Spelling suggestions: "subject:"societal"" "subject:"asocietal""
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“It ain’t the melodies that’re important man, it’s the words” : Dylan’s use of figurative language in The Times They Are A-Changin’ and Highway 61 Revisited / ”Det är inte melodierna som är viktiga, det är orden” : Dylans användning av figurativt språk i The Times They Are A-Changin’ och Highway 61 RevisitedForsberg, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
This essay compares the figurative language of Bob Dylan’s albums The Times They Are A-Changin’ (1964) and Highway 61 Revisited (1965), with a focus on how Dylan remained engaged with societal injustices and human rights as he switched from acoustic to fronting a rock ‘n’ roll band. The essay argues that Dylan kept his critical stance on social issues, and that the poet’s usage of figurative language became more expressive and complex in the later album. In the earlier album Dylan’s critique, as seen in his use of figurative language, is presented in a more obvious manner in comparison to Highway 61 Revisited, where the figurative language is more vivid, and with a more embedded critical stance. / Uppsatsen jämför det figurativa språket i Bob Dylans skivor The Times They Are A-Changin’ (1964) och Highway 61 Revisited (1965), med ett fokus på hur Dylan fortsatte vara engagerad inom samhällsfrågor och mänskliga rättigheter när han gick över från akustisk solomusik till att leda ett rockband. Uppsatsen argumenterar för att Dylan behöll sin kritiska syn på samhällsfrågor, och att poetens användning av figurativt språk blev mer expressivt och komplext i det senare albumet. I det tidigare albumet är Dylans kritik, som den framstår i hans användning av figurativt språk, presenterad mer direkt i jämförelse med Highway 61 Revisited, där det figurativa språket är mer levande och innehåller en mer förtäckt kritik.
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Företagares agerande för hembygdens utvecklingBois, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes the connection between mundane societalentrepreneurship and local area development in a rural sparsely populatedcontext. It is a qualitative study from a holistic view on the actors. The empiricalwork consists of three deep case studies from one of the most sparsely populatedregions in Europe. The ongoing activities in these rural villages are described fromdifferent perspectives focused on who is the local entrepreneur and how did theyachieve what they have done. The method was to listen to the whole story fromdifferent perspectives. The results from the deep interviews were thematicallyanalysed to find similarities between the different cases. These similarities werethen the base for a new model of the attributes needed among the actors in avillage to reach local area development and one model of what roles a localentrepreneur can play to start up activities for local area development.One key result in the study was the varieties of reasons to act among the actorsand their similarities in results on the local area development. Regardless of whattheir motivation was according to different kinds of entrepreneurship models, theiractions all had similar effect on the local area development.The main scientific counts here were; the connection between mundane actionsand their role to teach and inspire others to start acting or learn more about specificfields. One other empirical contribution is the importance of having fun whiledeveloping networks and making volunteers work hard to reach a common goal.The Model of Attributes needed for Local Area Development from a holistic actorperspective and the similar results in local area development regardless of theentrepreneurial motivation to act in the different cases are other contributions. / Denna licentiatavhandling handlar om vardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap iform av landsbygdsaktivering och inspiration med exempel frånbefolkningsmässigt små byar belägna i Jämtlands län. Syftet med denna heltkvalitativa ansats är att beskriva lokala företagares roll och engagemang förutvecklingen i deras hembygder. Resultatet är en beskrivande modell medgemensamma parametrar som funnits med i byarnas utveckling och en modellöver vilka olika roller en entreprenör kan.Landsbygden står inför många utmaningar, inte minst har utglesning avbefolkningen aldrig gått snabbare än nu (SWECO, 2014).Samhällsentreprenörskapet som beskrivs handlar om att invånare tar tag ihembyns egen framtid och skapar aktiviteter som känns meningsfulla för demsjälva och uppskattade lokalt på landsbygden. Tillsammans har gemensammaansträngningar gjort att de undersökta byarna skapat något exceptionellt inom sinegen nisch. Denna utgångspunkt leder vidare till kopplingen mellan lokalaföretagare, vardagligt entreprenörskap och dess direkta påverkan på lokalutveckling.De teoretiska bidragen i licentiatavhandlingen är en beskrivning av fenomenetvardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap och dess koppling till lokal utveckling.Beskrivningen fördjupas med fokus på vardagliga aktiviteter med framtagnamodeller. Licentiatavhandlingen beskriver vardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap iform av aktiviteter för lokal utveckling. Här är det exempel på vardagliga utbytenoch aktiviteter med många timmars engagemang som har gett resultat. De trebyarna har lyckats aktivera familjer och grannar, de som själv har velat delta.Tillsammans har de skapat något som gett mervärden och som de själva tyckt harvarit till det bättre. Detta har byarna även uppmärksammats för på olika vis. Dehar i sin tur spridit sitt engagemang och inspirerat andra byars invånare till attockså ta initiativ och agera för egen lokalutveckling. Utifrån arbetet i de olikabyarna gjordes en gemensam modell av påverkande utvecklingsfaktorer.Det andra teoretiska bidraget är beskrivningen av vilka drivkrafter som lågbakom valet att agera och dess koppling till den lokala utvecklingen. Oavsettvilken drivkraft som låg till grund för entreprenören blev utfallet snarlikt för denlokala utvecklingen. Även om det fanns en drivkraft att tjäna pengar i vissa fallblev resultatet en typ av samhällsnytta direkt i byn i alla fall. Ett vardagligtentreprenörskap inspirerade till ökad aktivitet för utveckling och blev på så vis tillett vardagligt samhällsentreprenörskap.
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O conceito de desempenho de edificações e a sua importância para o setor da construção civil no Brasil. / The concept of building performance and its importance for the construction sector in Brazil.Borges, Carlos Alberto de Moraes 22 July 2008 (has links)
O conceito de desempenho na construção civil está, há muitos anos, associado ao comportamento em uso nas edificações, dentro de determinadas condições. O desafio mundial é que este comportamento atenda às expectativas dos usuários das edificações ao longo de uma determinada vida útil e dentro da realidade técnica e socioeconômica de cada país e empreendimento. Apesar do conceito de desempenho estar consolidado no meio acadêmico, sua aplicação prática é bastante difícil e envolve muitos conflitos de interesses. No caso brasileiro, com o grande crescimento que o mercado da construção civil experimenta neste momento, e com a publicação da primeira Norma Brasileira de Desempenho de Edificações, prevista para 2008, é oportuno que haja uma reflexão sobre como atendê-la e utilizá-la, além do próprio conceito de desempenho em beneficio de todos os agentes do setor. A proposta desta dissertação de mestrado é fazer uma pesquisa abrangente sobre a evolução conceitual do tema desempenho na construção civil, demonstrar a importância estratégica da sua aplicação no Brasil para a evolução do setor, e propor caminhos para a efetiva utilização da norma brasileira de desempenho de edificações. / The performance concept in building has been, for many years, associated with the behaviour in use of buildings, within certain conditions. The global challenge is to make this behaviour meet the users expectations throughout a specific service life and within the technical and socioeconomic reality of each country or site. Although the performance concept is already consolidated in the academic world, its practical application is very difficult and involves many conflicts of interest. In the Brazilian scenario, with the large growth experienced by the building construction segment at this moment, and with the upcoming publication of the first Brazilian Performance Based Building Code in 2008, it is convenient to establish a reflection on how to meet and use this code and its own performance concept to the advantage of all players in the business. The proposal of this Masters Dissertation is to provide a broad research on the conceptual evolution of the performance-based theme in building; to demonstrate its strategic importance of this application in Brazil for the evolution of the sector; and to propose a path for the effective use of the Brazilian performance-based building code.
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'The year that can break or make you' : the politics of secondary schooling, youth and class in urban Kerala, South IndiaSancho, David January 2012 (has links)
Education harbours some of the most pervasive contradictions in contemporary India. While it produces world famous human capital enhancing the country's rising competitiveness as a global ‘knowledge economy', millions of children still lack access to basic education. In Kerala, a state famous for the success of its educational achievements, the benefits of education that can be gained by those in the lower strata of society continue to be marginal regardless of policies of positive discrimination. Focusing on youth at the higher secondary school level (grades 11-12), ‘the primary bottleneck in the education system today' (World Bank 2012), this thesis seeks to understand the social processes that go into making education a key resource to the (re)production of inequalities. Based upon a year's ethnographic fieldwork in and around two schools in Ernakulam, South India, this thesis examines the ways in which two distinct groups of youth – one attending a top end private English medium school at the heart of a city and the other educated in an institution at the bottom of the schooling ladder – inhabit their final year of schooling and generate future projects and aspirations. I located their experiences at the intersection of the two educational sites par excellence: the school and the house. In the city, middle-class schooling and parental regimes attempt to orient youth's lives towards the acquisition of multiple competences aimed at enhancing their individual prospects towards becoming competitive professionals, depicted as garnering maximum amounts of wealth and prestige in today's globalised economy of paid employment and migration. At the fringes of middle-class urban life and the quest for professionalism, youth are becoming subject of an increasing ghettoisation: only the educationally, financially and socially poor are left to attend their school. In that stark scenario, education emerged as central to both youth performances of class, status and gender. They constructed and embodied identities based on education and more generally with ideas of competence. This creative work revealed an overtly hierarchical field formed of distinctive peer groups engaged in overt practices of exclusion and inclusion according to imagine futures: mostly elusive fantasies that reveal the youth marked by uncertainties in a time shaped by rising expectations and increasingly intricate and unequal paths leading to them.
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Clinical aspects of childbirth-related anxietyNieminen, Katri January 2016 (has links)
Background: Although giving birth is a positive experience for many, some 10% of pregnant Swedish women suffer from severe fear of childbirth (FOC), which impairs their daily functioning and poses a risk for a negative delivery experience. This thesis focuses on the mental and health-economic effects of severe FOC, and explores new treatment options for childbirth-related anxiety. Aims: (i) to investigate the prevalence of and variables associated with severe FOC, (ii) to estimate the cost of illness of severe FOC and (iii) to explore whether Internetbased cognitive behaviour therapy (ICBT) is feasible for treating pregnant women with severe FOC and those with childbirth-related symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Design and Results: Study 1: In a cross-sectional study 1635 pregnant women were asked about their FOC via the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ), and provided socio-demographic data and information of their preferred mode of delivery. It was found that 15.6% of the participants had a severe FOC, which also strongly correlated with the preference of a caesarean section. Study 2: In a prospective case-control cohort study we mapped all visits, in-patient care, sick leave and delivery variables from medical records and estimated the societal costs in two groups of women; one group with severe FOC and one with low FOC. The costs for the group with severe FOC were 38% higher than for the low FOC group. Study 3: Twenty-eight nulliparous women with severe FOC were self-recruited to an eight weeks ICBT program for severe FOC. Fifteen women followed the entire program. Their FOC decreased significantly after treatment (Cohen’s d=0.95, p<0.0001), which means that ICBT is feasible and an option for treating women with severe FOC. Study 4: Fifteen participants in Study 3 wrote narratives of the imminent delivery before as well as after therapy. After treatment, the women had a more realistic attitude towards childbirth, more self-confidence and more active coping strategies. Partners and staff were perceived as more helpful, and the women were more aware of the child they were bearing. Study 5: Fifty-six women with a traumatic delivery experience were included in a randomized wait-list controlled study (RCT) of the effects of an eight week long ICBT program for childbirth-related PTSD symptoms. These symptoms decreased in both groups during active therapy, while the between-group effect size varied depending on measurements. Psychiatric comorbidity decreased in both groups after active treatment. Conclusion: Severe FOC is prevalent among Swedish pregnant women, and the cost of illness of this marker of peripartum psychological vulnerability is considerable when treated using standard care. A new treatment option for this group with ICBT seems feasible and is associated with more realistic attitudes towards the imminent delivery. An RCT with eight weeks of ICBT for parous women with PTSD symptoms also had promising results. As severe FOC is prevalent and associated with mental and economic burdens for the individual and the society, there is an urgent need to expand the research field. It is important to find feasible and effective treatments that can be applied on a large scale. / Denna avhandling undersöker (i) hur vanligt det är att svenska gravida kvinnor lider av rädsla för förlossningen, och (ii) hur detta påverkar kvinnornas sjukvårdskonsumtion under denna period samt vilka kostnader detta innebär för samhället; testar och utvärderar (iii) nya behandlingsmetoder för rädsla för förlossningen och för posttraumatiska stressymptom efter en traumatisk förlossning. Avhandlingen består av fem delstudier: Studie 1 var en studie bland 1635 gravida kvinnor och visade att mer än var tionde gravid kvinna har svår förlossningsrädsla. Denna hade samband med kvinnornas önskemål om planerat snitt som förlossningssätt, och hos omföderskor, med tidigare negativa upplevelser av förlossningen. Studie 2 jämförde sjukvårdskonsumtion och sjukskrivning under graviditet och den första tiden efter förlossningen hos förstföderskor med svår respektive lindrig förlossningsrädsla, vilka omhändertagits i den ordinarie förlossningsvården. Gruppen med svår förlossningsrädsla visade sig ha avsevärt högre kostnader orsakade av att de i genomsnitt hade högre sjukskrivningstal under graviditet och fler besök på grund av psykiska besvär, samt oftare förlöstes med kejsarsnitt och hade komplicerade förlossningar. I Studie 3 testade 28 förstföderskor med svår förlossningsrädsla en ny behandlingsmetod med kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) via internet. Behandlingen medförde att kvinnornas rädsla kraftigt minskade från företill efter behandling. I Studie 4 skickade 15 av kvinnorna i Studie 3 in berättelser via nätet om hur de föreställde sig att deras förlossning skulle bli, såväl innan terapin startade som när den var avslutad. Efter genomförd terapi hade kvinnorna en mer realistisk attityd till förlossningen än före terapin och visade tecken på att ha ett bättre självförtroende och mer aktiva strategier att hantera den kommande förlossningen. Studie 5 utforskade om kvinnor, som upplevt en traumatisk förlossning, kan bli hjälpta av behandling med KBT via internet. Traumatiserade kvinnor slumpades till att antingen få behandling direkt eller få behandlingen efter en väntetid (kontrollgruppen). I båda grupperna minskade kvinnornas posttraumatiska stressymtom, liksom förekomsten av depression och andra ångestproblem. Sammanfattning: Avhandlingen visar att svår förlossningsrädsla är vanligt förekommande och medför lidande för kvinnor och ökade kostnader för samhället i samband med graviditet och förlossning, när detta problem hanteras i den vanliga vården. Två internetbaserade studier testar kognitiv beteendeterapi som behandling för svår förlossningsrädsla och för problem efter en traumatisk förlossning och visar att dessa behandlingsformer tycks fungera väl och i framtiden skulle kunna utgöra ett alternativ som medför att vård görs tillgänglig också för kvinnor som inte har tillgång till kvalificerade hjälpinsatser på andra sätt. Svår förlossningsrädsla och ångestproblem efter en traumatisk förlossning föreligger ofta tillsammans med annan psykisk sjuklighet varför diagnostik och behandling behöver utföras av personer med tillräcklig kompetens för dessa uppgifter. Otillräckligt behandlad/icke behandlad svår förlossningsrädsla ökar riskerna för att kvinnan upplever en kommande förlossning som traumatisk. Avhandlingens slutsatser behöver undersökas i fler och större studier, och, avseende behandlingsstudierna, i undersökningar som har tillräckligt stora kontrollgrupper. Om sådana studier bekräftar dessa preliminära fynd, blir frågan om screening för svår förlossningsrädsla aktuell eftersom det då finns såväl bra screeninginstrument som behandling som skulle kunna göras tillgänglig för stora grupper. Kommer samhället i denna situation att ha råd att inte försöka förebygga individuellt lidande och stora merkostnader för kvinnor med svår förlossningsrädsla? / Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia (i) kuinka yleinen synnytyspelko on ruotsalaisten raskaana olevien naisten keskuudessa ja (ii) kuinka se vaikuttaa heidän terveyden‐ ja sairaanhoitopalveluiden kulutukseen raskauden aikana ja sen jälkeen, sekä selvittää miten synnytyspelko vaikuttaa yhteiskunnan kustannuksiin; kehittää, testata ja arvioida (iii) uusia hoitomuotoja synnytyspelon sekä synnytyksestä johtuvien psykologisen trau man (posttraumaattinen stressi, PTSD) hoitoon.' Tämä väitöskirja koostuu viidestä osatyöstä: 1. Ensimmäinen osatyö tutki synnystyspelon yleisyyttä 1635 raskaana olevan naisen keskuudessa. Tutkimus osoitti että joka seitsemäs raskaana oleva nainen Ruotsissa kärsii vakavasta synnytyspelosta. Keisarinleikkaus toiveen takana on usein vakava synnystyspelko. Uudelleen synnyttäjillä synnytyspelkoon vaikuttaa myös aiempi traumaattinen synnytyskokemus. 2. Toisessa osatyössa verrattiin ensisynnyttäjien terveyden- ja sairaanhoitokustannuksia sekä sairaslomapäiviä raskauden aikana, synnyksen yhteydessä sekä sitä seuraavan kolmen ensimmäisen kuukauden aikana. Vertailuryhmät seurasivat tavallista äitiysneuvolaohjelmaa, ryhmistä toisella oli vakava ja toisella lievä synnytyspelko. Vakavasta synnytyspelosta kärsivien naisten terveyden ja sairaanhoitopalvelujen käyttö osoittautui huomattavasti korkeammaksi kuin vertailuryhmässä. 3. Kolmannessa osatyössa 28 vakavasta synnytyspelosta kärsivää ensisynnyttäjää, testasi uutta ratkaisukeskeiseen terapiaan (KBT) pohjautuvaa Internetin kautta ohjattua psykologista hoito-ohjelmaa. Hoito lievensi huomattavasti osallistujien synnytyspelkoa. 4. Neljännessä osatyössä 15 naista (edellisestä osatyöstä 3) kirjoittivat osana terapiaansa kertomuksen tulevan synnytyksensä odotuksista. Sama tehtävä kertautui ennen terapian alkua sekä sen jälkeen. Kertomusten yhtäläiset teemat tunnistettiin minkä jälkeen ennen ja jälkeen hoitoohjelmaa kirjoitettujen kertomusten teemoja vertailtiin. Hoidon jälkeen naisten odotukset pohjautuivat suuremmassa määrin tietoon, he kuvailivat itsensä varmemmiksi sekä paremmin valmistautuneiksi tulevaa synnytystä ajatellen. 5. Viides osatyö tutki Internetin kautta ohjatun ratkaisukeskeisen terapian (KBT) vaikutusta naisiin jotka kärsivät synnytyksen jälkeisestä henkisestä traumasta. Naiset satunnaistettiin tutkimuksessa joko välittömän hoidon ryhmään tai odotuslista ryhmään, joka sai saman hoidon myöhemmin. Hoidon jälkeen PTSD oireet vähenivät sekä hoitoettä kontrolliryhmässä. Myös masentuneisuus ja ahdistusoireet väheniväthoidon myötä. Yhteenvetona voidaan oheisista tutkimuksista todeta että synnytyspelko on yleinen ruotsalaisten raskaana olevien naisten keskuudessa. Synnytyspelko aiheuttaa kärsimystä sekä raskaana olevalle naiselle mutta myös lisäkustannuksia yhteiskunnalle. Kahdessa Internetin kautta ohjatussa ratkaisukeskeisessä hoito-ohjelmassa testattiin uusia hoitomuotoja raskaana oleville ensisynnyttäjille sekä synnytyksen jälkeisistä traumaoireista kärsiville naisille. Tulokset osoittavat, että Internetin kautta ohjattu hoito toimii näissä ryhmissä hyvin ja saattaisi tulevaisuudessa olla vaihtoehto kohderyhmille, joille sopivaa terapeuttista hoitoa nykytilanteessa ei voida tarjota. Koska vaikea synnytyspelko ja synnytystä seuraavat PTSD oireet esiintyvät usein muiden mielialahäiriöiden rinnalla, on tärkeää, että näitä naisia hoitavalla henkilökunnalla on tarpeellinen pätevyys hoitaa myös mielenterveysongelmia. Hoitamatta jätetty tai puutteelisesti hoidettu synnytyspelko lisää raskaana olevan naisen riskiä kokea synnytyksensä traumaattisena. Tulevissa tutkimuksissa tämän tutkimusprojektin tulokset ja johtopäätökset on syytä toistaa useammissa ja ennen kaikkea suuremmissa ryhmissä. Jos tutkimustemme alustaville tuloksille löytyy tukea, nousee kysymys synnystyspelon seulonnasta äitiysneuvoloissa ajankohtaiseksi; sekä seulontamenetelmä että tehokas hoitotapa ovat olemassa ja voitaisiin tarjota suuremmille kohderyhmille. Onko yhteiskunnalla sellaisessa tilanteessa varaa olla ennaltaehkäisemättä synnystyspelkoisten naisten kärsimystä?
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O conceito de desempenho de edificações e a sua importância para o setor da construção civil no Brasil. / The concept of building performance and its importance for the construction sector in Brazil.Carlos Alberto de Moraes Borges 22 July 2008 (has links)
O conceito de desempenho na construção civil está, há muitos anos, associado ao comportamento em uso nas edificações, dentro de determinadas condições. O desafio mundial é que este comportamento atenda às expectativas dos usuários das edificações ao longo de uma determinada vida útil e dentro da realidade técnica e socioeconômica de cada país e empreendimento. Apesar do conceito de desempenho estar consolidado no meio acadêmico, sua aplicação prática é bastante difícil e envolve muitos conflitos de interesses. No caso brasileiro, com o grande crescimento que o mercado da construção civil experimenta neste momento, e com a publicação da primeira Norma Brasileira de Desempenho de Edificações, prevista para 2008, é oportuno que haja uma reflexão sobre como atendê-la e utilizá-la, além do próprio conceito de desempenho em beneficio de todos os agentes do setor. A proposta desta dissertação de mestrado é fazer uma pesquisa abrangente sobre a evolução conceitual do tema desempenho na construção civil, demonstrar a importância estratégica da sua aplicação no Brasil para a evolução do setor, e propor caminhos para a efetiva utilização da norma brasileira de desempenho de edificações. / The performance concept in building has been, for many years, associated with the behaviour in use of buildings, within certain conditions. The global challenge is to make this behaviour meet the users expectations throughout a specific service life and within the technical and socioeconomic reality of each country or site. Although the performance concept is already consolidated in the academic world, its practical application is very difficult and involves many conflicts of interest. In the Brazilian scenario, with the large growth experienced by the building construction segment at this moment, and with the upcoming publication of the first Brazilian Performance Based Building Code in 2008, it is convenient to establish a reflection on how to meet and use this code and its own performance concept to the advantage of all players in the business. The proposal of this Masters Dissertation is to provide a broad research on the conceptual evolution of the performance-based theme in building; to demonstrate its strategic importance of this application in Brazil for the evolution of the sector; and to propose a path for the effective use of the Brazilian performance-based building code.
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Processus de détermination d’une entité comme partie prenante / Process of determining of an entity as a stakeholderMbani, Jordan 08 December 2014 (has links)
L’objet de la présente étude est de comprendre comment une entité sociale devient partie prenante d’une entreprise. En effet, les différentes méthodes de détermination des parties prenantes sont critiquées sur leur portée heuristique. Une de ces nombreuses difficultés est leur incapacité à dire "qui" est partie prenante et "qui" ne l’est. Pour le dire autrement, la théorie des parties prenantes manque d’un critère de falsifiabilité. Dès lors, comprendre le processus par lequel une entité devient partie prenante revient implicitement à admettre que cette dernière au préalable ne l’est pas. De ce fait, étudier le processus par lequel un groupe d’individus devient partie prenante d’une entreprise revient à énoncer un critère de falsification puisqu’il devient possible de dire comment être partie prenante comment ne pas l’être. Telle est la problématique générale de ce projet de recherche.Pour comprendre ce processus, la réflexion part donc du postulat qu’une catégorie ne "nait" pas partie prenante mais le devient. La phase empirique de cette recherche repose sur une enquête multi cas. Trois entreprises sont étudiées. Les données traitées selon une analyse de contenu parviennent à faire ressortir une conception de l’entreprise comme nœud de quatre liens. Ces liens sont : un lien partenarial, un lien juridico-politique, un lien commercial et un lien sociétal. Selon le lien par lequel un individu ou un groupe d’individus est lié à l’organisation, il-cet individu- endosse un rôle particulier.Les personnes liées à l’entreprise par un lien partenarial sont des partenaires ou des contractants. Les individus liés à l’entreprise par le lien marchand sont des clients. Le lien juridico-politique met une personne en relation avec l’entreprise via des institutions judiciaires ou politiques. Les individus liés à l’entreprise par le lien sociétal sont des parties prenantes. Tout rôle étant provisoire, alors les individus sont provisoirement des parties prenantes. Le processus par lequel un groupe d’individus peut devenir partie prenante débute par la survenue d’un élément à enjeu (décision, comportement organisationnel). Le processus est aléatoire, imprévisible, contextuel et temporaire puisque tout acte de l’entreprise ne suscite pas de mobilisations. / The purpose of this study is to understand how a social entity becomes a stakeholder. The various methods of determining the stakeholders are criticized on their heuristic value. One of these problems is their inability to say "who" is a stakeholder and "who" is not. In other words, the stakeholder theory lacks a criterion of falsifiability. Therefore, understanding the process by which an entity becomes a stakeholder means that this entity is not a priori a stakeholder. Consequently, studying the process by which a group of individuals becomes a stakeholder of a company returns to state a criterion of falsification. This is the general problem of this research.To understand this process, it is said that any group cannot be considered at beginning as a stakeholder but it can become a stakeholder. The empirical phase is based on a multiple- case study. Three companies are studied. The study reveals three main results. First, the firm is seen as a four-relationship node. Second, all parties cannot be consider as stakeholders. Finally, according to the link through which an individual or group of individuals is related to the organization, it assumes a special role. These links are: the partnership relationship, the legal-political relationship, the commercial relationship and the societal relationship. Persons related to the company by a partnership relationship are partners. Individuals related to the company by the commercial relationship are clients. The legal and political relationship puts a person in connection with the company through legal or political institutions. Individuals related to the company by the societal relationship are stakeholders.The process by which a group of individuals can become stakeholders begins with the occurrence of an element in issue (decision, organizational behavior). The process is random, unpredictable, and temporary because any decision of a company do not cause mobilizations.
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Innovation par la responsabilité sociétale dans la gestion de projet d’ingénierie : cas de l’ingénierie pharmaceutique / Innovation by social responsibility in engineering and project management : Case of pharmaceutical engineeringTahiri, Azedine 19 February 2013 (has links)
L’intégration d’une démarche orientée vers le développement durable (DD) dans les organisations implique au-delà des motivations, des méthodes structurées et structurantes. Ces méthodes que l’on pourrait nommer outils de mise en œuvre du DD sont orientées vers un objectif commun, une performance globale (PG). À ce jour très peu de méthodes sont proposées aux sociétés d’ingénierie pour atteindre cette PG. Sans doute est-ce dû aux spécificités typologiques de ce type d’organisation de maîtrise d’œuvre (MOE) qui est partagée entre deux univers que sont la maîtrise d’ouvrage (MOU) et un ensemble de parties prenantes complexes (PP). C’est dans ce contexte que nous abordons notre sujet de recherche : comment la réponse à des attentes de la société peut-être un élément de la stratégie économique de l’entreprise ? C’est pourquoi notre idée est de proposer des méthodologies applicables au métier de l’ingénierie afin que ces entreprises puissent intégrer une démarche volontaire dans leur organisation pour le DD par la RSE. Dans le cadre d’une recherche-intervention nous avons donc posé les bases de réflexions au développement de processus d’intégration de la RSE non pas à l’échelle de l’organisation mais à l’échelle du métier. Par le développement d’un outil d’intégration d’une démarche de RSE construit sur la base de la norme ISO 26000 et de la norme expérimentale Afnor X30-029 nous avons pu faire évoluer dans le contexte de l’ingénierie pharmaceutique, les bonnes pratiques d’ingénierie en créant un modèle d’ingénierie responsable donc durable. / The integration of a sustainable development gait (SD) in the organizations implies, beyond the incentives, structured and structuring methods. These methods that we could name tools of implementation of SD are oriented toward a common objective: the global performance. Today very few methods are proposed to the societies of engineering in order to reach this global performance. It is probably due to the typological specificities of this type of organization. In point of fact, these engineering enterprises are quite atypical because they are shared between two universes which are the client (for instance pharmaceutical industry) and a significant number of complex subcontractors (SC). In this context, we approach our topic of research: the enterprise must prove that it is “economically viable, socially responsible and environmental healthy” (Quairel-Lanoizelee 2004), even beyond its own frontiers. But the answer to society’s expectations is also an element of the enterprise’s economic strategy. That is why, our idea is to suggest methodologies that are applicable to the engineering profession, and therefore could be adapted to all types of engineering enterprises, so that it can integrate a voluntary gait for SD by The Social Responsibility (SR). The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is developing an international standard in order to provide guidelines for adopting and disseminating social responsibility: ISO 26000, which was published in 2010. In our research we have considered that the SR will play a double role, as reformer of the classical practices of project management as well as a tool that could bring SD strategy inside and outside the engineering organization. The general idea is to conceive a new approach of the enterprise’s management philosophy, disinterested from the unique profit notion. This brings us to think about another dimension of the enterprise’s performance. This project lead us to asking the following question: is it possible to manage an engineering project by including the SR approach in classical methodology of project management?By a methodology of action-research and specifically intervention-research (I-R), we are going to build our investigation about an international engineering company, which has as pharmaceutical engineering activity. The objective is to analyze, and to understand the specificities of engineering enterprise’s model in order to known if it is possible to change this model by developing a new project management approach based on the SR and strategy innovation. The innovating methodology that we developed must allow us to integrate a gait of SR within the best practice of engineering project. In conclusion, the integration tool of a gait of SR which is today on the stage of prototype, built on ISO 26000 norms and on the experimental norm Afnor X30-029 basis, allowed us to develop the pharmaceutical engineering’s profession, by moving from the standard engineering best practice to the social responsible engineering best practice, for a sustainable development goal.
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Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation FrameworkBonsu, Samuel 01 January 2018 (has links)
As social problems, such as environmental pollution persist, the need to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) to enhance societal well-being becomes important. However, little is known about how corporate leaders implement CSR. The purpose of this qualitative transcendental phenomenological study was to identify and report the lived experiences of corporate managers relevant to CSR implementation. This study was guided by ecological systems theory, the Porter hypothesis, the Maslow hierarchy of needs theory, and the Harrod-Domar growth model, which justify the importance of societal well-being to business profitability and growth. The research question regarding the lived experiences of corporate managers of CSR implementation aligns with the research problem. A transcendental phenomenological approach was used to identify and report lived experiences of corporate leaders to illuminate understanding of CSR implementation worthy of emulation. Open-ended questions were used in semi structured interviews of purposefully selected managers, based on their lived experiences relevant to CSR implementation, of manufacturing corporations in Charlotte, North Carolina. Van Kaam's phenomenological analysis as explained by Moustakas was used to analyze data. Findings revealed that corporate leaders implemented CSR by donating and volunteering to support health care, nature preservation, education, and poverty reduction. Participants also responded that they supported recycling and use of alternative sources of energy to improve the health and safety of employees and society. The understanding gained from participants' responses can positively affect social change, as participants assessed that CSR implementation resulted in societal well-being.
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Arbetsmarknadens parter i samhällskunskapsläroböcker från 1970-tal och 2000-tal : Läroboksanalys av vad som styr framställningen av dessa aktörer under två olika årtiondenOlsson, Eva Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
<p>I uppsatsen görs en läroboksanalys av samhällskunskapsläroböcker från 1970-tal och 2000-tal. Samtliga läroböcker som ingår i analysen vänder sig till elever i gymnasieskolan. Fokus för analysen är hur arbetsmarknadens parter framställs under 1970-talet, respektive under 2000-talet. Framställningen av dessa aktörer kopplas bl.a. till samhällsutvecklingen och till för tiden gällande styrdokument. </p>
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