas samhälle och man såg till att behålla sitt inflytande på olika arenor. Skogssamerna var en viktig del av det kyrkliga sammanhanget, skogssamiska nämndemän försvarade med framgång deras näringar, de visade att de kunde hantera viktiga frågor i mötet med staten. De ekonomiska skillnaderna dem emellan var inte stora och den inre sammanhållningen i samebyn var stark. I avhandlingen konstateras att skogssamerna var aktörer, inte offer. De hade därmed en maktposition att hantera framförallt i sina näringsfrågor. Att det var så berodde på deras förmåga till självorganisering och självstyre. Den svenska staten formade Arvidsjaurbyn som en administrativ enhet från 1600- talets början och in i 1700-talet och ska under 1700-talet ses som en strukturell maktfaktor. Reformen av lappskatten genomfördes 1695. Under 1740-talet ändrades förutsättningarna för fattiga samers flyttningar till den av svenska bönder bebodda bottenvikskusten. Nu krävdes att de hade ett arbete dit de kom och att flyttningen skulle vara reglerad hos myndigheterna i avflyttnings- och inflyttningssocknen. Under inledningen av 1750-talet drogs gränsen mellan bönderna vid bottenvikskusten och lappmarken upp. Den innebar framförallt att det nu var slut med kustböndernas fiskefärder till sjöarna i lappmarkerna. Dock: Under senare delen av 1700-talet utvecklades den svenska statens ståndpunkt om skogssamernas näringar att de borde övergå till jordbruksnäringen. Skogssamerna lät sig dock inte övertygas. Först senare, in på 1830- talet, kom skogssamer i Arvidsjaurbyn, att i någon omfattning, bli nybyggare. En statlig negativ makt i betydelsen att det blev en betydande motgång för skogssamerna genomdrevs in på 1800-talet då lappskattelandsärenden flyttas från det lokala tinget till länsstyrelserna. Ändå var tiden fram till år 1800 gynnsam för skogssamerna. Det århundrade som följde skulle komma att innehålla stora och svåra utmaningar som inte blev mindre av att skogssamernas inflytande, på grund av statliga åtgärder, skulle komma att minska. / Sammanfattning på umesamiska Dáhta doktårbargguo lúvletjij bijrra sijttá tjielgastit syöbradahkan virduodiemiev 1650–1800 tjuöhtiejäbij gaskasne. Lúvletjij viessuomvyjjarh eäh almatjijste leäh aktta åhppásh guh váriegij vyjjarh. Múvtieme uhtsadiebmie leä gujt dahktuvvame valla dalluojge váriegij ienabe guh lúvletjij viessuome leä guövddielisne urrame. Jis máhttiet lúvlijmeh mannat Bijjie-Nuorttalándasne 1650 lúhkien bájkiesne lúvlijmeh gávnadame Giebmasámieniednaman lúvletjijgújme luldnie, juhkh vumatlándasne vyössan, jah sämij dan lándasne juhka gidd’ Jeanoen jah dan lijggietjätsij gujga ållá. Jilliele dan dáhvuon leä bijjielándda jah lúvlielde jis mierradáhvuoj búnddedädtjij åhkierh. Dajn vuavdnájen vijđies vumadahkijne lúvletjh vyössan. Jábien äjgij mehte búndh dáhvuojde guelleman dehte ednen jah váriegh jis dálvvieguohtuoman dehte. Lúvletjij guovdátjedáhvuo gåvdnije údne Árviesjávrien jah Málágan kommuvnijne jah dassa lissiene iednamah ájáj Árjepluovien, Jåhkåmåhkien jah Jiellevárien kommuvnij sissnie. Dáhta doktårbargguo leä gåldijeuhtsadiebmie lúvletjij bijrra jäbijne 1650–1800. Gåldijieh leäh duobmuogirjieh, skáhttietsiehkuodissah, viesáttjållash, jessembuörddiegirjieh jah åsiestemegirjjieh. Uhtsadiebmie leä dáhktuvvame gidd’ vihtties almatjij rájjáje jah die leäh áj miŋŋiele sjadduoh såpkatuvvame jah nålggastemijne åbbaláhkáje giehtjadallatuvvame. Juo árrade uhtsademebarguosne däjđuv, lij ge åhpies gúktie skáhttielándh lijjen ájnas åssie lúvletjij syöbradahkan virduodemij jessemijste. Muv ájdnasummas uhtsademedáhvuo leä dållatje Árviesjávrien tjeälddie Byöhđaman sámieniednamisne. Leäb ájáj bednegevyrrarij jah syöbradahkan guohtáje lúvletjijde årjiene jeäbddastallame, Ubmejentjieldiesne, jah kránnájde nuortane, Jå- hkåmåhkien jah Sjuokksjåhkån tjieldijne. Árviesjávrien tjeälddie leä ájdnalágátje uhtsademesuörggiene, júhte tjieldiesne lijjen gájks lúvletjh. Lúvletjh ednen jijtjase vuögijde akttane barggat jah stáhtijne jah gïrkuojne guvlatallat bijjiele tjuöhtie jábieh uvddale guh vuostas búndh búhten. Tjeälddie lij jijtjase suaknnuo, gïrkkuo-, diggie- jah tjudtjatusdáhvuone. 1750 jäbij ájgien älgij vijđies iednamválddiemedåjbma sämij dáhvuojne. Árviesjávrien tjeälddie sjaddij miŋŋijmus lúvletjij tjieldijste sámieniednamisne, gússnie dahta dahktuvvij. Sjeltien, Ubmejen, Byöhđamen jah Julevun sámieniednamijne stuövies urratahkh lijjen vádnásh. Miŋŋiele 1750 lúvletjij skáhttielándh Uhmebïvdna (Ubmejen Tjeälddie) Ubmejen sámieniednamisne byöjsstan uđđastubij tseggemij dehte, mastie sjaddij júhte Uhmebïvdna (dálátje Lïkssjuon kommuvdna) lij tjeälddiene nåhkame 1800 tjuöhtiejäbij bijrra. Lúvletjij tjieldijne jis jielátissah nïnnuostuvvijeäh. Dajdde guvlij Árviesjávrien tjeälddie juhka villie údnek leä báhtsáme (Mávasjávrrie, Luvlatje jah Jilliebe Giehkure). Dassa lij dáhta vuođđuone ahtie lúvletjh ärbij tsaggie, nammadum guöllie- jah návddiebïvduojne jah båtsuojsuojtuojne, vyössan. 1650 jäbij äjgijne lijgan bïvdduo jah guelleme åjvviejielátissane jah 1700 tjuöhtiejäbij ájgien sjaddij båtsuojbargguo mierriedijjiene jah bájdnagúdij sagga sijjij viessuomvyjjarijde. Dan virduodemesne lúvletjh välljejijjen jijtjase tjåvddiemijde. Skáhttielándijde juogadeäh jah dan miŋŋiele ieluoh stuorránin Árviesjávrien tjeälddie lij tjieldij gaskasne aktta, gússnie vuojnuos ålbmagestuorruome sjaddij ájggiegaskasne 1750-1800. Lúvletjij syöbradahka jietjátuvvij dan mehte guh lägedijjen júhte bájdniemefábmuo bätsij sijjije. Lúvletjh lijjen åssiene gïrkuoste jah gïrkuon vyjjarijste, sämij dålmanjh (tålmannijh) gähtten buoragikta jijtjase jielátissijde. Vuösietijjen júhte mähtten dåjmadit dárbuoj mehte stáhtijne jah gïrkuojne jah ájnasikta sïhttáh úvdiedit åsiestiemiev. Ekonomijjasne eäh lama juogdish nåv stuorráh jah tjeälddie lij sisŋielde geävrra. 1750 lúhkien jäbij rájieste gidd’ 1800 kruvnan dahkuoh sämij vuösstie Sverjesne byjkkasissa sjedden, júhtie lúvletjh byörrijeäh sjaddat iednamberggijiene. Ussjadellen máje júhte lúvletjij viessuomtjeärdda lij úhtsiebe árvuoste jah udtja dan dehte byöjsstat. Valla lúvletjh dassa idtjen mivvah eäh geän tjuovuoh mab guhtjadijjen. 1800 tjuöhtejábien rájjáje lúvletjh úvdiedellen Árviesjávrien tjieldien jielátissijde ja sämij ålbmage stuoruoj. Miŋŋiele gújt, lahkabisne 1830-lúhkien ájggáje, lúvletjh múvtieme mierráje sjedden hiejmánij iejgádiene. Viehka vuösstiemanname lij dahta guh vuostas åsiesne 1800 tjuöhtiejäbijne lánddajessemah diggij vuöldie sirdietuvvijeäh lienatjudtjatussan vuolláje. Ihkabe ájggie 1800 tjuöhtiejäbij rájjáje lij buerijmus ájggie lúvletjijde. Tjuöhtiejáhpie juhka dalluoj búdij buektij sämijde stuorra jah lussas hásstiemijde, juhkh idtjen unnánh stáhtan dåjmaj dehte. / <p>Avhandlingen ingår även i institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudiers skriftserie <em>Historiska studier: Skrifter från Umeå universitet 10.</em> </p>

Turbulences et changements institutionnels au sein de la Société internationale : une perspective historique

Landry, Rémi 01 1900 (has links)
Turbulences et changements institutionnels au sein de la Société internationale : une perspective historique Cette recherche puise ses origines du constat que la présente société internationale apparaît plus que jamais mal outillée et en perte de légitimité pour gérer les nouveaux déséquilibres qui ébranlent sa sécurité. Nous voulons vérifier si les présentes difficultés à gérer l’ordre interétatique sont des signes précurseurs d’une période de turbulences systémiques qui ébranleraient ses fondations. Nous avançons comme principale hypothèse de recherche qu’une perte de légitimité dans les mécanismes d’ordre d’une société westphalienne engendre une période plus ou moins longue de turbulences systémiques, provoquant un retour à l’antihégémonie caractérisée par l’établissement d’un nouvel ordre sociétal. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous nous associons au cadre théorique de l’École anglaise qui analyse les relations interétatiques en qualifiant le caractère de l’ordre qui les gouverne. Ses adeptes y parviennent en étudiant les forces qui engendrent le maintien d’un environnement international antihégémonique, ainsi que la nature des réciprocités interétatiques qui s’en dégage. Ainsi, en observant les diverses institutions créées pour gérer l’ordre, ils sont en mesure de mieux comprendre l’évolution, la diffusion et la pérennisation de l’établissement d’une société des États. Cette approche nous a permis de construire un modèle explicatif pour notre dynamique sociétale. Par la suite, afin de répondre à notre questionnement initial, nous proposons d’analyser le statut de diverses sociétés internationales lors d’époques caractérisées par une période systémique de grands chaos, suivie du retour d’un régime sociétal. Nous cherchons à établir si des analogies peuvent être faites sur leur processus de transformation pour, par la suite, vérifier si elles peuvent s’appliquer à la nature du changement qui s’opère dans la présente société internationale. L’analyse historique comparative s’avère un instrument tout désigné pour ce type de recherche. Les époques sélectionnées pour notre recherche couvrent la Guerre de Trente Ans, les Guerres napoléoniennes et la Première Guerre mondiale. La nature antihégémonique d’une société des États, en plus de maintenir un environnement anarchique, crée un climat de rivalités qui entraîne un processus de transformations dans la dynamique de l’ordre. Ce facteur de changement fut introduit sous le concept de progrès sociétal, lequel engendre une désuétude institutionnelle dans les mécanismes de l’ordre sociétal, pouvant entraîner une période de turbulences systémiques. Ainsi, pour mieux observer ce phénomène, nous avons adopté les institutions comme outils d’analyse. Elles nous permettent d’être plus critiques des phénomènes observés, tout en nous autorisant à les comparer entre elles, en raison de leur longévité. Nos recherches révèlent la pérennité d’une dynamique de transformation au sein des sociétés westphaliennes, dont la nature entraîne des déséquilibres sociétaux qui varient selon son intensité. Nous observons aussi que, malgré l’égalité légale que confère la souveraineté aux États, les Grandes puissances sont les principaux artisans d’un système international. Leur aptitude à l’unilatéralisme fut souvent associée à l’émergence de turbulences systémiques. Nos recherches montrent que l’interdépendance et la coopération interétatique sont aussi alimentées par la diffusion et le partage d’une économie libérale. C’est aussi cette même interdépendance qui, progressivement, rend la guerre entre Grandes puissances désuète. Plus l’interdépendance et le multilatéralisme s’intensifient dans un environnement sociétal, plus le progrès sociétal a tendance à se manifester sous les aspects d’une transformation systémique progressive (non violente) plutôt que révolutionnaire (période de turbulences systémiques). La présente société internationale est sous l’influence du progrès sociétal depuis son avènement. Sa stabilité est directement liée à la capacité de ses mécanismes d’ordre à contrer les déséquilibres que le progrès engendre, ainsi qu’à l’aptitude de ses Grandes puissances à limiter leur propension à l’unilatéralisme. Donc, ces mécanismes doivent pouvoir intégrer le progrès pour maintenir leur légitimité et éviter d’engendrer une période de turbulences systémiques. / Turbulence and institutional changes within the international Society: an historical perspective Our inquiry has its origins in the acknowledgement that the current international society appears, more than ever, deficient and lacking legitimacy in its management of emerging threats which affect its security. This dissertation aims to verify whether the present difficulties to manage the interstate order are precursors of a period of systemic turbulences. We propose as our principal research hypothesis that a loss of legitimacy within the law and order mechanisms of a Westphalian society will generate a rather long period of systemic turbulences, creating a return to an antihegemonic system characterized by the establishment of a new a new system of societal law and order. To test this hypothesis, we have joined the theoretical framework of the English School which observes the interstate relations by assessing the character of the order that governs them. Its followers succeed in studying the forces that create the maintenance of an antihegemonic international environment, and the nature of the interstate reciprocities that emerge from it. Then, by observing the institutions created to manage the law and order, they are in a position to better understand the evolution, the diffusion and the perpetuation of a society of States. This approach allows us to construct an explanatory model of our societal dynamic. In order to answer our initial query, we propose to analyse the status of various international societies from different epochs, each one containing a period of systemic turbulences followed by the return of societal regime. We intend to establish if any analogies can be drawn between their transformative processes, and thus determine whether these processes can be applied to the transformations taking place within the current international society. An historical comparative analysis proves to be an appropriate tool for our type of research. The periods selected for this research are the Thirty Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, and the First World War including the ‘inter-war’ period. The antihegemonic nature of a society of States, in addition to maintaining an anarchic environment, creates a climate of rivalries which generate transformation within the law and order dynamic. This transformative factor was introduced under the concept of societal progress, which generates, within the societal law and order mechanisms, institutional obsolescence that can create a period of systemic turbulences. To observe this phenomenon, we have adopted institutions as analytical tools. Institutions will allow us to be more critical, and will facilitate comparisons between them, considering their longevity. Our findings indicate the existence of a lasting dynamic of transformation within Westphalian societies, generating levels of societal turbulences, which vary according to their intensity. We also observed that despite the legal equality that sovereignty provides in a society of States, the Great powers remain the principal architects of their society. Their innate aptitude toward unilateralism was often associated with the emergence of systemic turbulence. Our research shows that interstate interdependence and cooperation were also fuelled by the expansion of a liberal economy. In a societal environment, as interdependence and multilateralism intensify, the propensity for societal progress is more inclined to take the aspect of a progressive type of systemic transformation than of a period of violent revolutionary systemic turbulence. Our international society of States has always been under the influence of societal progress since its inception. Stability of its future is tied to its ability to counter external threats and that of the Great powers’ capacity to limit their propensity to unilateralism. Law and order mechanisms must then be able to integrate societal progress to allow the maintenance of legitimacy and the avoidance of a revolutionary systemic transformation period.

Actions publiques et territoires innovants : analyse de la construction des chemins de la compétitivité par les managers territoriaux : le cas du pays d'Aix

Brétéché, Pierre-Joseph 17 September 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche envisage la compréhension et la représentation du phénomène de compétitivité territoriale. Phénomène encore peu étudié par le management public, le parti pris est celui d’une exploration hybride susceptible d’inclure dans l’analyse les contextes, les contenus et processus mobilisés. La compétitivité territoriale est donc appréhendée comme un construit et non comme une donnée. L’approche par la complexité vise à re-construire les pratiques effectivement mise en œuvre par les managers territoriaux au travers d’une confrontation de la théorie et de l’empirie.La première partie est destinée à formaliser un cadre conceptuel et méthodologique pour le management de la compétitivité territoriale. Suivant une approche transdisciplinaire, les contours de la mise en action publique pour la compétitivité des territoires y sont délimités. L’heuristique d’axiome global permet la prise en compte des influences des contextes selon une logique « en marché » et une logique « en société ». Les dimensions idiosyncrasiques et diachroniques de la compétitivité territoriales sont définies pour analyser contenus et processus de l’objet de la recherche. Les analogies mécaniques et biologiques permettent ainsi de faciliter la compréhension des modalités managériales émergentes. La deuxième partie passe l’objet de la recherche à l’épreuve empirique. Une étude de cas longitudinale avec deux unités d’analyse encastrées est menée en pays d’Aix. Quatre modalités de management de la compétitivité territoriale sont ainsi dégagées. Suivant un régime d’accumulation, la délimitation du périmètre de la mise en action publique est l’étape initiale. La construction par les managers des arènes collaboratives via les structures génériques de projets des politiques publiques volontaristes dégagent des bouquets de services. La transition de la logique « en marché » à la logique « en société » est assuré par une modalité de proximité sociétale qui émerge des politiques publiques territoriales. La construction d’une arène de convergence des intentions finalisées d’acteurs hétérogènes passe alors par une chaîne locale de l’innovation tissée entre des managers experts. L’écosystème local de l’innovation est constitué par l’encastrement des réseaux personnels de chaque manager et permet de relier des structures hétérogènes aux finalités diverses. Cet écosystème doit alors être managé pour assurer la pérennité du système de compétitivité territoriale au travers du temps. A ce titre, les modes de gouvernance de la compétitivité territoriale doivent favoriser des configurations souples, différenciées et partagées. Des configurations susceptibles de voir se croiser les chemins de la prospérité avec ceux de la compétitivité (différenciées) ; des configurations susceptibles encore de permettre la dialogique des processus d’actions publiques pour arbitrer entre polarisation et dispersion des activités productives (souples) ; des configurations susceptibles enfin de permettre à l’énergie cinétique de se déployer sur un territoire pour le rendre compétitif au travers de la construction d’une arène de convergence des intentions par la proximité sociétale (partagées) / This research considers the understanding and representation of the phenomenon of territorial competitiveness. The thesis is an hybrid exploration of new phenomenon studied by the Public Management and may be included analysis of the contexts, contents and processes used. Territorial competitiveness is understood as a framework, not a fact. The complexity approach is to re-build practices effectively implemented by managers through a territorial confrontation of theory and empiricism. The first part formalizes a conceptual and methodological framework for the management of territorial competitiveness. As a transdisciplinary approach, the outlines of public policy-making are defined for the competitiveness of territories. The overall heuristic axiom allows the consideration of the influences of contexts according to a market logic and society logic. Idiosyncratic and diachronic dimensions of territorial competitiveness are defined to analyze contents and processes of the subject of research. Thus, the mechanical and biological analogies allow a better understanding of the emergent management modalities.The second part goes over the empirical test. A longitudinal case study based on two embedded units of analysis is conducted at Aix-en-Provence. Four modalities of territorial competitiveness management have been found. The boundaries lines of public policy-making are defined by the growth of continuous additions. The packages of services emerge from the construction of collaborative arenas by managers through proactive public policies projects. The transition from market logic to society logic is provided by a form of societal proximity that emerges from the territorial public policies. The erection of an arena to lead intentions finalized of heterogeneous actors goes through a local chain of innovation between managers. The local ecosystem of innovation is constituted by the embedding of personal networks of each manager and for linking heterogeneous structures with different purposes. This ecosystem must be managed to ensure the sustainability of the system of territorial competitiveness. Tree types of territorial competitiveness governance would appear concurrently: flexible, differentiated and shared. The first one type will mix the paths of prosperity with those of competitiveness (differentiated). The second type may allow the dialogical processes of public policy-making to arbitrate between polarization and dispersion of productive activities (flexible). The last one may permit the kinetic energy to deploy in an area to be competitive through the construction of an arena of convergence of intentions by social proximity (shared)

Defining and developing a theory of sport intelligence

Rosslee, Garrath James 10 1900 (has links)
Much has been researched and written on the concept of intelligence in the last century and while much of it has been applied in educational settings and commercial organisations, little has been investigated and applied within a sports context. Early research in the 1970s identified sport intelligence as comprising primarily of reaction time and recall and it was only in 2002, some 30 years later, that it again appeared in the literature with sport intelligence being considered a psychological characteristic of Olympic champions. The research of Gould, Diffenbach and Moffet (2002) into sport intelligence hypothesised that sport intelligence included having “the ability to analyse, being innovative, being a student of the sport, making good decisions, understanding the nature of elite sport, and being a quick learner” (p. 5). Later research by Blue (2009) proposed a comprehensive model of sport intelligence as it applied to golf wherein he posited that sport intelligence – albeit in a golfing context – comprised a ‘competition’ and ‘developmental’ intelligence. Other than the thematic assessment of Gould et al. (2002) and the golf-specific study of Blue (2009) no literature, data or research was available internationally, on the African continent nor in South Africa. The researcher responded to the call for further research and decided to complete a qualitative, exploratory study in South Africa. The research commenced by covering what was available on sport intelligence literature and to build on it by reviewing and considering general intelligence theories. Both orthodox and unorthodox approaches were considered and the review suggested that sport intelligence would conceptually and theoretically consist of a number of dimensions and constructs including a series of cognitive processes like memory, reasoning, problem solving, decision making and other rational processes. The third source of literature was a review of sport psychology and it emphasised the importance and significance of emotional, motivational and other psychological factors in addition to the influences of personality. The literature review led to the researcher identifying 14 hypotheses which were explored with 15 credible sport participants, whereafter a thorough content analysis of the 14 hypotheses was performed. 13 of the 14 initial hypotheses were accepted with one included as a theme within another. The thematic assessment resulted in the identification and development of a systems model of sport intelligence comprising six components as follows:  A neurophysiological component;  A cognitive/rational component;  An emotional/affective component;  A team/group component;  A societal/ecological component; and  A metaphysical component. The investigation and analyses furthermore indicated that the components do not exist in isolation of one another and each dimension seems of equal significance. The data suggested a parallel process and dynamic interplay between these components and this led to a systemic perspective being adopted when synthesising the model into a logical and coherent framework. Each of the components were critically evaluated from a cognitive and systemic perspective. The systemic perspective proposed challenges the view that performance is not only an individual endeavour but also a systemic endeavour. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Consulting Psychology)

Relationship between visual perceptual skill and mathematic ability

Freeguard, Lynn Shirley 01 1900 (has links)
Poor mathematics performance in South African schools is of national concern. An attempt to gain insight into the problem prompted a study into the possibility of a relationship between visual perceptual skill and mathematic ability. A theoretical review revealed that inherent limitations of traditional psychological theories hinder an adequate explanation for the possible existence of such a relationship. The theory of situated cognition seems to be better suited as an explanatory model, and simultaneously clarifies the nature of both visual perception and mathematics. A small exploratory study, with a sample of 70 Grade 6 learners, provided empirical evidence towards the plausibility of the relationship. Specifically, it proved the hypothesis that visual perceptual skill positively correlates with scholastic mathematics achievement. The results of the study, interpreted within the situated cognitive framework, suggest that a conceptual emphasis in mathematics education – as opposed to a factual emphasis – might improve mathematic ability, which may credibly reflect in scholastic performance. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Psychology)

The Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats Idea Development 2010-2018 : Comprehending the Parties Migration Policy Development Through Rational Action, Societal Discourses and Critical Junctures

Ujkani, Venera January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats idea development in the issue of migration in 2010-2018. The inquiry consists of the following two research questions. How has the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats positions regarding migration developed in 2010-2018? How can institutional theories explain the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats idea development? The study is encompassed by three theoretical perspectives also recognised as rational-choice institutionalism, historical institutionalism and discursive institutionalism. In regard to the methodological approach, the study employs the comparative case study design with the most-similar system and is essentially an idea analytical study. The main results reveal that both the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats have adjusted their migration policies but to different degrees. The Swedish Democrats promote similar policies in 2010 as in 2018 with smaller alterations while the Moderate Party has customised larger alterations, distinguishing the party’s migration policy from 2010 and 2018. These policy alterations are primarily explained as a result of rational action, societal discourses and critical junctures.

Leadership style as a component of diversity management experience / Annelie Gildenhuys

Gildenhuys, Annelie January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Skolperspektiv : Utveckling av verktyg för analys av politikers, lärares och elevers resonemang om skolan / Perspectives on the school : Development of tools for analyzing the reasoning of politicians, teachers and pupils regarding the school

Henningsson-Yousif, Anna January 2003 (has links)
The major objective has been to create tools for analyzing the reasoning regarding the school the different actors involved - pupils, teachers, school and politicians show. A subordinate aim was to explore relevance in this connection of eight studies carried out by the author 1979 – 1999 concerning three basic areas: the pedagogical processes at the school level, at the teacher education level and at the level of school change. I conclude that a recurring question is that of the relevance and the sense of meaningfulness experienced by those involved in different educational processes. In one of the eight empirical studies, termed the compulsory-school teacher study (1997), an approach to analyzing what teacher trainees find relevant in their work in schools is presented, involving two basic concepts, those of the event space and the relational space. In considering these concepts in terms of Alfred Schutz' theory of the lifeworld, I rename the relational space the space of contemporaries. A new study is also reported in this thesis – Teachers and schoolpoliticians in the pedagogical process of school change, the LoP-study. In considering the earlier eight studies in conjunction with the LoP-study, I find the studies to have dealt with personal processes and societal processes as well as pedagogical processes in how the parties involved reason in talking about the school. Three different aspects of the processes are distinguished: meta-aspects, connected with the aims a given process has; core aspects, connected with what one concretely does; and approach aspects, pertaining to how the persons involved relate to each other and to the process. In analyzing the LoP- interviews carried out with use of the tools developed – enabling different processes and aspects of these to be analyzed – I find marked individual differences in the patterns of different aspects of the processes involved. The width of the event space and of the space of contemporaries on the part both of the teachers and of the politicians were found to vary considerably. A conclusion drawn is that further development of the tools created would be worthwhile. It also seems possible to apply these tools to other areas, such as those of the scientific community with its research processes and of the political community with its steering processes.

Improving care for patients with non-cardiac chest pain : Description of psychological distress and costs, and evaluation of an Internet-delivered intervention

Mourad, Ghassan January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: More than half of all patients seeking care for chest pain do not have a cardiac cause for this pain. Despite recurrent episodes of chest pain, many patients are discharged without a clear explanation of the cause for their pain. A lack of explanation may result in a misinterpretation of the pain as being cardiac-related, causing worry and uncertainty, which in turn leads to substantial use of healthcare resources. Psychological distress has been associated with non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP), but there is limited research regarding the relationship between different psychological factors and their association with healthcare utilization. There is a need for interventions to support patients to manage their chest pain, decrease psychological distress, and reduce healthcare utilization and costs. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to improve care for patients with  non-cardiac chest pain by describing related psychological distress, healthcare utilization and societal costs, and by evaluating an Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural intervention. Designs and methods: This thesis presents results from four quantitative studies. Studies I and II had a longitudinal descriptive and comparative design. The studies used the same initial cohort. Patients were consecutively approached within 2 weeks from the day of discharge from a general hospital in southeast Sweden. In study I, 267 patients participated (131 with NCCP, 66 with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and 70 with angina pectoris (AP)). Out of these, 199 patients (99 with NCCP, 51 with AMI, 49 with AP) participated in study II. Participants were predominantly male (about 60 %) with a mean age of 67 years. Data was collected on depressive symptoms (Study I), healthcare utilization (Study I, II), and societal costs (Study II). Study III had a cross-sectional explorative and descriptive design. Data was collected consecutively on depressive symptoms, cardiac anxiety and fear of body sensations in 552 patients discharged with diagnoses of NCCP (51 % women, mean age 64 years) from four hospitals in southeast Sweden. Patients were approached within one month from the day of discharge. Study IV was a pilot randomized controlled study including nine men and six women with a median age of 66 years, who were randomly assigned to an intervention (n=7) or control group (n=8). The intervention consisted of a four-session guided Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program containing psychoeducation, exposure to physical activity, and relaxation. The control group received usual care. Data was collected on chest pain frequency, cardiac anxiety, fear of body sensations, and depressive symptoms. Results: Depressive symptoms were prevalent in 20 % (Study IV) and 25 % (Study I, III) of the patients, and more than half of the patients still experienced depressive symptoms one year later (Study I). There were no significant differences in prevalence and severity of depressive symptoms between patients diagnosed with NCCP, AMI or AP. Living alone and younger age were independently related to more depressive symptoms (Study I). Cardiac anxiety was reported by 42 % of the patients in study III and 67 % of the patients in study IV. Fear of body sensations was reported by 62 % of the patients in study III and 93 % of the patients in study IV. On average, patients with NCCP had 54 contacts with primary care or the outpatient clinic per patient during the two-year study period. This was comparable to the number of contacts among patients with AMI (50 contacts) and AP (65). Patients with NCCP had on average 2.6 hospital admissions during the two years, compared to 3.6 for patients with AMI and 3.9 for patients with AP (Study II). Four out of ten patients reported seeking healthcare at least twice during the last year due to chest pain (Study III). On average, 14 % of patients with NCCP were on sick-leave annually, compared to 18 % for patient with AMI and 25 % for patient with AP. About 11-12 % in each group received a disability pension. The mean annual societal costs for patients with NCCP, AMI and AP were €10,068, €15,989 and €14,737 (Study II). Depressive symptoms (Study I, III), cardiac anxiety (Study III) and fear of body sensations (Study III) were related to healthcare utilization. Cardiac anxiety was the only variable independently associated with healthcare utilization (Study III). In the intervention study (Study IV), almost all patients in both the intervention and control groups improved with regard to chest pain  frequency, cardiac anxiety, fear of body sensations, and depressive symptoms. There was no significant difference between the groups. The intervention was perceived as feasible and easy to manage, with comprehensible language, adequate and varied content, and  manageable homework assignments. Conclusions: Patients with NCCP experienced recurrent and persistent chest pain and psychological distress in terms of depressive symptoms, cardiac anxiety and fear of body sensations. The prevalence and severity of depressive symptoms in patients with NCCP did not differ from patients with AMI and patients with AP. NCCP was significantly associated with healthcare utilization and patients had similar amount of primary care and outpatient clinic contacts as patients with AMI. The estimated cumulative annual national societal cost for patients with NCCP was more than double that of patients with AMI and patients with AP, due to a larger number of patients with NCCP. Depressive symptoms, cardiac anxiety and fear of body sensations were related to increased healthcare utilization, but cardiac anxiety was the only variable independently associated with healthcare utilization. These findings imply that screening and treatment of psychological distress should be considered for implementation in the care of patients with NCCP. By reducing cardiac anxiety, patients may be better prepared to handle chest pain. A short guided Internet-delivered CBT program seems to be feasible. In the pilot study, patients improved with regard to chest pain frequency, cardiac anxiety, fear of body sensations, and depressive symptoms, but this did not differ from the patients in the control group who received usual care. Larger studies with longer follow-up are needed to evaluate both the short and long- term effects of this intervention.

Turbulences et changements institutionnels au sein de la Société internationale : une perspective historique

Landry, Rémi 01 1900 (has links)
Turbulences et changements institutionnels au sein de la Société internationale : une perspective historique Cette recherche puise ses origines du constat que la présente société internationale apparaît plus que jamais mal outillée et en perte de légitimité pour gérer les nouveaux déséquilibres qui ébranlent sa sécurité. Nous voulons vérifier si les présentes difficultés à gérer l’ordre interétatique sont des signes précurseurs d’une période de turbulences systémiques qui ébranleraient ses fondations. Nous avançons comme principale hypothèse de recherche qu’une perte de légitimité dans les mécanismes d’ordre d’une société westphalienne engendre une période plus ou moins longue de turbulences systémiques, provoquant un retour à l’antihégémonie caractérisée par l’établissement d’un nouvel ordre sociétal. Pour vérifier cette hypothèse, nous nous associons au cadre théorique de l’École anglaise qui analyse les relations interétatiques en qualifiant le caractère de l’ordre qui les gouverne. Ses adeptes y parviennent en étudiant les forces qui engendrent le maintien d’un environnement international antihégémonique, ainsi que la nature des réciprocités interétatiques qui s’en dégage. Ainsi, en observant les diverses institutions créées pour gérer l’ordre, ils sont en mesure de mieux comprendre l’évolution, la diffusion et la pérennisation de l’établissement d’une société des États. Cette approche nous a permis de construire un modèle explicatif pour notre dynamique sociétale. Par la suite, afin de répondre à notre questionnement initial, nous proposons d’analyser le statut de diverses sociétés internationales lors d’époques caractérisées par une période systémique de grands chaos, suivie du retour d’un régime sociétal. Nous cherchons à établir si des analogies peuvent être faites sur leur processus de transformation pour, par la suite, vérifier si elles peuvent s’appliquer à la nature du changement qui s’opère dans la présente société internationale. L’analyse historique comparative s’avère un instrument tout désigné pour ce type de recherche. Les époques sélectionnées pour notre recherche couvrent la Guerre de Trente Ans, les Guerres napoléoniennes et la Première Guerre mondiale. La nature antihégémonique d’une société des États, en plus de maintenir un environnement anarchique, crée un climat de rivalités qui entraîne un processus de transformations dans la dynamique de l’ordre. Ce facteur de changement fut introduit sous le concept de progrès sociétal, lequel engendre une désuétude institutionnelle dans les mécanismes de l’ordre sociétal, pouvant entraîner une période de turbulences systémiques. Ainsi, pour mieux observer ce phénomène, nous avons adopté les institutions comme outils d’analyse. Elles nous permettent d’être plus critiques des phénomènes observés, tout en nous autorisant à les comparer entre elles, en raison de leur longévité. Nos recherches révèlent la pérennité d’une dynamique de transformation au sein des sociétés westphaliennes, dont la nature entraîne des déséquilibres sociétaux qui varient selon son intensité. Nous observons aussi que, malgré l’égalité légale que confère la souveraineté aux États, les Grandes puissances sont les principaux artisans d’un système international. Leur aptitude à l’unilatéralisme fut souvent associée à l’émergence de turbulences systémiques. Nos recherches montrent que l’interdépendance et la coopération interétatique sont aussi alimentées par la diffusion et le partage d’une économie libérale. C’est aussi cette même interdépendance qui, progressivement, rend la guerre entre Grandes puissances désuète. Plus l’interdépendance et le multilatéralisme s’intensifient dans un environnement sociétal, plus le progrès sociétal a tendance à se manifester sous les aspects d’une transformation systémique progressive (non violente) plutôt que révolutionnaire (période de turbulences systémiques). La présente société internationale est sous l’influence du progrès sociétal depuis son avènement. Sa stabilité est directement liée à la capacité de ses mécanismes d’ordre à contrer les déséquilibres que le progrès engendre, ainsi qu’à l’aptitude de ses Grandes puissances à limiter leur propension à l’unilatéralisme. Donc, ces mécanismes doivent pouvoir intégrer le progrès pour maintenir leur légitimité et éviter d’engendrer une période de turbulences systémiques. / Turbulence and institutional changes within the international Society: an historical perspective Our inquiry has its origins in the acknowledgement that the current international society appears, more than ever, deficient and lacking legitimacy in its management of emerging threats which affect its security. This dissertation aims to verify whether the present difficulties to manage the interstate order are precursors of a period of systemic turbulences. We propose as our principal research hypothesis that a loss of legitimacy within the law and order mechanisms of a Westphalian society will generate a rather long period of systemic turbulences, creating a return to an antihegemonic system characterized by the establishment of a new a new system of societal law and order. To test this hypothesis, we have joined the theoretical framework of the English School which observes the interstate relations by assessing the character of the order that governs them. Its followers succeed in studying the forces that create the maintenance of an antihegemonic international environment, and the nature of the interstate reciprocities that emerge from it. Then, by observing the institutions created to manage the law and order, they are in a position to better understand the evolution, the diffusion and the perpetuation of a society of States. This approach allows us to construct an explanatory model of our societal dynamic. In order to answer our initial query, we propose to analyse the status of various international societies from different epochs, each one containing a period of systemic turbulences followed by the return of societal regime. We intend to establish if any analogies can be drawn between their transformative processes, and thus determine whether these processes can be applied to the transformations taking place within the current international society. An historical comparative analysis proves to be an appropriate tool for our type of research. The periods selected for this research are the Thirty Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, and the First World War including the ‘inter-war’ period. The antihegemonic nature of a society of States, in addition to maintaining an anarchic environment, creates a climate of rivalries which generate transformation within the law and order dynamic. This transformative factor was introduced under the concept of societal progress, which generates, within the societal law and order mechanisms, institutional obsolescence that can create a period of systemic turbulences. To observe this phenomenon, we have adopted institutions as analytical tools. Institutions will allow us to be more critical, and will facilitate comparisons between them, considering their longevity. Our findings indicate the existence of a lasting dynamic of transformation within Westphalian societies, generating levels of societal turbulences, which vary according to their intensity. We also observed that despite the legal equality that sovereignty provides in a society of States, the Great powers remain the principal architects of their society. Their innate aptitude toward unilateralism was often associated with the emergence of systemic turbulence. Our research shows that interstate interdependence and cooperation were also fuelled by the expansion of a liberal economy. In a societal environment, as interdependence and multilateralism intensify, the propensity for societal progress is more inclined to take the aspect of a progressive type of systemic transformation than of a period of violent revolutionary systemic turbulence. Our international society of States has always been under the influence of societal progress since its inception. Stability of its future is tied to its ability to counter external threats and that of the Great powers’ capacity to limit their propensity to unilateralism. Law and order mechanisms must then be able to integrate societal progress to allow the maintenance of legitimacy and the avoidance of a revolutionary systemic transformation period.

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