Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bounds."" "subject:"3rounds.""
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Variable acoustics in multi-functional stadiums / Variabel akustik i multi-funktionsarenorVernersson, Felix January 2022 (has links)
This paper handles the background theory, methods and results of the master thesis project titled "Variable acoustics in multi-functional stadiums". \\ The purpose of the project was to investigate whether variable room acoustics could be applicable to large multi-functional stadiums to improve their ability to adapt the soundscape in the stadium for different types of events. The two events which were analyzed during the project was electrically amplified concerts and ice hockey matches. \\ The paper starts by going over relevant acoustical and psycho-acoustical parameters and concepts as well as giving a few examples on already existing multi-functional stadiums including their acoustical strengths and weaknesses towards the two types of events. The report concludes that reflections are of the utmost importance for both types of events, especially early-arriving reflection with great magnitudes. At concerts, these are wished to be repressed while at hockey-matches, the early reflections should be amplified and increased in quantity to give the crowd a better feedback from the stadium increasing the supporters ability to create a loud and intense atmosphere. \\ Gallon fabric, aluminum and plexi-glass was tested in the MWL-laboratory in order to assess the materials reflective capabilities as the idea was to use these materials as reflectors during the hockey-matches. The results showed close to full reflection across the entire spectrum for aluminum and plexi-glass while the gallon fabric showed great reflective capabilities for the higher frequencies while letting the lower frequencies pass through the material. \\ The effects off the reflectors on the soundscape was simulated in a fictional stadium which was built in the modelling software SketchUp using the simulation software ODEON. The results showed great promise as the reflectors gave a great increase in the early reflections. As for the concerts, rolling-curtains which can easily be mounted and removed was added around the walls of the stadium while the reflectors was removed. This solution also showed great results during the simulations as the early reflections was now suppressed instead of magnified. / Denna uppsats behandlar bekgrundsteori, metodik och resultat från examensarbetet titulerat "Variabel rumsakustik i multi-funktions arenor".\\ Syftet med projektet var att undersöka huruvida variabel rumsakustik skulle kunna tillämpas på stora multi-funktions arenor för att förbättra dess förmåga att anpass sin ljudbild för olika typer av evenemang. Projektet riktar sig mot elförstärkta konserter och ishockey-matcher. \\ Uppsatsen börjar med att gå igenom relevanta akustiska och psyko-akustiska parametrar och begrepp för att sedan ge några exempel på redan existerande multi-funktions arenors akustiska styrkor och svagheter vid de bägge typerna av evenemang. Rapporten drar slutsatsen att reflektioner är av yttersta vikt vid bägge fallen, särkiljt de som är tidigt anländande och av hög magnitud. Under konserter önskas dessa att dämpas medans man vid ishockey-matcher önskar att förstärka dessa och öka dess antal för att ge publiken en starkare akustisk återkoppling från arenan och underlätta för supportrarna att skapa en högljudd och intensiv atmosfär. \\ Galonstyg, aluminium och plexiglas testades i MWL-laboratoriet för att bedöma dess reflekterande förmågor då idén var att använda dessa material som reflektorer under ishockey-matcherna. Resultaten visade nära full reflektion över hela spektrat för de aluminiumet och plexi-glaset medan galonstyget visade stora reflketerande egenskaper vid högre frekvenser samtidigt som det tillät de lägre frekvenserna passera genom materialet. \\ Reflektorernas effekt på ljudbilden simulerades i en påhittat arena som byggdes i moddeleringsprogrammet SketchUp med hjälp av simuleringsprogrammet ODEON. Resultaten var mycket lovande då en stor ökning sågs hos de tidiga reflexerna, både i kvantitet och kvalitet. För konserterna användes istället ljudabsorberande rullgardiner längs arenans väggar medans reflektorerna togs bort. Simuleringsresultaten visade nu istället en markant minsking i tidiga reflexer.
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Prácticas experimentales e indagación sobre sonido, territorio y tecnologías contemporáneas: Cartografías, soportes de escucha y sonidos disruptivosRodríguez López, Ramona 02 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis pone el foco en lo sonoro en un momento de cambios disruptivos operados por las tecnologías y su impacto en los globalizados sistemas sociales, culturales, políticos y científicos. La conceptualizada Industria 4.0 acelera a gran velocidad el proceso de digitalización y automatización de todas las esferas, activando nuevas relaciones humano-máquina, máquina-máquina; las ciudades modelos generalizados de vida, concentran gran parte de la actividad social y el volcado de los procesos tecnológicos, la hibridación físico-digital potenciada por la ubicuidad. Ya no se trata de la portabilidad del sonido ni de su reproducción, el cambio se produce por la colonización de nuestro tiempo y espacio, la conectividad infinita que media en todas nuestras transacciones, acontecimientos y la percepción de los lugares; las acciones de corporeización con dispositivos que se vuelven cuasitransparentes (Ihde, 2015), la conversión en cíborg al añadir nuestro cuerpo temporalmente para adaptarnos a un nuevo entorno (Case, 2018); el síndrome de atención parcial continuada (Stone, 2014) que nos mantiene en un estado de alerta, o el tiempo que, según Foucault, está gestionado como artefacto de la cultura y el resultado de las relaciones de poder.
Desde el prisma del arte y su vertiente práctica, el estudio ofrece una lectura de la ciudad y los medios digitales a través de sus sonidos, un acercamiento que busca descifrar el carácter de un territorio, encontrar rastros de singularidad o de homogeneidad, la sintonía con los ambientes, y también el pensamiento de lo disruptivo. La investigación se expresa a través de propuestas sonoras y visuales, cartografías simbólicas y perceptivas, conjugadas con metodologías mestizas de estudio teórico-práctico interdisciplinario, en un proceso abierto y fluido de experimentación que se funda en la re-utilización o instanciación de medios, materiales y conceptos de manera que puedan arrojar ideas, lecturas no previstas o activar el pensamiento crítico y estético. / [EN] This thesis focuses on sound in times of disruptive changes operated by technologies and their impact on globalised social, cultural, political and scientific systems. The conceptualised Industry 4.0 accelerates the process of digitisation and automation at great speed and on all spheres, activating new human-machine, machine-machine relationships; cities, the generalised models of life, gather a large part of social activity and the dumping of technological processes, the physical-digital hybridisation promoted by ubiquity. It is no longer about the portability of sound or its reproduction, the change is takes place by the colonisation of our time and space, the infinite connectivity that mediates all our transactions, events and the perception of places; embodiment actions with devices that become quasi-transparent (Ihde, 2015), the transformation into cyborgs by temporarily adding our bodies to adapt to a new environment (Case, 2018); the syndrome of continued partial attention (Stone, 2014) that keeps us in a state of alert, or the time that, according to Foucault, is managed as a device for culture and the result of power relations.
From the eyes of art and its practical side, the study offers a reading of the city and the digital media through its sounds, an approach that seeks to decipher the nature of a territory, find traces of singularity or homogeneity, the harmony with the environments, and also the thought of the disruptive. The research is expressed through sound and visual proposals, symbolic and perceptual cartographies, blended with hybrid methodologies of interdisciplinary theoretical-practical study, in an open and fluid experimentation process that is based on the re-use or instantiation of media, materials and concepts so that they can shed ideas, unforeseen readings or activate critical and aesthetic thinking. / [CA] Aquesta tesi posa el focus en allò sonor en un moment de canvis disruptius operats per les tecnologies i el seu impacte en els globalitzats sistemes socials, culturals, polítics i científics. La conceptualitzada Indústria 4.0 accelera a gran velocitat el procés de digitalització i automatització de totes les esferes, i activa noves relacions humà-màquina, màquina-màquina. Les ciutats, models generalitzats de vida, concentren una gran part de l'activitat social i l'abocament de dades dels processos tecnològics, la hibridació físicodigital potenciada per la ubiqüitat. No es tracta ja de la portabilitat del so ni de la seua reproducció, el canvi es produeix per la colonització del nostre temps i espai, la connectivitat infinita que media en totes les nostres transaccions, esdeveniments i la percepció dels llocs; les accions de corporeïtzació amb dispositius que es tornen quasitransparents (Ihde, 2015), la conversió en cíborg en afegir el nostre cos temporalment per a adaptar-nos a un nou entorn (Case, 2018), la síndrome d'atenció parcial continuada (Stone, 2014), que ens manté en un estat d'alerta, o el temps que, segons Foucault, és gestionat com a artefacte de la cultura i el resultat de les relacions de poder. Des del prisma de l'art i el seu vessant pràctic, l'estudi ofereix una lectura de la ciutat i els mitjans digitals a través dels seus sons, un acostament que busca desxifrar el caràcter d'un territori, trobar rastres de singularitat o d'homogeneïtat, la sintonia amb els ambients, i també el pensament del disruptiu. La investigació s'expressa a través de propostes sonores i visuals, cartografies simbòliques i perceptives, conjugades amb metodologies mestisses d'estudi teòric i pràctic interdisciplinari, en un procés obert i fluid d'experimentació que es funda en la re-utilització o instanciació de mitjans, materials i conceptes de manera que puguen llançar idees, lectures no previstes o activar el pensament crític i estètic. / A la Universitat Politècnica de València por la beca FPI y la estancia de investigación concedidas para dar cobertura económica a este trabajo y ayudar a mi formación. / Rodríguez López, R. (2021). Prácticas experimentales e indagación sobre sonido, territorio y tecnologías contemporáneas: Cartografías, soportes de escucha y sonidos disruptivos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/162974
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Harmonizing Audio and Human Interaction: Enhancement, Analysis, and Application of Audio Signals via Machine Learning ApproachesXu, Ruilin January 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, we tackle key challenges in processing audio signals, specifically focusing on speech and music. These signals are crucial for human interaction with both the environment and machines. Our research addresses three core topics: speech denoising, speech dereverberation, and music-dance generation, each of which plays a vital role in enhancing the harmony between audio and human interaction.
Leveraging machine learning and human-centric approaches inspired by classical algorithms, we develop methods to mitigate common audio degradations, such as additive noise and multiplicative reverberation, delivering high-quality audio suitable for human use and applications. Furthermore, we introduce a real-time, music-responsive system for generating 3D dance animations, advancing the integration of audio signals with human engagement.
The first focus of our thesis is the elimination of additive noise from audio signals by focusing on short pauses, or silent intervals, in human speech. These brief pauses provide key insights into the noise profile, enabling our model to dynamically reduce ambient noise from speech. Tested across diverse datasets, our method outperforms traditional and audiovisual denoising techniques, showcasing its effectiveness and adaptability across different languages and even musical contexts.
In the second work of our research, we address reverberation removal from audio signals, a task traditionally reliant on knowing the environment's exact impulse response—a requirement often impractical in real-world settings. Our novel solution combines the strengths of classical and learning-based approaches, tailored for online communication contexts. This human-centric method includes a one-time personalization step, adapting to specific environments and human speakers. The two-stage model, integrating feature-based Wiener deconvolution and network refinement, has shown through extensive experiments to outperform current methods, both in effectiveness and user preference.
Transitioning from foundational audio signal enhancement and analysis to a more dynamic realm, our research culminates in a novel, interactive system for real-time 3D human dance generation. Contrasting with the passive human-centric assumptions of our previous works, this final work actively engages users, enabling direct interaction with a system that synchronizes expressive dance movements to live music, spanning various musical elements like type, tempo, and energy. This innovative approach, diverging from traditional choreography methods, leverages spontaneous improvisation to generate unique dance sequences. These sequences, a mix of pre-recorded choreographies and algorithm-generated transitions, adapt to real-time audio inputs, offering customization through personal 3D avatars. This system's user-centric design and interactivity are validated by user studies, confirming its effectiveness in creating an immersive and engaging user experience.
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Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске / Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske / Prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years in the territory of Republic of SrpskaDomuz Sanela 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Увод: Астма као хронично оболење представља велики здравствени, социјални и економски проблем широм света Ово оболење једно је од најчешћих хроничних оболења код деце и најчешћи узрок повећаног броја хоспитализација код деце млађе од 15 година. Резултати досадашњих студија говоре у прилог пораста преваленције астме и алергијских болести код деце у последњих десетак година. Епидемиолошка испитивања су значајна за разумевање природе астме, као и откривања могућих фактора за тренд пораста учесталости астме код деце. Разлика у географској дистрибуцији учесталости симптома астме унутар исте земље сугерише да фактори средине, више него можда генетски фактори, утичу на дистрибуцију преваленције симптома астме. У литератури се као најзначајнији фактори средине истичу загађење животне средине и климатски фактора. Доступне студије показују да постоји узрочна повезаност између повећане изложености загађењу животне средине и акутних респираторних симптома. Процењено је да је у Европи током 2000. године дошло до губитка 3,6 милиона година живота услед повећања концентрације респирабилних честица. И новије препоруке Светске здравствене организације одлучно предлажу смањење изложености деце загађујућим материјама. Резултати доступних студија сугеришу да ефекти загрејавања и топлотних таласа, као и ниских темепратура, утичу на морбидитет и учесталост хоспитализација деце са астмом. Циљеви истраживања били су одредити преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске, затим одредити утицај загађујућих материја животне средине и климатских фактора на преваленцију симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година на територији Републике Српске. Материјал и методе: Истраживање је проведено у облику студије пресека и обухватало је 3000 деце узраста од 6 до 15 година из 13 основних школа на територији Републике Српске. Преваленција симптома астме код деце узраста од 6 до 15 година одређивала се путем упитника Интернационалне студије за астму и алергије код деце (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood – ISAAC). Овај упитник дизајниран је за потребе мултицентричне студије о преваленцији астме, алергијског ринитиса и екцема код деце. Мерење квалитета ваздуха обухватало је следеће параметре: сумпoр диoксид SO2 (μg/m3), угљен мoнoксид CO (mg/m3), азот диоксид NO2 (μg/m3), oзoн O3 (μg/m3) и респирабилне честице PM10 (μg/m3). Континуирана мерења компоненти загађености ваздуха вршила су се на метеоролошком опсерваторију гдје су се континуирано мерили имисионе концентрације стационарним еколошким лабораторијем. Мерења климатских фактора на станицама Републичког хидрометеоролошког завода Републике Српске вршила су се према стандардима Светске метеоролошке организације (WMO). Мерења су се вршила у оквиру метеорoлошког круга који се налази на отвореном простору да би се избегао вештачки утицај околине и у одређеним терминима у зависности од ранга станице. Подаци су анализирани уз помоћ статистичког софтвера IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Резултати: Визинг у последњих 12 месеци имало је 7,9% деце укључене у студију. Дијагнозу астме икада имало је постављено 3,5% испитаника. Статистички значајну учесталост недијагностиковане астме имала су деца са блажим симптомима астме у последњих 12 месеци. Сув кашаљ ноћу био регистрован је код 14,8% испитаника. Код дечака је била значајно виша преваленција визинга у последњих 12 месеци и сувог кашља него код девојчица. Код превремено рођене деце статистички значајно је виша преваленција свих симптома астме. Регистрована је и значајна релација између пушења међу укућанима и појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци (χ2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Код испитаника чији укућани су пушачи била је виша преваленција овог симптома (9,6%) у односу на децу чији укућани не пуше (6,7%). Пушење мајки у трудноћи статистички значајно је утицало на преваленцију свих симптома астме код деце. Концентрација азот оксида и PM10 је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци, док је повезаност са преваленцијом дијагнозе астме код деце на маргини статистичке значајности. Концентрација сумпор диоксида и озона је статистички значајно повезана са преваленцијом визинга у последњих 12 месеци. Преваленција астме у планинској регији је 7,3%, у умерено-континенталној регији је 8,0% и медитеранској регији 8,4%. Просечна годишња температура даје статистички значајан допринос предвиђању појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци међу децом која су икада имали визинг у току живота. Са порастом просечне годишње температуре за 1 степен вероватноћа појаве визинга у последњих 12 месеци је 1,98 пута већа међу децом која су икада имала визинг. Пораст максималне просечне дневне температуре статистички значајно утиче на појаву визинга у току живота и сувог кашља у последњих 12 месеци. Постоји статистички значајна повезаност између минималне просечне дневне температуре и појаве визинга толико тешког да дете није у могућности изговорити неколико речи између два удаха. Закључак: Мушки пол, рођење пре термина, изложеност дуванском диму и пушење мајке током трудноће представљају статистички значајане ризике за развој астме код детета. Дечаци, деца млађег узраста, превремено рођена деца и деца храњена млечним формулама у првих 6 месеци живота имају статистичи значајан ризик за развој сувог кашља. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце имају следеће мерене загађујуће материје: SO2, O3, азот оксиди и PM10. Статистички значајну повезаност са преваленцијом астме код деце има пораст просечне годишње температуре и више вредности максималне просечне дневне температуре.</p> / <p>Uvod: Astma kao hronično obolenje predstavlja veliki zdravstveni, socijalni i ekonomski problem širom sveta Ovo obolenje jedno je od najčešćih hroničnih obolenja kod dece i najčešći uzrok povećanog broja hospitalizacija kod dece mlađe od 15 godina. Rezultati dosadašnjih studija govore u prilog porasta prevalencije astme i alergijskih bolesti kod dece u poslednjih desetak godina. Epidemiološka ispitivanja su značajna za razumevanje prirode astme, kao i otkrivanja mogućih faktora za trend porasta učestalosti astme kod dece. Razlika u geografskoj distribuciji učestalosti simptoma astme unutar iste zemlje sugeriše da faktori sredine, više nego možda genetski faktori, utiču na distribuciju prevalencije simptoma astme. U literaturi se kao najznačajniji faktori sredine ističu zagađenje životne sredine i klimatski faktora. Dostupne studije pokazuju da postoji uzročna povezanost između povećane izloženosti zagađenju životne sredine i akutnih respiratornih simptoma. Procenjeno je da je u Evropi tokom 2000. godine došlo do gubitka 3,6 miliona godina života usled povećanja koncentracije respirabilnih čestica. I novije preporuke Svetske zdravstvene organizacije odlučno predlažu smanjenje izloženosti dece zagađujućim materijama. Rezultati dostupnih studija sugerišu da efekti zagrejavanja i toplotnih talasa, kao i niskih temepratura, utiču na morbiditet i učestalost hospitalizacija dece sa astmom. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su odrediti prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske, zatim odrediti uticaj zagađujućih materija životne sredine i klimatskih faktora na prevalenciju simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u obliku studije preseka i obuhvatalo je 3000 dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina iz 13 osnovnih škola na teritoriji Republike Srpske. Prevalencija simptoma astme kod dece uzrasta od 6 do 15 godina određivala se putem upitnika Internacionalne studije za astmu i alergije kod dece (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood – ISAAC). Ovaj upitnik dizajniran je za potrebe multicentrične studije o prevalenciji astme, alergijskog rinitisa i ekcema kod dece. Merenje kvaliteta vazduha obuhvatalo je sledeće parametre: sumpor dioksid SO2 (μg/m3), ugljen monoksid CO (mg/m3), azot dioksid NO2 (μg/m3), ozon O3 (μg/m3) i respirabilne čestice PM10 (μg/m3). Kontinuirana merenja komponenti zagađenosti vazduha vršila su se na meteorološkom opservatoriju gdje su se kontinuirano merili imisione koncentracije stacionarnim ekološkim laboratorijem. Merenja klimatskih faktora na stanicama Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda Republike Srpske vršila su se prema standardima Svetske meteorološke organizacije (WMO). Merenja su se vršila u okviru meteorološkog kruga koji se nalazi na otvorenom prostoru da bi se izbegao veštački uticaj okoline i u određenim terminima u zavisnosti od ranga stanice. Podaci su analizirani uz pomoć statističkog softvera IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Rezultati: Vizing u poslednjih 12 meseci imalo je 7,9% dece uključene u studiju. Dijagnozu astme ikada imalo je postavljeno 3,5% ispitanika. Statistički značajnu učestalost nedijagnostikovane astme imala su deca sa blažim simptomima astme u poslednjih 12 meseci. Suv kašalj noću bio registrovan je kod 14,8% ispitanika. Kod dečaka je bila značajno viša prevalencija vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci i suvog kašlja nego kod devojčica. Kod prevremeno rođene dece statistički značajno je viša prevalencija svih simptoma astme. Registrovana je i značajna relacija između pušenja među ukućanima i pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci (χ2 (1, N=1956) = 5,13, p=0,02). Kod ispitanika čiji ukućani su pušači bila je viša prevalencija ovog simptoma (9,6%) u odnosu na decu čiji ukućani ne puše (6,7%). Pušenje majki u trudnoći statistički značajno je uticalo na prevalenciju svih simptoma astme kod dece. Koncentracija azot oksida i PM10 je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci, dok je povezanost sa prevalencijom dijagnoze astme kod dece na margini statističke značajnosti. Koncentracija sumpor dioksida i ozona je statistički značajno povezana sa prevalencijom vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci. Prevalencija astme u planinskoj regiji je 7,3%, u umereno-kontinentalnoj regiji je 8,0% i mediteranskoj regiji 8,4%. Prosečna godišnja temperatura daje statistički značajan doprinos predviđanju pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci među decom koja su ikada imali vizing u toku života. Sa porastom prosečne godišnje temperature za 1 stepen verovatnoća pojave vizinga u poslednjih 12 meseci je 1,98 puta veća među decom koja su ikada imala vizing. Porast maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature statistički značajno utiče na pojavu vizinga u toku života i suvog kašlja u poslednjih 12 meseci. Postoji statistički značajna povezanost između minimalne prosečne dnevne temperature i pojave vizinga toliko teškog da dete nije u mogućnosti izgovoriti nekoliko reči između dva udaha. Zaključak: Muški pol, rođenje pre termina, izloženost duvanskom dimu i pušenje majke tokom trudnoće predstavljaju statistički značajane rizike za razvoj astme kod deteta. Dečaci, deca mlađeg uzrasta, prevremeno rođena deca i deca hranjena mlečnim formulama u prvih 6 meseci života imaju statističi značajan rizik za razvoj suvog kašlja. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece imaju sledeće merene zagađujuće materije: SO2, O3, azot oksidi i PM10. Statistički značajnu povezanost sa prevalencijom astme kod dece ima porast prosečne godišnje temperature i više vrednosti maksimalne prosečne dnevne temperature.</p> / <p>Introduction: Asthma аs a chronic diseases is a major health, social and economic problem worldwide. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and the most common cause of an increased number of hospitalizations in children under the age of 15 years. The results of previous studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in children in the last ten years. Epidemiological studies are important for understanding the nature of asthma, as well as for discovering of possible factors for the increasing trend of the prevalence of asthma in children. The difference in the geographical distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms within the same country suggests that environmental factors, rather than genetic factors may influence the distribution of the prevalence of asthma symptoms. Air pollution and climatic factors highlight as the most important environmental factors in the literature. Available studies indicate that there is a causal link between increased exposure to air pollution and acute respiratory symptoms. It is estimated that was a loss of 3.6 million years of life due to increased concentrations of respirable particles in Europe during 2000. year. Also, the recent recommendations of the World Health Organization strongly suggest reducing children's exposure to air pollutants. The results of the available studies suggest that the effects of warming and heat waves, as well as low temperatures, influence on the incidence of morbidity and hospitalization in children with asthma. The aims of this research were to determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska, to determine the impact of air pollutants and climatic factors on the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years on the territory of Republic of Srpska. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in the form of cross-sectional study and included 3,000 children aged 6 to 15 years from 13 primary schools in Republic of Srpska. The prevalence of asthma symptoms in children aged 6 to 15 years is determined through a questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Children (ISAAC). This questionnaire has been designed for the needs of a multi-center study of the prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in children. Measuring air quality included the following parameters: sulfur dioxide SO2 (mg/m3), carbon monoxide CO (mg/m3), nitrogen dioxide NO2 (mg/m3), ozone O3 (g/m3) and respirable particles PM10 (mg/m3). Air quality monitoring is performed using the meteorological observatory, where we continuously measured the emission concentration by a stationary ecological laboratory. Measurements of climate factors in stations of the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Republic of Srpska were done according to the standards of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Measurements were made in certain periods depending on the station rank in the space of the meteorological circle which was located in the open space in order to avoid artificially influence the environment. Data were analyzed using statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Results: The prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months was 7.9%, while the prevalence of diagnosed asthma ever was 3.5%. Children with symptoms of mild asthma in the past 12 months had statistically significant prevalence of undiagnosed asthma. A dry cough at night was registered in 14.8% of participants. Boys have significantly higher prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months and a dry cough than girls. Premature infants have significantly higher prevalence of all asthma symptoms. It was registered significant relationship between smoking among family members and the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months (χ2 (1, N = 1956) = 5.13, p = 0.02). Prevalence of these symptoms was higher for participants who lived with smokers (9.6%) compared to children whose family members do not smoke (6.7%). Maternal smoking during pregnancy significantly influenced the prevalence of asthma symptoms in children. The concentration of nitrogen oxides and PM10 was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing and dry cough in the past 12 months. The concentration of sulfur dioxide and ozone was significantly associated with the prevalence of wheezing in the past 12 months. The prevalence of asthma in the highland climate regions was 7.3%, in the continental regions was 8.0% and 8.4% in the mediterranean regions. The average annual temperature gives a statistically significant contribution to predicting the occurrence of wheezing in the past 12 months among children who have ever had wheezing during their lifetime. The likelihood of wheezing in the past 12 months was 1.98 times higher for each degree of average annual temperature rise among children who ever had wheezing. The increase of average daily maximum temperature significantly affects the occurrence of wheezing ever and dry cough in the past 12 months. There is a statistically significant correlation between the average daily minimum temperature and the occurrence of severe wheezing that the child is not able to say a few words between breaths. Conclusion: Male gender, preterm birth, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and maternal smoking during pregnancy are a statistically significant risk for the development of asthma in children. Boys, younger children, premature babies and children formulas fed during first 6 months of life have a statistically significant risk for the development of a dry cough. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children showed following air pollutants: SO2, O3, nitrogen oxides and PM10. Statistically significant association with the prevalence of asthma in children has rise of the average annual temperature and higher value of the maximum average daily temperature.</p>
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Análise das dificuldades dos estudantes brasileiros de E/LE na percepção e na produção dos sons aproximantes e nasais em língua espanhola / Analysis of the difficulties of Brazilian students of Spanish as a Foreign Language in the perception and production of approximant and nasal sounds in a foreign languageSandes, Egisvanda Isys de Almeida 20 August 2010 (has links)
Esta investigação tem como propósito, por um lado, revisar as principais teorias que analisam a aquisição e a aprendizagem de língua estrangeira (LE) e os principais conceitos e modelos que abordam especificamente a aquisição e a aprendizagem dos sons em LE os conceitos de surdez fonológica de Polivanov (1931) e de crivo fonológico de Trubetskoy (1939); o Modelo de Aprendizagem da Fala (SLM, Speech Learning Model de Flege (1981, 1991, 1995); o Modelo de Assimilação Perceptiva (PAM, Perceptual Assimilation Model de Best (1993, 1994, 1995); e o Modelo do Imã da Língua Materna (NLM, Native Language Magnet de Kuhl e Iverson (1995) , no marco da interrelação entre a fonética, a fonologia e as várias disciplinas linguísticas, desde princípios do século XX; época em que são formuladas as teorias estruturalistas, até as últimas décadas, quando se incorporou a contribuição da neurolinguística. Por outro lado, tem como objeto de estudo refletir sobre as dificuldades dos estudantes brasileiros de E/LE, com base em toda a argumentação teórica dos autores acima nomeados. Tal reflexão compreende desde uma visão genérica dessas dificuldades, apresentadas em uma tipologia, a uma mais específica, privilegiando a análise das características acústico-articulatórias da produção dos sons aproximantes [, ð, ] e nasais [m, n, ] da língua espanhola, por estudantes universitários brasileiros de E/LE do centro da cidade de São Paulo. Considera-se semelhante investigação relevante para os estudos das dificuldades dos estudantes brasileiros de E/LE no aspecto fônico, sobretudo por versar sobre as dificuldades não somente do ponto de vista contrastivo. Contempla sobremaneira os vários elementos implícitos no referido processo como as estratégias cognitivas próprias do período de interlíngua dos estudantes bem como a análise das características acústicas e articulatórias dos sons aproximantes e nasais, permitindo identificar, compreender e apresentar estratégias de correção no âmbito da produção dos sons em E/LE. / This paper aims at two goals: reviewing mainstream theories which analyze both foreign language learning and acquisition and chief concepts and models that specifically approach the learning and acquisition of Spanish soundsthe concepts of phonologic deafness (POLIVANOV, 1931), phonological sieve (TRUBETSKOY, 1939), SLM - Speech Learning Model (FLEGE, 1981, 1991, 1995), PAM - Perceptual Assimilation Model (BEST, 1993, 1994, 1995), and the NLM - Native Language Magnet (KUHL & IVERSON, 1995)interrelating phonetics, phonology and areas of linguistics from the beginning of the 20th century until current views, such as neurolinguistics; reflecting upon the learning difficulties faced by Brazilian students of Spanish. This reflection will range from a more generic view of these challenges, following a given typology, to a more detailed examination, emphasizing the analysis of acoustic-articulatory characteristics of Spanish approximants [, ð, ] and nasals [m, n, ] uttered by Brazilians who are university students of Spanish, from downtown Sao Paulo City. The investigation and its results are considered highly relevant to Brazilian learners of Spanish as it approaches common pronunciation problems through different aspects besides contrastive analysis. It contemplates several elements such as typical interlanguage cognitive strategies and the acoustic and articulatory analysis mentioned above in order to identify and understand mispronunciation phenomena as well as present (self-)correction strategies to reach standard production of Spanish sounds.
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Os direitos humanos na tela da TV: o direito humano à comunicação, a defesa e a promoção dos direitos humanos na televisão pública / Human rights on TV screen: the human right to communication, the defense and promotion of human rights in public televisionValim, Michael Alessandro Figueira 15 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T13:28:09Z
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Dissertação - Michael Alessandro Figueira Valim - 2015.pdf: 1201507 bytes, checksum: 3d4a9df7355cc5dc018b2693b4be0d3f (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-09T15:06:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Michael Alessandro Figueira Valim - 2015.pdf: 1201507 bytes, checksum: 3d4a9df7355cc5dc018b2693b4be0d3f (MD5)
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Dissertação - Michael Alessandro Figueira Valim - 2015.pdf: 1201507 bytes, checksum: 3d4a9df7355cc5dc018b2693b4be0d3f (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-12-15 / This work is the result of research undertaken in the Programa de Pós-
Graduação Interdisciplinar em Direitos Humanos da Universidade Federal de Goiás,
master's level, and has as a research subject to Brazilian legislation on images and
sound broadcasting and Public Policy for Human rights in Brazil. The overall
objective of the research is to identify what are the regulatory provisions and
recommendations of the Brazilian legislation for the operation of television stations
that integrate the system of public broadcasting of images and sounds. In this sense
the research seeks to answer the following questions: What are the normative legal
provisions and present recommendations on the Brazilian legislation on broadcasting
and the Public Policies for Human Rights in Brazil to operate the stations that make
up the public broadcasting system sounds and projected images in Article 223 of the
Federal Constitution of 1988? These regulations and recommendations are focused on
the communication security as a fundamental human right and the defense and
promotion of human rights in Brazil in the field of broadcasting? To answer such
questions, the work will hold: 1) an analysis of the legislation on broadcasting images
and sounds that comprise the laws and decrees promulgated on the broadcasting of
images and sounds between the years 1931 and 2014; and 2) an analysis of Public
Policies for Human Rights in Brazil, which will deal with the National Human Rights
Plans 1996, 2002 and 2009, the World Programme of Education for Human Rights of
2005 and the National Plan of Education on Human Rights 2007. Before that, in order
to support the above-mentioned analysis, the study will conduct a literature review of
authors from different fields of knowledge with the specific objectives of: 1)
understand the communication as a fundamental condition for ensuring the dignity
and human rights from the concept of law in other authors as Arendt, Lyotard, Chauí,
Ruiz Santos, among others; and 2) understand the communication as the foundation of
social and an essential human right today and the role of mass media, especially
television, from systems thinking thought Niklas Luhmann. Thus, the study aims to
contribute to the interdisciplinary field of studies and research on Human Rights to
seek to reflect on the important role that public television can and should play in
ensuring communication and information as a human right and the promotion and
defense of rights humans in Brazil. / O presente trabalho é resultado de pesquisa empreendida no âmbito do
Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Direitos Humanos da Universidade
Federal de Goiás, nível mestrado, e tem como objeto de pesquisa a legislação
brasileira sobre radiodifusão de imagens e sons e as Políticas Públicas para os Direitos
Humanos no Brasil. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é o de identificar quais são as
disposições normativas e recomendações da legislação brasileira para a atuação das
emissoras de televisão que integram o sistema público de radiodifusão de imagens e
sons. Nesse sentido a pesquisa procura responder as seguintes questões: quais são as
disposições normativas e recomendações legais presentes na legislação brasileira
sobre radiodifusão e nas Políticas Públicas para os Direitos Humanos no Brasil para
atuação das emissoras que compõem o sistema público de radiodifusão de sons e
imagens previsto no Artigo 223 da Constituição Federal de 1988? Essas normativas e
recomendações estão voltadas para a garantia da comunicação como um direito
humano fundamental e para a defesa e promoção dos direitos humanos no Brasil no
campo da radiodifusão? Para responder a tais questões, o trabalho realizará: 1) uma
análise da legislação sobre radiodifusão de imagens e sons que compreenderá as leis e
decretos promulgados sobre a radiodifusão de imagens e sons entre os anos de 1931 e
2014; e 2) uma análise das Políticas Públicas para os Direitos Humanos no Brasil que
abarcará os Planos Nacionais de Direitos Humanos de 1996, 2002 e 2009, o Programa
Mundial de Educação para os Direitos Humanos de 2005 e o Plano Nacional de
Educação em Direitos Humanos de 2007. Antes, porém, a fim de subsidiar as análises
acima citadas, o estudo realizará uma revisão bibliográfica de autores de diferentes
campos do conhecimento com os objetivos específicos de: 1) entender a comunicação
como condição fundamental para a garantia da dignidade e dos direitos humanos a
partir do conceito de direito do outro em autores como: Arendt, Lyotard, Chauí, Ruiz,
Santos, entre outros; e 2) entender a comunicação como fundamento do social e um
direito humano essencial na atualidade, bem como a função dos meios de
comunicação de massa, em especial da televisão, a partir do pensamento sistêmico de
pensamento de Niklas Luhmann. Desse modo, o estudo visa contribuir para o campo
interdisciplinar dos estudos e pesquisas em Direitos Humanos ao procurar refletir
sobre o importante papel que a televisão pública pode e deve desempenhar na garantia
da comunicação e informação como um direito humano e na promoção e defesa dos
direitos humanos no Brasil.
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Étude expérimentale des couplages entre la dynamique d’un jet qui heurte une plaque fendue et l’émission sonore générée / Experimental study of coupling between the dynamics of a jet impinging a slotted plate and the noise generatedAssoum, Hassan 11 December 2013 (has links)
Un jet heurtant une plaque fendue peut générer, dans certaines configurations, des nuisances sonores. En effet, l’interaction de l’écoulement et de l’obstacle au niveau de la fente, sous certaines conditions, donne naissance à une perturbation remontant l’écoulement et pouvant contrôler son détachement à sa naissance. La perturbation produite par cette boucle de rétroaction optimise le transfert d’énergie du champ aérodynamique du jet vers le champ acoustique rayonné. Afin d’appréhender la dynamique tourbillonnaire, d’analyser les couplages entre cette dernière et les émissions sonores générées et de mieux comprendre les phénomènes responsables de ces nuisances, un dispositif expérimental basé sur de la métrologie laser a été réalisé. Ce système permet, d’une part, la génération de l’écoulement et la maitrise de ses paramètres (confinement, vitesse, forme,…) et d’autre part, la réalisation de plans lasers et de mesures par imagerie de particules (PIV). Ainsi le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit concerne les couplages qui existent entre la dynamique de l’écoulement heurtant une plaque fendue et les champs acoustiques générés. Les mesures de champs cinématiques d’un jet plan heurtant une plaque fendue par Vélocimétrie par Images de Particules (PIV) sont réalisées simultanément avec des mesures de champs acoustiques. Après avoir caractérisé les écoulements étudiés, on présente par des graphes spatio-temporels, les corrélations entre les signaux acoustiques et les vitesses de l’écoulement depuis la sortie du jet jusqu’à son arrivée à la plaque fendue. Ces corrélations sont calculées de deux manières : à partir de signaux bruts dans un premier temps, puis, dans un second temps, avec une méthode de pré-blanchiment (terme anglo-saxon : ‘’pre-whitening’’). Cette méthode vise à mettre en exergue l’existence d’une instabilité globale du jet qui existe dans les signaux analysés. Cette instabilité est importante pour la boucle de rétroaction des sons auto-entretenus, mais quasiment masquée devant les phénomènes principaux dominants (tourbillons primaires) dans le calcul des inter-corrélations. / Self-sustaining sounds related to aero-acoustic coupling occurs in impinging jets when a feedback loop is present between the jet exit and a slotted plate: the downstream-convected coherent structures and upstream-propagating pressure waves generated by the impingement of the coherent structures on the plate are phase locked at the nozzle exit. The upstream-propagating waves excite the thin shear layer near the nozzle lip and result in periodic coherent structures. The period is determined by the convection speed of the coherent structures and the distance between the nozzle and the plate. Simultaneous measurements of the velocity fields and the acoustic waves in a plane jet impinging a slotted plate were performed using time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) and a microphone. A better understanding of the flow physics and the aero-acoustic coupling are obtained thanks to spatio-temporal cross-correlations between the transverse velocity and the acoustic signals. Cross-correlations are calculated using two different methods: classical analysis of the original signals and by developing a pre-whitening technique. The latter method is useful for analyzing small random signals superimposed on a high amplitude pure tone.
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L'apport de la voix chantée pour l'intégration phonético-phonologique d'une langue étrangère : application auprès d'italophones apprenants de FLE / Using singing-voice tasks for outcomes in phonetic and phonological correction of a foreign languageCornaz, Sandra 12 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif du didacticien est d’élaborer une méthode performante dont le contenu et les outils d’enseignement-apprentissage améliorent les compétences phonétiques en langue étrangère. Concernant le contenu pédagogique, les travaux ont montré que les sons et les phonèmes d’une langue inconnue sont traités selon l’organisation de l’espace phonétique et phonologique de la langue maternelle. Les recherches mettent en avant l’intérêt de confronter les systèmes linguistiques afin de prédire les difficultés et les facilités auxquelles seront exposés les apprenants de langue. S’agissant des outils de transmission, les études montrent les effets bénéfiques de l’interdisciplinarité et le rôle pertinent de la musique sur le développement cognitif et des apprentissages. Notre objectif de recherche s’inscrit dans ce contexte scientifique. Notre intérêt est double. D’abord, nous avons tenté d’identifier quel paramètre, inhérent à l’émission en voix chantée et la différenciant de la voix parlée, pouvait faciliter la perception de voyelles non-natives. Ensuite, nous avons souhaité comparer les effets sur la compétence de production de voyelles non-natives de deux méthodes de corrections phonétique, l’une des deux exploitant l’outil « voix chantée ». À travers les résultats de ces études, nous avons essayé de saisir le rôle de l’italien langue maternelle sur la perception et la production du français langue cible. Nos travaux n’ont pas mis en évidence d’effet des modalités fréquence fondamentale et allongement de la durée vocalique sur la discrimination perceptive des voyelles non natives /y/ et /ø/, mais ils suggèrent un rôle du contexte prévocalique sur la perception de la voyelle non-native /y/ en contraste /u/. Nous avons trouvé un effet favorable de la méthode de correction phonétique incluant la pratique chantée sur la production du spectre sonore des voyelles fermées du français, mais pas sur l’évolution des catégories phonologiques à l’intérieur de l’espace acoustique vocalique. Les résultats de ces études soutiennent la théorie que l’enseignement-apprentissage de la phonétique a sa place en classe de langue, et suggèrent que la voix chantée serait, sous certaines conditions, un outil pertinent pour faciliter la perception et la production de voyelles non-natives. / Specialists in didactics aim to create an efficient method, whose teaching / learning content and tools improve phonetic skills in foreign languages. As for the educational content, research studies have proved that sounds and phonemes of a foreign language are processed according to the structure of the phonetic and phonological space of the native language. Other works point out that it is particularly relevant to compare linguistic systems in order to predict future difficulties and abilities language learners will be confronted with. As for transmission tools, studies have shown the beneficial effects of interdisciplinarity and the pertinent role music plays on cognitive and learning development. Our research objective falls within this scientific context. Our purpose has been two-fold. First, we tried to identify which parameter, related to the production of the singing voice whilst separate from the speaking voice, may facilitate the perception of non-native vowels. Secondly, we aimed at comparing the effects on the ability to produce non-native vowels of two corrective phonetic methods, one of which used the “singing voice” tool. Through the results of these studies, we tried to understand how Italian as a native language interacts with the perception and the production of French as a target language. Our studies have shown that vowel pitch and duration do not impact the discrimination of /y/ and /ø/, and that the consonant sharpness plays a role on the discrimination of /y/ in a CV type syllable. We found a positive effect of the method, which uses singing-voice as a tool, on the production of the sound spectrum of French closed vowels, but not on the evolution of the sounds and phonemes into the acoustic space. Our results support the theory that phonetic teaching and learning is relevant in language classes and suggest that singing-voice may be a useful tool to ease the perception and the production of non-native vowels. / L’obiettivo dell’esperto di didattica è di elaborare un metodo efficace, il cui contenuto e gli strumenti d’insegnamento-apprendimento migliorino le competenze fonetiche in lingua straniera. Riguardo al contenuto pedagogico, le nostre ricerche hanno dimostrato che i suoni e i fonemi di una lingua sconosciuta sono trattati secondo l’organizzazione dello spazio fonetico e fonologico della lingua materna. Queste ricerche evidenziano l’utilità di confrontare sistemi linguistici differenti al fine di predire le difficoltà e le agevolazioni a cui sono esposti gli studenti di lingua straniera come lingua seconda (L2). Per quanto concerne gli strumenti d’insegnamento e apprendimento, le nostre ricerche dimostrano gli effetti benefici dell’interdisciplinarità ma anche del ruolo pertinente della musica sullo sviluppo cognitivo e sul piano degli studenti. Il nostro interesse di ricerca è doppio. In primo luogo, abbiamo tentato d’identificare quale parametro, inerente alla produzione in voce cantata e che la distingue della produzione del parlato, potesse agevolare la percezione di vocali assenti dalla lingua materna. In seguito, abbiamo voluto confrontare gli effetti di due metodi di correzione fonetica, uno dei quali sfrutta lo strumento “voce cantata”, sulla competenza di produzione delle vocali del francese /y ø/ non presenti nel sistema vocalico dei locutori di italiano madrelingua. I risultati di questi studi contribuiscono ad individuare l’impatto dell’italiano madrelingua sulla produzione e sulla percezione del francese lingua d’apprendimento. I nostri lavori non hanno evvidenziato un effetto delle modalità pitch e durata d’emissione della vocale /y/ e della vocale /ø/ sulla loro discriminazione, ma suggeriscono un ruolo del contesto pre-vocalico sulla percezione della vocale /y/ in contrasto /u/. Abbiamo scoperto un effetto favorevole del metodo di correzione fonetica includendo la voce cantata sulla produzione dello spettro sonoro delle vocali chiuse del francese, ma non sull’evoluzione delle categorie fonologiche all’interno dello spazio acustico. I risultati di questi studi sostengono la teoria secondo la quale l’insegnamento-apprendimento fonetico ha pienamente ragione di essere in classe di lingua, e suggeriscono che la voce cantata sarebbe, sottommessa ad alcune condizioni, uno strumento che facilita la percezione e la produzione di vocali assenti dalla madrelingua.
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Um estudo da relevância da dinâmica espectral na classificação de sons domésticDuarte, Dami Doria Narayana 19 February 2016 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This work presents a study of the spectral dynamics characteristics of audio signals. More
specifically, we aim at detecting regularities that can be modeled in typical domestic
sounds, in order to classify them. Our starting point is the work of Sehili et al. [2], in
which a household sounds classification system based on GMM is proposed. The Sehili
system is reproduced in this work as a baseline system. Following the same protocol of
experiments, a 73 % recognition rate is achieved. Afterwards, three sets of experiments are
performed, arranged so that each new approach incorporates a new technique to highlight a
different aspect of the spectral dynamics. The first technique is the insertion of the discrete
gradient information of feature vectors, a strategy aimed at a local spectral dynamic
analysis, and resultes in a perceptible increase in recognition rate. The next experiment is
conducted with a HMM based classifier, in which the spectral dynamic should be encoded
in state transition probability matrices. The tests with the HMM do not result in improved
recognition rates. The last experiment is based on a features extraction method, proposed
by the author, called Patterns of Energy Envelope per Band (PEEB). The PEEB is an
extractor that highlight the signal spectral dynamics inside narrow bands. In domestic
sounds recognition tests, the classification system based on a combination of PEEB, MFCC
and GMM strategies resulted in a significant improvement over all other systems tested.
We conclude, based on our results, that the spectral dynamics of the studied dataset plays
an important role in the classification task. However, the approaches for spectral dynamic
information extraction, studied in this work, are not definitive, for it is clear that they can
be further developed. For example, in the case of PEEB, the recognition rate is strongly
dependent on the sound class, suggesting more elaborate forms of fusion of PEEB and
MFCC features for each class. / Este trabalho é um estudo da característica da dinâmica espectral em sinais sonoros,
com vistas a encontrar as regularidades que podem ser modeladas em sons tipicamente
domésticos, com o objetivo de classificá-los. O ponto de partida é o trabalho de Sehili et
al. [1], no qual é proposto um sistema de classificação de sons domésticos baseado em GMM.
O sistema de Sehili é reproduzido neste trabalho como marco zero na análise da dinâmica
espectral, seguindo o mesmo roteiro dos experimentos. A partir daí, três conjuntos de
experimentos são realizados, organizados de forma que, a cada novo experimento, uma
técnica – que destaca um aspecto diferente da dinâmica espectral – seja incorporada. A
primeira técnica analisada é a inserção da informação de gradiente discreto dos vetores
de características, estratégia que representa uma análise de dinâmica espectral local e
que resulta num aumento perceptível na taxa de classificação. O próximo experimento
é realizado com um classificador baseado em HMM, no qual a informação de dinâmica
espectral deve ser codificada na matriz de probabilidades de transição de estados do modelo.
Os testes com o HMM não resultam em melhora na taxa de reconhecimento das classes
de sons. O último experimento é baseado num extrator de características proposto pelo
autor, chamado de Padrões de Envelopes de Energia por Banda (PEEB). O PEEB é um
extrator que destaca os padrões de evolução espectro-temporais do sinais. Nos testes de
reconhecimento de sons domésticos, o sistema de classificação baseado numa combinação
das estratégias PEEB, MFCC e GMM resultam numa melhora significativa em relação a
todos os outros sistemas testados. Conclui-se, com base nos resultados, que a dinâmica
espectral dos sinais da base estudada é relevante à tarefa de classificação. No entanto,
as maneiras de extração da informação de dinâmica espectral estudadas neste trabalho
não são definitivas, pois ainda há muito espaço para desenvolvê-las. Por exemplo, no caso
do PEEB, nota-se que a taxa de classificação fortemente é dependente da classe sonora,
sugerindo formas mais elaboradas de fusão das características PEEB e MFCC para cada
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Um estudo da relevância da dinâmica espectral na classificação de sons domésticosDuarte, Dami Doria Narayana 19 February 2016 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This work presents a study of the spectral dynamics characteristics of audio signals. More
specifically, we aim at detecting regularities that can be modeled in typical domestic
sounds, in order to classify them. Our starting point is the work of Sehili et al. [2], in
which a household sounds classification system based on GMM is proposed. The Sehili
system is reproduced in this work as a baseline system. Following the same protocol of
experiments, a 73 % recognition rate is achieved. Afterwards, three sets of experiments are
performed, arranged so that each new approach incorporates a new technique to highlight a
different aspect of the spectral dynamics. The first technique is the insertion of the discrete
gradient information of feature vectors, a strategy aimed at a local spectral dynamic
analysis, and resultes in a perceptible increase in recognition rate. The next experiment is
conducted with a HMM based classifier, in which the spectral dynamic should be encoded
in state transition probability matrices. The tests with the HMM do not result in improved
recognition rates. The last experiment is based on a features extraction method, proposed
by the author, called Patterns of Energy Envelope per Band (PEEB). The PEEB is an
extractor that highlight the signal spectral dynamics inside narrow bands. In domestic
sounds recognition tests, the classification system based on a combination of PEEB, MFCC
and GMM strategies resulted in a significant improvement over all other systems tested.
We conclude, based on our results, that the spectral dynamics of the studied dataset plays
an important role in the classification task. However, the approaches for spectral dynamic
information extraction, studied in this work, are not definitive, for it is clear that they can
be further developed. For example, in the case of PEEB, the recognition rate is strongly
dependent on the sound class, suggesting more elaborate forms of fusion of PEEB and
MFCC features for each class. / Este trabalho é um estudo da característica da dinâmica espectral em sinais sonoros,
com vistas a encontrar as regularidades que podem ser modeladas em sons tipicamente
domésticos, com o objetivo de classificá-los. O ponto de partida é o trabalho de Sehili et
al. [1], no qual é proposto um sistema de classificação de sons domésticos baseado em GMM.
O sistema de Sehili é reproduzido neste trabalho como marco zero na análise da dinâmica
espectral, seguindo o mesmo roteiro dos experimentos. A partir daí, três conjuntos de
experimentos são realizados, organizados de forma que, a cada novo experimento, uma
técnica – que destaca um aspecto diferente da dinâmica espectral – seja incorporada. A
primeira técnica analisada é a inserção da informação de gradiente discreto dos vetores
de características, estratégia que representa uma análise de dinâmica espectral local e
que resulta num aumento perceptível na taxa de classificação. O próximo experimento
é realizado com um classificador baseado em HMM, no qual a informação de dinâmica
espectral deve ser codificada na matriz de probabilidades de transição de estados do modelo.
Os testes com o HMM não resultam em melhora na taxa de reconhecimento das classes
de sons. O último experimento é baseado num extrator de características proposto pelo
autor, chamado de Padrões de Envelopes de Energia por Banda (PEEB). O PEEB é um
extrator que destaca os padrões de evolução espectro-temporais do sinais. Nos testes de
reconhecimento de sons domésticos, o sistema de classificação baseado numa combinação
das estratégias PEEB, MFCC e GMM resultam numa melhora significativa em relação a
todos os outros sistemas testados. Conclui-se, com base nos resultados, que a dinâmica
espectral dos sinais da base estudada é relevante à tarefa de classificação. No entanto,
as maneiras de extração da informação de dinâmica espectral estudadas neste trabalho
não são definitivas, pois ainda há muito espaço para desenvolvê-las. Por exemplo, no caso
do PEEB, nota-se que a taxa de classificação fortemente é dependente da classe sonora,
sugerindo formas mais elaboradas de fusão das características PEEB e MFCC para cada
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