Spelling suggestions: "subject:"societal"" "subject:"asocietal""
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社會焦慮在難民庇護政策中的角色:以德國、法國與奧地利為例 / The role of societal anxiety in asylum policy: the cases of Germany, France and Austria楊博智, Yang, Bo Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本文發現,此次難民危機前,焦慮因子早已深埋各國社會之中,人民的經濟不安全感在歐債危機與撙節政策的衝擊下日漸加深,同時各國社會也為日益加劇的種族緊張關係所苦,而此兩項經濟與文化的焦慮因子是生成反難民社會焦慮的關鍵因素。難民危機期間,大批難民湧入衝擊人民的心理與情緒,不僅誘發並催化經濟與文化的焦慮因子,同時也帶來安全上的擔憂與威脅,催化各國的反難民社會焦慮,進而使各國的難民庇護政策轉趨緊縮。 / Faced with the refugee crisis, the EU had not only failed to come up with a common asylum strategy, but been plagued by increasing disputes among its Member States. The asylum policy of individual states had, in general, become more and more restrictive as the refugee crisis intensified. In order to understand the domestic factors contributing to the surge of anti-refugee sentiments, I take Germany, France and Austria as the cases and examine the dynamic developments of anti-refugee sentiments as well as the restriction-oriented asylum policy reforms that followed.
The existence of the agents of societal anxiety in European countries predated the refugee crisis. Prior to the European debt crisis, the sense of economic insecurity was already palpable. The implementation of austerity policies greatly enhanced this sense of insecurity. Meanwhile, ethnic tensions or even conflicts were chronic in western European countries. These two agents of societal anxiety turned out to be significant factors in explaining the surge of anti-refugee sentiments. Furthermore, during the crisis, the sudden mass influx of refugees also had an impact on people’s perceptions and sentiments. Not only did it trigger the economic and cultural agents of societal anxiety, but also brought about the perceived security threat as well. Eventually, the anti-refugee sentiments, catalyzed and reinforced by these dynamics, contributed to restrictive asylum policy reforms.
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”Resultatbaserad lön genomsyrar allt” : En kvalitativ studie av fastighetsmäklares uppfattningar om resultatbaserad lönPekkari, Annika January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att studera fastighetsmäklares uppfattningar om löneformen endast resultatbaserad lön och dess betydelse för deras livssituation. För att kunna uppfylla studiens syfte undersöks även hur löneformen kan förstås och förklaras utifrån tidstypiska samhällstrender och processer. Vidare studeras fastighetsmäklares uppfattningar om löneformens betydelse för deras yrkes- och privatliv samt önskvärda löneformer i framtiden. Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats, baserad på hermeneutisk tolkning av intervjuer med åtta yrkesverksamma och före detta yrkesverksamma manliga och kvinnliga fastighetsmäklare. Resultatet visar att löneformen upplevs inverka på de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarnas livssituation främst utifrån att den bidrar till gränslöst arbete, vilket kan ha negativ inverkan på fastighetsmäklarnas möjligheter och förutsättningar till privatliv och fritid. Löneformen kan samtidigt tolkas ha positiv inverkan på fastighetsmäklarnas upplevelse av balans mellan ansträngning och belöning. Resultatet indikerar att löneformen kan tolkas som ett uttryck på mikronivå för övergripande samhällstrender och processer såsom globalisering, teknisk utveckling och individualiseringsprocesser som sker på makronivå. Avslutningsvis visar resultatet att framtidens löneformer förespås utgöras av resultatbaserad lön, med eller utan en fast lönedel. / The purpose of this study is to study the real estate agents' perceptions of the wage form only results-based salary and its significance for their life situation. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, we also examine how the wage form can be understood and explained on the basis of time-typical societal trends and processes. Further, real estate agents' perceptions of the significance of the wage form are studied in regards to their professional and private lives as well as desirable wage forms in the future. The study has a qualitative research approach, based on hermeneutic interpretation of interviews with eight active and former active male and female real estate agents. The result shows that the wage form is considered to be of significance to the interviewed real estate agents' life situation, mainly because it contributes to boundless work, which can have a negative impact on the real estate agents' opportunities and conditions for private life and leisure. At the same time, the wage form can be interpreted to have a positive impact on the real estate agents' experience of balance between effort and reward. The result indicates that the wage form can be interpreted as a micro-level expression of the overall societal trends and processes occurring at macro level such as globalization, technological development and individualization processes. Finally, the results show that the future wage form are predicted to consist of results-based salary, with or without a fixed salary component.
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What can Art Teach us about Integration? : The role of art in postmigrant integration: cases from Germany, Sweden and LuxembourgCouronne, Céline January 2020 (has links)
The term integration became a buzzword and is omnipresent in the current European discourses. Despite its broad definitions, there is a tendency in migration studies and the political narrative to focus exclusively on migrants and their descendants while upholding the vision of a fixed “host society”, with an established national culture, in which migrants should integrate. The present study aims to reframe the concept of integration by adopting a postmigrant approach and by analyzing the contribution of art projects in this regard. To do so, the study draws on two current theoretical approaches to integration in the social sciences, Stuart Hall’s conceptualization of national culture, the postmigration concept and the societal impact of art as theoretical framework. First, the notion of integration has been positioned theoretically in current postmigrant debates. The content analysis demonstrates that the conceptualization of postmigrant integration takes distance from the notion of assimilation and looks beyond the topic of migration. Second, eight semi-structured interviews have been conducted with project team members and project participants of the art projects “Newcomers”, “Leben, Erzählen, Schreiben”, “Hela Bilden”, and the organization “Alter & Ego”. The thematic analysis of the interviews showed the necessity to address the “host population”, i.e. individuals without experience of forced migration, to overcome monolingualism and to concentrate on societal diversity which contributes to the theorization of postmigrant integration. The present thesis indicates the importance of the arts regarding their societal impact and agency to provide alternative narratives on migration and integration. It also stresses the necessity of integration policies and the European migration regime to take part in the reframing of current migration discourses by directly addressing the “host population” and acknowledging today’s context of plural societies in which everyone should integrate. / <p>This thesis has been written as part of the EuMIGS double degree programme in the field of Migration Studies. </p>
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Climate Justice and the Paris Agreement : Dimensions of Climate Justice in the Nationally Determined ContributionsGöthberg, Rosalind January 2020 (has links)
Climate change is a critical threat to all the countries of the world today, not least because of the severe human rights infringements it may well lead to. However, although climate change is a collective, global challenge, there are considerable inequalities regarding contribution to cause and burden of the effects. Those suffering the most from the effects of climate change tend to be least responsible for the emissions causing it. The theoretical concept of climate justice aims to address these injustices, between different countries as well as societal groups and generations. To contribute to the understanding of how this concept is present in the global climate debate today, this thesis examines a selection of the Paris Agreement parties’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) from a perspective of climate justice. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework developed by Andrea Schapper, focusing on three dimensions of climate justice – international, intra-societal and intergenerational. Through this framework, a total of 36 NDCs are studied, the top and bottom three countries for each world region based on levels of cumulative CO2-emissions. The aim of the case selection has been to obtain a variation regarding development status, vulnerability to the effects of climate change, levels of greenhouse gas emissions and geographical location of the studied countries. The results of the study show that all the dimensions are present in at least some of the studied NDCs, but to a very different extent. Primarily, the parties discuss the issue of international justice. Intra-societal justice is touched upon quite frequently but very few bring up the matter of intergenerational justice. Moreover, all three dimensions are predominantly handled by countries classified as ”developing” (according to the UN statistics division). This implies that climate justice is a higher priority for the most vulnerable to and least responsible for climate change, which is problematic for many reasons. Above all, it indicates that rich, industrialized countries are reluctant to take responsibility for their current and historical emissions, as well as the effect those emissions have on others.
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How socially responsible are SMEs in Vietnam? : - A qualitative studyBrunosson, Malin, Malmsten, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Vietnam is a developing country that has had rapid economic growth during the last 25-30 years. Alongside, the waste and pollution of the country has increased where both the economy and pollution is expected to grow even further in the upcoming years. Simultaneously is the challenge of protecting the environment, especially for businesses to take responsibility through implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in their business. Furthermore, Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) make up 90% of the businesses in the world and therefore have great influence. CSR is well researched in developed countries, but the developing countries are as important in the work towards sustainable development, where specifically SMEs in developing countries are not as researched. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore the implementation of CSR activities of SMEs in Vietnam as a developing country. Research questions: How is CSR perceived by SMEs in Vietnam? How do SMEs in Vietnam engage in CSR activities? What are the reasons behind SMEs engagement in CSR activities in Vietnam? Methodology: The methodological approach of this research was based on a qualitative nature with an ontological perspective. Furthermore, the sample consisted of five SMEs in Vietnam and data was gathered through email-interviews. Conclusion: It was found that SMEs in Vietnam do have a somewhat clear perception of what CSR involves and that the SMEs engage in several CSR activities. Although, vague regulations and guidance from the government, alongside with scarce financial resources makes it more challenging for the SMEs in Vietnam to engage in CSR activities.
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"Feelin' Good As Hell" : En fallstudie av diskurserna runt artisten Lizzo / ”Feelin’ Good as Hell” : A Case Study of the Discourses Surrounding the Artist LizzoPattberg Miller, Ottilia January 2020 (has links)
I detta arbete görs en undersökande fallstudie av artisten Lizzo, med fokus på attvisa hur den allmänna samhälleliga diskursen rörande större kroppar påverkar enartist som kroppsligt står utanför rådande kroppsliga ideal. Med utgångspunkt i skrivna intervjuer har ett grundresonemang etablerats, och vidare har detta följt med genom analys av konserter, en musikvideo, en musikanalys och en låttextanalys. Materialet analyseras med hjälp av Faircloughs diskursbegrepp som metod där viss fokus även lagts på Boréus tillägg om subjektspositioner, och med intersektionalitet, body positivity och Ekmans (2012) begrepp viktordningen som teoretiskt ramverk.Analysen visar på att Lizzo som enskilt fall arbetar mot den allmänt vedertagna samhällsdiskursen runt kroppsideal och den större kroppen genom både fysisk handling på olika sätt och språkligt agerande med motdiskurs diskurs där inslag från bland annat body positivity-rörelsen syns med. Resultatet visar att Lizzo reagerar mot samhällsdiskursen, med sitt artisteri och med sin persona, med en motdiskurs som går emot de rådande skönhetsideal både språkligt och fysiskt, och kan argumenteras har skapat en ny form av kroppsaktivism.
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Environmental Work and its Indicators, from International to Municipal levelKrische, Ronja January 2009 (has links)
Environmental work at different societal levels has different prerequisites and responsibilities. The aim of the thesis is to describe and compare the environmental strategies, programs, and indicators on the international regional (European Union), national (Sweden), sub national regional (County of Stockholm) and municipal (Upplands Väsby) levels, and see if there is consistency between the societal levels. The organization behind the environmental strategies, program, and indicators is large. Communication, distribution of data and information, as well as feedback are important aspects of the environmental work. This has also been studied in the thesis. All type of work has its obstacles, for the environmental work the main obstacles are, lack of: resources, political will, dedicated civil servants; and also the organization itself. There is consistency between environmental aims, but not between the environmental indicators used on the societal levels. Creating a common indicator system would improve this. Economic aspects play an important part in the environmental work. / Alla samhällsnivåer har olika förutsättningar och ansvar för miljöarbetet. Den här rapporten undersöker miljöarbetet och dess indikatorer på fyra samhällsnivåer, nämligen: internationellt regionala (Europeiska Unionen, EU), nationella (Sverige), nationellt regionala (Stockholms län) och den kommunala nivån (Upplands Väsby). Målet är att beskriva de strategier, program och indikatorer som finns inom miljöområdet på dessa nivåer, samt att jämföra dem och se om de är konsekventa. Dessutom studerar rapporten om det finns några hinder i miljöarbetet och hur kommunikationen mellan de olika samhällsnivåerna fungerar. På EU-nivån har Lissabon strategin, Strategin för hållbar utveckling och det sjätte miljöhandlingsprogrammet studerats och beskrivits. När det gäller indikatorer har fokus lagts på de så kallade ”Structural Indicators”. På den nationella nivån har fokus lagts på miljökvalitetsmålen, arbetet med dessa och tillhörande indikatorer. Detta för att dessa mål ska ha den högsta prioriteringen i svenskt miljöarbete. Även på den nationellt regionala nivån har miljökvalitetsmålen stor betydelse. I Stockholm finns även ett regionalt miljöhandlingsprogram, med fokus på vatten och avlopp, samt resor och transporter. När det gäller den kommunala nivån har det först beskrivits generellt hur miljöarbetet kan gå till och om indikatorer. Sedan har fokus lagts på Upplands Väsby och deras specifika miljöarbete och indikatorer. När det gäller svårigheter i miljöarbetet har detta främst påträffats på kommunal nivå, de största svårigheterna är brist på: resurser (ekonomiska, personal och tid), politisk vilja och engagerade tjänstemän, samt att själva organisationen kan vara ett hinder. Kommunikationen mellan de olika samhällsnivåerna har brister, det är främst den kommunala nivån som inte känner sig tillräckligt informerad. Dessutom är det liten efterfrågan på kommunens resultat. När det gäller likheten mellan samhällsnivåerna, så är målen för de olika strategierna och programmen jämförbara mellan de olika nivåerna. Däremot är det stor skillnad mellan indikatorerna. Detta leder antagligen till att mycket extraarbete görs för att samla data till alla dessa indikatorer. Ett sätt att förbättra detta är att skapa ett gemensamt indikatorsystem. Förslaget för systemet är ett indikatorset som består av indikatorer som är samma på alla samhällsnivåer, system indikatorer, sedan indikatorer som bestäms på varje samhällsnivå och används på bara den, nivå indikatorer. Tillsist finns det även indikatorer som kan beslutas om och används i enskilda kommuner eller län, enhets indikatorer. / <p>www.ima.kth.se</p>
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Förändrade rörelsemönstren i samhället under Covid-19-pandemin : Och vilka miljömässiga vinster det innebärTelleborn, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete har tagit upp ämnen som rörelsemönster, resvanor samt olika reserutiner och hur de har, eller inte har, förändrats under pandemin och det har även diskuterats huruvida detta potentiellt har inneburit några lättnader i miljöpåverkan från denna sektor. Genom insamlad data som delgivits av kommunen och lokaltrafiken, samt en genomförd enkät, har det visat sig att det har skett omfattande förändringar i rörelsemönstren. Det handlar bland annat om att fordonstrafiken och användningen av kollektivtrafiken minskade kraftigt och andelen cyklister ökade, samt att den genomsnittliga körsträckan per vecka per person nästintill halverades och likaså sågs en påtaglig skillnad i antalet flygresor genomförda under pandemin. Slutligen diskuteras framtiden efter Covid-19 när restriktioner och liknande tagits bort, och även om det är svårt, om inte omöjligt, att sia och diskutera framtiden baserat på data har pandemin troligen haft en mer bestående påverkan hos flera personer än hos andra, där det snarare istället finns en hunger och nästan ingen rädsla alls förknippad med att gå tillbaka till ”gamla vanor”. Vidare studier behövs för att kunna dra några slutsatser om långtidseffekter. / This project addresses subjects such as movement- and travel patterns, routines in travel and traveling behavior, with the aim of investigating and determining whether or not there has been a change in these during the pandemic due to restrictions and also if this may or may not have meant any reliefs in environmental impact. Through collected data given in a collaboration by the local municipality offices and local public transport company, and also by performing a survey, it has been shown that there have been comprehensive changes in peoples movement- and travel patterns and ways of traveling. It includes among other things that the vehicle traffic amount has reduced, and the use of public transport has been considerably reduced followed by an increase in traveling by bike. In total the average travel distance by car per person and week reduced by almost 50 percent and also air travel saw a heavily decrease in use during the pandemic. Lastly the future after the Covid-19-pandemic when restrictions and such are going to be removed where discussed and also issued in the survey. Even if it is hard, almost impossible, to prophesy or predict the future based of collected data it has been shown through the respondent’s answers and motivations in the matter that the pandemic most likely has affected people with a more lasting impact that will partly carry on for some time after the pandemics end. That does not imply on all people, some are very eager and express a hunger to go back to “old routines” and travel more. Further research has to be done to conclude any longtime affects.
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Důchodový systém v ČR - vývoj po roce 1989 a jeho reforma / The Czech Republic pension system - developments after 1989 and its reformBelčev, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis focuses on the analysis of the Czech pension system reform. In order to understand the respective consequences, the analysis is put into the context of the development of the Czech pension system after 1989. In addition to the value aspect, attention is paid to the demographic, legislative, political, economic, social, institutional and international aspects of the pension system, its arrangement, financing and financial sustainability. The comparison of the pension reform implemented by the coalition government of Prime Minister Petr Nečas with the concept of pension reform of the opposition Czech Social Democratic Party by the criteria of budgetary responsibility, quality of life of pensioners, solidarity, social justice, equivalence and resilience of pension reform in time is also emphasised. Theoretical bases include the theory of path dependency, the theory of institutionalism, the welfare state theory, the theory of corporatism and the criterion anchoring of the reform. The present thesis applies the method of analysis of secondary data and the method of comparative analysis. To obtain secondary data, methods of document and data record searching are utilised.
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Essays on the Performance, Subsidization and Internationalization of Social EnterprisesNyarko, Samuel Anokye 23 April 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Social enterprises are hybrid organizations that tackle societal challenges by using conventional business models. Being hybrid organizations means that social enterprises pursue dual objectives: social (developmental) and financial. By taking performance, subsidization and internationalization perspectives, this thesis contributes to understanding the hybridity of social enterprises and how this hybridity drives their general operations and key decisions such as foreign market selection and targeting strategy. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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