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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medienordnung und öffentlicher Diskurs : die Pflicht des Staates zur Gewährleistung der Funktionstüchtigkeit des öffentlichen Diskurses /

Zentara, Kai Friedrich. January 1900 (has links)
Zugleich: Diss. Düsseldorf, 2008. / Literaturverz.

Faith in the process, the hermeneutics of intersubjectivity in three women's autobiographies of trauma and healing

Winter, Angela Roorda January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Femmes et aire domestique, un mode de vie, modèles, valeurs et comportements

Laflamme, Josée January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

La Plume et le Lys : carrière, publication et service de la politique royale chez Blaise de Vigenère (1523-1596) / The secretary and the lily : Blaise de Vigenère’s career, publication and service of monarchy (1523-1596)

Desarbres, Paul-Victor 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la carrière politique et du « service de plume » de Blaise de Vigenère (1523-1596), agent du roi et voyageur, puis traducteur et commentateur érudit dans le dernier tiers de sa vie. À travers une étude biographique et contextuelle, elle met en évidence une figure sociale trop méconnue du champ des lettres et de l’histoire : celle du secrétaire. Elle interroge ensuite du point de vue de la poétique le statut d’observateur que Vigenère se donne dans ses écrits : le sens de la merveille et l'analyse de la raison technique y vont de pair. La riche expérience de serviteur de l'ombre théorisée dans les traités italiens, et surtout les pratiques d’écritures qui rejoignent l’humanisme constituent un héritage que Vigenère dépasse cependant. L’entreprise de publication, abondante et efficace, est remise en contexte et peut être comprise comme une prudente tentative de courtiser et de conseiller le pouvoir par l’image ou l’allusion. Dans les dernières œuvres où l’allusion le cède au symbole, Vigenère manie le plan littéral et le plan symbolique. Il se montre kabbalisant catholique et pré-nationaliste. En « Politique » de la fin des guerres de religion, il défend alors l’institution monarchique contre la Ligue catholique. Mais les images du Discours sur l’histoire du roy Charles VII (1594) sont les derniers feux d’une herméneutique inquiète. / This study deals with the career and the service to the monarchy of the penman Blaise de Vigenère (1523-1596), who was an agent to the king and was travelling through Europe. He became a translator and scholarly annotator during the last period of his life. I study biography, historical and sociological context, in order to highlight an essential yet overlooked figure : the secretary. I try to show that the personal point of view in his writings is double : while he admires wonders and signs in nature, he is also a sceptical analyst looking for technical explanations. He inherits the experience of those shadowy figures, awarely described in italian trattati, and their practices of writing – those of humanists. But he goes over. Publishing a lot of manuscripts in a short time, he tries to have an effect on the monarch and to court him. His last works are more explicit. Vigenère combines litteral meaning and symbolic interpretation : he uses a kind of catholic kabbalah in a pre-nationalist purpose. As a « Politique », at the end of the Civil Wars, he is a partisan of the monarchy against the Catholic League. But the images of the Discours sur l’histoire du roy Charles VII (1594) might be the swansong of the Renaissance hermetic symbolism.

The role of the parental home, church and belief in the sexual relationships of young black women

Pieterse, Maria Magdalena 30 November 2004 (has links)
The study focuses on the important issue of young adult female sexuality in an age of HIV/AIDS. The research question explores the influence of the parental home, the church and young black women's own belief on their sexual behaviour. Sexuality is influenced by societal voices that override religious and parental voices. Parents are hesitant to speak out, the church is burdened with an antiquated and unworkable sexual ethics and the young women's belief is overpowered by social discourses. Male domination and infidelity exacerbate female vulnerability and contribute to the powerlessness of young women in sexual relationships. Feminist theology puts forward an embodied theology that demands integrated embodiment and full humanity for women. This can be achieved when relationships are mutual, reciprocal and empowering. This study proposes an accountable sexual ethics that will renew and recreate the lives and relationships of young people in a confusing and perilous environment. / Sys Theology and Theol Ethics / MTH (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY)

Formação inicial de professores : análise da prática de ensino em Biologia

Rosa, Russel Teresinha Dutra da January 2007 (has links)
A presente tese foi desenvolvida na Linha de Pesquisa “O sujeito da Educação: conhecimento, linguagem e contextos”, na temática Sociologia e Educação, vinculada ao Projeto de Pesquisa “Perspectivas de Ensino na Educação Básica: prática pedagógica e formação de professores”, coordenado pela professora doutora Maria Helena Degani Veit. Na tese é examinada a prática pedagógica de 30 estagiários matriculados na disciplina de Prática de Ensino em Biologia do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul no ano de 2005. O estudo desenvolveu os seguintes tópicos: 1) interpretação dos significados de conflitos de papéis que perpassam o ingresso dos licenciandos na carreira docente; 2) caracterização das práticas pedagógicas dos estagiários planejadas com o objetivo de favorecer a aprendizagem de conhecimentos biológicos pelos alunos do Ensino Médio;2.1) análise de discursos e de modalidades de conhecimentos que constituem a Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas e que são mobilizados quando da recontextualização dos conteúdos biológicos para o Nível Médio e2.2) caracterização do discurso regulador empregado pelos estagiários no contexto de escolas da rede pública de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. A pesquisa participante, em uma abordagem quali-quantitativa, foi realizada pela professora da disciplina de Prática de Ensino em Biologia, utilizando, como referencial teórico-metodológico, a perspectiva sociológica de Basil Bernstein, complementada por conceituação da Fenomenologia Social e do Interacionismo Simbólico. Os resultados do estudo confirmaram os achados de Morais (2002a, 2002b) e de pesquisadoras associadas que, apoiadas em Bernstein, caracterizaram as modalidades de práticas pedagógicas mais produtivas em contextos de formação de professores e de ensino de alunos da Educação Básica pertencentes a famílias de baixa renda. As autoras designaram tais práticas como pedagogias mistas, as quais apresentam enquadramentos fortes nas dimensões seleção e seqüência de conteúdos, em nível macro, e avaliação, e apresentam enquadramentos fracos nas dimensões seleção e seqüência de conteúdos, em nível micro, ritmagem e regras hierárquicas. A tese complementa a caracterização das pedagogias mistas e descreve as formas da prática pedagógica que tornam disponíveis aos adquirentes regras de reconhecimento e de realização de textos, isto é, práticas legítimas no contexto educacional.A investigação também possibilitou a interpretação dos significados das interações entre transmissores e adquirentes, enfocando estratégias e discursos que buscam resgatar valores nucleares da sociedade ocidental. / This doctoral dissertation was developed within the Research Line “The Subject of Education: Knowledge, Language and Contexts” and the theme of Sociology and Education, which is connected to the Research Project, “Teaching Perspectives in Basic Education: Pedagogical Practice and Teacher Training”, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Maria Helena Degani Veit. The dissertation discusses the pedagogical practice of 30 student teachers enrolled in 2005 in a course on Teaching Practice in Biology, which is part of the Teacher Training Program in Biological Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The study developed the following topics: 1) interpretation of the meanings of the role-related conflicts involved in the students’ entry into the teaching career; 2) characterization of the student teachers’ pedagogical practices designed to foster the learning of biology by high school students; 2.1) analysis of discourses and modes of knowledge that constitute the Teacher Training Program in Biological Science and are mobilized duringthe “recontextualization” of the contents of Biology for the level of secondary education, as well as 2.2) characterization of the “regulative discourse” employed by the student teachers in the context of public schools in Porto Alegre, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The participatory research, which adopted a qualitative-quantitative approach, was conducted by the professor of the course on Teaching Practice in Biology. It used Basil Bernstein’s sociological perspective as its theoretical-methodological frame of reference, supplementing it with concepts taken from Social Phenomenology and Symbolic Interactionism. The results of the study confirmed the findings by Morais et al. (2002, 2003), who, based on Bernstein, characterized the most productive modes of pedagogical practice in the contexts of teacher training and of teaching to basic education students who come from low income families. Morais et al. called such practices “mixed pedagogies,” as they exhibit “strong framings” in the dimensions of “selection” and “sequence” of contents at the macro level, as well as “evaluation,” and “weak framings” in the dimensions of “selection” and “sequence” of contents at the micro level, besides “pacing” and “hierarchical rules.”The dissertation supplements the characterization of the “mixed pedagogies” and describes the forms of “pedagogical practice” that makeavailable to the acquirers “rules of recognition” and “rules of realization” of texts, that is, legitimate practices in the context of education. The investigation also made it possible to interpret the meanings of the interactions between transmitters and acquirers, focusing on strategies and discourses that try to retrieve core values of Western society.

Le Jeu dans l'oeuvre de Henry de Montherlant / The game in Henry de Montherlant's works

Sorel, Marie 05 December 2013 (has links)
Le jeu a joué bien des tours à Montherlant, si l’on en croit les jugements proférés à l’encontre d’un auteur accusé de cacher son jeu et de duper son lectorat. Le personnage Montherlant continue à éclipser une œuvre multiforme, s’étalant sur une cinquantaine d’années. Mais la part du jeu dans l’élaboration de l’image de l’écrivain ne peut être envisagée indépendamment de la vision des pratiques ludiques qui émane de ses écrits. L’étude du jeu dans l’ensemble de l’œuvre, y compris dans le paratexte envahissant qui l’accompagne, offre un angle d’approche privilégié pour dépassionner notre rapport à l’auteur et interroger l’inactualité supposée de son œuvre. Ce travail de contextualisation, qui invite à faire dialoguer les écrits de ce polygraphe avec ceux d’autres auteurs, mobilise des outils historiques et sociologiques, à même d’éclairer la conception du jeu de l’écrivain. Notion malléable que l’auteur interprète à l’aune de ses expériences sportives et tauromachiques, le jeu se présente comme un espace initiatique. Revendiquant son appartenance au milieu nobiliaire, Montherlant s’érige en arbitre du goût. S’ils se conforment pour une part à une logique aristocratique, les choix de cet homme de loisir déjouent parfois les attentes du lecteur. Le ludisme existentiel qu’affiche l’auteur informe non seulement ses pratiques d’écriture mais aussi sa conception du rôle de l’écrivain, laquelle révèle toute sa fragilité durant la période de l’Occupation. Rendre compte de l’impact du jeu sur la réception de l’œuvre conduit ainsi à faire apparaître les failles des stratégies adoptées par l’auteur, failles dans lesquelles s’engouffrent parfois la critique et les lecteurs. / Many a time has play fooled Montherlant if we are to believe comments accusing the author of hiding his hand and deceiving his readers. Montherlant’s character continues to overshadow his protean works which span approximately fifty years. However, the playful construction of the writer’s image cannot be separated from the aspect of play stemming from his texts. Studying the element of play in his works as a whole, including the overwhelming paratext which accompanies them, offers a privileged point of view and allows us to take the heat out of our relationship to the author and question the assumed obsolescence of his works. This effort of contextualisation, which invites us to put the texts of this versatile writer in relation to those of other authors, draws on historical and sociological tools allowing us to shed light on the writer’s conception of play. Play, a malleable term which the author construes in the light of his own athletic and bullfighting experiences, presents itself as an initiatory space. Montherlant asserts his aristocratic background and sets himself up as an arbiter of taste. If his choices are partly induced by an aristocratic logic, they sometimes deceive the reader’s expectations. The existential playfulness asserted by the author not only influences his way of writing but his conception of the writer’s role as well, a role whose weakness has been revealed to the full during the Occupation. Studying the impact of play on the reception of his works hereby leads us to unveil the flaws of the strategies adopted by the author, flaws in which critics and readers are sometimes swallowed up.

A misericórdia que ultrapassa fronteiras: uma leitura sociológica da parábola do Bom Samaritano - Lucas 10.25-37

Tiago Samuel Lopes de Carvalho 11 October 2013 (has links)
A língua não é apenas um meio através do qual o ser humano expressa seu pensamento. Também não é apenas um código virtual já pronto e disponível fora do contexto de formação. Qualquer uma dessas compreensões desconsidera, a seu próprio modo, os falantes e situações de uso como determinantes dos fatos e regras da língua. A língua é essencialmente dialógica e deve ser compreendida enquanto forma ou processo de inter-ação, no qual os usuários interagem enquanto sujeitos sociais. Ela não é trabalho de um indivíduo, mas trabalho social e histórico seu e dos outros. E é para os outros e com os outros que ela se constitui. Por isso, se afirma que as interações ocorrem no interior de um enorme contexto social, histórico e ideológico e, nesses limites, a linguagem sofre interferências. Essa concepção exige uma leitura diferenciada do texto bíblico, ou seja, uma abordagem que alcance o aspecto histórico, social e dialógico do texto. Dessa maneira, o que se propõe é a leitura bíblica por meio do método sociológico, a leitura dos quatro lados. Esse método parte do pressuposto de que existem quatro lados ou aspectos que são determinantes na vida social de um povo. É uma metodologia orientada para uma leitura simplificada, com fins didáticos, que apresenta a totalidade do dinamismo social em quatro grandes aspectos ou dimensões da realidade social, a saber: econômico, social, político e ideológico. Fundamentado na concepção dialógica do texto, na teoria dos gêneros, no aspecto histórico-cultural com dados obtidos através de uma análise exegética e, especialmente, no aspecto sociológico da parábola do bom samaritano, este trabalho realiza uma leitura sociológica do texto de Lucas 10.2537 para alcançar o propósito da parábola do Bom Samaritano. Com essa leitura se identificaram várias vozes sociais que permeiam o texto e, também, uma proposta peculiar de modelo cristão que procura o sujeito do amor cristão em vez de se preocupar com o objeto e o limite dessa compaixão. / Language is not only a means through which human beings express their thought. It also is not simply a virtual code ready and available outside of the formation context. Any one of these comprehensions, each in its own way, does not consider the speakers and the situations of use as determiners of the facts and rules of the language. Language is essentially dialogic and should be understood as a form or process of inter-action, in which the users interact as social subjects. It is not the work of one individual, but the social and historical work of that individual and of others. And it is constituted for the others and with the others. That is why it is affirmed that the interactions occur within an enormous social, historical and ideological context and, in these limits, language suffers interferences. This concept demands a differentiated reading of the biblical text, that is, an approach which takes in the historical, social and dialogic aspect of the text. Thus, what is being proposed is a biblical reading through the sociological method, a reading from the four sides. This method is based on the presupposition that there exist four sides or aspects which determine the social life of a people. It is a methodology orientated toward a simplified reading with didactic goals, which presents the totality of the social dynamism in four great aspects or dimensions of the social reality, that is: economic, social, political and ideological. Based on the dialogic concept of the text, on the theory of genres, on the historical-cultural aspect with data obtained from an exegetical analysis and, especially, on the sociological aspect of the parable of the Good Samaritan, this paper carries out a sociological reading of the text of Luke 10:25-37 to reach the goal of the parable of the Good Samaritan. With this reading various social voices were identified which permeate the text as was also identified a peculiar proposal of a Christian model which seeks the protagonist of the Christian love instead of being concerned with the object and the limit of this compassion.

An investigation into the popularity of American action movies shown in informal video houses in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Assefa, Emrakeb January 2006 (has links)
The early 1990s saw a major change in the Ethiopian history in so far as Ethiopian media consumption practices was concerned. With the change of government in 1991, the ‘Iron Curtail’ prohibiting the dissemination of Western symbolic products within the country was lifted which in turn led to a surge in demand for Western predominantly American media texts. In order to supply this new demand, informal video houses showing primarily American action movies were opened in Addis Ababa. There was a significant shift in Ethiopians’ films consumption practices which were previously limited to watching films produced by socialist countries mainly the former Soviet Union. This study set out to probe reasons for the attraction of American action movies shown in video-viewing houses in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia amongst the urban unemployed male youth. Particularly, it examines how the meanings produced by and embedded in the cultural industries of the West are appropriated in the day-to-day lives of the youth. The importance of video houses as a shared male cultural space for Ethiopian unemployed youth and the watching of American action movies in this space are the main entry and focus of this study. Using qualitative methods such as observation, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, the study explores what happens in this cultural space and how one makes sense of the impact of American media on local audiences. The findings of the study point to the embeddedness of viewing practice in everyday life and the importance of local contexts in understanding text-reader interaction. This is shown by the male youth’s tendency to use media messages as a mode of escape and a symbolic distancing from their lived impoverished reality. The study also seeks to highlight that the video houses as cultural space have contributed to the creation of marginal male youth identities in the Ethiopian patriarchal society. As such, these and other findings, the study argues, highlight the deficiencies of the media imperialism thesis with its definitive claims for cultural homogenisation as effect of globalisation of media. As such, this study should be read as emphasising the capability of local audience groups in Third World country like Ethiopia to construct their own meanings and thus their own local cultures and identities, even in the face of their virtually complete dependence on the image flows distributed by the transnational culture industries.

An investigation into fan identity among supporters of the English soccer premier league in Lusaka, Zambia

Komakoma, Leah January 2006 (has links)
This study investigates Zambians’ construction of identities based on their following of the English soccer premier league. The study seeks to understand how Zambian supporters of this league construct their identities based on their encounter with foreign teams/players and how they appropriate the meanings obtained through such viewing in their daily lives. The study is informed by the theories of fandom. Using an ethnographic critique of the media imperialism thesis, the study attempts to explore the meanings that the fans of the English soccer league in urban Lusaka make of the mediated soccer games, while in and outside the viewing spaces – the bars – where the games are ritually watched in groups. Based on the qualitative methods of focus group discussions, individual in-depth interviews and observations, the study probes the phenomenon of the consumption of English premier league football in countries abroad, focusing specifically on the experiences of fans in Lusaka, Zambia. Observation of this phenomenon in Lusaka reveals that fans find pleasure in the tactics that the teams in the league display, the professionalism of the players, goal scoring and self-empowerment for the few women supporters. This study probes these issues in greater depth. The foremost conclusion of the research is that it neither completely rejects nor accepts the media imperialism thesis. Instead, meanings should be understood within the context of the lived experience and reality of the fans.

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