Spelling suggestions: "subject:"societal"" "subject:"asocietal""
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The Limits of the European Vision in Bosnia and Herzegovina : An Analysis of the Police Reform NegotiationsLindvall, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
From the beginning of 2000 the European accession process was placed at the centre of peace-building in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The prospect of EU membership provided a common vision that could encourage different segments of society and the political elites to bridge ethnic divergences and engage in authentic post-war reconciliation. As a pre-accession criterion the European Union required Bosnia and Herzegovina to unify its fragmented policing system at the level of the state. However, this requirement proved to be a step too far, resulting in a protracted and ultimately unsuccessful process of political negotiations that lasted from 2004 to 2007. This thesis analyses the police reform negotiating process. In the aftermath of interethnic violence, ethnic communities tend to focus on protecting their self-continuity and, as a result, aspects of identity and security become closely linked. It was for this reason that the European Union’s insistence on placing law enforcement authority at the state level in Bosnia and Herzegovina came to be viewed as an identity threat, which subsequently affected interethnic group dynamics in a negative way. From this premise, the study goes on to assess the impact of the negotiating process on the political discourse in Bosnia and Herzegovina and on public notions of societal security. The study illustrates the background and rationale of the European Union’s strategy and analyses the dynamics between the international community and the domestic political elite. The conclusions of the thesis are drawn from interviews with the principal domestic politicians and the main international policymakers of the international community, and also from a broad range of opinion surveys as well as the original documentation of the negotiating process.
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Krislärande – konfliktfylld anpassning : Pedagogik för samverkan inför samhällskriserPersson, Ing-Marie January 2010 (has links)
A societal crisis is an emergency that affects many people and large parts of society, threatening life, health, safety and basic values. In a societal crisis, there is a need for coordination between various bodies in the society. Coordination in societal crises has previously been studied mainly from a management perspective. Learning perspectives have been studied to a lesser extent. The main purpose of this thesis is to increase knowledge about the conditions for developing consensus and establish a common understanding of synergy-effects, a surplus value, for knowledge meetings between individuals from different organizations when they cooperate in the emergency management system. The study seeks to understand to the following questions: 1) What images and ideas do participants bring into the coordination group about societal crisis, how have they developed and changed? 2) How do the participants act when they have different pictures and meet? 3) Can the basic ideas of the research circle be used for knowledge building at knowledge meetings in the emergency management-system? 4) Can the basic ideas of the research circle be used to develop consensus and establish a common understanding of synergy-effects before societal crises happen? The main study consists of three case studies in three different-sized municipalities. It is based on 36 semi-structured interviews with participants in local crisis management coordination groups, observations during exercises and meetings, document studies and an experiment with the so-called knowledge meeting. The results are compared with complementary studies from two knowledge meetings and two coordination exercises based on observation, questionnaires and evaluations. The individuals, organizations, and structures have been identified as frame factors for coordination groups. The results show that the participants have different images of societal crisis and that coordination is a time-consuming approach requiring cross-perspective learning, interaction, as well as dialogue and reflection skills. The participants eventually develop their crisis learning, i.e. conflict-filled adaptation. A system's opened nature is important for individual learning.
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Arbetsmarknadens parter i samhällskunskapsläroböcker från 1970-tal och 2000-tal : Läroboksanalys av vad som styr framställningen av dessa aktörer under två olika årtiondenOlsson, Eva Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
I uppsatsen görs en läroboksanalys av samhällskunskapsläroböcker från 1970-tal och 2000-tal. Samtliga läroböcker som ingår i analysen vänder sig till elever i gymnasieskolan. Fokus för analysen är hur arbetsmarknadens parter framställs under 1970-talet, respektive under 2000-talet. Framställningen av dessa aktörer kopplas bl.a. till samhällsutvecklingen och till för tiden gällande styrdokument.
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Woman killing : intimate femicide in Saskatchewan 1988-1992Farden, Deborah 14 April 2008
The term femicide was used to refer to the murder of women. Intimate femicide referred to the murder of women by men with whom they had an intimate love relationship. The purpose of this research was to make visible the intimate and domestic nature of femicide by describing all femicides in Saskatchewan between 1988 and 1992 inclusive. A second purpose of this research was to learn about prevention both from committed femicides and from two women who had survived an attempted intimate femicide. This research was feminist in nature and utilized elements of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Data were gathered on all women known to be murdered between 1988 and 1992 from sources such as newspaper searches, coroners' reports, and police files. Based on these data, femicides were classified as intimate or non-intimate femicides and as possibly preventable or not preventable within the femicidal incident itself. Further data were gathered from interviews with two women who had survived an attempted intimate femicidal attack. Both sets of data were then reviewed and themes relating to the prevention of femicide were elicited. These themes focussed on failures of the communities in which these women resided or were murdered, failures of the medical community to correctly identify femicidal men, failures of the judicial system in their dealings with femicidal men, failures of the organized church, and failures of the institution of the family. Ten femicides were classified as possibly preventable within the femicidal assault itself. In addition, the interviews with both survivors identified many areas of possible intervention relating to prevention over a longer period of time. The study concludes with my reflections on the process of engaging in research on femicide, discussions about areas for further research and the identification of possible implications for public policy.
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Woman killing : intimate femicide in Saskatchewan 1988-1992Farden, Deborah 14 April 2008 (has links)
The term femicide was used to refer to the murder of women. Intimate femicide referred to the murder of women by men with whom they had an intimate love relationship. The purpose of this research was to make visible the intimate and domestic nature of femicide by describing all femicides in Saskatchewan between 1988 and 1992 inclusive. A second purpose of this research was to learn about prevention both from committed femicides and from two women who had survived an attempted intimate femicide. This research was feminist in nature and utilized elements of both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Data were gathered on all women known to be murdered between 1988 and 1992 from sources such as newspaper searches, coroners' reports, and police files. Based on these data, femicides were classified as intimate or non-intimate femicides and as possibly preventable or not preventable within the femicidal incident itself. Further data were gathered from interviews with two women who had survived an attempted intimate femicidal attack. Both sets of data were then reviewed and themes relating to the prevention of femicide were elicited. These themes focussed on failures of the communities in which these women resided or were murdered, failures of the medical community to correctly identify femicidal men, failures of the judicial system in their dealings with femicidal men, failures of the organized church, and failures of the institution of the family. Ten femicides were classified as possibly preventable within the femicidal assault itself. In addition, the interviews with both survivors identified many areas of possible intervention relating to prevention over a longer period of time. The study concludes with my reflections on the process of engaging in research on femicide, discussions about areas for further research and the identification of possible implications for public policy.
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Impact investment i Sverige : En finanseringsform som ger samhällsnytta / Impact investment in Sweden : An investment that generates social impactStiebel, Saga, Wellander, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Impact investment är en ny finansieringsform, som med sitt ursprung och framväxt i både USA och Europa nu spridits till Sverige. Fenomenet beskrivs inom populärvetenskapen som investeringar med avsikten att generera en mätbar samhällsmässig och/eller miljömässig avkastning tillsammans med en finansiell avkastning. I Sverige har impact investment sedan bara några år tillbaka uppmärksammats av svenska aktörer som har börjat arbeta med investeringsformen. Fenomenet kan ses som en idé som överförts till ett nytt sammanhang, därden har uppmärksammats och blivit till verksamhetsaktiviteter. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för fenomenet impact investment i Sverige och att analysera på vilket sätt impact investment har formats av sitt sammanhang. Metod: Studien har en hermeneutisk forskningsansats och har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod. En intervjustudie har utförts med totalt sju nyckelpersoner inom det svenska organisationsfältet för impact investment. Internationella rapporter om fenomenet har även använts för att kartlägga de aktiviteter som genomförts i de länder som ingår i studien. Slutsats: Studien visar att impact investment har flera olika innebörder i Sverige. Impact investment har formats av sitt sammanhang vilket har resulterat i att impact investment har översatts av nya hybridorganisationer i samhället. / Background: Impact investment is a new funding that has its origin and growth in both the USA and Europe. It is now emerging to Sweden. The phenomenon is described in the popular science literature as investments with the intention to generate measurable social and/or environmental impact along with a financial return. In Sweden impact investment has been observed for only a few years. Swedish operators have started to use the funding and the phenomenon can be understood as an idea that has moved to a new context, where it has been noticed and used in operational activities. Aim: The aim of the study is to create an understanding of the phenomenon impact investment in Sweden and to analyse in what way impact investment has been formed by its context. Methodology: The study has a hermeneutic research approach and has been conducted with a qualitative approach. The study has been realized with a total of seven key figures in the Swedish organizational field of impact investment. International reports of the phenomenon have been used to track the activities conducted in the countries included in the study. Conclusion: The study shows that impact investment has many different meanings in Sweden. Impact investment has been formed by its context and has been translated by new hybrid organisations in the society.
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Societal risk and safety management : Policy diffusion, management structures and perspectives at the municipal level in SwedenJohansson, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This compilation thesis investigates risk and safety management at the Swedish local governmentallevel. It sets special focus on municipal implementation of overall international and nationalstrategies and objectives regarding holistic, cross-sectorial and multi-strategic risk and safetywork, and the prevention of accidents and injuries. The overall aim for this thesis have been to empirically map and provide an overview of theadministrative structures for, and the prevailing management perspectives applied in the societalrisk and safety management in Sweden, as well as to study the diffusion of strategic intentions forthis area down to the municipal level. Three different sources constitute the thesis empirical base: two different set of official planningdocuments, written by Swedish municipal officials on commission of the local politiciansand one set of data from a survey investigation with municipal officials representing differentdepartments/functions. The documents were investigated using content analysis, while datafrom the survey were analyzed using statistical measures. This thesis provides through its empirical works an outlook on the general characteristics andarchetypical features of the Swedish local level’s administrative structures and managementperspective on risk and safety management; and proposes a municipal typology and a set of valuecharacters for allocation and institutionalization of risk and safety-tasks. This thesis also suggestsa conceptual framework for overviewing risk and safety management’s systemic steering elementsin its framework report. Based on the findings made, it seems as if the local level’s compliance tothe strategic level’s ambitions for the risk and safety area is hindered by practical implementationdifficulties and that much work remains in order to reach stated strategic objectives regardingholistic, inter-sectorial and multi-strategic management approaches, and preventive risk andsafety work. / Baksidestext The compilation thesis investigates Societal Risk and Safety Management (SRSM) at the Swedish local governmental level. It sets special focus on municipal implementation of overall international and national strategies and objectives regarding holistic, cross-sectorial and multi-strategic risk and safety work, and prevention of accidents/injuries and promotion of safety. Three different sources constitute the thesis empirical bases: two different sets of official governmental planning documents, written by Swedish municipal officials on commission of the local politicians and one set of data from a survey investigation with municipal officials (n=1283), representing different administrative departments/functions within different municipalities. The official documents were investigated using content analysis methodology, while data from the survey were analyzed using various statistical investigations. This thesis suggests a conceptual and systemic model for SRSM’s contextual and analytical elements, and provides through its empirical works an overview of management perspectives and administrative structures applied, and it proposes a municipal typology and a set of value characters for allocation and institutionalization of SRSM-tasks locally.
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Processus de détermination d’une entité comme partie prenante. / Process of determining of an entity as a stakeholderMbani, Jordan 08 December 2014 (has links)
L’objet de la présente étude est de comprendre comment une entité sociale devient partie prenante d’une entreprise. En effet, les différentes méthodes de détermination des parties prenantes sont critiquées sur leur portée heuristique. Une de ces nombreuses difficultés est leur incapacité à dire "qui" est partie prenante et "qui" ne l’est. Pour le dire autrement, la théorie des parties prenantes manque d’un critère de falsifiabilité. Dès lors, comprendre le processus par lequel une entité devient partie prenante revient implicitement à admettre que cette dernière au préalable ne l’est pas. De ce fait, étudier le processus par lequel un groupe d’individus devient partie prenante d’une entreprise revient à énoncer un critère de falsification puisqu’il devient possible de dire comment être partie prenante comment ne pas l’être. Telle est la problématique générale de ce projet de recherche.Pour comprendre ce processus, la réflexion part donc du postulat qu’une catégorie ne "nait" pas partie prenante mais le devient. La phase empirique de cette recherche repose sur une enquête multi cas. Trois entreprises sont étudiées. Les données traitées selon une analyse de contenu parviennent à faire ressortir une conception de l’entreprise comme nœud de quatre liens. Ces liens sont : un lien partenarial, un lien juridico-politique, un lien commercial et un lien sociétal. Selon le lien par lequel un individu ou un groupe d’individus est lié à l’organisation, il-cet individu- endosse un rôle particulier.Les personnes liées à l’entreprise par un lien partenarial sont des partenaires ou des contractants. Les individus liés à l’entreprise par le lien marchand sont des clients. Le lien juridico-politique met une personne en relation avec l’entreprise via des institutions judiciaires ou politiques. Les individus liés à l’entreprise par le lien sociétal sont des parties prenantes. Tout rôle étant provisoire, alors les individus sont provisoirement des parties prenantes. Le processus par lequel un groupe d’individus peut devenir partie prenante débute par la survenue d’un élément à enjeu (décision, comportement organisationnel). Le processus est aléatoire, imprévisible, contextuel et temporaire puisque tout acte de l’entreprise ne suscite pas de mobilisations. / The purpose of this study is to understand how a social entity becomes a stakeholder. The various methods of determining the stakeholders are criticized on their heuristic value. One of these problems is their inability to say "who" is a stakeholder and "who" is not. In other words, the stakeholder theory lacks a criterion of falsifiability. Therefore, understanding the process by which an entity becomes a stakeholder means that this entity is not a priori a stakeholder. Consequently, studying the process by which a group of individuals becomes a stakeholder of a company returns to state a criterion of falsification. This is the general problem of this research.To understand this process, it is said that any group cannot be considered at beginning as a stakeholder but it can become a stakeholder. The empirical phase is based on a multiple- case study. Three companies are studied. The study reveals three main results. First, the firm is seen as a four-relationship node. Second, all parties cannot be consider as stakeholders. Finally, according to the link through which an individual or group of individuals is related to the organization, it assumes a special role. These links are: the partnership relationship, the legal-political relationship, the commercial relationship and the societal relationship. Persons related to the company by a partnership relationship are partners. Individuals related to the company by the commercial relationship are clients. The legal and political relationship puts a person in connection with the company through legal or political institutions. Individuals related to the company by the societal relationship are stakeholders.The process by which a group of individuals can become stakeholders begins with the occurrence of an element in issue (decision, organizational behavior). The process is random, unpredictable, and temporary because any decision of a company do not cause mobilizations.
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Förskolans pedagogiska praktik : Ett verksamhetsperspektiv / The pedagogical practice in preschools : In a perspective of activityEkström, Kenneth January 2007 (has links)
Since 1960s, preschools have been important parts both of Swedish welfare and of labour market policies. The preschool thus constitutes a very important site for rearing and educating young children. Reforms of the Swedish preschool in the 1990s concerning both accessibility and quality were introduced at a time when the economy of the municipalities dramatically deteriorated because of reductions in State subsidies. The strained economy of the State and the municipalities, has resulted, among other things, in a growing number of children in preschool groups and pressure to change organization and pedagogical content. These changes took place in a time of decentralization where the responsibility for organization of preschools was given to the municipalities. Changes in economy, organization and curriculum form the background for this study. The purpose of the study is to examine and understand how preschool working teams shape and realize the pedagogical practice and how working conditions affect this process. The approach of the study is interpretative, where the interpretative perspective is mainly represented by activity theory and theories of cultural reproduction. Three aspects of the actions are observed: the object of the actions, the instruments mediating the actions and the content of mediating actions. Bernstein’s concepts classification and framing are used as tools in analysing the empirical data. The interpretative, empirical study is based on qualitative data collected mainly by observations and interviews. Three preschools are chosen for the study. The preschools in the study are located in two municipalities in the north of Sweden, representing three different environments. All preschools receive children one to five years old. The personnel consist of preschool teachers and childminders working in teams. Eleven of them where interviewed. The study shows that daily routines both shape and restrict practices in preschools. The work is mainly focused on care giving, where the children are supposed to adapt to and subordinate themselves to the norms and to the existing routines. The children’s influence varies between organized activities, where they have little influence, and play time, where they can choose what to do. It also varies between the preschools, where the preschool with children from more affluent families have more freedom than children from the multicultural, lower-income environment do. The work is collectively oriented toward training adaptation, but also, to a certain extent, training for autonomy and responsibility taking. Organization of learning activities often takes the form of transmitting information. The informants regard themselves as caregivers with the main purpose to mediate security and create conditions for the children to develop socially. The changes in conditions emanating from political decisions have brought new working tasks to the preschools and have reduced the level of resources at the same time as the demands made are experienced as being harder. This creates frustration and tends to result in lower levels of ambition.
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O gerencialismo no poder público municipal: o caso da reforma administrativa na empresa de urbanização do RecifeFarias, João Batista de Sousa 01 January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Thalita Cristine Landeira Portela Faro (thalita.faro@fgv.br) on 2011-04-27T17:57:36Z
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Previous issue date: 2010-01-01 / This thesis is about the reform of the brazilian public sector which is on administrative reform of management inspiration established in 2005 at URB – Recife (the main public company of Recife, capital of Pernambuco). The ultimate purpose of the study was to understand the impacts on management of the mencioned company. These impacts came from the administrative reform, drawing in part to perceptions that it had employees and the body of managers, as revealed by ad hoc applied research. The study was contextualized in a historical summary of bureaucratic administration in Brazil, highlighting the reform initiatives in the Vargas era, with the emergence of DASP, when he tried the deployment of classical inspiration Weberian bureaucracy, is also making reference to the second major reform of the Brazilian State, held at the military regime, regulated by Decree-Law No 200/67, and considered the first attempt to reform stamp management. The government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, has tempted the third major reform, influenced by economic ideas and policies of the eighties and nineties of the last century in industrialized countries, whose governments then gambled on the values and strategies of the market as the most appropriate solution to the problems economic and social, and management techniques of the private sector to become more efficient public administration. Beside the design aspect of administrative management, in Brazil the past two decades, flourished ideas of societal management, inspired by the experiences of participatory budgeting, initiated in Porto Alegre City Hall in 1989 and now spread across hundreds of municipalities. The reform of URB - Recife in 2005, was also analyzed for changes in its structure since its establishment in 1973 and several changes of roles and management models that occurred in the period. It is concluded, both based on the evaluation of responses to the survey cited, as the author's own observations of the study, that the reform had focused predominantly results unfavorable to the desirable performance of the institution. / O tema desta dissertação é a reforma do setor público brasileiro, com foco na reforma administrativa de inspiração gerencial, implantada em 2005 na principal empresa pública da capital pernambucana, a URB - Recife. O objetivo final do estudo foi o entendimento dos impactos na gestão da empresa, advindos de tal reestruturação, recorrendo-se parcialmente às percepções que dela tiveram seus funcionários e o corpo de gerentes, conforme reveladas por pesquisa ad hoc aplicada. O estudo foi contextualizado num histórico sumário da administração burocrática no Brasil; destacando-se as iniciativas de reforma na. era Vargas, com o surgimento do DASP, quando se tentou a implantação da burocracia clássica de inspiração weberiana, fazendo-se igualmente referência à segunda grande reforma do Estado brasileiro, realizada no regime militar, regulada pelo Decreto-lei n° 200/67 e considerada a primeira tentativa de reforma de cunho gerencial. No governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso, foi tentada a terceira grande reforma, influenciada pelas idéias econômicas e políticas dos anos oitenta e noventa do século passado em países industrializados, cujos governos apostavam então nos valores e estratégias do mercado, como a solução mais adequada para os problemas econômicos e sociais, e nas técnicas de gestão do setor priva-o, para tomar mais eficiente a administração pública. Ao lado da concepção administrativa de· vertente gerencial, no Brasil das duas últimas décadas, prosperaram idéias de administração societal, inspiradas em experiências de orçamento participativo, iniciadas na Prefeitura de Porto Alegre em 1989 e hoje espalhadas por centenas de municípios. A reforma da URB - Recife em 2005, também foi analisada quanto à evolução de sua estrutura desde sua instituição em 1973 e as diversas alterações de atribui'4ões e de modelos de gestão ocorridos no período. Concluiu-se, tanto com base na avaliação das respostas à pesquisa referenciada, como pelas próprias observações do autor do estudo, que a reforma focada teve resultados predominantemente desfavoráveis ao desempenho desejável da instituição.
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